Matt Slick - Q&A - 3-22-17


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And then I do the victory dance. And now it should be working.
So I don't know if you guys have a victory dance. Mic check. Mic check. OK, go get in there.
I'm live. It's Memorex. You guys know what that is. Some of you might.
Can't get this thing on here right. OK, come on. Get in there. There we go. All right. So we'll do some
Q &A now. If you want to ask any questions in here online, let me know.
We'll just jump right in and get that going. What? OK. Come with the camera.
We're doing that so the people who are watching can see too. All right. Stop at the tape. Stop at the tape. If you have it all framed out.
There you go. Now, try and look good. I know how hard that is. But you have to wipe on him too sometimes.
He'll be good. All right, Matt. He does? He does? Is there a camera? He looks better than you do.
That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. All right. I have a question on a
Roman Catholicism question, actually. Roman Catholicism. It's wrong. It's bad. Don't join it. Next. Why do
Catholics have priests if Jesus is their high priest? Oh, if they have priests, then Jesus is the high priest.
The Bible does talk about us being, in a sense, priests and stuff like that. But the reason they do that mainly, from what
I understand, is because they teach that all authority has been transferred down through Peter and through his successors by appointment inside the
Roman Catholic Church. So they call that the priesthood where they have their authority. And Jesus is the only high priest we have.
We don't need any more priests. And yet they are the priests in their sacerdotal.
And what that means is they have the merits of Jesus, the merits of the saints, the merits of Mary, and there's a treasury of grace in the heavenlies, wherever that is.
And that the priests, by the act of their ordination with the authority of the Roman Catholic Church, then have the right to administer graces to people through various means.
It's called sacerdotalism where they do certain means like penance, various things, prayers, whatever it is.
And they'll do stuff and grace gets re -infused into them. And so the priesthood becomes a spiritual mafia.
It's kind of an extortion. You know, your protection. You want your protection? You pay up.
What's the payment? Your penance. The priest. And they're the ones who make sure you're safe as long as you pay up.
That kind of a thing. I know it's going to be rather insulting to a lot of Catholics, but it's sacerdotal bunk.
And we need to go straight to Jesus. Jesus says, ask me anything in my name and I will do it.
John 14, 14. He said, come to me, all who are heaven -laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11, 28.
He never says to go to a priest. And I ask the Catholics, I'll be done here in a sec.
I say, does Jesus have all authority in heaven and earth? Yes. Matthew 28, 18. Yes, yes. Does he forgive sins? Yes, he does.
Luke 5, 20. 7, 48. Yes, good. Can you go to Jesus? Yes. Can you pray to Jesus? Yes. Can you ask him to forgive you of all of your sins?
Yes. If you do, will all your sins be forgiven? And they don't want to answer the question, because then that means they don't need their priesthood.
Yep. Got a question, Rob, or next, or who or what? Okay. Elders in the
Catholic Church, are priests considered elders, like the way we consider our pastors to be elders?
I haven't studied that very much at all, but I know that there's a level of offices that they have, and I haven't studied it, so I'm trying to remember as I talk, sometimes it comes back to me, but I don't think it's going to.
I think they had something to do with elders that are under the priests, a similar kind of office, but I could be wrong about that.
It's just not something I had to study very much. That's a good question, though. But I have read through it before on the various non -ordained offices that people can be involved in.
I forgot what they called them, but there's different ones. Yeah. I'm going to check that out. That's good. Any questions, comments from online?
Okay. From YouTube. From YouTube, or you to the group?
From YouTube. YouTube. From user TulipSelfTrendingGrace, what is the proper meaning when
God says, I will blot their name out of my book? What's the proper meaning?
He says, I will not blot their names out of the book. Not, he will, but he will not blot their names out of the book.
In Revelation 22, I think, he will not blot their names out of the book of life. Some people say, well, that means it's possible to be blotted out.
Not necessarily. He says, I will not. He says, this comes from Exodus 33 -32.
Oh, Exodus 33 -32. Exodus. I may not know the context.
Exodus 33 -33. I'm sorry, say it again. What verse? 32 -33.
Heretic. Okay, Exodus 32 -33. The Lord said to Moses, whoever has sinned against me,
I will blot him out of my book. You know, I don't know. I just have to go research it, see the context, what he's talking about, see what books being mentioned there, and stuff, because he says it's my book.
Oh, no, no, no, I misread that. The Lord said to Moses, whoever has sinned against me, I will blot him out of my book.
Yeah. I have to check that out. I just don't know the context. Honestly, I don't.
And I want to comment as though I can just kind of snow my way through it, but I just don't know the context, so I'm not able to do that.
Because there's different books that are mentioned. Which one is in reference? From Facebook.
Facebook. James Duana asks, each time I try to turn to Jesus and confess my sins, after a few days,
I go right back to what I've been doing. Any advice? Yeah. You know, you keep going back to the same old sin.
You sinner, you. Turn to Romans 7, and starting at verse 18,
Romans 7, 18, For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For the willing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not.
For the good that I want I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want.
But if I am doing the very thing I do not want, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me.
I find then the principle that evil is present in me for the one who wants to do good. For I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner man.
But I see a different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind, that means he knows what the truth is, and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members.
