Brian Young with a new look at the Fall of Man. 'Re-thinking Adam'


A very unique take on Adam in the Garden


Are good to go. So I am Terry cameras. Oh, and I'm here on behalf of creation fellowship
Santee and we are continuing our zoom fellowships through So I think this is our third week into the new year and we're happy to be here tonight with our
Speaker Brian young so Brian young is an internationally known speaker and author.
He was a teacher and principal for 10 years before becoming the director of creation instruction association.
And the semi source mobile creation museum. He has now been speaking on the topic of creation and biblical authority for 25 years.
Doing debates at universities going into prisons and sharing at churches, schools and camps around the world.
He uses the Bible as the foundation for science and education and you can find his ministry online at creation instruction .org.
So with that, Brian, go ahead. All right. Well, thank you guys for allowing me to be part of this.
I am going to be basically talking about Adam tonight. And I think that for a long time we have thrown him under the bus.
And I think it's time we pull them out from under the bus. Some of you might not agree with what
I'm going to share with you tonight. And I think that's okay. I'm just going to kind of share with you just some of the things that I think
I and all the years of studying Genesis and and the scriptures have kind of come to this conclusion.
And I think there's some value in it. You'll kind of see as we go.
I talked not only on the science of, you know, creation and those type of things, but I'd love to also just talk about the
Bible. And putting these things together. And that's kind of what we're going to do tonight is really focused on the scriptural aspect.
Evangelism is at the depth of my heart. And really, that's what
I think creation is all about is it is a means of showing people that there is a
God who created us Who we will be held accountable to and that we do need to repent of our sins and call on the name of Jesus to be saved, because there is no way to be saved outside of the name of that creator and Savior, Jesus Christ.
And so that's kind of the foundation that I am coming from. And just want everybody to know that before we begin.
And what we're going to do, I'm going to share my screen here for you so that you can see Some slides here.
At least I think I I think
Brian I'm disconnected. Will probably have to wait for him to come back in.
Did he he dropped out. Huh. Yeah, I keep maybe he might have hit the wrong button.
Okay, so I was like participants 12 there was 13
Well, should we talk about some of our upcoming speakers. Well, yeah, let's do that.
Okay, so next week we have I'm can't hold my head hope and The acclaimed can't hold in.
Okay. Well, I'm excited for Ken. So Yeah, that'll be exciting. He's kind of a legacy in creation apologetics, isn't he.
He's the one who You know, changed my world. I never believed in evolution.
I thought it was kind of, you know, crazy, but I watched his seven part seminar and I was,
I was like sold or convinced Brian, have you rejoined us
I have, and I don't know why I I don't know if I accidentally closed you out or what happened there, but Going to try and get that back up here.
That's okay. Last week we had all kinds of Technological challenges and And my title is it infrastructure engineer, so Yeah.
When I went to share the screen. My keynote wasn't there. And when I clicked.
So I think it's going to be okay here now. Okay. And I just,
I didn't because you were so last minute I you'll be talking to us. But we won't be answering.
We're just going to be courteous and listen to you until you're finished. And we'll collect questions in the chat box and ask them at the end.
And that's, that's true for anybody who's here on zoom or anybody watching along on Facebook. If you have questions, be sure to put them in the chat so that we can do our
Q AMP. A at the end. Very good. All right. Well, everybody can hear me.
Okay. Now, then We can. Were you able to turn your video back on. Also, Yes.
So you can't see it yet. I wonder if the share needs to be added here again.
You want to maybe see if I can It says I'm sharing my screen. Yeah, but it doesn't your videos, not on your video your face.
There we go. Okay, now we're good. Okay. Let's get you back up here.
If I can get this without There we go. Everybody see that now. Okay, perfect.
Okay, well, we're going to just kind of continue on here.
Then, and I'm going to just show you that Genesis is so much more than creation.
It is, I think, even a prophetic book in a lot of ways. I love the Jewish understanding of scriptures.
How they read the scriptures. We remember that God gave the word to the
Jewish people. And it says, you know, Romans, what advantage is there in being a Jewish as much in every way for they have been entrusted with the very words of God.
And they have preserved it. They've studied it. And I think there's a lot of value in that.
And what they see is that when we look at scripture. They see Events that foreshadow other events in history.
We often see prophecy is, you know, a one and done kind of thing. And they see it as more cyclical
And when we look at Genesis, I can see that very prophetic picture that's there in Genesis two verse 22 it says, and he meaning
God brought her Eve to the man, Adam. And what's interesting about that is this whole picture that we're going to see is
Adam is a type of Christ and there's going to be all these pictures of the church, then as a result of that.
And so what we see is that what the Bible tells us very clearly is that Jesus has no one can come
To the, the sun, unless the Father draws him and it says nobody can come to the Father, unless the sun draws in there as well.
And so we see both. First of all, seeing that the Father and the Son are one, but nonetheless, the fact is, is that we see that Adam isn't the one that Brings Eve to God.
God brought Eve to Adam. And that's important because that is a picture of how the church works is that God brings us the bride.
To the bridegroom to Jesus. And this is just one example.
What I'm doing here is actually giving you just a portion of I think of eight or 10 part series that I did.
And so I just want to show you some of these pictures that are in there as well. We're going to kind of focus more in chapter three, but just wanted to give you some of these
Things that are talked about prior to this to give you an understanding that it's not just in this verse that we're going to be talking about tonight, but it's throughout the whole creation story that we're seeing pictures of Christ.
And the bride. When I read the Old Testament. I'm always looking for Christ, because I believe he is in all parts of it.
