No Creator, No Humanity, or, Of Apes and Men


Had to tackle the gorilla story, along with the “I decided to live as a goat” story, all illustrative of what happens when your society spits in God’s face and goes it alone. Then talked a little about ReformCon this week and what I will be addressing, and finished up with a bit of a discussion about the exposure of my “hypocrisy” this past weekend.

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And greetings, welcome to the dividing line. I assume we're on I can't see anything. Oh, there we go now I know.
Oh, it's all pixely and stuff. But oh, well, we didn't test all that stuff. That's okay. We're here
I'm looking some stuff up here and Just to make sure that I'm I'm not misleading folks.
Yeah, there we go. Okay See the see the see the background there
Don't know where to put this thing. It's huge. It's it's humongous Ginormous as Bart Ehrman said in our debate so long ago, but that is the when
I did the Calvinist Batman program something was mentioned about the
Romans wall poster from missional where and and I said, well, is it in Greek? Well, no, it's not in Greek Well, that doesn't count.
Well There it is in Greek The only thing missing is it says
Romans and In English instead of Greek, that'd be that would be the one thing, you know
But that is the entire text of Romans I'm not sure I would
I probably say that's like 12 point font. I mean, that's that's that's a normal normal print size
I would say and You can fit all of Romans into into that space
Now I wonder what if The Lord tarries for a long period of time.
What if what if there's still a long time to come and 2 ,000 years from now
Let's say this building is dug up and it was Let's say there's some massive
Tectonic thing that causes Phoenix to be buried Like Pompeii was okay and They they dig up this building and they they find this well -preserved
How would you categorize this as a manuscript or a text? That's that's the question that's
Are there any textual variants? Well, I guess it depends on what your standard is, huh?
Hmm Could be a little bit more complicated task Well, you have to keep in mind they would find two things.
They would find that and a lot of duct tape So put those two things together and try to determine what to what information you could derive from that Well, we're not gonna leave it there
There's really no place in here the rooms too small we'd have to take down one of the or we'd have to cut in half one of the
Things on the wall over there or something Don't think that's gonna happen, but appreciate the the gift and we went and got framed and Looks cool looks cool.
It's it's it's big. It's very very big missional where .com is is where you can you can get that like I'm looking at it right now on online and And Sized for standard frames.
Yes, well Standard very very large very very very big frames anyway
So a couple of Will you discuss your thoughts about the street preacher who was hit in the head with a bat?
I don't know. I've never heard anything about it. I got hit in the head with a sign by a street preacher
Good old Lonnie Smacked me in the head with a with a sign up in Salt Lake City, but I don't know what what you're talking about Anyway a
Couple years ago in February of 2012 An article was published
I reposted it on Facebook with a comment It was an article from the
Journal of Medical Ethics out of Oxford That said that newborn babies are not actual persons do not have a moral right to life
The academics also argue that parents should be able to have their baby killed if it turns out to be disabled when born well
Not a whole lot new there But many people made note of this and It's sort of like a topic that you just well you know, there's some weird people in the world and and isn't that terrible and and then you you have to go on and You know,
I was walking up to my car. I Think it was Friday. Was it
Friday Thursday or Friday? I'm walking up behind my car and I happen to be at enough of an angle.
I see that the Right rear tire has a nail in it And my little light didn't come on.
It seemed of what was a screw actually and Seems like it Seated itself just perfectly.
It wasn't even leaking but you don't leave it in there so You know,
I had to spend a fair amount of time You know a discount tire and Getting stuff taken care of and you know life goes on you got it
You got to go do what you got to do. And so, you know some weird Oxford Ethicists who can't think straight, you know and think you should be able to look at your newborn baby and go.
Yeah, I think well that doesn't look promising and Go ahead and euthanize it.
You know, we just You don't expect to be sitting next them at the tire shop, you know, it just it's like it's a different world this is the real world where you have to get tires fixed and That does that world really exist?
well We got a good illustration of how those two worlds do exist and How they relate to one another over the weekend
You've seen the video. I'm not gonna play it again but you've seen the video of a four -year -old boy
I Don't know how he got in there We can have conversations about where was mom where was dad
I'm sure mom and dad if there is a dad involved these days
Feel really badly and Are very embarrassed But somehow little junior got
Got into that gorilla cage and I looked
Looks to me like the kid fell a long ways Into this moat in this water and We can have conversations about how in the world can a four -year -old get into one of those places in the first place
I mean, you know, I've never heard of chicken wire, you know fencing something
Yeah, you know we can have conversations about all that stuff and a lot of people want to talk about that and Okay there's there's it's obvious he should not have been in there and Could more steps have been taken to keep him from getting in there
Sure, whatever but the real question came up and and I About lost it yesterday
When Jeff Durbin made a comment Matt Walsh made a comment that sort of went viral on on Facebook and It all came down to the reality that Some of us are starting to realize that Not just a small vocal group but a very large percentage maybe even a
Majority of The younger generation that same generation where you see this massive ethical moral worldview swing where These are the people that think that a third of The human population is homosexual
These are the folks that have no connection whatsoever to the generations that have gone before them
Don't know who won the Civil War World War one World War two and Don't think it's relevant because nobody back then had iPods and iPads.