He's struggling against his own body, his own flesh, his own desires. Wretched man that I am, who will set me free from this body of this death?
Incidentally, what that means, the body of this death, one of the forms of punishment that the Romans would give upon people for capital punishment was to literally chain their bodies to a corpse.
And then as the corpse decayed, the decay, the filth, the maggots, everything would become enveloped on top of that person who was alive.
It was a horrendous way to die. And he says, who will deliver me from the body of this death?
Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord, so then on the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the law of God, but on the other with my flesh the law of sin.
And notice what he says here in verse 24. Wretched man that I am, who will set me free from the body of this death? Thanks be to God, in verse 25.
Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Who will set me free? Jesus. Now look what it says in Romans 8 .1.
There's no chapter break in the original. Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Now, here's what we have that's called the now and the not yet. So, I am considered justified in all my areas by the work of Christ and also glorified, which is yet future.
And you can go to Romans 8 .30 for that. Those of me predestined also glorified, etc. Glorifications of future things prophesied in 1
Corinthians 15, 35 -45. God sees me, and the person asking this, he's a real Christian.
He sees us justified and glorified in Christ. Why? Because when
Jesus died, we died with him, Romans 6 .8. When he was crucified, we were crucified with him, Romans 6 .6.
So, we were with him. He completely took care of everything that is needed. You need to see yourself, first of all, as loved by God, forgiven by God, completely and totally.
That's justification. That's the legal declaration of righteousness, where the righteousness of Christ is imputed or reckoned to us by faith,
Romans 5 .1, Romans 3 .28. Now, this thing called sanctification, the process that we go through in order to become more like Christ, that's what you're struggling with.
That's what I struggle with, sanctification. And every time
I fail, I always go to the cross. Every time I fail,
I go to my Lord and my Savior, Jesus Christ. Every time I say, I won't do this again, and I do,
I go to the cross. Every time I repent, and then I fail, I go to the cross. Every time
I get angry when I said I wouldn't be unrighteously angry, I then go to the cross. Even when
I feel like crap because I knew I was going to do it, and I did, I go to the cross. That's all
I can do. Paul the Apostle in Romans 7 .18 -25 struggled with his sin, struggled with what he was going through.
And he says, thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. He says, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
If you're in Christ Jesus, it means you're born again, it means you're saved. And he doesn't see you with that sin.
Now, he knows you've got that sin. And that sin causes a separation, a fellowship, a damaging of fellowship, we understand.
But what do you do? This is what you do. You repent yet again, you intend yet again to refrain from that sin.
And should you fall into it again, not that you're using the grace of God as an excuse, but should you fall into it again, then you go to the cross yet again.
And you always go to the cross. You always go to that place where your redemption was paid for with the blood of God, Acts 20 .28.
And the blood of Christ will cleanse you of all sins, 1 John 1 .9. You must go to the cross, you must go to Him every time for the rest of your life.
Because let's say this sin you have victory over, this makes more room for another one to surface to deal with.
And they're never going to end. And you continually go to the cross for the rest of your life.
And in so doing you bring glory to God. Not that we want to sin, not that I make an excuse to sin, not saying it's okay to sin.
We don't want to. Just the reality is we fail. When you do, go to Jesus yet again.
Trust Him every single time. Bring glory to Him every single time you do that by going to the cross and trusting in the cross.
And then ask Him for the strength to not sin. And struggle against it and more against it.
Just as Paul the Apostle said, he struggled. You're no better than he is.
You're like him. Just go to the cross. Okay? Anybody else?
Yes? When the Scriptures say that the church will fall away or go apostasy, we can hear you but yell really loud.
Just say it loud. When the Scriptures say, well when I yell I can't think. That's when you yell at your husband and you think.
Alright, alright. So when the Scriptures say that the church will fall away or go apostasy, does that mean like the worldly church?
Does that even mean like God's church? Okay, good question. So when it says there's going to be apostasy, what does it mean?
The true Christians or what? We have what we call the visible church and the invisible church.
The visible church is this building. The people who come to this church, they carry Bibles all over the world.
The invisible church are the ones who are truly born again. Now Jesus said,
I forget where it was, Matthew 24, to deceive even if possible the elect.
I forget what verse that is. So what that's saying is the elect or the chosen ones of God, they won't be deceived because they're truly born again and regenerate.
And so the visible church will fall away. And the representation of that truth will be a lie.
And we've seen that occur with Roman Catholicism. It's occurring and has occurred in United Methodist Church and United Apostolic and some other denominations that I know that are basically so liberal that ELCA, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, things like that.
There are denominations now that are going apostate. PCUSA, Presbyterian Church United States of America is another one that's just basically apostate.
And they're moving that way. That's not to say that there aren't true believers in those denominations because there are. But the visible church will be the denominationally led host of churches all over that's going to just start picking false doctrines to follow, like name it and claim it, blab it and grab it.
And I don't want to serve a God like that, that kind of idiocy, and it's going to happen. But the true elect will not be deceived.
Well, we don't know really what the persecution is going to be, but more Christians died in the 1900s than all of history combined.
The martyrdom for Christianity has increased. And I just saw an article titled Iraq. There are
Christians in Iraq, but basically they've given up because they're being obliterated.
Their churches are being burned down. They're being killed. So what would, you know, the persecution, what would constitute a persecution here in America?