So we even read here as well. And in Genesis 223 Adam says she shall be called woman or Isha in Hebrew now.
Basically, it says that the first recorded words that we ever see Adam saying now
I'm not saying he didn't say anything before. We don't know. But the first recorded words. Is this that she shall be called woman.
You are woman. And that's very significant because what we're seeing is that Adam is pronouncing the name of his bride before God.
And this is exactly what we see is going to happen. With Christ.
We read in Zechariah 14 nine speaking about end times, it says the
Lord shall be king over all the earth in that day, it shall be the
Lord is one and his name one. There is a unity here between God, the
Father, God, the Son. And there's also a unity that takes place between Jesus and his bride.
John 14 verse 20 says that at that day, you will know that I am in my father and you and me and I in you.
So Adam and Eve were one. This is what it says that they were bone of my bone flesh of my flesh.
And this is really a picture of what happens to the to the church Christ becomes one with His bride.
And so as far as confessing her name we go to Revelation. And this is what we see in chapter three, verse five, when
Christ comes for his bride. He who overcome should be clothed in white garments and I will not blot out his name from the book of life, but I will confess his name before my father.
And before his angels. And so the very same thing we see in the Garden of Eden. He says you are woman.
He is confessing the name. Of his bride before the Father.
And this is what Jesus will do as well. And so those are just some pictures that I think are kind of neat to to look at One other thing before we move forward is
Genesis three, six, and this is going to be some of the key verses that we're going to be talking about here tonight versus six and seven.
And it says when the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye.
And also desirable for gaining wisdom. She took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband was with her and he ate it.
And we're going to touch on verse seven as we get there a little bit later. But for now
I'm just going to kind of focus on verse six here. What's interesting is that in the previous verses to this, we see the devil has come to Eve as a liberator.
And not a friend, but a liberator. Not coming as an enemy either.
I think that When we picture the devil In this story.
Oftentimes it is more of a villain type thing, but it's a liberator that he's coming as it's somebody very unassuming
Maybe not a close friend, but certainly maybe you might say an acquaintance or somebody that is not fearful.
And so what he does is he uses that trust, you might say, to instill in Eve some discontentment.
And basically saying that it's not good enough for you to be the person that God has created you to be.
There's so much more. And this is, again, in the previous verses to this, this is what the devil is doing.
There's so much more for you. You could, you could, you know, be so much more. And I see the devil doing that very same thing today with women.
I think that women have one of the most valuable roles that Have ever been created and you're going to see that as we go through this to just the power that a woman has.
And so Satan comes as this angel of light and tells her that, you know, you shouldn't be content with what
God has done. There's more for you to grab. There's more for you to get And so the following is how the woman responds when the woman saw and that's the key right there.
That word saw Satan basically got her to turn her head off of God off of Jesus.
To the fruit to the world. And when you turn your head away from Christ, that is when we are going to get into all kinds of trouble.
You know, in Hebrews, it says, fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross scorning and shame.
And sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. And I love that verse because it doesn't say just glance, you know, world.
God, the world. God, he says, fix your eyes on Jesus, because as soon as we take our eyes off of him.
I don't care what it is, whether it be a creation ministry. A church or anything else.
As soon as our eyes are taken off of Christ, you're in trouble. That's the bottom line.
And this is what really I think right here is the rise of the women's liberation movement that that message that there's so much more for you that you too can be like God and I could do a whole thing on the women's liberation movement.
This is not to put women down, but it is to say that This is what Satan does to liberate you from blessings.
I think Satan has done a great disservice for women today because in the roles that God has given man and woman.
Both of them are leaving those roles and what's happening is he's robbing us of the blessing
God has saying, oh no. You know that blessing isn't enough in there, or maybe there isn't even a blessing in it.
There's so much more for you. And so he comes with these persuasive words. Like I said, as an angel of light, but what he intends is to gutter to take her and steal the blessings that God has for her and I'll just leave it at that for now, but Henry Morris.
Years ago, would talk about this and and I just think it is just so true scripturally what we see is that when
Eve saw she saw three different things here. One, that that fruit of the tree was good for food.
Okay, two, that it was pleasant to the eyes and three that it was desirable to make her wise and In First John, it tells us this, that all that is in the world, not some, all that is in the world.
And that's going to be very important for you to understand that because I think every sin in the world is going to fall under one of these three categories.
It says, for all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the
Father, but is of the world and the world is passing away and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever.
And so what I want you to see is that Eve has every temptation, you might say, thrown at her here when she saw that the tree was good for food.
Well, we have right there. She saw the lust of the eyes. Oh man, this fruit looks beautiful.
It looks wonderful. When she saw that it was also
Or I should say good for food pleasant to the eyes that it looked good. The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh.
She may have been hungry. It looks good. I bet that's going to just taste wonderful. And then finally, the desirable, desirable for gaining wisdom is the pride of life.
Okay, you want to know good and evil. God doesn't want you to know this. He, you know, if you eat this, you too can become like God.
There's so much more. I'm here to liberate you. What you have is not enough. The pride of life.
And so we can see that all three things mentioned there in Genesis is are there. They're also mentioned here in First John And as a result, she falls completely.
Now what I love about that is that this is the message of Christianity right here that where we fail
Christ succeeds. And we see that in Matthew chapter four, when the devil takes
Jesus up onto into the wilderness to tempt him after he's baptized, he goes up into the wilderness.
And the devil comes to me and says, if you really are God, turn these stones into bread, you know, and he's just come off of a fast for 40 days.
I'm sure he was very hungry. And so he basically takes the lust of the flesh, man,
I'm hungry to try and get, you know, Jesus to fall for that. But he doesn't.
