If Someone Acts Gay, Then Should You Believe Him?


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Because we don't have like just the basic sense to which got into being and God made them male and female
So we don't we don't we don't understand why we're here what we're made for We put all the women in roles that God's designed for men
And then we get all the men and we're trying to put them in the roles that God's designed for women and the end result Is that we're doing all of it badly and and you can just look at our society and we're just tearing it all down Because we don't know what we're doing anymore
Morning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences These audiences may include but are not limited to professing Christians who never read their Bible Sissies sodomites men with man buns those who approve of men with man buns man bun enablers white knights for men with man buns
Homemakers who have finished Netflix, but don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies Your discretion is advised He is insane and the wrath of Almighty God Hanging over our head they will hear his words
They will not act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment when the fires of wrath come
They will be consumed and they will perish God wrapped himself in flesh
Condescended and became a man died on the cross for sin was resurrected on the third day
Has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words They will act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day their house will stand
Welcome to Bible bash where we aim to equip the Saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions
You're not allowed to ask We're your host Harrison Kerrigan pastor Tim Mullett and today will answer the age -old question
If someone acts gay, should you believe them? now this is one of those sort of Phenomenon that I think
Tim we've all experienced especially the guys, but I think all people recognize this
You know There are certain people you meet That when you hear the tone of their voice and you see the way that they hold their hands and the way that they dress
You immediately think to yourself That dudes gay, right, right.
Have you have you had this experience before right? Oh, yeah. Yeah, definitely Yeah, and so everyone's had this experience, but then
I think we're kind of at a point now socially You know where you're just really not allowed to Admit that right unless you're saying unless you're saying like go you don't know unless you're saying, you know
Hey, you're gay, but but you're trying to say it in a good as if it's a good thing, right? Oh, you're gay
You know that you might be allowed to talk about it then but you know For for us normal people.
It's like oh That dudes gay So so the question then becomes why you know
Why is that such a consistent? Thing when you know, I mean people are all different you would assume that Just because someone has decided that they're going to transgress against God and they're going to reject the natural order of things doesn't mean
Inherently that they have to talk with a really high -pitched voice Yeah, I mean, it's obviously it doesn't follow and you know, it's obviously one of those things where everyone knows that when it when a man talks like adopts the mannerisms of a woman and you know the hand gestures of a woman and The the dressing and all that kind of stuff that doesn't follow
You know that the the being flamboyant the being flaming, you know flaming homosexual kind of mannerisms that doesn't logically follow from Like if this is just some kind of you know
Alternative orientation or something like that like that doesn't naturally naturally follow but then what's what's actually happening is you have men who are
Taking the role of a woman they're taking on the role of the woman and so they intentionally act doubt that role
Because they're reflecting what they're doing as you know as far as those things are concerned But then the issue is they don't actually have to do that They don't have to actually speak that way and act that way at all, right?
Yeah, they don't I mean often I Mean I've been around like closet, you know, quote -unquote
Homosexuals or whatever in my life and I've been around them and I've seen that they they can act really straight when they want to and then when they're in other situations, they turn on the
The flamboyant. Yeah, they turn on the flame the jazziness, you know And they go full jazz hand mode, you know, and it gets really creepy really quick but you know, so a lot of it is largely a game that they're playing and They're they're communicating certain things about it.
And then what's happened? Is it you know? You're living in a cultured society right now that you're just not really allowed to make any assumptions about what's happening in these kind of moments so you can have someone who's just totally flamboyant and acting like a woman adopting all the mannerisms of a woman and What you're not really allowed to do is just believe what they're communicating, right?
So this is a way that I Mean essentially what this is is this a way that a sodomite will advertise that he's open for business so to speak but then what's happening is you have like Society basically rigorously policing you at that point and saying you're not really allowed to conclude anything from it
You know, maybe he just grew up with a bunch of sisters man. Like you don't Who knows what it means?
And so you're not really allowed to draw any conclusions from it one way or another Yeah, you know
I I was watching I was spending some time with my wife the and She had been watching some show
It's not some sitcom, you know, and and so I sat down I was watching it with her something
Yeah, I've not seen a single. I don't know a single thing about this show. I don't know any of the characters
I don't know what's going on. It's like the middle of a season and They show this one character who is
Incredibly flamboyant, you know and and my first thought there is like He's for sure gay in every way like the most gay the gayest of all gays he is he is that you know, and and It's like even even on the even on You know the
TV shows where things can all be fake like nothing there's it doesn't have to be real in any way
They also portray this this idea that you know The guy the guy who is attracted to other men, you know, who's living in sin in this way
He is going, you know, he's going to be He's going to be very flamboyant.