Well, we're in FEMA Camp District 10, okay? And what if they were to come to us and say on my radio show,
Matt, you cannot speak against Islam anymore nor homosexuality. And then
I'll just probably say something like, those homosexual Muslims are really bad and, you know, take me away.
But if they're coming to get me, I'm going to take off probably. I know some who won't.
But, you know, what does it mean? Well, the persecution of the Christians is becoming such that the
Christians are so intimidated they don't want to fight back and they don't want to risk going to jail. They don't want to risk persecution.
And so the unbelievers are pushing because the Christians don't push back because the
God they want to serve is the blond -haired, blue -eyed, Caucasian surfer Jesus who does not overturn the temple tables, who does not go out and call people whitewashed sepulchres.
That's not the image of the Christ they want to serve. Because that's too dangerous. That's uncomfortable. It's not
Christ -like. And I mean that in a teasing way. Persecution can come in different ways.
We know, I know people where you're supposed to take in your work sensitivity training courses on homosexuality and other things.
And if you don't do that, you'll be fired. What's that? In the military also.
Probably in the police force, in schools. In fact, I've got on my phone, I've got pictures on my phone of the place where we have church is a middle school.
And a month apart I'm seeing in this one classroom we do children's church. I help my wife out once a month, do that.
And there's stuff pro -Islam in the schools. It's pro -Islam. I'm taking pictures.
It's never going to be pro -Christianity. The persecutors are going to be
Muslims. They're going to be atheists. They're going to be homosexuals. The homosexual community is very antagonistic to Christianity.
And Islam is very antagonistic to Christianity. You guys just heard about the latest terrorist attack today?
Yeah? I don't know yet, but maybe a Muslim. Don't know. What? It was?
Yeah. So the persecution can come in different forms. You'll lose your job if you don't go to this class.
We're going to arrest you if you speak out against XYZ. Or we just won't hire you because we don't agree with your whatever.
Or take your Bible and put it away. You can't have it in your desk, even though someone could have a
Koran on their desk. So this is what's happening. So I've got people
I talk to about things. And what conditions would we then take off and flee?
You never know until you're there. But the Bible talks about run to the hills.
When you see the abomination of desolation, you get a preterism, partial preterism, double fulfillment, stuff like that.
But I don't know. Don't know what I would do. But if I were arrested and in prison,
I'm going to be having Bible studies. I'll be witnessing. I'm gonna. We'll see what happens.
Anybody else? Just a quick follow up on that. How do you know when to stand?
How do you know when to stand? How do you know when to not run? How do you know when to run? The Holy Spirit will tell you.
In that hour, the Holy Spirit will give you the words you need. I can tell you.
Let me tell you something. I don't say this very often. I'm serious. I don't say this very often. But when you're in this situation, you can be in a situation where you need to give an answer.
And you won't even know what the answer is. And you inhale to start speaking. And then it comes forth.
It happens. You just go. There it is.
You'll have what you need at that hour. And why would that be the case? Because we're going to be on trial.
We're going to be persecuted. I am a complete pessimist. Boy, don't come to my church.
You'll walk away depressed. It's going to get bad. The stock market is going to crash.
There's going to be cats and dogs living together. It's going to be horrible. That's right.
I love that line. Chaos. Cats and dogs living together. I love that line. Okay. Another question?
Yes. Alistair from Facebook wrote an extensive question. Extensive question.
The summary is. The summary. Let's talk about 2 Corinthians 6 .14. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.
For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
Are Christians to take this seriously to not marry unbelievers? Don't marry unbelievers.
Don't marry unbelievers. Let me say it a different way, though. Don't marry unbelievers. Okay. Don't be unequally yoked.
Don't marry an unbeliever. I don't care if I were single again. I mean, I was dating and she's like, whoa.
Get away from me. What about outside of your sect?
Outside of my sex? Sex. Or your particular faith. We're talking to Grace from the
Planet Zarkul? No, like Baptists marry Methodists. Your flavor, different type of Christian.
I'm not a Christian. I've heard Baptists can be saved, so that's good. And Methodists, too.
Yeah, it can happen. You know, as doctorally pristine and pure I am,
I don't even know a lot of what my wife believes in a lot of areas. I just, you know,
I asked her, I think it was nine or ten years ago, are you Reformed in your theology? She said, yeah. Well, how long have you been like that?
She goes, years. Oh, okay. I mean, seriously. I just didn't.
When I teach, I teach. But, you know, in real life, so to speak, it's like, whatever. You know, you can marry a
Baptist, a Methodist. As long as they believe in Jesus, love Jesus. And I think that everybody should have, if they're not married, you want to get married, make a list of what you want in the spouse.
Number one, born again, loves Jesus more than loves you. Number one, you don't find that, just don't entertain it.
Don't care how nice looking or whatever, money, forget it. Number two, then you get into your personal stuff, like, whatever.
Can't say stuff. And then, yeah, we guys are going,
The guy doesn't say anything. The guys are like, But a lot of times people will talk to me, they'll go, they'll say, yeah, you know,
I want the, the guys will say this, I want the girls to be like this. I'm like, you've got to lick that. And they hear like that, and I'll go, okay, that's great.
