Matt Slick Bible Study, Gal. 4


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Matt Slick Bible Study, Gal. 4


Oh, yes, oh Well, that was the greatest
Bible study we've ever had too bad the camera wasn't on And we're gonna have to do some stuff here and review it
I guess Remember once we did that at a Bible study the guy left went to the bathroom and it came back
I said everybody when he comes back just say that was great. And we did that this one guy goes It was great we all left
All right So we've got a few people there we're gonna pray and we'll just jump right into Galatians chapter 4
Instead of reading the whole thing. We're just gonna go in and start go verse by verse Okay, Lord Jesus Thank you for this evening and Just ask
Lord that you would bless it and bless the study and bless the people here and the people listening I asked
Lord that you would open up our hearts in your mind to the truth of your word that we would learn of you and Be changed by the truth of your word
We give you thanks Lord. We praise you and thank you for the opportunity to study your word
We ask us the Lord in your name. Amen. All right, so Galatians chapter 4 now
Okay. So what we've already gone over. We took a week off. I did the
Greek study and that was Elective Greek studies were interesting on a real low level, but you've got an idea what it's like Was interesting.
Okay, and So Galatians is a really important book
We've already gone over some of the particular so we're going to go into some more stuff here. There's a lot to cover
And we'll just go slowly and go for an hour or so and then quit and continue on next week
All right. Hi, Nina Oz Remy Canadian Brian Pratt Welcome you guys in All right, let's go to Galatians 4 1 now
I say as long as the heir is a child He does not differ at all from a slave
Although he is the owner of everything All right so we talked member in Galatians chapter 3 24 to 27 the law is a tutor that leads us to Christ.
Do you guys remember that? And were you here for that? The law is a tutor you guys weren't here for that.
So let me review that briefly so in a in an ancient Greek household the
The owner the master of the house was was a male, of course And the family basically followed his lead and they would often have slaves
But the slaves weren't the kind that were beaten and whipped and starved. He you know, they had their own rooms they were trusted members of the household to a large degree and Some of the slaves were actually used as tutors to teach this the master's children the owner of the house his children which meant that any slave who was
Trusted with the child of the master had a very high standing and there was even a social standing that went with it and so when a child was taught by the tutor and He so to speak graduated.
What would happen is he would be given a white robe and A white robe was or a robe was the designation of his graduation now we when we graduate, you know college seminary wear a robe and We have you know the cap and their traditions vary and stuff
And this is why he said in Galatians 3 says you've been clothed with Christ You've been baptized and he's talking about there is not that baptism is saving you
But he's relating it to the issue of the law is a tutor that leads us to Christ because the law
Instructs us about us about our inability and our guilt Once we realize that we've graduated to the place of grace and we're clothed with Christ in that baptism
It's a play on words and the people who used Galatians 3 27 You know you close yourself all human baptized close yourself with Christ see you're saved by baptism
They rip it out of its historical cultural context. They don't understand what's going on. But that's a part of the
The background here because it says I say as long as you're an heir the heir is a child He does not differ at all from a slave
Although he is the owner of everything the heir the child was even to obey the slave the slave would say no you do this
You don't do that But of course the heir was the one who was gonna inherit everything and was the ultimate, you know
Boss so to speak it would be but it but for a time it wasn't that functionally and so Both the slave and the child were under the care of the master and in this case
The illusion is being drawn to the law as that master But the law is a difficult task master
Because the law is interesting. It brings about the opposite of what it requires It says be holy and then shows you where you're not holy
It says be good and it shows you where you're not good. It says don't lie and reveals to you
You're lying So the law brings about the opposite of what it requires requires perfection and holiness and beauty and goodness and Brings about the opposite because it kills you the law reveals your sin
The law exposes exposes your sin the law exposes how bad you are So the law is interesting in that it brings about the opposite of what it requires.
Okay? So now as I say as long as the heir is a child He does not differ at all from the slave though.
He's on the owner of everything First two, but he is under guardians and managers until the date set by the father
So when he was the father said, okay. Yeah, it's time you are now gonna be you know in the high place in the house
So the guardianship was until the father of the house Released that child from the lot that he slaves authority
Because the slave could say he's qualified. He's ready. The father had to okay it this was his job verse 3
So also we while we were children notice how he's relating now This whole image of the law as a tutor to lead us to Christ and the slave and the children relationship
So also while we were children Were held in bondage under the elementary things of the world
So he what Paul is doing is he's laying a brilliant case here for something. What he's doing is showing the
Requirements of the law Has already went over Galatians 3 23 through 27 until Christ sets us free from that law
So we're under the obligation of the law until Christ sets us free from the law we'll talk about how that's done
So the Jews were under obligation, which is why the Judaizers here in Galatia What they wanted to do was have the the
Galatians Be circumcised get under that law to be under that law is the obligation to follow the legal requirements so Verse four, but when the fullness of time came
God sent forth a son born of a woman born under the law Now, let me ask you guys a question.
I already have the answer Unanswered. What does it mean when it says the fullness of the time?
What do you think it means? So I just want to get you guys involved a little bit You can give me all the wrong answers. Let's start with Dave What do you think it means
The fullness of the time came God sent forth his son born of a woman born under the law.
Okay, so What would be the fullness of the time? when
When what? There you go. The fulfillment of the prophecies the times that were right
There are a lot of prophecies in the Old Testament, you know, Isaiah 714 born of a virgin
Mm -hmm His name will be be a mighty God Isaiah 9 6
Be born in Bethlehem that Micah 5 to Be from the house of David.
I forgot with it what where that's from But it also through the lineage of Abraham Genesis chapter 12 so also
As it says we're gonna get into this Galatians 4 for this is important good notice it says When the fullness of the time came
God sent forth his son born of a woman born under the law So just to do it.
I typed in Google. What does it mean to be born under the law? so we're to see what people had to say about it because you know,
I brought my stuff out see if I any ideas out there and Didn't really learn anything new except that this one guy
Said Jesus was not born under the law And he actually quoted Galatians 4 for no
Jesus was not under the law as I now I'm okay I'm gonna check this guy out and I'm it's a pastor of a church and find out it's a cult
But it's interesting that this guy said well, Jesus was not born under the law
But if I was debating him, but I said, but it says he was born under the law It's what it says.