So How could they be relevant? This Generation I've been trying to explain to people and I think it's just sort of people figure
It's the filler between the more important topics that I'd be addressing but This is the first American generation that has been thoroughly secularized last night have bunch of I'm gonna try to control my terminology a bunch of people on Twitter just Demonstrating their abject incapacity to think it was just frustrating to no end
Proving everything I was saying and not even realizing they were proving everything I was saying, but they just couldn't grab hold of the reality
That they were saying well, you know, well generation before I mean you need to blame them
Whatever the younger generation is just have to blame generation before What we're seeing, you know people are sitting around going well, but what's changed so much
I mean, yeah, we've seen this trend over time, but now it just seems like It seems like we've we've hit this patch of oil and we're just flying
We're just skidding so fast and it's and you know It's the proverbial jump off the cliff and we're accelerating accelerating all the different illustrations.
We've used what's going on. We just don't understand It's obvious It's obvious This is the first generation
That has been freed from the restraints of a worldview that civilized us
This is the first generation where there is no creator You have no moral responsibility to any higher authority than That which exists between point
A and point B That's why men can pretend to be women and Government authorities will now fine you
Your entire life savings if you dare say that People are wondering where did this insanity come from the insanity comes from the fact that when you have a culture that embraces a worldview that recognizes the existence of a creator and hence a
Moral and ethical law that exists above and beyond the gray matter between my ears
That you have a civilized society But when you lose that You no longer have a civilized society.
You have a barbaric society and you have a dehumanized society the irony is that's called secular humanism, but The only reason it's called humanism is because man becomes the measure of all things
Because there's nothing else by which to measure anything He becomes the default measure of all things, but he's insufficient for the task
And so you end up with nihilism you end up with with no purpose. I was just illustration and I got to remember to go back to the gorilla.
I know I'll get there eventually but I I Got a little
Late start this morning I'm trying to stay physically fit in the middle of I've got some medical stuff going on right now
It's not a super big deal, but it's frustrating and can be very painful So I can't really get out on the road to ride right now, so I'm riding inside I'm thankful I have a excellent trainer and I'm really thankful for a program called
Zwift right now It's making it worthwhile and I'm really not losing a fitness
But I got a little late start today and so I sort of had to Grab a bite to eat while driving in I went by Sonic.
Okay, everybody wants to know I got a Sonic breakfast burrito with Bacon, yes real bacon not even veggie bacon for those of you who are veggie bacon haters, man
There are a lot of veggie bacon haters. Just it's cultic. It's absolutely cultic.
It is just an Irrationality, it's hard to understand. Anyway, um Even rich is going out out there.
Hey, man Anyway, uh, so I went
I went by Sonic and Oh, by the way, they the orange juice was ninety four point seven percent ice.
I mean, I may have gotten two slurps Yes, I was expensive anyway,
I Pull in I'm looking right now at a video showing my car out there making sure that it stays there and Pull in put up the shade screen.
I need to finish my my burrito I don't want to wrap it up bring it in and unwrap it and all that stuff.
So I'm Sitting there listening. I happened to Switch off the talk radio and went to a sports read
I just wanted to see what was being said about the NBA Finals and Game 7 last night between Oklahoma City and Golden State Warriors and so on and so forth
Well for some reason, I don't know why this sports show
Decided to have this guy on that Albert Moller had talked about this morning Or the morning before no, is it yesterday or today?
I forget which which edition of the briefing it was Um They actually had the guy who decided to live as a goat
British guy One of those few times Where the the
British accent did nothing to make this guy's any smarter It only made it it only made it all the more amazing
I guess it's the only way to put it Um So They had this guy on and you can just tell you can tell the
British guy doesn't really understand what ESPN is all about or what ESPN radio is all about and You can just tell by the questions that the guys were sort of sitting there going
Really? Is this is this for real? And he's sort of answering them, you know in a like he's actually being
Interviewed by your standard wacko leftist liberal media types like oh, this is just so insightful
You want to live as a goat? Honestly folks I I can't even
I Mean the prosthetic limbs
Learning to eat grass with his mouth Having a second stomach made filled with the digestive juices of goats so he could spit the
Grass into that and then drink the results. Oh my goodness
Yeah, that's what I'm listening to now
I will leave this world
Firmly believing that anyone who does that is insane. I I cannot
I will not adapt to a culture that goes Wow, that's that's really interesting.
