The Man Christ Jesus (part 9)

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The Man Christ Jesus (part 10)

Our Father in heaven as we come to Gather together this morning. We pray for your blessing on our time as we look to your word as we
Look at the the doctrine of the humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ his
Willingness to submit himself to your will to do Precisely what you wanted him to do and to do these things while he was limited by his humanity
Father we just pray that you would bless our time as we consider these things that we would gain a greater appreciation for what our
Savior did for us and father a greater appreciation for the Really the intricacies of your plan of salvation father bless each one here in Christ's name.
Amen well last week we we discussed many things covenants and all kinds of things, but we were focused mostly on the fact that And it sounds trite to say this but Jesus was a male and why that's important and I mentioned it was an issue only because some liberals over the last
Few decades have raised the issue of whether it really matters because Jesus or the the
Savior could have been a woman They say and they don't really like to offend anyone. So they wanted to take all that kind of language out of the
Bible we talked a little bit about the TN IV and if Lewis Brown called the
NIV near the nearly inspired version, then I guess TN IV is just formalizing that the nearly inspired version
Because it was much worse than the NIV by the way, just a word about Bible translations and the reason
I'm not particularly enamored of the NIV the NIV is what is called a thought for thought translation
What does that mean That means you take chunks of language and you decide what it means and then that becomes your translation as Opposed to the
ESV the the King James the New King James the NAS Which are more a word for word translation now, sometimes the words don't translate precisely and in that case in your
Translation you may see words and italics and that kind of thing But I just wanted to say, you know, I I sort of mocked the
NIV now if you have the NIV I'm gonna say this not the the TN IV the
TN IV is terrible If you have that, please come see me and we'll get you a real Bible if you have the
NIV It is much better than say the Living Bible or Some other really paraphrases, but there are better Translations than the
NIV. Okay, so this morning we're going to be talking about a Chapter in the book and and I think this will be it'll sound familiar until we get going on it
And I I've I've been so impressed and so blessed this book Is available out in the book table.
I Don't get any kickbacks on the book. Dr. Bruce word down a theological seminary in Louisville, Kentucky The Baptist seminary down there has written this book and it really is thought -provoking and Causes us to really plumb the depths of Scripture and to be more thankful.
I think for our Savior than ever before Dying in our place Where writes in essence this that Jesus had to be a man in order to die in our place
While it is true that he was more than a man. We say he's fully God and fully man He could not be anything less than a man and what do you mean by less than a man?
Well, what it would be something less than a man How about an animal and we'll discuss that a little bit
II he had to be fully human Bruce wears daughter asked him a question
And my response when I read this was why couldn't my kids have asked me a question like this. Oh No, I'm kidding.
My My kids were great, but I just thought this is a profound question. Listen to this Could God not have made a perfect second
Adam? Who would bear our sin and die in our place? After all if God had done this we would have a perfect and sinless substitute a
Sacrifice one who like us was human yet. He wouldn't have to send his own son
So why couldn't a perfect second Adam have been our Savior? Okay, and that's right.
Okay, Jesus had to be born of a virgin so that he would be sinless but let me just Change her question a little bit and maybe this will help us get to the point and I'll get to John in just a second
Okay, if you know the answer go ahead Okay, and we're gonna take that a step further. But yes only
God's life would have infinite or you know that the life of Jesus would have infinite value
Brad Well, and that's where I was gonna go to you know, Jesus made or Jesus God through Jesus made
Adam right formed out of the clay and then breathed life into his nostrils, right? Could he have done that again?
Could have Okay, but the second Adam let's say there was a theoretical second
Adam. Here's the here's the problem that we're is gonna address first What could the second
Adam have done? Let's say he never sinned. He could have saved himself
Because he wouldn't have needed it a savior per se but let's look at Let's open our
Bibles for a minute And I because I want us to just think about hell. Let's look at It's fun to think about no, it's not fun.
