Die Arche Noah und die Finsternis Vollständiger Film - The Ark and the Darkness (GERMAN SUB)
Welche wissenschaftlichen Belege gibt es für den Sintflutbericht und warum ist dieses Ereignis für den modernen Menschen wichtig?
Dieser Dokumentarfilm lässt Wissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Forschungsgebiete ein Bild der Vergangenheit zeichnen, dessen Bedeutung bis in die Zukunft reicht.
Durch photorealistische Computeranimationen wird der Zuschauer auf eine spannende Reise durch die ganze Erd- und Weltgeschichte mitgenommen.
#Sintflut #NoahFilm #Schöpfung #ChristlicherFilm #Glaubensfilm #ArcheNoah #BiblischeGeschichte #GottesSchöpfung #BibelFilm #christlicherglaube #NoahsArche #christentum #altestestament
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- the writer director and producer of the Ark in the Darkness the movie you're about to watch. I want to encourage you all to share the movie with as many as you can and to please also consider supporting us on patreon as well as contributing to our
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- Indiegogo campaign where you can secure a copy of the director's cut version of the film which includes additional segments such as Giants and the
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- Bible, Dinosaur Legends, Deluvial Proofs and the Truth So with all that said, please enjoy the theatrical version of the
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- Ark in the Darkness. In addition, of course, there is the omnipresent and firmly integrated assumption of evolution and the geological pillar.
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- Things that should make it clear to students that the earth has existed for millions and billions of years, that man is nothing other than a product of natural origin.
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- A sin flood is an supernatural event, a divine judgment that extinguished humanity.
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- And they are not told that there are many indications for this. They are not shown the historical credibility of Genesis and that it really holds up very well in our scientific age.
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- So it is on the one hand a lack of information and on the other ... fear of people.
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- It is the reason why they don't believe much of what the Bible says is true, real history and real science.
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- The fear of looking stupid as well as the intimidation by people who moderate scientific programs and wear white lab coats.
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- I think they are simply afraid of looking stupid. But if you actually look at things not only superficially and take into account the feasibility and historicity, it is almost inevitably plausible.
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- Conventional secular scientists think that the present is the key to the past. But the
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- Bible tells us that the past is the key to the present. The sin flood is the key to understanding why the world is the way it is today.
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- Not just the geology, but the whole of humanity. The ark and the sin flood are important to understand why the world is the way it is today and how we came here.
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- Everyone is interested in their history and the sin flood is crucial to understanding our roots. In the early 19th century, when the idea of millions of years arose, it developed as a result of a conscious rejection of the sin flood and biblical chronology.
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- Most church representatives came to the conclusion that the sin flood was not global, not really geologically significant, and that the age of the earth did not play a role.
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- And so the sin flood was simply forgotten in the next 100 to 150 years. And even today it is largely ignored by most
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- Christians. They just don't think about it. Not even in connection with the age of the earth.
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- But it is of great importance. When we look at the world, when we look at all these hundreds of layers of rock, the sediment layers that have been deposited by water are the sediment layers.
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- The sin flood reminds us that God is justifying sin. And God said that he would justify the world one more time. He sent the sin flood to punish evil.
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- That is why God sent the sin flood. It is important to punish evil. That is justice.
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- What is justice? The reason why the ark is so incredibly relevant for the sin flood is because of the sin of man and the judgment.
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- The Bible clearly shows that we are now approaching the time when the second global judgment will come.
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- If we do not understand the first global judgment or do not believe in it, we will not be prepared for this last global judgment.
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- And the consequences of the last global judgment could not be more important for all of us.
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- In fact, it is about no less than heaven or hell. The Holy Bible.
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- A book inspired and designed by God, written by his people, that goes back to the beginning of true human history, to the true origins of man.
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- A book that teaches that the earth is not millions of years old, as we have been made to believe.
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- A book that teaches that we do not originate from monkeys, chimpanzees or a primeval soup, but a book that instead introduces us to our
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- Creator. A loving, merciful and just God.
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- A God who created a beautiful world in which the whole planet was once like a paradise.
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- A world that he gave us to populate and multiply us in it. In Genesis we see that God completed the entire creation in six literal days.
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- And that in fact everything he had created was very good.
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- In a period of four days God had created and prepared heaven and earth.
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- And it was on the fifth day that he began to create the sea creatures, both big and small.
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- And on the same day he created all exotic flying creatures that flew in the open firmament of the beautiful sky.
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- On the sixth day he created all majestic land animals, including all dinosaurs, together with humanity.
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- He also planted a garden and in the middle of it the tree of life.
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- But there was another tree that God had also planted in the garden, one of which
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- God commanded man not to eat. Unfortunately, humanity used its free will to sin against its holy and just God.
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- Consequences come with free will. And in this case the consequences of sin plunged the whole of humanity into darkness.
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- At the end of chapter 1 it says that it was very good. God saw everything he had done and it was very good.
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- And we get an idea of how good it was in the last three verses of the creation report when
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- God says that both man and animals and birds were vegetarians. They did not eat each other.
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- They ate the plants and the fruits of the plants. This tells us a lot about how good the world was originally.
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- Creation was in a state of innocence. This is a fundamental element of God's character.
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- He is good. God is not the source of evil or death. God came into the garden.
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- He had fellowship with man. And they could actually communicate with him and see him.
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- This is our understanding of the state of the world before the fall of sin. They could have lived forever. God had warned man beforehand.
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- If you eat of it, you will die. But he ate. God said, you will certainly die. God said, you have been taken from the dust.
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- You shall return to the dust. The sin came into the world through one man. And death through sin.
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- Adam and Eve began to die physically. The fall of sin. It affected the whole creation.
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- It was cursed. The whole creation is in mourning. It is in the slavery of mortality.
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- Unfortunately, the effect of the fall of sin is now visible everywhere in our world. In this broken world we see death, violence, corruption, lies, hate and sin.
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- Man was banished from the place of the immediate presence of God. This community was not restored.
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- Man must now work in the sweat of his face. And finally he will return to the dust from which he was made.
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- This has happened to the world. The term entropy describes this quite well. That everything is subject to decay, dissolution and finally death.
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- The whole world is so. It has, so to speak, a limited durability. It changed the world profoundly.
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- Everything was decayed. Even the human soul. Even the creatures were affected.
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- They became carnivorous or poisonous. Diseases and viruses emerged that were otherwise harmless.
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- It has changed everything. Even the plants. They became weeds. The field fruits withered.
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- The soil was cursed. Thorns and twigs began to grow. We do not live in the original, very good creation.
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- We live in a fallen creation. The fall of sin was a massive, catastrophic event.
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- Of world -changing importance. So everything was really decayed. It was a tragedy on the highest possible level.
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- The evil had to ripen before God practiced his first judgment. God had created a beautiful world.
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- Everything in it was once very good. But when man broke
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- God's command, the world of man fell into sin and death, which only became worse over time.
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- And it was not only man who was decayed, but everything under his rule.
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- Animals became carnivores and turned against each other and against man.
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- Where once the earth was filled with God's goodness, it was now filled with the celebration of the evil, with endless violence.
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- Paradise, together with the innocence of man, was lost. Jesus Christ would later explain to us that the world would be just like Noah's days
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- Most flood geologists point out that the world, the earth, had a warmer, milder and more global climate.
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- The evolutionists believe that too. It is not only due to continental shift that we find pine forests and the fossils of dinosaurs in the
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- Antarctic. Not only because these continents were once somewhere else, but because the earth had a warmer, milder, more global climate.
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- Thicker, lush vegetation, clearly greener forests, which extend further towards the pole and away from the equatorial zones.
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- Today we just don't have this special kind of forests that could produce the current amount of coal and that could provide the huge amounts of carbon that would have been necessary for today's coal fleet.
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- For this, it would have needed a more lush, warmer, forested and with much more vegetation populated earth.