What what insights you could gain from that? No, that's insane.
I Have no respect for a person like that None I cannot have respect
For such a deluded Mentally ill individual I can have
I can have some sympathy Except he's making money off of this He's written a book.
I think what's it called take vacation something about a vacation from being human or something and You can just tell even the guys
ESPN and look ESPN by the way ESPN Stop shoving your progressive idiocy down my throat.
Okay. I am so sick of ESPN's Socialism, I don't even don't even know which ends up.
But anyway So I'm listening to this and it it absolutely dovetails with this article from 2012 and What happened in that?
gorilla pit Because I dared mention something I had some just I don't even know how to describe the two women that came after me last night on Twitter Just singing the praises of utter human autonomy
Bodily autonomy. I that's that's why it's a good thing abortion is a good thing because it affirms my bodily autonomy.
I Have to keep reminding myself that person will stand in the presence of a holy
God and answer for that perversity and The resultant punishment
I Don't even want to imagine so you had that going on and It it was just those two women so totally robbed of womanhood
Everything that's good and beautiful and right about being a mother and being a woman and nurturing and all this
Devoid of it. Why because they have been dehumanized All of this goes back to the same thing
If you don't have the creator of the humans, you no longer have humans.
All you have are accidental animals That's all you have you can you can pretend that secularism will give you some type of a of a foundation to come up with some kind of Meaning and basis for human life having some kind of Transcendent meaning but there is nothing that's transcendent.
It can't have transcendent meaning and so last night
I'm following some of the threads about this gorilla and the virulent vitriolic
Vicious I'm coming up with all the V's here Responses that thoroughly secularized
Westerners primarily young women Were posting
About how since that Gorilla is one of a vanishing species and That four -year -old kid there's billions of there's billions of us
That clearly the gorilla had much more value than the child did much more value
Now thankfully the folks at the zoo are still humans and So it wasn't a difficult call for them
But 20 years from now when those virulent vicious
Cultic totally secularized Millennials are in charge
That kid's toast You gotta understand that 450 pound gorilla if you saw when it went through the water and dragged that kid like a ragdoll behind surprising
He survived that he could have could have broken his neck any second But a gorilla like that could tear that child into pieces in two or three seconds just Could do that to a fully grown male fully grown man.
They're that powerful and the point is that for many people, you know, we all sat back and We chuckled at the video a couple months ago
Where you go on to a college campus and you go so if I self -identify as an 8 -foot -tall
Asian female Is that okay with you? Sure, if you know if that's if that's how that's how you see and we laughed it's like Really?
How how disconnected from reality are these kids? You know for all of us like well, they haven't lived in this world very long
Have they and it just doesn't work about that, you know work that way, you know But now you see the result because There is no creator
Value is only what you assign. There cannot be no objective moral value. There cannot be shared cultural values.
That's why now Whatever the state says Becomes the ultimate good and We're right back to the
Stasi prison and all the horrific horrors of the 20th century
Because we've already forgotten in 50 years Less than 50 years in some instances like the
Stasi prison function until the 80s we've forgotten and Maybe just never recognized
That what civilizes is a recognition of who we are as creatures of God No creature or no creator.
No creatures. No morality and You start to understand why there were people very seriously arguing
That's just a kid you know that that I'd never heard of this eight before but now it's the most important thing on the planet and We need to have vigil vigils now and mourn his laws
And I would never have given a dime to support him and didn't care but now that he's been shot.
Oh the world is horrible and Anyone who still has some level of common sense, but see common sense folks
How do you define that Common sense is based upon the fact that there used to be a common worldview that made sense out of the world and So when is that really
Goatman? Is that really Goatman? Some strange
Georgian Just posted a picture and it does look like someone who's trying to Act like a goat.
By the way, the animals seem to be smarter than we are because Moeller mentioned What was the other?
Guy who tried to live in it. Was it a raccoon? I think it was a raccoon and he sort of in an offhanded way mentioned that the guy himself said they could never
While they tried they could never get any other raccoons to come close to them That's because they're smarter
So tell me Goatman which bathroom do you use while shopping at Target? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
I'm afraid that does Sort of sum up how how how are we gonna expect this culture?