Let's look at Mark chapter 9 verses 47 and 48 familiar passage and And really
I only want to get to one principle, but I want us to read that those two verses Anyway, mark 9 verses 47 and 48 and when somebody read that when they get there, please
And the one point I wanted to bring out of this is what does this tell us about hell? What's the nature of hell?
It's ongoing It's unceasing and what why would somebody wind up in hell?
It basically tells us here sin If your sins are not paid for you're going to hell and it says where the worm does not die in the fire is not quenched
In other words, the wrath of God is never satisfied. It is consistent constant ongoing permanent
Punishments. Well, what does that tell us about sin itself if we sin?
Well, let's put it this way, you know I once I've had a couple of traffic tickets in my life my favorite one though.
This is a true story. I Was a student at USC And I was taking the bus at a quite a commutes home every day and I was this won't mean anything to you.
I was at MacArthur's Park in LA waiting for my bus and there's a bunch of traffic.
I mean, it's LA There's just a bunch of traffic and there are a couple buses in the that at the bus stop, you know
Because there are a zillion buses there And so I see my bus 493 here it comes right down the street and I'm waiting and it just goes right by me
I've seen this movie before I Missed that bus and it's 40 minutes till the next one.
I don't want to wait 40 minutes. So Back in those days
I could run and I go running out so, you know, and you think well who could catch a bus?
This guy can catch a bus Besides that again, it's LA Traffic so it's a couple blocks to the next bus stop and I'm running and I've got my books and everything and I'm running and You know the light right before I'm gonna get to the bus stop
Yellow red and I'm right at the sidewalk and I'm it's just it's a little side street and I go
I Look to the left. I look to the right. There's nobody there. I am NOT gonna miss this bus
I run across the street I'm like halfway onto the bus and here comes this
LAPD motor officer on his motorcycle up on the sidewalk Writes me a ticket
Now I was exceeding the speed limit on this on the sidewalk
Son, I got you clocked at 27, you know He wrote me a ticket for crossing that red light and You know, it wasn't the $10
Fine that appalled me, of course, it was the fact that I missed my bus and I went to court and Explained to the judge what happened and he threw the ticket out.
Thank you very much That's the point of the story. Okay, let's close in prayer When we violate the law there's going to be a punishment
When we violate God's law his holy standard the punishment is forever and So someone said
Well, let's put it. Let me put it another way When we sin against a holy God, we create a debt that we cannot pay we write a check that we can't cash
There there's no there's not enough money. We can't earn enough. There's no way to pay that off but justice
God's justice demands full payments So how can we as finite creatures?
Pay an infinite debt and here's where our first problem with our hypothetical second
Adam would Fail where he would fail He would still be finite.
He would still be a creature so even if he lived a perfect life and He agreed to die in our place
Who could he pay for? I mean,
I would argue ultimately he can only pay for one person because he's just living that one life that one person is supposed to Pay, but here's the problem.
We said the debt is Infinite a finite being cannot pay an infinite debt
So what does that mean? That means his punishment the second Adam's punishment is going to go on For ever
He's going to face the wrath forever that we ought to have faced He would never be able to say what
Jesus said on the cross. What did he say? It is finished and when he said it is finished He didn't just mean the work that the father gave him to do he meant the payment for sin was completed
Everything that was owed on behalf of sinners who believe had been paid
Let's know what pink says he says all things Had been done which the law of God required all things established which prophecy predicted all things brought to pass which the types foreshadowed all things accomplished which the father had given them to do all things performed which were needful for our redemption
Nothing was left wanting The costly ransom was given the great conflict had been endured sins wages had been paid divine justice
Satisfied where says this he says the infinite value of Christ payment for our sin
Attaches to his being fully God because he's fully
God his Sacrifice has Infinite value the substitutionary nature of Christ's death that is him dying for us
Attaches most squarely where it says to his being fully human He had to be fully
God to Let's say afford the cost But he had to be human to die in our place
Now we have to talk about Kind of a fancy word or a fancy phrase that maybe pastor
Mike some other Theologians who get into our pulpit would like to talk about penal substitution
Penal substitution when we talk about the penal system. We know that that is a system that punishes wrongdoers
When we see when some of you Less godly folks later on this evening because I noticed the
Patriots are playing later tonight much later I think they're on the West Coast tonight.
