Refuting A Progressive Christian’s View On Purity!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So there is a progressive
Christian woman named Brenda Davies, and her channel is called God is Gray. It has over 130 ,000 followers at the time of recording this video, and the
About section of her channel says the following, quote, Your guide to becoming an inquisitive, fearless, sex -positive, free -thinking
Christian in the modern world, end quote. Just from that, we can definitely assume that this is going to go in an extremely unbiblical direction.
In any case, Brenda made a video about purity culture in the church, and that video is riddled with lies about the
Bible and lies about God's perspective on purity. But many thousands of people watch this video and believe this unbiblical nonsense, and therefore it needs to be refuted.
Her general perspective is that emphasizing sexual purity in the church is toxic and unbiblical.
So let me offer you a reaction to her video as we compare it to Scripture using six points. Number one.
Watch this first clip of Brenda explaining her perspective. Check this out. I heard someone say recently that it's not sin, but the preoccupation with sin that separates us from God.
I could not agree with this more. So here she says, quote, it's not sin, but the preoccupation with sin that separates us from the
Lord, end quote. The idea here is that focusing on being sexually pure is actually a bigger threat to your spiritual life than participating in impure sexual behavior.
She's saying that sin does not separate you from God. Only focusing too much on how bad your sin is can separate you from God.
And this is so ridiculously unbiblical, it's hard to imagine how this kind of thing can be referred to as any form of Christianity.
In fact, it really can't. So let's compare this claim to Scripture. Isaiah 59 verse 2 says, quote, but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your
God, end quote. Iniquities, by the way, are sins. The Bible makes it very clear that participating in sinful disobedience against God, that separates you from the
Lord. But this progressive Christian somehow wants you to think that it's only focusing on how immoral your sin is that separates you from the
Lord. And this is absolutely false. In fact, it's dangerously false. Needing forgiveness for sin, not just the preoccupation with sin, is a prerequisite to accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In other words, if you have the view of sin that this progressive Christian thinks you should have, you will not truly understand your need for the gospel at all.
And this brings me to point number two. Then Brenda continues her nonsense, saying the following. Watch this.
I could not agree with this more. If I lie to someone,
I can get over the fact that I lied. I can stay connected to God. I can forgive myself.
I can ask that person for forgiveness and move on with my life. If I am told every day, lying is the worst sin
I can possibly commit, and God will really have to forgive me, and I'm losing pieces of myself every time
I lie. So she says that if she sins by lying to someone, that's the example she brings up, then she can, quote, get over it and forgive herself.
And this argument is supposed to illustrate the fact that it is feeling guilty about your sin that is the real problem, not committing the sin itself.
Again, this is just about as unbiblical as it comes. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that you can forgive yourself for a particular sin.
This kind of language comes more from self -help speakers and pop psychologists and those who are trying to mix these things with the
Christian faith. Don't buy this for a second. 1 John 1 .9 says, quote, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, end quote.
The fact is, you will not find one passage in all of Scripture that says you can grant yourself forgiveness.
Only God can do that. And this, too, is a contradiction of the Gospel message itself. Because if you can forgive yourself, you have no need for Christ's forgiveness.
Now let's look at the third example. Number three. Watch this next clip where she tries to excuse people for their sin.
Check this out. There are many reasons saving yourself from marriage might not work out, and none of them is because you are a wretched sinner that didn't try hard enough.
She says that there are a lot of reasons you may be sexually sinning before marriage, but the fact that you are a wretched sinner cannot ever be one of those reasons.
And this is total unbiblical garbage. You see, the reason we sin sexually is precisely because we are wretched sinners, and the
Bible makes that clear. First Corinthians 6 .18 says, quote, flee from sexual immorality.
Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body, end quote.
The passage clearly says that the one who commits sexual immorality, which in the Bible includes sex before marriage, well, that person is sinning against their own body.
And Ecclesiastes 7 .20 says, quote, surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins, end quote.
There is no righteous person, and we are all deeply sinful. That is why we commit sins, according to this passage, because we're all unrighteous.
