Gospel Coalition Justin Giboney Tries to Scam You on Racial Justice - Part 1

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Outrageous Egregious Preposterous


Somehow The "Conservative" is Worse! (But Definitely More 'Pious' So There's That) - Part 2

Somehow The "Conservative" is Worse! (But Definitely More 'Pious' So There's That) - Part 2

Okay we are back we are doing it we're just gonna we're just gonna do it that's just we're just gonna do it that's it we're just going to get it done and that's what we're gonna do today we are starting the response reaction video to the woke church i'm sorry not the woke church the racial injustice good faith debate featuring justin gibbony and some other guy so let's get this started we're just gonna go for it let's do it i don't want to do it but i have to do it this is this is my wheelhouse and we're just gonna go for it now before we begin justin gibbony is the uh is the woke guy and um justin is a shyster and if you don't know what a shyster is a shyster is like usually describes a lawyer and usually an unscrupulous lawyer lawyer now i don't know about his law practice or if he's got scruples in his law practice i don't know i'm sure he's a good attorney but i'm talking about his little scam that he runs on the church he does this scam that a lot of people do where they claim to be uh tribalist they you know they they're not on the left or the right they're not a republican or a democrat they're they're they're the way of christ we we use the way of the cross and it sounds oh so good and wonderful and the problem though is that it's a scam the tribalists are never truly tribalists they are always on the left it's a it's flim flam it's a scam it's a bamboozle it's bunco whatever you like to call it fugazi it's not real this is a scam that the and campaign that he runs is a scam it tries to trick uh people into thinking that they're very reasonable but really they're just democrats that's just the bottom line always they're they're always doing the most stupidest they always take the stupidest position you could possibly take on any political situation that's what the end campaign is and they try to do is make it seem like it's the gospel centered way so like i said this guy that you're about to hear justin gibbony is a shyster let's continue bunco bunco is my favorite one what is the best approach for the church to address racial injustice well the best approach is to apply the law of god and if you know the the law of god at all then you know that it it's it's one of the laws to not judge with partiality therefore uh skin color should not come into play at all when you're deciding whether or not somebody has done something unjust or not whether the not the what the penalty should be for the injustice injustice that they did uh it shouldn't come into play at all the bible is very clear that you shall not be partial because god is not partial and it's very very careful the bible is very careful to say you shouldn't be partial to a rich person or a poor person because people he knows that people have the temptation to say well i'm gonna be on the side of the poor because you know they they don't have any help and and so i might i might i might tip the scales of justice a little bit in the poor direction and that's something that you're not allowed to do you can't be partial either way the bible is very specific about that and so that's how you should approach uh racial injustice in the church i stand before you today as the grandson of a civil rights era preacher bishop thomas lee cuba was born into a country where an african -american was hanged or burned alive every four days he couldn't set foot on the campus of most white conservative seminaries at least not as a student yet his high christology and belief in the authority of scripture helped him see the error in these realities and gave him a hopeful disposition his gospel centered social action was proof of his resolve not to give up on america or on majority christians who saw god and nationalistic idols but could not see the image of god in him he kind of sounds like uh like jackie chiles from seinfeld this is egregious preposterous outrageous jackie chiles was a bit of a shyster too although he was a hilarious and jovial shyster uh justin unfortunately is just a tragic and sad shyster in a society that devalued his life he learned to find joy and gratitude in the smallest things because he knew that cynicism was a form of death your face is my case that was the one when kramer was gonna was gonna sue because uh the smoke made his face all leathery the man's a goblin so he taught me that there was a solid and indivisible line this is the most public yet of my many humiliations between the gospel and the pursuit of justice and righteousness in society he showed me that leadership was the privilege of self -sacrifice jackie chiles and that we all had to make that sacrifice and that christians should choose to suffer themselves before adding to the suffering of others this was the instruction of old testament prophets the theology of abolitionists and martyrs from sharecropping fields and urban ghettos standing on the promises of god without flinching you know this guy sounds like a good guy he sounds like he might have his head on straight i don't know i mean i don't know who he's talking about i guess he said it's his grandfather or father or something i don't really know but he sounds like he had his head on straight you know a christian should rather suffer uh themselves than have others suffer uh in their in their place uh which it's very confusing because you guys are asking for reparations which you know i didn't do anything to you but i'm gonna be the one paying up you know what i mean and the thing is like that's this is the thing about suffering and all this kind of stuff like again the question is how do we handle justice uh racial justice any kind of justice and it's according to the law of god you see you guys are insisting on all kinds of unjust things to make up for the injustice in the past you're not trying to suffer instead of us you're trying to extend the suffering you see these white folks didn't do anything to you but they're the ones that are gonna have to pay give me that money kind of thing so so that sounds real nice i wonder what happened on the way to get to create justin gibbony because this guy sounds like he had his head on straight and all of a sudden we got justin gibbony i want that i want that other guy that's it that other guy sound pretty good imagine my astonishment to find out that it was often christians wielding the whip of injustice this is out bible believers guarding the loot and plunder of white supremacy imagine my disbelief