Why? Because he didn't turn his head off of the Father. What his answer is, is it is written he takes the devil to the
Word of God, which is what we need to do as well with creation and everything else that goes to the Word first.
And he says, it is written, man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
Then the devil says, all right, I failed on that one. He takes him up and he says, look at all these kingdoms.
I'll give them to you if you'll just bow down and worship me. Look at all the beautiful creation that's out there.
It's yours. Now, when I was growing up, I thought, what kind of lame temptation is that?
I thought, it's all God's. Well, that's not entirely true. God did create it.
And you see, Adam has dominion over it. When he was in the garden, he had dominion over all creation.
But when he sinned, he lost that dominion. And so this is why we read in, you know, it says the kingdom of this world.
In Revelation chapter 11, it says the kingdom of this world has now become the kingdom of our
God. That doesn't happen until Revelation. That is also why it says the prince of this world,
Satan, now stands condemned. You see, Satan does have kingdoms and there is an authority.
There is a battle in the spiritual realm that is going on here. And this is what we're kind of seeing a picture of there.
But nonetheless, again, Jesus takes him back to the word and passes this test of the lust of the eyes, as well as the lust of the flesh.
And then finally, another temptation. He says, if you are the Son of God, prove it. Jump off for it's written.
Satan then goes to the word. But this is what happens with evolution and all of that all the time. Some of them will use the word.
I see this in so many churches today that are compromising, using the word of God to discredit the word of God.
And that's what Satan did, simply by taking it out of context and leaving out a couple of words.
It says, it is written that, you know, the angels will guard you. But he didn't say in all your ways.
And so again, as you know, Jesus passes this test. But nonetheless, in what
John was telling us here is all things fall under these three categories.
He fell to everyone and Jesus passes everyone. He fulfills what we could not do.
And I love that. And that's why it is by grace that we have to be saved, not by works, lest anyone should boast, because bottom line is we fail always.
And we need somebody who can basically step in and do what needs to be done for us.
And that's who Jesus is. Well, anyway, we're going to kind of get more on track of what
I really want to talk about here tonight. And that's 2 Timothy here, 2 verse 25. It says this, In humility, correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.
I'm telling you guys, we are in a war. And what that war is, is
Satan wants us to do his will. God wants us to do his will. How do we know what that will is?
The Word of God. And there is a battle of wills going on. And a lot of people don't realize that when we worship
God, worship isn't just singing, worship is obeying God. Not for salvation. We've already covered that.
We'll fail miserably on that mark. But the bottom line is, is part of our worship is obeying
God. When we obey God, we're doing God's will. And there is a battle. And what we need to do is in humility, correcting those who are in opposition.
And I think that's what, you know, a lot of these creation ministries are about. We are trying to, in humility, correct those who are in opposition because evolution has caused,
I think, so much disobedience in the church, so much confusion. And it is a disease that has done a lot of damage to Christianity, and especially to the gospel.
And I'm sure you guys are very familiar with how it has done that, by basically saying death was around before Adam and Eve.
Dinosaurs died before Adam and Eve. Well, if that's the case, as I'm sure most of you know, then that just destroys the cross and the message of Scripture everywhere.
Because what we're seeing is sin. When sin came into the world, that's when death came into the world.
You can't have death without Adam and Eve. Now, I'm not going to get into that tonight. Like I said, that's kind of creationism 101.
But nonetheless, important to mention here tonight, I think. What I want you to see as well is that Eve fell before she consulted her husband.
I'm going to suggest to you tonight, and again, you may not agree with me and that's okay, but I want you to at least consider what we're going to talk about.
But I'm going to I'm going to suggest that Eve was not the target. That Adam was always the target of the devil there.
Because when you look at the construct of a marriage, the Bible tells us that the man is to be the spiritual head of the house.
If you want a house to fall, the best way to do it is to go after the leader, the head of the house, the man.
And I think the devil knew that. We see it today. You know, if you want a church to fall, what's the best way to do it?
Have the pastor fall into some sin or something like that, right? We know that in businesses today as well, that if you have a leader that is not strong, more than likely the business will fail.
You have an army. And what do they do? They go after the king, they go after the commander, they go after the person in charge, because if you can get them to fall, everything follows suit after that.
I don't believe that when Adam ate of the fruit, that Satan was going,
I didn't see that coming. Wow, I got a two for one. It wasn't a surprise.
I believe that that was his intent. And he knew. And so what
I'm going to do is I'm going to take you to the book of Enoch. Now, before you freak out on that, I'm not saying
Enoch is scripture. What I'm saying is it is quoted in scripture, as we see in the book of Jude. I can tell you that the
Jews considered it to be a very important spiritual book. It was actually found with the
Dead Sea Scrolls, as a matter of fact, with the rest of scripture. Now, with that said, even the
Jews never put it in what they would call their canonized scripture. So that's not what
I'm doing here, but I'm doing it to give you some good historical background. You know, a lot of people can go and talk about what
Martin Luther said, or what Charles Wesley said, or maybe even what Spurgeon said, because when they have something good to say that applies to scripture, it's okay to quote it.
And that's the context of which I'm going to show you this. And when it gets to the
Garden of Eden, the book of Enoch has a lot to say. And it's just a fascinating read.
I don't have time to get into all of it. But second Enoch here, it says this, and this is the
Ethiopian, or not the Ethiopian, but this Slavonic one. It says in chapter 31, verse 5, The devil understood his condemnation and the sin which he had sinned before.
