The Decree and the decree - [Luke 2:1-14]


Pastor Mike preaches The Decree and the decree - [Luke 2:1-14]


teach some preaching classes and Remember one student I critiqued him and I said, you know, you're faithful to the text
I'd like you to be a little more enthusiastic and he wanted chapter and verse for that critique and He was kind of wanting to have every little detail
Figured out and I said listen after the sermon. Here's what I mean I want to take my hands and put them under your armpits and they better be moist
That's what I mean by enthusiasm and after today, I don't think
I'm gonna have to be enthusiastic at all It's just hot up here. So By the way,
I will try my very best to keep your attention. What's a little warmer? it's hard to pay attention and when you do your very best to take notes and look at verses and we'll
Worship the Lord together as we hear from his word Does this encourage you in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered
This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria and all went to be registered each to his own town and Joseph also went up from Galilee from the town of Nazareth to Judea to the city of David Which is called
Bethlehem because he was of the house and lineage of David To be registered with Mary his betrothed who was with child and while they were there the first the time came for her to give birth
She gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes Laid him in a manger because there was no place for them at the end
Do that edify you Did that strengthen you did that give you encouragement?
I have another question speaking of preaching classes if you had to preach that passage, how would you preach it?
Is there any thing to preach there? Are there any nuggets there where you think? Oh, that's right If you take your
Bible and turn to Luke chapter 2 I just read the first seven verses that is our passage today and I Promise that it'll encourage you.
Obviously, it's God's Word and we know it's important for us. We're Understanding that but there are some nuggets in here that are pure gold pure preaching gold pure Congregational gold as you know, we're going through books of the
Bible Chapter by chapter verse by verse We've preached from this pulpit in the last 30 years
Genesis Exodus Esther Mark 1st Corinthians Malachi many other books and now we're in the gospel of Jesus according to Luke and we finished
Before summer chapter 1 and now we're working into chapter 2. I know what you're thinking you're thinking
This is probably a Christmas passage This is when people read the passage or when people read the passage
It's during Christmastime and usually the person can't pronounce querinius and and all that By the way,
I was at BJ's yesterday with Kim the large retail shop And I said,
I can't believe that they already got Halloween stuff out Like people have Halloween stuff in their yard already and then we walk past all the
Christmas trees So this is kind of a Christmas message if you want Luke chapter 2 1 to 7 we're already it's the reason for the season
Did you know Luke wrote more of the New Testament than anyone else? Did you know the longest book in the
Bible is Luke the second longest book Luke also wrote called Acts and he's only 0 .5
% longer the book of Acts than the third largest book Matthew My am
I too bright just a kind of coming. There's anybody else
I'd fire him When you look at Luke you should say to yourself, it's not really the gospel of Luke It's the gospel of Jesus Christ or a good news about Jesus Christ According to Luke and it really breaks down in three sections
Chapter 1 through 9 50 is the origin of Jesus his teaching ministry his healing
Chapter 9 verse 51 through chapter 19 verse 27 Jesus has set his face towards Jerusalem resolutely because he knows what has to happen there and then chapter 19 verses 28 through the end of the book deals with The last week of Jesus his
Passover his death his resurrection and then his appearance on the Emmaus Road We are today in Luke chapter 2 verses 1 to 7
But remember every sermon every time you read the book of Luke You can't forget about the first four verses
The interpretive key of Luke is found in chapter 1 verses 1 through 4 and I want to read those again
Every single thing Luke writes is through the grid or through the lens or through the screen door of these four verses
And that's how they should be preached as well Luke writes a certain way and he writes with a certain reason
How does he write verses 1 through 3 remember of Luke chapter 1 in these memoirs of Jesus?
In as much as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us
Just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us
It seemed good to me also Having followed all things closely for some time past remember.
