The Resurrection for Real People

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Don Filcek; Colossians 4:7-18 The Resurrection for Real People


You are listening to the podcast of Recast Church in Mattawan, Michigan Those who desperately in in that context in the ancient context those who wanted to disprove the resurrection could not
Disprove it They couldn't those who were accused of lying about the resurrection eventually were even themselves put to death
Because they would not deny that they saw him alive and the impact that is made on my own life
The impact he has made on your life The amazing history of even this very church testifies that Jesus Christ is not dead, but he rose again
Just like he said he would Down through the ages and it seems like a really modern phenomenon that on Easter.
It's quite common for Me as a pastor to say or the pastor or the leader to say something like he has risen and then the congregation can respond
He has risen indeed, and so I would like to do that this morning just as a participation
So when I say he has risen you can reply He is risen
Amen this morning. I'm gonna attempt to do something a bit out of the ordinary for Easter I've been preaching a series on the book of Colossians And I'm gonna be wrapping up that last chapter this morning
And when you read that text when you hear me read that test, you know, where is he going with this? Okay, how are you gonna get out of Paul's greetings to Tychicus and Epaphras and all this list of names?
Where is that gonna go? but I'm gonna attempt to tie that in with the message of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and I believe that it can be done.
I believe that all of Scripture has at its core an Intention to point people back to the centrality of the life of this one
Jesus Christ to point to his death and to point to his resurrection that gives us
That the grave is not our destiny but that we have a hope for resurrection just as he was raised
I want to point out that Jesus is not just the main character in the Bible but he is the main character of history and Despite my text being a bit of a strange text for an
Easter Sunday morning I think that by the end of this morning, we're gonna see that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is
For real people who need a dramatic change in their real lives people just like you and me even those who are set in an ancient context whose lives were transformed as a result of the gospel the
Good news that Jesus Christ came died did not remain in the tomb, but rose again three days later
So let's open our Bibles to Colossians 4 I'm gonna read from verse 7 through the end of the text and if you don't have a
Bible Please raise your hand just so that somebody can bring you a Bible We have Bibles to pass out and so if you need one go ahead and raise your hand and I'd love everybody to have a copy of the
Word of God there's a couple down here And that way you can just follow along in Colossians 4
Versus 7 through 18 as we get started together this morning recast. I'd like to remind you at the start of reading
The Bible that this is God's Word to us Seems strange at the end of a end of a book a bunch of greetings a bunch of Comments from one person to another that we don't know and yet this is what
God desires for us this morning And I believe it is gonna have an impact on us Tychicus will tell you all about my activities
This is Paul speaking he's a beloved brother and faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord I have sent him to you for this very purpose that you may know how we are and that he may encourage your hearts and With him
Onesimus our faithful and beloved brother who is one of you. They will tell you of everything that has taken place here
Aristarchus my fellow prisoner greets you and Mark the cousin of Barnabas concerning whom you have received instructions
If he comes to you welcome him and Jesus who is called justice these are the only men of the circumcision among my fellow workers for the kingdom of God and they have been a comfort to me a
Paphras who is one of you a servant of Christ Jesus greets you always Struggling on your behalf in his prayers that you may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God For I bear him witness that he has worked hard for you and for those in Laodicea and in Hierapolis Luke the beloved physician greets you as does
Demas Give my greetings to the brothers in Laodicea and to Nympha and the church in her house and when this letter has been read among you have it also read in the church of the
Laodiceans and see that you also read the letter from Laodicea and say to Archippus See that you fulfill the ministry that you have received in the
Lord. I Paul write this greeting with my own hand Remember my chains grace
Be with you. Let's pray as Dave It's ready to lead us in worship this morning
Father I do pray that grace would be with us this morning and we recognize that grace ultimately flows from the work of Jesus Christ That he is indeed in but he indeed embodies what grace looks like a gift from you
That we could not work hard enough We could not Do enough good to overcome the evil that we have done the bad that resides in us the sin that corrupts
But father you have chosen to send your son to deal with our sin to be the perfect sacrifice on our behalf to be the one who would take our punishment in himself and die and be buried for us but Not stay there in the grave but be vindicated by you father that he would be raised from the dead to prove that he was indeed who he said he was and That he is now alive forevermore our
Lord our King our master the one to whom if we would bow our knee he would save us
So father, I pray that Christ would be glorified Christ would be honored in our in our gathering this morning as your chosen means of salvation for your people
Father let our hearts Just just soar in the knowledge That the sacrifice has been made for us and that it was acceptable to you and that he now reigns at your right hand
Father fill our vision with sight with the sight of Jesus Christ Not crucified this morning, but in the empty tomb and now reigning at your right hand and father
Would we would you please be be joyful and receiving our worship this morning in Jesus name?
