F4F | David E. Taylor Brings Jesus onto the Stage?


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro, I am your servant in Jesus Christ, and this is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Now, have you heard of the fellow who's named Apostle David E.
Taylor? Well, if you're not familiar with him, you're going to be. And I'll say this, this is another one of those episodes of Fighting for the
Faith that is happening due to audience recommendations. So in the comment sections of our videos, as well as in my email,
I've been receiving multiple requests from people to do an expose. I'll take a look at a fellow by the name of David E.
Taylor, so I subscribed to his channel, started doing the research, and lo and behold, my opinion of the fellow is that he's a cheap
Benny Hinn knockoff. He's kind of like an old -school scam televangelist that they used to feature all the time on TBN, so back in the 90s and the early 2000s, and maybe even later into the first decade, they oftentimes had, you know,
Benny Hinn flying around the world and, you know, claiming to perform miracles and stuff.
Well, David E. Taylor is a good study, you know, he's an understudy of Benny Hinn, even if he's never been associated with him directly, but we'll take a look at that.
So if you know anybody that's under the sway of this fellow, we're gonna point out that Jesus gave us specific warnings about men like David E.
Taylor, as well as Benny Hinn, and so to kind of demonstrate this, let me pull this up and go here.
We're gonna go to David E. Taylor's YouTube channel, the name of it is Miracles in America, and one of the things
I've noticed is that COVID -19 and all the lockdowns have have limited his ability to travel, which
I think is a good thing, but this guy is constantly putting videos out and promoting them, and then regurgitating them, and then promoting them like nuts, and so the best way
I can put it. So what we're gonna see is video footage, technically, that was shot in 2015, republished on their website on May 7th, 2019, so this has been out a little longer than a year, but I would note that this video
I'm gonna show you, all last week, I mean, this is what they were promoting like nuts, you know, was this particular video, and the claim is that Jesus appeared, personally showed up and appeared on the stage, you know, at a
David E. Taylor crusade. So the headline reads, in fact, let me kind of scroll this up,
David E. Taylor, Jesus appearing at the 2019 crusade against cancer, and the 2020 global American crusade.
Now this is a totally misleading title, because the video you're gonna see, the date on it is like, what, 2014 -2015.
You'll see that. So he's constantly, this guy's constantly promoting this and rerunning it for the purpose of hooking people.
But I can say definitively Jesus did not show up on the stage, and number two,
I can show you that all he's doing is mimicking a miracle, appearance of Jesus, same style that Benny Hinn tried to pass off on people back in, was it 2009, you know, summer 2009.
We'll take a look at video along those lines. But before we get to that, before we get to that, let's take a look at Scripture, all right?
This is from the Gospel of Matthew chapter 24, starting at verse 23, and this is
Jesus talking, you can tell by the red letters, and this is part of the All of It discourse, Jesus telling us and warning us about what will be coming in the end of days.
So if anyone says to you, look, here is the Christ, or there he is, do not believe it, for false
Christs and false prophets will arise and will perform great signs and wonders so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
So you'll note that this Christ, 2 ,000 years ago, prophesied
Benny Hinn and David E. Taylor, and said that when when somebody says, look, here's the
Christ, or there he is, don't believe it. Now, oddly enough, the David E.
Taylor ministry defends this video and claims that this is no different than Jesus appearing to the
Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus, before he was the Apostle Paul, when he was still Saul of Tarsus and he was persecuting the
Church. No, it's not. It's not even remotely the same, and here's the reason why, is that no one was expecting
Jesus to show up, it wasn't advertised, and say, come see Jesus! That's part of what
Jesus prophesied there. It was Paul on his way to basically round up and arrest
Christians when Jesus himself showed up unannounced, and then knocked him down and blinded him, and then sent him to be baptized and become a believer.
So you get the idea here. So the point of Jesus's warning in the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 is if anyone says, look, here's the
Christ, come see him, or there he is, don't believe it. This is for the purpose of public spectacle, for the purpose of saying, this man over here is
Jesus, or Jesus himself is going to appear on the stage. So you cannot equate the appearance of Jesus in the book of Acts to Saul of Tarsus with this that Jesus is warning about.
In fact, you're gonna see that what video you're gonna be watching here of David E.
Taylor, this is exactly what Jesus was warning about, and we can say definitively, don't believe it.
This is demonic and deceptive beyond all reason. So all that being said, that's the setup.
Let's head over to miracles in America, and then we'll show you how Benny Hinn did this exact same thing back in 2009.
Here we go. Jesus appears before thousands, captured by photo.
It's like, yes, the music, it sounds like an episode of Unsolved Mysteries, you know. This is an epic moment.
David E. Taylor prophesied that Jesus would appear openly during a conference about face -to -face and touch the people himself.
Yeah, again, Jesus says, if anyone says, look, here's the Christ, there he is.
Do not believe it. Got it? Good.
It's phenomenal. The Lord just appeared to me a moment ago, and said to me, tomorrow night,
I am going to walk in the room on the stage. Yeah, everybody there should have said, we're out of here.
