UPDATE! Voddie Baucham, Glenn Beck & FEARLESS ARMY ROLL CALL 2.0 vs Protestia


Update on the "Christian men's conference" known as Fearless Army Roll Call 2.0 where Voddie Baucham and Virgil Walker of G3 Ministries joined Mormon Glenn Beck and host Jason Whitlock to set aside "superficial differences" to come together to honor our common creator and Lord Jesus Christ. That is how the conference was advertised. I was convinced Baucham and other Bible believers would drop out or at least clarify when t


Hello in this video. We're just going to do a quick update on the Christian men's conference remember fearless army roll call 2 .0
where Jason Whitlock held a Christian men's conference where we're just going to set aside our
Superficial differences he said and come together in the name of Jesus Voddie bockham spoke at it apparently some of the guys from g3 ministries
Virgil Walker spoke at it and Glen Beck a Mormon spoke at the conference so Protestia wrote the article
I covered the story initially and Yeah, not good. I really thought
Voddie bockham would drop out of the conference or say something and Well, he didn't so somebody's gonna say well, you know, you're reformed and Voddie bockham's reform
So you're just gonna give him a pass because you guys share the same theology. First of all, I Don't need depending on your definition of reformed.
I don't even necessarily identify that way but Just to prove that I I do not show favoritism
I'm gonna cover the story. This is this is not good guys. It's not good. So Protestia wrote.
Here's the headline It's a quote from Glenn Beck. I just have to start with my testimony of Jesus Christ So the point is
Glenn Beck wasn't that just there to talk about politics He did teach a little bit on religious matters and he identified as a
Christian So when Voddie bockham was preaching Virgil Walker and they're all talking about Christianity and we you know
We as Christians the message that's being sent is that they view Glenn Beck as a true
Christian now whether or not they do Or they don't I'm not sure But that's the problem it leaves it kind of open you say well there's no way they would believe that Well, you have to realize
Billy Graham has affirmed Mormons as true Christians Joel Osteen has affirmed Mormons as true
Christians and Dallas Jenkins and the Chosen right now this was the big controversy with the
Chosen everyone loves the Chosen and They're affirming Mormons and having fellowship with Mormons and more and more people are buying into this
Yeah, do I think Voddie bockham thinks Mormons are true believers in Christ probably not but the fact is we don't know and The message sent at this conference is that yeah, we think they are
Christians so that's that's what protest EIA is writing and Jason Whitlock got pretty upset with them.
He told protest EIA he to kiss his butt I don't think he used the word but I mean that's not
Christian behavior either is it? You say well protest EIA. They're just stirring up trouble.
This will be the This will be the common accuser. They're just acting like Pharisees right actually no protest
EIA is Standing up for biblical truth, okay, this is what people who compromise
This is what they say they just attack their critics as Pharisees or legalists You know because they don't have a leg to stand on this is clearly
Violating the Christian doctrine of separation, but let me just read the article I have so that's what
Glenn Beck said I have I have to start with my testimony of Jesus Christ and I heard some of the clip of Glenn Beck So Mormon Glenn Beck casts himself as faithful believer at quote -unquote
Christian men's conference Noted member the article says at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day
Saints Glenn Beck took to the stage at the fearless Roll -call 2 .0 conference yesterday morning so you see it's a few days old and he talked to the crowd about George Washington and he urged the crowd to Surrender to Jesus Christ during his message
Beck Positioned himself as a true believer who is part of the family of God and not a single person attending which includes
G3 right Virgil Walker of g3 and Vodie Bach. I'm not a single person attending shared a word of rebuke or repudiation otherwise so Again Protestia, they're right.
Okay, whether you are upset about it whether you like it or not Maybe you think the world of Vodie Bach.
Um He's he's a he's taking a lot of good stands. He said a lot of good things
You can appreciate his ministry and still recognize the error here. So Protesty is in the right.
That's the bottom line and They cover the story. I covered it. They did this update.
So I wanted to do the update now why is this important to talk about because Mormonism is being accepted as a
Legitimate form of Christianity would Vodie Bach. Um say that Mormonism is true Almost certainly he wouldn't would he say that Mormons are true
Christians honestly at this point I don't know what he would say but I do know that Billy Graham Joel Osteen and Dallas Jenkins and the
Chosen are all affirming Mormons and there's more and more people affirming Mormons every day as true
Christians The problem is not only is there this issue of biblical separation 2nd
Corinthians 6 Mormonism is a false. It is a cult It truly is a cult
Joseph Smith was a false prophet Okay, he was a polygamist. He stole his followers wives
He was a con man. He was into divination and he died in a gunfight
Okay, so they're following a false prophet Mormons believe this is official
Mormon teaching that the Bible is a corrupted book Which is why they go by a different book the
Book of Mormon. So False prophet it's a cult. They follow a different holy book
They have a different Jesus our Jesus the true Jesus of the Bible He is the only begotten
Son of God. Okay, the second person of the Trinity the the
Son of God God in human flesh According to Mormons Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer So God the
Father has many children including the devil is one of them and Jesus because they believe
Mormons believe that God was once a Human being living on a planet deep in outer space near the star
Kolob Until he through the works of the law and through the rites and rituals of the
Mormon religion. He achieved God status so God the man
Elohim became The God of his own planet and he and his wife or wives because remember
Mormons practiced polygamy They've dropped that now at least the main church in Salt Lake They've dropped it the fundamentalist
Mormons still practice polygamy, but God Elohim Became the man became
God he had Celestial sex with his wife or many wives They had spirit babies and those spirit babies then were sent to earth and became human
So according to Mormons, they have a different different view of Jesus different view of God who is once a man
Men can become God someday. So a Mormon man if he does everything, right?
He can become the God of his own planet someday. So all of this amounts to a different gospel. There's no real hell in Mormonism if there is a place of punishment
It's more like a purgatory that you get out of so there's three levels of heaven and only good
Mormons go to the highest level Maybe you'll get into the third level. Maybe they practice baptism by proxy.
So they baptize You know people who have died hundreds of years ago They baptize other
Mormons in their place to try to get them into the lowest level of heaven, which is a works -based System of salvation they believe in the pre -existence of man
So you had you lived before you were born you lived in heaven with?
this guy Mormon Elohim and It's just a different religion folks. It is so far removed from Christianity Mormonism makes they make the
Jehovah's Witnesses look biblical. I mean, that's how bad it is So anyways The problem is that more and more people are accepting
Mormons as true Christians if we really love them We need to tell them the truth You're a polytheist because you believe in many gods
Again, a Mormon man can become God someday. So there's many gods. You're like the
Hindus. You're like the Buddhists. You're like You're part of a different religion. This is not
Christianity. So the stuff that happened at this Christian conference quote -unquote is unfortunate at at best and maybe even heretical at worst but you know good on protestia for covering it because almost nobody else has because we live in a day and age where people do play favoritism and they
They don't want to talk about it. These guys are conservative. So we're gonna put you know, we're gonna pretend that we never saw this so It's sad, it's a sad situation so pray for everyone involved
Remember, there's only one true gospel one true Jesus you start compromising on stuff like this
If you say more this is what this is the big issue if Mormons are saved you've compromised the gospel
That's the bottom line. So we need to hold firm pray for everyone involved But thanks for listening till next time.
May the Lord be with you Have a great day We move forward, you know in history and all of a sudden we get this kind of the sort of religious right movement, right?
now the religious right movement Was a powerful movement, but it was based on their ability to get people organized and motivated and and and out
You know right to vote and whatnot. It was a mile wide and half an inch deep The theological foundations weren't there.