Amen All right. Well, you can go ahead and be seated I'm really thankful for the kids ministry and all of those workers and particularly somebody that wasn't up on stage
But Jackie Klein is our recast kids director, and she has an amazing group of volunteers
So I'm just really grateful for the time and energy that they put into Teaching our kids and obviously assisting us those of you that are our parents and have children that are in our program
It's an assistance to us to help bring those things to light in our children Obviously, it's our responsibility to spiritually raise up our kids in godliness but the church is here to help out with that and whatever we can do, so Great joy to see the kids up here being cute.
Really thankful for Dave also leading us in worship kind of cute, too Say that loud
Look back in keep your Bibles open to Colossians chapter 4 And I mentioned that this is a little bit of a weird
Text to preach and I am going through the book of Colossians and we're wrapping things up this week And then I'm gonna be out for two weeks and Bill Smith is gonna be preaching in my absence
So grateful for him and then on the following Sunday my first Sunday back After two weeks is gonna be the send -off for the
Lloyd family And so we're gonna have a commissioning service for them and sending them to Indonesia So and then we're gonna jump into Revelation.
So we're gonna be Taking where I left off in the book of Revelation, but this morning Colossians 4
And verse 7 and on wrapping this up. And again, I mentioned it's a little bit of a strange Easter text But you'll you'll see that it all ties in ultimately with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ Encourage you to get comfortable.
By the way, I recognize some of you this your first time here You're not gonna stress me out if you get up and get more coffee or juice or doughnuts or whatever you need or if you
Need if that chair gets uncomfortable and you need to get up and stretch out in the back Remember restrooms we want you to use the restrooms on this end of the building men's is upstairs women's is downstairs
The restrooms on this end of the building reserved for the children's ministry So we want you to use the ones down here if you need to use that at all
Our text is a tricky one to preach It really is Paul writing a bunch of greetings from people who we don't know to people
We we've never met, you know, it's it's that kind of nature and so if if you're even the least bit curious you might question
Paul including these verses as Scripture and you might even question me for preaching a sermon on them
But I'm so thoroughly convinced that all of scripture is beneficial that I'm bringing this and yes
I'm even bringing it on Easter Sunday because I'm convinced that Paul gives us a glimpse here at the end of his letter of the variety and types of people that the gospel has grabbed a hold of That the gospel the good news that Jesus came and died which we celebrated on Good Friday And that he rose again has an impact on real people's lives the people that we're gonna see mentioned in this text
I'm just gonna my my it's gonna be kind of bullet point by bullet point walking through the names of the people that Paul talks
About here in this text and these were people who lived during the time of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ Now the majority of them were not even probably likely present for that event.
They didn't see Christ crucified They didn't see the empty tomb. So very much like you and I these guys
Were people and ladies were people who just like us didn't have the opportunity to see
With their own eyes and yet we're gonna see that their lives were transformed by the reality
That the tomb was empty by the reality that Jesus Christ Paid the price for them and their lives are different their change and we're gonna see how they were changed
They're different first Paul speaks of a guy named Tychicus. He's got a Greek name We have some knowledge of what his background might have been
If he was anything like the average Greek during the time then he would have worshipped pagan idols
He would have been an idol worshipper at best and at worst He he probably just didn't even believe in any
God at all But it's some form of religion within him If any would have been to worship the pantheon of gods and yet Paul speaks to him
And and he's the one through whom Paul sends this letter to the church in Colossae. He carries it
You couldn't put a stamp on it and expect your postman to show up and take it someplace He had to have somebody carry this physically for him
So Tychicus is the dude who carries the letter of Colossians to the church in Colossae.
