Christmas Evangelism
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The most important gift that we can give our friends and family is the message of the gospel. It is far more valuable than any sum of money. How do you do this? By simply telling them about who Jesus is according to the bible and that through His death, burial, and resurrection they can be saved if they place their faith in Him. I know that the thought of telling someone that they are a sinner in need of a savior is not the most socially accepted thing to do. But we are not meant or called to be socially accepted in this world, but instead proclaimers of the Good News. It is easier than most people think, and if you truly love your friends and family then you should want to share this message today with them. God bless and I hope you and your family have a blessed Christmas this year.
- 00:09
- gospel track guys it's a million dollar bill it's very very cool do you want one okay the message don't try to spend that anywhere you'd probably get in trouble but the message on the back is about Jesus Christ the gospel the whole reason that we're out here celebrating
- 00:24
- Christmas right now and so I would say the message on the back is far that's good I'm happy here that's not a counterfeit message no no it is not amen to that it's the good news yep
- 00:33
- God bless guys gospel track guys it's a million dollar bill yeah it's real you can check it out it even feels like a real dollar bill huh so the way the message of that is that it's on the back there it's called the gospel message do you guys know who
- 00:48
- Jesus Christ is have you ever heard that name before yeah okay I would only hope you have because we're celebrating Christmas right now right so why is it so why do we celebrate the birth of one human being that was born 2 ,000 years ago you guys know why he died for our sins now now there's even a more significant reason why we celebrate his birth in particular it's because it was
- 01:11
- God himself that became flesh and lived with us 2 ,000 years ago and so that God that became flesh is the one and only
- 01:17
- God from all eternity to eternity and since he was born 2 ,000 years ago that's the reason he could live a perfect life for his 30 years that he was alive for and that's why he could pay for our sins on a cross and that it's through his death burial and resurrection that if we place our faith in him alone it's far far more important than a million dollar bills that anybody would offer you that's that grace that free unmerited gift of God anyway you guys got any questions about that Jesus Christ yeah do you guys go to church around here or anything like that okay good good good well check those out and read them and please yeah look to Jesus Christ for your salvation yep have a good rest of the day guys gospel track guys we're here to give people a million dollar bills would you like one or three or eight or twenty so on the back there they're not real dollar bills of course but on the back there that the purpose of it is it's about the gospel about Jesus Christ God in flesh 2 ,000 years ago
- 02:16
- God becoming flesh living a perfect life dying on a cross for the sins of those that would believe in him and that he was buried and rose again three days later defeating death and so as long as you place your faith in him alone for your salvation it's far more important more valuable than even a million dollar bill that's the point of that so yes free unmerited gift of God is that his grace that he gives to us and so do you guys go to a church or anything like that around here just right over here okay cool how long have you guys been going there for nice so I so I'm a pastor out in Hagerman and so how long so have you been going to the
- 02:56
- Catholic Church for a long time yourself I'm frustrated because I can't speak
- 03:02
- Spanish I'm sorry about that but so when I hear about somebody going to Catholic Church I have a question for you do you know where to where would you go if you sinned against God where would you go for salvation by if you sin today what would you do pray to God that's great and I completely agree with that you go to God for your salvation right have you ever been taught in your entire life of being a
- 03:30
- Catholic that you need to go to a priest a bishop and confess your sins so there's a
- 03:36
- Bible yeah yeah I went to a Catholic Church when I was younger obviously your parents take you there and then
- 03:44
- I went as an adult myself but I haven't gone in a few years
- 03:49
- I feel like I mean I pray to God I believe in God but I'm at the point right now where I think
- 03:57
- I want to look for a different friend totally not just go by what
- 04:03
- I've been raised as totally and so that Bible verse I was telling you about and that's why I was going to say it's so important because in that Bible verse it's in Timothy it says that there's only one mediator between us and God and it doesn't say it's a priest a bishop an elder a pastor it doesn't say any of that it says that it's the one person
- 04:19
- Jesus Christ that's our mediator and so when we want to be forgiven of our sins we go to Jesus and no one else as a pastor of a church
- 04:27