Yeah, but it doesn't mean he was born under the law, but it says he was born under the law I've done that with people in debates before and impromptu debates, but it says you do know now
I see the same thing over but it says to do and but it says it'll go on for three minutes
I'll go but it says I do it over and over this. I've done it many many times like that and I'll tell people you know,
I'm doing that because it says Just what it says, you know, it's not that hard but sometimes people want to make it hard now
Sometimes you do have to go into deeper stuff. Okay, but anyway So what was some of the requirements of being born under the law if you're a male?
Circumcision so with Jesus circumcised Yes, he was he had to have someone he would call
God, right? God the Father my Lord my God, right he would do that Jesus also said in John 14 28 said the father's greater than I Know what?
I got a question. Wait a minute. Isn't Jesus God in flesh? Yeah, if he's
God in flesh you should be equal to God, right How then is it that the father's greater than him if he's
God in flesh anybody have an answer Because he's the son well depends on what you mean by that because that's not a bad answer if we could expand it
Because they're in the right track, but what does it mean? What?
Positionally Positionally, right so I'm greater than my wife
Positionally in this marriage according to Scripture, but I'm not better than her Which were both humans.
It's just a positional difference So Jesus was positionally under the law and Hebrews 2 2 9 says made for a little while lower than the angels so the father was greater than him because he was made under that law as Someone under the law he was required to fulfill the law and he did first Peter 2 22 he never sinned
So he fulfilled the law perfectly Now I'm gonna ask a question.
This is a fun question. How many of you? Think that maybe Possibly you've actually kept the law perfectly for let's say up to five seconds
Maybe Maybe when you're firstborn, maybe I think maybe when
I was in a car accident unconscious and I see you But even then I don't know, you know so we understand that The standard of perfection could it should be achieved by God only and though we might think highly of ourselves
Ultimately, the truth is we're not going to raise our hand and say yeah, I'm doing pretty well according to God's standard even in our sleep even in a hospital
Unconscious, even when we're born we had to be careful because we do not know even the depths of our own depravity and but but God does and what's amazing is
He chose to save us anyway You know as I love that saying I've said so many times on God I'm glad that God predestined me from the foundation of the world because if you look at me now, he wouldn't pick me and I love that because it's an admission of what we are internally as being
Vile and foul and touched by sin and all that we are and yet God has loved us
But nevertheless, so the father was greater than he because he was made under the law
Galatians 4 for made for a little while Lord and the angels Hebrews 2 9 and in Philippians 2 5 through 8 he emptied himself
Now we don't know what that emptying means. It's another topic we can get into But we don't want to say that he's less than anything than God now
What I'm also gonna do is is go through a little bit of stuff. I did a study once on What was necessary?
I didn't do all of the study super in -depth, but I found a few things What was a requirement according to the law for Jesus to be sacrificed?
Well, what's up Mm -hmm
Had to be a lamb Oh Blow the candle out
Okay In Exodus 12 3 it has speak to all the congregation of Israel saying on the 10th of this month
They are each to one to take a lamb for themselves According to their father's household a lamb for each household and that's to be a sacrifice
In John 1 29 the next day he saw Jesus That's John the Baptist coming to him and said behold the
Lamb of God who takes away the center of the world was the lamb because the lamb was taken into the person's home and cared for as a pet and Then it was killed
And it kind of a traumatizing thing But it's meant to show the trauma of the crucifixion
The Leviticus 17 11 for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I've given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls for it is by the blood for it is it is the blood by Reason of the life that makes atonement and he was 914
How much more will the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without blemish to God? Cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living
God The Priest makes atonement Leviticus 4 20 He shall also do with the bowl the bowl just as he did with the bowl of the sin offering just Thus he shall do with it
So the priest shall make atonement for them and they shall be forgiven and he was 723 224
The former priests on the one hand existed in greater numbers because they were prevented by death from continuing
But Jesus on the other hand because he continues forever ever holds his priesthood permanently
So he was the priest who made atonement. This is all according to the law The sacrifice was to be without blemish.
We know Jesus was I'll read the Old Testament Scripture Deuteronomy 17 1 you shall not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or a sheep
Which has a blemish or any defect for that is a detestable thing to the Lord your God Reminds me
I was talking to the Christa Delphians watch it's a cult similar to the Jehovah's Witnesses are very few of them
But I had an encounter with them for about a year. It was really interesting situation, but nevertheless they would say that Oh, excuse me that Jesus had to sin nature, but he never sinned
He had a sin nature, but he never sinned and I was looking this was like 20 years ago
Okay, how am I gonna deal with this you're gonna think about this what Scripture can I go to Deuteronomy 17 1 you shall not have a blemish and they said well he never says we didn't have a blemish and I said
Let me ask you a question Is having a fallen sinful nature a blemish they couldn't answer because they say no, of course it is
You have a fallen a sinful nature, but you just never sinned. That's a blemish on the sacrifice.
It's impure and Stuff so a lot of times my history of verses and scriptures are
Arrived at in situations like that. So sometimes I quote a verse there's memory there's associations with it from evangelism and various things
Kinsmen Redeemer, this is Leviticus 25 47 through 49 Now think about Jesus in this now if the means of a stranger or of a sojourner with you becomes it sufficient and a countryman of yours becomes so poor with regard to him as to sell himself to a stranger who was sojourning with you or to the descendants of a stranger's family
Then he shall have redemption right after he has been sold One of his brothers may redeem him or his uncle or his uncle's son may redeem him or one of his blood relatives from his family may redeem him or if he prospers he may redeem himself a
Kinsman Redeemer the family members could redeem that slave So I have three brothers and you know
My mom and dad, you know, let's say that we were all of us live in the same house in that culture
One of them sold himself into slavery Servitude for a couple of years to pay off the debt well, if my youngest brother did that if I was the older one
I am I Would have that obligation or even the option of being able to purchase him back
It wasn't I didn't owe him, but the purchase was due to the work That could be provided by him in that service, which is why it says a slave is his money
That's why it says that in the Bible. And so the issue here is then that I could redeem him
It's called a kinsman Redeemer a family member. Jesus, of course is a kinsman Redeemer for Israel Okay, and then we can go to the book of Ruth Which is another thing about Ruth being redeemed by the kinsman
Redeemer Which is a type of atoning thing and stuff you'll get into that So in Exodus 12 11 through 13 the
Passover now you shall eat it in a manner with your loins Girded your sandals on your feet your staff in your hand and you shall eat it in haste
It is the Lord's Passover Well, I will go through the land of Egypt on that night I will strike down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt both man and beast and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments
I am the Lord the blood Shall be for a sign for you at the houses where you live and when
I see the blood I will pass over You and no plague will befall you Or to destroy you when you strike the land of Egypt when
I strike the land of Egypt All right. So let me ask you a question. I Want you to think of the door if you think of it like a door here you entered this house
We have one two three Four we have a bottom thing, but generally in that culture you often did not
You often did not have a bottom plate. It was just dirt and sometimes they did have a full four things, but doesn't really matter
The blood was put on three pieces of wood Now there are three pieces of wood on the cross
The vertical piece the horizontal piece and what not the footrest close
The thing over his head the piece of wood that had the charge against him Jesus Christ the
Son of God was what he claimed to be in Hebrew The first letter of each of those words was yo, hey
Vod. Hey, Yahweh, and that's what the Jews said Pain that he said he was the Son of God because they recognized that issue, but nevertheless
So The blood of the lamb was put on the door
Jesus is called the door Three pieces of wood and the blood
So whoever was in went in through that door would not be killed. The firstborn would not be killed, right?
