Red Church Found in Hammonton NJ | Ep 9


We have our first interview and first Red Church Pastor nominee for the 2024 Red Church of the year award. We're very grateful for Pastor Anthony Parise for many reasons. On this episode we highlight some of accomplishments which include leading a group of about 30 pastors in a monthly meeting that has been impacting south Jersey churches since Covid. His willingness to be led by Christ has shown up in his leadership and we'r


By making New Jersey red we mean preaching the blood of the Lamb and get people saved and then with that their world view will be changed and Maybe we see even political changes and things like that come about And Welcome to tearing down high places.
This is Joe Gormley, and we're here to talk to you today about Red church pastors we talk about this a lot because it's a big theme of ours and we have to get today our very first guest on the show and what you're in store for is a
Red church pastor here. He goes live and in person. His name is Anthony Parise. His church is
Victory Bible Church in Hamilton, New Jersey, and of course, we've got our regular cast.
We've got pastor Jeff a Pastor Tim hello And so if you haven't if red church if a red church sounds strange to you and you're not familiar with this
You got to go look back at other other chapters. It's all based on a book written by our own pastor
Jeff Cleaver called blood red church, and we're getting ready for the Red church summit in the first quarter of 2025 and congratulations
You are our very first Nominee to the blood red church summit. What do you what do you think?
I know there was such a thing I mean, there's no trophy yet. That'll be that'll be back. There will be some sort of trophy right a literal trophy
I like it. We gotta have a trophy First guy in I'm anything we're totally making this up as we go along Usually the disadvantaged first guy in you're better off at the end.
You know, that's right. Yeah Yeah, thanks. I don't even know what this was. That's it Yeah, well wait, you know, so no it was red so pastor
Jeff says that you are the example of a red church We've also got gray churches and blue churches.
We told you a little bit about that. But you know, so What what have you done to be?
Nathan to David because that's one of the key ingredients only faithfulness to the Bible is number one
But also being what what actually what kind of happened where you were put in a position to be
Nathan to David You know what? I was driving into Church actually driving in to do a
Bible study and I am just saying Lord What is going on, you know during COVID time and you know the mandates
I'm not big on all the mandates So it's just Saying Lord, what do we do here with this?
You know, where's the line in the sand where we say enough and is there a line in the sand because you know Romans 13 talks about you know being subject to the government and all those things
Is there you know, is there a line in the sand and then I said how come churches aren't talking about this?
and It was then and I don't like to say the Lord told me because that sounds so wacky but Lord impressed it upon my heart this call pastors and And I always say
I know it's from the Lord because my first reaction was I'm not doing that because that's not my you know
Comfort zone not by my wheelhouse if you would so I said I'm not doing that and Or I could have said, you know what people say to me when
I say hey Why don't you volunteer for this and they say I'll pray about it. I say that's the Christian. No I'll pray about it.
Just tell me no You told us you were gonna feed us breakfast, yeah
So I said, all right, I'll call some pastors I know so I called Vince who's next door to us and I called
Who was it? Joe Paul's bill. I had met the loop when I met him earlier that year
I think it was or year before, you know, we did some advertising with him for a passion play and stuff like that and It was just I called a few guys and I said listen,
I don't know what this is Lord said to call pastors. I said, I don't know if it's just to pray together
This is a crazy times and I believe it's just gonna get crazier and you know We're on the same team, but you know
But we don't even know each other, right? So how you gonna stand with each other if you don't even know each other if you don't even trust each other.
Yeah that's good and that's why I said it had to be from God because it was above my pay grade right there and That's what
I did I called we called we met and said this could be one and done and I'm fine
I did my part I called, you know, and they said no, let's do it And of course Bill knows a lot of pastors from you know, he's the that's how
I heard about I called the Pope of Hope We have the
Pope Pastor so he called pastors up and I called some other ones that I knew and we started meeting and just you know
No real agenda. Sometimes we have different people Sean Highland will come sometimes if something's going on or You know and different people different pastors speak up different things that are going on And mostly just praying together and getting to know each other break bread together, you know, because we're on the same team
It's not it's not ecumenical We're not ecumenical but we just have you know guys that are preaching the word
Preaching the gospel conservative guys conservative guys. Yeah. I guess they're called red here.
