Book of Esther - Part 22


Pastor David Mitchell


Book of Esther - Part 23

All right, well, we're gonna be in the book of Esther if you want to look for that I'll tell you where that is in your Bible It's it's in the table of contents and you look in there and you find a page number and then turn to Esther and that way
Everyone knows that you know where Esther is. So that's how that works and Chapter 7 we've been going verse by verse through the book of Esther for quite some time
Can you hear me in the back do we need to turn it up a little it's okay All right. It's only me that can't hear me. That's okay, though.
That's not unusual And we're down we're down to about Chapter 7 verse 5 and we kind of got stuck there a few
Sundays ago because what happened is this little passage is Sort of a type or a picture of some other very important doctrines in the
Bible so we're kind of using it as a Launching board to go into these other doctrines for a few
Sundays and what you find is that the Apostle Paul made it clear in the New Testament that The things that were written of four times as he says it
The things that were written in the Old Testament were given as in samples. It says in the New Testament that means
Examples they were given as examples for those of us who live and the in the end of the age the
Bible says So what's cool about that if you understand what the Holy Spirit is saying there he's saying that if you take any of the
Old Testament passages the old familiar stories that were read to you in Sunday school as a kid and you're so familiar with if you go back and study those and realize that built into those kind of subtly underneath Kind of underneath the surface
There are spiritual teachings there about concepts that would come to light later in the New Testament But there already were buried there.
They were implanted there by God Almighty who wrote the Bible So what you can do when you see a spiritual when you see a spiritual concept or doctrine the
New Testament Usually the magnification of that is actually found in the Old Testament. It it just magnifies it it gives you more colors of all the meanings of the words in a deeper understanding of that doctrine and you find it again and again so I love to teach through the
Old Testament verse by verse because what happens is you can't go three or four verses all of a sudden It hits a major doctrine and it's embedded and you might not see that but if you study
And you ask the Holy Spirit to teach you you'll see it and when you do it makes that New Testament doctrine come to life
So let's take a look at this. We have a set for those of you. They're new. We've got me going through the story here Esther this
Jewish girl Her parents died when she was very young or were killed perhaps in a battle
Babylon had conquered Israel taken them captive and So they were taken against their will to Babylon and Mordecai was a
Jewish man who raised her so I'm just gonna say it's her uncle But it might not be might be her cousin.
It's uncle okay, but I always look at him as her father because that's how she looked at him because it was kind of like Ben and Madar with with you know,
Maddie and Ella in them because they're they're cousins, but they're old enough Actually, I got that wrong
Yeah, that's right No, they're uncles, but they're like but they're like their age almost
So this is this is a man who she saw as her father and she did a great job of raising her so here they live right next to the castle of the most powerful man in the universe on In that time he ruled pretty much the known world and He had a problem with his wife
So he just put her aside and he sent his wise men out over the whole kingdom Which was the whole world in that day to look for the most beautiful girl ended up being
Esther and she became his wife So that brings you up where we are Now there was a man named
Haman who made his way up to become the right -hand man of the king Now by the way, this King's name in the
Bible is Ahasuerus But if you studied in profane history, it's Artaxerxes. So most of you read about him in high school
He's a very powerful King the whole world knows about him but this is who this man is and so Esther is now his wife and She was probably about 14 years old
Maybe 16 and the king was probably 45 something like that And he put his wife aside and he found the most beautiful young virgin and married her and it was
Esther So Esther is now his wife and this man Haman raised up became the right -hand man of the king somehow probably because of his while and He came from Esau all the way back in Bible history
Esau now Esau and the Bible is a picture or Type of the flesh, you know in the bad sense of the word we have three enemies the world the flesh and the devil
Esau pictures the flesh and This man Haman came from that man and they always have hated the
Jews And so what happened was the king told the whole nation they had to bow down to Haman when he walked down the street
Well Mordecai wouldn't do it because he's a Jew. He won't worship anyone but God so he refused to do it And so Haman got it in his mind.
