Should We Worship the Word?

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Many on the left claim that conservative Christians take the Bible too seriously. They go as far as to say that Christians worship the Bible over God. Is that true? Is it possible to take the Bible too seriously? Find out on this episode of Bible Bashed.


Warning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include but are not limited to professing Christians who never read their
Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone, and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin, and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our heads. They will hear his words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended, and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, has ascended to the right hand of the
Father, where he sits now to make intercession for us. Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
All right, Tim, the question for today's episode is, should we worship the word? A lot of the answers to that kind of question depends on what you're talking about.
So when people ask this kind of question or people make this kind of statement, most often what they're actually saying is they're accusing a
Christian of being too committed to obeying the Bible in some way. So this is...
That's funny, man. That's like, hey, that's kind of weird that you've got to breathe so much.
You should figure that out. Right, right. So a lot of people, a lot of liberal -minded Christians, if you put too much importance on obeying the
Bible, then inevitably they're going to make some sarcastic, smart -aleck comment about you making an idol out of the
Bible or something ridiculous like that. You have four members of the
Holy Trinity. You have God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Holy Bible or something like that.
So they'll make a certain stupid comment. The Holy ESV. The Holy ESV. Yeah, so it kind of depends on what we're saying.
If that's being used as a pejorative against the kind of person who wants to obey the Bible or thinks that we should read the
Bible or read the Bible daily even and not miss it, then in that kind of case, then yeah, obviously, if that's what you're saying, we should worship means, then yes, we should worship the
Word at that point. But that really isn't a fair description of what's happening now. In the literal sense, there are some
Messianic Jews who kind of go this direction. You can see them in the services where they're literally bowing down and worshiping a book or something like that.
Sure. There's a Greek word for that, proskuneo, essentially. If that's what you're talking about, falling down and bowing down to worship a book, it is a book whose words are of divine origin, but then we shouldn't be worshiping the creation in that kind of way.
There is a possibility, perhaps, and I think some
Messianic Jews are falling into this possibility that you can deify the literal book, like the binding, the pages or something like that in your
Bible. Yeah, the physical copy that you have. Yes. If that's what we're talking about, no, you should not do that.
That's a very real thing that you shouldn't do now. In a mild sense, treating that book with respect or something like that.
You have a Bible here, so treating it with respect, not throwing it on the ground or that kind of stuff, or stepping on it or putting your drinks on it,
I think that would be showing respect to God. That's something you should find. But I guess there is some line you could transgress where you're worshiping the literal
Bible in that way, the literal book that was produced by Crossway or whatever the corporation is.
That's a possibility, but I don't think anyone is really talking about that when they're having a discussion along these lines. So I don't think most people, when they're accusing people of worshiping the
Word, that that's the kind of thing that they actually have in mind. So when people accuse someone of being too committed to following the
Bible, seeing the commands there and basically saying, hey, you are taking all of these commands way too seriously, is there any sort of legitimacy to that claim in any way whatsoever?
Or is it just a total, just completely ignore that sort of critique,
I guess? Yeah, well, I mean, there's Bible verses that talk about this kind of thing that whoever relaxes one of the least of these commands and teaches others will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.
So there are these categories that many people struggle with, which you have primary categories, which are primary issues.
However you want to word this, there are matters of lesser importance. There's matters of greater importance.
There are issues where if you get these issues wrong, you're going to be formally labeled a heretic in the
Bible. So you have a category for false teaching. You have a category of primary issues and matters of first importance that Christ died according to the scriptures.
He was buried and he was raised according to the scriptures. And Paul basically will say that if anyone gets these things wrong, let them be accursed.
So you do have a categorization of different types of issues in the Bible, meaning you have this primary gospel issues.
You have secondary issues. And most of the time when people hear secondary, all of a sudden in their mind they're hearing not important or something like that.
And then when you get to tertiary issues, they think really not important. Don't even talk about them.
They're basically not even commands at that point, right? Suggestions. Well, I think the vast majority of American Christians think that the entire
Bible is a list of suggestions, not commands. And then if you can treat them as if they're commands, then somehow you're a raging legalist who is still sacrificing goats or something, or sheep to turtle dove offerings and whatever else.
So the Bible does contain real commands. And God says, if you love me, you'll keep his commands.
And there is a way to prioritize them in terms of primary, secondary, matters of greater importance, and matters of less importance, weightier matters of the law.
There's a prioritization scheme in the Bible. But just because there's a prioritization scheme, the
Bible still will tell you that whoever relaxes one of the least of these commands and teaches others will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.
So that tells you that God takes his word seriously and we should treat it seriously. And you're never going to be able to obey too much.
So the problem with the Pharisees was not that they were too intent on obeying. Their problem was essentially they, in order to keep from disobeying, they erected hundreds and hundreds of Sabbath laws in particular that they made up, and they became more focused on their
Sabbath laws. They elevated those to the same level of scripture, and then they policed those, and then that caused them to lose the actual law law.
So they would neglect the actual words of the Bible by their tradition. So there's no way to try to obey too much.
We should care about everything that God says. We should love everything that he says. We should try to do everything that he has said.
And the kind of person who shows utter contempt for obedience is going to be the kind of person in the last day who's self -deceived.
So there'll be many who will say in the last day, Lord, Lord, and he'll say, depart from me, you workers and lawlesses, I never knew you. So there isn't a possibility of trying to obey too hard.
Now, there may be. If you elevate your extra -biblical rules above the commands of scripture, that may be a problem, but we should all take
God's word very seriously and treat his commands as commands, not just suggestions. So what should we do with the fact that the
Bible calls Jesus the word? So is he saying,
Jesus is the Bible, so Jesus is my ESV translation of the original text?
What is being said with something? Because we know we need to worship Jesus. So if you're using, should we worship the word, i .e.,
the second person of the Trinity, as he's revealed himself in the scripture, yes, we should, but then there's a very difference from saying we should worship the word, i .e.,
second person of the Trinity, Jesus, over and against, we should worship the word, i .e.,
the pages of my ESV Bible or whatever Bible, like the actual binding, the actual leather or fake leather or cardboard or whatever.
There's a very big difference between saying I'm in holding a
Bible and bowing down to a Bible that I have, which contains the very word of God.
I'm not worshiping the Bible. I'm worshiping the
Bible as the words, right? The words.
Yeah, like as what's communicated. The immaterial concept, yes. So the meaning of the, as one of the things MacArthur always says, the meaning of the scripture is the scripture.
So in that way, that word, like those words are a revelation of God to me, right?
So they're a revelation of God to me. But then that's a very different thing from bowing down and worshiping the unique, historical binding in that way.
But yeah, so Jesus has come. He's come to reveal the Father. So no one has seen God at any time.
Jesus Christ, he's exegeted the Father. He's come to make him known, and he's made him known through words, which we have recorded, right?
So those words are making the invisible God visible. So that's what that metaphor is meaning.
So when Jesus came, he put on flesh, he dwelt among us. We have a revelation of him, and he's revealing the
Father to us. So in that way, he is the word, right? He is the word that's come from God to reveal who
God actually is. So in that way, if you want to know God, you look to the word. The word, which is a revelation of Christ, who is revealing
God to us in that way. So it's largely a metaphor.
You're not supposed to take that metaphor and then turn it into like Jesus is literally the ink on these pages.
But no one's doing that. No one who's making this accusation, except for maybe some
Messianic Jews, no one's doing that. And even them, they would probably make it very clear that they're not intending to do that, as weird as it actually looks.
Okay. All right. Fair enough. This has been another episode of Bible Bashed.
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Now, go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move.