Not that I've really been tracking that or anything But when the referee reaches into his pocket and he throws a flag out, what do they call that?
It's a penalty the team that commits a penalty gets Penalized so we understand what penal is
Penal substitution means that Jesus paid the price the penalty Believers ought to have paid he suffered that we might not suffer
First this morning. I want us to see that he died for our sins. Let's look at Colossians 2 verses 13 and 14
Colossians 2 verses 13 and 14 And with somebody who's really quick on the draw read that one for me
Colossians 2 verses 13 and 14 Okay, listen to what?
O 'Brien says about that. He says God has not only removed the debt He has also destroyed the document on which it was recorded
The Greek word there denotes a document especially a note of indebtedness Written in one's own hand as a proof of obligation.
This meaning is well attested in both the Jewish and Greco -Roman world a Common thought in Judaism was that of God keeping accounts of man's debt
Calling in the debt through angels and imposing a just judgment based on the records kept in the ledger
And what does the scripture here say by cancelling the record of debts our sins are paid for and even the list of them
Destroyed no record.
God has no record of our sins anymore And notice that he paid for our sins that would be believers let's look at it
Isaiah 53 Very specific language. I remember I won't go into this story all over Again, but you know the
Jewish believer Well, he wasn't a believer at this point the Jewish man who came to me with an Old Testament in the jail and said, you know
I'd like to give this Old Testament to Another Jew in one of the dorms and I said to him
I said does your Old Testament there? Have Isaiah 53 and he says sure it does I said well, can
I see and so I open it up and I turned and there was Isaiah 52 and there was
Isaiah 54 and Isaiah 53 was missing and he said well, why is that and I told him and you know, it was months later
He stopped me. I didn't even remember him and he told me about how he'd come to faith in Christ You know on account of that.
This is a very powerful passage that speaks to Jesus and his work
Listen, Isaiah 53 verses 4 to 6 Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet.
We esteemed him stricken Smitten by God and afflicted but he was pierced for our transgressions.
He was crushed for our iniquities Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace and with his wounds.
We are healed Oh, we like sheep have gone astray We have turned everyone to his own way and the
Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all we hear all that personal language and I've heard
Or read Jewish people who say, you know that this has to do with the nation of Israel But it's such a convoluted explanation that it's easier to actually remove
Isaiah 53 than it is to try to explain it because it doesn't make any sense Let's know what
Alec Mott your Old Testament scholar says about this passage. He says we all at we we all at the beginning of this passage here is
Matched by us all at the end the perfect equivalence of remedy is Here all each common culpability individual responsibility
Like sheep astray the folly and thoughtlessness of sin leading to the danger inherent in being sheep without a shepherd
Turned we turned art to our own way the deliberateness of sin and the Lord with this emphatic subject
Isaiah corrects any misunderstanding involved of stricken by God. It wasn't that he was he was considered stricken by God But he was indeed stricken by God, but with the astonishing purpose of laying our sin on him
It's descriptive of the divine act of gathering into one place on to one
Substitutionary victim the sins of all the sinners whom the Lord purposed to save the servants is
The solution of the Lord to the needs of sinners. This is our payment in full
Now there's a common thread among some evangelicals today. They want to minimize or deny altogether the doctrine of penal substitution
Why would anybody want to deny this that Jesus was condemned in our place that he took the punishment for?
Sin, why would somebody want to deny that? Gary Okay been taught to that they pay for their own sins,
I mean I Well, let's put it another way
Or maybe I could just explain it this way the atonement
What was the purpose of the atonement if we say that Jesus went to the cross to pay for our?
Sins that he suffered that it was the pleasure of God to crush him the father to crush him we
Say though that use that kind of language that we're really saying is he took our punishment, but Why would he do that if God is?