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- It is clear that the amount of vegetation in the world before the flood was much more magnificent and lush.
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- Today's world is like a desert compared to this pre -flood world. A much more balanced topography, a much more pleasant climate, a much more lush vegetation and animal world.
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- We have many creatures in the fossil record that are exactly like they are today, but they were much bigger, i .e.
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- gigantism. This clearly indicates that the world before the flood was much better suited for biological life.
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- There were probably no impassable mountains, no huge desert areas, because God had created the world to be inhabited.
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- Mankind had probably begun to destroy their environment. In general, the
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- Bible speaks of the wickedness of man. After Genesis chapter 6, all the desires in the heart of man were always evil, and the earth was filled with lust because of man.
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- For me, it would have been a very frightening place to live. All the intentions and thoughts of the human heart were always evil.
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- The earth was full of violence. All the meat had ruined its way on earth. So there was excessive sin, violence and wickedness.
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- And God said, I will destroy the earth. However, Noah and his family found grace in God's eyes.
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- Apparently they were not among those who were ruined, and God took this remnant of mankind and preserved it.
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- One thing that interests people is the lifespan of the people before the flood. Noah was 600 years old, and after he had left the ark, he lived another 350 years.
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- He was 950 years old when he died. His sons, however, who left the ark, did not live that long themselves.
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- They were only about 500 years old. And then came the next generation.
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- And the next 400 years, 300 years, until Terach, Abraham's father, who was over 200 years old.
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- Abraham was 175 years old. It was an exponential decline in lifespan.
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- Adam and Eve had no mutations. The first ten patriarchs before the flood had very low mutation rates and all lived about the same length.
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- Something happened during the flood. And as a result, there was this almost incredible degeneration of mankind.
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- There was an amazing decline in life expectancy. If you represent the data graphically, it is amazing because the data come directly from the
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- Bible. You do not expect scientific data, but the information in the Bible follows a strict decay curve.
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- It is breathtaking. In the Bible, we are told that the people before the flood were almost 1000 years old.
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- The average age of the people back then was surprisingly high compared to today, so it is quite difficult for some to understand how such a great longevity was even possible.
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- An important key lies in the age data that are given to us in the book Genesis. These data show that the lifespan of the descendants of Adam after the flood follows a clearly recognizable pattern.
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- Mathematically, we speak of exponential decay. This means that if you graphically represent the lifespan of the people after the flood, you do not see a linear curve that decays continuously.
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- You would expect that if the data were invented. But instead, you see an exponentially decaying curve with smaller variations because no two people are the same.
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- Did those who recorded these age data in the course of history swear to deceive an exponential decay in the data?
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- On the contrary, the data reflect exactly what you would expect in the aftermath of a global disaster.
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- Because you can clearly see a strong initial decline in the lifespan immediately after the flood. The reason was catastrophic environmental changes.
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- That means no access to nutritious food of the lost pre -flood world and genetic mutations that did not exist before.
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- The truth is that no one at the time of recording these metrics would have thought to represent them as an exponential decay curve if they had wanted to invent the data.
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- This decay curve is actually the result of a real, based on evidence -based flood disaster.
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- The objections against the Sinnflut are usually that one makes fun of it and laughs out loud.
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- At best, one asks, and where did all the water come from? And where did the water come from?
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- And then one spits about the arch. There was a special on the Discovery Channel with the title
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- Noah's Ark, the true story, in which actors depicted the traditional biblical version of the story of Noah's Ark.
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- And then they showed the audience what it really was. Noah wore a tunic with a naked torso, had a shaved head and looked like an
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- Egyptian. And the ark was a beer can. I'm not making a joke.
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- Look for yourself. Discovery Channel, Noah's Ark, the true story. But where do you want to know that from?
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- They claim that this is the truth. And then of course we watch how the ark falls apart because it was supposedly structurally not stably constructed.
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- When I was a master's student at Ohio State University, I looked at the geometry of the cross section lengthwise and crosswise to the ark, according to the measures in the
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- Bible. And I found out that it is dynamically stable because it is 90 degrees in inclination mode, 90 degrees in gear mode.
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- That means it turns 90 degrees and comes back. It is stable. Not that such an inclination would not have caused problems for the passengers, but that shows the stability of the ark.
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- Whatever the passengers would have had to endure the ark would have held up structurally.
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- Also not all plants and also not most insects. Only the creatures that breathe with lungs.
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- Most species live in the ocean and get along well in a flood. Consequently, the Bible does not say that Noah should take two of each species with him to the ark.
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- But he should take two of each biblical species. The same word from Genesis 1 for different created species that should multiply according to their species.
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- And so we think that there are probably only about 1 ,400 species and about 7 ,000 animals on board the ark.
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- Average size, perhaps like a large sheep or a small cow. But most creatures are much smaller.
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- And we are not talking here, for example, about two dogs, two German shepherd dogs, two wolves and two coyotes.
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- Noah only took two dog species to the ark. Because we know from modern genetics that there is an enormous genetic variation that is built into the
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- DNA of each individual species. Therefore, creative scientists have thoroughly investigated how a created species compares to our modern classification system.
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- And they think that in most cases it corresponded to the family level. Evolutionists simply exaggerate because they focus on species.
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- According to evolutionists, it would not have been possible to accommodate all species of life on earth on a ship the size of the ark.
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- Even if you consider how huge the ark actually was. The ark, about 15 meters high, 25 meters wide and over 150 meters long, is the largest wooden ship ever built by man.
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- Second comes the gigantic 100 -meter -long wooden ship USS Wyoming from 1909.
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- No matter how big the ark was, to think about how the ark was able to accommodate all these species of life is a good opportunity to better understand the ingenious construction of the ark.
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- First, it must be noted that marine life, insects, invertebrates and all plant species did not have to go on the ark.
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- You have to know that God Noah ordered only the land invertebrates to take on board. And if you reduce these animals to the genealogical classes described in the book
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- Genesis as species, you can significantly reduce the number of species needed, to about 1 ,400 species or about 6 ,750 animals in total.
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- The animals did not have to be fully grown and could also be smaller young animals that fit easier into the ark, ate less, made less dirt and, because they lived longer, produced more offspring.
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- With about 6 ,750 animals on board, we can now also estimate that about 1 ,400 cages were needed.
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- If you consider that only 20 % of the volume for storing food was needed, you can see that there was still a lot of space left for cages and infrastructure.
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- This remaining volume was enough to accommodate about 850 freight wagons.
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- It is also not surprising that the measurements given by the god of the ark proved to be optimal for stability.
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- If we magnify the ark, it seems that modern cruise ships have learned from the measurements of the ark, because you can see striking similarities in shapes and proportions.
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- It is striking that the ark still has effects to this day and that it leads to far -reaching implications in almost every area of science.
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- This includes barominology, botany, hydrodynamics, anthropology and more.
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- No matter how convincing the scientific argument is, we must not forget that it was
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- God who orchestrated everything. It was God who made the decision that the time had come to create the world.
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- And it was God who was ultimately responsible for the salvation of all who were on board the ark.
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- In the Bible, in 2 Peter's letter, we read that in the last days, before Jesus Christ returns to this world to judge, people will deliberately ignore the testimony of the flood of sin.
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- As the Bible explains to us, they will intentionally see that there was a flood of sin.
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- Peter makes it clear that in the last days people will gossip about the Bible and the return of Jesus Christ.
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- They will change according to their own desires, just as people did at the time of Noah, until the judgment of God fell upon them.
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- Just as Noah trusted God and was obedient to the command to build the ark, and as Noah believed that God would save her from the terrible consequences of the flood of sin, we must also firmly believe that God was in any case fully capable of preserving
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- Noah, his family, and all creatures who were on board the ark. Is it too difficult for God, who created the whole universe and everything in it out of nothing, to preserve life as He intended it?