I'm not gonna kill him I'm gonna kill all the Jews the the people that he comes from I'm gonna kill them all
Well, what's interesting to think about that is at that time this man ruled the whole world. So that means all the
Jews Were going to be killed and Haman took that and he accused the Jews before the king he lied about him
He slandered them. He said they're evil. They're bad. They don't believe the way we do He said they don't even have the same laws we have they have perverse laws and it's not good for you to have them in Your kingdom and he convinced that King Probably got him drunk and then convinced him to sign a document
They said it's okay to kill them all and also to fund it sounds like our Congress doesn't it trying to fund things?
With money they don't have the difference is this man had the money so he funded and said anyone who will kill a
Jew you get money for that and Then they said set that into law and sent it out Well news comes to Mordecai and he finds out about it and he sends a messenger in to Esther the girl
He raised and said you better do something about this because if you don't we're all gonna die and she said well
I cannot go in before the king unless I'm invited because the law of the Persians is That they'll kill me if I go in before him and he didn't invite me his own wife
But she can't go in there unless he invites her in and the dad said look you better step up He said look,
I know it's a risk But if you don't go in I'll guarantee you you're gonna die because they're gonna find out you're
Jew and they know I'm a Jew So they're gonna kill me too, and they're gonna kill everyone except for this thing. He said to his daughter
He said look if you don't do it God will raise someone up because God's not gonna let all the Jews be killed now.
How did he know that? Because they were the lineage of the Messiah and every prophet that had ever lived and prophesied
The Messiah was gonna be born of the Jews so they couldn't all be killed could they and he knew that so he said look If you don't do it, then
God will raise someone else up to do to save the people But you will be killed and so will I and he said, how do you know
Esther? And this was such a wonderful statement He said how do you know that you weren't brought into the world for such a time as this?
And so we've already had that lesson, but I'm reviewing a little bit But then you know God looks at every one of us and every one of us have been equipped and prepared for a major Role in God's plan and we all were brought for such a time as this and we're living in the end times you we don't know
What we're gonna see just around the corner We do not know what we're gonna see But you've been raised up and prepared for such time as this just like she was so that was a good sermon
It's already over it's in the past just reviewing a little bit and the reason it was a good sermons because it's good material
I always preach good sermons Because I preach the Bible Then it's just like good material so so that happened now all of a sudden
Haman tries to get all the Jews killed and Esther finally does go in before the king and guess what?
He doesn't kill her. He loves her. He loves her He says, oh my wife you coming in here. She must need something.
That's what he thought She must need something. So she says come on in my wife. Tell you what? I know you need something
You're gonna ask me for something so you can have everything. I've got up to half my kingdom That's not what she expected to hear she thought he was gonna kill her
But see God had all this prepared. So she said she had a request and here was a request She said
I'm just gonna throw a banquet and I want just two people to come I want you and Haman to come and she had this thing all set up Haman thought he was being honored
He was so excited the only man other than the king that the Queen invited to the banquet and he thought he's gonna be lifted up and in reality
God had put this in this maiden's heart To have a plan and It's really going to be his end.
And so that's kind of where we pick this up So look at Esther seven and five it says then the king Ahasuerus answered and said unto
Esther Now Esther had just told the king that there is a person who has plotted to kill all of the
Jews to kill Mordecai And to kill me and I'm just she said here's my request. I don't want half your kingdom
She said I just want my life I want you to grant my life that you'll protect my life and my family and she meant the whole family of the
Jews and The king said well certainly now I want you to remember from this point on that this is beginning to be a type or an example for us and These human beings are playing a role where they picture other spiritual truths and you're gonna see this in a minute
What's happening here is? King Ahasuerus is becoming a type of Jesus Christ.
Who is the bridegroom the husband the king? Queen Esther is a picture of the church, which is you
Haman is a picture of Satan and so here we have the
Queen comes before the king and Says there's someone wants to kill me and all my family now
Listen when you get in trouble and Satan is attacking and things are happening in your family To remember what happened here because it's gonna be useful and so she tells the king and look what his answer is in verse 5
I love it. I've preached it five times already for the last five Sundays. I keep preaching the same verse It says then the king
Ahasuerus answered and said unto Esther the Queen Who is he and where is he?
That Durst presumed in his heart to do so and Queen Esther Look what all she had to do was she just pointed right across the room from the table to Haman and said the adversary the enemy is this wicked
Haman and Then Haman was afraid before the king and the queen now I want you to picture that king and queen the
Queen is you because that's the church and the king is the bridegroom That's Jesus and anytime.
