WWUTT 2220 Q&A King James Onlyism, Anglicanism, Gender Confusionism

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Responding to questions from listeners about King James Onlyism, opinions about the Anglican church, gender confusion in the Olympics, and why Jesus rebuked the disciples. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


What does it mean to lean not on our own understanding, but in all our ways acknowledge God?
Is King James only -ism biblical, and is the Church of England a faithful biblical church?
The answers to these questions, when we understand the text. This is
When We Understand The Text, a daily Bible commentary to help encourage your time in the Word, that we may meditate on it day and night, and ponder the work of His hands.
Tell all your friends about our ministry at www .utt .com. Here once again is
Pastor Gabe. Thank you, Becky. You're welcome. Becky, how are you? Stuffy and sore. Stuffy and sore.
Why are you sore? Because I got in a car accident. Somebody rear -ended us.
Yeah, yeah. It was not our fault. Wasn't your fault. Nope. We'll talk about that here in just a moment.
Yeah. But first, let's jump into Proverbs. Guess where we are in Proverbs? Where? As we've been reading through a little bit of Proverbs to start off our
Friday Q &A. This is Proverbs 3, verse 5. Oh, awesome. Trust in Yahweh with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Do not be wise in your own eyes. Fear Yahweh and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your body. Maybe that's why you're sore. Yeah. You've been doing so much evil lately.
And refreshing to your bones, honor Yahweh from your wealth and from the first of all your produce, so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will burst with new wine.
My son, do not reject the discipline of Yahweh or loathe His reproof. For whom
Yahweh loves, He reproves. Even as a father reproves the son in whom he delights.
And that's repeated in Hebrews chapter 12, to say that even now God disciplines us.
The conviction that we will feel when we sin to turn us away from the wicked paths and back to the path of righteousness that He sets out for us in His word.
This is the discipline of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, because God is treating us as sons and daughters.
Yeah. If a father did not discipline his child, he wouldn't love his child.
That's right. And because God loves us, indeed He disciplines us and sets us in the right way to go.
With all our heart, we lean not on our own understanding, but we trust in God's way and He makes our paths straight.
Amen. So wonderful to be reassured of that. Yes. I mean, as much as I read my
Bible every day and even teach the Bible every day, I still need the reminders of, hey, you got to apply it every day too.
Yeah, right. Yeah. This is one of my favorite spots of the passage.
Yes. And one of the verses, by the way, that I cover in my book, 40 of the
Most Popular Bible Verses and What They Really Mean, I do Proverbs 3 .5, I'm going to talk about that book here in a minute.
Oh yeah. Because this month happens to be a month of anniversaries for us.
It is, you're right. We celebrate two anniversaries in August, right at the beginning of August. Right. Our wedding anniversary.
Yes, on the first. Which last week on the Q &A, we didn't even mention it. Oh, we didn't, did we?
No, we didn't mention it last week. That's true. Happy anniversary, babe. Happy anniversary. I still love you.
We actually went, didn't we go on a date and we got home and recorded the podcast. Yeah.
Oh, no, no, no. No. You went. No, you sent me to bed because it was like after 11. Yeah, that's right.
That's right. Yeah. So, we went on a date for our wedding anniversary. Uh -huh. And then you went to bed.
I recorded the first half, and then we got together and recorded the second half, which aired on Saturday. Yes. Instead of on Friday.
Yes. We're doing something a little bit different with the Friday Q &As now. It's still the same Q &A you've always known and loved.
Yes. But praise God, we've had some Christian radio stations around the world, not just in the
United States, but around the world, that have wanted to air the When We Understand the Text podcast on their radio station.
Most of the devotional lessons come out to be about 22 to 25 minutes long, but the
Q &A is an hour long. So that puts it at an odd time compared to the rest. So something we're doing with the
Friday episode, we kind of did it last week. Yeah. And we're going to start doing it from here on out. Yeah.
We're going to stop about 25 minutes into the Q &A, and you're going to get something of a break.
It'll be like a what video in there or something like that, and then we'll come back in and answer the rest of the questions.
But we're putting that break in there so that those who will air this program on their radio station have a consistent program that's under a half an hour, five days a week.
So that's the reason why we're doing that. Yes. But the rest of you have been with us for a long time. We're not taking away half of your
Friday Q &A. Just hang tight with us. Even though we might say a fond farewell, hold on because there's still more to come.
It'll still go. And as always, being the Friday edition of the broadcast, we take questions from the listeners and you can send those questions to whenweunderstandthetext at gmail .com
or send us a voicemail. Yeah, on our website. Go to www .utt .com and click on that voicemail tab.
The other anniversary that's this month, I'll mention here in a moment. We'll wait till the end of this segment and I'll mention what that other anniversary is.
The one coming up? No, it's now. Oh. We're in it. Oh. We are in the middle of it right now.
Okay. Well, that's new. Yeah. I'm not sure I know what anniversary this is.
I'll share it with you momentarily here. Let's get to another voicemail. All right.
This fellow, you might recognize, but you may have never heard his voice before. Okay. Okay, hang on a moment.
Here we go. Hello, Pastor. This is Scott Collins. Yes, you've got my voice now.
Anyway, brother, I just want to ask you a question about King James only people.
I had to deal with someone, my pastor and I were talking and this guy just said the King James is the number one
Bible out there. It's the best Bible. There's no other that's better than the King James. My pastor kept on bringing up questions about it.
The guy would just come back and say, King James has changed everything. There's no corrections needed.
Even though he's a brother in Christ, and I do love him as a brother in Christ, there's like this difficult wall.
It's almost like talking to a Catholic almost. I had to send my pastor to a video by the polite leader, if you ever get a chance to watch it, about Dr.
Kim. There's someone you need to focus on. My pastor said that he could not believe that this guy could not see grace and mercy.
It's just anger, an attack on these brothers in Christ. Anyway, brother, you guys have a great time there in Casa Grande.
A lot of that taffy I sent you, everything else
I sent you. It's a blessing just to send things. You've always blessed me.
I have been listening to you since Todd Frio brought your names up on Wretched Radio.
When I get inspired, I praise God that the Lord has blessed me with men and women like you.
You and Becky. Anyway, just tell
Becky, here in St. Helens, Oregon, it's 64 degrees out, and it's just nice.
Have a great day. Bye -bye. So appreciated, Scott. Thank you very much.
Yes, thank you. You know, I was told that the voicemails are not longer than a minute and a half, but he recorded two minutes for us right there, and that went through.
Well, there you go. Yeah. So I guess you can get them on. You don't have to talk too fast.
So Scott has always sent us some good things, no matter where we are. He sent us treats in Kansas, in Texas.
Now here we are in Arizona. He sent a big bag of taffy for the kids. Of treats. Yes. For the kids.
For me, he sent some salsa, three different jars of this salsa.