I got you. But, of course, Christian. Yeah, right. And so I'll say, one other thing you're missing.
You're not praying about what you need to be for her. Yeah. And a lot of times, you know, the guys just miss it.
I want her to be a good cook. I want her to be really, I want her hair to be no more than 6 .8
inches on the left side. And she has to wear high heels, but never on Tuesdays.
And it has to be, you know, they get all these, of all these criteria. And then I'm like, well, if you're praying what you're going to be,
I'm already good enough. No wonder you're not married.
I said, one time, this is for real,
I'm counseling a couple. She's overweight. He looked like a missing link out of Darwin's Origin of the
Species. I mean, we're talking, he's talking like this, he's a brow like this. He comes in like this.
And he comes in for counseling, and she's a little overweight. And, you know, she sits down, and he sits down.
And he's trying to communicate with me. And I had to really, you know, work to get through to him.
And he said, he actually said to me, look at her. She's overweight. She's just not attractive. And I said, has
Natural Geographic contacted you by any chance? He goes, you know,
I wait for him to go. Yeah, they left three messages. Why? I can explain it if you're interested.
But, you know, guys are more interested in the things they shouldn't be interested in. They should be interested in what a godly woman is going to be.
My wife happens to be nice looking with a great shape and everything. So I literally lucked out there. Poor girl.
But I lucked out fine. But her greatest quality is that she loves the Lord. And she does.
She loves the Lord Jesus. And that's why she loves me. Plus she has great taste in men.
That's the opposite of what I always say on the radio. Yes? You have a question? Well, you can get into other areas.
You want to be careful of who you're going to write contracts with. And things like that too. And so, but, you know, like we have a morgue on a house.
Are they Christian? No. Are we unequally yoked in that sense? Yes. What do you do?
I would never marry an unbeliever. I would never date an unbeliever. Something like that. Because I'm already married, hon. Yeah, I'll do it to my wife.
I'll do it to my wife. I'll go, is that guy datable on TV? She goes, yeah. You're married. She goes, would you stop that? And I always try and get her.
She's on to me now. But, you know, so we have to take it with a little grain of salt. But we want to make sure that what we're trying to do is be as godly as we can.
And unite ourselves with godly people as much as possible. That's what we should do. And definitely, we can start with the issue of marriage.
Do not marry an unbeliever. I can't tell you how many times I've heard couples say, usually it's a girl.
I thought I could just convert him by being loving and kind. I'm like, honey, that's not why he married you.
So you're saying don't marry a Mormon? Don't marry a Mormon if you're a Christian. I know there's somebody here that's been up in history, but God works things out anyway.
We'll get into debts, paganism, and stuff like that. Another question? Yes. Adam Drapen from Facebook is struggling with answering to his family.
Please explain to my family how alcohol is not juice. Proverbs 31 .6,
give a strong drink to the man who is perishing and wine to one who has sorrows and let him forget his sorrows.
I forgot the exact wording. That's Proverbs 31 .6 and 7. So you can go there. Give strong grape juice to the one who is perishing and some more grape juice to the one so he can forget his troubles.
Because, you know, when I have troubles, I go to the grocery store, I get Welch's. Hey, honey, you know, it's been a rough day, so I have some
Welch's grape juice. I'm going to go upstairs and drink my problems away. And I come down, you know, like this.
I've got a whole cord in me. I feel so much better. This is not how it works.
And in John 2, another thing, in John 2, when Jesus made the wine out of the six water pots, six days of creation, six water pots, he made it with great wine.
And the reason we know that is because the wedding feast there, they had to have wine.
And the reason they had to have wine is because when you have a large feast, you have to order the wine ahead of time.
You don't just put water in 30 -gallon stone things for three months and then say, hey, let's just drink out of this.
You know, you get sick. It goes bad. They put alcohol in it because alcohol is a preservative.
And so what they would do is they have a very diluted kind of alcohol in wine and then they would often have to drink all day in order to get drunk.
But that's what they were drinking. And then the wine steward knew it was wine. He said, the best is for last.
He wouldn't be saying, the wine steward wouldn't be saying, hey, this grape juice is awesome.
Not what's happening. And the Christians who want to say that Jesus would never make wine, stop being prudes.
Stop. Stop being prudes. He made wine. And he went out and he drank with the drunkards and he ate with the gluttons.
And that's why they accuse him of being a drunkard and a glutton. You hang around with them. I mean, just think about it.
I wonder, and people who think like that, I wonder, would they let the real Jesus into their church?
You know? I mean, I've gone through on radio recently the resume of Jesus sent to a church.
I don't know if you guys heard that on the radio recently. You know, and his reputation. He's causing trouble. He overturns stuff.
He's a little bit violent. Calls people's names. We don't want that guy in our church. You know? He hangs out with drunkards.
And gluttons. And prostitutes. We don't want him in our church.
This is where Paul tells Timothy or Silas. I can't remember which one. It says what?
Drink some wine for your stomach. James 5, 14 or 16, I think it is. You can check. James 5.
I want to say James 5, 16, but I don't know. It might be that. Drink a little wine for your stomach. Medicine.
Okay? All right. Jonathan from Facebook wants to know what
Sikhs, or is that what they're called? Sikhs. Sikhs. Sikhs.