He was a doctor to write an orderly account for you most Excellent excellent
Theophilus and of course for all those who would ever read it He's writing with accuracy and exactness
Why is it written verse 4? That you the reader you
Bethlehem Bible Church may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught
This is written so that you'll have assurance so that you'll know that you have certainty. This is in fact true because Eternity is a long time to bear your own sins
We need to make sure that there is in fact a Savior and that he was a true human and true man
Luke is about Jesus We're sinful and lost we read about that in Galatians 2 today
And therefore Jesus had to come and save us in chapter 1 is essentially about two babies
It's an infancy narrative of John the Baptist and of Jesus and remember how it ends chapter 1
Oh, it is so great as the father of John the Baptist Zechariah spirit -filled
Prophesied and he just begins to extol God. I mean there is good news The gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke it's got good news even in the front end
Luke 167 Tells us what Zechariah says and he begins in verse 68 blessed be the
God of Israel For he has visited and redeemed his people He's raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of the servant
David As he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from of old That we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us
To show the mercy promised to our fathers and remember his Holy Covenant He just goes on and on praising
God filled by the Spirit the oath that he swore to our father Abraham to grant us that we being delivered from the hands of our enemies might serve him with fear and holiness and righteousness before him all our days and You child will be called the prophet of the
Most High and you will go before the Lord Jesus Essentially to prepare his ways to give knowledge of salvation to his people and the forgiveness of sins and then he tells the reason why sins can be forgiven the cause and it's wonderful language because of the tender mercy of our
God The tender mercy of God by the way dear Christian Do you want to know why you're going to heaven because God has tender mercy the way he uses the language there
It's not just mercy. It's mercy That's tender bowels of mercy
It basically says from the inside the way the Hebrews and the Greeks would talk. It's coming from the inside It's language of accommodation so that we can understand.
Why would God do anything because we're good because we have faith This is the cause of our salvation the tender mercy of God Aren't you glad that God's tender and merciful?
It's language that I can understand and then there's a name of Jesus in this prophecy. That's so wonderful remember in verse 78 whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace
We live in a dark world. We live in a Wicked world and we need light to see spiritual light to see and what's one of the names of Jesus?
Well, it could be advocate. It could be prophet priest King Alpha Omega first last Captain author what's he called here?
sunrise What a name for Jesus sunrise or language of the rising
Sun or the dawn of the metaphor of Finally in this dark world the
Sun comes up to warm and to illuminate what a name for Jesus He's called
Son of Righteousness and Malachi for he's called the bright morning star in Revelation 22
He's called a star in Numbers 24 He Jesus Shines light on this spiritually dark world so that we can know what to do
What a name for Jesus the light of the world. So now we come to chapter 2
Luke chapter 2 and it's about the birth of a baby the baby Jesus now every birth of a baby
It's fun to talk about and wonderful, but this is probably the best of the best I've watched five births in my life
Four of my children and then once when I was working in the operating room Every time you watch a birth, it's it's wonderful But now we're going to talk about the birth of Jesus while John the
Baptist birth only had about two verses about his birth Here we have 20 verses about the birth of the
Lord Jesus now I ask you again if you had to teach this section to a congregation a
Congregation that has gone through trials and difficulties needs encouragement as pastor Steve prayed for conviction
How would you preach this section? I mean, we're familiar with it at first glance
Maybe you don't think there's much to preach out of this But I want you to know that there are four gold nuggets in this passage surrounding the birth of Jesus That will be designed to increase your certainty
Think Luke 1 for that Jesus is the Savior and that you should trust in him for the first time or dear
Christian You keep trusting him four nuggets of gold Intended to drive you to the
Lord and trust him and have certainty in crazy times. These are the four words I'll give them to you first and then we'll see how far we get today four gold nuggets four words word one history word to sovereignty
Word three prophecy and word for humanity history sovereignty
Prophecy and humanity And you're gonna say wow, I'm never gonna reread this passage again the same way
Let's take a look at the first word that I want You to understand to drive you to have a increased certainty in an uncertain world and that is the word history
Luke 2 verse 1 Once upon a time. Oh Sorry in those days a
Decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered Friends, this is real history.