And I got to tell you, the pineapple salsa was fantastic. Yeah. It was so good.
That was amazing. Was it pineapple or was it peach? I think it was a peach salsa. Peach. Yeah. It was a peach salsa.
That was really, really good. Right now I'm on the black bean salsa. I don't like that one as much.
It's a lot more bitter. Okay. And then there's one other jar. I can't remember what the other jar is.
The third jar is the hottest of the three. You're working your way up. I can't remember that one. That's so funny.
Yeah. The heat isn't what puts me off though. The three bean one, it definitely has a more bitter taste.
I couldn't get the girls interested in it. They weren't. They didn't care for it at all. Anyway. But we appreciate you,
Scott. Yeah. So King James only -ism, that the whole idea that the King James is the only divinely authored translation of the
Bible. God gave the translators of the King James version, everything that they needed to come up with the pristine translation of the ages.
And so every translation that comes therefore after the King James, even if you're translating into another language, you need to translate it from the
King James, not going back to Greek manuscripts and Hebrew manuscripts, but the
King James is already perfect. So you have to translate from the King James if you're ever going to translate a Bible into another language.
The King James Bible is divinely authorized. Wow. God authorized this translation of the
Bible, which not even the King James translators would have agreed with. Right. Even they would have said no.
And there were political motivations even behind some of the things that were translated in that book.
There were certain words that King James told them that they could not use in their translation.
And so even if that was the best word, no, they had to go with a different word because King James told them for his own purposes that they couldn't use it.
Where is King James only as I'm in the Bible? Nowhere. Yeah. I mean, that's that's really your biblical response to King James only ism.
There's nothing in the Bible that says that the King James Bible is the only divinely authorized translation.
Right. I mean, you're taking a translation of the Bible and you're making it equal with apostolic revelation, if not superior to that apostolic revelation.
Well, I mean, it is God's word. Certainly. But so are the others.
Yeah. In our own languages. Right. Right. So, I mean, you can prefer the
King James Bible. Yeah. Nothing wrong with that. Sure. I don't know why. But the authors of the
Bible did not write it as in English as King James. Yeah. Right.
So I don't understand how the authors themselves. I mean, if it was that perfect, if it was that the only
Bible that should be translated from, then shouldn't the authors have written it?
In English. Right. In the old English. In King James English. Yeah. Yeah. Which is why
I say that the whole argument for King James only ism even places that translation is superior to what the apostles originally wrote.
Yeah. Because you're saying, well, in the Koine Greek, you just didn't quite have it right.
Finally, these words have been invented. Yeah. These 1600 years later so that we can -
Enlightened. Yeah. We can now write it in - Now you're sounding like, oh, what was his name?
The Jehovah's Witness, I think it was, John, or maybe it was Mormon.
Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith. It was Mormon, wasn't it? Mormon. Or not Mormon. Sorry. Charles Taze -
Church of Latter Day Saints. Yeah. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. There you go, that. Charles Taze Russell was the founder of the
Jehovah's Witnesses, which he even wrote his own Bible, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. There you go.
And then Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, was working on his own translation of the
Bible. Oh, but he didn't get there, huh? No, he died before he was able to complete it. Okay. So he did have a few books.
Yeah. Kind of rewritten in the way that he wanted them to come out. Right. So it just,
I mean, it's starting to sound a little bit like that. Now, I know people who prefer the King James as their only translation that they use, and that's fine, but the people who we're talking about are the ones who are saying that this is the only translation you should use.
Right. And - And there's no biblical justification for that. And people who don't speak English can't read it.
And people who do speak English have to re -learn English in order to figure out what it says.
I will tell you, because my first Bible, it was a Catholic Bible, of course. And I started going to the
Lutheran church, I believe it was. And I went to the pastor there and I was like, okay, now
I've had this Bible my entire life, and I still can't understand it. What is this passage? Or what,
I didn't even say passage, because I didn't know that word. But I said, what does this paragraph mean? And he goes, well, basically, they just got up and they walked.
And I was like, oh, well, why doesn't it say that? And that's where I learned about the different versions of the translations of the
Bible. And I was like, oh, there's easier ones out there. Right. Praise the Lord. Well, take a verse, for example, let me kind of give you an example of this.
Okay. Of how language changes over time. Sure, yeah. So, the words that were written in King James English probably aren't the best words for us anymore.
Right. Maybe it was the best word then in 1611. Right. But it's... Well, I mean, even in our lifetimes, that's the same thing.
Yeah. Yeah. Right. Even our own words will change. Like, oh, what was the...
I'm sorry. Hang on. I was trying to think of an example. Oh, awesome. Is it the word awesome? No, awful. So, the word awful used to mean the same as awesome.
What? Like, when you said something was awful, you know, it's awe, it's full of awe, you're full of awe.
So, that's awful. Yeah. Oh, interesting. It's the same as saying awesome. Okay. But that's not what awful means anymore.
No. And terrific. That's another one. Okay. Because terrific was like, oh, it's terrible.
Oh, is that right? Yeah. Well, that makes it... In some of those old books. It kind of has terrible almost at the beginning of the word.
Yeah. Yeah. I think it was that word. Nice is another one. The word nice used to mean idiot.
What? Really? So, if you called somebody nice, you were calling them a moron. Oh, wow.
Guys, I'm not nice. That's so weird.
That was a joke that I used with the youth at our church in Kansas because we would, you know, as subliminal messaging, we would look at each other and go, that's nice.
That's terrible. Nobody knew what we were really intending by that.
How awful of you. Yeah. Exactly. Now, you got it. This wasn't even my example.
Sorry. I haven't gotten to my example yet. Yeah. Go ahead. So, in Hebrews 11 .1, this is the
King James version of Hebrews 11 .1. Okay. Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Okay. That's the King James version of that verse. Okay. Can you read that one more time? Okay. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Okay. Now, the King James version cited is the way that we most often hear that verse.
Okay. But it's not the most accurate rendering. The word translated substance comes from the
Greek word hypostasis, which means assurance. Oh. So, another form of the word shows up in Hebrews 3 .14,
where it is translated confidence. Hmm. And that is clearer than substance. Substance is just not a clear enough word.
Yeah. It might have been in the 17th century. Right. But it's just not as particular enough a word for us now.
So, it's more accurate now to translate it. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for.
Ah, interesting. The assurance or the conviction. Another translation for that might be the conviction of things not seen.
Huh. That changes it for my brain. It does. Right. So, that is an example of how language has changed.
And so, therefore, the word that previously was there in the King James version just isn't hitting enough.
It's not like it's wrong. The King James version doesn't have Hebrews 11 wrong, but it just could be better.
It's clearer. Yeah. Like you said, your brain kind of shifts into another gear when you understand the words the other way.