Jesus warned us about guys like you. And I'm gonna touch my people myself. The next night, the
Lord Jesus Christ fulfills his promise and personally comes, stands on the platform, and touches his people. He just walked up here.
He says, I want you to get off the stage. Jesus, lift your hands right now.
Multitudes fell under the power of the risen Lord as Jesus walked into the room. What is this? A recreation, a reenactment of Jonestown?
Did they just drink Kool -Aid? What is this? Go up there, ask him to touch. Ask him to touch.
Lift your hands. Come on, begin to pray. Come on. Tell him you want that glory.
Come on. You want that face -to -face glory on your life. Ask him, tell him you want the face -to -face glory of God on your life.
Again, Jesus said, if anyone says to you, look, here's the
Christ, or there he is, do not believe it. All right, now, before we go any farther,
I'm gonna show you that Benny Hinn did this first. All right, this is just a ripping off of what
Benny Hinn did. So this, I think, is from August of 2009. I think that it'll show up on the date here.
Benny Hinn, one of his crusades, claims that he's gonna bring Jesus on the stage. Here we go.
Notice the emotional, manipulative music in the background, designed to—sounds like the choirs of angels are singing.
This is a holy moment. Jesus himself is about to walk on the stage. And they're forming a conga line.
You don't understand English, but he'll interpret.
Back away a little bit. Just like a few feet, maybe two, three feet.
This is just blasphemy. There is no other word for this. Utter blasphemy.
A little more. I want no compliment on the platform.
Get off the platform, gentlemen. Something is gonna happen now.
Something. Something is going to happen now. We don't know what, but something.
To prove to the people that he's on the platform. I'm gonna walk and stand over there.
And the Son of God is gonna come and stand right here. So he's moving off the stage.
Jesus himself is gonna come stand right on the stage. I'm gonna invite him to come and stand right here.
And one by one, you're gonna come and he's gonna touch you. Back up a little bit.
Yeah, if this was a hypnotist show, he's just implanted in their minds what it is he expects them to do.
Back up a little bit. Just a little more, because when the presence comes, you won't be able to stand right here.
There it is. So he, again, he's already told them what his expectation is.
When the presence comes, you won't even be able to stand. So he's explained what the something is gonna be.
Nobody clapping. Nobody moving. Blasphemy.
Utter blasphemy. Has Benny Hinn ever repented of this? Again, Jesus said, so if anyone says to you, look, here's the
Christ, or there he is, do not believe it. So are you gonna believe Jesus, or are you gonna believe
Benny? Blessed Redeemer, I give the service to you now.
Take it from my hand. What?
And show these pastors that I have nothing to do with this. You have everything to do with this.
You already told them what to do. They're not gonna be able to stand up when the presence arrives.
You've basically told them your job is to fall down. We've already established. This is your service.
Quickly. Quickly move over. Jesus is about to show up, man. He's gonna take the service right out of my hand.
Was the service in his hand? Isn't that just a figure of speech? Aaron, go over there, please.
All the way to the side. Quickly, gentlemen. You're gonna do fine. Chop, chop. Chop, chop. Move it. Move very fast.
If you have to jump over those chairs, I don't care. He will not share the platform with anyone else.
Get off the platform. It's all part of the show, man.
Lisa, stay on the platform. Ron, stay on the platform. The ensemble can stay on the platform.
But Jesus won't share the platform with anyone else. But the ensemble can stay. Aaron, go to the side, if you can, right there.
Mr. Brock can stay. Bruce can stay. Now, gentlemen, I give him the service.
And you come and lift your hands before him and ask him to touch you. As you approach this area right here.
He already told them they wouldn't be able to stand. So they're doing what they've been told to do.
Fall down. Maybe we should, like, you know, get out the cards, you know, for dives.
You know, like when they judge the dive. I'm gonna give that dive a three, you know. That's a two and a half.
Come on, you can do better, man. Come on, you can do it. You can do it. Do a belly flop or something, man.
Oh, on his head. He's got to get extra points. That had to hurt. Now, that guy just fell.
Notice how he gently laid himself down. Gonna give him a one. Notice how everyone's like, this is, like, really well organized.
These guys are laying out, like, sardines in a can. This is so bad.
If anyone says, look, here's the Christ. There he is. Do not believe it.
Words of Jesus, by the way. Wow. Okay. Come as close as you can,
Pastor. Don't worry, there's plenty of room here.
I'll give him a four on that one. Yeah, we need some style points.
Come on. I've seen fish do better than that.
Anyway, so that's Benny Hinn. And just in case you want to know his opinion regarding me critiquing him and saying that Jesus said don't believe that nonsense, here's
Benny Hinn to give us the definitive word on what he thinks of men like me who are saying that this is not
Christ. Yes, Lord, I do it. I place a curse on every man and every woman that will stretch his hand against this anointing.
I curse that man who dares to speak a word against this ministry.
A dimension hit that short - Apparently I'm cursed, so I think you get the idea. But coming back to David E.
Taylor, yeah, this guy's just recreating, reenacting what
Benny Hinn did back in 2009. This is just phony baloney stuff.
