Is James White Racist? - Eric Mason Says Yes

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Lets examine Eric Mason's accusation.


A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.
You know, I have been known to indulge in a little bit of nonsense from time to time, and hey, you know, you can criticize me for it if you'd like, that's okay, but I was sitting here minding my own business.
It is, of course, winsome November, November 6th, so we've got a lot more winsomeness to do, there's no question about it.
I'm sitting here minding my own business and I'm starting to get some comments and some messages and things like that.
You know, YouTube comments are one thing. I try to engage as much as I can on YouTube, but I don't have that much time to spare, to be perfectly honest with you, so thank you for your comments.
I do try to answer them as much as I can, but I can't always. YouTube comments are one thing.
Sometimes I'm not really sure what's a serious comment and what isn't. It's hard on YouTube, it really is, but I started getting messages elsewhere as well.
Twitter, Facebook, all kinds of things talking about Dr. James White's racist comments.
And I saw that and I kind of, you know, joked with him, I tweeted at him, hey, are you a racist, like I've been hearing.
And then people started saying, well, are you talking about the Eric Mason comments? And I'm like, well, no, because I've been blocked by Eric Mason for like two years on Twitter.
And so, you know, given the amount of people that have reached out to me to respond to this,
I figured I'd at least check it out, right? I'd at least check it out. Because if Dr. Eric Mason is calling someone racist,
I find that extremely ironic because he is one of the most openly racist, obviously racist people that I know.
Well, let me change that. I know a lot more racist people than him, but he's one of the most racist people that I know that is propped up by Big Eva, Christian evangelicalism that's looked at as a legitimate teacher.
And here's just an example. Now, if you look at my YouTube channel and just type in Eric Mason, you'll find a lot of content because I've responded to Eric Mason a lot.
I haven't done so in a long time, but I did a whole review, like nine videos about his woke church book.
If you're interested in that, I think it's really good content. I take it seriously. It's not a it's not a joke. I take his book very seriously and I respond to it very seriously.
But I also did some comments about some other things that he's said and done over time. This is the stupidest one.
Here we go. And you're wondering why multi ethnicity isn't happening at your church.
It's because you have a person that's black on the outside, but angloid on the inside.
That's Dr. Eric Mason using a race, racial term, a racist, racist pejorative, talking about black people that don't think correct, according to his stupid opinions.
And he's and the insult, the thing that he thinks can zing him the most is to say you're black on the outside, but angloid on the inside.
That's the thing. That's the insult. Angloid. Now, if you look up the term angloid on the Urban Dictionary, you will see it's an attempt at coming up with a word that has as much power as the
N word. Right. Because to be honest, you can call a white person a cracker. You can call a white person white bread and all that.
They don't really care. I've never seen a white person really care that much about being called a racial pejorative.
But but that doesn't stop a racist from trying. So he's coming up with angloid here. He's going to say angloid from a pulpit where he's preaching the word of God.
You're black on the outside, angloid on the inside. That's an insult to black people and to white people. He's at least attempting it.
And I find that disgusting. I find Eric Mason to be a disgusting man in many ways. But he's a racist.
So it's interesting for a racist to call someone else racist. Now, the fact that he's a racist doesn't mean that he's wrong.
But let's get that straight. So the fact that Dr. Eric Mason is a racist, I mean, that's that's not debatable.
And if and if you look at my YouTube channel, there's other. It's not just the fact that he used the word angloid.
There's a lot of things that he says that are very racist. And he seems to admit having negative feelings towards white people in general, frustration, anger and all that kind of stuff.
Now, sometimes he seems like he's repenting of it and trying to suppress those feelings. But other times, like, for example, here, when he calls someone black on the outside, angloid on the inside, he's not trying to suppress it.
Now, this is something that, you know, white people, you might not understand as much. I mean, it's probably pretty easy to understand what he's attempting to do here.
But for us non -whites, this is used as as as kind of a joke. And listen,
I've I've joked like this before, where you call, oh, that's so white. That's so white. And this is a common joke, like you're acting white.
You know, my sister, I remember one time was was called whited out by someone in my family. And she took offense to it.
You know, this this is a joke that that non -whites use to make fun of each other.
I mean, it's just I'm sorry, but that's just how it is, you know. But I would I mean, look,
I might joke that way. I might say, oh, that's so white. You put so much mayonnaise on that sandwich. That's so white. And that's a funny, hilarious joke.