Yeah. Because what's substance? Faith is the substance of things hoped for. Like something I can hold, you know.
Yeah. That's what I'm thinking of substance. Something tangible. Yeah. No, it is the assurance.
It's the assurance of things hoped for. And I definitely can't hold that. Yeah. But it shows how our hope in Christ is not something abstract.
Like it's just out there. You know, I hope that the Chiefs are going to win the Super Bowl again.
Something like that. Right. That's kind of a cheap version or a cheap usage of the word hope.
Yeah. Yeah. But when you understand hope as assurance. Yeah. Then that puts hope in a more concrete way.
Right. It is certainty. Not like doubt or guessing. Yeah. Or taking a leap of faith.
We are sure it is the assurance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen. So anyway, that's just an example of how language changes over time.
And we can find better, more hard -hitting words today that more accurately render that passage than what was in the
King James. Well, I mean, my brain goes many different directions on this. My ponderings,
I guess, would be. Musings. Musings. Would be like, do these people who are like King James only, onlyists, or whatever you call it.
Do they go around speaking in that language? Like the old English? Only when they're quoting the
Bible. No, they don't really. They don't really speak in King James English. Okay. So then my next question is, do they separate their life from their religion?
Then at that point, because, like, in my brain, I can't separate them.
Because it is my language. It is how I speak. It's how I think. It's how I reflect on things.
And what I read is just that. But I don't know. Like my grandmother loved her
King James Bible. But she was not a King James onlyist. That's just the translation she grew up with.
That's what she had most scripture memorized in. That was the translation she preferred. Right.
And it was all throughout her life. Yeah. Right. Everywhere. But she didn't speak that way.
Right. Occasionally, she might drop a thee or a thou in prayer. Okay.
But even her prayers didn't sound like King James prayers. Right. With some of these guys, the
King James onlyists, they probably will pray like a King Jameser. Okay. You might hear it in their prayer in addition to the scripture that they quote.
But yeah, the rest of the language that they use doesn't sound like King James English. I don't think that.
I mean, is it like learning a second language where, you know, it's all intermixed in your life? Or is it separated because they're different?
It's not that. Yeah. No, I'm not saying it's important. I'm saying that's where my brain goes. Understood.
I don't need that answer. I'm just curious. Gotcha. That's a rhetorical question. We're just throwing that one out there for you.
Well, let's go to this next voicemail here. Okay. This one's a little bit shorter. This is from Corey. Okay. Hi, Gabe.
Hi, Becky. My name is Corey Henry. I live in Great Britain. These days, the
Church of England is no longer a church because quite simply, the Church of England are no longer obeying the scriptures.
What are your thoughts about the Church of England? Well, you're asking my opinion. What are my thoughts on the
Church of England? If somebody were asking me what's a good church to attend, I would not advise you to attend the Church of England.
Yeah. So they are approving of blessing same -sex partnerships.
Oh, really? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Yeah. Some of their priests and things can be lesbians or gay or in homosexual relationships and things like that.
Okay. They don't do gay weddings yet in the Church of England, but it's more a matter of when rather than if.
And it even kind of makes you wonder, I don't understand why they haven't done it yet. Yeah. It's not like I'm trying to further it along and go, hey, guys, just go ahead and pull the plug and do it.
Older generation, maybe. Yeah. There are still some people pushing back on it enough that they have not quite gotten to actually performing gay weddings.
Yeah. But they bless them. They bless those unions. Oh, interesting. So radically inconsistent. Yeah. Now, that's not to say that you won't find solid brothers and sisters in the
Lord in the Church of England. Fair enough. I can think of some people that are actually Orthodox and still part of Anglicanism.
For example, J .I. Packer, although he's already died and gone home with the Lord. But he was a very solid
Orthodox teacher and was also Anglican. In the United States of America, the
Anglican equivalent is the Episcopalian Church. It's very liberal. We refer to it as a mainline denomination.
And pretty much all the mainline denominations have already gone the way of approving of same -sex unions.
Yeah. So it's not uncommon to pass by an Episcopalian church and see the gay pride flag out front.
I think when I was in northeast Kansas, there was an
Episcopalian church not far from where we lived, and I remembered passing by it. And that was probably the first church in our area that I ever saw flying a gay pride flag.
And it was the Episcopalian church. There was another one that was Methodist. I think it was just right next door.
And then they started doing it. And we know the direction the Methodists have gone. So for that reason,
I can't recommend Anglicanism. Now, I had some problems with the structure of the church anyway before they became approving of all of this wickedness.
For example, the king or the queen of England is considered the head of the church. Right. Christ is the head, of course, but then the king or the queen has the jurisdiction over who will be appointed to those offices.
And so it's still within their statements of faith that whoever the monarch is, is the head of that church.
Even though sure, yeah, Christ is the head. They would still acknowledge that. But Anglicanism is kind of a
Roman Catholic light in that particular sense. Yeah, I would agree with that. They still have that Episcopalian polity where one person is kind of over everything.
And you have to go whatever the archbishop said, whatever the monarch says, whatever the archbishop says, and then everything is supposed to follow suit.
So you will find people in Anglicanism that are still solid, that are grieved over what they are seeing in their church, but they are very much a minority.
And if somebody is asking me, can you recommend a church to go to? Anglicanism is not where I'm going to send you.
Do you know of any? Because all I can think of is the
Church of England. Is that right? That's Anglicanism. Yeah, Church of England. So that's the only religion that I can think of over there.
Or church. That's going to be the most prominent. But we have
Reformed Baptist churches that we've supported over there. Oh, yeah, that's true. That's right. Different churches that have been in some of those inner -city areas that have reached out to people with the gospel.
Yeah, that's true. There are some solid Protestant churches there. They're going to be much fewer than the
Anglican churches. Yeah, and probably towards the bigger cities rather than in the country. But you can still find them.
Now, it's still important to attend church. And if you can't find a good church, the
Anglican church is about the only one nearby that you can go to. I would still prefer Anglicanism over Roman Catholicism, or you might want to look for a
Presbyterian church. Yeah. So just as long as they're not doing something like celebrating sodomite wickedness, then stay away from that one.
The lampstand has been removed from that church, if you understand the reference from Revelation 2 and 3.
So anyway, thank you for your question. And I hope, Corrie, that that's not your situation. Yeah.
Well, let me say a quick prayer for you here. We'll bring this particular segment to an end.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for Corrie and for the message that he sent. And as he is evaluating the religious condition of the nation in which he lives,
I pray that you will give him wisdom and being able to find a good, solid church, brothers and sisters in the Lord to grow with, that preaches the word, that proclaims the gospel, that calls out sin.
There's a right practice of the sacraments all looking to Christ, who is the author and the perfecter of our faith.