What if an Egyptian? Filthy vile pagan Egyptian had gone into one of those houses when the angel death came over.
Would he be saved? Yes, he would have Anybody Anybody who have gone in through that door which represents the shed blood of Christ the lamb
Anybody who passed through that door would be saved Jesus says on the the way the truth of life.
He says on the bread. He was on the door, right? incidentally in Noah's Ark, how many people entered the ark eight?
Thank you very much and How many doors were on the ark one door who closed that door?
God Who opened that door? God he went in he closed the door and then after the flood
God opened the door God opened it They didn't open it and close up themselves. God did it and they came out so they went through the one door into the ark
What does that ark represent? Jesus who's the one door they went in and they were safe inside of there
It's another representation of Christ So Jesus fulfilled the law now in John 5 39
Jesus says you search the scriptures because in them you think you have eternal life But it is these that bear witness of me all of the scriptures about Jesus Now here's a little tidbit of information.
They may not be helpful to you It'll be informative, but it may not be helpful All sermons should ultimately point to Christ Because the entire
Bible does so back in seminary I was assigned a verse by my preaching professor and it happened to be 2nd
Chronicles 20 and the 2nd Chronicles 20 Some bad guys were coming down the
Jebusites the cause of her rights the gesundheit's that everybody was coming down from the north to destroy
Israel and God said don't worry about it. The battle is not your the battles is mine.
And so they trusted God and God caused confusion to occur over The enemy they were routed they killed themselves each other and Israel was redeemed.
God said it's not your battle. It's mine So when I wrote the sermon and I preached the sermon in class, which is pretty intimidating to do
To your student peers your professor you're being graded. It's a difficult thing. But nevertheless so when
I did that he gave me an a -minus and He made a note and I remember that I could tell he was being generous.
I went over to his house I still remember this and I said what's wrong with my sermon?
He was he knew I was very shy about preaching in front of the people You know, it's pretty intimidating now
I'm not but And he told me he said Matt you you preach moralism. I Said well, what do you mean?
And it was really interesting what he said. He said you just taught about being good. I said, well, yeah, it's what it's about It's about being good.
It's about Trusting God and you trust him and it were delivered And he said well, he said
Well, where's Jesus in there? I said, but Jesus isn't for the there to you know, 1500 years or whatever
So he's not there he goes yes, he is because the Bible is about Jesus right went Yeah, and we struggled back and forth.
I mean I struggled he was being very patient with me and he said something to me I'll never forget. He said
Matt the sermon you preached Could you have preached it in a
Mormon Church? Because he knew my my apologetics. Could you preach it as a
Mormon Church just as you preached it? I Thought about it. I said the light went ding what you know, you're right
I could have and they wouldn't have been able to tell the difference he Says you're right And he says where's
Jesus in it I Said I'm gonna work on this. We had to preach the same sermon again, and I got an a -plus
He just he says very good job because what I discovered in the text was the reason
God Intervened in the battle to save Israel was so the
Messiah could be born That's the whole purpose. This is battles. Not yours. It's mine
He's I'm gonna take care of this See God is the one who's in control. God's one is responsible and the battle is not yours.
It's mine. This is mine I'm taking care of this because it was about ultimately about you sitting here
I preached it. I preached a sermon sermon before several times since then it's about you sitting in the chairs.
I say Because without Israel being there the Messiah wouldn't have been born and you go to hell so it was an movement of the enemy to destroy
Israel to destroy us and So this was Christo centric preaching
Everything in the Old Testament is about Christ the ark Adam and Eve in the garden
Joseph in jail with a baker and the winemaker which is resembling communion all these things
Are there and so we have to make sure that we know that Christ is the one who the scriptures are about It's quite a bit of a tangent from the text
About me made under the law, but that's what the truth is. He's under that law.
He Perfected he was able to accomplish the law Perfectly in the areas that we could not which is in every area.
He did everything perfectly and The law points to him and all the Old Testament is about him as well
It's amazing First five so that he might redeem those who are under the law that we might receive the adoption as sons
So he became under the law So that he would redeem those who were under the law
That's us. He took our place. He became one of us
Now let me ask you what other religion do you know of where God himself
Does what's necessary for the people that need to be redeemed
There's nothing in Islam Allah just simply says here's some rules and he arbitrarily applies them and you can make it to heaven or not make it to heaven, but God's not involved in Mormonism God is three separate gods the
Trinity's three separate gods was a God the Father a God the Son another God the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost actually and then there's the mother goddess then there's the
God who exalted that God for another planet. But any rate so Here in Mormonism, for example
God the Father sent another God the Son to sacrifice so it wasn't himself and Only in Christianity is the one who's offended the one who forgives
And this is a thing because we remember offense and we retain offense and it shapes our theology that shapes the theology of the false religious systems
Because think about Muhammad in order to be forgiven of an offense There are things you've got to do and there's actually talk in the
Quran about scales of right and wrong and good and bad of course, there's
Nothing we can do at all ever in any way to Add to our salvation to add to the work of Christ.
There's not a single stinking thing We can do period whether thought intent or deed
Because everything that we are and everything we do is touched by sin and therefore it's everything we are and everything we do
Being touched by sin is now unacceptable to the infinitely. Holy God only the
Christian theology teaches this that the surpassing glory and greatness of God is such that we cannot even begin to fathom it or reach it in any way and He then becomes the one who takes care of it for us that's only in Christian theology
So only in Christian Christian theology. Do we have the true incarnation? Where the one offended is the one who pays and redeems?