Well, debatably hilarious. Let's say that. But, you know,
I wouldn't dream of attempting to insult someone or hurt someone's feelings to to from a pulpit of all things.
I mean, you're preaching the word of God here and you're at the same time spouting racist nonsense.
It's it's really disgusting. I wouldn't dream of doing something like this. But the fact that he is a racist, obviously, and openly and, you know, the fact that he is so.
You know, easy to to to to to mock and all this kind of stuff doesn't mean he's wrong.
So a racist can actually identify racism correctly, potentially. So he might be right about Dr.
Dr. James White when he says that Dr. James White is racist. Here's what I decided to do. I have not watched the clip of Dr.
James White, because what I want to do is just take his word for it.
And this is something that is a practice that I do from time to time, like if you want to really engage an argument, let's just take the assumption that everything that he says is right.
And let's see if it holds water on the face of it before we even get into the Dr. James White stuff. So here is what
Dr. Eric Mason says, which I'm sure is going to be very careful thinking. And we'll see.
We'll just take his word for it. Let's see if his argument holds water. Here's what Dr. Eric Mason said. Now, I'm not blocked on Facebook, so I'm able to see this.
Luckily, OK, he says this. Dr. James White makes an interesting commentary about the multiethnic and particularly black churches.
He deems black churches as the most unsound, anti -intellectual, historic, history, theologically, history, theologically resistant.
I don't understand that, but that's fine. Maybe you must mean historically, theologically resistant, et cetera, in the body of Christ globally.
He basically said black churches lack pulpit soundness overall. It sounds as if he's saying the black church is the most theologically unsound church in any vineyard of the kingdom.
I've ministered in both sectors. He must have never heard of the E .K. Bailey Expository Preaching Conference, Williams, Williams, Harris, Waddles Preaching Conference, Dr.
Tony Evans Church Development Conference from the 90s and other conferences in black spheres that have invested in the hunger for those who minister in these types of contexts.
Of course, there are pockets of unhealthy in the black church, just like others. Now, let's just stop right there.
OK, so so let's just again, let's just assume that everything that Dr. Eric Mason says here is correct.
This is a very good practice. If you've never done this, try it. OK, it's very hard to do this, by the way, consistently.
But but let's just assume that that's what he's saying. OK, so think about the logic here for a second.
He says it sounds as if James White is saying that the black church is the most theologically unsound church in any vineyard of the kingdom.
OK, let's just stop for a second. I don't care whether Dr. James White said this or not.
I don't care. Let's just assume it's true. This is what Dr. James White said. The black church is the most theologically unsound church in any vineyard of the kingdom.
And then look at his evidence for why that's wrong. Dr. Eric Mason says he must have never heard of these conferences, and he names three conferences or four conferences or something like that.
And so let's just take a step back for a second. Could it be true that these conferences exist and at the same time be true that the black church is the most theologically unsound church in the history of the kingdom of God?
Both of those things can be true at the same time. They're not contradictory. Right. So so again, just take his argument at face value.
Don't even don't even refute the premises at this point. But so far, there's really nothing here yet.
I mean, he's saying that it's the most he's complaining that Dr. James White is saying the black church is the most unsound church.
And then he's saying, but look at these examples where you could always find examples of anything. It doesn't mean that it's wrong.
So so already the logic here is is is very fuzzy. Let's continue. He says.
For him to make this statement and not listen to Gardner C. Taylor, Francis Grimke, CBT Smith, Emanuel Scott, E .K.
Bailey, Frederick, Freddie Haynes, L .K. Curry, A. Lewis Patterson, E .V. Hill, G .E.
Patterson, Tony Evans, and I could just keep going. This doesn't count the younger generation of preachers today, the professor, the women as well, the professor, the women as well.
You know, one thing I noticed about this post, it seems like Dr. Eric Mason is pretty angry. It's all grammatically messed up.
It's very hard to read. It seems like he's writing in a hurry, you know what I mean? And it's not surprising to have these failures of basic logic here and be writing in a hurry because he's just all uppity, right?
He's all uppity. White person said something bad. I got to respond, you know? So so again, he's saying, well, he hasn't listened to all these people.
He lists like 10 people and the women and the professors and all that stuff.
And he's still making this statement. But the thing is, I'm assuming maybe he did say that there are no preachers that are sound, that are black.
If he did say that, that is racist, obviously. Maybe he did.
I haven't listened to the clip, but I'm willing to bet he didn't. I'm willing to bet he didn't say that.