Yeah, this is our new term Well, you know, I think a lot of people hate the term conservative right? What are we trying to conserve anymore?
Yeah, right, you know, I mean, I don't it's tough with tight with titles because then you kind of get pigeonholed
That's right. I don't want to get pigeonholed because I look at it this way, you know Especially when they hear red they think
Republican. I'm not Republican. I want to vote for the guy who's most in line with you know God's work and you're not gonna find that right in politics, but you got to go for the one who's the closest anyway
So, you know, I look at this way Republicans need Jesus Democrats need Jesus independents need
Jesus So I don't want to pigeonhole the church into that because then it shuts off, you know
Half of the people were another two -thirds of the people, you know, so so now you got this big group of pastors and they're meeting
Anthony because like we're out here feeling like we're all alone like when the lockdown from I guess it was
March of 2020 Murphy would have had us locked down till June of 2021 Now we started meeting before that but we thought we were one of the only ones
And come to find out there are other brothers that were willing to stand and if we know one another we can stand together
Yeah and it's gonna be a lot harder for them to bring lockdowns and all this nonsense if They know that there's a bunch of pastors that are to stand together with all of their people.
We can do more together Yeah, I mean, yeah, I agree. I agree. So whether you know, whether these
Lockdowns come again, who knows there? Yeah, I had a feeling that that was just kind of you know
Maybe I'm becoming cynical in my old age But I sometimes I think they're just checking the belly to see if you know for the next punch
I'm gonna say so so and Jeff and I we still get mad over thinking about how the children were masked
Yeah, what I'm curious What were your initial thoughts? when you walked out of your door and you just saw people walking around with masks on and Eventually everyone had them on a week goes by they still have them on a month goes by they still have them on a year
Goes by a lot of people still had them on people still are masking and they you know The beginning
I get it, you know, we're being told that it's going to be some crazy thing I mean we just had our we were having our couples retreat.
We're all in Lancaster and it broke that week. So we had about 30 bunch of people said now
I'm not doing it We don't know what's happening. So we had 17 of us and Then it was so I'd get a cup of coffee.
They're wiping down right behind me Anything right and You know when we left that Sunday, I mean they shut the door behind us because it was lockdown time, you know, and We didn't know what to expect right?
Yeah, right. I was expecting dead bodies all over the street I mean, I bring out your dead, you know the wheelbarrow it was it was it wasn't that it was tricky
I mean we lost a couple Tyranny when there's dead bodies Yeah, we lost a couple died because right you know and How it all worked,
I don't know there's other people had it and just kind of yeah Nothing so it's a very strange
Virus, I guess it would be The mask thing was a battle I don't know about here
But the mask thing was a battle because we had people that are like I'm not wearing a mask and other people
Felt uncomfortable wearing we did services. We started outside Yeah, and so we did tonight and we kept going outside I guess it got to be about January and I said, maybe we should make a little cover here, you know, so I called
I was preaching from the love shack Jack and insulated and stuff so we did everything from there and then they finally started to Relent some and I don't even remember months anymore because I tried to forget the whole thing
So we met inside remember we had to take Spacing we had yeah spacing because this is a
I think it's a six -foot. Yeah We ignored that because it's like How could you fit the people in cuz so I mean what we had people outside that came and then the more comfortable people came inside Yeah, and then it was a real it was a the mass thing was
Point of contention. Yeah, you know some people wanted them. Some people didn't want to say listen
If it's gonna make your brother stumble just wear a mask I mean what I'm gonna do at this point, you know, they care what couple they're inside It was you know
Kept saying it's a difficult. It was difficult. I would never want to do it again It was difficult. It was more difficult than you know when it was happening and you're just kind of going through you're trying to figure it
Out you know, you're you know, there's like the duck come on the surface But But yeah, so it is what it is and it was what it was and hopefully it doesn't come back
But I think again is the church churches. We need to be able to meet with each other
Look, we were never met right? So true, you know So I I think it's just important for the church because I don't think it's going to get easier unless there's a true
Yeah I'm glad you went in that direction because that's kind of where I was gonna go with my question, right?