To move forward when these are the things that we were discussing And you know what's really frightening this culture has
Nuclear weapons and The ability to alter the human genome
Okay, and This technology is now in the hands of people who have no moral guardrails left none and so human cloning
You know all the stuff that brought about every zombie apocalypse movie or TV series ever is
Right here right now It is I mean, let's just be honest
Does make me wonder a little bit about those plagues. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah Maybe it's time to get out my
Hal Lindsey books and We do a little reviewing.
Oh, hey. Oh my I Don't even know don't even know what to say.
I don't get this one What y 'all think would have happened to this gorilla,
I don't know I don't get that one I've seen it twice now and I don't get it.
So Anyway So there was a there there you go, there was a
Last evening just just listening to all of that. I I was it was sad.
It was very very sad Another story, I think this morning Let's see, what's the date?
Well, it was updated May 31st, but a
Presbyterian USA minister in Oregon who says he doesn't believe in God And doesn't require his members to believe either
Remarked in a recent article that he is offended by those who assert that he is not a Christian Someone quipped that my congregation is
BYOG bring your own God I use that and invite people to bring their own God or none at all wrote
John Shuck of Beaverton's Southminster Presbyterian Church in a guest post for Patheos last week.
Well if it's on Patheos Wow While the symbol
God is part of our cultural tradition you can take it or leave it or redefine it to your liking
Shuck first came out as an unbeliever in 2011 generating controversy as to how one could serve as a minister and not believe in the
Bible Well, not in the PC USA The concept of God is a product of myth -making and God is no longer credible as a personal supernatural being
He wrote in a blog post on his site Shuck and Jive Jesus may have been historical but most of the stories about him in the
Bible and elsewhere are legends Shuck reiterated his unbelief in his article I'm a Presbyterian minister doesn't believe in God on Tuesday as he asserted that belief less
Christianity is thriving Sure, it is. We all have been trained to think that Christianity is about believing things
He wrote it's symbols and artifacts God, Bible, Jesus, heaven, etc Must be accepted in a certain way and when times change and these beliefs are no longer credible
The choices we are left with are either rejection or fundamentalism But Shuck says that although he rejects the
Bible as being literal and denies the existence of heaven and hell He takes offense when people tell him that he's not a
Christian Even though I hold those beliefs. I am still a proud minister, but I don't appreciate being told
I'm not truly a Christian He stated many liberal or progressive Christians have already let go or de -emphasize belief in heaven that the
Bible is literally true that Jesus is Supernatural and that Christianity is the only way yet. They still practice what they call
Christianity However others state that Shuck's assertion that one can be a Christian without faith in the saving power of Christ is faulty
Really? And that his words make evident that he does not understand what it means to be a Christian and it goes on from there
Well, yeah, you think? You know, it was ten years earlier it was some
Anglican priest in England that came out as an atheist and then they couldn't get rid of him and Just so happens
PCUSA Collapses on everything and has atheist ministers there's probably a connection probably a
Connection between the two I would I would think maybe possibly Who knows? anyway, we
We are going to this week We're gonna have a barbecue this week
That's what we're gonna do. We're gonna have ourselves a barbecue. Are we gonna cook up some Easterners?
We're gonna cook up some Easterners. That's right It's uh, it's
ReformCon week here in in Phoenix and and So I'm gonna be we're gonna we're gonna do another dividing line here
Tomorrow is that it be? All right. Yeah, cuz you normally know, you know, but yeah, it works for me.
I can I can I can adjust So so we're gonna get our two dividing lines in ReformCon starts
Wednesday night. I'm actually preaching at my church Wednesday night, so I can't be there but I'm speaking Thursday morning
I Think I think everything I do is on Thursday if I think about it maybe anyway and So I I started noticing the the weather and I I I started seeing that.
Yeah, it's gonna be it's gonna be June and It's gonna it's gonna get hot it's gonna get really hot and Then I started watching and I'm not sure if if this this one has it here um
Yeah, here's weather. Let me see if I can Grab something here just for the fun of it
Yeah. Yeah, here we go desktop presenter and let you see here window and Safari See see you got you got that so Today, it's it was really nice.
It's been really nice past couple days Upper 90s gets down it got down to I think it's like 71 this morning
Check this out today 99 Wednesday 104 Thursday 108
Friday 114 Saturday last day of ReformCon 117 degrees
Sunday 115 degrees Ha ha ha ha now look anything over a hundred and twelve is
Is hot even for us Phoenicians? Okay, why don't you get into 113 114?