- I would never tell somebody that they need to come and confess their sins to me to get penance or to get salvation or to get that grace because it's free it's from God it means that they don't have to go through me they go through Jesus and so I would highly encourage you to look elsewhere and I'm not saying that if somebody dies believing that they have to go to somebody other than Jesus to be saved
- 04:49
- Matthew 7 it says that there will be many in the last days that come to me and say Lord Lord have we not cast out demons in your name have we not prophesied in your name have we not done all these many mighty miracles in your name and he's going to look at them and he says depart from me workers of iniquity
- 05:03
- I never knew you and so there's going to be people in the last days that really think they know Jesus but if you aren't placing your faith only in him to be saved and you're placing it in your works and what you do and penance and in your church even you're not going to be saved that's what
- 05:17
- Matthew 7 says in there and so I would highly encourage you to look at another church not that it's a church that saves you it's
- 05:23
- Christ alone that saves but I would do you live in Twin Falls so I would not tell you to drive 50 minutes to come to my church but there's a really really good church here in Twin Falls so Magic Valley Bible Church which is just right down here on the corner amazing church the pastor there is named
- 05:42
- Pastor Bear love him to death he's a great pastor he would care for you if you came into his church Eastside Baptist Church that's off of Eastland and Addison that's the church
- 05:51
- I used to go to that is a great church you go there his name is Pastor Paul he'll care for you and they have three pastors there's
- 05:58
- Pastor Mark Pastor John as well they would absolutely love to meet you and talk with you and welcome you with open arms and teach you about Jesus Christ as well that's what
- 06:06
- I want for him totally when I reached out to have him baptized you know because growing up you learn you're baptized when you're little and I was told that I couldn't baptize him unless I found sponsors or godparents that would were married through the church and had all their stuff in order then
- 06:30
- I could but then she told me but no child should be denied a baptism because children are
- 06:38
- God sees children and I'm like but basically you're denying me to baptize him because I'm not married through the church and you're telling me
- 06:46
- I have to find somebody that's married through the church but I know plenty of people that are married through the church and they're not even together anymore so I'll be honest with you that to me makes me sad to hear that a catholic church is saying that that's a requirement for baptism because that's nowhere in the bible absolutely zero places in the bible say that what
- 07:05
- I would say though to baptize your son I would say that he should profess faith in Jesus Christ first right so as long as he knows who
- 07:11
- Jesus is and he says that he's my lord and saviour and you can have those conversations with him I would baptize him tonight if you wanted to because that to me is the only requirement and it's one that you have to have faith in Jesus and if you have faith
- 07:22
- I'm not going to deny you baptism you see what I'm saying and so now if I had a one year old that said
- 07:30
- I know who Jesus Christ is I'd be like but do you really because I don't want to do it in a silly way and I also feel like you know he should as he's growing up teach him about Christ but he should also know you know like you as your person you have your own beliefs
- 07:46
- I can't force anything on you I'm going to teach you what I think is right but it's your duty to teach him but when they told me that I'm like no
- 07:54
- I think this is when I'm just going to cut it I'm super thankful I feel like I shouldn't be denied that or be judged just because I'm not married to the church because you know
- 08:06
- I'm a great person and you're basically telling me that oh I was told since you failed as a parent to show him that you should be married to the church and you had a baby and yeah
- 08:18
- I'm like oh okay so now I'm being denied baptism because I failed as a parent yep what's your name?
- 08:24
- Liz Liz I'm Brayden I agree with you 100 % on that stuff I agree with if they teach that you have to go to a bishop in order or a priest in order to be forgiven that's a bad thing that's not in the bible and so anyway
- 08:36
- I'm super encouraged by this Liz right? Liz. Yep so that gospel message is that death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ as long as you place your faith in him as long as this guy places his faith in him you're saved and you're in Christ right?
- 08:50
- and now I would still say you should go to church and you should still confess your sins and you should still talk to people but it is
- 08:56
- Christ alone that saves not me or anybody else not the Catholic church not my church no one it's
- 09:01
- Christ well I'm going to have to take a look at those churches yeah so once again Magic Valley Bible Church and Eastside Baptist Church yeah
- 09:10
- I would highly encourage you to check those out thank you so much yes you're very welcome you have a good rest of the day okay?