It's Jesus plus you Satan trembles Remember that it'll help you
There's no place in the Bible where it says to turn your back and run from Satan You don't have any armor check it out in Ephesians chapter 6.
There's no armor for your back It's all in the front. So you face Satan and you're resisting but you never do it by yourself
This Queen could never have resisted Haman She goes and gets right up as close to that King and she can get
Maybe holds his hand and points at the enemy and says there he is and that's all she had to do
But when she and the king are together the enemy trembles and So Haman was afraid before the king and she called him the adversary and the enemy in first Peter 5 8
It says be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walking about seeking whom he may devour
It is a picture Haman is a picture or a type of Satan himself And we can learn a lot about Satan by studying this so so in this passage now as it goes down towards We've already studied through some of this but as you go down to verse
Verse 9 right down towards the end of verse 9. It says that the
Chamberlain's came in and As the king well look at the end of verse 8 the very last sentence in verse 8 as the word went out of the king's mouth
They covered Haman's face covered him with a hood The king came he was so angry that he went outside for a few minutes
And then when he came back in he just said one word and his servants went over and covered Haman's head and marched him out
And it says they took him out one of the people told the king that Haman had built some gallows to kill
Mordecai And the king says we'll take him and hang him on the gallows that he built So they hanged
Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then was the king's wrath Pacified and I'll tell you what that pictures and you'll see it later in this study
But that pictures the defeat of Satan Satan put that cross up there to put Jesus on it
And he just thought it was wonderful. We studied that in Sunday school this morning a little bit He just thought that was great and the demons of hell
Rejoiced when Jesus when those nails were nailed into his hands and into his feet But I'm going to tell you something when he uttered the words it is finished
They stopped laughing and when he came out of that grave three days later, they began to tremble
You see and so so Satan was killed by the very thing he had prepared to kill the
Messiah Just like what had happened hundreds of years earlier in history And so the same spirit that puts these thoughts in leaders minds to kill
God's people It's not it's not the leaders doing it We battle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places and those same
Demonic forces are going to put it in the minds of the leaders of this world to kill the Jews again and to kill you as a
Christian because you're part of the Covenant of Abraham and We know the book Revelation says hundreds of thousands of Christians will be killed in the end times all by the same mental influence that was put into the mind of Haman the same thoughts where he would become an accuser and lie and Slander and make up things that aren't even true and convince the leaders to do it and it'll get funded by the way
And they will do it and it's it's all just happens again and again why it's the same enemy.
He doesn't die he just keeps coming back to each new generation doesn't even need new tricks and So we began to study
Lucifer now. We've already we have already studied this I'm gonna give you some things if you're visiting the first thing we studied about him is he and we're kind of learning about him by Looking at the names that he has in the
Bible the first one in first Peter 580 is called the adversary The word adversary in the
Greek language means simply to stand against that which is right, isn't that amazing? So he is the one who stands against that which is right
He's the adversary the second thing It calls him in first Peter 5 is the devil and if you look that up in the
Greek language Diabolos It sounds evil doesn't it Diabolos? It means slanderer
That means a person who makes up something that's not even true about you and tries to get you hurt
Because of it a slanderer, that's his very name and then in first Peter 5 8
It calls him a roaring lion. That means he's a slaughterer. He is a destroyer.
He's the destroyer of nations He's the destroyer of families. He's the destroyer of marriages of churches of whole entire peoples and We looked into first Corinthians 10, there's some interesting information about that But I'm not going to go back into that because we've already covered that But then let me tell you the next thing he's known as He is known as the accuser turn to Revelation chapter 12 verse 10
It says and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our
God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is
Cast down which accused them Before our God day and night now that is a picture of the future
Because it's out of the book of Revelation, which means this is still happening. I Know that Satan has been cast down from heaven
But he still has the ability to accuse you Before God, but isn't it wonderful to know that Jesus Christ himself is your advocate?