So listing these three conferences and listing 10 preachers that, in your opinion, are sound doesn't do anything to refute the idea that the black church is the most theologically unsound church in the history of time.
Even if he actually did say that, which I'm also willing to bet he probably didn't necessarily say it just like that.
It's probably a little bit out of context. I'm just going to assume. But let's just take him at face value here.
Let's read the last paragraph and see if he wraps this up in a bow that makes any sense whatsoever.
He says this, finally, many of the black church preaching heroes aren't authors or have their preaching catalog made readily available, but it's too much out there, too much out there.
It's hard to read Dr. Erick Mason, really. And actually, it's hard to read his books, too. They don't make much sense either, even though they're grammatically a lot better.
But it's too much out there to be ignorant and make racist, racist, racist comments like this.
Yes, this is racist. What are your thoughts? Well, I mean, does he does he prove that it's racist?
I don't know. He includes a clip here. So let's listen. This will be the first time I've heard this clip. Let's hear what it says.
There is in a sense. And I'm going to get in trouble for this. Well, you're going to get in trouble no matter what you say, because you have the wrong skin color.
Dr. James White. That's the reality. You have the wrong skin color. In fact, you shaved your head as well.
So you must be a skinhead. I mean, that's just as simple as that. Dr. James White is a skinhead.
Here we go. I'm too, I guess. In many churches of whatever ethnic mix.
There is an anti intellectualism, an anti church history ism.
There is an anti theology ism. There is a an anti Bible translation,
Bible transmission ism. And it's seen in the fact that it's almost never addressed, almost never talked about.
But it's especially true in black churches. It's just a reality. The idea of sound doctrine, church history.
There are so few. Okay, so that's about what
I expected it to sound like. So, so, yeah, so that's the racist clip. Apparently, that's what angloid guy, you know,
Dr. Dr. Eric Mason. He's the guy who uses racial pejoratives from the pulpit. He's angloid, dude.
I could play it again. He's black on the outside, angloid on the inside.
Like this guy is saying that what we just heard was racist. Now, now, here's the thing.
So, so it is Dr. White correct about this? Is is the black? Is there a special in the black church and especially, you know, common anti intellectualism, anti historical ism, these kinds of things that he just mentioned?
Is that true? I have no stinking idea. I'm not a historian.
Okay, I'm not a historian. I'm not a church historian. I'm not a regular historian. I don't know if that's true or not. Okay, but again, let's, let's, let's let nothing that Dr.
Eric Mason here refutes what Dr. James White said. He just named examples of what he thinks are sound conferences, sound preachers and saying that refutes the fact that the black church is the most theologically unsound church ever, which he actually didn't say.
If you noticed in the clip, when, when Dr. Eric Mason says it sounds as if he's saying the black church, well, that might sound like that to your racist ears,
Dr. Eric Mason, but that's actually not what he said. What he did say though, is that every ethnicity has strands of this, and it seems to be especially true in the black church.
Now, is that true or not? Nothing you've said refutes that. You've named a few people and says that it refutes that.
Like if I said, you know, neo -Nazis are bad guys, right? Neo -Nazis are bad guys.
And you can show me a couple neo -Nazis that do a lot of good for their community, because I'm sure there are some, right?
There's, there's gotta be some neo -Nazis that give all kinds of money to their communities and things like that, and charities and fight against sex trafficking and stuff like that.
And you, you name some good ones that maybe don't go all the way with it. That doesn't refute the premise.
It just doesn't. That's not how this works. So you haven't refuted him. But the question is, is he right?
So let's, let's practice what we did with Dr. Eric Mason, with Dr. James White. Let's just assume for a second that he's correct, okay?
And you have statistics or you have history, you know, books or whatever, references that will show you that the black church is the most theologically unsound church, according to your reformed tradition ever, right?
Let's just say that that was a fact. Is that racist? That's the question that we're, that, that, that's at play here.
Because, you know, naming these, again, naming these people doesn't refute what James White said. It can be true that all these people are really sound.
I highly doubt that all the people that Dr. Eric Mason thinks are sound are actually sound, but let's just say that they are.
None of that refutes what James White said, or even what he's accused of saying. Because, because here's the thing, like Dr.
Eric Mason is accusing James White of saying something. So let's just take that at face value, that he actually did say it.
It actually doesn't refute even that. In his own paragraphs, it doesn't refute. So, but let's just say that you can refute this, right?
Let's just say, is it racist? That's the question. Is it racist? So Dr. James White is wrong about this.