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- Of course not! Therefore, we do not want to belong to those of whom
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- Peter prophesied that they would ignore the evidence for the flood of sin, because we are actually living in the last days before the return of Jesus Christ.
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- Instead, we want to belong to those whose names are inscribed in heaven and who trust
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- God and His Word. The Bible explains that on the day when the flood of sin began, all living beings who bore the odom of life were on board the ark together with Noah and his family.
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- And it was God himself who locked them all in the ark to save them from the coming judgment over the world.
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- The global nature of the flood of sin is described in the biblical text, especially when you look at the terms used.
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- The flood of sin itself is called Mabul. The Hebrew word Mabul. It is only used in the
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- Old Testament In Psalm 29, verse 10, it says that God as king over the flood.
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- It is a unique term that distinguishes the flood of sin from other floods. It was a unique flood.
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- We first want to talk about the flood itself, the purpose of the flood of sin. It was not just about banishing the sinful people from the earth.
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- Genesis 6 shows that it was also about the destruction of all land animals and birds that were not on the ark, about the destruction of the habitat of the earth.
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- And only a global flood could achieve this. Next we want to talk about the ark. The purpose of the ark was not to save a few animals so that Noah could found a farm after the flood.
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- After Genesis 7, 3, it was much more about preserving descendants on the whole earth. Here we have a repetition of universal terms.
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- Everything under the whole sky, on the whole earth, everything that carries the odom of life.
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- These words appear 60 times in Genesis 6. All, everyone, under the sky.
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- When these words are repeated, the imprint is given. We also have to consider the duration of the flood.
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- 371 days. Why such a huge flood if it was only local? Why did it take so long?
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- And why did it take so long until it went back? A local flood could not last so long.
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- Let's look at the water depth. The flood covered all the high mountains, everywhere under the sky. And since the water level leveled, it meant a global flood.
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- When the Holy Scripture in Genesis 7 explains that the water rose about 8 meters above the high mountains, even if you assume that the mountains were not as high as they are today and were formed only towards the end of the flood, the water still rose to its own level.
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- In a local flood, however, it is apparently not necessary to build an ark. If the flood was only a local event in the
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- Middle East, the ark was completely unnecessary. The animals should not have had to go on board. And God could have told
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- Noah and his family to go on holiday in Europe or Egypt. Noah and his family could have gone to a safe place.
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- So why an ark at all? Why such a large ark? Why all animals and birds?
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- Birds can fly away. And there are animals somewhere else if it is only a local flood. This idea that everything in the ark is accommodated, namely two of each kind, means that you want to save all life on earth.
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- Only a global flood fits the purpose of the ark. If we look at the size of the ark, it was simply far too large for a local flood.
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- We also have the theological basis that the people who lived in another region and were not part of the flood trial question the thought of a trial about humanity, which destroyed the earth because of its wickedness.
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- Because God says that he saw the wickedness of the people who were on earth, not only in one place, but everywhere.
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- In the New Testament we have 2 Peter 3, verses 5 to 7. There the flood of sin that destroyed the old world is compared to a future trial that will come over the coming or present world.
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- If there was a local trial in the past, there should also be a local trial in the future.
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- In the second resurrection of Christ he will judge the world in a global event.
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- If the flood of sin was really just a local event, do you think that when Jesus returns it will also be just a local event?
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- No, it will be a global trial. And I would like to add one last thing, namely that we cannot find the
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- Garden of Eden. People look at the description of the geography where the
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- Garden of Eden was located after Genesis chapter 2. The reason why we cannot find the Garden of Eden is that the world was destroyed by the flood of sin.
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- It is now buried hundreds of meters below sediment deposits.
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- And that means the flood of sin was not a local flood. The Bible makes it clear that God saw everything that he had done.
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- And behold, it was no longer very good. All flesh had gone astray on earth.
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- The day of judgment had come. And God said,
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- I will bring the flood of water over the earth, that all flesh, which has a dwelling place in it, may be scattered among the heavens.
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- All that is on earth shall perish. And God scattered all that was on earth, from man to animal.
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- Only Noah remained and what was with him in the ark. Every geologist who does not believe in the flood of sin believes that the planet
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- Mars had a global flood disaster. Creationists suspect like the world geologists that there were floods on Mars.
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- But we think that the flood of sin occurred at the time. Maybe an asteroid storm hit the inner planets of the rock.
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- Our planet is currently 70 % covered with water, on average about 3 .5 km deep.
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- But they can't believe that we once had a flood of sin. They believe in a global flood on Mars, but do not want to accept that there are many indications for the flood of sin.
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- Where did all the water come from for the flood of sin? I mean, where did it come from and where did it go?
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- Our earth is three quarters covered with water, several kilometers deep. Everything is still there.
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- The most frequently asked questions are where did the water come from for the flood of sin and where did it go?
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- And the answers are very easy to find in the model of catastrophic plate tectonics. The process of catastrophic plate tectonics is very similar to conventional plate tectonics.
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- The main difference is the speed or rate with which the processes take place. Today, the plates move on average only a few centimeters per year in the flood of sin, a billion times faster.
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- The flood of sin began with these springs due to the deep ocean. The Bible says, the springs of great depth broke open.
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- The Mediterranean back is about 70 ,000 kilometers long. The rest is underwater.
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- That's why it's called the Mediterranean back. If everything happened at the same time, the seabed was pushed up.
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- And then the Mediterranean back was broken up all over the world at about the same time. In this first phase, the sea level rose by around 1 .5
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- kilometers. A flood wave caused by the sudden rise of the seabed rushed to the continent.
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- That was phase 1 of the flood of sin. The second phase began with the windows of heaven being opened.
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- It is no coincidence that in the Holy Scripture a order is given. The springs of depth break open.
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- This is the crust that breaks open. The water was thrown into the atmosphere by superconducting steam rays. Then it fell down again as global, flood -like rain.
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- In the flood of sin, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. But in total, the water remained 150 days above the earth.
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- So if the Bible says the springs of great depth broke open, that describes the breaking up of the flood -like crust.
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- Melted material expands when it solidifies. The new seabed therefore expanded and pushed the seabed up.
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- This means that the seabed actually rose. The seawater also rose and covered the continent.
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- The new seabed cooled down and shrunk. That's why the seabed sank and the seawater flowed down again.
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- The waters of the flood of sin are still present on the earth's surface today. They simply flowed into the new ocean basins that were created by the flood of sin.
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- In fact, 70 % of the earth is still covered by water. The water is still here.
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- It reaches deep into the created graves. Some of the graves are 13 to 16 km deep.
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- If we had lower land formations and a higher seabed, our earth would be most likely a pure water planet without any land surface.
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- With so much water, it makes no sense to ask where all the water is. It's still here.
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- And it's easy to explain that the same water once was enough to flood the earth, but the situation has changed so that the water is now in deeper basins.
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- No problem in the flood of sin model. Many have already heard about the theory of Pangaea.
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- This theory states that the continents were once connected to a supercontinent, which then broke apart by plate tectonics.
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- Catastrophic plate tectonics is essentially very similar to conventional plate tectonics.
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- With the exception that the time scale and events are concentrated on the flood of sin year instead of millions of years of slow processes.
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- Maybe it surprises you that it was a man named Abraham Ortelius, a famous cartographer from the 16th century, who first suggested that the flood of sin could have been responsible for separating
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- America from Europe and Africa. Centuries later, another
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- Christian named Antonio Snider Pellegrini proposed the modern concept of continental shift.
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- He illustrated on the basis of two maps that the continents of the world were once connected to each other.
- 43:01
- That was decades before the German geologist Alfred Wegener proposed his own version of this theory, which falsely made him the father of continental shift into history.
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- Antonio Snider Pellegrini, on the other hand, was denied this title of honor. His past was that he quoted the book of Genesis.
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- He said that he had discovered that at the beginning of creation there was only one continent.
- 43:30
- The book of Genesis serves as a template for what happened in the past during the flood of sin with the earth.
