The Problem with Rick Warren


Documentary:    • Rick Warren Exposed (Documentary)   -Clips gathered from the channels Woke Preacher Clips & Doctrinal Watchdog


First, I applaud Davos for having this session, and I applaud you for coming to it.
I have many, many gay friends, have worked around the world with them in gay organizations. So Rick Warren is involved in the
World Economic Forum? He works for gay organizations around the world? Houston, we have a problem.
Hello. The title of this video is The Problem with Rick Warren, or The Problems, plural.
Rick Warren is retired now, although he still basically acts as the pope of the
Saddleback denomination, and it really is a miniature denomination. It is a network of churches that are sort of run like a franchise, like McDonald's.
You have Corporate Headquarters, which is the church that Warren founded in California. And then you have the campus locations and the other sites, and they all get their materials, their operating procedure, their content, that all gets sent from above, from headquarters, from the mothership.
It beams in what they need. So Rick Warren appointed a man to lead
Saddleback Church, a man named Andy Wood. He is the new pastor, along with his wife, who is also a teaching pastor.
They run the day -to -day operations at Saddleback. And yes, Rick Warren affirms female pastors.
We'll get into that also. But who is Andy Wood, just for a moment here? Rick Warren's successor,
Andy Wood, is an egalitarian who is very open and inclusive towards LGBT.
Some people, this is their first time in church. In fact, some of you, this is probably your first week ever to come to a church.
We embrace that diversity. And within that, we have people who have different sexual orientation.
We have some people who are heterosexual, some people who are gay. And we have a lot of disparity and a lot of differences in our church.
He says, I have gay friends who came to Jesus after they were married and adopted children.
God hates divorce. How would you approach the situation? I don't know.
It's really hard. Yeah. I don't know if there's a black and white answer.
And I think I would sit with them in it. So these are the first few problems.
This is an unbiblical church structure where Warren acts as basically something like a pope or an archbishop over others.
And both Warren and his successor are compromised on the major issues of our day.
Those issues about LGBT trans, you know, quote unquote. And let's listen in again to see what he has to say.
What about the love part though? Because I hear the AIDS part. It's not illegal to love somebody. But you think it's a sin.
No, it's not a sin to love somebody. It might be a sin to have sex with them. Wow. It might be.
So it might be a sin? That also means it might not be. So the man who is dubbed
America's pastor, Rick Warren, the man who is invited to pray at Barack Obama's inauguration ceremony, he works for gay organizations all over the world.
Well, it's all starting to make sense. Here is a picture of Rick Warren teaming up with gay activist
Elton John. So obviously holiness, repentance of sin, you can't really preach that effectively, certainly if you're doing that kind of stuff.
Well, Rick Warren doesn't really preach repentance at all, does he? In his book, The Purpose Driven Life, he tells people to say this little prayer.
He gives them the words to repeat and then claims, if you said those words, now you're saved.
Really? And Rick Warren is consistent about that. As long as you say the right words, you know, at least once you're saved and he's a
Baptist. So I guess he believes in eternal security. So long as you say that prayer, you are good to go.
Listen to what Rick Warren told Sean Hannity. To, to go to hell, you have to do almost the impossible.
Doesn't that go against straight and narrow is the way and few are those who. Okay. So that is so unbiblical.
It's hard to even believe he could get away with saying that, but even Sean Hannity, who is Roman Catholic, even he understands that isn't true.
Also, Warren caused a fair amount of controversy when he affirmed the faith of Barack Obama, also
John McCain. Now I don't like getting into judging people's salvation that this person saved this person, say that person isn't that I don't typically try to do that.
But if you think Barack Obama is a born again, Christian, I got a bridge to sell you.
It's in Brooklyn and I'll give you a really great price. Rick Warren also has affirmed the
Pope of Rome. Pope Francis is the perfect example of this.
He is, he is doing everything right. You see, people will listen to what we say, if they like what they see.
And as, as our new Pope, if you love
Pope Francis, you'll love Jesus. Did you notice that? He calls him our new
Pope, as if Warren personally recognizes the authority of Pope Francis, who according to him is doing everything right.
Of course, if you believe the Bible and you know anything about Pope Francis and who he is, you know,
George Borgoglio and his background, it's more like he's doing everything wrong. Pope Francis is a socialist.
He has said things like, well, atheists go to heaven as long as they have their kids baptized. That's good enough.