He's going to have a certain tone of voice And so you it's weird to think about where you have like this this actor who's getting paid and for sure getting coached
I mean all these guys are getting coached You have the directors the producers you have all these people who are pouring into this thing and they're being very meticulous with all of these details and They're so you when you think about that, it's like they are for sure telling this guy to speak
You know like a woman to speak the gay way Right and so so I mean that audit that enough that should ought to be enough to tell you hey
Whatever this whatever this is. It's very real and it's very common I think you know just about everyone understands what's going on You know, so so essentially is essentially what you're saying is hey
You know, they're being this flamboyant because they're trying to Act like women is is that what you're saying?
Oh, yeah. I mean it's I mean this is This is what happens when you reject the natural function of a woman but how does that make any sense like it you think about it if you're if you're if You're a dude who's attracted to other guys
Why are you making yourself act like a woman? What? Why It's a perversion it's a perversion
So what you have is you have a perversion of the natural order, right? So people are so inexplicably like tied to the natural order the way that God made it that I mean
That's essentially what you have happening, right? So, I mean you can think about what happens in like lesbian relationships is you have like the one
The one girl who gets entirely butch and then the other one who's entirely feminine or whatever Yeah, you have the normal -looking one and the butch -looking one.
No, you're right And then the same thing is happening, you know on the gay side of things too, right? So everyone there they're basically you just have people who are acting out their roles
But I mean it is it is an interesting thing I mean, I remember when the Big Bang Theory came out like first came out or whatever
Someone was asking me if I wanted to watch them like no, I don't want to watch a bunch of gay people on this show And they rebuked me man.
They rebuked me thoroughly. They said they're not gay. You know, they're like the And I was like like the characters are not gay or whatever.
It's like, yeah, they act gay though But then come to find out, you know the
Sheldon guy or whatever he actually is But his character wasn't gay, you know, so I was being rebuked for not like for my gaydar going off, you know
It's like no, I don't want to I don't really care to watch this show but then I mean this one of the things that's funny about this topic is over the course of my life
Almost every single time you look at a guy and he's acting like this He's acting like this and then everyone around you.
It's like hey, you know, is he you know, is he one of those? Is he a sodomite or whatever and everyone you can't know that, you know, you shouldn't even ask that, you know
And they get all puritanical on you and like upset with you. It's like but he seems like it, you know And then come to find out years later.
Yeah, he was the whole time Yeah, and that's just kind of been my experience throughout this topic I mean just it's just been over and over and over and over again and it's like everyone is just committed to this proposition that you can't really you like you have a guy who's acting like a woman and You can't really draw any inferences from it whatsoever because you can't possibly know
So as Christians, yeah Should should we make those assumptions about people or is it unbiblical were they right were they right and chastising you?
Or or is it perfectly or is it perfectly fine? You know to look at a person and say all that person's for sure so The issue is that there's different ways to communicate there's different there's different ways to communicate
So you can communicate in a different in different ways So like if you were to see a lady standing on the street corner at a certain time of night at a certain location certain kinds of street corners and You know dressed up in a certain manner, right?
Yeah, and they're in in the red -light district, you know, so I would assume she's you know going for a midnight stroll
So, I mean like you read through the Bible one of the things you read through the Bible and you have a young man who You know, the woman is dressed like a prostitute.
It says she's dressed like a prostitute and she's inviting him, you know to She's perfumed her bed and her husband's not there and everything else.
He's like a ox to the slaughter so like the issue is like you can read these kind of passages over and over again in the
Bible and They know what a prostitute dress is like You get what I'm saying?
Yeah like that, you know what a prostitute dress is like like that, you know what they act like, you know the way that they the mannerisms that they adopt so Like and as you look in the
Bible, you're gonna find that People identified the prostitutes. So like Judah Judah sees a prostitute on the side of the road
He knows she's a prostitute he approaches her as a prostitute that's what he did right because she's she knows how to communicate
That she's available for this thing, right? So Tamar knew she put on the garb of a prostitute
She played the role of a prostitute and Judah took her up on the offer. That's the way it worked, right?
and so no one in that kind of situation is Making the wrong assumption there like you if you want to dress like a prostitute
There's a definable thing that you do and everyone knows what it is, and I don't even have to elaborate on it
You know what it is, you know You know what it is when you see it you put on your prostitute outfit and you put on your prostitute mannerisms, right?