So yes, if you commit a sexual sin, it is indeed because you are a wretched sinner. Or if you are a
Christian, it's because you're still battling against the wretched sinful flesh within you. That's why you need
Jesus to save you and the Holy Spirit to indwell you if you are to avoid that sin at all. And once again,
I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but this contradicts the very core of the Gospel message. If you are not a wretched sinner, then you have no need for God's grace, and therefore no need for the
Gospel. Now let's check out point number four. Take a look at this bizarre claim she makes about virginity.
Watch this. "...that didn't try hard enough. I truly do not believe virginity is something you can lose, something you can give away."
She literally says that she, as a Christian, does not believe that virginity is something that you can, quote, lose or give away.
Let's take a look at what the Bible says about this. Paul says that marriage, the union between a man and his wife, is a beautiful example of Christ and His Church when done correctly.
In 2 Corinthians 11, 2, he says, quote, "...for I feel a divine jealousy for you, since I betrothed you, the
Church, to one husband to present you as a pure virgin to Christ." Just to be clear, this verse is not directly talking about sexual virginity, but rather, it speaks of it as a metaphor for Christ and His Church.
Nonetheless, the comparison being made here can indeed show us two things. One, virginity is a very real and biblical concept, regardless of what this progressive
Christian says. And two, virginity is something that can be presented to one's spouse as a loving sacrifice and gift.
The Bible soundly refutes the idea that Brenda presents, the idea that virginity is not a real or valuable concept.
And this brings us to point number five. In this last section, Brenda gives us what I believe is the overarching source of her heresy.
Watch this. I truly do not believe virginity is something you can lose, something you can give away.
God is a God of restoration. God is a God of love and communion and the
Holy Spirit. These sexual teachings do not match what the
Bible says and what I knew in my heart when I was 12 years old, praying at my bedside.
So that's where it's all coming from. The good old, God is a loving God tactic. The statement to end all other statements, right?
I've seen so many progressive Christians and seeker -sensitive teachers use this attribute of God's love to violate scripture.
And it's really subversive, and it's quite unbiblical. She says that the reason she knows virginity isn't something you can, quote, give away, the reason she knows purity isn't really that big of a deal, the reason she knows that sin doesn't separate us from God, it's all because she believes firmly that God is a loving
God. But there's a serious problem with all of this. The same loving God she's referring to is the
God who says that sin separates you from him. The same loving God who says that virginity is a real concept.
The same loving God that says you cannot forgive yourself, only he can forgive you. Do you see what's happening here?
Brenda is using the attribute of God's love, which really is an attribute of his that we should worship him for.
First John 4, 8 says that God is love, but she takes this attribute and uses it to violate the word of God, which was given to us from the
Lord in his love. In other words, no amount of love allows you to reject the Bible.
God's word is loving because it comes from a loving God. This is the fundamental problem with Brenda's ideology.
Luke 11, 28 says, quote, The irony here is that the very revelation this progressive
Christian uses to prove that God is loving, the Bible, is the same revelation that she rejects in the name of God's love.
In other words, she believes God's word whenever it says something that she likes, for instance when it says that God is loving.
But she rejects God's word whenever it says something she doesn't like, for instance when it says that you shouldn't have sex until marriage.
So who is the ultimate arbiter of good and evil in her view? Who is the ultimate being that she must answer to morally?
Who in this sense is her God? Well, her true God is herself. That's why when she and God's word are in conflict with one another, she picks herself every time.
The progressive Christian's allegiance is to their own unbiblical worldview, not to the God of the Bible. So Christians out there, don't buy into garbage like this.
It's unbiblical. It's wrong. And it's just plain foolish. Believe the Bible and do what it says, including saving yourself for marriage.
Of course, there is grace in Christ when you fall in sexual sin. I don't want you to forget that. But I also don't want you to use that as license for sin.
And pray for this progressive Christian YouTuber, Brenda Davies, that she would repent and believe the truth of God's word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender. And keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.