Therefore, he conceived thought against Adam. In such form, he entered and seduced
Eve, but did not touch Adam. In other words, what he's saying is the devil realized that when he had been cast out, when he had sinned, that he was going to go after somebody else.
We see that today when one person's in trouble, they want everybody to get in trouble, that kind of thing. Well, it says here, at least what they see, is that in order to go after Adam, he went to seduce
Eve. He didn't have to touch Adam, he had to go to Eve to get to Adam.
I believe that had the devil gone after Adam directly,
I don't think the plan would have worked. I think the devil knew that.
Now don't worry, I'm not saying that women are weak here, we're going to get to that in a minute, but bottom line is, this may indicate that, and I think there's scripture that would also support this as well.
Paul says this in 1 Timothy chapter 2, verse 12, and I really want you to take note of this because you can't ignore this verse.
It says, And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.
For Adam was formed first, then Eve, and Adam was not deceived.
But the woman being deceived fell into transgression. Nevertheless, she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness with all self -control.
Now there's a lot in here that we could talk about, but what I want to focus on is this. Adam was not deceived, period.
This is New Testament telling us point blank, Adam was not deceived.
Now you tell me how you can say Adam wasn't deceived, but yet we're constantly being saying, man, if Adam hadn't eaten that apple.
Adam is being thrown under the bus, and yet the Bible says he was not deceived. Now, don't get me wrong.
He ate of the apple, but he was not deceived. Now, if you think about it, if he ate the apple and he was not deceived, that means it seems anyway, he was willing to eat the apple.
He wasn't deceived like, oh, I can't believe I did that. Oh, no. He did it on purpose.
Now, that's the part you may disagree with, but let me make this case scripturally as we continue.
But before we do, I want to show you what even the Jewish understanding of the historical account of Adam and Eve, the way they see it.
There's Rabbi Eliezer. He was called Eliezer the Great from the first century. Now, by the way, he was a teacher of Rabbi Akiva, who claimed that, if you know any of the
Jewish history at all, he claimed Barqoba was the Messiah, which obviously he was not. And so Rabbi Eliezer here is not a
Christian. He was a Jew, practiced
Judaism, but he did not accept Jesus as Messiah. And so I want you to understand that this is where this is coming from.
But nonetheless, to give you an idea of his clout,
Rabbi Eliezer had a falling out with the other rabbis of his day, and he was married to the daughter of Gamliel.
Now, Gamliel is mentioned in Acts chapter 5 as the one that, you know,
Paul was studied under Gamliel. And so this is the kind of, like I said, the clout this guy has.
He is not a small influence by any means. Well, this is what he said in regards to what went on in the
Garden of Eden. The serpent argued with itself, saying, If I go and speak to Adam, I know he will not listen to me, for a man is always hard to persuade.
But behold, I will speak to Eve, for I know that she will listen to me, for women listen to all creatures.
Now, already, I know some of you women are ready to turn this off. Hang on.
Okay. I'm not saying that women are weak here.
And I don't think that's what the devil was saying. Or Rabbi Eliezer. Women, let's be honest.
Men are not good listeners. Right? I know I'm a terrible listener sometime.
And I think that the enemy, the devil understood that. And so what's happening is the devil is making a distinction between men and women here, realizing that God has created us differently.
And it would be great if a society could realize that too. But bottom line is,
I'll tell you, my wife is so much more sensitive to, I think, hearing what God is leading and doing sometimes than I could ever be.
And it's taken me over 25 years of marriage already to begin realizing that I need to listen to my wife more.
Because she's right, most often. I'm more stubborn. I'm just kind of focused on something out there, but she's seeing the big picture.
Okay. I'm just looking at a little puzzle piece. And I think that that's kind of what the devil is saying to some extent.
Well, let me just continue and you'll understand more. Adam was untouchable.
As I said before, when Adam was put in the Garden of Eden, he had absolute 100 % full dominion.
And the devil knew that. And he was going to keep that dominion as long as he was walking in God's will and was not disobedient.
So literally he's untouchable by the devil. And so the devil knows
I've got to get him to sin. I've got to get him to disobey the food law of do not eat of this tree or else
I will fail. So as I was saying before,
I don't believe that the devil went after the woman because he saw her as weaker. I think he went after the woman because the devil saw that the woman was the only person who had
Adam's heart. I mean, God did too, but you know what I mean? Today, I'll tell you what, in a marriage, there's nobody in the world that has my heart like my wife has my heart.
Wives can push their husbands closer to God, closer to Christ, or they can push or lead them away from Christ, not to encourage them to walk in righteousness, not to encourage them to teach and lead like they're supposed to do.
And what I'm saying then is I think a woman has more power than she will ever realize.
That it's not a weakness that the devil was going after the woman.
It's because of her strength and ability to either lead or pull away her husband from Christ.
I'll give you an example of men being different. I saw this meme and I laughed because this is so much me.
It says, the ketchup here. I can't tell you how many times I've gone into the refrigerator and I know because I've done this so many times,
I will look on every single shelf to make sure that I've got the ketchup, that I'm seeing it.
And sure enough, it's not there. And I call my wife after making sure that I've looked thoroughly.
Are we out of ketchup? And she will say, no, it's in there. I said, no, it's not.
She comes, she opens the door and it is right there in front of me. And how I can miss that is still beyond me.
But then we can be outside. And like I said, I can see a deer, you know, a mile away.
There's something different about men and women. Like I said, it would be good for us to recognize those differences in society.
And the devil understood that. This is not a matter of being better than one another, you know, a man being better than a woman or a woman being better than a man.