Let's keep going. That's glory. The Son of God walked in here and he looked at me and said to me, everyone's life shall be completely changed tonight.
And again, during the national crusade against cancer. Yeah, this false manifestations of the
Holy Spirit. This is all just flim flam show scam. Mighty miracles and healings happen each night, including people rising out of their wheelchairs.
And he was in an accident and he could not walk. You were in this wheelchair.
Yes, he told me to walk. It's the farthest I ever walked. He's had a tumor in the back of her head for a while.
And she said, mommy. This is just like Benny Hinn. If you haven't seen the Nightline report that they did, you know, more than a decade ago where they sent, you know, undercover film crews to Benny Hinn's healing crusades.
And all the people who were really sick, you know, really in wheelchairs, they were all shoved out the back door.
This is just the same old shtick. It's gone. I was like, baby, watch it. Mommy, it's gone. It's not there no more.
Jesus, thank you so much. I don't know what just happened to me, but it felt so good. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
She felt the tumors begin to get softened. There's one the size of a baby. I'm dilated two centimeters and there's no surgery.
I exhausted everything. It dies in Jesus name. I get a feeling, Jesus, that it's getting soft.
Thank you, Jesus. The Lord said to me just a few days ago, Jesus, tell them
I'm going to make another appearance in this building on earth. Yeah, that's weird because, again,
Jesus says, let's do this again. Let's see here.
If anyone says to you, look, here's the Christ. There he is. Do not believe it. That's what
Jesus said. So, again, who are you going to believe? Jesus or David E. Taylor? I'm going to go with Jesus.
Again, doing the cancer crusade. So he said to me. After many were healed, suddenly
Jesus appeared openly on the stage as he told the man of God. There he is. Yes.
The Lord just walked on the stage. I honor you, Lord. He just told me to get off the stage. Thank you.
Go to the Lord Jesus. Yeah, he's totally studied Benny Hinn's false appearance of Christ.
Touch you, ask Jesus to touch you, ask the
Lord to touch you. Some of you are feeling electricity on your fingertips. Jesus is here.
Some of you are feeling heat on you. That's God's power. Lift your hands and receive it. During that moment, a woman in the crowd decided to take a picture.
Incredibly, Jesus was seen in the photo in his glorified body. All right, so two options here.
That's demonic, or that's Photoshop. Those are your only options, because what did
Jesus say? If anyone says to you, look, here's the Christ, or there he is, do not believe it.
So the reason I don't believe it is because Jesus told us 2 ,000 years ago this was going to happen, and here it is.
It's happening in our time. So what are we told to do? Do not believe it. That's what Jesus said. The real eyewitness,
Matthew, the former tax collector who Jesus called to be an apostle, who was martyred in India, that guy?
Yeah, he's the one who wrote down the words of Christ there, and Jesus told us 2 ,000 years ago, do not believe it.
So that's either Photoshop, and it looks like Photoshop to me. That's pretty easy to do in Photoshop.
Really? In fact, it's a pretty bad masking job too, I would note. Or it's demonic, but it's not
Jesus. You took it by faith.
Yes. Because I know you didn't see nobody up there. So you wanted to see if somebody was up there.
Yes. And you took the picture. I sure did. Took out my cell phone, I reached above the crowd, and I snapped that photo, and I got it developed.
He was on there with his arms stressed out wide. By the way, psychic photography.
Yeah, that's part of new age and occult practice. A bright, bright figure on the left side of the photo.
And I looked at it, I was like, oh my goodness, I feel ecstatic. All right.
So if anyone says to you, look, here is the Christ, or there he is, do not believe it.
For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
See, I've told you beforehand. It's pretty simple. Pretty simple, not hard to figure out here.
That ain't Jesus. Absolutely remarkable.
No, absolutely blasphemous, deplorable. This is exactly where the man of God said he saw the
Lord stand. As you can see, Jesus is standing in his glorified body with his hands lifted and stretched forth blessing his people.
This picture is another sure proof that David E. Taylor is the face -to -face prophet, and that he sees Jesus just like he tells the people.
No, it's not. It's proof that he's a scam artist. Who studied the false miracle, the false appearance of Jesus that Benny Hinn tried to put over on the world and the church back in 2009.
Jesus anticipated all of this and prophesied about it 2 ,000 years ago. And Jesus, the
Son of God said, when this happens, do not believe it. Yeah, talk about the evil that we live in today.
That's just an example of the evil. And so if you know anybody who follows David E.
Taylor, you need to warn them that this is the same kind of guy, this is the exact same guy that Jesus warned us about 2 ,000 years ago, and they need to run, flee the building.
Because what is this guy really after? Their money. These are false signs, false wonders.
These are the signs of the rise of the Antichrist and the lawless one.
And this guy is practiced in greed, and for him, it's all about the money, and that's demonstrable as well.
So that's our first look at David E. Taylor, the cheap knockoff of Benny Hinn.
So I think you get the idea. So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
Please warn people about David E. Taylor, and until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.