That's how you write history This is not Narnia This is not it began with the forging of the great rings three were given to the elves and mortal wisest and fairest of all
Beings seven to the dwarf Lords great miners and craftsmen in the mountain hills Deep in the land of Mordor and the fires of Mount Doom the dark
Lord Sauron forged a master ring and into this ring He poured his cruelty his malice in his will to dominate all life one ring to rule them all
See you weren't paying attention to Luke, but now I got your attention Friends I want you to know the writer is trying to tell you this is real history.
This is not make -believe This is not made up You need to be a historian dear
Christian because if a real Jesus didn't walk on the real Sea of Galilee There's no hope for you.
There's no hope for me We have to have a real historical person who can be our representative if you're real and you are
You need a real Righteous person to be a representative since you along with me are real sinners
It's important to realize that Luke the physician is making sure you start reading in those days a decree
Caesar Augustus Corinthians, this is these are all facts It's historical
I've mentioned before that when I'm in the Land of Israel, I I love doing things like skipping a rock on the
Sea of Galilee One of my favorite things is something called the Pilate stone and the
Pilate stone was discovered near Caesarea by the sea There's a replica there now of it and the real
Pilate stone is found in Israel's historical museum and until they found it in 1961
They had no record of Pontius Pilate The only record they had is in the Bible and so people like well, we can't take the
Bible as fact And so we need archaeology to back it up Pontius Pilate was a real man
That's why even the Apostles Creed suffered under Pontius Pilate crucified dead and buried to make sure you realize history
Christianity is historical That's exactly what's happening here in Luke chapter 2 the record of divine activity and work in real time
With real people what's what's his name Caesar Augustus? Caesar now is a title think
King or Emperor and Augustus means someone who's revered someone who's highly esteemed someone who is
August and so here we have this King that's to be highly esteemed You know, there was a real man that history records and his name was
Caesar Augustus In a real he was a real person in a real land in real time and he had a granduncle by the way, and his name was
Julius Caesar a Real man in real time Luke wants you to know
Julius Caesar was murdered and long story Caesar Augustus takes over Caesar Augustus had a sister and that sister was named was married to Antony and she left her husband
Anthony left her rather He runs off with Cleopatra and you know part of that historical background this real man
Caesar Augustus Has a census and he wants people to be taxed.
I Now I know by the way for us it's no taxation without what?
Representation for them. It was no taxation without registration and So there's a real man who's going to have a real decree
And if you were reading this back in those days, you'd know how great Caesar Augustus was he built a forum
You want about you want to know about Roman roads? He was the architect behind them. You want to know about Pax Romana the piece of it the piece of Rome He was such a great conqueror
That's through him Pax Romana was also called Pax Augustus because he was such a great man
Ruthless yes, but founding libraries and doing many other things matter of fact. He was so great
They said on his birthday Caesar Augustus it was signaling the world of good news and Did you know in the
British Museum it writes of Caesar Augustus? that he is the savior of The world
Caesar Augustus Did you know September 23rd was his birthday, and they thought he is so great.
We're gonna have him be Starting off our new year at September 23rd since he's called the
Savior and with this great son of God They called him the world can have hope and peace and security
It's almost like Luke is is he painting the backdrop. Yes, it's historical But also they think he's the great one they think he's the
Son of God they think he brings world peace They think he does everything we're gonna tell you about the real Savior And in my notes,
I said, I think it's kind of cool that Luke does that So I like to call Luke cool hand
Luke dear Christian. Here's my point. Don't go too fast
This is history. This is not a myth. It's not a fable. It's not a story It's written like an historical account and by the way
Archaeology always catches up to the Bible they say well that person didn't exist in the Bible in second
Kings And then later we find something you can trust the Bible because God wrote it of course
You have real maps in the back of your Bible you know that real maps Machen said the student of the
New Testament you dear Christian should be primarily a historian The center and core of all the
Bible is history The Bible is primarily a record of events
You can retain a lofty ethical idea without history
But let me make one clear point Machen said you can never retain a gospel for gospel means good news tidings information about something that's happened in other words gospel means history a
Gospel independent of history is a contradiction of terms So I want you to know you have a historical book in front of you
And you can trust it more history found in verse 2 This was the first registration when
Quirinius was governor of Syria You could study that as much as you want there's some debate about the timing and it was at one registration two registrations the point is
This happens in history As a matter of fact you can find Latin inscriptions that were discovered in 1764 about a man named
Quirinius who takes a census you can read in Josephus about this man
Quirinius if Josephus never wrote about it if they didn't find things in 1764
I don't really care, but To help us. I think the Lord has given us just some of these
Archaeological finds to bolster our faith and confidence first John 1 does this sound like the writer
John wanted you to know about? historical person That which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes
Which we have looked upon and touched with our hands concerning the word of life Jesus the life was made manifest and we have seen it and Proclaim and testify to you the eternal life.