But that's in line with what Rick Warren says, that it's basically impossible to go to hell. I mean, you really have to try hard.
That's the opposite of the truth. So Pope Francis and people who do his bidding, which
Rick Warren shares that same sort of universalistic belief. Pope Francis is probably the most dangerous false teacher on earth.
And nearly, here's what you need to understand. Nearly all Protestant leaders throughout history, along with recent evangelical leaders.
So we're talking about Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, John Wesley, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, and John MacArthur.
They all taught and believed that the papacy was the seat of antichrist, but not
Rick Warren. According to him, the Pope is just amazing. Well, when you are in cooperation with the new world order, yeah, you're going to say things like that.
Here is the clip again of Rick Warren at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Able to control the global issues. Thank you very much. And now,
Rick, and I think also, if I might just push this question as well, which is about why faith in the modern world as well?
Because I think this is in a sense, quite an important thing because there'll be a lot of people who would say, yeah, okay, we agree with all these values, but why faith?
Is that a softball question or what? I know that you can handle anything. First, I applaud
Davos for having this session. And I applaud you for coming to it.
It really says more about you than it does about us. If you are a global business leader, you need to understand that the future of the world is not secularism.
It is religious pluralism. You may not like that, but you're going to have to deal with it.
So the World Economic Forum, Barack Obama, Elton John, the Pope, to say that these are some concerning associations, that would be the understatement of the century.
And this brings us to COVID. When the lockdowns came, Rick Warren taught that everyone needs to mask up.
You should shut down your church. You should even get the jab. Why? Because the Bible says, the
Bible says, love your neighbor. So you should do this. Yeah. Talk about taking verses out of context.
More on that in a moment. But during COVID, Warren shut down his church and he worked with Francis Collins of the federal government.
And Warren, along with the state, they turned Saddleback Church into a vaccination center where you could go and get your injection.
And there is so much more I want to say about that, but I can't without getting this video pulled down.
But I think you're starting to see the point. And just as an interesting side note,
Rick Warren claims that he was handpicked by Billy Graham at age 18. And from that point on,
Billy was his mentor. That just seems odd to me. You know, stuff like that doesn't just happen.
That Billy Graham, you know, who worked with the Pope as well and was invited to the White House. And he hand selects just some random 18 year old kid.
Well, of course this isn't random, right? You've got to read between the lines. And Rick Warren ends up doing the same things
Billy Graham affirming the Pope, you know, having interaction with the president, you know, call me crazy, but just something seems off about all that.
Something also seems off about this statement. I actually learned the idea of a campaign from the communist of all people.
You know, that doesn't make me feel very good. Can you imagine if your pastor said something like that?
Yeah. But Rick Warren, you know, he gets away with it. So just to recap, Rick Warren works for gay organizations all around the world.
He worked with the government, pushing the jab and lockdown orders. He partners with the
World Economic Forum, who are the authors of the Great Reset. And he affirms the
Pope and Barack Obama. At best, at best, Rick Warren is heavily compromised.
At worst, it seems like he's trying to addition for the role of false prophet in the book of Revelation.
Now, I don't really think that Rick Warren will be the end times false prophet. Don't misunderstand me, but that's the type of thing the false prophet will do.
He will be the preacher who does the bidding of the beast system controlled by Antichrist, who is really controlled by the devil.
And of course, the Bible tells us the whole world is under the of the wicked one. If you can't see that by now,
I don't know if you're ever going to see it. And I could go on and on. I could talk about Chrislam, how
Warren is supposedly, or was supposedly trying to make space for this blending of Christianity and Islam.
I could not find any video or documents to where I feel like I could really back that up.
So I'm not going to get into that. All this other stuff, I've heard him say it. I've read it. Yeah, I can back it up.
But the Chrislam thing, if you have any evidence, any links, feel free to put that in the comment section of this video.
And there's so much more to talk about. I'll link to a documentary that goes into more detail in my video description.
But one last thing, even if all of the stuff I just mentioned, even if all of that wasn't the case, here is a clear reason you should not look to Rick Warren as a
Bible teacher. He twists the word of God. He takes verses out of context like no one
I have ever seen. So I'll end with this. Before he retired,
Rick Warren decided he would ordain a few female pastors at Saddleback, which totally goes against the pastoral epistle.
It totally goes against the Bible, but 1 Timothy 3 makes it clear that a bishop or a pastor must be a man.