So I know as just a pastor who's out in South Jersey thinking I'm a Floridian I come from red territory and when
I say red, I don't mean politically read but the blood red Ethic of the Bible, right?
So the blood of Jesus covers us from all unrighteousness and then we must conform our lives to his ethics
So Christian ethics and that can apply to politics But also to the family and to schools and to every aspect of life.
We want to be conformed to the image of Christ That's what I mean by it. So here I am in New Jersey and pastoring and thinking we live in a really totalitarian authoritarian state and you can call it a blue state because it's referring to the the blue ethics
Which is a whole different worldview based on humanism secular humanism So you kind of feel like this island, right?
So when I get this phone call from Bill loop come in that you're starting this thing. I'm thinking wow, that's what we need
We need encouragement that there are others that That think like we do right and then
I get there and week after week I'm hearing about what what other guys are doing in front of the abortion clinics in standing in front of school boards in Pleading for justice in all of these things and I realized wow, we actually have more strength than I thought even though we're
South Jersey South Jersey isn't as far gone as North Jersey. Yeah big difference just between that and And then we do some initiatives like hey, let's call our senators because they're trying to push the freedom to read bill
And lo and behold we win. Yeah, and then apparently another victory happened just this
Monday They tried to push some leftist who's promoting that and her nomination fell because they got so much pushback
So this is what I want to ask you. I think it has to start from revival, right?
There's first of all not enough of us to really turn, New Jersey to the the ethics of the
Bible So we've got to be evangelists first, but also politically making a push for for truth and justice in the public square, right?
Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people Okay So what are your hopes or what are you what do you think could happen in New Jersey?
Like are we is New Jersey just like Europe like forget about it. It's gone Should we all just move to Florida or move to Idaho?
Yeah, right and just like set up our state stake our claim there and hunker down or can we come take this state back?
In the name of Jesus, you know what? It's funny cuz a lot of people say stuff about New Jersey, but I like New Jersey I do too
You know, the weather's decent. I don't have giant giant snakes like yeah, or mosquitoes
I was playing basketball outdoors. There were mosquitoes like that that big
And the heat would be a little crazy so I mean, can New Jersey come back, you know what the Lord could do it
Yeah Is there going to be a Holy Spirit? I don't know. I don't know
I pray for it. Yeah, I didn't pray for our leaders. We're pray for our leaders That's what the Bible says
I don't agree with a lot of our leaders, but I pray for that. Yeah, I pray that you know that they would get saved
Yeah, yeah to me. I think the gospel still the answer. Yes You know, you know you could get somebody if you're trying to Get somebody to change their view, you know is when people believe something they believe it
And then the only thing is going to change that view is going to be the Holy Spirit coming inside of them
Yeah, you know, I know my views changed Like this when I got saved it was like a you know a whole different thing
It was I saw the world differently. When did that happen? I got saved back in 1990 1990 with You know what it was funny
I had a guy used to come in and witness to me witness to me all the time where I used to work. I did HVAC work down in Atlantic City and He'd witnessed to me.
It was it was crazy. I mean if you want my testimony, it was just a crazy thing You know,
I'm driving down the road. It was like driving down the road one night. I was it was a Friday night I had to go
I had my lawn sprinkler business as well And I was going to go give an estimate and then it was
Friday night. So I was going out to Party, what is even party was partay when we were?
And the Lord just again kind of just spoke to my heart said where are you with God and I said
Where did that come from? Right? Yeah, I said I did what a normal guy would do
That thought out of my head and I just kept driving along, you know next Friday night same thing same scenario and Where are you with God?
And I said, where am I with God? That's a good question. No, where am I God? So I started reading the
Bible Wow, because I was you know, I was raised religious but never in the Bible and So I started reading the
Bible. I had this Bible called the book which is like the Called it like the Calvin and Hobbes book, you know
Bible Paraphrase kind of thing but and Nobody came to me and said, you know start reading in John or start reading
Yeah, I started reading the Kings first King second Kings. I'm reading all these Kings. I'm saying man
These are you know, you get the good ones and then boom they blow it at the end. I'm going why are they?
