Matt Slick Q&A 3-15-17


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Let me know and I You know, I'm a Calvinist. I don't say I'm a proud
Calvinist. I love Calvinism. I Mean, I'm a Calvinist because I believe that's what scripture teaches I can defend it, but I say if you're not a
Calvinist, that's okay So anyway, having said that we got some Q &A All right, that's right
We're new technology we're trying stuff out Nick is better I lost the stream.
I'll get to it. It's in Really we had the ugly filter on that just kicked right in there
That's why I can't ever look at it because it just goes All right, we're working No, what?
Well, I haven't get him closer to the other camera what? Well, how about this just get to say it we can we hear him can they hear him anyway if he talks
Repeat his question and everything was working until right when he got up here Maybe there's a time limit on something
All right We just restarted the whole thing Okay, so you you believe that the
Earth is younger, right? You're more convinced of that. Oh, yeah, okay Is there an explanation to like to lights being or stars being millions of your
Light years there are different theories about how that can happen One of them is that space itself is being altered by the expansion of the universe
It's like a stretching thing and that if you reverse it How can
I repeat what I went theory I read about it was reversed either the speed of light slows down or increases and That and it's it's light speed is changing, but then some have said that's not the case
But you know you read these you need one scientist says no one scientist is yes Then you got to argue about these things for a while and see
So that's one thing the other thing is a clue believe it or not is when Jesus changed water into wine
There were six pots that he did that to his first miracle was a creation miracle and there's six days
And yet the pots of wine were made in full maturity So I can make the biblical case that God created the universe in maturity with light already being where it is
That's another possibility. Another one is that I've read about A Relativity that as the universe was expanding and in the
Big Bang which I have no problem with because that's when God created boom It's there it is. That wouldn't be a problem for me that The light the time span on earth would be 24 hours and out there would be longer
There's some mathematics and physics which way Beyond me that people are supporting that way, but this is all hearsay that I've heard different theories
But biblically speaking Jesus created everything mature. Why not do that with light?
With the expanse of the galaxy and here's one more thing. This is this is subjective but I Saw years ago and I can still see the image in my mind because it's stuck out like a sore thumb
Saw a document where they were mapping all the known galaxies that they could in a gigantic cube
It was a cube wasn't a sphere with that. It was the it was a rectangle or a cube I think was a rectangle but it was a depth
And they were showing this is what we think the universe looks like with the galaxies and clusters of galaxies
Just you know a messy thing of white dots, right and it was really cool because oh look at that You know, it looks like what a messy bunch of white dots would be galaxies everywhere, you know, and as it moved
I'm not kidding It moved and when there's one position what
I saw was a Form like this with two arms going out a body and two legs going out concentration of galaxies it just went it went there it was and I went yeah, and I Can still see it
How did you see that? So, you know, that's subjective. You know, it's your Rorschach blots block
This is a Rorschach universe and I saw that so that's nothing here here
I just suspect God made a universe for us and there's no life anywhere ever any place just here
Yeah, okay And then my other question is
I don't know about much about the origins of Catholicism, you know like who or what people started it
Well, the Roman Catholics are going to say that the that Jesus started the Roman Catholic Church or Peter started a
Roman Catholic Church I'm not a historian expert. I don't study history hardly ever But when
I was in seminary, there was what's called the Donatist error. I in the late 300s, I think and right about that time
Christianity had become Popular enough that it was safe enough to be a Christian and so we could have councils.
I see a 325 AD and the Donatist error from remember correctly.
This has been a while. I Remember thinking that I'll just give that an opinion
It wasn't the Dossett test error, but the Donatist difference Apparently there was a persecution that had gone on and some
Christians what they had done is folded under persecution pressure and had given up sacred documents some of the copies of the manuscripts of the
Bible and recanted a few things or something like that and Basically compromise their faith and then the persecution ended they
Professed their faith in Christianity and they were baptizing people. I hope I'm getting the details, right?
The question then became is their baptism valid? That you're doing because they had done these things and so in order to solve the problem
Again, I hope I'm getting the details, right? but in order to solve the problem what they did was they brought a council of different groups together and they brought bishops and Different areas different heads of different areas and this is when they started deciding how they're gonna behave as a single church with Orthodox doctrine and That's what
I remember saying to myself. I can still where I was sitting what room in seminary on the right -hand side I can even take you to the room when the light went on for me and I said, oh
That's how it got its start Don't know if that's accurate but Christian theology had already been going and The officialdom of the hierarchical structure of Roman Catholicism at that time seems to have been gotten
Gotten its leg up there. So I suspect that's when when the apostasy of the
Roman Catholic Church come in shortly afterwards Well, I would my opinion by the year 800.