I think I think the high do we have 116 last year once I don't remember
Maybe 114 that's That's a hot summer's day. No, no two ways about it, but 117 is only five degrees below the all -time high
And that was June 26 1990. I remember it well Since my anniversary is
June 25th we were doing something for our anniversary and I And it was basically hiding indoors
Because it was it went 115 118 120 122 120 118 115
It was a very very warm week and nor less toward the end of June beginning of July this early in June 117
I'm not sure if that'll be a record or what? But there are certain people especially from back in Georgia that I want to make sure
Are out and about at least for a few minutes at about 233 o 'clock on Saturday I've got a range it somehow lock them out of their car do something
To make sure that they get to experience a true Phoenix summer and Because you got to realize 117 outside Standing in a parking lot on blacktop
It's not 117. I assure you that blacktop is sizzling around 200 and The inside of your car if it's been closed up sitting in the
Sun's minimum 165 170 And All these guys coming in from back east don't know what a shade screen is and I can just see him trying to drive their cars if they're
If they if they haven't had a shade screen up and that that steering wheels was sitting in the
Sun You know either get a shade screen or bring some hot pads Well the two because that's that's really the only way it's gonna only way it's gonna work.
So It's it's gonna be fun. What am I? It's looked
I just looked at channel plot twist the gorilla used to be a human but undertook surgery
You know, there is a day when it would have been oh that's silly and then we just had the story about the guy living as a goat, so Ah What what what
I don't even know don't even know what to say anymore. What am I gonna be discussing? Well, I'm gonna fire up the phones here actually the one guy that we do not
Need to take any phone calls from is that guy in in Georgia because he was asking earlier if I was gonna take calls
And Well, actually, you know what hold off on that. There was still one story. I haven't gotten to yet. I'm sorry
Well, we'll see if we have time for it But he was asking us to take calls and then was asking the channel.
So what should I ask? So, I mean that that that goes well below the cutoff point of stuff
What am I gonna be talking about? every forum con I'm Gonna get dangerous.
I'm gonna get dangerous For a long time. I have wanted to address
Basically what is We talked about in the program many times before elements of it but My plenary presentation will be on hyper
Calvinism What it really is Why it's particularly pernicious and Why hyper
Calvinist don't like me and Never will and I don't like them either Then My breakout session will there's not gonna be a difference between the two as far as the level goes
The second session then will be on The issue of Hypo Calvinism Amaraldianism not not not discussion of Amaraldianism, but the the issue of the demand by certain hypo
Calvinists that you Publicly affirm
Contradiction and incoherence In the decrees of God and I'm gonna look at the very interesting.
What was the date? What was the date on that? It was 19 1950
Boy it's way down here to it's gonna take me a second. It was over 60 years ago
The OPC presented a paper well there was a paper presented to the
OPC to the General Assembly and And Why can't
I find it here? Well, I had it open and the other okay, it can't be that far back.
Well, that's it can be I suppose and It was on the subject of the free offer of the gospel and there were two sides presented they weren't as far apart as some people would like to think they were but It raises the issues in a pretty clear way and It also deals with 2nd
Peter 3 9 Some of the texts that are relevant at that point that we will get into in that section
So I'm sort of I'm dealing with the two sides of the same coin in essence dealing with The dangers of hyper
Calvinism, but also respond to those who say if you hold to a high Calvinism Then it inevitably results in There it is.
It inevitably results in Hyper Calvinism, which it does not So it's 1948.
So this is a support Support. This is a report submitted the 15th General Assembly of the
OPC in 1948 is taken from the minutes appendix pages 51 through 72
It's available at OPC org if you want to look it up If you want to have it on your iPad or something for my
Presentation or read it beforehand or whatever else it might be it is a very interesting and useful
Article and if you want to be prepared for that presentation and then there's gonna be a Q &A I'm gonna be involved with I think me and John Sampson will be doing which is
Appropriate given how many times John has sat here I suppose That we will be doing we'll be doing that So that's what we'll be doing at ReformCon this
Well, that's what we plan To be doing Fact the matter is, you know,
I mentioned to Jeff Durbin last week have something hiding in your pocket because You know these these bodies they are what they are and Things happen, so we'll we'll see well, we'll hopefully be able to do what we need to do
This this coming this coming ReformCon one other thing and I'm not sure how much time
I'll spend on this but I have mentioned more than once I will tell the story
There are there are people watching this program right now and the only reason they're watching is because They are obsessed with trying to find ways of attacking yours truly
There are there are people doing that. I am thankful the vast majority of folks watching the program or watching the program listening the program because they
Appreciate the things that we're gonna be Talking about and and they like a discussion from a
Christian worldview You know some of you work in situations where it's actually a joy for you
To get to listen to a program where you know, you're never gonna hear profanity You live in and you work in an environment where that's all around you and it's actually a treat
To be able to listen to something where you know, you're not gonna be assaulted by what you're hearing and And But there are a couple of you and some of your
Muslims I Saw a Video I didn't watch it, but I saw a link to a video a couple days ago
Certain Muslims not all thankfully but certain Muslims that just I Don't know
I can't imagine a life where you Sit around watching the dividing line just looking for a way to piece things together take cheap shots at me but you know who you are and I know who you are and I just I just I pity you.
