The Good Measure Running Over


Sermon: The Good Measure Running Over Date: July 23, 2023, Morning Text: Luke 6:37–42 Series: Luke Preacher: Brian Garcia Audio:


Let us turn to our Bibles in Luke chapter 6 and we'll be examining verses 37 and 42
When you came in the church this morning, someone should have greeted you not just of a smile and a hello
But also a bulletin with an insert if you want to follow along in today's teaching you're more than welcome to do so and Today's scripture reading for the preaching of the word is again from Luke chapter 6
Starting in verse 37, please do stand for the reading of God's Word Hear ye this morning the word of the
Lord Judge not and you will not be judged
Condemn not and you will not be condemned Forgive and you will be forgiven Give and it will be given to you good measure press down shaken together running over we put into your lap
For if the measure you use it will be measured back to you He also told them a parable
How can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit? The disciples not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but they don't notice a log that is in your own eye
How can you say to your brother brother? Let me take out the speck Let me take out the speck that is in your eye when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye
You hypocrite first take the log out of your own eye Then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother's eye
This is the word of the Lord. You may be seated Let's pray together father.
We do approach you this morning Hearts filled of gratitude for thy goodness and thy grace that runneth over into our lives
Father we also come acknowledging Lord That life in this world in this time of eternity is not perfect far from it
Lord. There are many here in our midst suffering from illnesses from trials and troubles from tribulations and Things that have been inflicted on our souls
Lord. We pray God for the comfort of thy people We pray Lord for the proclamation the gospel to go far and wide in this place in the hearts of these people
Lord so they too may now take these words that are about to be preached live them out in such an exemplary way and Preach them to a world that is hurting in a need of good news
Father, we pray that you'd grant us even now ears to hear what you have laid before us this morning
For the glory of your name the advancement of your kingdom and all to the praise and glory the true and trium
God father son And Holy Spirit it is in Christ's mighty name that we do pray. Amen What an interesting text we find ourselves in today
We've been going through this journey in Luke's gospel we're at the point in which we are examining the famous Sermon of the
Mount and The Sermon of the Mount is without a doubt the most famous sermon ever preached by the most famous man that has ever lived
Jesus Christ Jesus is unlike anyone who has ever lived in human history
Our calendar is indeed marked by his life and his death All that we do as a people as a culture truly centers around One person in history and it is
Jesus Christ and in his great sermon He preaches these words. He says in verse 37 again judge not and you will not be judged
Now all of the Sermon of the Mount this is probably amongst one of the most quoted texts of this great sermon
And it's usually the most quoted not by believers not by both those in the church, but usually by those outside the church
We're here in California. Maybe you know of a once great rapper named Tupac Anyone ever heard of Tupac before?
we're not gonna sing any of his songs right now, but I'm glad that you know who he is and Tupac had a famous saying he says and in fact,
I've seen this printed on many shirts only God Can judge me? Only God can judge me
Kind of paraphrase from this judge not and you will not be judged because who in their right mind likes to be judged
No one There's not a human own impulse to want to be judged to want to be examined to when you have your life under Microscopes so that everyone can pick at you and tell you what's wrong about you what you've done wrong
And why you shouldn't do this and why you should do that. No one wants to live under that type of microscope
And so these words of Jesus may sound comforting when he says judge not and you will not be judged
Sounds pretty simple. Sounds pretty clean. Sounds pretty clear -cut Only essentially at the end of it only
God can judge me and there is a Sense in which that is of Definitive truth that the end of all things at the end of every human trial at the end of every human judgment stands the true judgment of us all
The judgment that will stand on the final day when we stand before our maker And we give an account to him for that which we have done in the body whether good or evil
And he shall judge righteously and he shall judge rightly in all ways in all matters But what is the heart and intent of this message from Jesus Christ When he implores us to judge not is he saying that judging of any kind is to be
Totally dismissed. Is he telling us people not to be a people of judgment or discernment?