Remember Paul's in prison He can't deliver this himself. He can't go speak to them. So he sends it via Tychicus We know very little about him, but Paul tells us some things about him in the titles that he uses for him
He says the phrase that he is a beloved brother He calls him a faithful minister and a fellow servant in the
Lord From these titles we can deduce something quite significant about Tychicus The death and resurrection of Jesus had a dramatic impact on this guy's life
The message of Easter Easter was not some lesson about History some some historical event that that may or may not have happened or even worse yet some myth or rumor
But this very message had turned Tychicus from an outsider to a beloved brother
He went from being without hope to being a faithful minister who offered hope to others
He went from the normal human state of serving self to being a fellow servant of Paul in the
Lord and now he is being sent by Paul to encourage the Colossians and to tell them all about his activities and to catch him up to speed on the things that are going on in Paul's Life and about the gospel being spread throughout the known world at the time
You see the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ when they are understood through the lens of faith transforms the lives of real people the real lives of real people in history the real lives of people just like you and me and More than just some ancient event
It is a reality that has lived out in the hearts of followers of Jesus Christ All down through the ages and throughout multiple cultures and throughout the face are all across the face of this planet even this morning
The second person that's mentioned in our text Tychicus The second person is Onesimus is and he was a runaway slave that's mentioned in the book of Philemon He ran away got into trouble was likely imprisoned in the same place as Paul Met Paul and came to understand the gospel the good news of Jesus Christ And he is returning now to his former master and according the book of Philemon He is not returning as a slave, but he is returning much more.
So as a brother in Christ He has understood the gospel and his life has been transformed as a result of coming in contact with Jesus Christ through Paul He's also called a faithful and beloved brother through the
Gospels Paul saw past the Socio -economic boundaries of classes in his culture and he rejoiced in any and all who would recognize the personal significance of The death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ even in that culture that had slavery
Paul is sharing the gospel with slaves You see that that gospel the reality of resurrection the reality of new life has transformed
Paul And is reaching out to others Aristarchus Mark and justice were all
Jewish followers of Jesus and here in our text they say they send their greetings to Colossae and Paul calls them fellow workers for the kingdom of God The concept of the kingdom of God makes little sense if the king is dead but Jesus Christ our
King lives and these three Jews recognize this and set about as their life work to proclaim the kingdom of God as That it has been brought in Jesus Christ they were not following a dead king, but these three
Jews were now following a risen King a risen Messiah a papyrus is mentioned in the text is the founder he is mentioned earlier in Colossians as the
Founder of the church in Colossae Paul had led him to faith in Christ probably down in the city of Ephesus And then he was actually sent to the church or sent to Colossae and started the church there
And so he sends his greetings back to the church that he started apparently he's now with Paul And there's somebody else that's there
But he sends his greetings back to the church that he founded and Paul testifies that a papyrus is a man of prayer and a man
Of hard work who prays fervently for his church plant Desiring that they may stand mature and fully assured in the will of God But notice the title that Paul gives to a papyrus in our text.
He is a servant of Christ Jesus I Suggest to you that only a fool would serve a dead guy
Right only only a fool would serve a dead guy if he's dead then follow someone else and that would that would be my legitimate
Encouragement to you if Jesus is not alive then my goodness sleep in folks.
I'm being serious But if he's alive, then you recognize that he's got something to do with you here
And now as a matter of fact, he's called you to serve him, right? How many who testify that you recognize that Christ has called you to serve him you testify to that?