It was an apostate church so Can I prove it? No, but that's the right answer
Okay so in Genesis 9 4 Says only you shall not eat flesh with its life.
That is its blood in the verse before that's talking about man being able to eat meat now, you know and so my question is
When I go to Texas Roadhouse and I get a rare steak Am I in sin because there's blood in the meat like how does that work?
What's what's that mean? There's always there's always gonna be blood in so whatever we eat I mean, this is an apple.
But you know, so you're a Texas Roadhouse. You just just dive in But what he's talking about there, it seems to be that blood as a meal itself and that was not to be done
But we are Christians under New Covenant and we're able to participate in things as long as not stumbling others so I Just had a couple of steaks a few days ago.
You were good. Oh, yeah. I like my medium That's the best way to do it
You know other questions Okay, and the last one is probably a simple
Simple question. I might not be comprehending, right? Okay, so The unelect are not granted
Repentance or or believe for faith Can an unelect person truly comprehend the gospel and stuff or is comprehension also granted?
Well, then we're talking about We're talking now about Mental faculty can an atheist understand the gospel message?
Yes, you could explain the details He go I get it But doesn't mean he's gonna believe it and that's the differentiation
Actually a year about a year or so or two ago I was in pal talk chat rooms defending
Calvinism on a regular basis for several weeks a few months just kind of what happened for a while and Not that I do that much anymore whatever and this one guy was
Defending it with me. He kept coming into rooms various nights and he go Yeah, well this and that and he would use a very good job of defending the reformed faith and I found after three months he was an atheist and I was really blown away.
I said dude you do a very good job of Representing it according to Scripture.
I said Aside from me one question you about your atheism. I said Why do you do this and he said because biblically it makes sense
He says I like religion, but biblically Calvinism makes sense. It just makes sense So he was able to understand it but he's an atheist so can they comprehend sure can they receive that's different and so there's a difference between what we call
Ascension fiduciary mental ascent acknowledgement and heartfelt trust and Atheists don't do that.
So they can understand some concept, but they're not believing and trusting in it. Well, that's what's going on Anybody else got any questions comments?
No online ones just Okay, I want to hear them make them good make them good
That's why do they do that they've not been properly trained about what the gospel message really is
Because we preach law before gospel the law is a tutor that leads us to Christ Galatians 324. I think it is
I Think that's what it is 327 in a while and so we need to make the person thirsty before they're ready to drink from the the well of life from and so the law is what reveals our sins to us or you can go to Romans 4 15
I Believe that's when one of the verses Romans 5 13 without the law there is no imputation of sin and so we have to have that knowledge of the law in order to reveal our sin and Sin brings judgment and therefore how do we get out of judgment?
We have the cure of judgment by the gospel the good news that Jesus did everything that was necessary according to the law
By which we might be saved from the righteous judgment of God. That's the good news You don't have to keep the law anymore or any more at all in any way to be saved.
Jesus did it the good news That's good news. Who in Galia good great news and we can receive what he did by faith alone in Christ alone
Not by faith and baptism faith and penance faith and our good works or anything other one anybody else
Okay That's what it is The charismatic gifts so when we talk about the charismatic gifts,
I like them they're good I'm for them Talk about them.
Are they for today or not? Sorry, are they for today or not? Best yes, they are the reason
I say that is because when you go to first Corinthians 1 verses verse 2 it says to the
Corinth to the church at Corinth and All who in every place call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to call upon the name of the
Lord is a phrase of worship and adoration You can go to Psalm 116 for Zechariah 13 9 to call upon the name of God of Yahweh in the
Old Testament And that's attributed to Jesus hence showing his deity for everyone everywhere who would call upon the name of the
Lord Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus. So this is the church universal That's what it says now it goes on to verse 7 that we or that you who's he talking to just the
Corinthians it can't be just the Corinthians because he says in verse 2 for the Corinthians and everyone so that you
Not lack any charisma while you're waiting for the apocalypsis the return of Christ Now any charisma any charismatic?
charisma, so any now Some people will say well that means only the sign gifts or these are gone or only that they differentiate and I just say this any charismatic gift mean any
Charismatic gift or does it only mean certain charismatic gifts the word any and so As Andrew friend of mine said on a radio show we're talking about this
He said that you're not lacking any even though the gifts of cease. You're not lacking anything How is it?
