Gettr Versus Gab - There is No Equal

AD Robles iconAD Robles



You know, one of the things I think I'm pretty good at, maybe I'm not, maybe this is just all in my head, but I think
I'm pretty good at noticing scams and manipulations and things like that. Now, I'm not perfect,
I've been fooled before, but I'm pretty good, I think, at understanding when
I'm being manipulated or maneuvered. I remember one time, actually this has happened a couple times in my
YouTube career, where someone who reached out to me, I just kind of got the feeling that I was being handled.
You know what I mean? Like, they were trying to get me to talk about certain things, and they were trying to get me to not talk about certain other things, and they kind of promised, like, without really promising it, but sort of the kind of dangling, oh, you can have a bigger audience, and then
I can help you, and stuff like that, and I just kind of, I just always kind of kept those people at arm's length, and then
I, I mean, I don't have any proof that they had any malintent, but certain things have come out about these people that, you know,
I'm not really so sure about them, but anyway, that's beside the point. What's the deal with this
Getter thing? I get a lot of Gospel Coalition, like, gatekeeper vibes from Getter, in fact,
I think probably some of the Gospel Coalition types that are still trying to hold on to their conservatism in some regard will end up on Getter as like the,
I'm gonna take a bold stand for free speech! So they're gonna go to Getter, and it's obviously a scam, because there's no free speech on Getter.
There's free speech so long as your opinions are correct, or at least approved. I mean, you can have some false opinions, but if they're unapproved, and they're like, if they're a little dirty or icky sounding, then you probably can't, like, you can't say
Groyper on Getter. What's that? Hardly, hardly anybody knows what a Groyper is, but you can't say
Groyper, because, well, well, really, why exactly? Nobody knows! I've heard some things that's allegedly an anti -Semitic thing, or something,
I mean, what's not an anti -Semitic thing at this point? Like if I went over to Grindr right now and I said that I had read
Martin Luther's last book, you know, the very scary one where you're not supposed to say that he was in his right mind when he wrote it, like, you're allowed to like Martin Luther, but you have to believe that he went crazy in his old age, because then he wrote that book, you know the book
I'm talking about, The Jews and Their Lies, yeah, yeah, I wonder if I went to Getter and I said, hey,
I read that book, but I didn't see what the big deal was, it wasn't that bad. Am I allowed to say that?
I mean, in the book he basically says that Jews blaspheme Christ. They do blaspheme Christ! Jews blaspheme
Christ all the time, that's what they do! So I wonder if you're allowed to say that, I don't know, is that anti -Semitic, is that approved, or would
I be accused of being a Groyper? I don't know. But this Getter thing, yeah, it certainly seems like a scam.
Like I don't mean like you're gonna be scammed out of money, although maybe, because a lot of things, a lot of grifters out there,
I don't think you're gonna necessarily be scammed out of money, but it definitely doesn't really seem like it's very free speech, in fact, they were bragging on Gab that they have an approved app in the app store, like, that's not gonna get any traction with the
Gab crowd, like, you're bragging about something you ought to be ashamed of, like, you jump through all their hoops, you agree to silence the icky speech so that way you can get on the app store, it's just pathetic, it's just pathetic.
But actually, I think this is actually a good thing, you know, Marcus had a post that said that basically, you know, the real
Christian, you know, the companies that have some real foundations, they're eventually, they're always gonna be there, they're gonna survive, they're gonna last, and then these fake ones where, like, you know, you were a liberal, like, a day ago, and now you're in charge of the biggest conservative thing ever, like, those kind of fake things where it's an obvious scam, those are gonna go by the wayside, obviously.
