Joyce Meyer Is Leaving Daystar / Why Is Jack Hibbs & Others Like Ray Comfort, D. Jeremiah Staying?
According to Protestia Joyce Meyer and other false teachers like Jesse Duplantis have already left Daystar yet men like Hibbs, Ray Comfort, David Jeremiah, Michael Youseff and others are staying? Why? Watch as I explain why Joyce is leaving and what it might take for others to leave so that Daystar Television Network implodes once and for all.
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Prosperity Gospel
False teachers
Romans 16:17-18
2 John 9-11
Mark and avoid
- 00:00
- So is Joyce Meyer actually making better decisions than Jack Hibbs and Michael Youssef and David Jeremiah?
- 00:07
- We'll talk about that. But this article is from Protestia. Apparently Joyce Meyer is leaving
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- Daystar. That's the headline. Joyce Meyer and Jimmy Evans announced that they are leaving the
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- Daystar television network. So the article states, Daystar television network continues to enjoy the fallout from their ongoing scandal with two shows announcing their departure from the imploding megacorporation in late
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- November of 2024 So some people have already left. It says
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- Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson Announced that she and her show Laura Lynn live at the
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- Eagle's Nest They were parting ways from Daystar Which was quickly followed by many others and there's a list here of people who have left
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- Daystar most notable would be Jesse Duplantis also
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- Jack Graham But I would say Jesse Duplantis and now Joyce Meyer are probably the biggest names
- 01:07
- Now it says Joyce Meyer ministries has announced that they are at least pausing their relationship with Daystar Citing the scandal in an email shared with the
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- Dallas Morning News by Joyce Meyer ministry CEO Dan Meyer and I think
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- Dan Meyer is Joyce Meyer's son He said the Daystar has been a long -standing
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- Broadcast partner helping our ministry to share the life -changing message of Jesus around the world.
- 01:36
- Yeah. Well I've heard Joyce Meyer and her program and it's a lot of self -help
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- Motivational speaking not a lot of scripture. Actually, I don't know if I've Ever seen her open a
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- Bible. I'm sure she probably does at some point but The the only sermon
- 01:54
- I've heard from Joyce Meyer is the one from years ago where she said that Jesus died and went to hell
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- That's the only sermon I've heard from her today. It's like I said more self -help motivational speaking
- 02:06
- But anyways back to the story They're putting out this
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- The statement that they are troubled by the Allegations surrounding the Daystar television network and you know, my question is okay
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- What has changed you talked about in recent weeks? Nothing has changed that I know of I think it's almost certainly pressure that is building
- 02:31
- So Joyce Meyer is giving in to pressure or as I suspect Daystar's ratings they have to be down.
- 02:39
- Maybe they're way down. I'm not sure but they have to be down So like with everything else about Joyce Meyer, I mean it probably comes down to money if she's if she does leave it's probably at least in part a financial decision but Then he talks about how his mother
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- Joyce You know, she has a story of abuse as well So she takes this seriously this child sex abuse and alleged cover -up alleged abuse alleged cover -up
- 03:08
- Cuz Daystar is trying to sue people who are you know, accusing them of things? Well again, you know if that's the issue if Joyce Meyer is
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- Concerned about the alleged abuse in the alleged cover -up Why didn't they pause their show months ago when the story broke?
- 03:28
- Then he wrote Dan Meyer this is again Joyce Meyer son He wrote the decision to suspend programming was not an easy one to make but myself my brother our mom and dad
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- So it's like a family business the ministry along with other ministry leadership. We believe it is necessary at this time when and if This situation is resolved we will potentially
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- Consider resuming our Programming on Daystar. So there you go.
- 03:59
- It it looks like that. Yes Joyce Meyer is leaving Daystar and then
- 04:07
- Daystar posted this message to Twitter in response to Joyce Meyer leaving Daystar writes we love and appreciate
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- Joyce Meyer, you know, blah blah blah Her time slots will be filled by programmers on our waiting list
- 04:23
- So this is the problem even if false teachers like Joyce Meyer and Jesse Duplantis leave
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- Daystar There's always a dozen more False teachers, you know waiting in the wings to take their place.
- 04:37
- So it's not like things are gonna get better And I have to point this out. Okay How sad it is and this is my first thought when
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- I read this article how sad it is that Joyce Meyer and Jesse Duplantis Have the sense to leave
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- Daystar But Jack Hibbs Isn't leaving Michael Yousef David Jeremiah Ray Comfort.