S -I -H -K. S -I... Sikhs. Oh, Sikhs. Sikhs. Sikhs.
I don't know too much about Sikhism. I've basically met one or two Sikhs. They wear the turbans because the long hair is something that they do.
They're not Muslims. They're not dangerous. They don't believe in violence. They're peace -loving. I know that. I've just not studied their theology.
Just have never had to. Just so uncommon. So, I'm sorry. I don't know too much about them.
I could find out. Proud military. Oh, that's right. They are. They're fighters.
That's right. But they're good fighters and respectful and honorable, I've heard. Yeah. With Sikhs?
Yeah, you don't want to mess with them. That's what I understand. They're good guys. But don't take their turbans off.
They don't like that. Yeah? Good.
Yeah. We'd appreciate it if you could. On camera, that's all. Yes. Thank you.
All right, Matt. What's that free will question that you asked the Armenians about the twins, and they're both together, and they both have a free will?
I heard you say it once, and I forgot. Okay. So, the Armenians will talk about free will, libertarian free will style, that sin has not incapacitated them, and or that prevenient grace restores them to the same condition that Adam and Eve were in before the fall.
I've heard different versions of this. And prevenient grace doesn't answer the question. It only causes more problems.
But what I'll ask them, I'll say to the Armenians, I'll say, look, they have Bob and Frank.
They're two twins, identical twins. Same mom, same dad, same home, same jobs.
They marry twins. At 30 years of age, they're both at a church service. Bob receives
Christ. Frank does not. Why? And they're going to say, because of their free will.
Why does Bob's free will enable him to believe and Frank's does not? They'll say, Matt, because that's his free will.
Why does Bob's free will enable him and Frank's does not? And they get upset. They go, because it's their free will.
So, you can't answer the question. You just say it's up to the man, but it's random. Because it's just the way it is.
It just happens to be that way. Why? Because that's just what it is.
Sorry. Yard clippings. They'll say, it's just the way it is.
They'll say it's their free will. Why does one free will enable them and another one does not? Did not God make them? Did not God put their free will in their souls or hearts or minds or bodies?
Yes. Then why does one pick? Because it's just the way it is. They don't have an answer. But the
Bible tells us an answer. They believe because they've been granted belief. Philippians 129. Our believing is the work of God.
John 6, 28, 29. You're born again not of your own will. John 1, 13. You're caused to be born again.
1 Peter 1, 3. As many as had been appointed to eternal life believed. Acts 13, 48. So, what the
Arminians are doing is taking God and man and doing this. They don't want the sovereignty of God.
They want the sovereignty of man. They want man's freedom. It has to be up to man's choice. Man's this.
Man's that. In order for God to be right. What I'll say to them is, so you're judging what
God does. You need to go to Romans 9. Maybe next week I'll do a Romans 9 study. Because this comes up more and more lately.
I think I'll do that next week. We'll go through Romans 9 study. Verse by verse and go through and show you what it's really teaching,
Arminians. And we can go through and show that it does not depend upon the man who wills
I will not serve a God like that. That's what the Arminians are going to say. They won't serve a God like that.
And that's going to haunt them. The thing is, what I'll do when I argue with them is I will quote Scripture to them. Now, I have two brothers.
One of them has a Masters of Arts in Religion. Don't talk about that too much.
He's a computer programmer. Great guy. And he has a Masters of Arts in Religion.
From Oral Roberts University. Very Arminian. He and I were discussing this 20 years or so ago.
And, you know, he has a Masters degree in Theology. I have a Masters of Divinity. It's one year more. So, we're going back and forth.
After 20 minutes, no lie, he said to me, You know what your problem is? I said, What? He said, You quote too much Scripture.
But he meant it in a jabbing kind of joking way. Because he does believe Scripture is primary.
But what he was doing was giving up. Because I kept quoting the Word of God to him.
And he didn't have anything to come back with very much. It was just reasoning. So, Arminians, in my opinion,
Oh, I'm going to make them mad. Want to elevate man and demote God. Because they don't want
God's sovereignty. And his right to choose and elect whom he desires. Because of whatever criteria he has.
They want to be able to do it themselves. Because they want freedom. They want their autonomy. In order for God to be fair,
Men have to be able to freely choose according to what they want. And I say, Show me that in Scripture.
Show me that principle in Scripture. It's not there. Oh, you're saying,
Matt, that God just forces people to believe? Never said that. They don't listen to what I say. Never said he forces them to believe.
But he certainly can change them. And then they do believe. And if he wants every individual to be saved,
In the sense that the Arminians think God means that. All God's got to do is show his glory to them. They'll believe.
And then I like to ask Arminians. Do you believe in the Calvinist God?
No. This is the recalcitrant Arminians who are the rabid anti -Calvinists.
Most Arminians I know are pretty level -headed. And I say, Do you pray for God to change their hearts?
Yes. Oh, you're a good Calvinist then. Because if you're a true
Arminian, you don't say to God, Look, God, they have their own independent, self -sufficient, free will.
Could you work the circumstances around them and provide them some prevenient grace? And hopefully they will believe.
Could you work that? That's not how they pray. Lord, would you change them?
Lord, would you bring them to the faith? Welcome to Reformed Theology. I make a lot of enemies.
Next question. Next. Next.