But I was I mean, how is it that you not lack? word of knowledge word of wisdom
When they're gone according to that position Is that the people try and tackle first going is one seven in my opinion?
They really have to rip apart to do that that it means Trying to represent their position properly.
It means that You're not lacking any gift because you have everything you need
But those charismatic gifts are gone but it says that you not like any charisma and And to me that just means you're not lacking any charisma and so you don't
And we go to also first Corinthians 13 8 through to 13 when the perfect comes the imperfect you'll pass away and You know,
I will see as I see now in a mirror dimly, but then I'll see face to face
That's right. Yeah if you can but First Corinthians 13 starts it
Where it talks about it and then the great gifts, but then 14 goes on about it
You seek spirituals it says spiritual gifts, right How do people think that it goes away?
because they're dispensational and imposed it upon the scriptures when it doesn't really teach that because they look at the
Canon as the closing of the of the charismatic gifts dispensation. So even
Calvinists I call them dispensationalists They don't like that when they They'll say look the dispensation of the gifts are done.
They don't say those words, but I'd say oh they're done with the closing of the canon I Don't see how that's possible.
The canon isn't the perfect It's it's it's good. But we see that the way that God speaks in first Corinthians 13 8 through 13
He speaks when the perfect comes then we shall see face to face Well, when you look at how face -to -face is used in Scripture, it's personal encounter.
That's not what happens in the Bible It is what happens in the return of Christ and then we'll know as well fully known Well to be known by God means you're saved.
This is talking or hinting at the issue of of judgment get away from me I never knew you and the issue of knowing and being known on the day of judgment which
I believe in all millennialism and all of that occurs at the return of Christ, it just makes sense and Sure that the there are way too many people
Misusing the gifts probably not even misusing a lot of them just faking. It's not really the gifts.
There's a lot of idiocy that's going on exegetically When first Corinthians 1 7 says that we not lack any charisma,
I believe just was to say any charisma I don't have put any philosophy on it. I don't have to put any any particular interpretive
Veneer over it. It just says that we don't lack anything And when I go to first Corinthians 13 and look at what it says,
I just see how God uses the phrases it doesn't lead me to believe that it's the closing of the canon and If there's one more thing if I did this on one of my articles
Experiential Calvinism and the charismatic gifts on Calvinist corner calm and I took I think it was been a while Romans 12 and Romans 14.
I mean the first Corinthians 12 and first Corinthians 14. The charismatic gifts are there I printed I copied them all in Formatted them all up nice You can read it and then
I crossed out the verses that don't apply anymore if the charismatic gifts are gone And it was an illustration of that that point and people will say well
Matt even though it doesn't apply You still learn from it. It's still for us today, and I understand that but when it says seek the charismatic gifts
That doesn't apply it now does it and so one of the questions I'll ask is what modern church teaching basically invalidates large portions of Scripture To say this
I know I'm just stepping on a lot of toes, but that's my position and I have spoken in prophecy
Done it. I don't use that as the determining factor. It came true I've had word of knowledge on people a few times and I don't seek those things.
I say those with reservations but I don't see them being a problem and They're not normative and they occur at God's discretion in Evangelistic contexts, that's how
I seen them What verse do they use to? Validate that they go away they ended they go to first Corinthians 13 8 through 13 when the perfect comes you the you know, these things will be done away with that's the primarily but I was in a debate
Last year in Houston with I forgot that guy's name. No disrespect, man. I'm just bad with names great gentleman good godly man, who's a cessationist and I believe it was he who said even that that pericope of Scripture can't be used for cessationism
And I agree with them, but he had another argument and that's another thing is you know Part about Moan ism tonight's a philosophical imposition upon Scripture.
I see the same thing with cessationism. I Just see it as an imposition of philosophy
Upon the scriptures boy. I'm probably making a lot of enemies I'll have to be careful how I open my mail pretty soon here, you know
These ice packages to Matt slick the jerk, you know get a bomb squad thing on it
See what happens I'll let my wife open up. Hey, hon I'm a cat
Luther. I'm just gonna meet on the thing to this to the US line. That's why we better I hope my wife didn't hear the part about get in trouble
Online take it off. No questioner when you say online Jay wants to know is hell eternal hellfire or destruction of the soul slash second death
Ceasing to exist. It's eternal conscious torment Eternal without end conscious torment never ends period without end
Okay, Matthew 25 46 Revelation 14 10 or 14 11, excuse me in Revelation 20 verse 10 talks about these things
And I know the counter arguments Will do a thing on hell
Sometime and talk about bad it is and stuff like that Both of the arguments and lay stuff out and go through things and I own your story on the on and age of the ages and All that stuff
It's forever Got a question
On the subject of the gifts with speaking in tongues
Do you personally? think or believe that it's languages or Is it?