Is it racist for him to say that? Well, that all depends. Is he saying it because he don't like black people?
Well, that's probably sounds pretty racist to me. Or is he saying it because he's got his facts mixed up, right?
Like maybe he's read some books that are now outdated, that, that talked about the unthe, the theologically unsound nature of the black church.
But actually that's actually incorrect. We've got new evidence that shows that the theological, the black church is most theologically sound church ever in history.
Maybe his facts are just mixed up, right? If his facts are just mixed up and you refute the facts, which you haven't done, obviously,
Dr. Eric Mason, you haven't even attempted because you know, I gotta,
I gotta stay on focus here. That's not racist if it's, if it's facts are just mixed up.
Or is it racist to refute or to report facts nowadays, right? Is it racist to report facts?
Like, is this racist, Dr. Eric Mason? The fact that the murder rate amongst blacks is way higher than amongst whites.
Is that racist? Because you see black people comport about 12 % of the population, right?
But did you know, Dr. Eric Mason, that black men commit 36 % of the murders in the
United States, even though they're only 12 % of the population? Did you know that? Is that racist to report that fact? Now that's homicide.
What do you think happens when we include abortion in that? Because for a
Christian, there's no reason not to include abortion in that, right? So what do you think would happen to the murder rate, the homicide rate amongst blacks compared to whites if we included the abortion statistics in there as well?
Did you know that the abortion rates for black people are higher than the abortion rates for Hispanics and,
I'm sorry, non -Hispanics and whites combined? And for the
Hispanics, it's not looking that pretty either. I mean, Hispanics kill their children at ridiculous rates. Don't worry,
I'm Hispanic. I can say that, I guess. So it's not racist for me to say it. But would it be racist for James White to say this, right?
27 abortions per 1 ,000 women amongst blacks. 18 abortions per 1 ,000 women amongst
Hispanics. 10 abortions per 1 ,000 women for whites.
So it's not going to do much to improve that homicide rate amongst blacks in the
United States. Now, is it racist to report that fact? I don't see how you could say it wouldn't be,
Dr. Eric Mason, based on the way you've attempted to refute James White. So now facts are racist.
Now, it would be racist if you said something like this. 27 abortions for blacks per 1 ,000 women.
Blacks commit 36 % of the murders, even though they're only 12 % of the population. There's something fundamentally wrong with black people.
There's something fundamentally inferior about black people. They're like animals.
If you said something like that, that would be racist. That would be racist. If you started judging the group for the crimes of a few, that would be racist, right?
You got to judge individually. We understand that. The word of God says that. This is not my opinion, by the way. The word of God says that.
You have to have evidence. You can't hold sons guilty for the sins of the fathers.
Fathers guilty for the sins of the sons. Everyone is guilty for their own sin. Everyone dies for their own sin.
So this is a word of God principle. When we're talking about word of God, what justice is in the word of God.
This is not my opinion. This is a fact, okay? So that would be racist.
But to report the news, if it's just a fact, is not racist, even if there are racial undertones or overtones or things like that.
And the thing is, Dr. Eric Mason, you know this. You know this. This is a tribal thing for you.
Dr. James White ain't in your tribe. And so when he says it, it's wrong. But Kyle Howard says this kind of stuff all the time.
Oh, liberalism is a white problem, beloved. Liberalism is a white problem, beloved.
And he'll go on and threads again and again and again. And Dr. Eric Mason, you won't say word one about that.
That's not racist to you because this is about your tribe. If my tribe does it, well, it's got to be good.
And if your tribe does it, well, then it's got to be bad because that's how your kind is. See, that's how you think,
Dr. Eric Mason, because you're a racist. Your kind does it. It's bad because your kind is bad.
That's why he's criticizing James White for saying this. This is a very tame thing. He knew he was going to get in trouble.
He knew because this is how racists think, racists like Dr. Eric Mason think, because he can report the facts here.
And again, I'm not saying this. I don't know that this is a fact or not. He's just saying that he is a church historian, right?
He has studied church history, right? So if we're going to be truth telling, then this is part of the truth.
Listen, my experience, and I would say that probably if you looked at the statistics, there's a lot more charismatic churches in Latino circles than there are reform churches, right?
I don't have the statistics, but I think I'm on pretty safe footing to say there's a lot more
Latino charismatic churches than there are Presbyterian churches, right? So I think that's a real problem.