So if you're gonna have an accuser, which is the one who stands against right? Isn't it nice to know you have an advocate before the father who stands there and every time you get accused
Jesus goes He's innocent. She's innocent Because I've already paid the price. I Have ransomed them from the slave market of sin and Satan and hell and the flesh in the world the devil and they're free
Now and they're innocent Every time you get accused that's what Jesus does every time the problem is in your mind
Sometimes you don't believe it. So you feel guilty and guilt is okay if it leads you to first John 1 9 to confess our sins but we also have to believe first John 1 9 because it goes on and say this that once we have confessed our sins listen this
He is faithful, which means he'll do it every time and just which means it's right for him to do it to forgive us of Our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
So every single time we sin the accuser says look at them. They don't deserve to there to probably not even saved
That's what he says because he doesn't know all this stuff. He doesn't he's not omniscient. He doesn't know everything he presumes things he makes up things in his mind just believes it's true and He say accuses us and Jesus says no.
Wait a minute. They're not guilty They've never done anything wrong and never will Because that's how the father sees you right now the father and I'm not talking about Jesus But God the father sees you as if you've never sinned.
That's what justification means in the Bible You've been justified just as if I'd never sin.
That's a good way to remember it justified Good definition for it And so because of the blood of Jesus one drop of his blood took away every sin we will ever do ever have done
Because he paid the price the price doesn't get paid twice gets paid one how many brother bill you studied in Sunday school
Once he died once and it's finished Satan hates that he doesn't even halfway believe it.
That's why he keeps accusing you thinking he can turn God against you But how can he turn the one against you who died for you?
It's impossible God's love is so big for you that Satan cannot even get through it, but he still attempts because he's a usurper
He's already been put down Jesus on the cross defeated him and de facto took away his right to be the
God of this world But he's a usurper like King Saul was in the Old Testament So he keeps running around trying to stay on the throne
It's not his any longer and and so all you need to do when he's bothering you by the way in your family You say look you have no right over me.
You have no right It's been taken away. You've been destroyed flee But don't try to get him to do it yourself
Remember how remember how Esther did it? How did she do it? She comes up she walks over to the king
Same way today He has no power. He is not the king He just acts as if he is so we see there in Revelation 12 that he is the accuser of The brethren if you go into the book of Job like we did last
Sunday You see that you will see that acted out You will see Satan come before God and accused Job and Job said and God says no
He's a righteous man. Don't say that's because you give him everything. He said if you'll take it all the way He'll cut cuss you to his face and guess what
Job never did that. Did he and So God God demonstrated his power Through that and so now let's look at the next one
The next thing we see the Bible teaches in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 13 turn there You got to kind of go fast if you're going to have a
Bible sermon with scriptures in it Look at 2nd Corinthians 11 13. Okay.
This is another name It's given to the devil, but also to his workers look what it says for such are false apostles
This is talking about preachers who act like they're preaching the word, but they're not really preaching the word They're preaching for money
All right, they're preaching for their belly. The Bible says that's money. All right, it's talking about them. They are false apostles.
They are deceitful workers Transforming themselves into the
Apostles of Christ. They are not called by God to be preachers They're called by themselves to be preachers and then look what it says and no marvel
For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light Therefore it is no great thing of his ministers
That means preachers and people that do his work and act like they're Christians doing Christian work
It is no great thing if minister if his ministers also be transformed into the ministers of righteousness
Whose end shall be according to their works. There's nothing secret to God Their end their destiny
It's going to be according to their works. They're not saved by grace. They're not saved by the blood of Christ They're not covered by his blood because they're doing it with their own works
They think and they're gonna end up in hell and yet they are here right now today preaching to you holding a
Bible Preaching to you. I'll use one snippet of a scripture as an excuse. So you'll think they're preaching and then they'll tell a story
To make you feel good and the Bible says they transform themselves into ministers of righteousness
But the interesting thing is here that Satan himself does that and that's what we're studying today. We're studying him
It says Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light You know what his name Lucifer means before he fell his name was
Lucifer He was created to be the most powerful angel at the very right hand of God. He was the number one
He was God's number one angel His job was to protect the righteousness of God and the holiness of God and keep sin away
That's what his job was and his name was the angel of light Lucifer means the son of the morning
That beautiful. He was a bright resilient resplendent Angel so beautiful that perhaps that contributed to his fall.