What has come out and you know the last 50 hundred years which words more
Unintelligent or how do you say gibberish? Yeah an act chapter 2 they're speaking in tongues or speaking in languages that the people around them understood
That's one form of that to be able to simply understand Descriptions of different kinds of speaking in tongues in Scripture.
Yeah, I'm gonna get to that So in Acts 2 that's one kind, okay, they'll do that and So we have that case of clear
Native languages that people in the immediate context knew so one of the statements was hey, we hear them speaking in our own tongue
So someone might be who speaks only Hebrew And the Word of God was only in Hebrew that hear it in different languages and they go that's unusual
Because it was only spoken in the Holy Language. That's one possibility of what tongues is Glossolalia, the other one is in First Corinthians 13.
It says if I speak in the tongues of angels Well in the tongues of men, but I don't have love Well, the imposition the implication there is that there's actually an angelic language, which some people say it tell me that's just figurative
Well tongues of men it's figurative. What no, come on. They had to be able to communicate someone So there's probably an angelic tongue of some sort.
Can we speak in that? I don't have any problem with the Holy Spirit moving through us and Inspiring us to do that moving us to do that.
That's one possibility another possibility is in First Corinthians 14.
I forgot the exact verse, but it says though I speak in a tongue My mind is not edified but my spirit is
So if the mind is not edified But the spirit is and that's telling me that the person speaking in a tongue doesn't even know what he's saying
Because his mind is not edified but the spirit is so that's another kind of a tongue Then what is that?
Well, we wouldn't know unless there's an interpreter. We wouldn't know what's being said This is how it was in the first Corinthians Church So can
I believe that people can speak in tongues in private prayer language? They don't know. I don't know what language it would be.
I don't speak in tongues never have except when I Stubbed my toe really bad once real bad.
Oh, man, it lasted like three or four minutes And a few times like that, but other than that that's that and so that's what
I understand that to be Where you said the the private prayer language?
Some people say I mean different commentaries say that that he's being like he's not being literal and he's kind of saying that in a way where he's saying that that's not not something that actually supposed to happen because That tongues were supposed to be a sign for unbelievers only
That's a another good point because I'm glad you brought that up The tongues is a sign for an unbeliever in the church when they see it interpreted
They come in and everybody's doing it. They're like what's going on, right? Yeah, we don't want chaos in that And so that's been an intriguing verse
Signs not for the believer, but the unbeliever. So a strength
I think in that Context is to say that it's a language that is spoken in that area
Geographical area and so when the unbelievers come in and hear it's in their tongues, they're strengthened in their faith
I think that's a legitimate Understanding but then again in the same chapter I forgot exactly where where it says
I speak in tongues My mind is not edified what my spirit is that tells me that the person doing it doesn't understand what they're saying
And so that makes sense too, so what's really going on I'm not exactly sure but something divine something moving upon us now some of the
Make this note before I forget some people will say well if it's from God and it's inspired that he's being scripturated obviously not because in in first Corinthians 14 these tongues occurred and Prophecies occurred and yet they weren't in scripturated
I've actually had people say how do you know Matt? How you know, they weren't all in scripturated They go you show me where they were and show me in Scripture where you know
So it The arguments and the objections that I've received I'm not very convincing
I believe in the continuation of the gifts and on you know, I've experienced them, but that's not the primary reason
It's exegetical for me first Corinthians 1 7 not like any charisma. Are you waiting for the return of Christ any charisma any?
They're gonna have to say well those are all gone so then by definition we're lacking them We don't they're not existing for today, but then they say no we have them in Scriptures People will do anything sometimes to justify a position.
I believe is just unbiblical Now maybe they're gonna say the same thing about me But I like to just read what it says and just go with what it says.
That's my opinion I think I got it down because I'm Reverend slick. Just trust me The One interesting thing is that I was reading about like the that side of tongues and apparently there's a lot of tribes and places
Where they have something similar that sounds just like it and some people have said that that was more
Demonically influenced and I thought that was interesting. Yeah you know you have to come up to the mic if you're gonna say anything, but There's a book called
Bruchco and and it's really interesting book and it's about a Blonde hair blue -eyed
Lutheran kid who gets saved and is called by God to go to the Moloni tribe I think in Colombia in South America.
