Just One

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This is actually contained in one of the first videos I uploaded, but it is so useful, I wanted it to be available as a stand-alone video. Every person who has ever tried to deal with Rome's apologists knows the feelings I was experiencing at this point in the debate.


Now, if you're in the Scriptures, you're arguing in circles.
You don't know if they're Scriptures if the people who tell you they're Scriptures are untrustworthy. Now, those same people also give traditions saying the
Apostles taught special things about Mary. If you impeach those witnesses and say, those
Church writers don't know what the heck they're talking about, you have no way of knowing that they're giving you a
Bible you can trust. Athanasius gave me the same canon of New Testament I have.
Show me one place where you're taught about Assumption of Mary, or Queen of Coronation. How about in the councils?
Hippo, Carthage. I don't want Mr. White. You're making the assertion that they taught these same things, and I'm undercutting myself.
They didn't teach these same things. I don't have to demonstrate that every single Church father taught every single thing.