And Lord, I pray for all of us. We are committed to the churches that we are a part of, and that we would grow with these brothers and sisters in the
Lord, holding fast to the head who is Christ, as talked about in Ephesians chapter 4. Continue to sanctify us in your truth.
It's in Jesus' name that we pray. Amen. Now, real quick, just to mention, here was the other anniversary that we're celebrating this month.
Okay, what is it? Nine years. What? Nine years? Nine years.
Oh, that's awesome. As of August of 2024. Where's that celebration button?
Oh, yeah, I've got a, where is that? There it is. Yay! I have to hold it down.
I can't just, yeah. Can't just push. Was that water or was that an audience? It was an audience. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
I have no idea. Thank you for listening. God bless.
Jesus founded the church. So, yes, Christian, you have to attend church. As Spurgeon has said, don't go where there is fine music, grand talk, and beautiful architecture.
Go where the gospel is preached, and go often. Here are five tips for finding a good church.
First of all, pray. If you have a family, pray with your spouse and your children that the Lord would lead you to a good church.
Second, seek counsel of a pastor, elder, or church teacher. Perhaps you know someone who is sound in their understanding of the
Bible who can help you find a sound church. Third, as you start visiting churches, know your priorities.
Does this church clearly teach and affirm the gospel? Is the teaching faithful to the scriptures? Have they defined a clear statement of beliefs?
Do they properly administer the Lord's Supper and Baptism? Are there requirements for membership, and do you agree with them?
Fourth, consider these five qualifying questions. Would the care of your soul be a priority for this church's leadership?
Will you experience meaningful fellowship and accountability? Is this a place where you can serve God's people with your gifts for their benefit?
Would you want a spouse or your children brought up under this teaching? And does this church have a heart to reach the lost, preaching the gospel of grace and calling for repentance from sin?
Fifth, be close to your church, both geographically and in your heart. Geography is not crucial, but still important.
If you're too far away, you won't be regularly involved. But once you've found your church, you'll be in peace and in health.
The church is not your high school girlfriend. She is the bride of Christ when we understand the text.
Okay, welcome back. We've covered all of our voicemails. So in this second half of the program, now we're going to shift over to some of the emails.
Awesome. All right, but before doing that, last week we mentioned the Olympics. Yes. Some of the controversy that was going on in the opening ceremonies where they mocked the
Lord's table. We haven't had any Olympics. We haven't had any of it in our house. Nope.
I kind of decided after that I was about to purchase a streaming service. You know, things are tight for us, money -wise anyway.
And I just decided, well, if that's the way the Olympics are going to be this year, I can pass. Right. That hasn't been the only controversial thing.
There has been two men boxing. Wait, wait, wait. Clarify that.
Yeah. Oh, yeah, I guess I should. Of course there's men boxing. No, two men boxing in the women's boxing.
Yeah. I do need to clarify that. You're right. Two men in women's boxing. Now, there shouldn't be women's boxing anyway.
Fair enough. That's not for women to be punching each other in the face. Keep your faces pretty. We can debate over whether or not even men should be doing it, but certainly women shouldn't be doing it.
But anyway, two men. Now, women should know self -defense. That's good. I'm not against that.
I wouldn't say should, but it's good. I think they should in today's society.
It's not required of you to have to learn. It's not required, no, but it's definitely important. If your self -defense is don't go over there or don't walk that way by yourself, that's some good self -defense.
That's true. Common knowledge. I would not put a woman in a position of like, hey, you've got this, you can fight back.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Even if she knows combat, she can still be overpowered by whatever guy.
Definitely. You can't be Black Widow in the Avengers movies. Unfortunately.
That's complete fiction. Or who's the lady in the Captain America outfit?
What's her name? She's an alien or... Oh, Captain Marvel? Yeah. Well, that's super power anyway.
I know. Black Widow didn't even have any powers and yet she could do everything Captain America could do.
Fair enough. I don't know my, obviously, I don't know my heroes, my superheroes.
Yeah. Just to say, you can't even physically achieve that anyway in outmatching big guys that would try to take advantage of you.
So it's better to avoid those situations at all costs. If you can do physical fitness and you want to learn self -defense, that's great.
It's just not a requirement. Right. Wisdom matter more than it is an obligation matter.
So there shouldn't be women's boxing anyway. Let's go ahead and take that one out as a sport. But we've had two men competing in women's boxing this year.
And wouldn't you know it, they end up facing each other for gold. How about that? Yeah. Big surprise.
And didn't the lady come back who said it's not fair and lost? The woman that gave up just like 40 seconds into the match hit her knees and she was from Italy.
So she said something in Italian that came out as this is unjust. Okay. And then after the match, she didn't shake the guy's hand.
The guy's hand, this is a man. Right. She didn't shake his hand. She just left. But then later walked back her reaction in the ring and said that she can't judge.
She wanted to congratulate her opponent. She just said she didn't see a path forward to victory. And so that was why she quit.
But somebody got to her and made sure that she... That's very suspicious. Yeah. Like you're gonna lose your credibility in this sport if you continue to rip on this guy for being a guy.
Right. And not a woman. With a guy's strength. Yeah. And she said when she had stopped the match, she got punched by him twice and had said she had never been punched like that before.
It was the hardest punch she had ever taken in her life. Of course. Yeah. Because up until that point, she had been punched by women.
Right. Now she was getting punched by a man. Yeah. There is a clear, definite distinction in strength between men and women.
There's a reason why 1 Peter 3 says that the woman is the weaker vessel. Yeah. It's talking most specifically there about physically that a man has an obligation to care for women being providers and protectors rather than, in this particular case, this man's an abuser.
Yeah. He's receiving a gold medal for abusing women. Yep. All the way up to.
This is the Olympics. Yeah. This is the best of the best. The top dog kind of thing.
And the best women boxer in the world can win bronze at best. Wow. That's crazy.
Which again, not a whole lot of sympathy there because a woman shouldn't be boxing anyway.
Yeah. But we are seeing on the world stage here this acceptance of a man being a woman.
It's now in sports. Why is it such a bad thing for a man to be a man? I don't understand this push.
Because you put that man in men's boxing and he's not even going to rank in the top 50.
So he just wants to win. Yeah, that's right. That's what it is. So he's being a man. He's cheating.
Yes. Patriarchy is always going to win. It's what kind of patriarchy are we going to have.
Yeah, that's true. In this particular case, this is patriarchy. You have two men who are the best boxers in women's boxing in the world that are facing each other for the highest trophy.
That is craziness. This is patriarchy. So what kind of patriarchy are we going to have? Are you going to have this secularized, perverse patriarchy with these men claiming to be women and dominating women's sports, even beating up women in order to get there?
Or are you going to have biblical patriarchy where men are protecting women instead of abusing them?
So what kind of patriarchy are you going to have? You can't smash the patriarchy. It's impossible. Right.