I don't think charismatics are heretics, but I think it's a dangerous thing. I've seen it firsthand. I've seen
Latinos dancing in the aisles totally against the regular principle. I've seen people prophesying nonsense.
I've seen all kinds of stuff. I've seen all kinds of stuff. That's very dangerous, in my opinion, very dangerous.
Now, do I then go and say, well, there's something fundamentally wrong with Latinos in the brain? No, that would be racist.
But I can report the facts that there's an unsoundness there. That's a real problem. And listen, again,
I don't think charismatics are like the worst thing since sliced bread. I get criticized for saying that all the time.
I don't think it's the worst thing since sliced bread, but there's a fundamental problem there. And we should do something about that as Christians.
They do need to be taught more correctly, more accurately the word of God. Latinos do need to be taught more accurately the word of God.
Is that racist for me to say? Well, maybe not because I'm Latino. But if Dr. White were to say that same fact, would it be racist for him to say?
Well, according to a racist like Eric Mason, probably. Probably because he ain't in his tribe. He ain't in his tribe.
So, I mean, you know, the whites, they just are racist. Fundamentally, it's part of their identity.
They're racist. So when he says it, it's racist. But when Kyle Howard says it, well, he's in my tribe. We can't do wrong.
It's really disappointing. It's really disappointing because my thoughts are this.
I have no idea what motivated Dr. James White to say that. I have no idea if it's actually true what he said.
It certainly has the ring of truth to me to it. Because I've seen,
I mean, believe it or not, I've been to black churches. I've been to Latino churches. I'm willing to bet that there are a lot more, you know, charismatic -y, liberal -y type of churches in Latino and black circles.
And there are Presbyterian churches, which I would say is the pinnacle of the church of God right now.
I love you, Baptist. I do. But here's the thing, guys. Like, is it true or is it not true?
And you can't prove it's not true by just naming a bunch of preachers that you think are good. That's not how it works.
You know what I mean? That doesn't refute anything. Yes, there are some good black preachers. Did James White say otherwise?
Yes, there are some good black church conferences, I guess. Did James White say otherwise? Yes, there are some good black churches.
Did James White say otherwise? No, none of this refutes this. And if you think that this kind of stuff refutes it,
I'm sorry, but you're just not thinking straight. You're thinking according to tribal, you know, beliefs.
Hate in your tribe, so therefore it's wrong. And I just know it's wrong. Because if you put this out as like your refutation, oh, well, there's 10 black preachers that I can name off the top of my head.
And then there's young ones too. And that's why it's racist. And it's like, you know, you don't have to make any sense for your tribe to pat you on the back and give you an attaboy.
Tons of people are going to like this paragraph. And it makes absolutely no sense. None. Even on the face of it, even if you accept all of it, it makes no sense.
And again, this is the Angloid guy. This is the guy who says racist stuff from the pulpit.
Calling somebody else racist. It doesn't mean it's wrong, but then when he does it and you actually see what's said, it doesn't really seem racist to me.
So where are we at? Where are we at? You know, I was reading this book in the beginning of this book.
This is a critical race theory book from a Christian perspective. In the beginning of the book, he talks about how, you know, black people all know the door locking sound.
And it's like a poor me, the door locking sound. We hate it. Because when we are on the street and somebody passes by and they see us, they lock the door and they just do it because we're black, right?
They hate black people and it's just racist, right? And it's like, okay, let's just take a step back here as well.
Because I've actually been followed around stores. You know, I've experienced this kind of thing before where someone looks at me and they say, you're more likely to be, you know, a criminal.
So I'm going to follow you around. I've experienced this kind of thing before, right? So I know this happens. I don't doubt the story.
But think about it. Is it racist behavior or could it be just rational behavior? Here's what I'm saying. So let's say you live in a neighborhood.
I lived in a neighborhood that was very low percentages of white people. A lot of ethnic people, right?
In Brooklyn. I lived in a neighborhood like that in Brooklyn. A lot of ethnic people. Also happened to be a high crime area, okay?
Also happened to be a high crime area. And I always locked my front door. Always, okay?
And now I live in Vermont. Not that many ethnic people at all. I'm probably the only one in my vicinity.
A lot of white people. Also happens to be a low crime area. I don't lock my door as religiously as I used to.
Does that mean I'm a racist? Well, if you only take one of those statistics, the fact that there's a lot more ethnic people in the other neighborhood and there's a lot less ethnic people in this neighborhood, well, then you might say
I'm a racist, right? But there's actually completely rational reason for this, right? One was a high crime area.