- 43:38
- It began with what the Bible calls the opening of the sources of the great depths. It was not until the 1950s that one discovered with the technology that was originally developed to locate submarines these gigantic scars of the sources of the great depths that had broken up in accordance with the
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- Bible. How could a thousand years old book give evidence of what was on the seabed?
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- The Bible says that first the sources of the great depths broke up. That is, the crust of the earth broke up and emitted magma, generating steam rays that shot up into the sky.
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- Then we read that the windows of heaven were opened. That is, the water steam thrown into the sky fell down as rain again.
- 44:32
- This rain lasted 40 days and 40 nights according to the Bible. The supercontinent described by the book of Genesis began to break apart.
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- The newly created continents first moved in different directions and collided before they reached their final destination.
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- This closed sea routes and formed volcanoes and mountains in America and Europe, such as the
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- Appalachians and the Zagros Mountains. Melted magma formed new seabed that spread and the separation between the new continents increased.
- 45:10
- Scientists will later discover that the seabed at the mid -Atlantic back is much younger than the seabed in other parts of the world, in accordance with the biblical model.
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- As this newly created volcanic soil spread more and more, it emerged under the west coast of North America, stopped and came free again and caused massive tsunamis that carried sediment and marine life and flooded the country.
- 45:38
- During this subduction, the Schatzky Ridge and the Rocky Mountains began to form, together with the
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- Independence Dike Swarm, a 650 km long volcanic region that emitted so much ash that it covered half of America.
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- When the western inland sea formed at this time, the last dinosaurs were also caught by tidal waves, together with marine life and finally buried in sediment, sand and ash.
- 46:11
- Towards the end of the tsunami, the activity slowed down. The seabed stopped spreading and began to cool down.
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- When the new massive seabeds cooled down and pulled together again, the water flowed back into the new deeper seabed.
- 46:32
- Billions of fossils remained all over the earth. Impressive indications for a world -wide catastrophic flood.
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- The strongest indication for a global flood is the structure of the sediment subsequence.
- 46:52
- Everywhere on earth, under their feet, are hundreds of different horizontal layers, with usually smooth border areas between the layers.
- 47:02
- The only possibility of how this sediment structure could arise are global processes that caused the sediment subsequence in a single global event.
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- Everywhere on earth, the layers are flat, without any clear rifts.
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- Think of the Grand Canyon. You see these flat pancakes, one on top of the other, always flat.
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- They are basically erosional. They formed as follows. At the beginning of the tidal wave, there were movements in the crust.
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- Movements in the crust cause earthquakes. Earthquakes in the water cause tsunamis.
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- The tsunamis that occurred in the area of the world's oceans then raced across the continents.
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- When the tsunami lost its power, the sediment from the water settled on the ground.
- 47:53
- A flat layer of sediment formed on the ground. The first layer. Another earthquake, maybe a week or a day later, triggered a tsunami and brought sediment from another part of the world.
- 48:06
- The tsunami lost its power. The sediments in the water settled on the ground and formed another flat layer without erosion.
- 48:15
- Again, a third tsunami brought sediments. The third layer. My simulations show that a tsunami was big enough to sweep across an entire continent.
- 48:27
- These layers formed under water. That's why they are so confusing for many people. It is fascinating to see how scientists explain their excavation sites.
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- For example, in the Dinosaur Provincial Park, you can find 10 ,000 dinosaurs buried in this flat layer.
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- When you ask the responsible paleontologist how these 10 ,000 dinosaurs came to this flat layer, he says they died in a flood in the river.
- 48:54
- Oh, and what did the river bed look like? It was very flat. They say there was a rippling river that was strong enough to bury 10 ,000 dinosaurs at a length of 8 km.
- 49:06
- Wasn't it strong enough to form an erosion channel? Why didn't the river dig into the sediment? Why is there no erosion through this river?
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- The answers make no sense in view of this flatness problem, in view of the lack of erosion.
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- What we can see in the Grand Canyon is that the layers on the edge of the plateau are curved.
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- Since a smooth curvature is only possible when the sediments were still soft, the sequence had to be formed quickly during the flood and only bend at the end when it was still very wet.
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- Therefore, these curvatures are a decisive indication that all layers are related to each other. They clearly show that the million years have never happened.
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- Another finding is the so -called polystrate fossils. These are trees that normally go through more than one layer.
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- Such trees go through three layers that are said to be 30 million years old rock layers.
- 50:02
- You have to keep in mind that sediment that slowly accumulates on the ground causes the bark to rot and the tree to die much faster.
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- After less than 100 years it would simply fall over. Nevertheless, we find trees that go vertically through three rocky layers.
- 50:21
- During the global flood, trees were torn down and swam on the water. The trees were full of water for so long that they sank to the ground.
- 50:31
- Trees normally sink horizontally, but some trees, as Dr. Steve Austin discovered, don't do that.
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- They sink vertically. When a tsunami wave comes, and there were many tsunami waves during the global flood, it brings sediment with it.
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- When the tsunami wave finally loses power, the sediment in the wave starts to sink and form a flat layer on the ground.
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- Maybe a week or a day later another tsunami wave comes from another direction.
- 51:02
- When it loses power, the sediment starts to sink and forms a second layer on the first one.
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- In the middle of it is the tree that has not yet been rocked. If it was possible that this tree, for example, was buried with 10 meters of sediment in just one week, then all sediment layers in the
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- Grand Canyon would have been easily formed in one year. This explanation contradicts the evolutionary time scale and the entire theory of evolution.
- 51:31
- This is an extremely important geological fact, and nobody seems to teach it in universities or in the secular world.
- 51:40
- Evolutionists claim that the Earth is millions of years old, and one of their so -called proofs is layered rock deposits in the geological column.
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- They teach that each of these layers represents millions of years of rock formation. Based on uniformitarianism, which assumes that assumptions about the past can be made on the basis of today's processes.
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- They assume that there were practically no catastrophic events such as the Sintflut. Representatives of the evolutionary model also ignore other indications, such as the fact that seabed dwellers are mixed with land dwellers in the sediments.
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- Ask any coal mine worker anywhere in the world, and he will confirm the many fossilized marine animals in coal mines.
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- The Bible contradicts the theory of evolution, and it makes it clear to us that only about 6 ,000 years have passed since the sediment layers actually formed, because sediment rock is a rock that formed in the water.
- 52:47
- This is an incredible evidence for a global flood, if you think about the fact that the Earth's surface mainly consists of sediment layers that formed in the water.
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- The fact that the layers actually formed in the water also explains why there is no erosion between the layers, as would have been the case if the layers had taken millions of years to form.
- 53:11
- Another big problem are the bent or folded rock layers, which can only occur if the layers were still soft at the time of the bend, conditions that are exactly expected for the
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- Sintflut. The bent layers clearly show that their formation took place quickly, because several layers were quickly deposited on top of each other, which is only possible because the lower layers were still saturated with water and did not have enough time to dry out.
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- When forces were applied to the layers, the upper and lower layers bent at the same time.
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- To claim that these layers have bent during their formation over millions of years cannot explain what geologists observe.
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- Only a rapid deposition under water can explain these phenomena, if you keep in mind that sedimentary rock layers like these are primarily formed in the water.
- 54:10
- Another indication that the rock layers formed quickly and during the Sintflut is that we find polystrate trees in many places in the world.
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- Poly means many and strata refers to several layers through which these trees run.
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- If you only have a little idea of how organic matter decomposes, you know that it is impossible for trees to remain intact for millions of years if soil and dirt layers form around them and let rain and moisture rot the wood.
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- Instead, the indications indicate that trees were captured and transported away and when they absorbed more and more water, they finally sank.
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- Some trees sank horizontally, while other trees left a higher saturation with water in the remaining root remains.
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- These trees were heavier at the bottom and therefore sank so low that they stood vertically. Tsunami waves then carried sediments that quickly buried the trees in several layers.