This is just a difference of how God has created us. And God has created a woman to have that kind of authority and maybe authority is not the best word, but ability to,
I'll just leave it at either lead the husband in a direction or to pull the husband away from walking with Christ.
Now, this is not something that is new to scripture either. We see this, I think this is a perfect scriptural example.
When they were entering into the promised land, Moses was warned by God, do not allow you or any of the
Israelites to marry foreign woman, a foreign woman. Why? It says, for they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods.
So the anger of the Lord will be aroused against you and destroy you suddenly. See, women have an amazing amount of influence.
This is why we have to be careful not to be unequally yoked, or you can be led astray by the one who has full access to your heart.
Think about Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived. And yet Solomon was led astray by what?
His wives. So we could give you so many examples in scripture.
How about first Kings chapter 21, verse 25, speaking of Ahab. Ahab, a wicked King. It says, but there was no one like Ahab who sold himself to do wickedness in the sight of the
Lord because Jezebel, his wife, stirred him up. How about Samson?
Okay, Samson was led astray by a woman, Delilah, right? Balaam and Balak.
Remember them? Balaam's donkey. We always hear about Balaam's donkey, but that's not the end of the story.
We see that Balaam could not curse Israel. So he goes home, but you read a couple of chapters later and what we see is that he went home and then he said,
I want that money. So he went and he told Balak, he said, listen, I can't curse them, but they could curse themselves.
What you need to do is get all your pretty women to go down and go into the Israelite camp and then they will sin and then they'll curse themselves.
And that's exactly what we see two chapters later. It says that Balaam is actually killed in a battle and we have the sin of Peor and all of that going on.
My point being is this, Israel at that time was untouchable, right?
Balaam couldn't curse them. They were untouchable until they sinned, just like in the Garden of Eden.
That's what ended up happening. We have the example of Jehoram here in 2
Kings 8 verse 18. It says, And he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel, just as the house of Ahab had done.
For the daughter of Ahab was his wife, and he did evil in the sight of the Lord. So again, what
I want you to understand is that women listening, the devil is going to want to go after you against your husband.
The influence that you have over him cannot be put into words, but I hope that these scriptural examples are, you know, something to make you think about, wow,
I need to either be a help meat, or maybe ask yourself, am
I being a help meat for my husband? Because let me tell you, as a guy, we need help. And it's very important.
And I don't say that tongue in cheek. I say that with all seriousness. I need the help of my wife in so many ways.
And she can be such an encouragement to me at times, and such a blessing to have, to maybe when
I'm down, and maybe my eyes are taken off of Christ for her, to bring my eyes back to him.
And so these are the kind of things that I want you to realize out of this. Not that Satan was going after Eve because she was weak, but Satan was going after her because of her influence, and Satan's going to want to do the same thing for you.
And you need to examine yourself and ask yourself, am I leading or influencing my husband away from Christ, or am
I influencing him to walk in righteousness? And if you're not married, these are things you need to think about before you get married.
Anyway, because we see plenty of very godly women in Scripture. It's not like Scripture is against women.
We've got Sarah, we've got Ruth, Esther, Rahab, and others that are very godly women who are examples of women who influence their husbands to do good.
So anyway, continuing on here. In Genesis 3, 6, we talked about when the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good, pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and also gave some to her husband who was with her.
This is one of the verses here, the highlighted area, that is used to say that Adam and Eve, and we see it in every picture of the
Garden of Eden, Adam is standing right next to Eve, right in front of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
I'm going to suggest a possibility here. Adam wasn't there. I don't know, maybe
I'm wrong on this, but I'm going to suggest that he wasn't there, and that when it says, and she gave some to her husband who was with her, it simply means who was with her in the garden, not with her by her side, because there's no dialogue recorded here.
We just don't know. It's just recording the facts. That's all that's going on. We don't know what was going on in the gap in between this.
You know, like Eve is coming home and say, hey honey, I'm home. You know, well, how are you today? Good. Hey, I stopped by the grocery store and guess what
I got? Look, here, have a bite. We don't know. What I want you to understand though, is that there's the possibility that he was not there because it says in Timothy, he was not deceived.
If he wasn't deceived, how could he be there and not be deceived?
So just kind of keep that in the back of your mind as we continue here, because when
Adam was placed in the garden, he was placed there for a reason, to protect it.
That very thing, when it, as a matter of fact, the Hebrew word, when it says Adam was placed in the garden, the Hebrew word is shamar, and I'm going to show you that later, and that word is to protect.
He was put in the garden to protect it, to protect his family, to protect the garden against what?
Well, I think God knew what was going to happen, but by the way, guys, that means that you men listening, you have a role as well.
You are to be the protector, and you are to protect things from coming into your home. You're not to allow ungodly things into your home.
What are you allowing coming into your home when you turn that TV on? Are you protecting your family, your spouse?
Are you setting no vile thing before your eyes, as we see in Proverbs?
So, we could go down a whole list of things, but the point is that we have to examine ourselves in that as well.
Now, 1 Corinthians 15 verse 21 is also an interesting verse here.
It says this, for since by man, Adam, came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead.
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. Now, how come it doesn't say in Eve all die?
Because Timothy said Adam wasn't deceived, so you would think that Eve would be blamed, but that's not how it is, is it?
No, instead, Adam gets the blame. Why? Because he's the head of the house. That's how it works.
You know, I'll often do a lot of counseling as well, and I'll tell you, when I see a marriage that has problems, the first person
I go to is the husband, and it's the husband's fault. What's going on? Now, I'm not saying there aren't strange circumstances out there, but what
I'm saying is this. Why is your wife not loving you? Is it because you're not loving her?