One was a low crime area. If I lived in a very ethnic place that was also a low crime area, then
I probably would have the same behavior where I wouldn't as religiously lock my door. See, there's always other sides to this.
But you see, when you're a racist, you think like this. Oh, you're white.
You do something I don't like. Therefore, you must be racist. That's how a racist thinks. White people can't do any good from this perspective.
They just can't. Unless they're just bootlicking and doing everything that you say, you always have something to gripe about.
It's so disgusting and obnoxious and evil and unbecoming of a Christian. This is not how
Christians ought to think. This paragraph here, it's embarrassing. It's embarrassing.
This is a PhD. A PhD wrote this paragraph, guys. You want to know what my thoughts are,
Dr. Eric Mason? If I wrote this paragraph, I would be embarrassed and I would be apologizing.
I can't believe that a PhD Christian wrote this paragraph. It is awful.
It's immoral. It's stupid. Logical.
It's just, you could drive a truck through the hole in this logic. And it's disgusting.
And it's just another example of how racist your mind works. It's just a very racist viewpoint on things.
You ain't in my tribe. You say this. It's bad. And you know for a fact there are people on your side.
And you do it yourself, Dr. Eric Mason, who say very similar things about whites. But that's totally fine.
So you don't have a biblical worldview when it comes to this issue. You just simply don't. You quote
Bible verses, but you use and abuse them. You don't actually draw from them.
You don't actually draw from them. Because if you did, you would know this kind of tribal instinct that you have here.
And you're not the only group that has this. Social justice warriors aren't the only tribal people out there. White nationalists are very tribal.
You know, things like that. La Raza is very tribal as well. You know, there's a lot of tribalism in Jewish circles as well.
This kind of tribal mindset, it's not something that a Christian ought to embrace.
You know, the Bible says, this is a verse I've been thinking a lot about. This is a verse that a lot of atheists like to use to mock the
Bible. I embrace this verse. And I think you should too. Deuteronomy 21, 18 and 21.
I've been talking to my brother a lot about this. Listen to this. If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and that when they have chastened him will not hearken unto them, then shall his father and his mother lay hold to him and bring him out unto the elders of his city and unto the gate of his place.
And they shall say to the elders of the city, our son is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey our voice. He's a glutton. He's a drunkard.
And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones so that he die. So shall put the evil away from among you.
All Israel shall hear and feel fear. See, there's could be no closer tribal connection than your own blood, right?
None. And God is saying that that's not a good excuse to not punish someone who needs to be punished, to not judge evil correctly.
You shall not show partiality even to your own blood, but you should judge fairly.
If that applies to your family, your own son, your own seed.
If God says, no, that's not an excuse to just take his side automatically. If that applies to your son, then it definitely applies to something as stupid as someone that shares your skin color.
You see, we cannot judge according to skin color, according to these tribal connections. I can't judge a
Latino less harshly because he's Latino. It's not biblical. I have too much allegiance to Christ for that.
And you should too, Dr. Eric Mason. So enough of this stuff. Enough of this.
This is disgusting. And it's not becoming of a Christian. And all you're doing is hurting the church and the people that listen to you and respect you.
Stop this nonsense. You don't like what James White said, refute it. But don't refute it with this kind of garbage.
This kind of stuff. Well, I guess he never heard of Dr. Tony Evans. Like, even if he hasn't, so does it disprove what he said?
No. Anyway, sorry for the rant, guys. I, like I said, I was minding my own business, trying to be winsome in November, and this just kind of fell on my lap.
Sorry for the rant, but I hope it made sense. I kind of felt like I was rambling a little bit, but I hope you find it helpful.
And if you have follow -up questions, please hesitate, don't hesitate to reach out because I'd like to, if there's things that I've missed, maybe he said something worse than this.
I was assuming that the clip that Eric Mason put here was probably the worst of it because Dr. Eric Mason is a racist, so he would try to make
Dr. James White look as bad as possible, but this clip really wasn't bad at all. So if there's worse stuff in there or something different that you would like me to address,
I certainly will do it because I do want to take that seriously. I'll be honest,
I highly doubted that James White said something racist, but I was trying to give it a fair shake. And anyway, so please reach out to me if you want to.
Also, if you are able, go ahead and sign up for my newsletter. I've got a new newsletter coming out this week, adroblez .com.
Go ahead and sign up. I'm looking forward to talking to you there as well. Thanks for watching. I appreciate it. Hope this is helpful.