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- In fact, geologists discovered that the same sand was transported from the east side of America in tsunami waves to the west side of the continent.
- 55:26
- This explains why fossils of marine life are found there along with land plants and why the root systems of the trees are mostly missing.
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- And above all, it explains why the trees run directly through many rock layers that are said to be millions of years old.
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- Some of these layers are as stretched as continents, which indicates that the trees and rock layers are in a single catastrophic event and were not deposited by local floods at different times.
- 55:59
- Many believe that fossils are a normal part of the life cycle, as we find so many of them all over the world.
- 56:07
- However, petrification is not what we observe today when something dies. Fortunately, there are usually no fossils today.
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- Instead, God has arranged it in such a way that dead matter disintegrates and returns to Earth. The fact that we see so many fossils shows that there was a worldwide event that led to a mass petrification of all life on Earth at a certain point in time.
- 56:33
- Think about it. If the Earth is now 71 % covered with water, most sediment layers on Earth were formed under water.
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- In these sediment layers marine life is mixed with land animals. Some of the sediment layers stretch across continents, which means that they arose in a single event.
- 56:55
- Many layers were bent or folded at the same time, which indicates rapid deposition processes.
- 57:02
- And we find trees that pass through several layers of rock, as well as worldwide massive erosion areas, such as canyons that were dug into the rock.
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- It is obvious that God left all these indications as evidence for the biblical petrification disaster.
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- The second strongest indication for the petrification are the fossils that can be found in these sediment layers.
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- To create a fossil, it requires in most cases, especially in the larger species of organisms, a complete burial, a rapid deposition, and this speaks automatically of catastrophic conditions.
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- The fact that we find so many fossils, so well preserved, and many buried in the middle of life is another strong indication for a worldwide flood disaster.
- 57:59
- There are many fossils in museums. The museums are full. They don't want fossils anymore.
- 58:05
- The subfloors are full. The museums have collected around one billion fossils, and scientists believe that you can probably find billions of fossils in the rocks.
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- If you see a dead animal on the roadside, such as an opossum or a deer, this deer or opossum is soon gone.
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- The bones begin to fall apart. Mice eat the bones. The rock crumbles.
- 58:32
- Ten years later, there is only dust. And yet there are billions of fossils. The reason there are billions of fossils is that there was a worldwide flood disaster.
- 58:43
- Tsunamis rushed in and brought sediments that quickly buried the animals. When the flood finally receded, the seawater flowed back into the oceans and seeped through the sand in which the animals were buried and thus supplied the minerals to turn the bones into fossils.
- 59:01
- This is how billions of fossils were created. A worldwide flood was needed. What we often observe is that the fossils are excellently preserved.
- 59:10
- What do I mean by that? Well, we find that all details have been preserved. For example, how a fish swallows another fish.
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- It was buried alive. This shows that it had to be done very quickly to preserve these details.
- 59:26
- Another example is real sea urchins. Some of them are up to two meters long.
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- They were suddenly buried when they were just about to bring a young one into the world. You also found a fish with another undigested fish in its stomach.
- 59:43
- The details found in the wings of wasps are also amazing. The wings are spread out and the legs are in flight position.
- 59:52
- What conclusion do we draw from this? They flew. These insects. They tried to escape.
- 59:57
- They tried to get somewhere else. But in the end, they were simply enclosed together with the sediments of the flood.
- 01:00:04
- That's why we can study them today. All these details require an extremely fast sedimentary burial.
- 01:00:12
- It fits what the Bible says. It is consistent. The destruction by the flood was fast, sudden and catastrophic on a global scale, so that the living beings were sometimes caught in the middle of life, in the middle of an action, where the details were preserved exquisitely.
- 01:00:30
- It all fits exactly to the biblical report about the flood. It may surprise you to learn that in all rock layers of the world, the generally known rock layers like Cambrium or Jura, saltwater creatures can be found in all these layers.
- 01:00:48
- Now, what greater proof for a global flood would one need if there are saltwater creatures in all layers?
- 01:00:56
- They can be found in the middle of the continents. How did they get here? It must have been a flood.
- 01:01:03
- Evolutionary scientists therefore have to explain where these saltwater creatures came from and how they got there.
- 01:01:11
- Their answer is that there are saltwater creatures in the layers because the oceans rose.
- 01:01:17
- America covered and went back again, rose again and went back again, several times, at least a dozen times.
- 01:01:24
- However, the scientific saving principle prefers a single flood over more than a dozen world -wide floods.
- 01:01:31
- In the 1980s, the secular geologists began to turn to catastrophism and to distance themselves from uniformitarianism as soon as it served their purposes.
- 01:01:43
- They turned to catastrophism when it helped them to explain the extinction of dinosaurs.
- 01:01:49
- The flood of sin offers a better explanation for the extinction of dinosaurs than the impact in Yucatan, simply because this event is so small and local.
- 01:02:00
- There is no physical effect that would have buried the dinosaurs the way we find them today.
- 01:02:07
- Nobody in the secular world claims that either. They therefore say that it was due to climate change that the dinosaurs starved.
- 01:02:17
- If you look on Wikipedia for the extinction of the dinosaurs or the Chicxulub crater today, you will read that an asteroid came and hit the earth, which caused global cooling because there was a lot of dust in the air.
- 01:02:31
- And so the dinosaurs died out. We have simulations in which we have applied the
- 01:02:36
- Chicxulub scale to the earth and we get a subduction event, an eruption of the lithosphere and the beginning of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
- 01:02:47
- In fact, meteorite impacts could have triggered this event. But there is no explanation for the burial of these huge animals in the sedimentary rock.
- 01:02:57
- In the 1980s, world scientists began to theorize that an asteroid hit the earth and extinguished almost all life on its surface.
- 01:03:08
- The theory states that due to the impact, huge tsunamis and volcanic dust in the atmosphere extinguished the dinosaurs and almost all other life in a global catastrophe.
- 01:03:20
- But secular scientists could not avoid the fact that water and volcanism played a major role in how life once was destroyed on earth.
- 01:03:30
- The explanation in the Bible, however, already implies that water and volcanism were necessary to cause this disaster.
- 01:03:38
- In order not to have to confirm the Bible, the secularists came to their own catastrophic version of the events, the asteroid impact theory.
- 01:03:48
- And that, although the book Genesis had already made clear what had happened on earth. Genesis described when the ocean floor was broken up by volcanic activity and when this activity came to an end again.
- 01:04:03
- How long the rain fell on the earth, how high the water rose and what the actual reason why
- 01:04:09
- God created the world with the flood of sin and destroyed it. People today have essentially two possibilities.
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- On the one hand, there is a book that was written thousands of years ago and contains an amazingly detailed description of a global flood that practically extinguished all life on earth.
- 01:04:31
- On the other hand, there are theories invented by people. In our case, a theory that was proposed about 40 years ago due to the problems of all previous non -catastrophic models of which it was known that they did not work.
- 01:04:47
- Both perspectives require a catastrophic event with global effects. But only one can actually explain the layer structure in the sediments of the earth as well as the billions of fossils.
- 01:05:01
- Only one has an answer to why all the cultures of the world mention a global flood in their historical writings and legends, while the other only re -arranges known elements to invent their own explanation.
- 01:05:16
- Think about it. The Bible said a long time ago that the entire earth's surface was catastrophically destroyed.
- 01:05:23
- Secularists have no other choice than to agree. The Bible shows that the continents were originally all connected.
- 01:05:32
- They have to agree to that too. Almost all animal life on earth was extinguished during the disaster.
- 01:05:39
- A fact that they cannot ignore either. Sea creatures were scattered all over the world.
- 01:05:45
- Accordingly, the Bible says that the waters rose over the highest mountains. Secular scientists, on the other hand, developed their own theories to explain the marine fossils.
