Spiritual Transitions from a Nun Outfit

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


So, this for those who are tuning in maybe for the first time, this is what we do before our live
Striving for Eternity class when we do a spiritual transition game where those who are watching live give me something to transition from and I got to transition from whatever they give me to the gospel.
Tonight's object or item that I'm to transition to and it happens to be fitting for tonight's class, which is on the
Apocrypha, but tonight's transition was old nun outfits.
I guess those are the outfits that nuns wear when they have to, you know, get in that all black outfit with the little, you know, things in their little funny hats.
Okay, I shouldn't make fun of it, that's true, but it just it makes me think of the time when
I was sitting at a friend's house and he had a nun that lived in his neighborhood and on the weekends, she would dress up as a clown and go do clown things.
I don't exactly know what clowns do, but I guess go to birthday parties, things like that and she didn't have a car, so she would ride her bicycle everywhere and so one of his neighbors was doing some, his neighbor's brother was in with a backhoe kind of leveling out the backyard and in comes, rides on a bicycle this clown and here, you know, the one brother who doesn't live there sees the clown and sees the clown stops and talks to the two neighbors and she rides off to her house and the brother comes over and just goes, man,
Bill, I didn't know you had a bunch of clowns in the neighborhood and Bill turns to his brother and says, man, is that any way to talk to a nun?
And his brother felt so bad, you know, he didn't recognize that she was a nun because, well, she wasn't dressed like it, she was dressed like a clown and he took the opportunity to clown around, sorry, pun intended, and make fun of her, but because these two were devout
Catholics, Roman Catholics, they felt, the one brother felt really bad for making fun of a nun, but can you blame him?
See, he wasn't dressed or she wasn't dressed in the attire of a nun, wearing the old kind of nun outfits that you'd see them wearing.
She was dressed as a clown, so it would be reasonable to think that she is, well, clowning around, but when he realized, he felt ashamed of his joke, even though she never heard it, she probably never knew about it, but one thing that it reveals is that she was not taken to be a nun because that's not the way she was dressed.
Now, had she been in her proper attire, she would have probably gotten the respect from this guy that he would have given to someone dressed as a nun, and the reality is that we can only be dressed in the clothes that we properly own.
You see, as a Christian, we are dressed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
If we're not in Christ, then we're dressed with a different kind of clothing, and those are filthy rags, as they are described.
The good works that we try to earn our way to heaven are like filthy rags in God's sight, yet for those who have recognized that they have broken
God's law and that they have repented of their sin, not sins, but sin, they've repented of those things that they trusted in for their good works or their good nature, they trusted in that to get them righteous with God, now they trust in Jesus Christ.
For those people, they're dressed in the white robes of righteousness that belong to Jesus Christ.
The question that I'd have for you is, how are you dressed today? Are you dressed in the robes of Jesus Christ, or are you dressed in the robes of your filthy works?
And they're filthy works only because, well, if you're going to compare the work that you do compared to the work that God Almighty did on the cross when
He died and paid an eternal fine, yeah, your works look pretty bad. Just saying.
So, I would rather trust in the work that Jesus Christ did on that cross and get the robes of righteousness to be put upon me.