No by no means. Is that what our Lord is? Imploring us to do but instead in the phrase judge not
We are reminded of this if you're following in the notes this morning, please write this in Judge not reminds us that we reap what we sow in the amount that we sow
Harkening and reminding us of what is said in Galatians chapter 6. I'm going to turn there for a moment
You're welcome to join also in Galatians chapter 6 in verse 7 through 9
Notice what the Apostle Paul says do not be deceived God is not mocked for whatever one sows
That will he also reap for the one who sows to his own flesh will reap the flesh
From will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit Will reap will from the
Spirit reap eternal life Let us not grow weary of doing what is good for in due season.
We will reap if we do not give up Paul is here declaring and reminding us that what we what we so what we put into the ground what we put into our lives
What if we put into our walk what we put into our marriages what we put into our work are the things that we're going
To reap that's going to be the reward We will get ultimately what we put into things notice in today's culture for instance and the work culture in our work life many
Possibly of my own generation feel like you know what? I'm not paid enough to do all these things I'm just gonna do the bare minimum because they're paying me the bare minimum.
Well Possibly it could be when we do the bare minimum. We reap the bare minimum
There's a principle at work here if we only do just enough to get by we will only ever just get by We will reap what we sow and so God's Word is imploring us
It's reminding us that in when Christ is calling us not to be a people of judgment
What he's reminding us is that actually what we reap what we sow is what we will get back
So therefore what is actually being Exalted here is the spiritual principle of getting what you put into things
Jesus is not by any means ruling out legitimate forms of judgment such as in a court
Church discipline or a general use of discernment rather He is calling his followers to stop unfair criticism and finding faults with each other
Now let's be honest one of the reasons why the world looks at the church and says nah, I don't want that I don't want to be part of that club
It's because often they have found and have heard and has seen that within God's own people within God's own
Church. We tend to Point the finger at each other a lot. We find faults of each other
We judge each other and the Bible is reminding us not that judgment is wrong or bad rather in Scripture We are commanded to judge rightly we are
Commanded and called to rightly discern things, but he's reminding us in the spirit of humility
To judge in a way that is just in a way that is fair that you're also not just taking account one's
Sin or one's fault, but also your own Because it's real easy to sit as a judge when you see someone else sinning when you see someone else's at fault
But remember to examine your own life your own walk, what are you sowing? What are you reaping in your spiritual walk with Jesus Christ?
when we judge That is to discern. We are called to in fact judge and discern.
We must go past The superficial and exterior in the exterior appearances of things and go to the heart of the matter
I want to read to you what Jesus says on this principle In John chapter 7 for a moment in John chapter 7 in verse 24
What is said of Jesus here? So when the crowd saw that Jesus was not there nor his disciples.
They themselves got into the boats Seeking and went to Capernaum seeking
Jesus. I think I gave you the wrong quotation here But what we find here of interest from Christ brothers and sisters
Actually, no, actually I read the wrong scripture from chapter 6 Verse 20 verse chapter 7 see the pastor makes mistakes.
Don't judge me now pastor makes mistakes to John chapter 7 verse 24.
This is what it is said by our Lord. Jesus do not judge by appearances Don't judge by appearances
Appearances can be deceiving brothers and sisters There's we says but judge so he says don't judge.
He says judge with what with right or righteous judgment Judge rightly you see when we judge we take upon that prerogative
We are taking a great responsibility When we are examining one's life and saying this is right.
This is wrong. We are taking upon ourselves a great responsibility Therefore Jesus is reminding us by what spirit we are to approach this great matter
Not that it is to be not done or excluded but rather when we approach this matter of judging when we
Approach this matter of discernment that we do it not by the outward appearances but in fact with right judgment so that it may be true that we may in fact be a people that is
Discerning what is right and true and good and wholesome but doing so in a way that honors
God by going past the exterior and to the heart of the matter
For the heart of the matter is usually the issue of the heart the heart of things
And notice what it says in our main text again in verse 37 verse 38 Judge not you will not be judged
Condemn not and you will not be condemned forgive and You'll be forgiven.