But it's gonna be good, though, I think, in the short term, because they're trying to, like, break up Gab, which is very, very bizarre, because, look, when it comes to free speech, it's like the
Nelly Furtado song, no hay igual, there is no equal, Gab is the only place where I know that I could say literally anything
I want to say, so long as it's not pornographic or illegal, and, like, a threat, like,
I'm talking about, like, threats, stuff like that. Gab's the only place where I don't have to worry about being deplatformed, like,
I'm serious, if I went to get her and I said that I thought that Martin Luther's last book was actually pretty good, would that, like,
I don't know, would that get me banned? I mean, the fact that I even have to ask the question proves that it's not a free speech platform, and that's just all there is to it, but there just is no equal to Gab, they're not gonna be able to splinter the
Gab community, and the thing is, these idiots, they just can't figure this one out, and I just don't understand why it's so hard to figure out, well,
I think they're being paid not to figure it out, but the more they kind of put us in this one little community where, like, we're all on Gab, all of us who have the same foundations, that have the same beliefs, all the
Christians that refuse to even worry that, you know, I wonder if it's gonna be hate speech if I say that, you know,
I believe that homosexuality should be completely outlawed, it should be a crime, like, all of us who believe that very dangerous, unapproved, icky stuff, we're all in one space, like, don't they see how that's gonna strengthen us?
Like, we all know each other now, we all feed off each other now, we're all buying each other's merchandise, and we're all creating our own companies and our own economies, you don't think that this is gonna backfire,
Getter? You guys can gatekeep, look, all of the limp -wristed kind of conservative types, you know, that think that there's room in our societies for demon transsexuals reading to little kids in the bookstores, like, all of you kind of conservatives,
I'm glad you're in Getter, I'm glad you have your own little communities where you guys can be respectable because you celebrated the monkey dildo demon reading to little kids, like,
I'm okay with you guys not being on Gab, if you wanna come to Gab, that's okay, I mean, I don't think you're gonna like it very much over here because, you know, you don't have to pretend like Martin Luther lost his mind at the end of his life, but, you know, just saying, just saying, it's actually really not that bad a book if you've ever read it.
There's some things that I wonder if they were true that he says about the Jewish community of his time, but most of it is so tame, it's just like basic stuff, like, yeah, they hate
Christ and I don't like that, you know, and neither do I, how simple is that? But anyway, so, yeah,
I don't get the Getter thing, I don't get the attraction, like, the fact that they can even build themselves as a free speech platform is one of the most funniest things ever, but again, this only serves to strengthen
Gab, because you're not gonna be able to go there and say what you need to say about the scriptures, because the scriptures, these guys hate them, they hate what it actually says, like, it doesn't say that slavery is the worst thing since sliced bread, it simply doesn't say that, and I'm okay with that,
I mean, are you? I don't know, is that hate speech on Gab? That hate speech, it's a very dangerous hate speech to say that slavery is not blanket condemned in the scripture, in fact, we should actually have a sort of slave system right now, where, you know, you steal, you pay back what you stole, plus interest, and if you can't pay, you know, you work for that other person until you pay off your debt, in other words, you work off the debt that your thievery cost you, that's a slavery system, we should bring that back, actually, in any case.
Uh, yeah, well, I guess that's all I have for you today, I just thought, this getter thing, it's just a very weasel, there's a lot of weasel -y stuff going on these days, and then they got
Joe Rogan in there, and stuff like that, I don't know, I don't know, but if anyone, if any of you are gonna get a grinder account,
I mean, getter account, if you're gonna get a getter account, let me know, I wanna know which Big Eva goons end up there, because I have a,
I've got some special, I've got some special plans for those folks, I do, in any case,
I hope you found this video helpful, oh, I did have a conversation with somebody, young guy, like a 19 -year -old, who's just very troubled about a lot of the goings -on of Big Eva, and he's been handled by some people, and they're kinda just dismissing his concerns, and that's not, you're not edifying yourself, you're not working on your sanctification because you watched the wrong videos, or you watched the wrong movies, and it's like, this kind of spiritual manipulation stuff,
I'm very good at detecting this manipulation stuff, as I've said, at least I think so, and I've got some advice for people that are undergoing this kind of manipulation, in any case,
I hope you found, I've got a very special episode tomorrow, about the January 6th insurrection, and the scam of that, but I actually have very fond memories of January 6th, looking back, and anyway,