Yeah, and and he is not Dead, but he's alive But a papyrus has has put his very life into the service of the one whom he firmly believes to be alive
You see the resurrection of Christ is the only basis upon which anyone should ever serve him
If Jesus remained dead and don't But if he is indeed risen
Then trust him to be the king that he said that he is and like a papyrus be a servant of the risen
Christ Jesus Mentioned in the text are two others Luke and Demas Also, they greet the church in Colossae Luke was a medical doctor and a historian
He recorded for us the very words of resurrection in the 24th chapter of the gospel that he wrote for us and took down As a as a historical account talking with and and interviewing eyewitnesses to bring to us an accurate historical account of the life of Jesus and he records even the end of the resurrection and He records for us the words of the angel to the women who first saw saw that the stone had been rolled away
And the angel said this as Luke records for us probably having interviewed those very ladies who heard these words themselves
And the angel said this he is not here speaking of Jesus But has risen remember how he told you while he was still in Galilee that The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise the words of Luke who is being referenced in our text here one who
Certainly believed in the resurrection Luke believed in the resurrection enough to record it and to put it into writing for us
There's a bit of a sad note here though. However that he's mentioned in conjunction with a man named
Demas Here in this text at the very end Is the mention of Demas and at the very end of Paul's life and into the last letter that we we believe that he wrote 2nd
Timothy there in that letter. He mentions Demas as having deserted him In the end because quote he fell in love with this present world
So here in our text in Colossians, he Demas is being commended But now later in the life of Paul, he says he's fallen away.
He's he's deserted me and he's left But even in this
Contrast even what Paul has to say about Demas About him falling in love with his present world
It's implied that if Demas could have just put his trust in resurrection could have put his trust in the world.
That is to come Things would have worked out better for him in ministry You see the resurrection should have an impact on our endurance as Christians.
Have you ever thought about that? It should have a role in the way that we minister and the way that we roll and the things that we do throughout the week and the way that we put our trust in that which is to come after this life and how many of you know and can can can testify to The the temptation to put your trust in earthly things.
I Think moment by moment. It's a battle for me and I would guess that it is for you, too And so what does resurrection have to do with your day?
What does resurrection have to do with your day? What does resurrection have to do with the way that you speak with your spouse with the way that you raise your kids with the
Way that you discharge your responsibilities in your workplace, and I would suggest to you an awful lot It has a lot to do it because who are you working for?
Are you working for the risen Lord or are you just doing these things? Just to get by or to make your life better in the here and now
Demas as an example of what not to do Throughout the pages of Scripture. He fell in love with this world as over and opposed to clearly by contrast
Falling in love with the kingdom that is to come you hear the difference there Falling in love with this present world versus falling in love with the future world
Falling in love with the world that is to come when our King comes back to set it all, right?
If we really believe that Jesus has been raised and that we are partakers in his death Through the cross and that we will also partake in resurrection
Then that's gonna have an impact on where our final hope rests our hope will not be for good golfing and retirement
Our hope will not be for beach houses in Florida Or traveling the world or Christmases spent with grandkids all good things good things, right?
How to fun that we and those aren't bad things in and of themselves But they are how many of you know that they're cheap substitutes for God They're not gonna fill that gap and that void that you have in life.
They're not gonna be ultimately Satisfying to your soul. You're gonna be hungry. You're gonna be thirsty You're gonna want more and you're gonna wonder why like Tom Brady after his third
Super Bowl ring going. Is this it is this it? I mean those of you follow sports.
You're like really can he is that but yeah at the top not even at the top Yeah, cuz he got four right but after his third
He goes really but there's got to be more to life than this and everybody thinks man.
You got a may bro And it's not enough because it's never enough until you come to recognize
The hope for the life that is to come you'll always be searching for more We should put our hope and our trust place our trust where rust doesn't corrupt where moths do not consume
Where robbers cannot break in and steal? Resurrection puts our hope outside of this present world
The next person mentioned is Nimpha a lady who was willing to share her home on the basis of trusting in the good news of Jesus Any of you recognize that hospitality can be hard work?
Some of you are being hospitable today And you've you've got to get up early and you fix some food and you've got some things ready and hospitality takes effort now
Certainly for some of us it's easier depending on how you're made and how you're put together Now how many of you think that hosting a church meeting in your house in your own home could be work?