Do you see the principles that play here? What you put in is what you get if you judge unfairly you'll be judged unfairly if you condemn
You may be condemned if you forgive however You will be forgiven.
There's an exaltation of the things that you are putting into your life into your walk It's what you will get out of it.
What you sow is what you shall reap verse 38 give And it will be given to you
So if you give you have a life of selflessness and you are giving the scripture says that you should expect to receive
For the spiritual principles that work and that play here and then this great
Word from Christ here that that just sounds so good when you read it says good measure press down Shaken together running over we put into your lap
For the measure you use it will be measured back to you What an interesting thing what an interesting word we were given here
But notice the emphasis that I want to point out to you in just this moment Forgive and You'll be forgiven
You see it's easy to be quick to judge It's hard to be quick to forgive
Because when we are offended when we're hurt when we're bothered by something it's easy to have that That righteous indignation rightly or wrongly and point the finger
But when we are called to forgive That finger gets pointed right back and the responsibility is now yours to say
I'm gonna I'm gonna hold this grudge I'm gonna hold this hatred. I'm gonna hold this malice or I'm gonna choose a better path a path that is harder
That is more difficult But one that is ultimately of more blessing To forgive
Because when we judge and we look outward we forget that we too are sinners in need of forgiveness
Are you willing to offer the same grace that you've received by our Lord? I?
Don't think many of us know Just how bad we are You see again, it's easy to find fault in our brothers.
It's easy to find fault in others But brethren remember this You are a sinner in our fallen state in Adam apart from the grace of Christ We're lost desperately lost hopelessly lost even
There is no hope for us apart from Christ The Bible says this of us of our spiritual state apart from Jesus that we were once dead and our
Trespasses and sins have you ever been to a funeral? We've gone to funerals.
We see the body. We mourn we weep and no amount of mourning nor amount of weeping
No amount of wishing can bring that person back and that was you Spiritually speaking you were hopelessly in the grave spiritually but Christ Made us alive
Himself Raised us up with him seated us at his right hand
And he's given us this grace in which we now stand That's grace.
That's the power you have been forgiven much much
When I used to live in Edmonton in Canada we would have around this time of the year a festival
Edmonton is known as a city of festivals, and it's a city of about a million people and In the downtown square there to have this big festival called the taste of Edmonton where they'd have all these local vendors and people
Coming and enjoying all the food and the different flavors of the city Wonderful event as a program coordinator for our men's recovery group up there in in Canada I would bring our men who are
Christian recovery program to help facilitate the cleaning of the grounds for this event and It's peak on its most busy day it is so busy at that function that people literally are shoulder -to -shoulder just Trying to cross and then trying to get food and it's just incredible And I remember one day when
I was there and I was seeing this crowds because I was I was at a high vantage point I could see the whole crowd I thought to myself
What would be the weight of? All these people's sins What would be the weight of it if I could measure it if I could if I could if I can put it on a scale
What would that be like? Certainly my own sins crush me
And can you imagine? ten fifteen twenty thousand fifty thousand people and all of their sins
Can you imagine that how about a billion? How about what some estimates are a hundred billion people who have ever lived all of their sins and Yet there is one who is born our sins and his name is
Jesus Christ a righteous one He bore our sins in his body
So that it is prophesied of him in Isaiah 53 that it crushed him and it pleased Yahweh to crush his son
He was crushed Not so that we can be Pointing fingers at our brothers and judging unrighteously, but rather so that we who have been forgiven much
Much you fail to recognize how much you've been forgiven Because you've been forgiven much
Therefore forgive much forgive is the principle What you put into your walk what you put into your life for forgiveness is what you will ultimately
Reap if you do not forgive do not expect to be forgiven for even the Lord Jesus Christ says elsewhere in Scripture that if you do not forgive your father who is in heaven will not forgive you
Don't hold on to the poison of unforgiveness Unforgiveness is like having
Poison in one's hand and and then squeezing it eventually it's gonna get messy
Eventually, it's gonna get all over you but rather what God calls you to do is to release and hand it over to him
Because he's paid for it. He's paid the penalty. He's paid for your sins. He's paid for your unforgiveness
He's paid for the sins of the one who's offended you and he has paid your sins as well. Therefore focus on forgiveness
For then Jesus goes on to say this magnificent word again in verse 38 He says give and it will be given to you and then he says good measure
Press down shaking together running over we put into your lap You're following along in the teaching the second part if we forgive
Then it will be credit back to you. But in the same is true of condemning For again what the scripture says if if you forgive you'll be forgiven but if you condemn you will also be condemned and Then he says again
Give and it will be what Given to you you see the principle that is at play here when we sacrificially give and obey
God He will gracefully give more It's a great quote by Winston Winston Churchill He said this we make a living by what we get
We make a life by what we give You make a living by what you do by what you give by what by what you?