This is biologically set within us. It's the way that God created things and ordered us. Right. So are you going to have a patriarchy that puts godly men in front of people in leadership?
That's the best environment for all men, women, and children. As if men are in the lead.
Definitely. And providing the leadership for a society. And that's coming from a very strong -willed woman right here.
Yes. Who drove, what kind of truck? Was it at a rock mine?
A rock quarry? It was a 60 -ton haul truck. A 60 -ton haul truck. It was a Tonka toy. It was awesome.
It was a giant dump truck. Yeah. It had seven -foot tall tires. It was so fun. My goodness.
Yeah. Good times. That's my bride, y 'all. That's the -
It was the best job ever. Until I became a mom, of course. I have to remember that the heart of this woman, in her heart, there roars a 60 -ton haul truck.
Yeah. She really does have to put herself aside to let her husband lead.
Yes. Anyway, the reason why I brought up the Olympics, I didn't know we were going to go on that tangent.
Yeah, sure. So, Sidney McLaughlin just won gold in hurdles.
And this is a lady? This is a woman. Okay. And she not only won the hurdles, but she set the world record.
Oh, wow. And before she ran, this is what she posted on her Instagram.
I could feel this meet was going to be something special, but, man, weeks like these are some of the hardest in a track athlete's life.
The mental strain of preparing for the rounds in order to solidify your spot is heavy enough, but the amount of weight the
Lord took off my shoulders is the reason I could run so freely yesterday. My faith was being tested all week.
From bad practices to three false start delays to a meat delay, I just kept hearing
God say just focus on me. It was the best race plan I could have ever assembled.
I no longer run for self -recognition, but to reflect His perfect will that is already set in stone.
I don't deserve anything, but by grace through faith, Jesus has given me everything.
Records come and go. The glory of God is eternal. Thank you,
Father. Amen. Now, that was on her Instagram in June of 2021.
There are people that are taking a portion of that quote and using it as if she said it after she won gold.
2021? Yeah, that was three years ago. Okay. So this wasn't even the Olympics. Right.
Well, no, I take that back. It may have been the Olympics. Three years ago? Right, because remember the 2020
Olympics were delayed a year. Oh, that's right. Yeah, I forgot about that. Okay. So that could be something that she had said.
Right. In the previous Olympics. Well, that wouldn't have been a qualifier because she's talking there also about let's go represent the
USA. That's true. So that probably was the previous Olympics, but people are taking that quote and she just broke the record in hurdles, in women's hurdles.
And so they're using that quote and tying it into the record she just broke, but she didn't say it at this
Olympics. She said it at the previous Olympics. But anyway, she's a Christian gal giving glory to God and praise
God for the witness that she was able to present. To the world. To the whole world. Amen. That's right.
It's fantastic. That is wonderful. It is great that people are grabbing those quotes and passing them around.
Oh, definitely. But just to clarify, she didn't say it after she broke the hurdle record. She had said it years ago.
Yeah. Context. Exactly. But still a neat thing to say. I wonder why she hasn't updated anything on her
Instagram. She may be off of it for right now. It's Sydney McLaughlin Leverone.
I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right, but Sydney McLaughlin Dash Leverone. I would imagine she's gotten married since then and that's the dash.
Oh, yeah, probably. Anyway, so there have been some good things that have come out of this Olympics despite all the controversial stuff that's happened on top of that.
But going back to the whole boxing controversy, we have this question from Brian. He says,
Hey, Pastor Gabe and Becky, how do we view transgenderism in light of intersex individuals?
I have heard of cases that people can be born with X and a diminished Y chromosome and grow up with a uterus.
In such cases, they would appear female. How would we determine their gender when biologically they technically have
XY chromosomes but female sexual organs? Thankful for your ministry. Well, if they have a
Y chromosome, they're male. Now, there are very, very rare occasions.
That's what I was going to say. And very rare occasions in which you would not be able to tell
Right. Is this a man or is this a woman? Is this male or is this female? That's so extremely rare.
And when it happens, we call it a defect. Yeah. Because we know what the norm is.
The norm is either male or female. If somebody happens to be born with both organs in such a way that we can't make the distinction, how do we know if this person is male or female?
And again, that's considered a birth defect. There's something physically wrong that has happened to that person in their development.
And they deserve our sympathy and love. Yeah. They are still one who has been made in the image of God.
And definitely they need the gospel like anybody else. Yeah, for sure. Now, how they navigate those things, well, it's really going to depend from one person to the next.
Because since those are defects, it's not consistent. One person who experiences this doesn't experience the same way as another person.
Right. It might be that one's development went further male and the other one's development went further female.
Mm -hmm. So it's a rare thing. It is highly unusual. The situation that's going on with these two guys, though, that dominated women's boxing is they're definitely male.
Yeah. And whatever happened with that, I read something on this. Denny Burke even published something on it through his website.
I think if you go to dennyburke .com, you can find an article that he wrote on this. But when they were born, they were born with something that, where it wasn't quite developed yet.
Like what would normally develop in the womb for a child as being distinctly male or female
Mm -hmm. did not happen for these men until later after they were born. So they may have been born and had been wrongly determined to have been female.
Okay. When after their development continued, they ended up with male organs, but they had already been registered female and that was written on their birth certificates.
And so then it was, it was then said, well, they're female. So now they're growing up thinking, I'm female or they were raised as female when they're actually men.
Okay. And they have all of the physical advantages of being male and hence why they're able to dominate women's boxing the way that they are.
Yeah. They have the higher testosterone levels. They have the body type that is more male. You can just look at them and tell.
Mm -hmm. This does not look like I haven't seen pictures but I can imagine. The form of a woman. Yeah. But I mean, even, you know, you look at the female gymnasts and they have the broader shoulders.
Yeah. It doesn't quite look as feminine. Right. It doesn't look masculine necessarily.
Right. It's different. It is. Yeah. There's a difference. There's a difference. But those women have tremendous upper body strength.
So you'll see broader shoulders on them than you're typically used to seeing of most women. Mm -hmm.
I think with ballet dancers it's kind of the same too, isn't it? Yeah. The male and female ballet dancers are, have similar body types.
But I think that might be just who they pick. Yeah. And the exercises that they do are similar.
The kind of training they do, what they go through. Right. Things like that. Right. But the males pick up the females and the females don't pick up the females.
Right. So there's a significant difference in strength. Yeah. In the upper body strength.
Yeah. Absolutely. So again with this, you know, I've witnessed to people before, I've witnessed to a man once who had female organs.
And when he came and talked to me and asked me a question, he said, would God consider me male or female?
Yeah. And I asked him, I just asked him a simple question because somewhere in our conversation he had mentioned something about children.
Mm -hmm. So I asked him this question, these children that you have, you say that you have kids, they are your biological children.