And and everyone knows what that is. Like everyone knows what that is. So like because You know how to communicate certain things, right?
Like if I want to like if a guy were to want to Communicate that he's a KKK member
KKK has an outfit that you can wear You put on that everyone would know here is this outfit and here's what it looks like and this is that costume, right?
So there's different costumes you can wear. There's different outfits you can wear so you can communicate in a wide variety ways
You can communicate through the costume that you wear. Everyone knows what the gay costume looks like, you know, it looks like like I mean if you were to get a lineup of a hundred gay guys and A lineup of a hundred straight guys and you put them side -by -side, right?
Yeah So dress like you you know dress like you're going to the club gay guy
Right to the gay club and then you know guys dressing like they're gonna go to the club you put him there
I mean you could you could guess it right about 99 95 % of the time at the very least, right?
You could get it right and so like the issue is there's Costumes that are part of this
There's mannerisms that are part of this that the Bible just goes into detail describing like the mannerisms of a prostitute
The same thing happened. So the the issue is like you can communicate through your outfit You can communicate through your mannerisms at a certain point you can't blame people for Believing you right?
Like if you want to if you want to dress like a homo and you want to act like a homo and all that And people people should believe what you're saying because you're and then if you're gonna like say hey, you know
You can't possibly know it's like well, I I don't know what language like what are we doing anymore? So I mean most of communication really is nonverbal anyways, right?
So like there's all sorts of mannerisms There's all sorts of things that a person can do the way that they walk and like in the
Bible goes into great detail describing Even how like women walk
So, I mean you can read through the prophets and see like women like mean mincing around as they walk or whatever, right?
Like everyone knows how a woman walks, you know how a woman walks You know how a woman walks when she wants to walk in a net and exaggeratedly feminine way
You think so? The issue is that like there's all sorts of things that we can communicate and what we've done is we've gotten to this point in society where you're only allowed to like Like in certain in certain topics in certain subjects you're basically put in this box where you have to say
I can't Think about all the other different ways communication happens
I only have to wait for this literal phrase to happen that where the individual
Comes out or whatever right and says that they are right they are And so during that whole time like the issue is like they all know who they are
Right. Yeah I mean we had a guy like this who worked at a restaurant that we worked at past and you know
He he pretended to not be gay for years and years and years but everyone knew that he was a sodomite everyone knew he was because he just acted like one and and You know, and then what would happen is you'd have like the you know
The sodomite guys who would come into the restaurant that he worked at or whatever that everyone worked at and they would all say
Yeah, we know him Advertising, you know what he is and just because he's not ready to let anyone know about it
That doesn't mean that that they don't all know who he is And so I mean and that's really what's happening is it's just it's a way of basically advertising your availability to everyone around you
Hey, I'm open to this But then it but then you also have like the shield of society to where you know
You you're not really allowed to comment on it because then you know, what happens is It's the same kind of thing that's happening with that guy the pastor guy who came out as a cross -dresser or whatever or who got
Didn't the news story who told on them then like, you know, tragically he kills himself, right? So he kills himself after that and then it's will society's fault for you know
Uncovering his secret that he wasn't ready to reveal or something like that. And so what you have is you're in a society like that we're basically
Like you have individuals who are engaging in this perversion behind the scenes and then they're basically just rubbing it all in your face
And then basically like saying hey you can't Hey, I know I'm doing everything possible to communicate to everyone around me.
This is exactly what I am, but you're not allowed to Recognize it, right? You're not allowed to call me on it.
And so it's just basically kind of like an in -your -face way of Showing who you are without any kind of repercussions that come from it.
It's good So what is the as Christians? What is the you know benefit to?
recognizing that there are patterns here and that there is you know, there is merit to believing the pattern
What is the marriage I mean you might not want to let that guy babysit your kids Yeah, I mean you may step one don't let them around your kids
I mean so Are you allowed to I mean?
Sam Albury wouldn't really want you to say that kind of thing. But I mean Are you what what kind of inferences?
Are you allowed to draw from that, right? So I mean think about it the opposite way like if a woman is constantly dressing provocatively
Constantly, you know dressing provocatively Constantly trying to do the things that women do to entice people and to Like would you want to get attention and to get attention?