Acquire, you know, if you are a in a trade if you are in technology, you can acquire much wealth and Oftentimes when you meet someone in the street
The first part of a conversation is what do you do? Because what you do often is a part of your identity and So as Churchill says we make a living by what we get
But we make a life by what we give pointing to a life of selflessness of giving of sacrifice and as Christ So beautifully puts it in this way he says
Give and it will be given to you. What kind of life do you want to lead? What kind of life do you want to have?
What kind of life do you want to be remembered for as one who took and never gave or one who gave?
And maybe never had It is oftentimes better to be in poverty and giving
Then it is to be rich and not have anything to give We are called to be selfless in our giving in our time and in the things that we do
Again, what we put into things is what we will ultimately get out of it And there's a spiritual principle at play here even in terms of giving financial giving that is
This is often exploited by false teachers and false prosperity Preachers who say that if you if you just send this church a certain amount of money
God is gonna is gonna bless you with more So you send the church $1 ,000 check you can expect $2 ,000 coming your way
Is that what Jesus is pointing out to us by no means by no means? but if we give
Christ will richly bless us and that blessing may not come in a form of a $2 ,000 check but instead of a transformed heart of a heart that is
Humbly relying upon the Savior for sustenance for daily bread Not that we should give at the at the at our own harm so that we have nothing
But if you look at scripture, we are called to give everything to Christ And so we are called to depend upon him to lean upon him to give and it will be given to you
If you're again following along in the notes given it will be given to you And the next portion of this is this this great saying again, he says good measure
Good measure Press down Shaken together Running over will be put into your lap
For if the measure you use it, it will be measured back to you Again, what we see in this selection of scripture this morning
In this great sermon of the mount are some verses that are often misrepresented and misused in such ways to exploit people and Exploit the soul on one hand we start with judge not and you will not be judged.
That sounds great on the surface Don't judge people only God can judge me. And by the way, that statement should send a shiver down the spine of every sinner
We usually hear that in the context of love me. Allow me to live my life the way I want to and don't interfere and then
Because only at the end of the day only God can judge me But that really should send a shiver down the spine of every single person
Yes, the fact that God is the ultimate judge is of great significance and you may not accept
The judgment that comes from other humans, but be assured the judgment that comes from God is sure and it is final
Therefore yes Know that God is the judge and be fearful and repent
It's like that saying that is used not as much now, but it was fairly popular a couple years ago.
It's YOLO What does it stand for? YOLO? You only live once that's for the old people.
That's where you get it. Now. It's an acronym. All right, you only live once And the people usually say that right before they do something really stupid.
Okay And they say as if it's permission, oh you only live once and yeah again like that statement should send a shiver down your spine
You only live once Therefore use the time wisely
Invests in things that are good and spiritual and this is again the heart of what Jesus is getting to here in these verses
Judge not you will not be judged condemn. Not you will not be condemned forgiven You'll be forgiven give and it'll be given to you good measure
Press down shaken together running over we put into your lap
What does this mean? What is the good measure? The good measure is simply this it's the portion you give
In any given of these spiritual activities where there's judgment where there's condemnation where there's forgiveness whether it's giving your portion whatever you put in is
Is that Which Jesus calls the good measure What you put into it your portion what you write this in the notes the portion you give
And he goes on to say good measure Press down What does this mean that it's pressed down this good measure is now pressed down What is this?