I want you to know dear Christian You can be certain about your salvation because Jesus was a historical person word one
History not only that the second word to drive you to have more certainty is Sovereignty so now we have four words for certainty the first one is history now we look at Sovereignty verses 3 4 & 5 and all went to be registered each to his own town and Joseph also went up from Galilee from the town of Nazareth to Judea to the city of David Which is called
Bethlehem because he was of the house and lineage of David to be registered with Mary his
Betrothed, I don't think
Caesar Augustus Knew what he was setting in motion Wait, what's going on?
Remember Micah chapter 5 verse 2. Where's baby Jesus supposed to be born? Answer what city?
Bethlehem where's mother where's the mother of Jesus now? He's in her womb. Where are they?
70 miles away north Nazareth. They've got to come 70 miles south
We don't know how far along she is but most think third trimester and By the way, they didn't have
Railroads back then they didn't have anything except walking and horses. Let's see Did you know that if Jesus is born in Nazareth?
You're all going to go to hell when you die Your eternal stakes are based on this, you know mine are as well
Because every prophecy of the Lord has to come true or there's a false prophet
How many false prophecies does it take to make someone a false prophet answer? one
He has to be born in Bethlehem and as mighty as Caesar Augustus was as Augustus Caesar Augustus was as powerful as he was as wicked as he was
There's a decree behind the decree and now God uses Caesar Augustus to cause a decree
So now the decree is I have to go be registered in my hometown and guess where David and Mary's from Bethlehem Can you see it by the way, one of the things that you need to do and you see
God's sovereignty like this You say something to yourself similar to this My life seems pretty chaotic now.
I Know Romans 8 28 is true and he works all things together for good to those that are called.
He has a purpose I know that I don't see it though. I'm not experiencing that right now with health and finances and everything else
I'm not seeing it. But when I read the scripture, it's so clear who can miss it You read about Joseph in chapters 37 through 50 of Genesis and you go.
It's so clear. He's in jail. He's this he's that he's Oh, yeah, it's obvious when it's not obvious in life
We put our fingers down to the scriptures and read it and preach it to ourselves and say it's obvious Then and it has to be true now because the same
God in those days are the same God in these last days, right? That's what's so encouraging think
God is sovereign. He's just a sovereign today in your life in his unsearchable wisdom
Caesar Augustus calls a decree Whose wisdom really was it? Micah 5 2 as for you
Bethlehem too little to be among the clans of Judah From you one will go forth for me to be ruler in Israel his goings forth or from long ago from the days of eternity
Jesus is going to be born in Bethlehem because God is sovereign By the way, some people look at this and say what do you mean?
He goes up? Like how's he going up? To this to the town of Galilee Verse 4 and Joseph went up to Galilee Up from Galilee rather to the town of Nazareth.
Well, of course if I said to you that There's a change of altitude
You would say oh, yeah, Bethlehem is 25 feet above sea level and Nazareth is about 1 ,800
So they go up even though on the map. It seems like they go down She's got to travel a long way true or false
The king's heart is like channels of water in the Lord's hand and he the
Lord turns the king's heart wherever he wishes That's true. It's so obvious We have to think about that With our government the last 200 years
God's in charge God moves the heart of Augustus to do exactly what he wants done
God is sovereign over Cyrus. Did you know God is even sovereign over Satan? No wonder
Luther called Satan God's hardest working servant because even though Satan's in to destroy
God does work in spite of Satan and through Satan Side note, let me give you an important quote
God knows how God knows How to get you where you need to be
He used the pagan ruler of the world to move Joseph and Mary God knows how
God knows how to get you where you need to be Where am I supposed to be? Where am I supposed to go?
