Evangelical Leaders Are Obviously Compromised - But How?

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One of the most interesting stories in the Bible is a story about King David and Bathsheba.
People know this story very well, but the most interesting part to me is after he does his dirty deed—you remember he sneakily kills
Bathsheba's husband and then marries Bathsheba because he was lusting after her—the most interesting part to me is what happens after that.
So the prophet Nathan is sent by God because God is very disapproving of what David did, obviously.
He sends the prophet Nathan to David and Nathan tells him a little story. And the story he tells is about a poor man who didn't have much except he had one little lamb that he—you know, it was like his pet, it was like he didn't want to eat it, he just was—it was there with him and his children and he fed it the way he fed his children, like it was like a pet lamb and he loved this lamb.
And a rich man one day stole his lamb and killed it instead of taking one from his own flocks in order to eat it.
And so Nathan tells David this story about this happening in such a way that David thinks it's actually a real thing, like it actually really happened.
And David's reaction—I personally can identify with David's reaction because I've seen this in my own life, maybe you have—he's incensed, like he loses his mind.
It says in the New King James Version, it says this, it says David's anger was greatly aroused against the man and he said to Nathan, he says—listen to what he says, how angry he is.
He says, as the Lord lives, the man who has done this shall surely die and he shall restore fourfold the lamb because he did this thing and because he had no pity.
Now, you know, David's reaction's an overreaction, like we can all see that, like the rich man who stole this poor man's lamb and killed it and ate it, essentially, that was wrong.
There was no question about it, he stole from this man. But it wasn't a murder, and so obviously he doesn't deserve the death penalty, but King David is absolutely furious because of this.
But David also does talk about restitution, which is—that's biblical, so in the case of the stolen lamb, he should pay back some, you know, some for what he stole and that kind of thing.
I think that would be justice. Is four lambs the penalty? Well, I'm not sure, but the point is, though, that this is an overreaction in general.
The man shouldn't get the death penalty for this. But David reacts this way because David has a guilty conscience.
David has done something that does deserve the death penalty, and so it's interesting because when you're in sin, oftentimes
I've known this in my own life, when I have a sin that I've done and I've got a guilty conscience,
I often will overreact, and I won't react correctly to the right things, like my intensity of anger towards a very small infraction will be inappropriate.
And so I guess the question that I have for Big Eva is, what's up? What's going on, man?
What are you hiding from us? Yeah, you know,
I know this might come across as a veiled accusation, and in some ways it is, but the reality is that I don't think everyone's in the same boat.
I don't think everybody has some kind of secret that they're not telling us, some kind of compromised position that they're in that they're not telling us.
But I think that some people must. Some people must be up to something that they're not quite being so square with us on.
And I think that you can read some of the breadcrumbs kind of thing for what it is, and we'll talk more about this in the near future.
In fact, we're going to start talking about possible nefarious funding and alliances with evil organizations, things of that nature.
And we're also going to talk about just sort of, you know, compromise when it comes to theology and how it affects you as a person, as a man, once you compromise in this way.
I don't know what the answer is here, guys. I really don't. But the reality is that when you see people reacting, overreacting to things that are borderline, even not even sins, potentially, and they just have nothing but rage for that.
But then you see them winking at things that are obvious sins, the way David did. David killed a man and took his wife because he wanted to take his wife.
He killed a man and he was sitting pretty in his feasts and having fun, no problem.
And then he hears about this guy killing a lamb and he's freaking out. You know what I mean? Like, this is kind of what happens when we have a guilty conscience, when we know we have a big secret that we're not telling people.
You know what I mean? And I think this is something that if you're honest with yourself and if I'm honest with myself, I see this in myself.
I see this kind of attitude in myself. And I have to war against it because it's not right. It's not right.
Oftentimes when I'm arguing with my wife, a lot of times it's the thing that I'm arguing with her about is the thing that I hate about myself.
You know what I mean? Like, I'm the one doing that thing. Anyway, so I saw, the reason why I'm thinking about this is because I saw a tweet before I went to bed on Saturday from Timothy Keller.
And I think he's talking about some of the responses to the Ruth Bader Ginsburg situation.
And what he says is, he says, quote, The demonization and the dehumanization of the other side must stop.
When professing Christians do it, it is cripplingly wrong. Now, you might agree with this tweet and you might not, but it's interesting coming from Timothy Keller because he doesn't talk like this very often.
This is not par for the course for him. He's usually very nuanced. He doesn't usually just tell you to just stop.