No other theological system has that so therefore only in Christianity. Do we have what's truly called grace?
unmerited favor Unmerited if I could get to heaven by being sincere or by following the law in any way
Then Christ didn't need to die. That's Galatians 221. We already went over that but he did die
Even the faith that we have by which were justified Romans 5 1 Having therefore been justified by faith even that faith is granted to us by God Philippians 129
So sometimes I'm talking to the cults. I'll say do you take credit for your believing? That's a trick question because we do actually do the believing but when
I say do you take credit for it? what I'm trying to get them to admit is their boasting in their wisdom and their arrogance of How they are the ones who are wise enough to pick
God I'm trying to get them to see that now do we actually do the believing?
Well, yeah, we do God regenerates us. He enables us. We actually do the believing if we didn't do the believing We couldn't be justified But God grants it to us just as he grants that we come to Christ John 6 65
What we want to do however is hold on to our and this is what we all do some way or another self -righteousness
We're all guilty of self -righteousness Self -righteousness is is like a multi headed dragon that spits all kinds of vile lies
Self -righteousness says I can and I will or I've been wronged and I will not forget
What does God do? He's the one wronged and he says I will remember your sins no more and He's the one who took our place and bore our sin his body in the cross and died.
This is Christian theology This is the magnificence of Christian theology and it does not exist in any other system
So therefore there are only two religions in the world just two Christianity and all the others grace and works
Because all the others are combined with works. We're gonna get to Galatians 5 we're gonna spend more time on this and I'll go through and show you how
Paul talks about grace and works and By one act one thing you're trying to be saved by works
It's either all of Christ or it's not all of Christ So it's called a true dichotomy
It's either the case that it's Christ did everything necessary or it's not the case that Christ did everything necessary There's no middle or no third option.
It's called a true dichotomy It's either all of it or not all of it It's either the case of a or it's not the case of a that's it a true dichotomy and incidentally this is just for fun a disjunctive syllogism
Means this is unrelated, but I'm gonna do this for fun It's either the case that God created the universe or it's not the case that God created the universe
There's only two options If either God did it or not God did I could say that it's either the case of the
Christian God created universe or it's not the case of the Christian God universe if you only have two possibilities just two and a true dichotomy and One the one of them is removed by logical necessity
The other one is is made true if you can disprove one of them The other one has to be true because you can't discount both of the only two options available make sense called a just on disjunctive syllogism, and I talked about it with the
Atheists semi -regularly. All right, so he was made under the law
Was that it was you? Oh, I sound like a metal thing hitting
Like I think you coughed I was yawning or I cracked my ears, you know, it's a zigzags instant and it's not like metal crashing
That probably not a good sign is it I should admit it so now it's live I said that so we can say yeah, there's something wrong with Matt.
Well, we've already known that right? Yeah, that's right. Okay, so All right
I notice what's going on here the law the tutor the slave the child
Under the law of the house under the lordship of the master of the house as well as a slave
Representing the law as a tutor to us. We've graduated apart from the law we come to Christ Because reserve for six
You are sons God has sent forth his spirit the spirit of his son into our height hearts crying
Abba father. So now we're adopted We'll get into that a little bit So the
Trinity is manifested here to God as the father sent forth the spirit of his son
So the Trinity is involved here and we can cry out Abba father It's somewhat equivalent of saying daddy it basically only
You know only a child Raised by that, you know father would say daddy
You know and if one of my daughters or our daughters ever get married and I have a son -in -law I don't expect him to call me daddy
Right. I'd take him outside. We got to talk buddy You call me great one or master or something like that, but not daddy
That's right, what Good luck with that. Okay, and so but yet this is the term that that Paul is using because Jesus has used that term in Reference to a relationship with the father.
This is unheard of particularly in the Jewish mindset where the idea of the separation between God and his infinite greatness and us in our
Depth of depravity and inability we don't call him daddy. That's disrespectful
But this is what Jesus is teaching this is Paul saying why because we're Adopted into that family legally when you're fully adopted.
You can call him daddy So, you know if Anik and I had adopted a child, you know young child,
I would fully expect that child to call me dad Could be fine And that's that's fine because they're that child would be an heir just like Biologically born because of the legal requirement the legal obligations law child slave freed from that law heirs
According to the law heirs according to adoption right
Verse seven therefore you are no longer a slave but a son and if a son then an heir through God so we've left the requirements of the law and We have been adopted by faith and Justified by faith, which is legal
Sin is a legal problem We're justified which is a legal importation of righteousness of Christ, which he did under the law legal legal legal legal, right and In Romans 8 15 for you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again
But you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out
Abba father That's Romans 8 15 and Paul saying the same thing here in Galatians 4 6
The legality that we have He is trying to show everybody look the law you want to keep it.
Okay But you you're not gonna be able to do it perfectly and that's the standard Because the law is to tutor allegiance to Christ Galatians 3 24 to 27
But once you've graduated like this the child does and he gets that robe.
He's clothed in righteousness This is the illusion. He's using this whole thing Then you progressed and you're in that full state but he says but we know that we're not like that or the
Galatians aren't At the very least because we're not Jews, but the Judaizers are coming into Galatia So they have to be adopted into the family of God It's a legal adoption.
And if you're legally adopted of the kingdom of God You have all the rights of the of a legitimate son or daughter right
That's how God's viewing us So a father the word father is not what a slave would say, right?
But it is what a child would say Now a slave is obligated to follow the law the father of the house
But we are to as well as we're not supposed to now that may sound contradictory
But you see the thing is we'll get into this more In that we who have died are freed from the law
Romans 6 6 we have died with Christ Romans 6 8 were crucified with Christ or Romans 7 4 says
Therefore my brethren you also were made to die to the law through the body of Christ Now remember
I've talked to us about to do this about before about that. Let me try this again in English. I've talked about this before About called federal headship where Christ is the representative of his people and that phrase in Christ In Adam all die in Christ all shall be made alive first Corinthians 15 22
Adam represented everybody But Christ represented the subgroup called the all given to him by the father
John 6 37 through 40 all that the father gives me will come to me What we see here is that he represented us and we were in him when he died on that cross
Because he represented us because from eternity past in Ephesians 1 4
We were given and chosen were chosen by the father and given to the
Son for redemption From the before the foundation of the world Therefore when
Christ bore our sins, this is what I believe He only took the sins upon himself of the elect the predestined ones
Makes perfect sense if you look at it from the eternal perspective And then we have been said to die to the law
So once we now the Bible says in Colossians 2 14 having canceled out the certificate of debt the sin debt
Consisting of decrees which is hostile to us. He took it out of the way having nailed it to the cross So the sin debts removed at the cross, but we're not justified until we believe
So the sin debts removed but we're not justified Till the cross so we have sin it's taken away
But the righteousness of God Philippians 3 9 isn't put to us till we believe
So there's this it's what's interesting is that a person can be born Who's elect who has a sin that canceled and yet he's not justified at the same time
That's an interesting theological perspective. It's called the now and the not yet That we were redeemed from the foundation of the world called for the foundation of the world, but it wasn't wasn't yet manifested it's the same kind of theological perspective intention that goes out through the history of eternity and Then is manifested on that cross and then when we're born could he bore the future sins of people who are not yet born?