That's where we got tearing down high places from the Kings the Kings wouldn't tear down the high places You know, so I at that time
I didn't know there was a King coming who would you know, who would complete the course, right? so So that's where it started with me with a guy witnessing to me and then girl.
I had been dating. It was a she made a deal with me she came to my church once then
I would go to her church and She came to my church and then I went to her church and they preached the gospel matter of fact,
I was only at that church for a short time and There's only the church a short time. So that pastor wouldn't even know, you know one of those things who prayed and asked the
Lord to say I did you know and Coming from my religious background You know,
I had to then I prayed the prayer of salvation again and again and again So I did it about ten times
Again yeah, really the Holy Spirit said to me I heard you the first time. Yeah It really really way it was and so switched over to a small little
Bible Church that was renting a fireplace fireplace a firehouse down there
Pleasantville and would attend there and we said hey, why didn't you have a Bible study, you know, because that's really what
I was looking for and none of the churches where I grew up had Bible study because they didn't study the
Bible and He started having at my house on a Monday night and I'd tell a friend just started grow like that and There were about 15 of us.
We're all going down to this church in Pleasantville. So we said their pastor Why don't you move the church to Hamilton because everybody is from Hamilton, you know
He had knocked on all the doors there. Nobody was coming my new church to Hamilton and So we did so first services were in my living room.
Wow. Yeah, it's pretty cool Did you call it victory Bible Church? No, no, we didn't We still didn't have a name and then we sat around one day and one of the guys said, you know the victories in Jesus Let's name a victory
Bible Church. So that's how it became the name great. And yeah, it's great Yeah, I named my daughter
Victoria my first born Great so so that's how it came about really it's just you know started started to grow moved out of my living room went to a rented a storefront and Just started to grow from there
I wasn't the pastor. I was just you know, I was learning So it looks like the
Lord Teaches you and gives you ideas And one of your ideas you have is getting some
Christian singles together. Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes It's funny
I Love working with the married folks, you know, we just had just came back from work another couple's retreat this year just had a great
Couple that came there from but they went to Karen there outside of Philly. They were tremendous. So okay plug
All right, Scott Lisa. This is how we get our connections. He's got Lisa Mitchell Mitchell's Mitchell Mitchell's for marriage
It was called their marriage rocks. It's called and it was they're excellent. Excellent. So So I like couples but you know, you see all these singles around in there and I feel burdened for them and you know
What social media is, you know, that's the word but it's probably the least social people that we have 55
So, yeah back in Earlier days, you know you went out and you talked and this and that but it seems like a lot of kids don't have that, you know, yeah, they talk
I guess you know through their phones or whatever, but The meeting part and stuff has been tough.
Yeah, you know for Christians to meet Christians, you know I've married some people and you probably do that a you know, he harmony or Mingle or something like that.
So I found my way and listen and it's worked I've married some people and it's tremendous and then I hear the horror stories where you know
And anything right you could have horror stories. You got the you know, the wolves in the sheep's clothing, right?
But this is gonna be like a speed dating type This is gonna be a speed dating one of the women in our church came to me and said why do you do
Christian speed dating? Let me think about that What's that mean?
Yeah, i've been thinking about it. I've been researching it. So it's still in its infancy. I don't move quickly, but it's in its infancy and You know the one thing they say is when you do it only give like two minutes
Maybe three because if that other person is not compatible that five minutes is like an eternity
So these are the things i've been learning So I figure you know, what are the ages you're looking at?
Uh, I might have to break that down into two into group. Yeah Because you know, I don't know.
What's it? You know, what's the gap? I have 10 years old my wife. Okay, so yeah So I was 33.
She was 23, you know We only we only knew each other my wife and I we only knew each other two months when we were engaged
Wow, and six months later, we were married. So and we just had our 32nd anniversary It's about covenant not about yeah, you know, let's think about it for eight years.