I mean, would you want her around your kids? No You know
I'm saying like if it were a young woman like that who's constantly doing that who? Is like in the language that we're not allowed to say anymore is just communicating to everyone around her that she's easy, right?
Would you want her hanging out with your kids? No, I don't I don't want my kids to see that or think that's okay
Yeah, so I mean like the issue is like like when you're talking about this this kind of thing like There are consequences.
I mean there's consequences to these kind of things in that kind of way And so I mean obviously that's part of it.
I mean part of it is just like a basic Hey, if you're going to communicate that you're engaging in high -hand sexual rebellion against your maker then
You know, there's extra safeguards that we're going to put in our interaction with you because you're communicating perversion in that way but I mean
I I mean you also I mean one of the most loving things you can do is call people like that to repentance and Not allow them to live in the shadows, right?
So the Bible says take no part in them fruitful works of darkness or rather expose them Bring them to light
So part of the importance of even having a conversation like this is just to say that you have individuals who are you know taking part in these unfruitful works of darkness behind the scenes and then they're
Rubbing it all in everyone's face and then they're basically with a demand that you can't recognize what's happening
But at that point no one's really calling them to repentance even though it's obvious what's happening in those moments
And so, you know, so a lot of that is just yes. These are flags These are flags that they're given to communicate their availability to members of the same sex
But then they're also it's just straight -up sinful acts in himself. I mean, it's sinful to act like a woman if you're a man and You know society does have a vested interest in Rebuking that and trying to call those kind of individuals to repentance because it does affect us all for sure
Yeah, so so why don't we talk about that some, you know? So it's one thing, you know, it's one thing to say hey that these actions are communicating
You know the fact that there's something deeper going on here, right? So so you have a certain tone of voice you have certain mannerisms that you are mannerisms that you use you dress a
Certain way you have certain friends, right that we all you know, we all
Can see what's going on here, but then it seems like it's another thing to say like hey
Not just the fact that you know, those those Mannerisms and whatnot are a red flag
Telling us about this deeper issue, but even the red flags are sin in and of themselves
So why don't we talk about that? Where are you getting that idea from that? you know that it's
Sinful to even you know Purposely pursue a higher pitched voice for example,
I mean the Bible says be strong be courageous act like men In other words don't act like women so I mean but the issue so the issue is the
Bible tells men to act like men and then Acting like men is a definable thing and acting like a woman is a definable thing
And we all know the difference between the two of these things We just we pretend in these moments that we have no idea what's actually happening well
Tim don't you know that in this obscure? African tribe that I'm not going to tell you the name of right now because I don't know the name of it and I don't
Know that it actually exists, but the men Actually do speak in a higher pitched voice and that is considered manly in that African tribe that I will not name and will not look up for you right now.
There you go. So the irrefutable proof, right? All right moving on moving up nothing to say that no, so like the issue it well,
I mean obviously if you want to respond All cultures are not created equal some cultures think that it's okay to cannibalize people and Sacrifice them on you know stone altars in order to appease the gods and all that.
So yeah, I mean there's a lot of Not all cultures the same here But I mean you think about like what's actually happening with these with these things in general
I mean the Bible does say that a woman shouldn't wear a garment pertaining to a man and a man shouldn't wear a garment pertaining to a woman so The clothes you wear are communicating certain things like there's different ways you can communicate you can communicate
Thank you. So Cross -dressing in the Bible is sin. It's depravity is considered an abomination
So but then the issue is like, all right, that's one way of communicating So you can communicate with your words certain things and You can communicate with your dress certain things and the
Bible would say that if a man wears a garment pertaining to a woman He is a he is Like that's an abomination.
That's like terrible, right? Yeah, so like the issue is like well What's wrong with it is God in the beginning
God made men and women different, right? They're different kinds of creatures and so God's putting that there.
There's a standard of dress right there Like there's a standard of dress right there to say that hey if you're if I made you a man and you're
Presenting yourself in your dress as a woman you are doing something fundamentally wicked and depraved, right?
Because you're seeking to blur these gender lines So you're not living up to your created design your created function like this is perversity, right?