I think I'm getting some few details wrong, and I'm skipping a lot of stuff but he's really good at languages and he ends up at one tribe, and he understands their language structure and He ends up having to leave and he goes to another tribe and they're enemies and He is there and he's able to learn their language.
The book is Bruchco BRU CH BRU CH KO Bruce Olson. I think was his name.
They just called him Bruchco. He went to this other tribe They got saved they said let's go witness to these first people.
He had been in both groups He said they don't you don't speak the same language. You can't communicate and They said can
God take care of this and he said what? Yeah well, then what's the problem and he couldn't convince him to stay because it was there were enemies and Speak different languages because you know, this is dangerous
You know, you know, you can't do this Can God do it because you know, he had to give up and say yeah, they went came back a couple three weeks later
Something like that Everybody was okay, and he asked him how'd it go and they said fine We told them the gospel and they believed in Christ Different languages, so what happened there?
This is back 20 30 40 50 years ago. I don't know range You know these things happen in the context of in my opinion of evangelism given the gospel message and it's easy to sit behind a computer and Say these things have ceased
When you can drive to the store and get everything you need and then drive to your church and Profoundly speak from the pulpit in front of a camera or in front of people and say these things have ceased because I could judge
People blah blah blah blah blah and this is a can is closed. Okay, not mocking that. It's just that okay But what do you do with the people out there so to speak in the real world out there?
I've got I've heard so many stories of the miraculous occurring Where you just things happen that are the charismatic gifts like that from Bruchco and Once I mean when
I was at a swap meet ministry for two and a half years on Saturdays I had a 40 hour a week job on Saturdays We get up at Oh dark 30 my roommate and I and we would go to the swap meet did for two and a half
Years, it was hard Go to church on Sunday and start it back up on Monday.
And there was a time I could still see this guy He walks up to me we had this these
We had a tables and a tarp and all this stuff. We're passing up tracks That was our whole thing just pass out gospel tracks trying to give answers to questions trying to witness to people we went to where the market was that's a setting my roommate night and We're doing this
And this man walks up this young man, and he had dark hair. He's Caucasian. He was slender built
He's about this high and it's a little bit taller than him. He's about this far away I'm sitting here and just talking to him and the tables between us and he's telling me why he doesn't believe in God oh, you know,
I give him some intellectual arguments and some stuff and all of a sudden all of a sudden
I knew what this guy was guilty of before God and I I still remember it and my
Roommate later said he was sitting just over here. My roommate told me later.
He felt the presence of Something in fact, that's
Dave Kimball friend of mine. All right, and when he was here last time we talked about this.
I've known him for 35 40 years and We talked about this again and he told me the last time we talked about it just a few months ago
He said oh, I remember that and he said and I didn't know this but he told me this the last time he said he saw waves of heat coming off of me
Well, I was in the state it's what he said like really I don't know and he whatever and I remember saying this you
You know what's going on? And I don't I forgot what it was I said because it I don't know but I told this guy what his problem was in his heart the things that he was saying and thinking to God and I knew and I just knew and This went on for like 30 40 seconds and then all of a sudden it just stopped
I was aware of its beginning. I was aware of its ending just like that. It was like whoa, it was done that young man literally physically
Stepped backwards like this and just stumbled off and went off.
He was stunned I turned to my roommate and I said Dave and I said did you feel that he said?
Yes, what was it? Now I'm not saying that experience makes the charismatic gifts true.
I Don't do that. I'm not that kind of guy But I and things happen and I can tell you about a prophecy
I can tell you about About a woman I heard that was sick and I knew was gonna happen to her and I told the person what's gonna happen
That's exactly What her sickness and how long it would take to be healed. I mean that hasn't happened in 20 years
But the thing is when you're out there doing stuff God provides and I don't see anything that contradicts scripture in his experiences
So that's why I will use them, but I want to reiterate just for anybody listening They are not the reason
I believe in charismatic gifts. It's exegetical Completely and totally
I'm just giving Anecdotal evidence stuff. I've done not hearsay, but the people go.
That's just somebody else. You heard somebody else Let me tell you what happened. What are they gonna do with that? You know, they can just say well, that's your story that's just what it is leave it alone or whatever not to mention that the
Sensational ism or since a sensationalist have a tendency to kind of come from more Western Safe church backgrounds.