I think about this Sometimes I have two daughters that are yet to be married. I'm on a time schedule, by the way
How are you gonna meet your spouse? Where will I find them? Where will I go? What do
I do? Well doesn't seem to be any people that I'm attracted to at this church
So maybe I'll go to a watered -down church and I'll do this I mean and all the logic goes around and around and around when it comes to Marriage You're single people.
I want you to know God knows how God knows how to get you where you need to be. Isn't that good? So important that we take comfort in that Augustus tries to do a census to take control and money
You take a census back in those days because you recruit people from military Jews were exempt of that and you want to take their money
Sovereignty of God. I want you to know dear Christian God is omniscient and God is omnipotent and God is sovereign and he always accomplishes his purpose and His purpose is called a decree
Kings have decrees Caesar Augustus did God has a decree
Would it be crazy if your God the God of the Bible was not sovereign? Wouldn't be insane of God to make something he can't control and have no plan for it
People make things to have a plan for it You don't make a Stradivarius violin to hit people with it.
Although maybe that's happened. I don't know We're making this part up as I go along. I Looked over to Lane and saw her and I thought
I have to add something in about music. I Mean the creation without purpose sounds more like Frankenstein to me
God's hands -on God's a micromanager. He's in control of every little thing. You say I can't see it
That's why we walk by faith and not by sight Did you know God is so sovereign? He doesn't even say that I have a bunch of decrees
It says he has one decree Did you know in the mind of God everything that's ever happened since Genesis 1 1 is one single thought
No succession plans No, I didn't plan for that No checkmate when
I was a kid. We had something called whiteout. You know, what whiteout is they still sell it make it
You make a mistake on a typewriter children typewriters are things that And you have to put a little white stuff on there because you made a mistake does
God need whiteout It's got made a mistake. Think about your own life. Has God made a mistake in my life
Has God been unfaithful in my life? Has God been less than caring in my life and I know dear
Christian because I struggle just like you do sometimes we think that way and Sometimes we bring
God in with questions of why and how could you and dear friend those are always sinful
They're always wrong and we need to just say Lord. I can't see what's going on But I trust you and I know you're here with me
I Know God that if you were a chess player Strategizing against human history you would never hear check you never hear checkmate
You've got enough power to do it. It's one thing to have a plan It's another thing to have the power to do it. I want you to know that God's purpose stands singular
Ephesians 3 11 this was in accordance with the eternal purpose, which he carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord I'll say it again.
Isaiah 46. My purpose will be established. God said and I'll accomplish all my good pleasure One single thought one single decree and you're saying that's blowing my mind good.
That's what I want you to do I want you to have your minds blown and you respond with praise
I mean when I plan something when you plan something I have to amend that plan because Forces outside of me forces inside of me
Things I can't control come up and I have to change What God have to change
Job 23 what his soul desires that he does I mean
Augustus made some serious errors. He made some blunders He miscalculated acted rashly pridefully
That's not our Lord. Our Lord is holy Do you not know have you not heard the everlasting
God? The Lord the creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable
He's sovereign. He's wise. He does it all I want you to know your life Is tucked underneath the sovereign hand of God.
Well, is there anything else that could give us encouragement from this passage? The third word to drive you to trust the
Lord not just history not just sovereignty But number three so that you can have certainty the third gold nugget is prophecy
Prophecy History sovereignty prophecy. This is kind of related to the other one, but I wanted to make sure
I made it explicit history sovereignty prophecy Verse six and seven and While they were there the time came for her to give birth, so they're down in Bethlehem Nothing here about the virgin conception that's already happened.