That's who he was Lucifer son of the morning so no wonder that he appears as an angel of light in His ministers the people the human beings that work for him
Appear to be ministers of righteousness. They appear to be good people But you don't see everything they do
But you can hear what they say, you know, if you take long enough you can judge them by their doctrine Because Paul talks about doctrines of demons and they come out read their books if you want to I don't read them
If you need to I can figure them out by their sermonettes But there it is, so the next thing
Satan is then he is the deceiver so we see he's the adversary he is the slanderer
He is a roaring lion, which means he is, you know, actually a destroyer He is the accuser and we see now he is a deceiver now look at John chapter 8.
See what else he is Now I want to while you're turning there.
I want to put another sentence on that paragraph about the deceiver a Lot of people are under the impression that if you have a thought pop in your mind and you're a
Christian that that's always from God and You just know it is it's just the God's leading me to do this because it thought popped in my mind
And I remember my mentor dr. Irwin Freeman. He was a Jewish believer. He had four earned doctorate degrees
He was a genius brilliant man brilliant theologian. He was a Jewish believer and he told me one time he said
David He said people every church. He was an evangelist So he went to churches all over the world But he said everywhere I go people think that when they see a have a dream or have a vision or they have a thought
They just know that's God and I've heard him preach to huge congregations boy. He'll get into this thing
He would get into it and he'd say you don't know You just think you know, you're just prideful enough.
You are prideful enough to think you know That a spiritual voice is God He said there are other spiritual beings and they're powerful and they are called deceivers
What does the word deceiver mean? Word deceiver means they make you think they're somebody they're not does it not?
Who do you think Eve thought was speaking to her through that serpent? Do you think she just willfully disobeyed
God the Bible says she didn't The Bible says she did not willfully disobey God Adam did this guys, you know
Adam knew what he was doing and he did it anyway But the woman did not she was deceived and that voice came out of that serpent said, you know
God would not want you to be you know, why would he withhold information from you? Why would he withhold anything good from you eat that it's good.
So she did it made sense. Don't you think it makes sense? God wouldn't withhold anything good.
He's a good God. Isn't that doesn't that make sense? So Satan makes sense He's a deceiver.
He's beautiful He comes to you with words that sound like God's talking to you and he gets you to do stuff that you weren't
You know, it's not the right direction So you have to recognize so you have to recognize that he is a deceiver in every voice you hear
Everything that pops in your mind is not from God now. There are some things you can do Such as hold them up against the scripture
But I'm gonna tell you what if you're a little bit weak in that area and you don't study your Bible very much That's gonna be difficult for you to do because you've got to take the whole of the
Bible You got to take the whole Bible and it all has to fit and none of it can contradict each other
So if you only know little snippets of it and the devil comes out and he puts a thought in your mind It doesn't contradict anything, you know, you may think it's
God But the problem is you may not know enough of the Bible. So what do we need to be doing? This is a corollary to the message
Some people call that a rabbit trail We need to be studying the Bible a lot more
You can't just come to church here a sermon and that's it for the week You can't listen to tell you something else you can't do you can't rely on yesterday's
Bible study Do you remember how in the God there's another type in the Bible? He gave a manna in the wilderness
Did you know that by the morning the next morning that manna was rotten and had worms in it? So they had to get new manna
Every day the old manna was not working anymore So you got to get new scripture and insight from God every day
You can't rely on last week's Bible study and all of this if you continue this and you are in the word and you love
It and you ask God to teach it to you. It is much more difficult for the deceiver to make you think he's God Because he will let me tell you what he'll do.
He will contradict something in there When he came to Jesus When Satan took
Jesus to the wilderness to tempt him. He used the Bible to tempt him with he used snippets of Scripture just like modern preachers do a little piece of a scripture and he would quote that to Jesus try to get him to jump off the pinnacle and kill himself
And he quoted a scripture to get him to do it and Jesus came back and quoted it in the right interpretation And he rebuked him because he said no, here's what the
Bible really means. You're a liar That's basically what Jesus told him. So you got to know the Word of God. So there's a good one
I'm a good little rabbit trail there. All right. Now, let's look. Here's another reason Turn to John 8.
You're already there. I Sort of elaborated on the previous one while you're returning there. I bet you found it by now
John 8 42 look at that one. The next thing we see is that Satan is the father of lies.