So that's true as far as dress goes But then that's also true as far as just things like even hairstyles and we've talked about this in different episodes
But God says that nature itself teaches that it's shameful for a man to have long hair So if you're gonna present yourself in certain clothing like the clothing of a woman the hair of a woman
The Bible says that sin that's wickedness. You're blurring these gender lines So the same thing is happening with like your mannerisms like it's just you're doing like you're doing the same exact thing right there like that's just like like The verbal equivalent of transgenderism like our cross -dressing right?
Like that's what that's what you're doing It's all the same kind of thing. So God says act like men be strong Like You should act if you're a man
God made you a man you should act like a man and what that what is that what that's going to involve is not to Adopt that the mannerisms the habits the you know verbal way of communicating that is standard to a woman
You're gonna think about the natural creative differences and you're not just gonna try to blur those lines.
So that in itself I mean, yes, that's just perversity. You're doing the same kind of thing in different ways.
And that's why you know when a sodomite comes along and He's he he is playing like he's physically playing the role of the woman in the relationship
And so that's what he's gonna act like, right? Yeah. Yeah, it is interesting that the
You know out of all of the different sins that the Bible lists, you know throughout the
Old Testament throughout the New Testament that You know that men dressing like women and women dressing like men is one of the few sins that God calls an
Abomination when our society right now would say like there's no big deal. What's the big deal?
Right, right so so what so why is it that that's you know, because because when when our society looks at Some dude that is
Attracted to other men and they see the way he dresses and he's and he dresses very effeminately.
He acts very effeminately They're not gonna they're not gonna bat an eye at it. They're not gonna question it.
They're not gonna think that's weird They're not they're just gonna think yeah, that's normal So so why is it that God calls it an abomination?
But we think it's normal, you know not you and I our society thinks it's normal, yeah
We don't understand the difference between men and women so But what think about it this way?
Like if if there's anything in the minds of many people like if there's anything left, you know like if you think about gender differences so because we've been a little different if you can think about any gender differences that About the only thing that most people would agree is an actual legitimate gender difference
Is the the fact that a lady can make a baby? Yeah, yeah, not even you know, not even physical strength anymore.
Really if you but that's about it Okay, that's about it. And that's I mean you still even have the insanity that's gripped
So many people now that we're calling them birthing persons, okay Instead of women
Not all women have vaginas. You don't you know, you know Yeah But imagine this so think about this thought experiment for a second because people
Don't have an answer to the question that you're asking but it's not a complicated like thought experiment to think through so think about it this way like Imagine if the entire society like revolved around men trying to pretend like they would have babies what would happen?
We'd all die Die off as a society the human race and it would be so fast
It wouldn't even take it would take a generation and we'd all die off, right? So like the issue is that nature doesn't lie, right nature doesn't lie
So like so here's the here's the deal. That's one gender difference. That is very pronounced and the moment like if we were to basically just have women on wholesale
Say hey, I'm not gonna give make babies anymore, right? Like we're doing I mean if if the transgender revolution just like utterly captivated the entire world
I mean the end result would be just we would die off as the species, right? Yeah because because like if everyone went this route then what would happen is you'd have a bunch of men
LARPing as if they're moms and then you'd have Like what are you gonna do? Right like and I mean even in the news right now there, you know, you have
Proposals that are being made to take brain -dead mothers and use their wombs for the service of these, you know perverts essentially and You know, there's laws that are
I think there was a California law that was trying to be passed that would basically make it a right for a right for To you know sodomites to have access to a woman's body for surrogacy or something along those lines
And so yeah, which is so backwards man like, you know, y 'all keep claiming y 'all are the people championing women's rights and then you're you're you're basically
Enslaving women to gay men to gay men. Yeah, I said, but now think about it All right Think about it though Think about what would actually happen if you like go full out with it like these men are all pretending like they're having babies
They can't have babies. That's not the way the world works and the women are stopped having babies now
That's the one area where we recognize a gender difference The problem is that there are other areas that have gender differences.
Okay, and so I give World War three starts What do you what do you think is going to happen when you have as many soft men as what you've made?
Like do you think that like all these soft men that you've created who have adopted all the mannerisms of women?
women the emotional stability of women like I mean think about all the You know the gay men that you've known in your life or whatever think about all of them and then think about how they act and think about like the
You know, I've known I've known I've known men like that and they they're frequently reduced to tears
Like over the fact that not enough people are going to the birthday party that they're throwing for themselves
It's ridiculous man, but I mean so imagine that God's made men strong in Order to be warriors and other things.