But he bore their sin that's proof that this now the not yet is perfectly legitimate perfectly biblical perfectly logical
Then he canceled their sin debt and then God grants infallibly those people the right of belief and then we're justified and In this we're adopted and our sin that is removed and the only way we can receive any of this is by faith the faith that God grants to us
So he gets all the glory period This is radically different than all other religious systems
Mormons Jehovah's Witnesses Christian science unity Baha 'i Islam Roman Catholicism Eastern Orthodox Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism lame ism and stupid ism
They are all teaching one way or another that what happens is you have to cooperate with God in the wisdom of your own souls
Conscience mind or something cooperate and achieve that place with God, but that's not the case with Scripture Because Christ did everything however verse 8 at that time.
Look at this When you did not know God you were slave to those that by nature are no gods
But now that you have come to know God or rather to be known by God How is it that you turn it back again to the weak and worthless?
Elemental things to which you desire to be enslaved all over again. This is interesting statement what he's saying.
I've quoted this relations for eight nine many times Now the word to know
K and OW and the Greek is Gnosko Gnosko God never says he to an unbeliever.
I know you and just says that and that's it He says except Jesus has once to the
Pharisees. I know you you're your father the devil. He qualifies that statement There's never a place where God just says
I know you leave it at that to an unbeliever It's only the believers if we're known by God were saved
So we have also in John 10 14. Jesus says I'm the Good Shepherd and I know my own and my own know me and John 10 27 28 my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me
In Matthew 7 22 and 23 many will say to me in that day Lord Lord We not prophesy in your name before many miracles your name, etc, etc.
Get away from me. I never knew you It means they were never saved So if you're in a day of judgment
God says I don't know you you're going to hell Period that's what
I want to hear on the day of judgment. I Want to look at me and go. Yeah, I know you that's it
Yes, yeah, that's why they said yeah because they were appealing to salvation very good In Matthew 7 22 23.
Look what we did. They're appealing to their faith and their works for salvation and they're condemned for it
It's not if we know God and that's what a lot of religions will say do you know God? Yeah, I know my
God I know it. That's not what Christianity says Christianity says does God know you? That's the issue notice what it says in Galatians 4 9
But now that you have come to know God or rather to be known by God knows how he switches it
You know God or rather be known by God Don't know they wonder if how the
Bible might be different if they wrote it on word processors Because You know now that you know know
God or rather known by God That's what you would do on a papyrus when you're writing and you want to just add a slight modification
Now me I'd have corrected a demo grammar Lee I would you know make sure my commas are in there done everything, right? It obviously would not be inspired at that point
But you know get in there and I just wonder how many of these things are there Because they they had to write it out slowly and and that thought and I'm glad Now that you know
God or rather are known by him that draws attention to that statement. I like that I just think it's good
All right Verse 10 you observe days than months and seasons and years
This is in reference to the Old Testament observations of laws that were required for the Jews I Fear for you that perhaps
I've labored over you in vain Now why would he be afraid for them what's what's the issue why is
Paul saying this what's what's the context what's going on?
That he's saying that he's he's afraid for them Juan you already know the answers.
What do they want to do? They want to What Do their own thing they want to go back under the law
Right now that doesn't mean they lose their salvation.
I guess another issue But He's trying to show the
Galatians. He says look this law thing It's tempting the legality the self -righteousness of law
Because that's what law is is self -righteousness Because it says look what
I can do and the self -righteousness of our hearts Blinds us to the forgiving grace of God Because we think we've got to earn it
There's a tendency But we can't say that we can't believe that we can't be that we know we don't have that ability to do that and So what we have here, we are free to be able to Not follow the law that Old Testament law because you've died with Christ.
We're free from it. Now. We just trust in Christ But along with that this is part.
I don't like like Colossians 3. I don't like Colossians 3. I Read Colossians 3
I find out how much of a sinner I still am See I like the idea of Resting in the grace of God and not having to deal with anything else because I still retain my self -righteousness
That self -righteousness is an ugly thing that hides itself in us and I like to say
Pride and humility are similar. They both hide in you and you can't see them
But someone else can That's how it often is with pride and humility
But we don't to worry about this is I fear you if I labored over you in vain I've been telling you this for nothing.
You're going back to this What is wrong with you? It says I beg of you verse 12 brethren become as I am for I also have become as you are
You've done me no wrong now We don't know what it means when he says you've done me no wrong
There's might have been something else that he was talking about earlier In relationship to the
Galatians some other issues some commentators are read about it. They said we don't know They just don't know you've done me no wrong.
What's that? What's that about? So there's some theories but no big deal But he says
I beg you He's begging. I'm really begging you
Become as I am now. Wait a minute. What does that mean become as I am? But if I said to you I'm beg you guys become like me
You know, you'd want to you'd want to throw something at me right but what's the context what
Paul's saying he's saying look I was a follower of Judaism a
Master at it blameless blah blah blah Now I've abandoned it therefore become like me.
That's okay So I could say to you become like me in that you depend on Christ completely and totally
That's fine He says
I become as you are now the Gentiles there Worked with the law.
So G so Paul had become one so to speak without the law
As a Gentile he could eat Unclean things he could do the things that Jews would never do now think about that But Galatia, they knew what
Jews were they were very prosperous. They were around the area their long whole area
For hundreds of miles hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of miles different directions, okay So undoubtedly certain
Jews would have synagogues in different places Now you see a synagogue and on this
Saturday These Jews wearing these weird outfits go in and they do this weird stuff in a weird language
Of course the culture people are going to talk about them Yeah, I just wondered and then we have the people who believe in the
Greek gods over there We have the Jews believe that over there. So yeah, so they're gonna be known. All right
So can you imagine Paul comes in not only is he a Jew? No, no. No, he's a
Pharisee Now they know what Pharisees are they might see a Pharisee might come in do a traveling thing to various areas
Pharisee comes in, you know, that's we're talking motorcycles in front motorcycles and back You know drones up like that with sniper bullets the whole bit.