Roberto from Facebook wants to know, Can someone recommend a good apologetics dictionary that gives good meanings and examples of the words?
I would just try. There's a dictionary called the Theological Dictionary of Words, or the Dictionary of Theological Words.
I have it. I use it a lot. It doesn't give really too many examples, but you might want to combine that with Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology.
And between those, it'll be useful. And also, I like J .P. Moreland's Scaling the
Secular City. I don't agree with everything that Moreland says, but I'll tell you, there's a lot of good stuff in there.
Between those three, you'll have a good foundation. You can also get Greg Bonson's Presuppositional Apologetics.
And that is good. Because when you get that, you'll want to open it up and do this.
Oh, yeah, that's a good book. Put it right on that chest. Do you want to do that? I wouldn't. It's a good book. Yeah, it's a good book.
The guy's all gone. Oh, I'm not going to do that in public, but maybe at home I might try that. Can you repeat those book's names again?
Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology. J .P. Moreland's Scaling the
Secular City. Then there's Theological Dictionary of Words.
I forgot the exact title. I probably could find it here. I've got it on my Kindle. And I do have it.
Let's see if it'll show up. And what did I say? What is that?
Dictionary of Theological Words. Oh, good. This one's by Baker. Okay, yeah, there's the blotter.
This is really good. Baker's Dictionary of Theological Words. I have Baker's Encyclopedia of Apologetics.
That's really good, too. Try that. Got a lot of good stuff. So I have a lot of good books on stuff.
And Greg Bonson's Presuppositional Apologetics. I really believe presuppositionalism is the way to go.
Why? Because I assume it. Okay, ready?
Yeah. From YouTube. You're always saying something like, Jesus is dressed in a lady's nightgown.
Wait, wait, wait, what? You are always saying something like, Jesus was dressed in a lady's nightgown.
But what do you think Jesus wore, if not a robe? See, did you get that?
You see how it switched? I'm always saying that Jesus was wearing a woman's nightgown.
What's wrong? He was wearing a robe. A robe isn't a woman's nightgown. So the question doesn't make any sense.
Rephrase the question. Okay? I'm going to make them work.
Let's get the question down right. Okay? Get the question down right. Ask the right question.
Don't change words in the middle of the question and expect me to interpret what you want me to interpret or something.
I'm going to make them work for it. Anybody else got a question? Yes. Okay. This is going to go into it.
Okay. What's your view on non -lordship salvation? Non -lordship salvation.
It depends on what is defined, what lordship salvation is defined as. We always have to define our terms.
The three things you got to do. Define your terms. Use the terms and statements. And then use scripture and logic to validate or invalidate the statements.
So what is meant by lordship salvation? Some say that lordship salvation is that you must have
Jesus be lord in all areas of your life in order for you to be saved. Now that can get into some legalism.
But others might say, well, if he's not lord of all your lives, then you're in sin. And how can he be your savior?
You know, I just want to go, come here. We're Romans 7. Okay? And then another view of lordship salvation is simply that by default,
Jesus is the lord of your lives, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. And he's going to lead you through this area in life of sanctification.
That kind of lordship, I don't have any problem with. Lordship salvation has to do with making him lord in order to be saved.
No. You're saved and you're able to make him your lord. And that's how it works.
We don't comply with the law in order to be saved. If they're going to define things or emphasize things in that way.
And so, I remember one discussion I was having with a guy who wanted to debate me on lordship salvation. I think it was
Facebook. And I said, okay, first, define what you mean by lordship salvation. And he would never define it.
And he said, you know what it is. Stop lying. I said, look, I don't know what you mean by it.
If we're going to discuss this, what do you mean by it, please? And he never would do that.
He kept accusing me, and I said, bye. See, you can't handle the truth, can you? I get that a lot, you know.
No, I cannot handle the truth. That's why I left talking to you. Bye. See, I beat
Matt Slick. I beat Matt Slick. Thank you very much. Okay. Let's go bowling.
What? Say non -sequitur and see what they do. You know what a non -sequitur is?
It doesn't logically follow. After they insult you. You want to go bowling? Let's see what happens, you know.
Hey, I like baseballs. Beluga whale.
You didn't say anything. This is probably kind of old.
Kind of old? Yeah. Remember when the Left Behind book series came out?
Left Behind series, yeah. Can you give your opinion of it? They were entertaining.
I read one or two. Entertaining. It's fine. And I think the gospel was woven enough into it.
It wasn't a big deal. Just pre -tribulation assumption. It's, you know, it was entertaining. It was fine. No big deal.
I wanted to write a series called Still Here. You know, chapter one.
Learning how to survive on tree bark, you know. Just various things, you know.
Still here. Running and hiding and, you know. I have a pessimistic, cowardly eschatology,
I guess, huh? Run for the hills. Another one?
Okay. I don't know if you saw that.
He rambled enough that it was hard to follow. But basically, they do believe in the coming of an Antichrist.
The return of Christ himself. But their imam, the final imam, is they're actually looking for the
Antichrist. Because when you read what it is that they want, it unites the nations and things like that.
Makes a treat of peace and stuff like that. It's bad news. They do believe in the return of Christ. They do believe in a resurrection.
A final judgment. And a reign of a period of time as well.
