Where is the Consistency? - Racists in the Church

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Ameen Hudson thinks Ann Coulter's tweet was racist. I agree....but he needs to talk to his crew about their racism too though.


All right, so a couple days ago actually it was just I think it was just yesterday. Yeah, July 10th, July 10th
I saw this tweet from a mean Hudson and something just I Don't know.
I agreed with it. I agreed the tweet But something just didn't sit right with me and I thought about it for a while and I figured it out today
What it was that didn't like about this tweet and here's what it is. It's uh, it's the tweet retweeting
Ann Coulter I don't care about Ann Coulter. Yeah, I just really don't at all You know, yeah, a lot of people call me, you know, like a typical
Republican, you know conservative love right it right right wing you know ideologue things like that and it's really couldn't be further from the truth if you actually know me, but Anyway, I don't care about in culture.
I don't want to defend her. I don't care at all Here's what the here's what the tweet said says and folks get mad when people call
Ann Coulter a racist now You know when I first saw this I was like, ah, this is probably not racist because basically every
Accusation of racism on Twitter these days from the woke crowd is false, you know what I mean?
Let's just be honest about that so I didn't believe it at first and she and then he says He says
I find it hard to believe that if this is a white family that our caption would say going to Disneyland while white
And that got me interested because Disney World and Disney like I like Disney World Disneyland school, too
You know, so that got me interested. I hadn't seen this clip yet. So I want to click it and see what this is all about Here's what
I saw On a second take a second to see this look at these goofballs
Look at this Whoo should he gave a language warning look at these idiots
That's about all I can take That is about all I can take from that these guys are goofballs,
I mean honestly like this is just so pathetic now listen Listen, I'm gonna just let's be straight about this
Going to Disneyland with kids toddlers in particular can be extremely stressful Let's just be honest about that It can be very stressful.
It's hot Everyone's a little more stressed out when it's hot kids are complaining and kids are great
I love kids, but they do tend to whine especially when they're out of their normal routine and it can be stressful
But there's no excuse for this behavior. This is a bunch of idiots Fighting with each other at Disney World in public.
It's just so stupid. These people are goofballs. They deserve ridicule. No question about that But Ann Coulter's comment is actually a racist comment in my opinion going to Disneyland while black
Now and Coulter stray is strikes me as a bit of a provocateur a bit of a jokester a bit of a trickster
So she's probably joking. I don't care whether she's joking or not. I just simply don't care at all.
It's a racist joke You know what? I mean? and so like I said, though,
I saw this tweet from a mean and Something just didn't sit well with me about it, you know, cuz
I agree with it with the tweet Yeah, this is a racist comment right it's stupid
She wouldn't if it was a white family doing this which white people do do this I've seen plenty of white people get in fights
In fact, I've seen more white people get in fights than black people get in fights Probably because there's just more white people period, you know what?
I mean? I remember one time I was at a I was at a sporting event. It was a Mets Phillies game. I've been in many fights.
Well, I've been I've been witness to many fights at sporting events I've also been involved in some fights at sporting events as well before I was a
Christian and Pretty much exclusively white people bunch of a bunch of white folks from Philadelphia came up to Shea Stadium and wanted to cause fights in The stands
I saw lots of that kind of stuff and I do I agree with the mean I think it would be I Find a hard to believe that that people wouldn't call it racist if somebody said look at these white people
You know what? I mean? Like and people do do this, by the way I've seen black people comment about hillbillies and white people and things like that in it when you know in fighting and stuff like that So a bunch of idiots, there's idiots that are white.
They're idiots that are black There's just no question about it. And I agree with the mean this is a racist tweet. So why didn't it sit well with me?
Well, here's the reason I Tweeted him I asked him a couple hours ago. I said why is this racist to you?
Not because I don't think it's racist. I do think it's racist. But the question is why why is this a racist comment? And it could be a few things.
I'd be interested to hear what I mean has to say Hopefully he responds but in my I'll tell you why
I think it's racist It's because it's taking a it's taking a bunch of idiots acting like fools acting like children in Disney World fighting with each other punching each other men punching women women punching men, it's just it's just idiots and Attributing it that somehow to their race their black skin
That's really stupid That is really stupid and so you take the activities of some and apply
And basically apply it to the whole you're saying well, it's black people that have this problem and that's that's really stupid
That's what's racist about it to me. I'd be interested to hear what I mean has to say Especially considering his associations with people like this this is a screenshot from an article on the witness
Amin writes for the witness. I mean talks to these people. He's brothers with these people and they are racist, too
This is a famous quotation. This is Jamar Tisby quotes himself in his own article and he's proud of this statement
Here's what it says This is probably gonna surprise a lot of white people and maybe even sound offensive to them
But here it is just the raw honest truth. I really this Sunday don't feel safe worshiping with white people
I go to a church that's predominantly white and reformed and I'm part of a denomination. That's overwhelmingly white and reformed
I know dozens and dozens of people personally who are great people individually good relationships with them generous and all those things
But I feel betrayed by the church Why? Because there's some racist that voted for Donald Trump and the accusation here is that Trump's a racist.
I See people like this. This is Karen Swallow prior quoting Luke Bobo I'm not gonna put this quote on Amin But I'm I've seen lots of Amin's friends say pretty much the same kind of stuff and this is racist those most vocal about abortion and abortion laws are my white brothers and sisters and yet many of them don't care about the plight of The poor and the plight of the immigrant and the plight of African Americans.
I Guess not caring for what for poor people and black people. That's just being white.
I See I see I see what's -her -face that that crazy lady. What's her name again?
I don't even remember her name But I have a I kept queued up a Oh a Kemeny a Kemeny who won
Why this is wicked? like That's racist. I mean
So however, you answer this question of why this is racist for an culture to say which
I agree with you it is But you know, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. You can't play partial games like that You can't it can't be racist for white people to do this, but not for black people
I know you're friends with all these people. I know you agree with a lot of them and a lot of what they say But you can't on the one hand see this crazy lady and Coulter saying
Oh, this is just going to Disney World while black condemn that but then here you're the other crazy lady a
Kemeny go Well, what this is wicked you gotta repent of it. It's both
Racist and this is what we don't like we're all against real racists But for some reason,
I mean you're not if they have black skin and I just don't understand that and it's just so Frustrating and infuriating and it just it shows me that the social justice woke crowd movement is
Really an ideological movement that has nothing to do with the Bible because the Bible says you can't show partiality like that That is wicked.
That is wicked when you don't tell Jamar. Hey, man You can't say stuff like that about white people Just because a couple of white people act this way you can't just so there's just be there's just whiteness
You can't be good. You gotta tell your girl a Kemeny Look, you can't just say that whiteness is wicked because there are some goofball white people that do stuff like this
That's the problem guys. That's the problem Anyway, I hope this is helpful. I mean I if you see this man,
I'd like to talk to you about this I'd like to talk to you about this Anyway, I hope this is helpful.