This is an important arrival the Pharisees, right? So here comes a Pharisee and he's eating like them and drinking like them and going through there
That would Really would have it would have been an eye -opener for the Galatians, which I think would have drawn attention to the whole issue
Why is he doing this? What's going on with him and then the other Jews are after him and he's smarter than a because he talks about stuff
Let's get into it the conflict and the surprise and that cultural
Context I believe would cause people to become very intrigued and Become interested in the truth of the gospel, but he goes on he says but verse 13
But you know that it was because of a bodily illness that I preached the gospel to you for the first time
So again, we're not exactly sure what that means But it looks like that Paul had not been planning to evangelize the
Galatians He says it's for bodily in illness that I preached to you You know if you're driving through cross -country and You're you know puking sick someplace and you stay in a city for you know
Halfway there for a few days and you end up preaching the gospel, you know, it would make sense
It was because of bodily illness. I was preaching to you this probably was the case with him and What I like to know about this is, you know, we have plans
So I'm going to go to Miami and I'm gonna drive to Miami and I'm gonna go preach the gospel into the people of Miami That's that's the plan
So I'm driving through and in Denver. I get puking sick and I'm there for a week And I preach the gospel people get saved there whose plan was that?
God Now would God make me puking sick? I don't see why not He makes the eye dumb of the eye blind and the ear dumb dumb dumb
That the tongue dumb the eye blind and the ear deaf Exodus 411. God says he does that can he?
Cause a sickness upon somebody sure he can Could he allow his sickness to come on somebody sure
Could you ordain that so -and -so cough at the gas station on the handle? But I picked up and wiped my nose after I got gas and got sick from a germ.
Sure. You could do that, right? So, you know God can ordain it whatever but it was all by the plan of God and so even the illness and the sickness was something used by God which
I Don't know if you guys have ever experienced this you have a plan and God kind of redirects you a little
I mean it's happened to me just a few times Few times just a just a few
I've had a few conversations with God trying to understand his plan for me and Direction for me while I was trying to get him to see my my my way and my logic and That I'll tell you this quick story
Before Nick and I got married. I was living with Dave Kimball in an apartment in Anaheim you know not too far from Disneyland and I Was very very dedicated to the
Lord very dedicated to the Lord I took a piece of eight and a half by eleven paper and I Is my contract with God I put the date on it and I signed it at the bottom and I put it into a picture
Frame and I kept it in my my room. That's my contract with God. I didn't care what he put in there
You fill it in I prayed over it. This is my contract with God. I don't care what you do You you just fill it in whatever you say.
I say yes to it so different things happen and move here you move there get married and Finish college went to seminary graduate and I'm outside of College now about seminary a year or two and we're in Escondido off of Fig Street.
I remember that and I'm praying and I'm asking
God. Why is it God that you haven't opened a door for ministry for me because I've gone to college.
I've been nine years of work four years of college two years of seminary I mean a three years of seminary two years of internship things hadn't worked out.
I couldn't you know, Lord. Why what's going on here? I'm gonna get my chronology wrong a little bit
But I was sitting there and look why if you don't open the door and I still remember very clearly of little
So to speak at voice if only had it happened a couple of times. This is one of them you signed a contract
I Remember hearing this voice. Yeah, and I had this dialogue. Yeah, you know, it was very loud
It was just contract didn't hear a voice, but it was the contract. Yeah. I know I signed a contract, you know, but You know and I tried to tell
God how things were And yes, I'm trying to be humble about it. Well, I got my master of divinity.
Aren't I ready now? And been out a long time and I'm working but aren't I ready now?
And well, you send a contract, you know You know on my time, right? Yes, but and this went on like this for ten minutes
I heard this voice this this thing. When did you sign that? And so I don't know
I kept praying but God but God for a while that kept you know, when did you sign it? So I stopped praying and I got up and it took me a while to find that because I still had it with me
Because it wasn't on my wall. It was just in my shelves of books real thin Well, there it is and I pulled it out and I looked at the date and it was seven years to the day
That I'd signed it previously So I just put it back went back to my knees and repented
Seven years is a very specific number and since I have a thing about numbers
That's not something I've told you guys very much about But God uses numbers many times in my life.
I've had a thing about numbers my whole life. But any rate so I Repented God is the one who's in control and God is sovereign.
He can use a sickness He can use weak people strong people and it's his timing that we have to submit to not our own
We have to know what he wants and he can use all kinds of things because he said his illness
Verse 14 that which was a trial to you in my bodily condition You did not despise or loathe what the reason he said that is because in that culture if you were sick if they believed it because God or the gods was punishing you if Women didn't have children.
It's because God or the gods was not showing favor to you. You're under a curse or a judgment and You did not despise or loathe but you received me as an angel of God as Christ Jesus And we'll get on to this we'll probably quit after this verse
Where then is that sense of blessing you had for I bear you witness that if possible you would have plucked out your eyes
And given them to me That's interesting statement. He said he's got a sickness.
He has an illness and He says you would have plucked your eyes out for me when
Paul Here's conjecture Paul was on the road of Damascus in Acts chapter 9
He was blinded wasn't he the glory of Jesus came upon him knocked him off a horse and he couldn't see
He had to go to the Tanner a Tanner laid hands on him and he could see again
Some people think that that's why he had vision problems. His eyes were damaged Second Corinthians 12 7 through 9 because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations for this reason to keep me from exalting myself that was given to me a thorn in the flesh a
Messenger of Satan to torment me to keep me from exalting myself now
I Think it's an interesting thing to say about yourself Jesus had appeared to him.
Jesus had knocked him off his horse Jesus had put him in his place and He still needed something to keep him humble
And you know if you ever thought about well if I was in the garden with Adam and Eve I wouldn't have blown it You know or You know if I'd have seen
Jesus on the road, I'd have been a lot more humble Or I wouldn't have to I wouldn't need a messenger of Satan You know
Come on I have to say that. Yeah, I would have done better. I'd like to say that But because I know that I'm a line sack of crap when
I say that how how would I have done? What I have if I was back there would
I have recognized Jesus as the Lord or would I have condemned him? the only thing
I ever say is for sure is If there's anything good that comes out of me, it's only because of Christ.