They don't really know what's going on in Africa and all those other places Sensationalist, that's right. That's correct
There's there's stuff happening. But again, that doesn't mean it's true We have to judge it all by scripture
But if you're a cessationist those things can't happen if you're a non cessationist like me
Yeah, God can can bring people to do things like the book Bruchco says Or read the
Nita Edwards story Nita Edwards read that or How right now least
Al -jazeera the Muslim Islamic news organization has stated that they're having visions and dreams of Jesus all across the
Middle East and Thousands and thousands of people are becoming born again And so there's an organization called
Aramaic broadcasting network satellite. Okay, a BN sat Comm or TV.
I'm gonna be on there next week a couple times I may miss a radio show because of it because a timing issue.
We're gonna talk about Islam and some stuff The first time I went out there, but that's our a few times out in the born out there
Mecca capital so to speak of the United States. Mm -hmm. I walked into this building
I Could admit this a little bit weird. I can still remember the first time I went up to this building I'd rented a car got at the airport.
They paid for everything got this car drove up and I spoken with them before and they were
I could hear him over the phone speaking in Arabic And I don't know what you're saying and they say we want you to come out
And right you want me to come out? Yeah snuffed me out, you know, and they said we're Christians.
We love the Lord We believe Islam is false Well, there's taqiyyah in Islam where you can lie And why would they want to have me come all the way out to kill me?
I sense and I researched them and man they had this organization the whole bit and I could check it out legit
So I flew out there Was on their TV satellite network thing and I can remember first walking into the building
Arabs the Middle Easterns Coming up to me and they're saying good come in and I could still remember walking in going.
I'm a little bit nervous about this and Walking upstairs and going into place and being embraced and being warm Warmly received and hearing them speak
Arabic and then talk about how great Jesus was and how they love the
Lord Jesus and it took about 15 minutes before I I Didn't care anymore and then it's great
That just shows you the prejudice that if you're not blonde hair blue -eyed Caucasian you really can't be a true Christian kind of thing, you know, and But it was good to see good to see that and to experience that and to see how they can love
Jesus But anyway, the thing is it's happening Miraculous things are happening
When God's not done with the miraculous And maybe just maybe one of the reasons we're having problems in the church
If we don't trust the Holy Spirit can do these things as much and no, it doesn't threaten the canon
But we should take risks as I said in the radio today get out there, you know take some risks
When you do that things work out You know just try
Rambling here, but let me finish a quick story. We're ready for another question or something We're going to go my same roommate friend.
We're gonna go lecture or not lecture but pass out tricks at a tracks, excuse me at a
Christian science lecture. It's a cult was in Tustin, California Southern, California Orange County and I'd forgotten to get the address and told a story before you guys are familiar with it.
This is for the newbies and It was like 830 and the lecture got out at 9 and Tustin from where we were living in Anaheim was about 20 -25 minute drive and Had to go out certain freeway and go out there and get off And I said to my roommate
David said I forgot to get the the address, you know We didn't have phones and Internet then I said,
I'm just gonna get in the car and go and just trust that God will provide And he goes let's go. So he got in the car with me
You know the worst comes to worst we just miss it and We have some fellowship
Get off a Tustin Boulevard go a certain direction And he said why don't you stop at that gas station?
I said sure last directions And he said why didn't you stop at the gas station? I said what gas station he goes the one right there
I can still see it my mind's eye right now going by me. I Didn't see it. I could not see it.
I didn't see it and He says how can you not see it I said, I don't know I was driving
I don't know I I don't know This is for real Because but I can still see it.
It was just Gas station. It's just going this one. Like I remember going man.
How'd I miss that? But I did was another gas station, but half a mile three quarters a mile up.
Well, let's just stop there We're going that direction. He goes. Okay, make sure you stop at that one We did you know where so -and -so
Hall is and the guy goes across the street So we prayed we go over drove set in the car prayed got out sat there by the doors and Within a minute they opened up and we're heading up tracks
God does things But you got to get out there But we're come
Think too much with elect. We have God in a doctrinal box. You don't want to let him out
Don't want to see what's gonna happen I want to experience him and Unfortunately to do that in the real world needs to be made a fool because When you risk you risk a lot and I have to weigh my reputation with trying to be biblical because sometimes
Taking a risk like that and saying things Means I can damage my reputation among people.
Well, that's so be it. I'm gonna stick with what I believe scripture to say and stand on that I Could be wrong, but I need to be faithful to what
I understand the Word of God to say and Believing the charismatic gifts is a little bit risky
But that's where my position is. Anyway, another question Yes Would occur in the life of a