She's not respecting you because you're not loving her? You're going to take the responsibility.
It's just kind of like in a business when, as I said before, if the business fails, who gets to blame?
Who's the blame go to? The owner. That's how it works.
Adam bears the responsibility because he is the head.
It's that simple, and that's why he is blamed here, because he bears the responsibility.
He was placed in the garden with a job. He said, you are to protect, and if you don't protect, if your wife goes and does something, it's coming back on you because that's your job.
We even see here in Numbers, and I'm not going to read all of this. I just want you to see where it is if you want to look back at it.
Bottom line is this, is if a woman would take a vow, that vow meant nothing if her father said no, and then later when she gets married, that vow means nothing if her husband says no.
If her husband or father said yes to that vow and agreed with it, then the vow stood.
Why? Because they are held responsible. Now, I'm going back to Rabbi Eliezer again here, your favorite guy.
I want you to see that again, he records that Eve basically influenced
Adam to eat, and I'll show you why here.
This is what he says, the serpent went and said to the woman, behold,
I touched it, the tree, but I did not die. You also may eat or may touch it, and you will not die.
The woman went and touched the tree, and she saw the angel of death coming towards her and said, woe is me,
I shall now die, and the Holy One, blessed be He, will make another woman and give her to Adam.
But behold, I will cause him to eat with me. If we shall die, we shall both die, and if we shall live, we shall both live.
In other words, what she's saying is when she realized that she had screwed up, that she was saying,
I don't want another woman, she thought that God would create another man,
I'm sorry, another woman to give to Adam. She says, that's not going to happen. And so she goes to her husband because she wants him to protect her, you might say.
As I said, that is why God has placed man in the garden, and that is what a man is supposed to be for his wife.
Malachi 2, verses 14 through 16, the Lord is acting as the witness between you and the wife of your youth, because you have broken faith with her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant.
Has not the Lord made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his, and why one? Because he was seeking godly offspring.
So guard yourself in your spirit and do not break faith with the wife of your youth. The man who hates and divorces his wife, says the
Lord, the God of Israel, does violence to the one he should protect.
Shamar. Again, that same word when Adam was placed in the garden, that shamar.
That's the whole point of Adam being placed there. In 1
Timothy 2, verse 14, it says this, and Adam was not deceived, going back to this verse, but the woman being deceived fell into transgression.
Going back to what I said, and starting to wrap things up here, I want you to see it is a fact
Adam was not deceived, because that's what scripture says, which then means that I think he was willing.
So I have to ask this question, could it be then that Adam was willing to do this, to eat of that fruit of the tree to save his bride, just as Christ did to save his bride?
That Jesus was willing to go to the cross. No one took his life, but he was willing to do it.
Let me show you, 1 Corinthians 15, 22, again, for as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.
That's interesting. You see, Adam is a Christ figure. What I find interesting about that is if you tell me to name
Christ figures in scripture, I could come up Joseph. I can give you a hundred things how
Joseph is a type of Christ. Even Samson, I can give you pictures of him as a type of Christ.
I mean, I can go through all of them, but Adam, what's Adam known for?
Messing up, eating of the tree. How is Adam a type of Christ then?
1 Corinthians 15, 45, the first man Adam became a living being. The last Adam, Jesus, a life -giving spirit.
Jesus is called a last Adam for a reason. Now, if all we know
Adam for is being created and then being a doofus by eating of the tree, I just don't see a
Christ figure there. Romans 5, 14 also says this, nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did
Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come. You can't get around it.
Scripture is telling me that Jesus, or I should say, Adam is a Christ figure.
And it says that Adam did not break a command. What? He ate of the tree.
Well, maybe it's just like Jesus. Jesus had no sin, but wait a minute.
He took the sins of the world upon us. That's because he was sinless, but he took our sin.
They weren't his. He took our sins. Likewise, Adam was not deceived.
He took Eve's sin upon himself. You know, one of the things that people will say that is a criticism of this possibility is when
Genesis 3, 12 says, the man said, the woman you put here with me, she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it.
That we even see God coming to Adam and to Eve, and we always hear that they're pointing fingers at somebody else, blaming them.
She did it. No, he did it. She did it. The serpent made me do it, blaming someone else.
Well, that may be true, but there's also another possibility here. And that could be that Adam was just plain stating the facts.
You could read that God coming and say, what did you do? And he says, the woman you put here with me, she gave me some of this and I ate it.
Just stating what happened, telling the truth, not blaming, but just stating the facts.
So regardless of whether you agree with this interpretation or not, this is what
Christ did for us. And I also want you to understand that you have a role to protect your wife, your future wife, and that women have a responsibility to influence and to be the helpmeet that they were created to be.
But I personally think that this is how Christ, or I should say Adam is a
Christ figure, is that he willingly ate of that tree to save his bride, as Jesus willingly gave his life to save us.
When we could not obey, he stepped in and became sin for us.
You know, this is what we read in Hebrews chapter two, verse nine. And I think a Jew reading this would have picked up on it.
It says, but we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with the glory and honor that he by the grace of God might taste death for everyone.
See, I think that that word taste would have taken the Jewish reader right back to Genesis and eating of the apple.
And I think that they understood that this is an Adam picture, the last Adam. And that's why second
Corinthians 521 says, for he made him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in him.
So I'll let you kind of ponder on that a little bit. If you want to hear, you know, the other ones that we have, we do have a
Patreon account, patreon .com forward slash creation instruction. And there you can listen to so much stuff that we have.
There are study on Hebrews, Esther, a number of other things as well. All of our creation videos.