And it's also shaken together This see this is the pressure in trials of life once you write that in there
It's a pressure in trials of life There's good measure that if you're following God's Word If you're following God's principles and this good measure is put is poured in it says it's then pressed down You ever been pressed down Have you ever been oppressed doesn't feel good does it?
I was the youngest of three children my brothers and sisters were Seven eight years older than me
I Know what it was like to be pressed down Because my mom and dad went out on a date or around the house
One of the things I always remember was my sister running and she would put her knees right on my chest
I was just agony. I didn't like being pressed down. I Don't think you like it either
Sometimes life is hard Sometimes life is unfair Sometimes things just don't make sense
Life will often press you down Sometimes your life may get a little shaken
Things may get turned upside down unexpectedly and quickly because that's the nature of life
Things may sometimes be pressed down Shaken in such a way that we don't know what to do
But I assure you this brothers and sisters That your portion
Under pressure will result in God's blessing Running and overflowing in your life
This is what we see from the text this good measure that's pressed down Shaken together running over we put into your lap
I'm not a preacher that uses props often, but I was thinking of using a prop today, okay? But I'll just tell you what it is that way.
I don't have to bring it But think of a bowl a transparent bowl for a moment and Let's think of pouring something in like like rice
You pour a bowl a basin with rice And if you want to make more room, what do you do? You press it down sometimes you got to shake it a little bit in order to make some more room
It'll make some more space again pressure Shaking trials all these things that are necessary for what so that we make more room for God's blessing in our lives and we can make enough room so much so that as we continue to pour the blessing of God may overflow out of the bowl into our laps
That's the hope that's what God's Word is pointing us to this good measure.
Let's press down shaking together Running over will be put into your lap What's the purpose of this
Jesus clarifies for with the measure you use it will be measured back to you
So all the things that we just looked over Judge you not be judged condemn. Not you will not be condemned forgive and you'll be forgiven give no be given to you
For the measure portion you use it will be measured back to you
So think of the ruler by which you will now use to examine your life and others Are you using the same standard the same ruler to measure your life and others?
Or do you have a different set of standards for you and everyone else because when we examine ourselves, are we not more permissive?
Well, you just don't understand my situation. Well, it's just that it's calm. It's complex Well, you bet it is but just remember the measure you used we measured back to you therefore
Be careful of how you judge be careful of how you live be careful of how you condemn be careful of harboring unforgiveness
Be careful and examine your giving for that good pressure that good measure press down shaking together running over we put into your lap for the measure you use it will
Be measured back to you If you're following along in the notes again
The good measure is the portion you give press down shaking together equals the pressures and trials of life
For if the measure you give it will be measured back to you You may ask yourself this question this morning, why does
God allow my life to be pressed down? Why does God allow my life to be shaken at times?
Here's the answer To make more room for his blessings to make more room for his blessings.
This is why James can say count it all joy my brothers
When you encounter various trials of different kinds Why why joy because when
I'm being pressed down when I'm being shaken God is making more room for blessing and don't confuse this with a prosperity gospel
That blessing always equals material blessings or goods. No, no, no, no, no Talking about the riches of his blessings in Christ The blessings that come from knowing him being found in him not having a righteousness of our own
But that righteousness that comes through faith in Christ That's the blessing we're talking about and it may sometimes result in physical financial blessings those are not bad things per se
But brothers and sisters the true blessing is the blessing of knowing him being found in him and being in union with him
It's being pressed down and shaken together. God allows these things so that you may depend more wholly upon him and Yet this word is this this preaching continues in verse 39 where Jesus now gives a parable by saying this can a blind man lead a blind man will they not both fall into a pit a
Disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher
Now he says this I want you to write this in the notes. Do not be blind to your own faults
Don't be blind to your own faults brothers and sisters While judging others or what will happen according to Christ you both will fall into the pit
If you have one centered for another and a center for yourself, it doesn't seem fair. Does it? We see this evening now in our government where there seems to be a measure used for One set of person or political parties and another and people see that Clear delineation clear distinction between how the justice
System is used against one and another and it causes disparity It causes anger causes wrath among the people to have two sets of justice is not good for a people
One set of justice for who for both parties, whoever they may be
Because what whitely what we discern we see such a thing is what Christ later points out as hypocrisy and Nothing sets the human soul more ablaze than when they see hypocrisy
When they see a hypocrite Therefore again, Jesus says if the blind lead the blind will they not both fall into the pit?