Yeah, it was just right, right Somebody's thinking that long. Come on so, um Something wrong.
Yeah, so, uh, i'm thinking like I guess it i'm a 10 year gap So I don't know so because you don't want somebody in their 50s
You know a lot of 50 year old guys would want a 20 year old girl I don't think that'll go well.
So yeah, abraham and sarah were 10 years apart. Yeah, that's right. There you go That's right. So maybe you just moved. Tim's always bringing bible back
Yeah, yeah, yeah So it's still in the it's still in the early phase of you know, how do we go about it?
I have a nephew of mine who's uh single and he's going it's never gonna work Thank you
Thank you for the encouragement So we'll see how good but that's uh, but i'm learning when you get an idea that seems to be from the lord
God blesses it. Yes. It seems to be a pattern with you Bless things and again and that's you know, it's that wasn't even my idea, but i'll take it and you know
Kind of look at it, you know does different things and use it We gave you credit a couple weeks ago.
Oh, yeah for ending the freedom to read act bill. Oh, yeah Yeah, I mean we all learned it from the group
It was a miracle. They took the bill off the docket. Yeah, and Who else was fighting against it, but you were 20 to 30 pastors, you know that came up crazy that that bill
Oh, it is crazy Remind the viewer what that was about. Yeah. Yeah.
So the freedom to read act was a bill that was going to exempt Librarians and teachers from a criminal statute that said it's illegal to distribute pornography to children and Somebody thought well, let's just give them an exemption so that for what purpose
I mean Is there actual pornography being distributed or not? Nobody said anything about that But let's just give them an exemption just in case some
Pornography comes across their desk, I guess Well, it's because the sex ed books are really pornographic in many places and they're pushing the leftist worldview of what's appropriate and What people should well,
I don't even like the books about I don't I don't even like the books where they're pushing hookup culture
Right, they're they're pushing Sexuality on very young children. Yeah, you know, it's it's wild when you think about it
You've seen some of the videos where they would have somebody coming in and reading, you know, yeah what the kids are reading
Yeah on the board is going. All right, you have to stop. Yeah, because wait, this is what the kids in the book I mean, it's incredible.
It's incredible. Yeah, I think that's To me it's sad that kids just can't be kids right that they're pushing this whole sexual agenda
Let kids be kids and just go, you know play again and stuff like that, but they're pushing this whole it's an agenda that just uh
You know when the church said it a few years back that you know when you redefine marriage and stuff
It's going to open a pandora's box and they laughed at the church, but now it is I mean anybody could be what they want just about yeah and do it
You know when it doesn't work. I tried to do it. I was at the um, I was at uh In niagara falls.
I was at the restaurant that goes around, you know, yeah, so buffet So 12 and under were free.
So I had my daughter. She was 15. I said she identifies as 12 Yeah It's crazy it's crazy, you know, but this is the world we're in yeah, you know,
I think I think you know I look at romans one and you know The further you get away from the light the darker it gets so I think that's what you're saying
So he gave them over he gave them over right and that's the scary part. Yeah, you know, that's when god says i'll give you over It leaves it to man
So so we see you as a red church pastor because I mean you got romans 13, right?
You didn't give all authority to the government, which I don't know how that happened. How'd that happen to you? How come you weren't like a lot of pastors out there that say?
Well romans 13 says we got to do whatever the church said whatever the government says It was how'd you fight with that?
It was a fight. It was a battle. Uh, you know, where do you go? Where do you stop? I mean, you know, it was tough.
It's still tough. It's still tough because uh, There's certain things, you know, I have people come to me and you know
They were telling me that I had to preach about getting the vaccine and this and that I said. Yeah I said that's not my call to do that.
That's I look at it as a person's individual liberty They want to do that then let them do it if they didn't want to do it, you know
Why should I pressure them on that? You know, it was uh, it was crazy times and I and again
I think at times they're just going to get crazier. I don't think they're going to be I don't think it's going to get less So, uh, you know,
I heard a sermon one time actually, uh about the man building his house on the rock and Uh tony evans it was actually and he said and I thought it was very interesting
He said, you know a lot of people they see the storm Is on him and they're trying to build a foundation.