- 01:05:56
- The original ecosystem was permanently destroyed. The paradise -like pre -flood world was irrevocably lost.
- 01:06:03
- In the secular model, this is called the end of the prehistoric world. We also have to face the fact that the flood processes led to a partial freezing of our world.
- 01:06:17
- Heated oceans produced more evaporation and more snowfall. Volcanoes hurled huge amounts of aerosols into the atmosphere and blocked the sun.
- 01:06:29
- More snowfall and colder summers led to global ice shields. Evolutionists attributed these consequences of the flood to an ice age.
- 01:06:39
- The more scientific evidences are discovered, the more the biblical worldview is confirmed, while the worldly perspective does not stand still and must be constantly adapted to the findings.
- 01:06:51
- In addition, we discover that the Bible foretells that all this would actually happen.
- 01:06:58
- Because in the second letter of Peter, we are told that in the last days, a time when we are rapidly approaching, unbelievers will knowingly ignore the flood.
- 01:07:09
- The secularists will decide to think of untruths and to believe in them so that it becomes possible to push the catastrophic event into the distant past.
- 01:07:20
- So long ago and so far away that it ceases to be a historical event and becomes a scientific myth.
- 01:07:29
- The Bible makes it clear that the last time by increasing disbelief in the biblical report about the historical events and the flood itself will be characterized.
- 01:07:39
- In truth, evolution is a religion whose high priests, the scientists, constantly update their outdated theories, while we in the
- 01:07:49
- Bible receive the final, true and unchangeable report. And as the scientific indications gradually come to light, the biblical report always turns out to be true.
- 01:08:08
- If you visit the Dinosaur Exhibition in museums today, you will notice that all animals look strange, like the dinosaurs themselves.
- 01:08:18
- Have you ever seen a boa constrictor in a museum that wraps around the leg of a T -Rex?
- 01:08:24
- No, but boa constrictors were found together with dinosaurs. Have you ever seen a tin turtle at the feet of a
- 01:08:30
- Stegosaurus? No, but they were found together with dinosaurs. Have you ever seen a
- 01:08:37
- T -Rex flying over a duck? No, but they were found together with dinosaurs.
- 01:08:43
- All known main animal groups today were found in the fossils together with the dinosaurs, and they look like they do today.
- 01:08:51
- Museums don't show anything like this. If they showed the animals they found together with the dinosaurs in the fossils, people would think, evolution didn't even take place, the dinosaurs just died out.
- 01:09:05
- Scientists have kept modern animals from dinosaur exhibitions so that people believe that evolution took place.
- 01:09:13
- The analysis of soft tissue in dinosaurs, which was recently carried out, is still a mystery for those who believe that the earth and the universe are really old.
- 01:09:25
- Mary Schweitzer discovered this elastic material in the 1990s and early 2000s.
- 01:09:30
- Elastic means that you can pull on it and it retakes its original position.
- 01:09:39
- Dinosaur soft tissue is a very young discovery. You don't want it to be known.
- 01:09:46
- It's not in any of the textbooks. This lady came and cut or broke one of these bones and you could smell the decay.
- 01:09:58
- Dinosaur bones should not smell as if they were rotting. They've been dead for millions of years.
- 01:10:05
- A little later, Mark Armitage began to examine the horn of a trichoratops and found bone material, tissue and bones, the osteocytes, which actually show measurable tension.
- 01:10:16
- The tension causes relative deformation. She was almost 100 % wrong. Muscle tissue in the
- 01:10:22
- Santana -Raptor fossil was like dinosaur dry meat on the dinosaur's bone.
- 01:10:29
- It was the actual muscle. Just like in this Thessalosaurus bone. We examined the inside of the bone and found out that there was elastic material in it.
- 01:10:40
- Tissue. If you pull it apart, it comes back. If it had become a fossil, it would have been hard like stone.
- 01:10:47
- Then such a thing would not have been possible. Consequently, it was never mineralized and petrified. It was still elastic, i .e.
- 01:10:53
- still tissue. This means that this bone is not 100 million years old. According to the biblical report, you expect to find something like this.
- 01:11:03
- So what was it? Bone marrow, red blood cells, collagen, and muscle fiber proteins.
- 01:11:11
- These components should not last up to 100 ,000 years. But they were allegedly between 68 and 100 million years old.
- 01:11:22
- The amino acids in the protein strands would dissolve and turn into dust. They have no explanation for this, nothing that is really scientific and so it was simply left as an anomaly.
- 01:11:35
- Neil deGrasse Tyson asked Mary Schweitzer and others to then direct their attention to the bone marrow interlayer.
- 01:11:43
- She tried to distract him from looking at the red blood cells. The bone marrow layer showed that the
- 01:11:49
- T -Rex, from which this bone came, was carrying eggs at the time. This is called a deception, a deception maneuver, a refined advertising event to distract from the obvious problem, namely that proteins could be found in this
- 01:12:04
- T -Rex bone. Mark Armitage, who was still working at the
- 01:12:10
- University of California at the time, found soft tissue in a triceratops horn.
- 01:12:17
- And when he published this discovery, they fired him. They are deliberately ignorant and they suppress the truth and that is not science, that is propaganda.
- 01:12:30
- Now we are talking about thought control and the thought police. They fired him for religious reasons, while he had actually only made a scientific discovery.
- 01:13:05
- The dinosaur DNA was to be completely sequenced. Missing sections were to be extracted from modern frogs.
- 01:13:15
- This idea came about because in the 90s the American writer Michael Crichton had difficulties in developing an explanatory concept for how dinosaurs could have been brought back to life in a realistic way.
- 01:13:30
- However, what the creators of Jurassic Park could not have imagined was the actual discovery of soft tissue in a dinosaur bone.
- 01:13:39
- A discovery that has been repeated by other scientists since then, like this still stretchable triceratops tissue, discovered by Mark Armitage.
- 01:13:50
- These discoveries shocked the entire paleontological community and would probably have revolutionized the original
- 01:13:56
- Jurassic Park film if it had been known at the time that something like this is possible. In fact, scientists have big problems when they try to publish these findings, because the idea that soft tissues of dinosaurs could still exist today is completely rejected.
- 01:14:14
- The consensus among the secular scientists was that something like this was completely impossible, because everyone believed that the bones were millions of years old, which would have meant that their bio -material had already been stoned a long time ago.
- 01:14:31
- There was simply no possibility that these dinosaur bones still contained bio -material such as blood vessels and collagen proteins.
- 01:14:42
- Of the 16 different types of bio -organic materials that have been found in dinosaur bones since then, in fact, collagen ends the debate as to whether these bones are millions of years old.
- 01:14:55
- According to some estimates, the maximum age of collagen is only 10 ,000 years, and according to others up to 900 ,000 years, while 100 ,000 years is generally accepted as the maximum age.
- 01:15:10
- To put this into perspective, if each of these tiny beams represents a period of 100 ,000 years, then only one of these beams represents the maximum age that collagen could reach.
- 01:15:25
- If we zoom out to 100 million years, we see that the lifespan of collagen is 1 ,000 times shorter than the age that evolutionists usually assume for dinosaur bones.
- 01:15:40
- You can also express it differently. Collagen does not even last a tenth of a percent as long as it would be necessary for the theory of evolution to work in theory, and this proves that it is not even the farthest possible range that collagen could survive for so long.
- 01:16:00
- The relatively short lifespan of collagen proves what the Bible wants to tell us about these bones all the time, that they are only about 4 ,400 years old and were buried all over the world
- 01:16:24
- When the waters of the Sint Flood retreated, the earth was marked by the catastrophe.
- 01:16:32
- Dinosaur cemeteries like this were later found all over the earth. Secular paleontologists agree that all these world -wide sites of discovery have something in common.
- 01:16:46
- The condition in which the bones are found shows signs of a burial in a flood.
- 01:16:56
- And so it is quite clear where all the water came from. Water that receded into the oceans, where it originally came from.