If you would like some of our creation videos, this is a terrible picture, but I just threw it up here real quick. We do have 31
DVDs, not DBSs, DVDs that are, if you guys want anybody listening to this, call me and I probably should have put that number up, but you can call our ministry at 402 -519 -0301.
And you can have these at 90 % off. It's normally $540, but you can have them for $54.
And, but call me because that's even online. You can't even come close. So, um,
Brian, can you give that number again, please? I'm trying to put it in the chat. Sure. You bet it is 402 -519 -0301.
And, uh, all of these DVDs then will have worksheets that will go with them that you can get online that you just, it's free, print them off, kind of a fill in the blank, nothing too fancy, but fill in the blank as you go through, uh, to see the, um, uh, just that way you can refer back to things rather than having to punch in a
DVD and, and try and find it. It's, uh, the information is kind of in a three ring binder that way for you, if you just put them together.
So, um, if you want that that's available and you can hear more, uh, more creation type things from archeology to, uh, uh, the miracle of birth, uh, just all kinds of things.
So, um, with that, put that link back up to, uh, the one just before this, yeah, there we go.
Thank you. You bet. So with that, um,
I'm all can wrap that up and I don't know if, uh, Terry or somebody wants to pray or normally
I open and close with prayer, but if I've got other people doing it, then that's okay too. This is the time that we would normally have our
Q and a. So if anybody I'm watching on Facebook or if anybody here in zoom has questions for Brian, this would be a good time to post them into the chat and he can read them or I can read them to him.
Um, this is the type of share here. And we are still live.
We're still live on Facebook. We're still recording for YouTube. So if anybody, um, wants to turn on their, their microphone and ask a question themselves, they can, but just know that it is, it is still live.
So, but that was a really great presentation. Definitely gave us some things to think about and some practical applications.
Um, one person is asking what version of the Bible do you use? You know,
I use a lot of them. I, if there's a question that I have, I always use the King James.
Um, uh, I grew up with NIV, not my favorite, but, uh, nonetheless,
I have literally books of the Bible memorized in NIV.
And so not to lose that and confuse that I do try to read through that from time to time.
Sometimes I will switch versions. Uh, I try to read the Bible all the way through every year.
And so I'll do different ones, but when it comes to study and if there's any questions,
I like to go to the King James. Okay. That's great.
Um, I had a question, Terry, and I was going to put it in a chat because if I don't ask my question right away,
I forget, and I have forgotten it. Um, but it had to do with something about,
I have to think about it for a some feedback, um, from the
Harris's. They just said that this was very fascinating because they hadn't seen Adam portrayed this way before and it was refreshing.
So yes, Brian's talk is entitled Rethinking Adam.
And, uh, I, I was, I really enjoyed this. It was, it was definitely,
I've not seen it presented in this way. Um, I think it speaks to our marriages today.
Um, I am a, um, a woman who works in predominantly a male field and I, I don't feel, um, uh, intimidated or like I have to be in power.
And I, I think I do have sway on my male colleagues. I hope nobody's listening while I'm using an assumed name.
Uh, so I see this. Yeah. I think that it's very easy for women to look at scripture sometimes and feel like they don't have worth, uh, to me personally.
And I hope that women, as they listen to this, see that if anything, I think it puts an incredible amount of power in your hands that I don't know that if people realize that.
And I, like I said, I think it's, uh, um, extremely noble, you might say.
Um, anyway, I, I am very grateful, uh, to see women in that sense that, uh, they do have an influence and how important that is and how the devil wants to rob you of that blessing of being that help meat that you've been created to be.
There was a couple people asking about the book of Enoch. Now I, I do know, um,
Enoch. Um, I actually like, I enjoy reading Enoch, but you have to be careful what version you get.
But do you want to explain what the book of Enoch is for those who were asking? Yeah.
Uh, the book of Enoch, like I said, I do not put it in a canonized scripture. Um, it is a book that is quoted in scripture.
And so what we have today that we would call the book of Enoch, the fragments and that we have, um, would be called a pseudepigraphical, meaning we do not believe that it is the book of Enoch.
We don't believe that it was there. Uh, it was a copy of something that may have been original down the road, but, uh, not the actual thing.
Um, we do know throughout history, even in King James period, that it was considered to be very, a very important spiritual book and, uh, but just not canon.
And honestly, I think, uh, people would say the same thing, as I said, kind of in the message about Spurgeon, you could read a devotional by Spurgeon or whatever, and find it to be a very important spiritual book that reflects scriptural truth.
And so that's the context of which I quote it. And, uh, as I read, read it, um,
I look at it that way that, you know, if I read Herodotus or, uh,
Josephus, there are things that I can read in there that may help, uh, get some insight and, uh, describe some things that, you know, certainly fit what the scriptures are saying.
And when it fits the scriptures, I, I think it can be very valuable. And, uh, if it doesn't fit the scriptures,
I don't use it. And so that's kind of the context of how I use the book of Enoch.
Um, but I do think there's some very valuable insights into it. As I said, the
Jews saw it was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls as well and considered to be a highly spiritual book, but even they did not consider it to be one of their, um, inspired books.
Now, with that said, we do know there is a book of Enoch. We just don't have it, but there is, uh, you know, the scripture says that Enoch was a prophet.
And so we do know that somewhere out there, maybe long gone, I don't, there was, uh, a book that, uh, would have been,
I believe inspired, but I don't believe we have that. Well, our friend
Jeff, um, points out one interesting point is that most people know why
Adam was kicked out of the Garden of Eden, but Eve was also kicked out, even though she had an excuse.