So World War three stop starts. What is gonna happen? Like what's gonna like our society is like easy pickings at this point
Because we've so emasculated our men that we wouldn't even know what to do you know the terrorists come in here to behead us all and then we all just reduced to a blubbering mess of tears because it's just so mean
And we can't imagine how they how they would do it So like the idea is that God God's made men and women different and there's so many different ways that you can
Play this out. Okay So the differences are more pronounced than they're simply women can make babies men can't
There God's designed men to lead God's made men different than women He's given them strength and so then if you take men and then you you take all of your men you have them adopt all the mannerisms that have it's the temperament the
Everything of a woman what you're what you're left with is an utter deficit of men because and so then the issue is
You all you have to think about is like well, what what did God design men for to do, right?
What did he design men to do? And if you have all of your women your men playing the role of what? Then you're gonna you're basically have half a gender that exists in the world
You get her saying and so then yeah Then what you have is you have you only have half a gender when
God designed two genders to accomplish different purposes and so part of the problem is you just The more you understand about the differences between men and women the more you see that yeah this is a this is a recipe for utter destruction and Disaster, you know not just in the sense that God's going to act in judgment on it
Like he did the sodomites in the story, right? Like that's true, too But we're you can look at us and you see that we're literally destroying ourself in this in every single way imaginable
We're killing our children. We're killed at killing your offspring. We're literally destroying ourselves and we don't even know what we're doing
We're just because we don't have like just the basic sense to which got into being and God made them male and female
So we don't we don't we don't understand why we're here what we're made for We put all the women in roles that God's designed for men
And then we get all the men and we're trying to put them in the roles that God's designed for women and the end result
Is that we're doing all of it badly and and you can just look at our society and we're just tearing it all down Because we don't know what we're doing anymore, right?
Yeah, and so like this is the logical result of Men acting like women and women acting like men you can just look at our society.
You see that's what's happening and that's why it's so bad and Then when you understand that then you realize that oh, yeah
God wasn't playing when he said this, right? So basically what I hear you to say is gaydar is biblical and it protects us.
That's right. Amen Okay, well I think that's a good place for us to wrap up the conversation on and and You know and speaking about a phenomenon that we all know we've all been there but then for some reason our society
Demands that you not acknowledge that it's there unless unless you're going to you know
Come to the revelation that this person is gay and that is just the greatest thing in the entire world
When it when in reality, it's sin You know, so a very strange a very strange phenomenon but but it does make a lot of sense that you know what you're saying about why they're behaving a certain way and and You know why it's such a big deal
Because because you know, you're kind of joking about the whole Like hey, if everyone stops having babies then it you know, it takes one generation
Maybe two generations before society just completely and totally collapses and you know, yeah you know, maybe everyone's not going to You know jump on you know
Everyone's not going to instantly become gay overnight and attracted to the same sex and refuse to have babies but then the more and more a society leans into those things the fewer babies are had every year and I mean it it
We keep talking about a population problem, you know, there's too many people on the earth and whatnot
But then it only takes a few generations of people not having enough enough babies for society to collapse
I mean, you know that that's an issue that several Asian countries are experiencing right now because they they have not harbored a culture of Having more children to replace, you know to replace the older generations as they die off And so so you might kind of scoff at that problem but it is a real problem and it doesn't take long to rear its ugly head in and for society and everything that we've grown up with and grown accustomed to just completely disappearing before our eyes because You know really
You know as a form of judgment from God Because we as a society have rejected his ways and assumed that we know somehow no better than him so So this is certainly a very pressing conversation that needs to be had and it has a lot to do with you know
When we're sharing the gospel with people, I mean Jesus was constantly Going straight for people's people's biggest sins
I mean he what he wasn't getting coffee for six months and then you know Maybe finally working in up enough courage to address the elephant in the room
He was he was going straight for the jugular with those You know with his conversations and if someone you know, if you meet someone and they're flaming
It's time to tell them to repent of their sins and put their faith and trust in Christ and they need to stop
You know, like hey. Hey, you seem pretty gay. Are you gay? Yeah, you guys stop
You know and you've got to be able to say those things and and have boldness to say those things the same way
Christ did Because we know that that's the most loving thing that we can actually do for those people is to plead with them
To repent of their sins and realize that what they're doing is leading to their own destruction So with all that being said we appreciate all the support.
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You want to show to us and until the next episode we'll see This has been another episode of Bible bashed we hope you have been encouraged and blessed through our discussion
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