- 01:17:08
- The whole earth experienced a massive restart. The land surface became largely dry again and the vegetation slowly returned.
- 01:17:24
- Unfortunately, the earth, which was once a perfect habitat for dinosaurs, was now irrevocably changed.
- 01:17:31
- The dinosaurs, which had survived and now had to multiply under unfavorable environmental conditions, were hunted down in the course of time.
- 01:17:42
- We call these animals dinosaurs, but in the legends they are remembered as dragons.
- 01:17:54
- And so it came that on the 17th day of the seventh month, the arch on the Ararat mountain fell.
- 01:18:03
- After a little more than a year since the beginning of the flood, Noah, his family and everyone on board the arch finally returned to dry soil.
- 01:18:17
- This small group of eight would re -populate the whole earth, as the legends all over the world describe in their historical records.
- 01:18:30
- And science would later prove that this genetic bottleneck really occurs.
- 01:18:38
- Just as the Bible had reported all the time. If you take a closer look at how ideas develop, we find that history can become more mythical.
- 01:18:56
- But a myth cannot become more historical. Conversely, this does not work. But history can become more historical and also a myth more mythical.
- 01:19:06
- If you start with a myth, you also end with a myth. This is how we recognize how different they are as a genre.
- 01:19:12
- Approximately 200 flood transmissions were discovered by anthropologists and missionaries and others.
- 01:19:20
- Many of these traditions come from ethnic groups that do not even live near the sea.
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- There are hundreds of flood legends worldwide. Often there are very similar ones to the biblical report. A just family is saved.
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- The reason for the flood is that God was angry. The gods were angry about what the people had done. All known superstitions say that people and animals survived on a kind of boat.
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- There are many similarities. But the true report is in the book Genesis. Part of the evidence for this is already in the description of the ark.
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- There is the Babylonian Gilgamesh epos. He has a cube as an ark. But it would roll on the water and all passengers would have to die.
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- The biblical report describes a flood that lasted 371 days. But in the
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- Gilgamesh epos it is just six days. It only took one week to build this cube, while Noah probably needed 55 years or something like that to build the ark.
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- The biblical report is the true report. And all these other stories are the result of people who migrated from the tower to Babel after the flood of sin.
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- In their memory they preserved a repeat of the true events that we know through Genesis.
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- And the further they moved from the Near East and thus from any contact with the true history, the more the narrative was distorted over time.
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- And so the differences as well as the similarities are explained. The biblical report is independent of the others.
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- Everyone has this common core. There was definitely a real event that took place in history.
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- We have about 23 different transmissions that are very similar to the tower building in Babel. Ancestors wanted to build a tower and God or the gods were angry.
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- And they forced them to scatter by confusing their language. But from Genesis chapter 12 we find that the similarities are missing.
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- There is no Abraham legend, no Isaac or David legend. Only Genesis 1 to 11 seem to know the people of the whole world.
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- Why? Because the Bible tells us the truth and the people had a common history up to the Babel event in Genesis 11. They took this history with them, passed it on, and so it was distorted over time.
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- After the flood of sin, God blessed Noah and his sons. He told them they should be fruitful and multiply like Adam and Eve.
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- So humanity was allowed to start anew. But only a few generations later do we see that people refuse to scatter.
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- They replied with no. We stay here in the Mesopotamian valley and they began to build a tower.
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- They had a world government. Genesis 11 tells us that God stopped this construction by creating supernatural different languages.
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- And the people were forced to split up into different nations The people who were very similar biologically and genetically started to marry within their own language group.
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- And after what we know about modern genetics, recessive genes became dominant and the associated physical characteristics emerged.
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- According to the Bible, there is only one race, the Adam's race. Paul says that God made all nations out of one person or one blood to live on earth.
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- So there is absolutely no basis for claiming that a group of people with a certain brown skin is superior or inferior to another group of people with a different brown skin.
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- We have no basis for hating people who look different. Because in reality, everyone looks different than me.
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- So if I were to hate people who look different than me, I would have to hate them all. We should be much more loving and accept people.
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- Because we all come from the same human pair, namely Adam and Eve. Interestingly, most indications point to the fact that humanity began in the
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- Middle East in accordance with the construction of the tower of Babel. All languages seem to have emerged from this region.
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- The remains of the ark now rest on the mountain Ararat. And God made a covenant with Noah and promised him and all his descendants that he would never again destroy the earth and all life on it through a flood.
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- And God blessed Noah and his sons and commanded him to multiply again and to expand on the earth.
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- But on the level of the land of China the commandments of God were opposed to the people to expand on the earth.
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- Instead, they came together to build a city and a great tower that should reach up to heaven as the ultimate act of rebellion and rejection of God.
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- But God came down and stopped their construction by dividing their common language into many individual languages.
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- Out of confusion and fear they stopped building the tower and scattered all over the earth where they then founded the different nations.
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- After Noah and his family had left the ark, the people spoke only one language for centuries.
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- Today, however, there are over 7 ,000 languages in the world that can be traced back to an original language family.
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- For example, Italian can be traced back to Latin, the original language family.
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- However, linguists came across serious problems when they tried to trace back the language families to their original languages.
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- After all, the language families ended up in dead ends, also known as isolated languages.
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- This is in direct contradiction to the unified original language or the proto -world language accepted by some linguists.
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- Instead, one finds a lot of languages that seem to have originated from nothing. Unless one takes into account the events of the tower building to Babel, which provide an astonishing explanation.
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- If one traces back the development of languages on a map, one discovers something remarkable.
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- Many of the earliest languages can be traced back to a single place on earth, a place that is often called the cradle of civilization,
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- Mesopotamia. What is also remarkable is that many languages emerged shortly after the flood and the tower building to Babel, i .e.
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- in the third millennium BC. In addition, linguists believe that there should theoretically be about 94 proto -language families.
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- And they also believe that this number decreases due to the merging of families, as confirmed by current research.
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- And indeed, in Genesis chapter 11, in connection with the tower building to Babel, approximately 70 different ancestors are listed.
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- How likely is it that the theoretically estimated number of proto -language families corresponds to the number of biblical ancestors of the nations?
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- In addition, in the cultures of these ethnic groups, one finds myths and legends about a flood that destroyed the old world and also about a time when their ancestors tried to build a tower.
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- These superstitions vary, but the core elements usually remain intact. So the
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- Cherokee and other indigenous peoples of America report that they got a different language far back in the past.
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- This is just one example among hundreds. Similarly, the human genes also show a similar pattern to the languages.
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- As the genes shown from over 100 human remains of the so -called Bronze Age show, there is less genetic mixing as you go back in time.
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- The data show relatively unmixed genetic ancestry lines at the time of the tower building of Babel.
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- Of course, this is no coincidence. Only God's supernatural intervention can explain the various bottle caps that we see in so many areas of science.
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- In this event, God changed the entire course of human history again. It was also after the tower building of Babel that God imposed the human government.
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- In a time when nationality is at war and a world unity government is sought, it is important to remember that it was
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- God who divided the world into different nations. It was God who turned against the human -centered, godless society that humanity began to form.
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- And as every historian will confirm, history tends to repeat itself.
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- When we come to the report about Noah's Ark, it is not just a story. It is an important part of our history.
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- There was an ancient world, and this world was destroyed by a flood because of its decay. That was the judgment about humanity.
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- Because humanity did not change, a future judgment will come. It will be like in the days of Noah.
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- They will marry and get married. They founded families. They went about their work. They simply lived their normal life.
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- They did not believe that the judgment would come. But the flood of sin came, and the people were not prepared. Before the flood of sin, the people ate and drank, and married and were married, under complete disregard of the building of the
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- Ark, which was preached to them, and all that happened around them. Jesus explains to us, shortly before he returns, the people will rebel.
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- They will ignore God and simply live on as if God does not exist at all.