Don't be blind to your own sins. Don't be blind to your own faults while judging others or you both will fall into that pit
Jesus then goes on to say this a disciple is not above his teacher But everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher
I want you to write this in the notes a disciple when fully trained will be like his teacher and who is our teacher?
But the great rabbi himself Jesus Christ our Lord. He is the great rabbi the great teacher of his people he is the one to whom we look to as our as our example in all things in Jesus Was not new to judgment nor condemnation nor forgiveness
These are all things that he sets a model for us in scripture when he judges rightly
And he also judges with compassion so much so that when Jesus brought judgment upon people he beckons and calls them to repentance
He gives the room an opportunity for the trials and the hurt and the pain to turn into a triumph
That's what God is calling us to do today Now it's to examine our own lives our own faults and see where is the story in arc of redemption in my life?
What is God doing in my life currently? Pressing me down shaking me in order so I may depend on him greater
Could be an illness Could be financial woes Could be housing problems could be a host of things
That God is using the beckon you to his call And now the great the great text the great word that we have so often heard in church circles in verse 41
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye? But do not notice the log that is in your own eye.
So in other words Jesus saying why do you not recognize? The disparity between the measure that you are using on someone else and the measure that you're using for yourself
Because again, it's easy to point out someone else's flaws It's hard to examine your own
It's hard God's law God's Word Is like a mirror
And when we come to it, we examine ourselves. We see ourselves for what we truly are and it can be difficult sometimes
It can sometimes be ugly It can sometimes be scary to examine who you are in light of God's Word Therefore it may be easier instead of taking responsibility
Do they look at others? Because when we sin Isn't the temptation arise say well, at least
I'm not like that guy At least I'm not that guy At least I'm not Hitler right like that's the standard is that is that the measuring rod now?
You're not Hitler. Well, actually you are in a sense not Endorse this person for theological reasons, but he has a lot of good things in the philosophical space
Jordan Peterson said there's a little Hitler inside of all of us There's a little Hitler inside of all of us. You think
Hitler was unique? He is what man is unleashed of his
Conscience and we're all not that far from that in reality. We all have a little
Hitler inside of us Fast forward 10 -15 years and I'm running for governor. This will probably be used against me, but that's okay
That's okay The reality is this brothers and sisters. We all have issues in our lives that need to be examined rightly under scripture
Don't have a different standard for yourself than what you will have for others learn from the great teacher learn from Jesus Christ because the hope of the
Christian is Ultimately to be like the teacher to be like Jesus and this is our
Christian Hope what you write down notes if you haven't already This is our Christian. Hope is to be like Jesus So we judge like Jesus judged we forgive like Jesus forgives
We give how Jesus gives he is the standard. He is the ruler
And it's what we live by it's what we we try to strive to be like Jesus so then when he says
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye
He's not saying don't point out errors in your in other people's lives. But rather we saying is examine yourself first examine yourself first Come to the mirror of God's law and say what am
I doing that needs to be examined? What what what what speck or log do I have in my eye that needs to be removed in order for me to be?
Effective in ministry to others who are hurting and harmed Examine yourself first He goes on to say this in verse 42 how can you say to your brother brother?
Let me take the speck out of your that is in your eye when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye
That's easy again to examine someone else's fault someone else's sins But we haven't come to the table to deal with ours first and Jesus says this very sharp word you
Hypocrite You hypocrite Isn't it doesn't it sting?