In other words, being deceived is not an excuse. Exactly.
Yeah. Being deceived, going against the word of God, there is no excuse, which is why we need
Jesus because, um, all of us, I think we probably, as an example,
I remember when I was in high school, I would watch movies and things like that. Now, I believe I was a saved man because I love
Jesus. I prayed to him every night and I knew that if I died, I was going to go and be with the Lord. I trusted in, in, in the, the, the work that Christ did on the cross, the forgiveness he brought for me.
But with that said, I grew up, I got married, I'd watch, and we remembered a movie that we wanted to go watch it.
Oh, remember that was such a great movie. And we go and we watch it and my eyeballs would pop out of my head. I couldn't believe that I watched that stuff because it was nasty.
And it's like, how did I not know that? Well, I was being deceived by the culture, by the world, by the devil, by my flesh, whatever, all, but bottom line, um, the consequences of sin are still there.
I'm just glad that Jesus has paid those consequences and there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
And so it doesn't excuse the sin. Um, but with that said as well,
I mean, I could talk about this for hours, but we also need to remember that sin does have consequences, even as Christians, when we are not walking in the truth of God's word, there are consequences to that.
It doesn't mean you're not saved, but it's going to bring problems in your life. Uh, I like to look at the 10 commandments as kind of an umbrella and you know, it's a protection for us.
And if we step outside of those, then we're going to get wet. Uh, Satan can attack more because we're, we're outside of the umbrella of God's word.
Yeah, that's a good way of putting it. Um, Terry, I have a comment here from a viewer.
How about the story in first Ezra's chapter? I think that's a
Catholic thing. Chapter three to four in the Apocrypha. Um, are you familiar with that?
I'm familiar with Ezra's. Yeah. I'm not familiar with that verse. I don't have any of those books memorized.
So I'm so I'm sorry, viewer. Um, if you can provide a little more information to me, uh, we could maybe go down there.
Oh, he's he he's getting it. Okay. Some people are shy.
I, um, I'm still trying to remember that question that I had about Adam, where you were saying about, um, oh, here we go.
The Emperor Darius gave a banquet. Really?
There's a, it won't let me get to the information. There's a big ad blocking it.
Oh, there we go. Emperor Darius gave a great banquet for all those under him, all the members of his family.
Okay. Yeah. I don't, I don't know where this, this it's long and I don't know where it plays into that.
Well, I'll say this maybe. I mean, we do see in the book of Esther that, uh, we see, um, you know, what's going on with the, the
Persian empire and the whole book of Esther. I mean, it will blow your mind, the prophetic picture.
That is a very prophetic book. Uh, I love the book of Esther and, uh, on our
Patreon site, there's a 10 part series that I will do on that.
When you walk through, you can't read two verses without seeing the kind of thing that I was showing you at the beginning of this, where, you know,
Adam, God brings the woman to Adam, just like we see
God draws us to Christ, those pictures, that type of thing. You can't go two verses without seeing something in the book of Esther.
Um, whether or not that plays into the Ezra's thing or not, I'm, I'm not sure I'd, I'd need more information, but yeah.
So I'm, I'm sorry, viewer. Okay. Well, if we, do we have any more questions, anybody?
Go ahead, Terry. You take over. Go ahead. Um, Brian, if you could just, um, tell us again how people can find you, your website and what the best way is to get in touch with you or.
Yeah. Uh, our website, uh, we've got two, one is creationinstruction .org
and there are newsletters and things like that there that you can look at. There is a bookstore that's there.
We're, we're kind of maybe going to shut that bookstore down. I don't know yet, but anyway, you can, you might have to call to place an order.
Um, there's also semisaurus .com for our mobile creation museum.
There's not a lot to see there, but there is a photo gallery that will show you a little bit on the semisaurus .com.
And so the best way to get in touch with me would be maybe email through creationinstructionatgmail .com
or that phone number before our ministry 402 -519 -0301.
Okay, great. And then, um, if you want to know more about our, um, upcoming speakers, or you want to be able to find videos, um, from tonight or past speakers, then you can find us on the internet creationfellowshipsantee.
We don't have a website, but we do have a Facebook page creationfellowshipsantee.
Santee is S -A -N -T -E -E. And then, um, we also have a
YouTube channel. So look for creationfellowshipsantee. And if you want to be notified of our upcoming speakers, then you can send an email to creationfellowshipsantee at gmail .com
and you'll get on the mailing list and, um, you don't get spammed and nobody sells your email address.
So, um, that's just a way to stay informed. So thank you again, Brian. This has been really great.
And if you want, if you could pray for us to close this out, that would be perfect. Thank you.
Heavenly Father, we are just so grateful for, um, the people that you have brought together around the world that, uh, you have drawn to yourself.
And we just ask that you would continue to give us understanding, give us wisdom, and give us love, that we would love this world, uh, and by world,
I mean people, not to love the world, but to love the people of this world, to love them enough to share the gospel with them.
Father, for we know that, um, you have put us here for a purpose and it is not to go and make this our home, but it is to prepare for our home.
And so Lord, just empower us to do that through your word and your spirit. And we are just so grateful.
I ask a blessing upon, uh, the creation ministries that are out there, Father, and all of those pastors who are standing firm on your word, preaching the gospel of truth, preaching, uh, without compromise.
And we just ask that you would protect them with this craziness that's going on in the world. Um, not just health, but, but just from the attacks from politics and from governments and from all of those things that you would be our shelter.
And, uh, just, uh, keep us all safe here tonight. And may we just be blessed by the word as we continue to seek it out.
In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. I'm going to shut off recording and the live stream.