He said but You can't dig a foundation and pour concrete in the rain, right, you know You gotta lay a foundation before That's so good.
And uh, yeah, and I said, you know what there is a storm coming. Yeah I've had and that goes in life.
I remember I had a kid that was uh, his wife was complaining to him He's never home never home never home and I kept telling him you got to be home and you're married you know because he was going out to this meeting that meeting doing all these things and uh,
And then uh, I could tell him you got to be home and he didn't want to hear it then finally his wife left him
You know, so he came to me on a sunday. He had his bible marked with all he goes This is every verse about marriage, you know
I said it's too late man Trying to dig your foundation in the storm, you know And you got to dig now, you know
And i've been saying to people because that really struck a chord with me when I heard that you got to dig now
Yeah, because there is a storm coming. Well, how hard is the rain? I think it's raining already, but how hard is it raining man? You know what things could change in a moment, you know things could change in a moment
I'm still waiting for them to push the great reset button and uh, you know when I look at that And everything's out in the open.
This is not hidden. You know, it's funny when uh, they say, uh, you know Conspiracy theories this isn't conspiracy theories.
These are things that are happening, you know You label things like that so that people think you're crazy wearing a tinfoil hat.
Sure. I mean the fact is These things are happening, you know, just go and look at the 2030 agenda on the un website
This is all out in the open. This isn't hidden stuff, right? They want to do you know, you'll own nothing and you'll be happy, you know, because they'll own everything
Yeah Klaus schwab said yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean this is crazy stuff, you know that that comes out and even his uh, his uh, little uh minion who's his name, uh
Yuval navari or something like that. Yeah, is that klaus schwab's? Yeah, he's got a little sidekick
But yet I saw him he was uh, I saw a clip he was on either I don't think he was jimmy kimmel.
I think it was the other guy that I don't remember his name Fallon maybe no the other guy the other not kimmel found the other kimmel
Yeah, the one who took over for john stewart, I think that time and then I already worked with johnson.
I can't remember his name. It's okay, you know But anyway, because I don't watch this shit I don't need more get the clips.
Yeah. Yeah, but I saw the clip and this guy's on there Yeah, because they're trying to make a mainstream. Yeah, you know that that same media that you're referring to that's what has so many people fooled
Yeah into thinking. Oh, you're a bunch of tin hat wearers. They're because they're not watching original
Information they're certainly not getting any information at their church and it's we don't expect the blue church
To give them good information. But what can we do to bring our great church brothers in who love jesus who love the lord?
How can we get them to come to your meeting or or maybe the red church summit that we're talking about next year?
What how do we how do we reach out to those brothers the ones that say we must submit to romans 13? All all praise and glory be to the state
How do you reach those guys that's a good question because uh, you know, uh, that's a good question
That's a good question. We're not targeting the blue church because they got rainbows out there. It's really hard to even talk to them
Yeah, we're thinking we're gonna build coalition not ecumenicalism like you said I think you've got to extend the invites.
You got to come alongside just like you would come alongside anybody and uh, You know what? I think of the lukewarmness.
What's jesus? He's knocking and he's inviting And if anybody wants to come come and I think and that's really what we have to do just invite them and If they come they come they don't they don't right?
I always look at it that way You know if you show up you're chosen. That's what
I figure Yeah, there you go. Always always use it a very simple thing back with in my day You know when we used to kids used to play outside.
We used to say, uh, listen, we're having a Having a baseball game, you know at the field four o 'clock be there and then guys would get there and we pick teams
Right, but the only ones that get picked are the ones who showed up Right. Yeah, so that's what
I said, you know, maybe you're called if you were chosen the ones everybody was called Yeah, the only ones that were chosen were the guys who showed up.
So I think right. Yeah, you invite them That's a good one. You know, you invite them and you let them make decisions, you know, uh, so You know, that's what
I would say you got to keep inviting that's what I would go by You know, jesus knocked on the door standing on the door.