Love that's not loving to do that to Jesus and besides that if Jesus was taking our place well everybody knows
That God loves us and intends nothing, but good for us listen to what
Steve and I Apologize in advance I may mess up his name here I don't know if it's chalky or chalk because it ends with an e, but he's a
British Baptist minister and a friend of someone you may have heard of Tony Campolo, and he says here the fact is that the cross isn't a form of cosmic child abuse a
Vengeful father punishing his son for an offense that he has not even committed Understandably both people inside and outside of the church have found this twisted version of events morally dubious and a huge barrier to faith
Deeper than that however is that such a construct? Construct stands in total contradiction to the statement
God is love We'd read that in first John if the cross is a personal act of violence perpetrated by God towards humankind
But born by his son Then it makes a mockery of Jesus own teaching to love your enemies and refuse to pay evil with evil
In other words if Jesus said that how can God the Father then do this to the Son even if it's to save sinners?
He goes on to say it is a demonstration of just how far God. This is his view of the cross
It's a demonstration of just how far God as father and Jesus as his son are prepared to go to prove that love
In other words penal substitution does not fit into the hermeneutic of love.
God is love and That's all God is so they put the emphasis on love and they interpret scripture in light of that Bruce Yeah, that's exactly right it's it's all depends on how you view love if You know as the
Savior said as Bruce was saying love is sacrificing oneself for another Jesus sacrificed himself for all the redeemed.
That's a greater act of love than Any act in the history of the world one man wrote this he said
I cannot find anywhere in Scripture That makes the father the primary agent behind the crucifixion of his son, can you think of any place that said that Isaiah 53 we just read it.
Here's another one acts 2 22 and 23 men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and Signs that God did through him in your midst as you yourselves know this
Jesus Delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God You crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men in That passage men were responsible
God was sovereign God planned it Doesn't Jesus himself say that he came to do what?
the father's will and Then he only says and does whatever the father wants him to say and do now this
Theory of the atonement That they hold to that these men hold to is something called
Christus victor, that's the Latin, but it means just Christ is the victor Which is to say the primary purpose and result of Jesus death and resurrection is the defeat well to show
God's love But also to show the defeat of Satan and the forces of darkness
Now again the primary purpose of Jesus death and resurrection is the defeat of Satan and the forces of darkness.
That's what they teach So what's wrong with that? Didn't Jesus defeat
Satan and the forces of darkness. Yes Yes Listen what where says he says it is nonetheless a mistake
To displace the centrality of penal substitution in the Bible's teaching on Christ's atoning work
While Christ's triumph over sin and Satan is gloriously true in other words
Christus victor is true It is only because his sacrifice was by nature a penal substitutionary
Offering that the accomplishment of the cross brought about the victory over the powers of darkness
And we're gonna develop that a little bit more. Let's look at Colossians 2 15 I think we were there for verses 13 to 14.
Well, we're gonna go ahead and read verse 15 now, too Colossians 2 verse 15 and would somebody read that please?
Yeah, go ahead Cory Okay. Now that sounds like Christus victor, right?
Seems to prioritize the victory of Christ over the forces of darkness But not so fast as Lee Corso likes to say not so fast
Remember the context Colossians 2 13 and 14 I'll read it again and you who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh
God made alive with Together with him having forgiven us all our trespasses by canceling the record of debt that stood out
Stood against us with its legal demands this he set aside nailing it to the cross
So what came before the victory over the demonic powers or what demonstrated that victory penal substitution?
Where says the substitutionary death that Christ died in which he canceled out the debt of sinners
Is the backdrop For the next glorious truth found in verse 15 where he disarmed the rulers and authorities
Getting or putting them to shame and triumphing over it over them The death by which
Satan is disarmed and put to shame then is a debt death that cancels our sin
These are not accidentally linked concepts But theologically and necessarily linked in other words, there can be no
Christ Victory over the forces of darkness without the cancellation of sin
Let me put it another way, how is it that Satan holds the entire world in his way?
