Information About our Livestream Event on March 22, 2020


Due to the health crisis, we will not be gathering for worship on March 22, 2020. Instead, we will have a live bible study at 10:30am. Join us on FB Live or Sermon Audio.


Hello, I'm making this video for the members of Sovereign Grace Family Church.
My name is Keith Foskey and I am the pastor of the church and I want to talk a little bit about what's going to be going on tomorrow, which is the Lord's Day.
As many of you know, and because of the situation that's surrounding the health crisis in our world, we are not going to be gathering for our regular Sunday morning service.
This is difficult for all of us.
I want to speak on behalf of the elders and say it is a hard thing for us to have made this decision and we pray that you would all understand why we felt this decision was necessary at this time.
So instead of meeting together for corporate worship, we are encouraging everyone who will to join us online for an opportunity to meet together for a bit of a modified Bible study opportunity.
At 1030 I'm going to be streaming a service from right here.
This is the pulpit of Sovereign Grace Family Church and Lord willing, I'll be here in the morning and I'll be streaming the service at 1030 a.m.
I plan to begin the stream five minutes beforehand to allow people to get on their computers and get logged in and to be able to make sure that they're ready for the stream when it begins.
And you can join one of two ways.
You can either join us via Facebook, which is easy for many of you because you just pull up your Facebook stream and if you're my friend on Facebook, it'll be right in my stream and we'll have shared it to the church page as well.
But if you're not on Facebook, then I want to encourage you to go to Sermon Audio and look up our church, Sovereign Grace Family Church in Jacksonville, Florida, and we have a Sermon Audio page and when the stream goes live on the Sermon Audio page, there'll be a button that shows up at the top and it will say watch the live feed.
And even if you don't have Facebook, you don't have to have Facebook for this, all you have to have is Sermon Audio, you can go and watch the live feed on the Sermon Audio link.
Now the good thing about the Sermon Audio page is if you have a smart TV in your home, you can actually download the Sermon Audio app onto your television and you'll be able to watch the stream on your TV.
So you could gather your family into the living room, turn the live stream on the television.
Again, I recommend we're going to start the stream five minutes early.
You can get everything set up, ready to go, and then at 1030 the live stream event will begin officially.
Now I want to say something about this whole situation.
We recognize that this is not the same as gathering and we are not trying to replace the gathering of believers with an online stream because as we recognize and as Dr.
Albert Moeller has said, YouTube really is a poor replacement for church.
In fact, it's not a replacement at all and we understand that.
So just know that this is not a replacement for church.
This is simply us, for now, doing all that we can do to try to continue to provide a spiritual guidance and nourishment from the Word of God, from the elders of the church, from me your pastor.
I want to be able to speak into your life in this difficult time and I'm going to be preaching on the subject of family worship.
Family worship is when we gather together as families around the Word of God and what better time in the history of our land has there been to be reminded of the importance of gathering together as families around the Word of God.
And I think that right now this is of great importance because in essence we're not able to gather together as a church, but you can still gather together as a family around the Word of God.
So tomorrow I'm going to be talking about what the Word of God says about the role of the family in teaching the children and I'm also going to be talking about five things that make family worship better.
Five things that make family worship better.
So if you're already doing family worship, this will be a help to you and if you're not yet doing family worship, maybe this will provide you with some needed insights as to how to begin the family worship in your home.
I want to ask that you continue to pray for us as a church, continue to pray for our elders that we would be wise in our decision-making, and I want to ask that you continue to pray for everyone who is being affected by this situation.
As I've said, some are losing lives, some are losing livelihoods, but in the end everyone is going to have been affected in one way or another.
This is a time when we need to rise up in sincerity with urgent prayer for our land and for one another.
I hope you'll join us in the morning and I look forward to what the Lord is going to do.
1030 a.m.
you can join us via Facebook or Sermon Audio.
God bless you.