So that's why a lot of people, not for that, but for that and other reasons, a lot of people consider Islam to be a
Christian heresy. It has so many Christian ideas in it. In fact,
I'm memorizing some stuff out of the surahs, out of the Quran. Surah 287.
Jesus was strengthened by the Holy Spirit. It's in the Quran. So there's a lot of stuff in the
Quran that is very Christian. And a lot of Christian terminology. But at any rate, so anyway.
I need to study their eschatology more so I can, and then see how many versions of eschatology there are in Islam. Like there are in Christianity.
Pre -Trib, Post -Trib, Mid -Trib. Amil, Pre -Mil, Post -Mil. Post -Mil,
Pre -Trib. But Mid -Trib, Amil. And then you have Mid -Trib, no.
Amil minus seven, no. Amil minus 40 days. Historic Pre -Mil.
I've heard all kinds of stuff. Who made these up? Guys who are sitting here laughing while they're having wine.
Made it up. Because they had some secret recordings from some of the guys. Hey Bob. Yeah. I was going to make this one up called
Pre -Tribulation, Mid -Post -Rapture, 40 days plus the new development of the
Temple minus the Antichrist. Yeah, that sounds good. And all they've got to do is get it published in a big
Bible like the Sculpture of the Reference Bible and people will believe it. It's kind of an inside joke.
Yes, got another question? Lots of questions. Let's just fire them out. Okay. Okay.
Good. Jehovah's Witnesses may be banned as an extremist sect in Russia permanently.
Their court case is pending next month. Good. Okay, you just answered.
Should all Christians support this coalition? Yes. We had Christians should support the banning of Antichrist damnable heresies.
Yes. That's good. Then what we need to do, if it's turned against us as well, is find other ways to get in.
Okay. Because the truth, they're going to want to know the truth. Here's what happens. Christians go when they break ground.
Then because the cults are organized, have lots of money, they go in and do what we can't. And then they rape and pillage the landscape.
Now, this isn't really related, but I have to say it anyway. You've seen the movie George of the Jungle with Brandon Fraser?
When the bad guys get out of the Busenboro jail, they're walking towards the camera. Two Mormon missionaries on bikes are riding by in the background.
Yes way. White shirts, black pants. And I went, hey, turn it back, turn it back.
My wife's going, what? Turn it, look at that. Mormon missionary. She goes, hey. I said, look at that.
And it's just, they're just all everywhere. They're doing what the Christians should be doing.
I got to learn how to ride a bike again, I guess. Get my white t -shirts on. I wish, you know,
I wish I had lots of money for Karm. We, you know, we're trying to raise funds for a guy in Portuguese, in Brazil, and a guy,
Turkish. We're trying to do some stuff. But wouldn't it be great to have, just hire people one place in each country.
You become the apologist, representative of Karm in that country. Not that you don't, one's enough, but you know, to do stuff, coordinate.
Wouldn't that be awesome? Send people on missions and stuff. Go here, go there. Hey, you go to Cuba. You go to here.
You go to there. You know, it'd be awesome. Send Miguel someplace. Just go. Get rid of,
I mean, get Miguel going someplace. He finally goes, he's smiling. Miguel, right?
That's your name? Yeah, okay. Nathan. I need Nathan.
He's my bodyguard. He's got a truck. I need a truck, so I'm using his truck.
That's why. Yeah, I got his trailer right now in my driveway.
I'm filling it with junk. And we trimmed our tree. Trimmed my tree yesterday. Do you have the can of paint?
This tree paint? Yes! Yeah.
Yeah, I'm going, where is it? He's got to have our tree paint. Man, a chainsaw is nice. And the tree just falls, the limb.
I told my wife, I need a chainsaw. She goes, okay. And she goes, what do you need it for?
Just cause. I'm going to cut things like steak, you know, on the plate. You know, just stuff.
The army of darkness. Okay, more questions?
You want to just get them out here? Let's see. Mark from YouTube.
From YouTube. He says. Okay, Tim Keller.
No, they should not.
And they're all wrong. Okay, and the reason they're all wrong is because you don't want to open your doors, your personal doors in your personal houses and open the door and invite the gang members to come into your house.
Now, would you? Because that's the same thing, isn't it? Yes, it is. But they don't want to do that.
Well, the thing is, we want to have refugees come into our country. We want to have them according to the law.
But we don't want to invite people into our homes who are going to kill us and our families.
There's no way, to bring the analogy, I would open my front door and put a sign out and say,
Syrian refugees come into my house. By the way, this is what I do for a living.
They would come in and they would kill me and my family. And so, they have the same view, not every
Syrian does, but they have the same view because they're Muslim of destroying the great
Satan, the United States. They need to be vetted. There's nothing wrong with vetting them and having them come in.
That's different than just opening the doors and letting the enemy come in. And personally,
I think Islam should be classified as a political system, so that it can be outlawed.
Now, that sounds radical, and a lot of people would say, Matt, you're very unchristian. Whatever. The thing is,
I do not want something in our country that is designed to overthrow our country and destroy the
Christian faith. Kill homosexuals, don't want that. Killing the atheists, we don't want that either.