How is it that sinners are said to be? Followers of of his children of his
And I just sort of gave it away because it is because of the power of sin In fact when
I was thinking about this pondering and I thought you know John 8 Jesus talking to the
Jews and what does he say in John 8 verses? 34 to 36
Jesus answered them truly truly I say to you everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin
The slave does not remain in the house forever the Sun remains forever So if the
Sun sets you free you will be free indeed free from what? Da Carson says those whom
Jesus liberates from the tyranny of sin are Really free true freedom is not the liberty to do anything
We please but the liberty to do what we ought to do and it is genuine liberty because doing what we ought
Now pleases us when he sets us free we have a new master. That's Romans 6, right?
You present your members when you're unredeemed you present your your body to sin
You make yourself a slave to sin when you've been set free you present yourselves to Christ you become a slave of his of righteousness
Here's another passage That seems to demonstrate Christus Victor, that's the point that where's trying to debunk here.
Let's look at Hebrews 2 Verses 14 to 17 and if someone would read that when they get there
Hebrews 2 verses 14 to 17 Just want to underscore something there in Verse 15
You know when when we talk to people that are in Unrepentant sin, I mean I think about you know some rock and roll legends
And where they say about hell, you know, I'm you know something like I'm going to hell and when
I get there It's gonna be a great party Well, it's not and we know that from the other passages, but just listen to it
You know, they think they're free. But again, listen to verse 15 part of what it says there. We're subject to lifelong slavery
That's what sin is it's not freedom it's lifelong slavery Where says this about this passage in Hebrews 2 he says likewise it links
Christ's destruction of Satan who had the power of death verse 14 with Christ's faithful priestly role in which he offers a propitiatory that means satisfactory sacrifice one that actually satisfies
God's wrath a propitiatory Sacrifice for the sins of the people verse 17 at the very least it is clear that Christus Victor the
Christus Victor theme Does not stand alone rather it is deliberately linked to the theme of penal and propitiatory sacrifice in other words
There is Christ is not victorious unless he over the forces of darkness unless he has actually paid the price of sin for his people
Where says this clearly the once -for -all sacrifice of Christ inaugurating the
New Covenant is Presented in Hebrews as providing the payment for sin that was foreshadowed
But was never actually accomplished through the animal sacrifices of the Old Covenant Old Covenant Bob Yeah, who else could right?
Bob said you know a second theoretical Adam would be fully human and not
Divine would not have the power to raise himself from the dead, so that's a great point excellent point to Well, it's a it's a sure road the rejection of penal substitution opens up the avenue to deny personal responsibility
For my sin because maybe God's not so serious about it. It's it. I'll just put it this way summarize it
Denying penal substitution calling it cosmic child abuse. What have you it is
Liberalism and is the fast track for unbelief You're on the road if you're not already there.
You are on your road to full -blown paganism what we see in churches that teach this is an openness to a variety of truths
Universalism I mean if if Jesus isn't paying for our sin well, what does that mean it means
God's not so holy He's not so wrathful and basically you're good enough This is
Stuart Smalley kind of theology. You're good enough. God likes you enough go into heaven
And that's just wrong Nobody knows who Stuart Smalley is except for he's in the
United States Congress now, so There there is that Okay, so we're talking about I'll Just read it again clearly the once -for -all sacrifice of Christ inaugurated in the
New Covenant is presented in Hebrews as providing the payment for sin that was foreshadowed that is it was predicted in the
Old Testament But never actually accomplished through the animal sacrifices of the Old Covenant.
Let's look at Hebrews 10 Hebrews 10 and verses 1 to 4
For since the law has but Has but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities
It can never that is the law can never by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year
Make perfect those who draw near Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered since the worshipers having once been cleansed would no longer have any consciousness of sins
But in these sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year
For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin when we talk about takeaway sins
We talked about the sacrifice of Jesus the necessity of penal substitution of him
Taking the wrath of God for us. We have to keep in mind that in the Old Testament What do they do they sacrifice these animals every year why?