It must stop. Like, it's very strong language for Timothy Keller, which you might find that to be silly because it's not that strong of a language.
But for him, it is. And so you need to understand that this is Timothy, you know, there's fire in his belly here when he tweets this tweet.
He's usually not direct in this way. So I just say that so that you understand where I'm coming from, because I saw this tweet.
And the first thing that I thought of was how ridiculous it is to sort of get so aggressive about this demonization and dehumanization of the other side.
It's not like we're talking about people that are just making an oopsie, just making mistakes and stuff like that.
When we say that Ruth Bader Ginsburg, we're glad she's no longer a judge. We're sad for her family, but we're glad she's no longer a judge.
That's because her record as a judge is evil. She was not a force for justice. Her legal track record is a horrendous track record.
She promoted evil things and she allowed for evil things to happen. And she's not the only one, but she's the one we're talking about today.
And so it's like, I'm not demonizing or dehumanizing someone for saying that she stood for evil her entire life, as far as we know, up until the moment she died.
And that's something that is, it's good that that's no longer happening through her. There's nothing wrong with that.
And the thing is like, you know, the other thing that I thought of when I saw this tweet was just the track record that Timothy and his buddies have displayed for doing this exact thing.
I mean, these days, you know, you can't go five tweets without seeing someone being called the white supremacist, racist, evil bigot, stuff like that.
You can't go five minutes without hearing about how John Edwards or George Whitefield may, they might not even have been saved because they were so evil.
And it's like, well, you know, like, so, and Timothy Keller himself, I mean, he basically said that anyone who signed the statement of social justice and they were motivated by racism, they're motivated by white supremacy and things like that.
So obviously he's, it's preposterous what he's saying here. It's absolutely preposterous. Like if someone actually is, you know, evil and demonize themselves, which
I think of Ruth Bader Ginsburg most certainly was a demonized woman, then calling them a demon is, there's nothing wrong with that.
And the reality is that we've seen, the Bible doesn't talk the way Tim Keller's insisting that we talk here.
So I went to sleep that night and in the morning, first thing in the morning, I had, I tweeted out a thread of thoughts about this.
And you know, this, this thread got more engagement than most of my tweets do. So, so, so clearly this is resonating with people.
So I'm going to read the thread and I'm going to comment on my own thread, which you might, you might find interesting, but whatever, that's, that's how it is.
So here's what I said in the morning. I said this, if you look at the words of God in scripture, there are certain things that make his anger
Kindle against a nation, baby killing, rampant, sexual immorality, and haughtiness and arrogance in abundance are a few of those things.
Our opposition to these must be relentless. Now this is not debatable, like, like baby killing the prophets of Baal, sexual immorality,
Sodom and Gomorrah, people that don't share with the poor, people that are just, they're, they're wealthy, but they don't care about any of the poor and things like that.
These are things that really anger God. And so we need to use very harsh words about those kinds of things.
And so I say harsh words about such practices are just to start. We must preach the gospel with zeal and seek to do everything in our power to establish justice and practice mercy as the case may require according to scripture in these areas.
And so action is important. We need to have, we need to be men of action. We need to demonstrate our faith through our works.
And so if we're going to be against baby killing, we ought to have works that show we're against baby killing.
If we're going to be against sexual immorality, we ought to have works that show we're against sexual immorality.
If we're going to be charitable to the poor, likewise, we ought to have works that show we are charitable to the poor, but we have to do it in such a way that doesn't shrink back from calling evil, evil, because every prophet called the evil, evil, and I mean, but then they did the things that, um, that were required as well.
Our faith is not just a faith of words as a faith of action as well. My next tweet said this.
If you look at our leadership in the evangelical church, do you see any fire in the belly about these issues?
Do you see any edge that would make you think that they have any sense of urgency at all with any of these issues?
Or do you not see a softening at almost every turn? What I mean by that is when you hear people talk about abortion, are they talking with an edge in their voice as if they really do believe that it is murder?
As if they really do believe that God requires the death penalty for those who would have the audacity to kill babies?
Do you hear any of that kind of stuff? You might hear some of the rhetoric with abortion, but do the actions follow?
No, they do not. In fact, Timothy Keller just got done with the whole thing about how, well, yeah, abortion is a great evil, but you know, we might disagree on how to end abortion.
I don't know. Maybe we can vote for Joe Biden. I don't know. It's just a sissy way to talk about abortion.