That's it Which is why I believe I suspect I don't know how it's gonna work we get to heaven
I'm gonna be there because I trust in Christ. I don't see now.
I'm not being humble. I Don't see how I could have any rewards for anything Because my heart is wicked in all areas and nothing
I've ever done is pure And so I don't see how anything that I've ever done can merit anything and be any place.
I fully expect To be cast to the outside of the heavenly boundaries
Given a mop you clean up this area. That's fine with me forever
I don't even deserve that and We need though Now things that afflict us physically to humble us
So a friend of mine back in when I had a job at Kimberly Clark in Fullerton My boss told me a story and so this is from him.
He told me he knew a guy Who was walking with the Lord became a Christian was walking the
Lord and over a couple year period He started backsliding and he got in an accident of some sort and literally his back was broken
So he had a six -month recovery time because of the nature of this break And he's on his back and my boss
Frank said God Hurt him to get him on his back because sometimes the only time you look up to God when you're flat on your back
So he healed up man repented he healed up and he was doing great for a couple of years then started sliding again and His Back was broken for a second time.
He was in the hospital for a few more months and Frank Told me goes after that one
He listened he listened And I never forgot that story because the guy goes, but I'm done.
Okay, but you got you got my attention Now, why wouldn't God just reach into our hearts here fix this? Well, I like the idea of God, you know,
I want to God make me humble you just kind of work in my heart You know, I always said I'm really humble right? I don't even know it cuz
I'm just so humble, right? Would that be great? No, what does he do? puts people in my life that I had to be nice to Yeah, and you know,
I have to not serve myself and yeah, it's a tough
You know, I like my my pride and my sin and my stupidity and everything else that goes along with it But God uses people and situations and circumstances and our illnesses
To break us and shape us because I think the more stubborn we are the more he's going to Inflict on us because he loves us now sometimes people just get get something happen to him and it's not their fault and it's not because they're stubborn and this is you know an issue of the sin of the
Sin in the world affecting people But how we handle that at that time will be important, you know, unless you know
Some of us just die of a stroke. We're dead before we hit the ground We often you know, most people got to suffer through some infirmities.
How are we going to handle those infirmities? You know you go through stuff. My wife's goes through stuff, you know, and how to handle that is, you know
We can talk about how you ought to handle it That's how you should do this right I can give a list of things and it might be correct
But it's not so easy doing it And as we go through things that we experience things, but Paul You'd think that Paul of all people would have known better.
Do you think he would really have needed an infirmity to keep him humble? Apparently yeah
And you know if you read Romans 7 19 18 through 20 21 He talks about he says the things
I want to do I don't do the things I supposed to do I don't do and who's gonna deliver me this body of death
He really understood to a large part the depth of his own depravity So, let me ask you have any of you ever asked?
Ever asked God in all sincerity to reveal your sin to you. I Did and I could take you to the street corner in Escondido Where I was looking at the
Arco gas station waiting for the light to turn left When I prayed I asked God to please stay his hand from that.
I was done with it. I Said okay, I'm done that prayer. Thank you.
Can we can we undo that now? Because he was showing me and it was constant and I couldn't take it anymore.
I Remember where I was when I not took the prayer back but said uncle, you know uncle
I give and Then I could bear life a little easier
It's really quite an experiment to say God. Show me my sin and You know, maybe
I need to do that again. I pray that every now and then Lord show me my sin and But I do it with caution
Because when I pray in my heart, it's like I'm really saying just show me, you know, maybe half a percent Just enough that I can work on my next issue
Because I don't want to have to go Again, I don't want to go through it.
I remember it. But any rate all this is reminded me out of what Paul said he said it was given to me a messenger of Satan to buffet me because of the great revelations
I'd received and so He was humbling us
God is humbling us and yet he still used Paul Someone's writes humbled clay writes when
God hammers on you it can be a painful situation. I like that hammers on you Whack whack.
Let me tell you something. Here's a little story about being hammered nickel remember this in 1976 seven or eight
I was in Southern, California and I started a car race one night and And there was a bad accident that resulted from it and I left the scene of the accident
Okay, and that's pretty bad. I don't know if people died or not I don't think so Because it was made a bad fender -bender people were unconscious, but they started coming back, you know, and I took off You know years ago
I'm sitting here with with her and this started memory started coming back And this is
God's hammering Except it wasn't a sledgehammer. It was more of a small little
Hammer, you might use to fix a little bitty something here. Take think and it went on for months
And I got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore I talked to her about it and she's she was good
She said whatever you decide I talked to a pastor friend of mine who told me to trust
God And my plan was to call the police down there and turn myself in This is me, you know, probably isn't the 70s and this that it happened.
So 30 40 years at the time, you know gone and so I Called up and I actually talked to a detective and I said
I remember the car or the basic green Mustang Fastback a dark ish other sedan.
I don't know what city it was I don't even know what year it was But I think it was around this place in time and I told him
I said look if you tell me to fly down To I think I think he was in Long Beach I think
I called the Long Beach guy cuz it's kind of Center area I said if you tell me to fly down I will fly down and turn myself in and I would have
Talked to me because she said okay Because I had to take care of it It's a buffeting of the of the heart
God can do it in the in the body, but you do it in the heart also So I called him up and I told him everything
I said You gotta do what you got to do. And he said look He said we tell you something.
He said first of all, I don't know if you're telling me the truth He says I'm not saying you are not saying you're not but he goes look.
I suppose you are And I told him I'm you know minister I wife kids do ministry all the stuff and the
Lord's convicted trying to be a witness at the same time and he said if We could find what really happened if we could find the records of what happened
If we knew that's what that was from you. There's no way to show that it was that you were there Even if we knew what city it was and what year he said even if we could
No one's gonna want to prosecute you Because there's stuff we got busy We're not gonna go wreck someone's life over something that may or may not be and then at a trial someone said well
You don't have any proof of anything. It's not gonna happen He said and furthermore all the old records have been moved into a certain basement area
You have to hire someone to go look for those records Even if they can find them and they would have nowhere to begin to look and he said my advice to you is
Just forget about it because even if they could find something no one's gonna do anything
He says every now and then we get a call like yours. He told me this maybe once a year
Someone's just you know guilty and he says depending on the situation says come in and we'll talk or don't worry about it
He says in your case. He goes forget it. It's not gonna happen. No one's gonna care.
It's gone. It's done I said, but what if someone died he goes Do you think so much
I don't think so, you know, I thought people moving and you know It wasn't like 800 mile an hour crash.
