Danny Akin Dares To Call a Black Man a Heretic

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You'll never guess what happens next.


So one thing I've noticed in the last couple years since I've been on YouTube is that it's so commonly the most charitable option to assume someone is just Stupid or to assume someone is just naive or to assume someone is just oblivious Because the alternative is that they're intentionally doing something
Evil right and and I think there's so many examples of this I could go on forever
But there were two things that made me think about it today or yesterday. I should say actually yesterday and today
But the first one was that was a tweet from summer Jaeger And she says it's amazing to me how many
Christians believe that the government is our third parent I do not expect a desire for you to agree with my every political thought but please please consider
Where you get your ideas about what the government is supposed to be I? responded to this tweet and I Here's here's how it where it comes from for me
I don't think many people have thought about the government that much and where How we decide what the government's supposed to be like people just haven't really thought it through because they were catechized in school
To basically assume the government is supposed to take care of us like a nanny Like that's that was just my default belief
And it didn't just happen like I didn't I wasn't born with that belief that the government was my nanny I Learned it.
I was catechized in school so from the earliest age until I graduated I was basically taught that the government is a nanny now the other option of course
So there's two options with the government right so public schools are intentionally turning us into socialists and totalitarian state worshippers or It's either they're intentionally doing it or they're so inept at their job that they're producing this
Without you know trying to so they're making us all robots To this and slaves of the government making us think that government supposed to take care of us like daddy and mommy
Either they're doing that intentionally or not and the charitable thing is just to say that they're incompetent And they're not doing that intentionally.
That's just happening The the non charitable thing is to just say hey This is what the government schools are for and they're being successful at it you hit what you aim for you know what
I mean Here's a second thing that made me think of this this is Danny Aiken Trying to keep his conservative bona fides in place.
He says this he says James Cone was a heretic and almost certainly not a Christian Based on his teachings, but to understand him you should and must read him
Then you can provide a fair honest and balanced critique. This is a basic requirement for a good education
Hope that helps we do not legitimize him what he's doing is he's responding to the idea that some of his
Professors in his school that he you know pays he supports he employs are promoting
James Cone, which they certainly are they certainly are Walter Strickland called James Cone's works a blessing you read them and you get so much from them and all that kind of nonsense
And so what Danny Aiken's trying to do here is trying to say well No, hold on hold on of course we teach James Cone's works, but it's always from a perspective of oh, he's a heretic
He's not an orthodox believer and and so we need to understand what he says so that we can refute it
That's what Daniel Aiken's trying to get you to believe here now There's two choices with this because he's wrong.
This is not what his professors are doing This is what he might want to do himself, but his professors aren't doing this
They're promoting James Cone's writings as if that there's a lot of value in them, especially in the stuff regarding You know black church white church blackness whiteness all this race stuff
And so there's two choices with Danny Aiken either He's so oblivious so stupid that he doesn't understand that Walter Strickland is doing this under his nose and others in his church
It is a seminary so he's either so stupid or he's Intentionally trying to deceive us with this tweet so the charitable thing in my opinion is to say okay,
Danny Aiken's not evil So he's just oblivious. He's just walking around Whistling Dixie at his seminary doesn't know what's going on You know,
I mean, that's the charitable thing. So so so here's the reality Here's my suggestion for our interaction here as Christians.
We I believe Danny Aiken's a Christian, right? Believe the charitable thing believe that Danny Aiken just doesn't know what's going on.
You know, I mean believe he's oblivious Give him the benefit of the doubt in that regard. He's just doesn't understand what's happening
Well, he doesn't he'd never heard Walter Strickland promote James Cone. He just never he doesn't know you don't know what you don't know
Everyone doesn't know what they don't know assume that But plan and and and and and plot and and proceed forward as if he does know
Because here's the reality even if Danny Aiken doesn't know the result is the same because this tweet
Gives cover to people in his seminary that are teaching ridiculous dangerous
Antibiblical anti gospel doctrines in their classes So regardless of whether he's doing it intentionally or not
It actually doesn't matter because the result is the same this tweet is promote it is is hiding
It's ending up provides providing cover whether intentionally or unintentionally to a man
Walter Strickland who is promoting dangerous things He thinks James Cone was a blessing to the church.
Let me tell you something right now Heretics are not a blessing on the church for their heresies
They might be a blessing for the church in the sense that their heresies get well -defined
And so you say okay, this is what we are not You know what? I mean this man's teachings are strange and and and and dangerous and so it's a blessing in the church in the sense that we can
We can say okay. This man is insane and the church God's Word is true God's Word is true
And so in that way we can kind of contrast them and that can be a blessing of their church because sometimes these divisions and Things like it says in the
Bible can be a blessing. It's good to know who's true, right? It's good to know who's true, but his heretical teachings on race relations and blackness and whiteness
That's all part and parcel of his heresies. So his heretical teachings are not a blessing on the church so Walter Strickland when he calls those teachings a blessing on the church is
Promoting evil doctrines. It's just that simple and Danny Aiken's tweet Provides cover for that.