It's just a sissy way. No, no, it's murder. It ought to be treated as murder. First degree murder, depending on the situation, of course.
There can be different degrees of murder. We all understand that. Death penalty if you go seek an abortion.
Death penalty. That's the edge we need because that's what Scripture requires, and so do you see softening or do you see them talking about abortion the way that the prophets would talk about abortion?
What about sexual immorality, right? The president of the Southern Baptist Convention, so many of you who watch this channel are
Southern Baptists. I love you guys, man. I really do. Your president. The Bible whispers about sexual sin.
It whispers. No, it doesn't. God destroys nations for sexual sin, and we know that, and everyone who's read the
Bible knows that. Cover to cover, sexual sin is very serious to the Lord, very serious to God.
Why is it that our leaders soften sexual sin? They've got conferences that talk about, is it okay to cuddle with your boyfriend if you're gay?
I don't know. How is it that we lose our brains when we talk about the sexual sins and the murder that happens in our borders with regularity?
You can't even turn on the Super Bowl without seeing this kind of stuff, right? We've lost our edge.
We don't, there's no fire in the belly for that. We've just, we've become sissies. We've become sissies, but that's actually not accurate.
We haven't become sissies with everything. Here's what my next tweet says. That is not to say that our leaders do not have fire in the belly at all.
On the contrary, we do see an issue that they have consistent, harsh rebukes for almost without fail.
Do you know what that issue is? Our evangelical leaders have a fire in the belly to rebuke mean words.
They cannot gaze upon strong language without their conscience burning within their souls to zealously rebuke it at every turn.
That is why President Donald Trump has broken these men so obviously.
You see, nothing gets Big Eva out of bed in the morning than mean sounding words and a little bit of an edge to your words, a little bit of a sense of urgency to your words.
Nothing gets Big Eva out of bed worse than that. You want to scandalize one of these sissies? Say something harsh.
Say something harsh about anything. You'll scandalize them. They'll get on Twitter. Al Mohler, I cannot abide.
You talking about Southern Baptists? I can't believe it. That's what you'll get. That's what Tim Keller would get out his zeal for when you say harsh sounding words.
Harsh sounding words. You want proof for this? Well, let's take Donald Trump, for example.
Donald Trump is not a Christian, but Donald Trump is the lightning rod for all of this.
You see, Donald Trump's policies, this is what I said, are very tame in general. Guys, let me step out of the tweet for a second.
Donald is a mild reformer at best. I have a lot of frustration with Donald Trump because he seems to understand the issues, but he never goes all the way.
He has some hard words sometimes, but he never goes all the way. Some people attribute this.
This is his negotiating style, where his words are DEFCON 5, whatever,
I don't even know if that's how you say it, but then his actions are like DEFCON 1, so then it seems like ...
Some people say that. I don't know. I don't know how to do that, but Trump's policies, let's be clear, they are tame.
There's nothing radical about them. Sometimes, here's what I said, sometimes the policies are the exact same policies as previous administrations, but big evil leaders have strong rebukes for Trump.
Why? Why were they silent when Barack Obama was putting people in cages, but Trump does it and now he's the worst person since Satan?
Why? Did they not know about it? Maybe, maybe not, but then when they found out about it, they still had nothing but glowing things to say about, a great man,
Barack Obama, but Trump was evil. Why? What's the big difference between Trump and Obama?
There's a few. I'm not saying that they're equivalents, but some of their policies, there's really not.
What's the big difference? Well, Barack Obama was a decent man. He spoke kindly.
He was a gentleman, and Donald Trump sounds like the guy you have a couple beers with at the bar.
He doesn't drink, actually, but he sounds like that guy. He uses harsh rhetoric and bad sounding words.
That'll scandalize people in Big Eva. It doesn't matter what you do, it matters if you sound decent.
Here's what I said. I said, want to get Tim Keller or Russell Moore or Danny Akin or Al Mohler to display some fire in the bones?
You want to see it? Say something harsh about abortion. Say something harsh about a democratic politician.
Say something harsh about a feminist. That'll get the harshest of pushback.
You will get rebuked. Hell has no fury like a Big Eva leader that's heard a mean sounding word.
This is a tweet that I essentially stole from Doug Wilson. This is something that I heard from him. It's definitely true.
I mean, you can see it every day. If you engage in these issues, you can see that this is accurate, what
I'm about to say here. He says, I said this, you will get less of a rebuke if you come out of the closet as a practicing homosexual than if you say something harsh about homosexuality.