I really do pity you. I mean if you happened to post stuff
Online where you addressed even a small portion of the number of topics and the breadth of topics we talked about here
I Can't imagine what it'd be like for me to be sitting around investing my time watching your stuff to try to find some way of taking shots at I Can't understand it and I feel really sorry for people like that.
I really do it must be sad But there are Christians who do the same thing There are
Christians who do the same thing. I'm not talking about the The nutty folks in monasteries in upstate,
New York who clearly have way too much time on their hands, which may tell you something about monasteries, but I There are actually
Christians What I do join here twice. Yes, I guess I joined twice didn't I? There we go.
There. I just disconnected. Am I still here still here? Yes. Okay. Anyway There are
Christians who basically act like stalkers and I guess
I can understand this one and it's Rich's fault. Okay.
I'm just gonna Be upfront about it. It's Rich's fault You know,
I I did a debate last year in Dallas and We talked about it briefly
I think afterwards on the program Probably the week I got back, you know just did a report on it and moved on from there but some other people continue to talk about it and therefore it's sort of like What are those little animals you're not supposed to feed after midnight or something?
You know, they're really cute and snuggly and then you feed them after midnight. Yeah That's that's what we've got here
So Gremlins that is that what it is? Okay Very tall gremlins
So on the 28th of May, so just a few days ago A certain recent graduate with a d -min degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary where you're
Gonna get pretty much one perspective on Calvinism. Anyways, um Posted an article on Facebook It was on Saturday it was on Saturday and on Saturday is when
Justin Briarley releases the audio from the unbelievable radio broadcast and as you recall when
I was in London, we did two programs we did the program with John Sanders on open theism and then afterwards we recorded a grill
James White program Where You know one guy had a serious question and One guy the others were just there to Push their particular agenda which was very strange very odd and The one guy was
Unitarian who Had Initially been a member of the
Church of England and Then became a Oneness Pentecostal if I'm recalling the right person here become a
Oneness Pentecostal and now was a quote -unquote biblical Unitarian and Eventually what came out was his whole argument is that if The deity of Christ was true
Then pretty much every sermon in the book of Acts would be about the deity of Christ and since in his opinion every sermon in the book of Acts is not about the deity of Christ and that terminology such as Son of God is only a messianic title and there is no significance of Kudios You can't really look at Acts 20 28
Etc etc Then you shouldn't believe in the deity of Christ. Well in Dialoguing with this individual
I pointed out That for example
Who's one of the primary people? Who are some of the primary people preaching in the book of Acts?
Well, I got Peter Peter 2nd Peter 1 1
Clear reference to the deity of Christ Of 1st Peter 3 15 Clear reference to deity of Christ and identifying
Jesus as Yahweh So you can't go to Acts Quote Peter and then ignore what
Peter said elsewhere unless you're gonna chop the Bible up and say Peter didn't write 1st 2nd Peter That's the liberal way of doing it
But you can't pretend that you're fairly interpreting One Statement of Peter in a historical work when you ignore what
Peter said in an epistle and of course Paul Major figure in the book of Acts and so you look at Paul's epistles
You look at Philippians chapter 2 you look at Colossians chapter 1 and of course, you know The liberal scholar says Paul didn't write
Colossians blah blah blah So you get rid of Titus 2 13 things like that But I basically said this is an extremely artificial way of trying to pursue your goal of promoting
Unitarianism by limiting the Appropriate data to the decision of whether the
Bible teaches that Jesus is deity or not to just half of a book because acts is half of Luke's the
Luke acts Complex we identify them as two different books, but really they're just part one part two.
It's one book in two parts Well, you know,
I think any person who would
How often do you you know when when my critics come after me I wonder if in the dark of night or in the quiet of while they're driving their car or something
They ever asked themselves the question, what would I have done if I was in the situation that white was in So without any preparation without any idea where the guy's gonna be coming from You just get hit with this perspective
Now our friend from Texas I'm pretty certain to Trinitarian and so How would he have responded this particular individual's argumentation
What kind of exegesis what kind of hermeneutics would have been brought forward to Defend The deity of Christ would it be consistent or would it be inconsistent?