This is a normal regular birth Everything about a normal birth is happening with Jesus because he's truly human and she gave birth to her firstborn son
Wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laying in a manger because there was no place for them at the end
Did you know in chapter 1 the angel prophesied that Jesus would be born not just Micah 5 to Old Testament prophecy sometime you should study
How many prophecies are in the Old Testament and how many have come to pass? One man said and I haven't counted them 27 % of the
Bible is predictive Another writer said that there are 1 ,800 prophecies in Scripture.
They drive you to think God is sovereign They make you think well I'm looking at the text and what
God says he does Some fulfilled that the second come I was first coming of Christ some fulfilled of the second coming and some fulfilled other places
God promised Abraham. He'd established an everlasting covenant with Isaac's offspring. Guess who's that offspring
Jesus? God promised Isaac the whole world be blessed in his descendant that descendant is
Jesus God promised when the blind would see Jesus healed the blind
When the deaf would hear Jesus healed the deaf Even Jesus prophesied did he not one of you is gonna betray me
Judas betrays The disciples will scatter off. They went Peter. You're gonna deny me.
So he did they're gonna kill me and I'm gonna rise from the dead He said that many many times interesting side note when it comes to prophecy
I Don't know if there's any prophecy or any stress of prophecy on the Quran or any
Hindu writings But for Christians, it's there because we need to be trusting and hoping and longing for and knowing that when
God Promises it will come to pass. I am God and there's no other I am God.
There's none like me declaring the end from the what? Beginning and from ancient times things not yet done crucified between thieves done
And our last word today is humanity History sovereignty prophecy humanity the fourth little nugget in there that we see that's designed to give you
Strength and certainty. So, you know, this is not just Narnia or Sauron Language Sauron is not a place.
I know somebody's gonna write me Okay, we hanging in there you're looking pretty tired you're okay
All right. Here we go. There's one left humanity humanity
Jesus for your salvation has to be not just truly God and he was and is but truly human
We need someone to represent us if God had Adam in a garden and he did and Adam was to obey
There has to be another Adam to obey where Adam failed, right? It's like in the garden Just imagine you've got a snowblower and it's got reverse and it's got forward and it's got neutral and Adams in the garden
And he's in neutral and God says I want you to work and to do things and labor in the in the garden
And Adam says no, I'm not going to do that and he jams it into reverse Well, what has to happen
Adam's sins were forgiven by God because God killed an animal in Adam's place and covered him with the
Skins and so now he's back to neutral again But God still said I want you to obey and to be fruitful and to multiply and you don't eat that from the tree many many other commands
So Adams fallen he can't do all those things like he should perfectly So there has to be another
Adam to obey and that last Adam is Jesus and he has to be truly human That's why he's truly born from a normal birth
You could study Pitocin and you can study birth canal and you can study all the different things that has to happen in a baby's birth and that's going
To be Jesus And I'm thinking to myself what kind of condescending love and grace
Does the eternal God of the universe have to be born at all?
Let alone in these circumstances Swaddling clothes what in the world is swaddling clothes anybody know what swaddling clothes are we talk about all the time
We sing about all the time by the way, Jesus was crying his head off after he was born that little song
No crying he makes What truly human baby doesn't cry? I?
Mean it's a nice little song, but I make a decree now. We may never touch again Swaddling cloths
We just imagine if you have to get back in the womb of your mother I'd be thinking I'm gonna be claustrophobic to no degree to the nth degree rather baby snug
Secure They come out of the womb and you wrap them up in a nice blanket to keep them nice And they're thinking oh this it's cold out here, and it's not like my mother's womb, but I feel tight and protected and good
That's what swaddling clothes were I made out of strips and made out of strips of cloth and by the way if you were rich gold silk linen
Fasten that little baby up like he looks like a little mummy or she looks like a little mummy J.
Bern McGee said dr. Luke. I mean a doctor would know wouldn't he? Gets right down to the little human details in the passage
He's saying that Mary put swaddling clothes on this little child Baby clothes and diapers on the
Son of God How perfectly human he was I'm not trying to be sacrilegious by saying
Jesus had to wear diapers Because he's human and because he
Luke knows what a little baby looks like and he knows You not only need a substitute you need a representative
That's exactly what he's trying to show here. He's showing. Yes historically it all works sovereignty.