The same is true for every issue that I mentioned. You will get more nuance if you come out and say,
I'm for abortion now than if you say something harsh about an abortion supporter. That's where we're at, guys.
That's where we're at. We don't hate the things that God hates. Remember what I said in the beginning of this.
You can go to the scripture and I can prove to you. I can prove to you beyond all doubt that God hates baby murder, that God hates sexual sin and God hates haughtiness, right?
But we don't, but we don't, we don't, at least we don't act like we hate those things.
We might hate them secretly, but we don't act like we do. And so I have no reason to think you actually hate them because show me your faith by your works.
Show me what you believe by what you do. What you do is you wink at abortion.
What you do is you wink at sexual sin. That's what you do. And so I have no reason to think that you actually believe contrary to what you do.
So, so, so, so this is the reality. Our leaders, they might be against abortion privately, but they don't hate it.
God hates it, but they don't. Instead, we reserve as big evil leaders, they reserve their hate for the things that the world hates.
You want to get zeal from big evil leaders? See what the pagans are angry about and the big evil leaders will be angry about it as well.
Not every time, not every time, but they don't have harsh rhetoric for the things for certain things.
But the things that they do have harsh rhetoric for are the things that the pagans have harsh rhetoric for because here's the reality.
The world, the pagans, the, the, the, the, the, the heathen. There's one thing they hate more fervently than anything else.
They hate this. Pagans hate when a conservative or Christian especially actually speaks and acts like they have conviction.
They hate that. They'll invite Russell Moore on their channel because Russell Moore, when he says what he believes, he says it as if he's apologizing for it.
Same with Matt Chandler. You ever watch that HBO interview with Matt Chandler? I'm so sorry, but Christians, you know, they're just scared of, of, of trannies in the bathroom.
Like he's apologizing the entire interview. This is not a man with fire in the bones for the
Lord. This is a man with fire in the bones for the things that the pagans have fire in the bones for.
They hate when it looks like you have conviction. You know what? You ever see those, those memes where, where, where, where a pagan will, we'll, we'll, we'll look at a big family and say that it's eco -terrorism.
Big family didn't do anything to them. They're just taking a picture. There's seven kids. They're just taking a picture. They're living like they have convictions.
They're living like as if they know that God's blessing the, the nations through their family.
Like they're actually living like that. All they did was have kids right there. As far as we know, they haven't had said anything controversial.
They're just living as if they believe that kids are a blessing, right? And they hate it.
They can't stand it. And so what you'll get from Big Eva are think pieces about the dangers of the quiver full movement and, and then things like that.
That's what you'll get from Big Eva, right? But the one thing that they hate pagans when you're, when you're in politics is if we just flat out say something the way it is, right?
That cutie show that's called grooming. Oh, bringing glisten into the, into, into, into elementary schools to teach them about homosexuality.
That's called predatory grooming. Okay. That's what it is. If you call homosexuality sodomy, they hate that.
Oh, they hate that because that comes straight from the scripture. So of course you'll get think pieces like,
Oh, how must you be so abrasive? The gospel already offends. We must not be offensive even further than the gospel requires.
But yeah, but these are the words of scripture. This is just calling something a spade. That's a spade. This is not, this is not trying to be offensive here.
I do want people when they, when they think about homosexuality to think of the sin and the depravity of what they're talking about.
And so if a word becomes compromised, like gay, for example, a compromised word, I will use a different word to bring back the yuck factor to bring back the, the, the gag reflex.
We need that. We need that. And so spare me your think pieces. I know what you're doing.
All you're doing is reserving your fire in the bones, your zeal to fight against the things that the heathen fights against.
That's twisted, man. That's wrong. Something has gone wrong with our leadership in evangelicalism.
Something has gone wrong. Listen, when harsh sounding words against sin will, will get someone's ire quicker, more aggressively, um, more consistently than the actual sin itself.
You can be sure that your leader is compromised in some way. And so I want to know, what is it?
How did it happen? Is it something as crude as, as funding and money is 30 pieces of silver?
What is it? Is it because you, you, you, you, you let, I'm going to save that.
That one for a further video. I want to know what happened guys, because the thing is like, you couldn't say the things that you're saying with a straight face, knowing what you know about the scripture.
Because the thing is you, if, if, when we read the scripture, you and me, people that watch this channel, right?
We read the Bible and we see how God talks about sin and sinners.