And so I don't have listen if you want to say that Danny Aiken knows all about this fine I don't know. I mean, maybe he does maybe he does
I'm gonna be charitable and say he's just oblivious He's you know going from his car to his office doesn't see what's going on in his seminary
He's just collecting the check at the end of the day. That's the nice thing to think So he's just doing that twiddling his thumbs at his desk
Doesn't matter to me because the result is the same So here's the thing be charitable assume that someone isn't doing it intentionally isn't evil mastermind but it doesn't matter to how you plan and plot how you and how you expose this stuff and how you move forward because it
Doesn't because at the end of the day the results from this tweet whether Danny Aiken knows what he's doing or not is the same
Anyway, I hope this is helpful Well, all right, so a weird update to this video
I was actually planning on uploading this video yesterday But then I saw this tweet so I needed to add this to the end of this video
Man it's it's honestly it's it's pretty sad. It makes me feel sad not sad in the sense that a man is
Believing something wrong or stupid or something like that But it just makes me feel like I mean it must be hard to be this way
It must be hard to be this way. Let me let me explain what I mean This is what Danny Aiken says today Though his writings and statements give me pause and great concern for his soul
If when I get to heaven, I discover that James Cone is there I will humbly gladly and joyfully greet him as my brother in Christ as we together worship
King Jesus for his amazing salvation grace and love Very warm and fuzzy, isn't it?
Very warm and fuzzy And what's happened here with it with Danny Aiken is that he's been castrated by wokeness castrated
What I mean is what happened yesterday yesterday. He said that James Cone was a heretic, you know And and yeah, and we talked in earlier in this video about why that was a problem as far as the tweet is concerned
But obviously a lot of woke brothers pushed back and said Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Are you gonna say the same thing about George Whitfield? Hmm, he believe evil things about racism slavery
His wage hates George Whitfield the heretic Now now let's just set aside the stupidity of that argument, right?
Basically what that argument boils down to if you think that it's similar James Cone's error is similar to George Whitfield's error in His positions on slavery if you think that that's this of the same kind of the same category
You are an idiot. Okay, you don't understand anything But I don't think that's what it is
I think they understand the difference but it basically the argument boils down to this is a white person. I don't like That's basically what it boils down to and and so the woke people have castrated
Danny Aiken because now Danny Aiken is in a position where he's got gone a little too far. He's called
James Cone a heretic, right? That means you're not saved Okay, what if you're a heretic?
That means that you you actually don't know Christ You don't you don't teach the correct Christ and you don't know the correct
Christ You have a false Christ and this is very easy to prove in James Cone case in James Cone's case like this is not really a matter of opinion
James Cone is a Heretic capital H does not know
Christ It's just that simple any any any any Bible teacher any pastor worth his salt will clearly show you
Oh, yeah. Yeah, absolutely Absolutely a man who identifies blackness as synonymous with salvation doesn't understand the gospel of Jesus Christ It's very easy.
I can read the Bible. I'm not an idiot. It's very easy to call someone like that a heretic So so so here's the reality.
He went too far. He called James Cone a heretic and the woke crowd said whoa, whoa, whoa Whoa, whoa You don't want to be a racist do you and Danny Aiken definitely doesn't want to be a racist and so he was forced
He you know to walk this back because he does not he desperately more than anything wants to please this woke crowd
He does not want to be labeled a racist by this woke crowd And so what he says here is that James Cone's teaching gives him pause
But if I meet him in heaven, I'll be delighted and it's like well who wouldn't right? Like what like if you meet anyone in heaven who wouldn't be delighted, right?
Like the fact that God has saved me is amazing enough So like I can
I can I can clearly see that God can save Literally anyone and I'll be delighted to meet literally anyone in heaven because I've been forgiven of much
How could I be mad at God for forgiving somebody else of much right? But but but we don't have to be stupid about this right like like if if I saw
Let's think of the worst person that you can think of Genghis Khan Right Mao Zedong, you know what?
I mean someone like that Donald Trump If I saw one of those guys in heaven and it turned out that at the last moment on their deathbed
Christ came and he said I'm the Lord and you've done wrong and this and that and if you put your faith in me
Then then you know and then they did that I'd be delighted to meet them in heaven But that doesn't mean that I have to say with what
I know now That you know Genghis Khan a lot of what he said gives me pause My goodness a lot of people are going to town on this they're teeing off on this ridiculous tweet, you know
Oh, yeah. Yeah Joseph Smith a lot of his teachings on from Mormon the Book of Mormon gives me pause and great concern for his soul
But I'll be happy to see him in heaven if he's there Like this is the lamest most milk toast that's a cute you eat milk you milk you toast
Milk toast limp wristed sad Like there's no cojones here.
There's no cojones here This is a man who's been castrated by wokeness. He knows for a fact that James Cone is a heretic
Given all the information he knows about James Cone He would have to say the man's not saved and he already did.
That's what he believes. The man is not saved But he has to say this because the woke crowd has him by the cojones and He is desperate to please them
And so while he knows he can't take back what he said what he can do is walk it back a little bit Oh, yeah
Yeah I'd be glad to see him there in heaven as if anyone would be upset to see anyone in heaven
This works on anyone you could say this same exact thing for anyone, but you don't say it for other people
You don't say it for Genghis Khan. You don't say it for Mao Zedong. You don't say it for Stalin You don't say it for Hitler.
You don't say it for Joseph Smith you don't say it for for other, you know white heretics you say it for this one
Because you've been castrated by wokeness And it's a sad thing man It must be hard to look at yourself in the mirror and know that this is what you're like The minute you get a little pushback from someone who is implying that you're a racist you will bow down anything you say anything you say
It's a sad existence It's a sad existence. I certainly would like to think I mean, obviously I'm not in the position
Nobody's offering me, you know, lots of money to be woke, but I certainly would like to think
That no amount of money could turn me into a man like this Where get a little pushback and instantly
I'll walk back a statement that I know is obviously true James Cone is Obviously as a heretic
James Cone was obviously not saved based on every piece of information I have about him Anyway, I hope this is helpful.