I'm gonna flip and rotate it, you know flip 80 times, but He said are you sure he says yes, this is okay.
Well, thank you Then I was released. You see I was ready to do what was right what was necessary before God and I was afraid and And So I was talking to a friend today and I mentioned on the radio talking to a friend of mine named
Trevor Rubinstein And we're gonna talk about the situation in life today How the kovat vaccine and the stupid friggin government's doing its crap stuff and the president is vicious
And he made a point that I thought was really good. He said people need to stop being afraid to die
They need to stop being afraid to die and go serve Christ And it was a simple statement.
He made and I said, you know what Trevor you are so right That is that really sums it up We as Christian need to be not be afraid to die
We need to be able to risk You'd be able in that state to be able to endure what
God would give us Wherever it is for his glory Paul the Apostle did it we've done it
Many of us here have got stories and situations about how we have gone through things and changed and been through stuff
For the glory of God and God's very gracious. Oh my Legs, he's very gracious to us and You know, we just need to be ready
Be ready. Anyway, Paul's a good example He's a good example, even though He probably we don't know for sure probably had bad eyesight
He traveled got sick shipwrecked beaten starved jailed and He kept going.
I guess he wasn't afraid to die You imagine I just thought of this imagine what if because he got beheaded that's how tradition says
You imagine there he is Walking up to the block of wood, whatever
And lays his head down he's going I'm coming home I'm coming home to my lord.
I'll be there in a couple of minutes, you know, I Would suspect that would be him me
They'd be able to see the trail that lit up to where I was. I'm a chicken
That's a little bit of a visual but you get to my point You know if I am
Strong, it's only by the grace of God if I'm weak is because of my sin The only thing we have even in our deaths and I pray this many times over the years
Lord even in my death Give me the grace to glorify you That's all we can do
All right. There you go Thank you for sharing Joanne. Hey, so you didn't know how bad I was dude.
Yeah, I've done some bad stuff I've done stuff worse than that, but I won't I won't say Yeah, I Like that 50 -point
Calvinist says that says Miller to grant repentance faith salvation all of him and none of us.
Amen Okay, anybody got any questions, let's see anyone heard of the quote God gives us everything to save us from himself
Yeah, that's a good basic quote. Yes and There you go, do you guys got any comments or questions good text, huh?
Good stuff in there Laura says I think we've all been very bad, especially
Laura. Yeah, actually I only tease people I like but Yeah, I've met
Laura. She's nice. She helps out at calm and she's trying to find some more stuff to do now God grants us repentance from unbelief.
That's right. He grants us that we believe Philippians 129 Jim roar Marlene Ritson thaller
All right Well anybody anything comments? No.
Okay. How about you guys in? the room the chat room Watching video you want to type in anything?
Could it takes 20 seconds for them to? Realize they have to add to it then it takes another 20 seconds to write it out
And there are 20 seconds to the sides. I'm gonna hit enter Because he might be afraid
They have a chill out Have it show up Yeah, the whole thing's like a cycle like about 20 seconds.
I've been a blessing To calm and many others good Dylan Biggs It's gonna be a name joke on that Biggs So how tall are you?
Mr. Biggs, you know guys didn't count less in calendar one of our schools because hey calendar What's a date man, you know?
We do all kind of this and so when one person's name here shows up during the say is partial
I said to her are you all here? and You know, it never heard that one before I'm sure and another guy
There's some other names that came on That I make fun of people's names
Humboldt clay, I'm not gonna make fun of that because it's so good. I Like 50 -point
Calvinist. Oh, that's pretty good And let's see roar
That's roar rohr roar That's what it is, right, how would you pronounce that?
Gower Okay, I'm gonna do with that, okay Hey, my last name is slick.
That's why I I make fun of people's names. Okay, I guess we're done Then is we just blabber talk about anything
He done Are you guys done out there and is there a verse by verse commentary on the book of Galatians that you can suggest?
Yes, go through bondage of the will by Martin Luther, it's pretty stinking good you can also go and get
There's a book in Galatians by get I always say Calvinist commentators Krista Mocker Kristen Mocker.
I think it's Kristen Mocker or Krista Mocker mark or Krista marker It's something like that and they're good commentaries
I used to read commentaries all the time Oh Bill cannot that's another name bill cannot
I go How do you even make it here? You know, you cannot
How do you even get here? You know? Look at Paul day Come on, there's some good names in there day.
Oh So what's your favorite day of the year, you know Would you say
Galatians 2 16 is one of the strongest proof text that proves solace feed a Glaciers 216.
Yeah, I'd say it's pretty pretty strong It seems like in the Greek text. It says as strong as possible terms is by only by faith
I would agree not by faith. No works You can also go to Romans 3 28 Romans 4 or 5 any advice on studying the book of Leviticus.
Yes do it slowly Read Leviticus 16 and 23 about the priest requirements because it's interesting
And it okay. See y 'all tomorrow. Lord willing. That's right Ritzenthaler the big gun manufacturer
Ritzenthaler, you know All right, mrs.
Oh, I used to have a teacher back in 10th grade mrs. Dunn, ooh Don't know dunno dunno dunno.
I guess you don't know. Yeah First name Matt last name floor.
Try that Matt floor Well, you have a good foundation in life to move forward.
I bet you It's It's a horrible people like them though, they're so stupid
I once did a triple pun In college a triple pun because a professor's name was witty And I made a joke on the word witty on a pun about the word witty to mr.
Witty and I was I went And no one in the class got it like come on That was good
It has ignored me All right. Oh, no way
Vicki says I worked somewhere before and we had a client named Fanny white Fanny white
I Remember, I like the name the play on names I remember Johnny Carson once we had you know
You have a flock of birds or a gaggle of geese a wrench of mechanics
Was one of them and a botch of surgeons That one a botch of surgeons
And then here's something else, okay, you remember when he would do Carnac he would put the letter to his head and one of me goes zip boom bah and he opens it up and It reason what does the sound a sheep makes when it explodes
Zip boom bah, it was great. Okay Cohen very call it
Biden Yeah All right. We're just having fun.
My wife had a doctor shots There's some other ones.
I remember some I try to remember Anyway What was it what was some doctor had an interesting last
I remember at any rate no, it doesn't matter. All right Just ruined my night mentioning that name picture got
Fanny bean club. All right guys. We're out of here. So god bless I'll close it down.
I'll shut it down and Till next week. Okay, let's keep going through Galatians, right?