And he said, yes. And I said, did you sire them or did you give birth to them? And he said,
I sired them. And I said, then you're a man. Mm -hmm. You're male. There's no way a woman can do that.
Right. If you birth those children, you would be a woman. Mm -hmm. But since you sired them, it was your seed that gave life to them.
Then you are their father. Mm -hmm. You're a man. Yeah. And nonetheless, you know, you could look at the man and you could tell it a little bit in his voice.
It was a little higher pitched. Mm -hmm. He had a smaller Adam's apple. He had certain... Distinction.
Yeah, certain distinctions that were female. Mm -hmm. But he had sired his children. So therefore he was male.
Mm -hmm. And I said, and that's the way you need to consider yourself is male. I saw him in town again after that conversation that we had.
Uh -huh. It was at a distance. I saw him and it was the only other time
I had ever seen him in the community. So I never was able to follow up with him and see, you know, how are you doing with things?
After the conversation that we had, I shared the gospel with him as well. So I don't know what ended up becoming of him.
But part of the conversation that we had, he talked about how much he hated, hated with a passion, probably more than I did, the
LGBTQ movement. Oh, yeah. He hated it. And he said, the way that they will use people like me to further their agenda,
I just hate it. And this man was not a Christian, which was why I really needed to share the gospel with him.
He was not a believer. Yeah. But yet he hated all of the politics in the LGBTQ movement.
Well, it takes away from the people who need that support. Who actually are that way.
Yeah. And might have some real biological confusion going on.
Yeah. Whereas most of the people in the LGBTQ movement are not biologically confused. They're wicked and sinful.
Uh -huh. They're perverse. Yeah. They are sexually depraved and they're looking for excuses to justify their sexual immorality.
And so they will say that these things are biological when they're really not. Right. It's your conscience. It's the evil that you want.
It's the porn that you are watching that has conditioned your mind now to think like this. Yeah. But like with Brian and what he's asking here, if you encounter those very rare circumstances, where you have a person that might be born with X and a diminished
Y chromosome, they might have organs that could be female, but they're male or vice versa.
Uh -huh. And within those situations, we understand that those are defects. That's not the norm.
Right. But someone that still needs our love and compassion still needs to hear the gospel. Exactly.
And Christ can change the heart of such a person in that situation as much as we need a heart change.
Yes. The rest of us need heart changes as well. Next question comes from William. I know
William. I baptized him. Aw. Hey, Gabe and Becky. Hello. I hope your family is doing well.
My question is this. While listening to your podcast covering the gospel of Mark, why did
Jesus rebuke the disciples so much about their lack of knowledge, knowing that God would send the
Holy Spirit later to help them? Were they really expected to understand all of Jesus' teaching at the time that he was giving them?
Well, it's kind of the case with any one of us. We should know better, but we don't.
Because of our sinfulness or the weakness of our flesh, we tend to go after the wrong thing instead of going after Christ.
And it also might have to do with something of, whenever you think you know what's going on, and you're following Christ and you're there and you're listening to him, that you might get to a point where you're like, oh,
I've got this. I understand this. And Jesus was making a point of, no, you don't know, and maybe humbling them in that case.
Oh, yeah, sure. Well, yeah, like you think of James and John saying, hey, shall we call down thunder and strike down these people?
And Jesus rebuking them for reacting that way. And these are things that Jesus is teaching them, which later when they receive the
Holy Spirit, all of this comes back to mind. Right. And he told them in the Upper Room Discourse in John's Gospel that that's what was gonna happen.
So you will receive the Holy Spirit not many days from now, and he will bring back to your remembrance all that I have taught you and new things that he will teach you as well.
Yeah. So the things that Jesus was teaching them, the things that he had to rebuke them for, all of that is justified.
Right. Whenever God rebukes us for anything, it's justified. Just the same as said in Romans 1 20, for his invisible attributes, namely his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made so that they are without excuse.
This is talking about unbelievers. Right. And they won't have an opportunity on the day of judgment to stand before God and go, well, we didn't know.
Right, right. But at the same time, I think Jesus is also making the point. I mean, there's so many things that he's doing here.
He's also making the point of, you didn't understand this. And so you should be patient with those who don't understand it.
Ah, that's a good point. You know, like how we are to be patient with the failings of the week.
Yeah. You know what it is? Romans 15 1. Yeah. So I think it's giving them the example, you are here right now.
And so later, then they're like, oh, well, I know this. So you should know this. Yes. Because I mean,
I don't know how many people are think that way. I'm I'm a teacher homeschooling.
So I understand that they might not understand where I'm at right now. Right. But usually whenever you have that knowledge, you go to the other person and you're like, why can't you figure this out?
You know, this is simple. This is easy. And that's what the kids tell each other all the time. Yeah, I know this.
I'm like, but how old are you? You know, compared to the other person who's listening. Right. So being patient with them and just because Jesus rebukes them, it doesn't mean that he's lost patience with them.
Right. He is being loving. He's being a teacher. Exactly. He's guiding them in their understanding.
You know, think of the rebuke that he gave to Nicodemus. I know Nicodemus wasn't one of the disciples. But to say to Nicodemus, aren't you the teacher of Israel?
And yet you don't understand these things? Yes. So what do we say of Nicodemus? Well, Jesus cut him some slack.
He didn't have the Holy Spirit, but he was a teacher of Israel. Right. He had God's word. Yes.
There was no excuse for him not to know that Jesus was the Christ that had been prophesied about in the
Old Testament. Yeah. And so, yeah, they were going to receive the Holy Spirit that would bring back to their remembrance these things, give them the power and the authority to preach the gospel the way that they did and demonstrate that this word that they had came from the
Lord through the miracles that they would perform. But nonetheless, that's no excuse for being dumb when they were being dumb.
What was it? Thick -headed? Not thick -headed. What was it? Stiff -necked. Stiff -necked. Stiff -necked people.
There we go. Yes. Or the way that Paul shared it in his testimony. Why do you always kick against the goads?
Okay. So where the farmer would have the stick with the nail on the end of it and would... Oh, ouch.
And would, like, hit the side of the animal to try to get it to go one way. Well, an animal that would resist the goads would go in the direction of the stick.
Ouch. Like, yeah, you're gonna hit me with that? I'm gonna go the exact opposite direction that you want me to go. So why are you always kicking against the goads?
Yes. That was Jesus' rebuke of the Apostle Paul before he was the Apostle Paul. That's true, yes.
Well, thank you for your question, William. This next one is from Wes. Hey, sorry to bother you with this. I am looking for some information on giving to your ministry.
I only found your podcast a few years ago, and it has been an amazing blessing. I haven't quite caught up to your current ministry, so I'm not quite sure of a couple of things.
I once Googled you guys to put a face to the voices, and I thought that it came back with the result of a church in Texas somewhere.