- 05:03
- I haven't heard any of them talk about leaving Daystar So it's pretty sad and you know, correct me if I'm wrong
- 05:12
- I don't know how else to interpret this but it's pretty sad when Joyce Meyer Seems to be making better decisions than someone like Jack Hibbs I mean,
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- I'm just saying and if you've been following my podcast I did reach out to Jack Hibbs and some of these other ministries
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- Ray Comfort and David Jeremiah So a few people that are on Daystar that are considered more dependable
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- Bible teachers I got either no response from these men or the response
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- I did get from Jack Hibbs He said no, we're we're not changing direction. We're gonna stay on Daystar.
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- We're gonna continue programming on Daystar there was really no consideration for leaving at all
- 05:57
- Now if that's changed I mean correct me if I'm wrong if something has happened in the last day or two or Jack Hibbs or one of these guys
- 06:03
- You know say they are now leaving. I don't think so leave a comment if that's the case, but I haven't heard
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- So yeah, it looks like Joyce Meyer and Jesse Duplantis at least in this situation
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- They're making better decisions than these other guys. I just think that's sad like it doesn't make sense
- 06:21
- Why aren't these other guys leaving why is Joyce Meyer and Jesse Duplantis leaving but not
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- Jack Hibbs or David Jeremiah you know leave a comment if you think you can figure this out, but Last week the article continues
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- More there's more fallout last week XO marriage host Jimmy Evans also announced.
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- He was departing from Daystar Or was he leaving his man? I think he stepped down from his
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- Main leadership position in his ministry, so he has a marriage ministry
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- Jimmy Evans is considered like a marriage guru But he had to step down or is stepping down from his main leadership position in that marriage ministry
- 07:06
- And that's probably due to this spotlight that has now been put on Jimmy Evans And how everyone now knows that he made a decision to bless and actually perform the new?
- 07:19
- Wedding for well, it's not new now But the new marriage for Joanie lamb and Doug Weiss most people now clearly see that Jonathan lamb
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- Joanie lamb son Was totally right this is not a biblical marriage has all the hallmarks of adultery so the point is if you're known
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- For running a marriage ministry you're the marriage guru, but you're affirming adultery.
- 07:42
- Yeah, that's not not good But it's just more of the same you know with Daystar. It's it's just kind of all of this stuff.
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- Just goes along with their other heresies the heretical prosperity gospel
- 07:56
- Name it and claim it Their programs they did that podcast a few days ago last week where that woman said that she worked for Daystar She worked the phones, and yeah, we were she basically said we were scamming people
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- We were scamming the poor the sick and the elderly and taking their money Lies from the prosperity gospel and and yeah, it's a scam.
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- This is who Daystar This is what they're all about so because of those reasons and the heresy that comes out of this network
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- Christians need to mark and avoid Daystar. This has been you know the drum I've been hammering now for several weeks, and you say based on what
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- Bible verses well. I'll read them again Romans 16 and also 2nd
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- John this is what Paul writes in Romans 16 17 and 18 he says now I urge you brethren
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- Mark those who cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned so if they're teaching false doctrine mark them
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- And then he says avoid them for those who are such Do not serve our
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- Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly that is their own desires and by smooth words and flattering speech
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- They are able to deceive the hearts of the simple -minded So people that teach false doctrine you know you know there's they're smooth.
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- You know they're like a con man They're a smooth operator They can convince people and they scam again they scam the sick the poor and the elderly over a day star
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- Paul says mark and avoid such people and then 2nd John 9 through 11 here's the thing if you are aiding in abetting
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- Daystar if you are fellowshipping with Daystar and Promoting them or giving them money according to 2nd
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- John you now become a partaker of their evil deeds 2nd John verses 9 through 11
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- The Apostle writes whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have
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- God He who abides in the doctrine that is the true doctrine of Christ has both the
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- Father and the Son If anyone comes to you and does not bring this true doctrine of Christ do not receive him into your house nor greet him
- 10:04
- For he who greets him shares in his evil deeds so that's the update concerning Daystar and this is the concerning thing about all of this and of course
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- Daystar Continues to promote some of the worst false teachers in the world Kenneth Copeland Creflo dollar, but like I said
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- Joyce Meyer. This is the update Joyce Meyer and Jesse Duplantis have left
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- But these other guys like Jack Hibbs and David Jeremiah and Ray Comfort They're staying like that just doesn't make sense to me
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- Joyce Meyer knows enough to leave but Jack Hibbs Says he's gonna stay.