He's outside the church, right? And he's knocking if anybody if any man will come So you never know what happens.
I mean we've had some pastors that were uh Of the methodist church that were coming to the meetings that uh, you know, and the methodist took their turn
Yeah, and they pulled out of it and it cost them a lot of money to do that It wasn't cheap. They gave up their building.
Yeah in some cases some they had to buy they got to buy it off so it was a uh, it wasn't easy, you know, it was a definitely a task but uh
They said you can't do this, you know and stay true to the bible anyway, so So that's what
I would say invite them keep coming alongside people And you never know you never know you never know.
What's the lord gonna do next? That's right I mean listen, I praise the lord that one guy who kept coming where I was working and he kept coming alongside me
I didn't know anything from anything And if you ever looked at me and said anthony parisi didn't say a matter of fact the funny thing is i'm driving
In atlanta towards atlantic city and I hear this commercial and it's the guy who would witness to me for his business
So I said I gotta call him up. So I call him up on the phone I said hey john, you know,
I haven't seen him in years because I left atlantic city and uh, I said I said listen,
I you probably never knew it, but you know, I got saved and I really gotta Give you, you know the credit because you kept
Bringing me to jesus, you know, and he was blown away, you know, and I said, let me go one further
I'm pastor in the church and then he was like He's screaming over the phone It was completely you know, this was
I wasn't one of those ones that would be a pastor kind of thing, you know What have you seen in uh, pastor parisi's church that impressed you the most that gives him the red church?
Nomination because I see in pastor anthony faith Just to obey the the word of god and he's he's demonstrated that in the group.
Um, we were talking about romans 13 About the government but it goes on to say in verse 7 well, it says
Pay to what is owed to them, right? To taxes to the to the government and all revenue to whom revenue is owed respect to whom respect is owed
Honor to whom honor is owed So here's a man that's run the course and is still running strong and the lord used you to bring all those men together
And anthony's just a humble guy It's like hey, whatever god's gonna do he's gonna do but god has used that already to do powerful things
And I think still greater things yet to come And so we just want to give you honor We probably got to wrap it up here in a minute unless you got something else pressing
But um, I just wanted on behalf of us
To say we honor you and respect you for what you've done in the lord and what you shared about your own personal testimony
Let everybody listening hear that That you don't know what god is going to do with the seed you're sowing
We like to go out to the college campuses And we see a lot of people seeming to be receptive, but then we don't know and they don't show up at church
Well, you never showed up at this guy's church You ended up starting your own church down the line And the lord used you to pastor it and um, let that be encouragement to everybody listening.
Let's just get out there and by making new jersey red We mean preaching the blood of the lamb
And get people saved and then with that their worldview will be changed And maybe we see even political changes and things like that come about but that's that's what
I wanted to say. Amen. Yeah I I Where the starfish, you know the story of the starfish, right?
I don't know. Yeah, the starfish the father and son walking on the beach and all these starfish.
Oh, no Well, the starfish washed up and the father once in a while bent down and grabbed the starfish throw back in the water, you know
A little further growing back in the water and the son goes dad What are you doing? There's thousands and thousands of starfish and you're just grabbing one and throwing back in the water
Does it really matter father picked it up? He goes matter to that one Matter to that one.
Oh, man Right. Yeah. So wow, that's why I look at it. We were we were that one.
We're that one. Yeah, right matters Oh Well, we can't close on a better note than that because listen if you're watching if you're listening you matter
And your family matters and god loves you and we're just you know, we may sound controversial at times
But we're really not we're trying to bring the truth of god's word And we want to honor give honor to whom honors do and uh, thank you anthony for coming out here tonight
I'm, so grateful. I appreciate it. God is good. God is good. Amen Yeah, all the time, hey if you if you go to a church and you have a blood -red pastor
We want to know about them. We want you to send clips to us video video clips or invite, you know
Let us know send an email to podcast at cornerstone Sj .org
And we'd love to invite them on to to honor what they've done. And so until next time if you see a brother down Pick them up And if you see a high place tear it down Amen, you like that?