Yeah, that's where we used to be. Yeah. We're in Arizona now. Yes. Providence Church in Casa Grande, Arizona. I know you have to go where God calls you, but I thought for sure y 'all would not leave
Kansas, LOL. And we still have family there. We do, yes. Fast forward to today, and I wanna contribute to your ministry and what .com
does not seem to have a Give tab that is referenced in many of your episodes.
Is there a Give tab on your website that I am not seeing, or is there another way that I can be giving that I haven't heard yet from your podcast?
Thank you in advance, Wes. Well, Wes, for the longest time, that Give tab connected with our church in Kansas.
Mm -hmm. And then when we moved to Texas, the church that I became an associate pastor of in Texas just did not wanna receive those donations.
I don't know why. It was just a different financial structure at that particular church.
Right. And so we did not have the Give tab connected to that church anymore, or to the church that was our host church.
Right. So I put our PayPal on there. If you wanted to give us something, send it to us through PayPal, but you wouldn't be giving through a ministry.
You're just kind of going on faith that we're gonna handle the money responsibly. Right. You know, it's actually going to who you think you're sending it to.
But since we've moved here to Arizona, I had taken the Give tab off. Mm -hmm.
But now that you mentioned that in the email, I realize we've got so many old episodes that say exactly that.
Mm -hmm. If you wanna give to the ministry, look for that Give tab. So I do need to add that back in.
Yes. Therefore, I have. Yay! Thank you, Wes. When you click on it now, it takes you to the giving page on our church's website.
ProvidenceCasagrand .com and if you go to that church site, you'll see the Give tab on the church page.
Now, if you do it from www .utt .com, it's just gonna direct you straight to that Give tab or straight to that Give page.
Okay. So there's not an extra step in there. It'll take you to the church site. You can give a donation that way. It will go to a nonprofit ministry.
Mm -hmm. So you can make that even tax deductible if you would like. Right. And know that those donations are being handled responsibly.
Mm -hmm. It's not just being handed to us, but somebody is overseeing all of that. Right. As well. Now, we have a building project coming up.
We had teased this out last week. Uh -huh. We're running out of space. We have an opportunity to build a building and all of the costs are going into the building of the building.
We're getting the land for practically free. Yes. So that way we can just focus on.
Praise the Lord. On the building itself. We're still kind of running through all of the regulation things you gotta do. Right.
Minor land survey, getting estimates from architects and builders, and so we're still in that stage.
But if you could contribute to our building program, then when you go to that give tab, there will be a drop -down menu where you can select building fund.
Mm -hmm. And you can have that go to our building campaign. That is so awesome. If you wanna donate to us that way.
If you want a gift to come directly to Becky and me, to the Hughes family, send it to the general fund, but just make sure you make a note in there somewhere.
You can write notes. Okay. So make a note in there somewhere you would like for it to go to the Hughes family. Now we said this at the top of the program.
This was in our first half. Uh -huh. That you were in a car accident. Yes. That happened at the time that we're recording this.
It happened yesterday. Yes. But this would have been on Wednesday. Wednesday. Wednesday that this happened. Yes. So yeah, somebody rear -ended you.
Uh -huh. Yeah. Going 45 and you were practically at a dead stop. It was probably more than that because she hit hard twice.
Yeah. And it flew stuff out of our trunk and it's a minivan.
Yeah. And it was. It was. It is. Yeah. It's even minier.
It's even minier. It's a minier van now. It's a minier van. Little squat.
Oh my goodness. I think we took two feet off the back of it. Well, at least. Yeah. So, so anyway, when she hit the back end, she hit it so hard that stuff came out of, like it busted the window and stuff flew out of the back of the car.
And so it was. It was. Oh my goodness. It was just crazy. And I did not even see anybody behind me that was close enough to plow into me because usually
I'm very aware of what is going on around me when I'm driving, especially. And I, I was not even expecting it.
And I thought the second time she hit me, I thought that there was a pileup going on. So I'm like,
I've got to get out of the road because she pushed me into the middle of the road. And it was very, very busy because it was right after school.
And I'm like, you have the after school traffic going on. It was just crazy. So then she gets out.
I make sure she's OK. She makes sure I'm OK. Kind of sort of. But anyway, she gets on her phone and I'm like,
OK, are you going to call the cops or do I need to? And she's like, oh no, I'll do it. And then phone, phone, phone, phone.
I'm like, OK, did you call the cops? And she's like, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm like, so they're coming. And she's like, uh huh, yeah.
And then she gets in her car and she starts taking off. And I'm like, I was on the phone with you. Yeah. Because I remember you saying, oh, she's going to drive away.
Yeah, I think, I think she's going. Yeah, I think she's going. And you said, I got to, I got to get off here now because she's about to leave or something like that.
And I got to get pictures. Yeah. And so I went ahead and stood right in front of her car and I took a picture of the damage on her car.
And then I went around to the back and as I'm walking around her car, she rolls down the window. She's like, oh,
I was told just to move my car out of the way. And I'm like, yeah, I don't think so.
You don't have that attitude of I'm just going to move my car because she, she was on the road. She was taking up like half the lane.
So, so, I mean, to be fair, it could have been legit. So I walked, I bet
I, the way everything was going and the attitude she had, it looked like she was about to flee.
Yeah. And so I went ahead and went to the back of her car and took a picture of the license plate and the type of car and all that stuff.
And sure enough, yeah, she just kept going on down the road. And then she left. So then about less than two minutes go by.
And I'm like, I don't think she even called the cops. Yeah. And so I called the cops and I was like, did anybody report?
And she's like, um, no, nobody reported. You're the only one. I'm like, that's what I thought.
Yeah. And then I, I think I arrived about that time. You were on the phone. I was on the phone. Yeah. And so then we waited around for 30 to 40 minutes,
I think. And the, it was a long time and when the police arrived, they said, we're really busy today. There was a whole bunch of accidents yesterday.
Um, so fortunately we weren't that, Annie and I were, we're not that bad.
Yeah. I mean, we're, we're stiff, we're sore, but that's, you know, a typical accident, but we, we don't have any broken bones.
We don't have a broken face, you know, I mean, like we both had our seatbelts on. So it was, it wasn't a heat advisory.
I mean, there were just so many pluses. It was still a hundred degrees. It just wasn't 115 degrees. Right. Which makes a huge difference if you don't know.
That's right. One is, one is generally tolerable for a little while.
The other one is not at all tolerable. Yeah. So, um, so yeah. And then people were, were kind enough to bring us a, like somebody stopped and said, um, brought us a water jug and said, that's what he does.
He just goes around and, and. Well, he said he had him in his van. Carries the, carries the water jug. Yeah. In case there's ever an accident.
In case there's people stopped on the side of the road and he can at least give them water. Yeah. So that's very, very thoughtful. And when he did it,
I was like, you know, I might need to start doing that. Yeah. Grabbing some bottles of water and just, uh, leaving them in there.