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- But they will be surprised when Jesus suddenly returns and will judge. There was a judgment, there will be another judgment, and we must be prepared for it.
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- In the Bible, the end time is discussed over the last days. Biblical evil, if you look at all the different Old Testament places more closely, is described by idolatry, witchcraft and sorcery, occultism, the worship of demons and similar things, as well as all the perversions that go along with it.
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- The public schools today spread a doctrine that is directed against the biblical concept of marriage.
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- They want to influence the intellect of young people long before they think about sex at an early age.
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- Not just sexualization, but all possible forms of sexual degeneration. Of course we have the plague of abortion, not unlike the sin of the
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- Moloch, the burning of children, the plague of sexual human trafficking and the exploitation of the weak.
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- These things are the evil and the darkness of our age and they increase and are massively institutionalized.
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- It is a very good sign, not good, but exactly for the same kind of darkness as in the days of Noah.
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- We are in this darkness today. When will the Lord come back? After the Bible, nobody knows.
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- But when he comes, everyone will know at the same time like lightning in the sky and I tell you,
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- I want to be on the right side. Who doesn't want to be in the winning team in the end? It is clear that this is particularly important with regard to eternity.
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- Eternity is timeless. We don't understand eternity, but we know it never ends.
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- The Resurrection is a wonderful idea, but it is also a time of judgment, a time of infinity.
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- It is also a time of justice. But what has brought so many people to believe in the course of the millennia that he is actually what he said of himself, namely
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- God in human form, the Savior of mankind, the Messiah who was prophesied in the
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- Bible. The Bible is the only book in the world that has proven its divine inspiration again and again by foretelling us the future in advance.
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- For example, the prophet Jeremiah foretold 626 B .C.
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- that Israel would be conquered. Jerusalem and the temple would be destroyed.
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- And the Babylonians would rule over God's people and lead them into exile for 70 years.
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- And shortly after his prophecy was written, exactly that happened in 587
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- B .C. The prophet Isaiah wrote that Babylon's gates would open for Cyrus, a king who would only be born in over 150 years.
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- And in 539 B .C. these gates were actually opened for a king named
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- Cyrus and his army. And as foretold, Babylon was destroyed, which both
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- Jeremiah and Isaiah prophesied. And then there is the prophecy of Daniel, in which he pointed to the appearance of the
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- Messiah, who would come 483 years after a decree to rebuild
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- Jerusalem, which is exactly the time in which Jesus Christ appears.
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- And when it comes to the fact that Jesus himself fulfills prophecies, there are hundreds that concern him alone.
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- It was foretold that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem and live in Galilee. He would be rejected by the rulers and betrayed for 30 silver pieces.
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- The Holy Scripture even foretold that he would be crucified and not crucified, and that at a time when the crucifixion had not yet been invented.
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- There are even more prophecies, similar to those of Daniel, which also point to the Messiah. His birth had to take place before the reign of Judas had disappeared, as long as the temple still existed in Jerusalem and had not been destroyed by the
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- Romans. It is striking that he had to come when the genealogical records still existed, to prove that he actually came from the line of King David.
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- These records were lost when the temple was destroyed 70 AD. It is remarkable that Jesus Christ was exactly at the critical time on earth when a multitude of prophecies about the
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- Messiah were fulfilled. Jesus warned us that in the last days, that is, the time at which we now stand, a false
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- Messiah would come. He would make many believe that he was the one who was prophesied about.
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- The Scripture calls this false Messiah as the Antichrist. The Bible says that in this short time before the
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- Antichrist and his government system will come to power. Similar to the construction of the tower of Babel, this single entity will rule, while the national state is essentially abolished.
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- The sovereignty of the states will collapse to a single system of total control. Many who do not think and believe what the
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- Antichrist announces will not be able to buy or sell. Many will be executed.
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- In our time, many people will be vigilant on the globe. They will recognize, regardless of the politics, the growing anti -Christian infrastructure around us.
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- They will recognize that the plagues prophesied in the Bible, famine, wars, hyperinflation, lawlessness and natural disasters seem to be deliberately brought about.
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- A conscious transition. We are on the brink of a satanic change of power.
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- A time that the Bible calls the Great Depression. It is a time in which
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- God will focus his attention especially on Israel, because Israel is at the center of many biblical prophecies that still need to be fulfilled.
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- But even today we can already guess how the prophecy of Zacharias will be fulfilled when he says that Israel will become a burden for all surrounding nations.
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- This is an amazing realization when you consider that such a small spot on our globe will be at the center of a coming global war.
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- And while the climax of the prophetic plans of God is approaching, the return of the
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- Lord Jesus and the redemption of Israel are just around the corner. Out of great love,
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- God has pushed back his son's return to the judgment of humanity. Because humanity is guilty of committing abominable sins before a holy
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- God. If every single God had to pay the price, he would expect a terrible judgment.
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- But here is the good news. The first letter to the Corinthians reveals
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- God's brilliant plan. Humanity has collectively inherited the condemnation by the disobedience of one man,
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- Adam. But now it finds forgiveness and redemption by the obedience of another man, namely
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- Jesus Christ. If a man can bring death to all people through his sin, it follows that a sinless man can bring life to all people through his obedience.
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- God offers all people a simple way to be justified before him through the faith in his
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- Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible explains the following to us.
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- In the beginning, God created a perfect world. But man sinned. Because of Adam's sin, we are now all born sinners.
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- But we also decide to sin. We decide to rebel against God. Without exception, each of us has broken the ten commandments.
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- In thoughts, or words, or deeds. Through the evil that we have done, or the good that we have left.
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- Through ignorance, through weakness, or through our own conscious transgressions.
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- We are all guilty of God. We all deserve his judgment. The Bible says in the
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- Roman letter that the reward or punishment for sin is death. Therefore God sent his
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- Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die on the cross. He bore the wrath of God in our city.
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- He paid the penalty for sin, rose from the dead. This proves that he paid the penalty and defeated death, and that he can really give us eternal life.
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- We must react to what Jesus did on the cross. Every single one of us. No one can do this for us.
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- We must personally acknowledge God, that we have sinned against him as a person, and deserve his just judgment.
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- We must put our trust only in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Only if we do this will
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- God forgive us. Only then will we come into the right relationship with God, into a very personal relationship, and we will receive the gift of eternal life.
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- We heard from the archangel Noah, this arch was constructed and built for the salvation of mankind.
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- It had a door, but only one. This was done on purpose, because God has only one way to eternal salvation.
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- The arch was supposed to save the people from God's judgment, the worldwide flood of sin. One had to have complete trust in God and enter the given way into the arch.
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- Only in this way was one saved from judgment. The problem is not one way to God.
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- The problem is that we have to come to someone who tells us what we need.
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- We need salvation. We are sinners that we do not want to hear, and we should trust him.
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- Basically, we all know that we are not who we should be. That there is a
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- God who created everything without us. The entire creation, all these irreducible complexities prove that there is a creator.
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- This means that we are also creatures. What would be better than a relationship to the creator?
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- The creator himself made it possible by becoming human like us. Ultimately, however, by dying in our place because of our sin.
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- Jesus said in John 14, 16, I am the way, the truth, and no one comes to the
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- Father but through me. So if we come to the one who is God in flesh, the one who came to redeem us and we really trust him and his word, he promises to save us.
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- This is the way to God, and I, Jesus, am this way. Come to me, and you will have eternal life.
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- A relationship with God. This goes beyond what we can imagine in this life.
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- A future life that God promised to those who love him. 2 ,000 years ago,
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- God the Father sent his only son into the world. He was to show people the way of justice and peace.
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- But people rejected the Messiah. They hated the one the
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- Bible says created everything. Love. Joy.
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- Beauty. And life itself. They took him and crucified him right where he would build his glorious kingdom in the future.
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- But God the Father raised him from the dead and made his sacrifice for the salvation of many.
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- For Jesus Christ is the light of the world and there is no darkness in him.