He's a liar Jesus said unto them if God were your father you would love me
For I proceeded forth and came out from God Neither came out of myself, but he sent me
Why do you not understand my speech even because you cannot it doesn't say because you will not say you cannot
You cannot hear my word You know I mean I mean people every day that don't understand the difference between the elect and the non -elect and that whole terminology bothers them there even whole
Baptist churches everywhere preaching that that's false doctrine that there is an elect and a non -elect and their
Apostate preachers who talk about it such as me. The problem is it's in the Bible The problem is it doesn't fit their theological box.
So they fight against it, but we should never do that I mean we should never let our theology make us become unscriptural
All right So the Bible Ephesians 1 Romans all through the entire Bible talks about how
God has chosen his own the Bible teaches that the human race is entirely fallen and evil and the heart is wicked and deceitful and who can know it and the
Bible teaches the whole race is that way and the whole race would be hell -bound if not for the fact that God chose some Out of the race to save him
So he saved some out of that race and we complain that he didn't save everybody Where we should be looking saying isn't wonderfully saved some and I'm one of them.
Isn't it wonderful? It's just his grace because the whole race deserved to go to hell including us in this room and he saved some
That's the beautiful thing. But man likes to focus on the glass half empty. And so they hate this doctrine
They hated it when Jesus taught it, but it is absolutely the truth. I mean look what it says here
He Jesus is looking at some human beings. They happen to be Pharisees Bible teachers and he's looking at them and saying
Why don't you hear my word and follow me and understand my speech and he said because you cannot
Not because you will not not because you don't choose to because it's impossible for you to Now, we don't know who those people are though, but Jesus did know who they were.
That's the point He knew the difference between the sheep and the goats. Let me tell you he knew the difference between the wheats and the tares
Let me tell you he knew the difference and he could look in their eyes and see the difference And he says you don't come because you cannot you don't hear my word because you cannot hear my word
Let me give you a clue. If you don't hear Jesus word, you ain't gonna get saved You know that If God doesn't open your ears to hear his word you cannot get saved because we're saved faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the
Word of God and So the world doesn't understand these things now he goes on in verse 44 and and they didn't like it when
Jesus taught these things But Jesus continues he says you are of your father the devil now
Let me ask you something if they had a father called the devil or they elect or non elect our father is
God Jesus Christ Their father is the devil which group are they in?
He says you're of your father the devil and the lust of your father You will do he didn't say you might do it.
He said you will do it. Why it's the same name you have his nature He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him
When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own It's his own character in nature for he is a liar and the father of it
He is the father of lies Does this surprise you in the business world and the world around you that most time people are talking they're lying to you to take
Advantage of you. It's because they're there from their father the devil That's why we're exhorted as Christians not lie not one to another
We have a new a new nature from God. We are gened with the genes of God and the non elect are gened with the genes of the devil and You know the little parable that Jesus taught where they went out and they sowed the seeds in the field
And the wheat came up and they said yeah, but there's tears that came up. There's weeds in there.
Should we go pluck them? He said no, don't go pluck them because you might accidentally get a wheat And you can't do that because all of the wheat has to be saved and put into my father's barn which represents heaven and they ask
Him, would you please explain that to us? At least they asked that nowadays people don't want to hear it They don't even want it to explain because they don't want to believe it's true when he explained it
He said well, I'll tell you what he said. He said the earth there represents the world And he said
The seeds that came up and became wheat represents the seeds that were sown by the Son of Man Which was himself
Jesus and he said the seeds that came up and became Tears are seeds that were sown by the enemy and his name is
Satan and Jesus said that so there's two kinds of seeds in the world There's Jesus's seeds and Satan's seeds and I'm going to tell you something a tear seed never changes into a wheat
And a wheat seed never can lose its salvation become a weed it's impossible but the whole theology today is so messed up and so Arminian and makes man be in control of everything that all of that is lost now in the modern church
It's almost a lost thing. I've had people get angry at me as recently as this week not at our meeting by the way
At the hospital actually Got angry with me because I mentioned the word elect and the person said to me.
Oh, well, that's that's Presbyterian Well, he he's a Baptist, you know,
I said, yeah, it is Presbyterian, but it's also Bible check out Ephesians 1
That's what I said, and then I went home and I already had this list But I didn't know where to put my hands on so I googled it.