When we see about how the prophets spoke about sin and sinners, when we see how
Paul spoke, when we see how Keller, Tim, or I'm sorry, Jesus Christ spoke about sin and sinners, there was harsh rhetoric.
There was dehumanizing language and there was demonizing language because you know what?
This stuff comes from your father, the devil. This stuff comes from your father, the devil.
When you believe the stuff that the heathen believes, then you are of your father, the devil.
And that's just the reality. When you do the things that the heathen do, you dehumanize yourself.
You act like a wild beast. That's what the Bible says. That's what the prophets said.
That's what Christ said. And so between you and me, Timothy, with all due respect, because you've earned a certain degree of respect, between you, the way you speak, and the way
I speak, one of us is an anomaly when compared to the scripture. And it's not me because I have read the scripture and so have so many people that see you get out of bed so quickly to say, oh, it's dehumanizing language to say that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an evil woman.
No, it's actually just a fact. If you look at the scripture, it's just a fact. She was evil.
We can have sympathy for her soul and sympathy for her family, but frankly, we can also celebrate that she's being destroyed right now because of the things that she did here on earth.
She hated Christ until her dying day. So Al Mohler, Danny Akin, you know,
Russell Moore, Timothy Keller, so many other big evil leaders, I want to know what's happened to you guys.
What was it? How are you compromised here? Because you're so off and left field at this point.
It's upside down. It's upside down. You're winking at sin. We can all see it.
We can all see it. This comes on the heels of Timothy Keller writing a whole Twitter thread about how it might be okay to vote for baby butchers and sexual pagans and things like that.
Yeah, it might be okay because I don't know. You're winking at sin.
This is not how the prophet spoke. This is not how Jesus spoke. This is not the way the Bible portrays sin and sinners.
We have to preach the gospel to people, but at the end of the day, when they don't accept it and they go to their deathbed not accepting it, we can be sad for that in a certain way.
But the reality is that was an enemy of Christ, reprobate, heathen, evil to the core.
And we can be glad that that evil person no longer can do their evil deeds here on earth.
That's a good thing. That's a very good thing. We can hate the things that Christ hates. We can hate the things that Christ hates.
We can act like it. It doesn't mean you don't give them the gospel. It doesn't mean you think that in and of yourself you're better than them.
But I don't deserve the wrath of God anymore because Christ has covered me. Christ has taken it for me.
Without Christ, I'm just as bad as Ruth Bader Ginsburg. With Christ, I'm now a child of God.
There's a difference there. I'm better off. So the reality is, what's happened, guys?
What's happened? I don't understand how you can be so upside down without something.
Either it's a secret sin or a secret alliance that you're not quite being very forthcoming about.
Some people have asked, who are you taking the 30 pieces of silver from? It's a good question. It's a good question.
And before you get all pissed off, right? Before you get all pissed off, and how dare you say that, I've heard
Tim Keller talk about this exact question in a different context. You start talking to a young man.
This is something I've heard from the mouth of Tim Keller. So before you get all indignant, talking to a young man who's starting all of a sudden having questions about the faith,
Tim Keller says, here's what you should ask him. Who are you sleeping with? He's more direct.
He actually goes straight for the sin. Who are you sleeping with? And why does Tim Keller say that?
Well, because his experience has shown him that when young people start all of a sudden questioning the faith out of nowhere, there's usually a girl involved.
There's usually a sexual sin involved. You got that right, Timothy. You got that right.
So why are you winking at sin? I'm not going to accuse you of sleeping with a girl, but I want to know what it is.
Out with it. Be forthcoming. Tell us what it is. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.
God bless. So, and also, you might have noticed my voice is a little bit weird right now.
Last night I spent some time in the emergency walk -in clinic because my asthma was just — it was getting worse.
The good news is that my oxygen level — I have an oxygen meter at home because I've just always had it because of my asthma.
It was great, but I just felt like I was gasping for breath. So I walked in and they did test me for COVID.
They did one of the quick result tests. I was negative. I didn't think I had it. I knew what it was because I've experienced this all my life.
But, you know, I let them do the test because I figured why not just get it out of the way just in case, especially because I'm going to this
Fight Life Feast conference in a few weeks. Anyway, so that was negative. They gave me a breathing treatment.
It worked really well. I'm on a steroid for the next 10 days and I feel really good now. So, you know, anyone who was praying for me because I know
I've mentioned my asthma the last few days, I appreciate it. I'm doing much better now and God bless modern medicine in many, many ways.