You know, I I have this Commitment to try anyways to be consistent in How I handle all of Scripture so Here comes this article and It's all about Well, here's here's one of the paragraphs as you listen to white defend his hermeneutic against this
Unitarian I Challenge you to apply his exact argument to our debate.
I think the parallel will be astonishingly clear and white's hypocrisy revealed
Now he says above I agreed with white in his dispute his debate against the Unitarian But his answers reveal exactly the point
I was attempting to argue now the point That You know,
I mentioned I wrote a response to this and posted on Facebook and As I listened
I was gonna be doing a debate last week. We're gonna reschedule it but Looks like it's probably gonna be
August I Was gonna be doing a Bay of Romans 9 so I decided to listen to at least my presentation
And I listened to a little bit of the back -and -forth as well. I Hadn't listened.
I don't believe I had listened to the debate since we had done it. Yeah, at least I recall having done so I Generally don't do that.
This was just simply preparation for the next debate. I want at the exact same time frames I was like, all right, what did
I get to what didn't I get to how fast I speaking what you know? Let's just listen to what we did before so I I Was listening to the back -and -forth and I asked a very honest question, which to me is the very essence of the debate is
The hermeneutical and exegetical methodology that you employed in your opening statement consistent with and the same as You would use to defend the
Trinity of Christ resurrection other key Biblical teachings and he honestly answered no, it's not
It's not to me. That was the end of the debate. I it you know, if I had wanted to do something novel
I Could have you know closed my Greek New Testament said well, thank you very much, sir.
We all get to go home earlier tonight We've got some bad thunderstorms heading in so let's let's clear this place out and go home because because the debates the debates over But it was now he doesn't get that.
He doesn't get that to this day and This is a desperate attempt on his part to Defend What he did in that debate
Which was to create an external system and then to rather boldly
Import that external system into Romans 9 and to make portions not all of it portions of it.
I Had forgotten that I had asked him about the lump of clay. I Asked him about the lump of clay
Who is it in light of his? grand calling grand scheme thing
His answer was incoherent. I Mean he fell up but he face -planted it was it was any debate judge any atheist debate judge just simply doing the question answer don't don't gone done
Over with right there. I mean just that clear He was not handling the text in any meaningful fashion and I'm at least glad he admits.
That's not how you defend the deity of Christ. Thankfully, it's not it isn't so To try to parallel a
Wacky Unitarians Attempt to attack the deity of Christ based upon artificially limiting the date of the book of Acts With the fact that the topic of our debate
Was what one particular text of scripture actually teaches is?
So desperate That it's starting to get scary because I had to ask myself the question
How does how does he even? He would have had to have grabbed
That unbelievable broadcast as soon as it dropped to listen to it to write this article
I Hadn't even seen notification that it had dropped yet and yet he's
Picking it up for what reason because he's got to take a shot at me Now I you know,
I get it with some Muslims I Get why certain Muslims who will not debate me personally
But will sit on the internet and lob bombs my direction I get why they do it
But why would a self -professing Christian Who Believes in the
Trinity and the deity of Christ and the inspiration of scripture and all that kind of stuff. Where's the motivation? It's it's downright stalker ish.
It really is Yeah, go ahead. It's it's too wrapped up.
Well, I don't know. Yeah, I want you to be able to hear what I'm Yes, okay, so you can hear me now
Yeah. Oh, I'm sorry. We are out of time. Well, look at that folks. Thank you for joining us on The program today, you know what
I've in in Reading through this myself. I Thought the strangest thing and I'm way low here.
There we go. That's better the strangest thing I found He seems to feel that the because he keeps going back to his hermeneutic citing
RC Sproul as his source I'm doing what RC Sproul taught me to do because we do it this way and What I found really troubling is that he believes that what you did on The unbelievable show is what he did in that debate.
He took the same approach He's bringing all these things in and yet Again, and I finally after I did my series which you haven't listened to okay, and that's fine
Well, that's because I'm yeah, you're a busy man. You're a busy man and and we're filling in right? We're all working pulling in the same direction but my chief criticism of him was back in January when
I Basically said the way in which you're approaching the scripture as a whole is the problem sir
Set Calvinism aside the way that Calvinism aside No, I know he can't and you all you have to do is go to his web page and you can tell oh, yeah
Imbalances is everywhere. Yeah, but he he cannot but my pleading and I've seen so many from his audience that have said things
Toward me and I see at now after listening to his rebuttals He completely ignored my chief point
Completely ignored it and that is the way in which you're to handle scripture right back to yes a proper hermeneutic where you're following the scripture not leading it and That's what he likes to do.