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- I just don't get it The Bible teaches that God's people are to be separate
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- These pastors have to know that like Joyce Meyer doesn't even care about separation But these other pastors have to know that that's why
- 11:02
- I don't understand But you can find this teaching of separation which means to be set apart
- 11:08
- You can read that in 2nd Corinthians chapter 6, but that verse in 2nd John also speaks of Ecclesiastical separation where God's people are to have nothing to do with false teachers like don't even allow them in Now back then it was taking them into your house putting them up for the night feeding them
- 11:29
- But today I would say don't allow them in through your television, right? Don't greet them and Jack Hibbs.
- 11:36
- Here's the thing Jack Hibbs has fellowship with them. He actually went on Joni Lamb's broadcast and He praised her up and David Jeremiah even went on Jim Baker's pro
- 11:48
- I mean Jim Baker is one of he's one of the worst of the worst and These people go on their programs and they're obviously on Daystar So they must have some sort of contract with Daystar and they pay money to Daystar and to Joni Lamb and You know,
- 12:04
- I don't want to just repeat what I said in previous podcasts, but I'll end with this Here's why
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- I bring this up. And here's why I Sort of hammer on that drum again
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- It is sort of about yes teaching people but building pressure Here's what
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- I want to see. I want to see a positive Example set and think about it.
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- Okay, I'll end with this Think about how amazing it would be if a guy like Jack Hibbs or David Jeremiah or someone of that stature
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- What a testimony it would be if those men number one broke all
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- Ties with Daystar and then they came out and preached against Daystar like what if David Jeremiah put out a video like this speaking preaching against a star or he preached a sermon and Broke tie.
- 12:58
- I just wish that would happen Because the guy like me I can get a thousand views maybe ten thousand views, you know
- 13:05
- Maybe a hundred thousand views at the most but those men if they did this they would get the attention of millions
- 13:13
- So in conclusion just to go back to Joyce Meyer the main story here Joyce Meyer leaving
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- Daystar It may have been the public pressure that Caused her to make that decision and maybe that's what these other guys need
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- So don't misunderstand me. I'm not calling Jack Hibbs or Michael Yousef or David Jeremiah.
- 13:35
- I'm not calling them false teachers. I mean, I really like Michael Yousef I've only heard good things from him.
- 13:41
- So I'm not against some of these guys. I mean Jack Hibbs with the Hillsong I think there are some more serious problems with him, but I'm not calling them false teachers
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- But I don't understand how they or someone like Ray Comfort can go on the Joyce Meyer program or go on Jim Baker's program
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- Or go on Joanie lambs Program shake their hand give them a friendly greeting.
- 14:04
- I don't want to be cynical about their motivations But just their continued Association it just to me
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- It just doesn't make sense that Joyce Meyer is making the right decision leaving
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- Daystar and yet these guys continue To be on Daystar. So I just wish
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- Pressure would build and that these other guys would get off Daystar and that they would speak up How amazing would that be right?
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- But doesn't look like it's gonna happen because here's ultimately what I want to see the most
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- I think most of my followers subscribers on YouTube Agree with this like our main goal the greatest desire would be that Daystar would shut down for good
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- But it would require all these big names leaving So like I said,
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- I doubt I did another video or I doubt Daystar is gonna go away forever But here's the thing
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- I'll close with this if more Christians start speaking up It might happen
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- So if I can encourage a few people or a few more people to pick up the phone send a few emails
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- Let these ministries know You know tell them hey, I'm not gonna donate minute. I'm not gonna donate money to you
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- As long as you're on Daystar because I don't want to give you my money And then you take my money and giving it to Joanie lamb
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- I don't want Joanie lamb getting a cut of my offering to your ministry. So Think about that if more people took action, we might actually see the end of this heretical
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- Network and the prosperity gospel, you know if we want to eradicate it from the earth or at least get close
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- We need to see networks like Daystar in TBN We need to see them come to an end
- 15:56
- So, please pray about all of this consider picking up the phone sending an email that pressure
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- Maybe that's the only thing that'll do it. But that's my goal. That's my desire So Joyce Meyer leaves
- 16:09
- Daystar, but these these other guys are staying So thanks for listening and until next time may the