Have you have done that, you know, it is it's work and especially if it's weekend and week out But even with the little we know of nympha from Laodicea We do know that she let
Christ change her priorities to the extent of being willing to sacrifice in service to his church
She was changed The last person mentioned is a guy named Archippus There are two observations about the way that Paul interacts with this guy who apparently is in Colossae at the time of this writing
He has some sense that this guy has a calling that he needs to fulfill encourage him to fulfill his calling to fulfill his ministry
And Paul knew that Jesus had some kind of calling on the life of Archippus. We don't know what exactly that calling looked like We do we don't we don't know what it is
But again, we recognize that Paul is is living his life under the strong conviction that Jesus is still around doing stuff with his people
He's still calling people People do not receive ministry assignments from dead guys
But Archippus received a calling to ministry from a guy who had been crucified just outside of Jerusalem several years before this
And Paul knew that Archippus needed some extra encouragement to fulfill whatever that ministry was And I'm convinced that you also need that Encouragement here on Easter Sunday to remember to fulfill whatever that calling is that Christ is placed on you
I believe that everybody in this room has some some purpose some reason and part of it is actually Determining and figuring out how has
God designed me? And what has he made me for and and what is he calling me to and work that out? We need to figure that out and work through that Paul knew that Archippus needed some extra encouragement and in this letter to the
Colossians Paul told the Colossians that Jesus is the head of the body He said he is the head of the body the church
He is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in everything he might be preeminent
For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell and through him to reconcile to himself all things
Whether on earth or in heaven Making peace by the blood of his cross.
That's Colossians 1 18 through 20 Good Friday was all about Christ reconciling accounts he has made peace by the blood of his cross for anyone like this list of people who would accept that sacrifice to cover their sins and further
Paul says that Jesus has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him
Colossians 1 22 We can be declared holy and blameless By the gruesome yet awe -inspiring sacrifice on that hill just outside of Jerusalem 2 ,000 years ago
It has something to do with us has something to do with you Has something to do with the body of Christians that he's bringing together
But the death of Christ isn't meant to remain just some historical event that you believe occurred Salvation doesn't come by believing that Jesus died on the cross
Salvation comes by believing that he is right now the king That he reigns in rules and that he didn't just die
How many of you know that you can you could believe that he died and then he was just dying at the hands of sinful Men, right and he'd just be like so many others who have been murdered
That's not the end of it, is it? That's why we we need to come to grips with what scripture declares and that those who those who loved him and and worked with Him actually saw him alive again and testified even to the point of death
Will you recant that you will you will you admit that you didn't see Jesus alive? I can't because I did and many of those died gruesome deaths in in response to Those who wanted them to recant and they refused
He did indeed pay the price on the cross, but now he lives as our master and Lord Jesus proclaims his love for us at the cross
But at the resurrection he proclaims his exalted status as our king over an eternal kingdom
If he remained dead he was just another guy who died And so Paul says to us that if with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world
Why as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations in Colossians 2 20?
Paul told us in Colossians that with Christ his people have died and his death is to impact the way we live our lives
But further he says if then you have been raised with Christ not only if you have died with him But if you've been raised with Christ then seek the things that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God Set your minds on things that are above not on things that are on earth
For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory according to Colossians 3 1 through 4
The Christian life is driven by two primary images the cross and the empty tomb
The cross in the empty tomb the cross was the place where he paid the penalty our sins were dealt with But the empty tomb is the place where our
King was vindicated as the victor over sin and death and Both of these have a claim on our lives
Both of those have something to do with you We live from a we live if we were
Christians from a place of forgiveness But we also live in light of a future victory that is guaranteed by the promise that we will one day rise from death a literal victory a literal resurrection
As we come to communion this resurrection day I'd encourage you to take a moment to consider what the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ means to you
Are you like Demas? Falling in love with this present world. Are you seeking to fulfill all of those longings of your heart that hunger and thirst?
are you are you seeking to to fill that with activities and behaviors and Relationships and and and wealth and fame and money and all of that kind of stuff
What are you trying to fill that gap in your heart? Because everyone has it every I mean you're in good company everyone recognizes
Everyone should recognize that gap that is in there. You're longing for something. You're hungry for something. You're thirsty for something so are you like Demas falling in love with the present world or are you gonna be like Tychicus and a papyrus and Paul and Onesimus and all these others
Are you driven forward by the belief that you serve a risen King? Do you believe that he's holding out an eternal reward that far outweighs anything that this life has to offer
If your trust is in Jesus Christ as King Then I encourage you to come with joy to one of the tables that are set up for communion during this next song
Take a cracker to remember his body that was broken for us. We take a cup of juice to remember his blood that was shed for us