And well, you have to you have to to come up with this system It doesn't work any other well He can't look the fact the matter is he could not have stood in front of that audience with a
Bible in his hand whether English or Greek and Have walked through that text from beginning to end.
No, you can't do it you have to have this external system that imports all these meanings in for you and Allows you to skip over this and turn the clay into that and you can't you just can't do it
But that is an acceptable method within the Southern Baptist Convention within that portion
Yes, and that was what I confronted. He completely left it out everything else that I had to say
And I want people to remember this everything else that I had to say was built on that if you totally ignore
That premise and that point and don't actually go to that and deal with that You haven't dealt with what anything
I had to say? Yeah So anyways, so go ahead blame me. It's all right. Yeah, I'll take it. I blame you.
I blame you so But you know some other people might think that you don't want to thank you for allowing for the astonishingly clear revelation of my hypocrisy which just again
I I would point one more thing out and that was I can't you got me. What can
I say? You you mentioned that moment and I did take time at that moment to point out that not only did he answer
No, that's not how you do it. But his justification Was incredible to me.
Do you remember his justification for why he did it the way he did it? Well at one point he said well,
I know it at least at one point. He simply said there wasn't enough time His justification was
I take that approach because there was a man who drove a long way from Arkansas He said that with a straight face
James Huh? I played it his justification in his answer was when you when you you confronted him about it go to that point where he says no, but a man drove he must have been a
Calvinist because he drove such a long way and and he deserves more than just a
Debate over just the text. I know at one point At one point he made the statement.
Well, I I couldn't there's there's too much to talk about it You can't do it in 20 minutes. I'm sort of like I Did you know maybe and and the the other thing that was?
Really stood out to me was when he picked out out of a five -hour long debate with Steve Greg I counted him.
I went back and counted him six words that were yours Six words and the look on your face when he quoted you you could not place it
You did not recognize your own words. And this is his method folks.
Well, it was all prepared. I mean, well, yes I'm sitting up there on the stage. I'm looking over all of his notes are in a notebook in and I in the cellophane
His rebuttal his cross -examination his closing statement. Everything was pre prepared
No interaction with you whatsoever. No, no, but when when he
Threw out those six words and that look on your face. This is what he does with everyone and the scriptures themselves
Lux who other who else is he focused upon? No, no, well Nobody, there's some people out there that want to have
You know, I don't know why they want to go back and forth with him I don't see a reason of going back and forth with someone who will misrepresent me and Take my words and turn them into something
I would never say he actually admitted that he did that with sandstorms when you brought that up to him as well as Lorraine Bettner Yeah, you you asked him about it and he's like, well, of course they wouldn't know
Well, if you won't quote someone in such a way that they would actually use that phrase
What good is your disagreement with them? Yes, indeed, well, we can't let you start doing another program
I know you're obviously are desirous of doing that but We can't we can't let you go there.
So we're gonna have to wrap things up Tomorrow, I don't know what I'm gonna be doing on the program.
I did Mmm, I might do this. I I listened
I I Had to increase the volume so I could hear it while I was writing inside, but I did listen to all of that debate on the changing of the
Quran and There were some things that the Muslim really nice guy He's down in Australia and if I end up going down there
It'd be nice to get together with him and talk with him and maybe have a dialogue But there are some things he said that I wanted to address good old
Kami Oh honey Um came up and a few things like that. So maybe we'll have time to put that together Really?
It's hard to say. We'll see. Let's do the best we can this week and And go from there.
So once again if you're coming to reform con Bring your sunscreen and drink drink drink.
I Was telling folks people people say oh, but it's a dry heat. Yeah 4 % humidity
When it hits 117 probably about 4 % humidity Below freezing dew point would be below freezing
But the point is that means it sucks the moisture straight out of you you don't even feel yourself sweating
It evaporates as soon as it as it happens and how many times? Do we hear news stories about about helicopters and everything else on Camelback Mountain or Squaw Peak or whatever it is?
Because someone oh, this isn't all that hot This is a whole lot worse back where I'm from and then they die on the mountain
Because they don't realize just how stinking hot it actually is so Hydrate well hydrate.
Well if you're coming out, so just a word to the wise. Thanks for listening to dividing line today probably 4 o 'clock
Eastern Time 1 o 'clock our time tomorrow, alright So that's my plan anyways, and we'll let you know if there is any changing of That that plan thanks for listening.