It was a sign it was a symbol it was a foreshadowing as he calls it there it was the the fancy word the antitype right it it was a
Predictor of what was to come but it did it have any actual? Efficacious effect did it actually remove sins?
Well Hebrews just told us no It certainly didn't remove the consciousness of their sins didn't make them feel less guilty because It didn't have that power
Listen what Simon Kistemacher says he says believers in the Old Testament times Knew that an animal sacrifice would not be able to cleanse them from sin every day on the
Day of Atonement The high priest would enter the most holy place with the blood of a slain animal
But the high priest could never say to the worshipers quote This blood has removed your sins once for all and therefore this sacrifice has been the last
They were never done No, the annual return of the high priest from the inner sanctuary of the
Day of Atonement Proves that the sacrifices were inadequate and effective and ineffective
The worshipers continued to feel guilty for their sins the covenant that God has made with the people of Israel had one serious
Deficiency it was unable to take away the consciousness of sin The main deficiency and the
Old Covenant was that it could not accomplish forgiveness the blood of sacrifice of Sacrificial animals cannot take it away only the blood of Christ shed once for all remove sin and cleanses man's
Consciousness of guilt. Okay one more and then we'll close out here. Well the
People who want to put this Christus Victor idea forward will say well didn't Jesus come to destroy the works of Satan Isn't that true?
Well, it's absolutely true. First John tells us that First John chapter 3 verse 5, you know that he appeared in order to take away sins and in him there is no sin
One who abides in him keeps on sin or No one who keeps on Who abides in him keeps on sinning?
No one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him Little children let no one deceive you.
Whoever practices righteousness is righteous as he is righteous Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil for the devil has been sinning from the beginning the reason the
Son of God appeared was to Destroy the works of the devil No one born of God makes a practice of sinning
For God's seed abides in him and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God by this
It is evident. Who are the children of God and who are the children of the devil? Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God nor is the one who does not love his brother
In this passage Jesus both took away sins in verse 5 and destroyed the works of the devil
But which one has the priority Where says this he says
Christus Victor occurs Only as the very works that Satan carries out are themselves destroyed
Well, what are the works of the devil sin? So as Christ comes to take away sin he destroys the sins that are the works of the devil
Penal substitution then forms the basis by which Christus Victor is accomplished and secured as he dies in the place of sinners
He secures victory over Satan and darkness Where points out?
Why criminals end up in jail because they're guilty of a crime He says if their guilty status is removed.
In other words, if you can undo the jury's verdict Then the state has no basis to in court incarcerate them and that same way
Jesus removes the guilty status of us We're we're guilty not before a jury of our peers
But before God of being sinners of violating his law and when Jesus takes away that guilty tag when he takes away that guilty sentence
Then what also is true? Well, what also is true is that there is no
Basis to punish us for being guilty. We're no longer guilty We've been declared not guilty
Where says Satan's power over sinners is tied Specifically and exclusively to their guilt through sin not their guilt
Let me be clear here because he wasn't in his writing He doesn't mean guilt in the sense of I feel guilty.
This is not a sense of guilt. This is actual factual Guilty verdict you're guilty of a crime.
You're guilty of sin Satan's power over sinners is tied specifically and exclusively to their guilt their guilty standing through sin his hold on them is owing to their rebellion against God and sin and his subsequent jurisdiction over their lives as Result of that sin remove the guilt and you remove the bondage
Accomplish penal substitution and you accomplish Christus Victor So the purpose of the atonement is not the victory over Satan and The forces of darkness
That is a byproduct of the actual purpose, which is penal substitution That is to say that Jesus suffered
Bled died Gave himself up for his people and then was raised on the third day
Penal substitution is the key Let's talk about and we talked just a bit about his deity and the importance of that because he had to be he had to be
God in order to As someone said have sufficient value his life to have sufficient value to pay for us all but also
To be perfect to be holy and everything but let's talk about why he had to be fully man, too. So we read in Hebrews 2 14
Earlier That the the blood of bulls and goats and all that stuff could not take away sin
Where says nothing less than human flesh and blood could atone for our sin and bring victory over Satan Old Testament sacrifices were not human.