I just put in Google I said Baptist pastors who are Calvinists and it printed out a list this long and it's it's the pastors and the missionaries who are bad as such as Spurgeon the
Prince of preachers and Carrie one of the greatest missionaries in the world and two or three other greatest missionaries you ever read about all
Baptist people who believe God was sovereign So, I mean it is a Baptist doctrine
It was that way before this modern doctrine got here and the thing is when you look here at Jesus Talking to these people.
He says you cannot hear me Because you're not mine, I don't know you depart from me you curse it into everlasting darkness
Satan is the father of lies and therefore his children are going to lie
He says and because I tell you the truth you believe me not Which of you convinced me of sin who can point out any sin that I've ever done
Jesus said and if I say the truth Why do you not believe me? He that is of God Heareth God's words you see that that's election right there
He that is that God knew before the foundation of the world in Ephesians 1 if he knew you He will open your ears so that you can hear his words and he says to them you therefore hear them not because you are not of God does it sound like that?
Someone's gonna go witness to them later and they're gonna get saved to you You can witness to them till you're blue in the face and their ears are closed
Their eyes are blind Just like you and I came into the world Just think back before you were saved remember how that was you hated church.
You hated the Bible, right? You couldn't understand it It was confusing and all of a sudden something happened and somebody flipped a switch and that person was
God himself Flipped a switch because he knew you before the foundation of the world You were his child and he's always loved you even in your lost state
He loved you and he flipped your switch and your eyes came open and your ears were open He looked up and said Lord, what would you have me to do?
And you call that the time when you were saved? I love brother Otis's definition of that before he went to be with the
Lord He used to say well, that was not the time you got saved. That was just time. You got notified Isn't that interesting?
so Think of this he that is of God. Here's God's words you
Therefore hear them not because you're not of God that's sad But is but why would we look at the glass half full?
I mean, I mean half empty the glass half full the good news is that some of you in this room
Have had the light switched on I can see it from the countenances. You hear
God's Word. It's a joy to hear it It makes you grow. It's like honey. It's like bread.
It's like meat But Others it's dry.
It's like a piece of old moldy leather Because they don't have ears to hear now if you're sitting in here this morning and you're not saved yet You said well, he just told me
I can't get saved by wanting to that's right. You can't But then again you can Because if God turns on your want to you'll get saved
And let me just comfort you a little bit if you're worried about that if you're worried about it, you're probably an elect
Because the non -elect don't ever worry about it. They enjoy their sin. They enjoy hating
God They don't give it any thought So if you're giving it thought all you have to do is in your heart today to say
Lord, you know This is frightening This is a frightening sermon. I do not want to be put in the number with those people that can't hear you
I think I'm hearing you this morning Please come in my heart and be my Lord my boss my Savior Run my life for me the rest of my life and you know what you'll be changed instantly
I heard a story of a young man just this week Charlotte was telling me that had had trouble in his marriage and Sometimes sometimes he'd get mean and sometimes he'd be nice and all of a sudden about a week
I think it was last week. He got born again He thought he's already saved because he went to church as a kid But he wasn't and he got born again and his wife said man.
He is he is wonderful He's just totally different you see That's what happens when we get notified
Right. All right. Let's see. I think we're about out of time this morning
So let's just stop right there and so what we covered we'll pick it up there next time we covered it
First of all, he's the adversary. He is the slanderer. He is the slaughter He is the accuser of the brethren he's a deceiver and he is the father of lies and That's who he is.
It's not a pleasant topic. I think we'll actually finish it next Sunday and we'll be done with it So let's pray father.
We thank you for your word. It is so powerful We thank you that it is light
Like a lamp before our feet as we take each step into your will We step into your will each time we take a step
We thank you that your word is the light that takes us to that place and Lord help us to understand the things we studied today
Help us to go over them in our minds that your Holy Spirit would use them as needed as we are light and salt in The world today as we go out
Lord bless all of our visitors today Protect them as they go their way later on this evening and our home folks as well
And we thank you for the Lord Jesus. We thank you that When we're hand -in -hand with him that the enemy trembles and help us remember that and Lord Thank you for the relationship.
You've given us with yourself your son and with each other and We thank you for the food.