When you're arguing with someone and someone points something out in your life, and they say you hypocrite
Doesn't that sting doesn't it hurt? Because the inconsistency of your life is being pointed out the flaws that long.
That's in your eyes being pointed out It's not fun. It hurts It cuts deep
And let me tell you something we're all hypocrites I was talking to a
Roman Catholic about a week or two ago And I said the reason they don't go to church is because there's too many hypocrites.
I Said it doesn't stop you from going to Walmart It's a lot of hypocrites there doesn't stop you from going to the bank a lot of hypocrites there in reality
We're all hypocrites if we've ever done anything inconsistent with the measure with the ruler with the standard
Then we're a hypocrite and Jesus came to save hypocrites from their own hypocrisy
You hypocrite Jesus says first take the log out of your own eye And then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother's eye
So this is say hey if you have a log in your eye you can never say anything that is right
This is it doesn't exclude People who have the log from ultimately judging rightly at the end, but rather first take care of your own business
Take care of your own walk take care of your spiritual status before Christ And then you'll be more effective in ministering to the hearts of others
So before calling out a fellow believer Be sure to examine your own sin.
I want you write that in the notes Before calling on a fellow believer be sure to examine your own sin first lest we become the hypocrite
Well brothers and sisters like I've already pointed out We've all played the hypocrite.
We all have a form and share of hypocrisy in our own lives But there's good news for you
There's good news for the hypocrite. It's not just condemnation But there is forgiveness for you and there's a call for you to share in the good measure
Knowing that your life too at times will be pressed down at times
Shaken together at times you will find yourself under pressure under trial under tribulation
But know this there's hope and there's light at the end of the tunnel and the light that shines through that tunnel is
Jesus our great teacher and the great example of the faith And the hope is this that you repent
Turn to Jesus Trust in him and him alone for salvation and the
Bible says that you will be transferred from death to life And that's the great. Hope is
Victory over death and we will never have victory over death If we continue to have our share in hypocrisy unjust judgment condemnation, but rather when we let these things go and see the forgiveness that he offers us freely through the shed blood of his cross and That we become conduits of this grace of this forgiveness
So that when we give it will be given back to you so that when we have this good measure
That's pressed down shaken together It will then overflow into our lap for the measure that you use in life brothers and sisters
It will be measured back to you Therefore love and share in this grace and it's common goodness of God So they may overflow not only in your lap, but in the laps of those around you
May you know him today this great Savior the great shepherd of the sheep even Jesus Christ who beckons you today
Come on to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I shall give you rest
Yes, even rest for your souls trust in Christ today. Let me pray
Father we come before you in the name that is above every name The name that is above every preacher every
Christian Every Hindu every Muslim every world ruler every president every
Congress every legislature this great and grand name of Jesus the true
King of Kings and Lord of Lords and the ruler of the kings of this age We come to you now
Lord asking that you would grant in us that which is pleasing your sight namely this
That we would not judge unrighteously But rather righteously now from the appearance but from the heart
Lord that you would help us even now father in the name of Jesus To not only not judge
Unrighteously Lord, but that we would not condemn on to our own condemnation We pray father also that you would help us even when it is hard Even when it's unfathomable, even when it is difficult to forgive for you have freely forgiven us in Jesus and Lord help us
Lord to be selfless as we give on to others as We give unto the cause of your people and of this church and of the gospel mission
So that we too may one day receive father help us in all these things and more to remember the good measure the standard the portion of Christ and that we would
Follow in his footsteps as he is the great teacher the great rabbi the great shepherd of his sheep
We beckon who beckons us even now Lord in this life in which we are pressed
Shaken to trust in him To love him to be found in him
So that the grace love and kindness of Christ may overflow from our laps to others from his lap into ours for the glory of his name and the eventual
Redemption not only of our souls But also of the body as we hope and look forward to a world without pain without suffering without death without mourning or outcry a