Yeah. And then there was multiple people that stopped and asked us if we were okay, but, but none of them were the witnesses that were there at the time.
I was like, oh guys. The witnesses left. You didn't have any witnesses stick around. I mean, there was enough evidence and with her driving off that.
Yeah. There was, I mean, what else are you going to do? Right. So, so anyway. Well, I am, uh,
I'm thankful that you're safe. Of course we lost her van, but the van was a total loss. They did total it.
And, uh, it, uh, she hit with such force. It knocked the sliding doors off the track.
It did. Both of them. Like they registered the damage to the back end of the vehicle, but I'm looking at it going, you can look at the front of the car and tell that it was, it looks like it had wings.
Yeah. Little wings. There was stuff jutting out. Yeah. Yeah. It was like, I, and I'm looking at it going, this is, we're not getting this back.
No, this is the last time we're going to see this van. And the bumper was clear off the road and in the ditch.
In the ditch. And, uh, yeah, it was, it was quite the impact. So the, uh, the valuation of the vehicle has come back to us at $3 ,600, three, $3 ,663.
So I think I remember it being a palindrome, but the vehicle is worth way more to us than that.
Yeah. Cause it's going to take three times that to find a comparable vehicle. Yeah. Even though that's the money valuation.
So anyway, I've been told reject the first offer, continue to negotiate with them until they bring the money back up.
Yeah. Because I mean, it's going to cost us more than that to get another vehicle. And, and to let the listeners know,
Annie and I did go to the ER today and we got a clear check. So we're, we're okay.
But, um, we'll keep you posted. Still might have you go to a chiropractor though. Yeah. Or a masseuse.
One of the two. Something like that. Oh man. So, you know, this is hitting us at a time when you guys have known her financial struggles and the things we've had to deal with this year.
The Lord is good. The house in Texas still hasn't sold. Yeah. Um, I hit a point this month where I'm looking at it going, there was something that I needed to pay.
And had I paid it, we would have been overdrawn. Yeah. And so I'm glad I had held off on that.
We're, we're getting it, you know, we're kind of, yeah, anyway, it's moving numbers around or we're getting that taken care of.
But, uh, anything that you can give us. And the Lord has provided. He always has. Yes. Every time. Every time.
We've never been overdrawn. You're right. Praise the Lord. Somebody has always stepped up and provided us with something.
So we're very grateful for that. Anything you're able to give, we would appreciate it. And like I said, you can go to the give page now.
Yes. Well done. On our website. Thanks for, yeah, for drawing my attention to that, Wes. And sometimes
I just kind of set things on the webpage and then I don't come back to it for a while. Yeah. And realize that I haven't updated something on there in some time.
Um, now this next email, I did not get the person's name, but I did copy the email down.
This will be our last one and we'll finish with this. Okay. Pastor, is there a way to buy your 40 verses and what they mean?
The 40 of the most popular Bible verses and what they really mean. The links on the site aren't working.
Oh. If not, it will be, will it be possible to purchase it again in the future? Yes. This month.
The 10th anniversary of 40 of the most popular Bible verses and what they really mean is going to be on the website this month.
I've changed so much of the book that even if you bought it the first time, you need to buy it the second time.
It's probably 50 to 60 % updated. A lot of the verses are the same, but the way that I wrote the book the first time, it wasn't a lot of exposition.
It was mostly essays on those verses. Right. But this is more exposition. Oh. And not just that, but also giving you tips and guidance on how to read your
Bible. Oh, neat. So it's, it's going through the 40 most popular
Bible verses that people tend to quote. That list has been updated. There are some verses that have been added, a couple that have been taken out, a couple that have been added in, because -
So it's still 40. It's still 40. But you know, that's, some verses change.
Well, just like words change, like we were just talking about. Right. Yeah. And when I say verses change,
I mean, like the popularity of those verses. Yes. I'm still starting with Genesis 1, that's still chapter 1,
Genesis 1 .1. Mm -hmm. John 3 .16 is still chapter 2, just like the previous book.
Mm -hmm. But there's going to be some other different verses in the middle there, since some verses have gained popularity and others have dropped out of popularity.
Yeah. But - Depending upon the times. Be looking for that book. Not only will there be the updated book on the website, which will happen this month, it'll be on there this month.
There will also be the audio version. Ooh. It'll be my very first audio version of any of the books that I've written.
Oh, fun. I'm also going to do Titus, 40 Days in Titus. That's sometime later this year.
Okay. I'm hoping to have it by the time we do the conference that I'm going to be speaking at in Atlanta.
Oh, okay. In Georgia. In September. That's in September. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So I'm hoping to have the
Titus one done because I'm doing that while I'm preaching through Titus. Oh, neat. Yeah. So I should have that one finished and edited by then, and I'll give you details on that for next month.
Mm -hmm. There's also 40 Days in the Sermon on the Mount. And eventually
I'm going to, hopefully by the end of this year, update 40
Mormon beliefs and what the Bible says. So getting new information in there, maybe a couple of extra chapters, how to witness to a
Mormon, things like that. Yeah. Which I'm adding to the book. So that one's going to get an update. And that one also should be back on the website later this year.
Awesome. You're going to be busy, busy, busy. I have been. You have been. Constantly busy. That's true. And the van, losing the van just added one more thing to that.
Yes. And we're rolling with it. Yep. And the Lord is with us. Amen. So praise God for that.
Well, once again, if you want to submit a question to the program, you can send it via email to whenweunderstandthetext at gmail .com,
or you can send it, you can send us a voicemail. Yes.
Wwutt .com, click on the voicemail tab. And apparently you can get over a minute and a half. Yeah, that's awesome.
If you're crafty like Scott. But thank you so much for listening. Let's say a quick.
And thank you for your prayers too. Yes. Because I know a lot of you have heard about our accident and have been praying for us and our financial situation and praying for us too.
Right. So we definitely appreciate all of your prayers. Let's pray here to close this out.
Yes, let's. Heavenly Father, we are so thankful to you and how you provide for us. You are a loving father who cares for his children.
And Lord, I pray that we would be faithful children knowing that we have been brought into the family of God through Jesus Christ, our
Savior, who died for our sins, who rose again from the dead so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.
As we have read today to trust in Yahweh with all our heart and not to lean on our own understanding, teach us how to, in all our ways, acknowledge you knowing that you make our paths straight according to your word.
Teach us and guide us in your truth. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. This is when we understand the text, a daily
Bible commentary to help encourage your time in the word that we may meditate it on a day and night.
Yeah, you have to do that again. Yeah, meditate it on. Meditate it. Meditate on. Meditate it on it. Meditate on it.
I got my eye on it. Stop it, stop it. Stop, I'm gonna start laughing. You're terrible.