Can't you see it? prophecy fulfilled can't you see it and Humanity now he's even at a little place called an in That's not really a good translation, but they've just kept it throughout the years
A real translation of in is found in the Good Samaritan this word doesn't mean in this word means a structure this word means
Guest room if you wanted to have it technically Translated that's what
NIV does it's a guest room Thank you,
I used to work for Duracell batteries out of college, and we were at war with energizers
And so I wasn't a Christian then So we go to a store like a CVS, and they had these big brand -new displays of energizer batteries
It's funny how when you put them in one of these trash compressors and just push that button they just shrink and smash
And it's funny how that happens That's just a story for you children, so I hope these are
Duracell Thank you if you put alkaline batteries in the refrigerator.
It does no good by the way What is an end what's going on here? Well of course the writer isn't trying to make you understand
The backdrop of this whole thing is to the condescending love of Jesus How would he do that how how this
God who is rich in heaven as it were become so poor by becoming? Little baby wrapped up in swaddling clothes in a little guest room
Where's B said this was typically a two -story structure The lower level was for the animals built around a courtyard where travelers could camp
Jesus must have been born in one of the cattle stalls the feeding trough was his bed Now it's very very busy there because there's a census and two things are happening with the census
Military people are there to take the census and people that live there have to go back to be registered and so there's no room at the end
There is another option for Something called the end here, and if you look at maybe like a rectangle on the inside There's the living quarters you have guest quarters over here, and you have animals here
You don't have to really go too far outside To take care of the animals and so your guest you live in the center the guest quarters are already taken and so since there's no guest quarters left anymore because of the census there has to be people under the roof of Where the cattle would be
And so Jesus is placed in a manger in a cattle trough in a food trough the ancient of days is now sent his son to be in a
Justin Martyr has one other option, and I'll just read it to you just because it's interesting He thinks it was in a cave since Joseph had nowhere to lodge in that village
She lodged near a certain cave in the village while there. They were there Mary brought forth the Messiah and laid him in a
Manger well, I could easily say this
There's no room for Jesus at the end and many Bible teachers have said That's exactly what unbelievers do when they won't trust him when they won't believe in him
They refuse to make room for the Lord Jesus. I will not have this man rule over me.
How sad Luther whenever you are concerned to think and act about your salvation you must directly run to the manger and The mother's womb
Embrace this infinite and virgin child in your arms look at him. He's being born. He's being nursed
He's growing up going about in human society teaching dying Rising again
Ascending above all the heavens and having authority over all things in other words if you'd like to have it assurance
Don't think Jesus just comes down on Friday dies and goes back up to heaven Later as he rises on Sunday, no, he is truly human you have the
God -man Jesus Christ Haber a catechism and I close with this why must
Jesus be true and righteous man answer He must be true man because of the justice of God Requires that the same human nature which sin should pay for sin
He must be a righteous man because one who himself is a sinner cannot pay for others.
Did you get that? He must be a true man because the justice of God requires that the same human nature
Which has sinned should pay for sin, and he must be righteous man because one Who himself is a sinner cannot pay for others sins when
I read this passage? I'm encouraged because I see history I See sovereignty I see prophecy and I see humanity and by the way dear
Christian There's been a census taken and it's up in heaven and listen to what it says
But you dear Christian have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to the myriads of angels
To the General Assembly and Church of the firstborn who are enrolled in Heaven and to God the judge of all into the spirits of the righteous made perfect and When the role is called up yonder,
I'll be what? There and there are no taxes there either let's pray Thank you father for this encouraging word.
I pray for these dear saints That you'd encourage them we worship the
God -man Truly God truly man for he's our only hope And father
I would pray if there's someone here today Who has the commentator say make no place for the
Lord Jesus That you would grant them repentance They don't even know they can't save themselves.
They think it's something they have to do so father Would you do it to them by sovereign grace and even give them faith and repentance in Jesus?