in hearing that when justice and the moral majority clashed freedom did not ring death bells told from tulsa oklahoma to los angeles imagine my surprise see this is the thing it's like you know in my his grandfather sounded like a pretty good guy and he's like imagine my surprise when i found out christians were doing this stuff and now i want revenge give me that gold hallelujah give me them silver hallelujah now just that wasn't that wasn't justin that was eric mason but you know justin's along the same lines yeah what happened i guess i guess uh the morality you learned from your grandfather went out the window when when you decided you wanted revenge the woke church and all this racial justice stuff is very often about revenge if you want to figure out why they're saying the things they're saying or why they're doing the things they're doing is because they want revenge they want vengeance they want white people to suffer in the place where they imagine themselves to have suffered what i find interesting about this too is the people that are complaining the most they're often the ones that are kind of privileged i mean this man's a lawyer for goodness sake he's a lawyer if if the slave trade hadn't happened and all this stuff hadn't happened he might not be a lawyer it's like it's usually the people kyle howard's the same way you know that guy grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth and he's the talking about oppression and it's like my goodness like anyway anyway i think i've made this california and this wasn't the isolated or momentary lapse in judgment of a few individuals no it was a long -standing cultural mode of operation and we must get rid of institutional practice with its own apologetic and theology of duplicity this is how the american church found a way to disentangle justice from the message of jesus christ that's not true that's not what happened just justice justice and the message of jesus christ was not disentangled by this this it has been disentangled and and and disconnected uh but i but i would argue that that that that had a lot to do with the gospel -centered movement that really dis they have no they have no theology of good works they've got no theology of the law of god you need to focus on the law of god that's the only way to have true justice in with your message uh from from jesus because jesus did command that we should obey his commandments that's what he said he said if you want to abide in his love you need to obey what he says you need to teach the nations to to do everything that christ commands as part of the great commission so we're discipling the nations making them students and then we're teaching them to observe everything christ commands not this other stuff like reparations and and and and we need to we need to make everything equitable and everything everything has to be everyone has to have the same stuff and you know we gotta we gotta take from the white people give to the black people because the white people took with the black people and there's none of that in there that's all made up um but uh you know i think i think this audience already knows that douglas once said that america that the american church uh is not only indifferent to the wrongs of slavery it actually takes sides with the oppressor it made itself a bulwark of american slavery we could also say the american church was a bulwark of jim crow of congregational segregation and today a bulwark of the big lie the american church indeed has done some good works and there are many who are doing good work today but on the whole it has been an abject failure on racial justice it's put forth little effort to fully reckon with that sin let alone make amends jay gresham machen in his classic book christianity and liberalism called christianity the religion of the broken -hearted he was saying this as a critique of liberal christianity he was saying that unlike liberals orthodox christians willingly went to the cross with a broken heart over sin theoretically i guess he was correct but the truth is a large part of the american church has never gone to the cross and broken -hearted humility over racial injustice many majority christians have primarily responded with willful blindness defiance unrepentant many refuse to show contrition because contrition would involve vulnerability a lowering of oneself this is outrageous preposterous egregious scandalous and i can't i can't think of words fast um yeah all this is a lot of good rhetoric here you know christians refuse to acknowledge their sin they refuse to repent they refuse to go to the cross broken -hearted for the racial injustice that they perpetrated and it's like well you know a lot of these guys didn't actually perpetrate any racial injustice and so i i've never gone to the heart the cross broken -hearted over my racial uh sins or my racism or anything like that i've never i've never been racist i've never treated people differently with partiality i've never hated someone due to the the color of their skin or stuff like that i've never sought to punish someone because of the color of their skin and stuff like that i've never done that so of course i've never gone to the cross apologetic for that or repenting of that and i feel like a lot of white folks feel the same way they've never done anything and maybe their grandfather did or something like that but but we've turned from that and we've we've started we've stopped doing that you know we've repented and we've started doing the right things in that regard and so so you know we're not crying over it but like what's the big deal you know what i mean what's the big deal i feel like a lot of people feel like that yeah i'm not crying over it but but i don't do it anymore you know i don't know but they want revenge though you see they they they they need to they need something to punish white people for white people's problems and again none of this comes from the bible this is just what they they want revenge and so they'll say stupid stuff like you've never been brokenhearted enough you've never repented enough you haven't done all this stuff and and so the rhetoric sounds great i mean the church wow they're really evil can't be humble and maintain an air of superiority in an all -consuming culture war public humility apparently is too great a price to pay for justice according to he says all this stuff but but obviously this is all just rhetoric this is all just him emoting like this is not prove it if if the american church is still racist and refuses to go to the cross brokenhearted prove it well the way you prove it is because they're not voting democrat barna group less than half of white christians agree that historically the u .s