In chapter two of 1 Timothy, Paul says that he does not permit a woman to teach, verse 12, nor to have authority over a man.
And then Paul roots his argument, not in the culture, as some people claim, but the argument is rooted in the creation order or in the created order that Adam was formed first, then
Eve. So men are given headship. That's why women cannot serve as pastors in the local church, because the office of pastor or bishop is a ruling office that has teaching authority.
And all churches, here's what some people miss, all churches, I mean,
Catholic and Protestant, all churches for 1900 years understood this. Women were not ordained as pastors until the 20th century.
Look it up. That's a fact. But Rick Warren totally ignores all this. And he says things like this.
This clip is from, well, the channel Woke Preacher Clips. Check it out. They're a great channel, but listen to what
Rick Warren has to say. Now, great commission, go make disciples, baptize, teach. You can't say, well, the first two are for men and women, the last two are only for men, or maybe just ordain men.
That's eisegesis. That's right. You got a problem. Who authorized women to teach?
Jesus. All authority is given to me, therefore teach. All authority is given to me, therefore baptize.
You've got a problem with the great commission. Yeah, that's the great commission where Jesus, according to Matthew 28, 16, he's talking to who?
His 11 disciples, who are all men. And then if you say, well, by extension, the great commission is given to the whole church.
Yes. And every pastor for 1900 years of Christian history, right up until the 20th century have all been men.
It wasn't until after the feminist movement and the Marxist revolution of the 1960s that the liberal mainline churches started to ordain females.
So long story short, Rick Warren totally dismisses all of that, dismisses the writings of the apostle
Paul, and he rips Matthew 28 out of context. Let's listen some more.
On that day at Pentecost, we know women were in the upper room. We know women were filled with the
Holy Spirit. We know that women were preaching in languages that other people couldn't hear to a mixed audience.
We know women, it wasn't just men. Women were preaching on the day of Pentecost. Okay. So now he's talking about Acts 2.
He's taking that out of context. Can women preach? Well, in certain settings, they are certainly able to teach other women and children, but Acts 2 is not saying that women can be pastors.
It's not there. That is a total twisting of the word of God. And then he says this. I've looked at over 300 commentaries on those verses.
And it's interesting to me that almost everybody goes, yep. In the church, everybody gets to play. Everybody gets to preach.
Oh man. No, not everyone gets to preach. Is that what happens at your church?
Does every member of the congregation get a chance to preach a sermon? That doesn't happen anywhere. Maybe the children should preach too.
But remember the issue is over ordaining women as pastors. So he's trying to muddy the water.
Since preaching and holding the office of pastor, it's not necessarily the same thing. So Rick Warren, whatever you can say about him, he can be crafty in how he operates.
The very first Christian sermon, the message of the gospel of good news of the resurrection,
Jesus chose a woman to deliver it to men. He had Mary Magdalene go and tell the disciples.
Now that clearly wasn't an accident. It was an intentional. It's a whole new world, baby.
Now he has a woman go tell the apostles. You got it. Can a woman teach an apostle?
Evidently did it on the first day. He chose her to be the first preacher of the gospel.
Here we go. Have you heard this? Mary Magdalene is a preacher now. Mary Magdalene preached sermons in the early church.
Maybe she's an apostle. That's what some people say. But Ricky here, he says that Mary is teaching the apostles.
Well, no, she wasn't. She was just telling them what happened. You know, if I send my daughter to go relay a message to someone and she tells that message, that's not preaching a sermon.
That's not authoritative preaching of the word of God. That's, I mean, it's ridiculous.
So again, taking things out of context. Okay. So like I said, I could go on and on, but if you want more, check out the links in the video description.
But clearly Rick Warren is not a reliable source for Bible doctrine. He mishandles the word of God to support his own agenda.
And do you know what his advice to pastors is? One last thing. And how to build a successful church.
You probably have heard of his book. We've all heard of Purpose Driven Life, but he also wrote a book called Purpose Driven Church.
And in his teaching on that, he said that to build a successful church, you need to find out what people want and then give it to them.
Rick Warren and those like him are exactly the type of people that the apostle Paul warned about.
I'll close with these words from 2 Timothy 4, 3 and 4. Paul writes, for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables.
Thanks for listening. Keep fighting the good fight of faith. And until next time, may the Lord be with you.