I mean, that would be terrible wouldn't it the Jews were known for that They were not human but animals
So where says this if God was able to use animal sacrifices in the Old Covenant to substitute for the sins of his people
Why not continue that practice and avoid having to sacrifice a human being namely his son.
Why not just continue Killing animals rams and all those kind of things and never have to send his son to die
He goes on to say none of those Old Testament Animal sacrifices actually just like kiss marker said actually paid for any sins of believing
Israelites and hence None of those Old Testament sacrifices were in themselves efficacious
You say well, why did they do it? well, first of all God commanded them to but secondly because it was a sign of what was to come it was a reminder of The penalty that was owed
Where says this these were types of the greater sacrifice that was to come they pointed to the planned and purposed and Certain coming of the
Lamb of God the animal sacrifices had no ability in themselves actually to pay for any sin whatsoever
But they were efficacious precisely because they were connected in the divine mind and plan
To the future once for all sacrifice that would be rendered when Jesus came and died on the cross
And I'm gonna close with this and we'll discuss this more next week You say
I don't get that he says well, let me give you an illustration where does Since you go to a store.
This is one of the things I used to do with my kids by the way When they were really young I'd give the person at the store a credit card
And I'd take the stuff out of the store and walk out of it. I go. Did you see that? I don't have to pay any money. I just gave him that card.
They let me go See take all this stuff with you credit cards rule know his analogy is this that's true, right?
You give them this piece of plastic and you get to take the stuff home and legally it's your stuff But what is that?
What is the act of the credit card really doing? What does it really symbolize? It's a contract you've already signed a contract and when you put that card in there you sign you're reaffirming that contract
You are saying that at some future point. I will pay cash for what I just took out of the store.
I Will pay back for that and that's kind of the idea of these animals in the
Old Testament You know instead of American Express you had Blood of bulls and ramps, you know, here's my and you just run that card through and there you go
Where says this he says in a similar way to the credit card God Forgave the sin of all
Old Testament Saints as it were on credits They believed
Hebrews 11 Hebrews 11, right?
Yeah Tells us they believed that faith they looked forward.
They didn't even know exactly Obviously, they didn't know the name of the Savior. They just knew that someone would come
They looked forward to the cross and now we look back on the cross, but the result was the same salvation by faith and faith alone
They were sacrificing these animals. There was some effect on them
I Mean he said both things right it was efficacious and it wasn't efficacious But ultimately it was efficacious for what for those who believed why not because the blood of the bulls and animals
But because of what it represented that future payment of the Lord Jesus Christ and that is the basis on which
We've been saved. Let me just read Romans 3 verses 23 to 26 Starts very familiar for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God We know that one and are justified by his grace as a gift through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus Listen whom
God put forward as a propitiation by his blood to be received by faith This was to show
God's righteousness because in his divine forbearance his patience He had passed over former sins
What does that mean? This is actually a picture of these sacrifices that had no effect
But he didn't judge them because they believed in him They were obedient to his call to make these sacrifices and he accepted those payments in light of The sure death that was to come of the
Lord Jesus Christ Verse 26 says it was to show his righteousness at the present time
So that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus Always righteous always going to pay or exact a price, but that price
Came on the Lord Jesus Christ was foreshadowed by these animals, but paid by the
Lord Jesus Christ his life his death Well, let's we're out.
We're way out of time. Let's pray father We thank you that Jesus Christ is both fully
God that his life had infinite value that he was in fact
More than able to die a death that would save millions billions an infinite number of people
But that as man he had to come and Die, and we'll we'll see next week father that he
Had to be fully man because no Member of the Trinity could die
Deity cannot die Lord we praise you for your perfect plan sending the
Lord Jesus Christ as Immortal While retaining deity, but fully man that he might
Suffer that he might experience temptation as we do and that he would faithfully Obediently go to the cross and die in our place that we might be forgiven