Destroying our constitution and putting women in subjugation under Sharia. That's what
Islam does. And if they had the intelligence, all of them, enough, they could go, for example, to my website and they could go look up Islam and statistics and see how murderous and how violent
Islam is proportionally, when certain people or numbers are in each country, how the violence increases.
And they say, let's bring them into our country. Really? No? Then let's say you open your front door to your neighbors and say, unvetted people, let them into your home.
Let's see how you do. We want them in, but they need to be vetted, and we have to be careful, because I know what
Islam does. I've studied it for years. I don't trust Islam. I don't trust that it's demonic. And the
Presbyterian people are saying, and I'm Presbyterian, they're saying, basically, in their phrase or statement, what we need to do is let the
Antichrists purposely come into our country, those same people that we suspect are going to be infiltrating the good people.
We're going to let the good people come in so the evil people we know will come in who want to destroy our country, kill our people, overthrow our government, then the blood's going to be on their hands.
Based on what that guy said, how is what they're saying twisting what the Bible said? Because I'm assuming that's what they did.
I believe that. I'm just saying, how would you say, who's out there twisting it? Yeah, the aliens. Because when the aliens came in, it's a cursory thing.
I haven't really done a deep study. I'm going to have to. When the aliens came in in the Old Testament, they were welcome.
They weren't coming in to kill you. They weren't coming in to overthrow your system.
And a lot of people don't know. That's what Islam is designed to do. Let me give some advice to the people who might be listening to this.
You want to solve the problem about all this research for Islam? Let me tell you something that will help you do this. Get a
Quran. Go to Surah 9. Let me explain why you go to Surah 9 and read Surah 9. You have to understand something about Islam.
You have to understand something about the Quran. This is simple. You'll get it. It's not that problematic. You'll get it. You'll understand at that point.
There's what we call Medina Surahs and Meccan Surahs. Medina comes after the Mecca. So Mecca's here.
Medina's here in Saudi Arabia. So Muhammad was here. And he got a little persecuted.
He fled to Medina. He got real big and powerful. Came back to Mecca. Kicked some major butt. Now, the
Meccan Surahs, peace, love, peace, peace, be patient, be kind. The Medinan Surahs, kill, destroy, subjugate.
So these are the latter Surahs. You can go to my website and you can see the differentiation, a listing of the
Meccan versus the Medinan Surahs. Why is this important? Because in Islam there's what's called abrogation. It's kind of like Old Testament, New Testament.
It's kind of like that, but not, but it is, but not. To abrogate means in Islam that a later
Surah takes precedence over a previous Surah. A Surah's a chapter. So if a certain
Surah exists written after a previous one, this takes precedence.
It's a later revelation. That's very important. Think Mormonism. Think Jehovah's Witnesses. The same principle.
This takes precedence over this. Now, if you go to the Quran, there's 114 chapters. They're not arranged in chronological order.
They're not arranged by Meccan and Medinan Surahs. They're arranged basically from the biggest Surah first, the first one isn't that big, but the second one is very big, and it generally goes down to the smaller
Surahs. All right. So, in order to find out what the chronological order is, you have to go to a different source.
I happen to have done the research. You can go to Qaram and you can read it up, but let me help you out. The last Surah written,
I believe, is Surah 110. Go check out Surah 110, or maybe Surah 114.
I can't remember. It's been a while. It's about that long, like three verses. The second to last
Surah is Surah 9. That's the second to last Surah that Muhammad wrote. In Surah 9, go read it.
Now, this is important. Surah 9 is the second to last, and the last Surah that's written, nothing takes precedence over it.
Nothing in the topic covers what's in Surah 9. Surah 9 .5, Surah 9 .29, kill the unbelievers.
Pursue them and destroy them. That's what the last word of Allah is to Muhammad for the true
Muslim. In Surah 354, it says that they can practice what's called taqiyyah.
Taqiyyah is lying and deceit in order to advocate and promote Islam. They can lie and they can deceive.
In Surah 354, it says Allah is the greatest of deceivers. Now, what they're going to do in the English, they'll translate it.
The greatest of planners. It's mahr in the Arabic, and it means deceit. He's the greatest of deceivers.
So, Muslims follow that. Even after vetting them, you're probably going to get a lot of people who've just lied to their teeth in order to get into America to help destroy it.
And these people who like to sit in their ivory towers, sorry, and who want to go to the Old Testament and say, this is the same thing that's happening now.
We need to just let them in, then open your front doors and invite the Syrian refugees into your own homes.
Let's see you do that. Now, we've had several foreign exchange students at my house.
In fact, tonight, a new one's going to be there tonight. The reason is because this
Italian one, we have a Japanese one right now, this Italian one is not working at the house she's in.
They're only going to be here for a couple of more months. Bring her over. She's there right now. All right. Whatever, it's great.
No problem. We vet them. Because you see, if the head of the person, of the group said, you want to be a foreign exchange student?
Yeah, we'll do that. We'll take them. Okay. Well, you can tell us anything about them? No. Well, we would prefer that, you know, they, well, we're going to choose from a pool of murderers, rapists, people who've sworn death to America, and then there's going to be some good ones.
Both of them are going to be good, though. About 95 % of them are going to be really good, but we know that within this group, there's going to be some, well, people who like to kill
Americans. So, what time would you like to have one come over? No, thank you.
We have foreign exchange students in our home. They're sweet. They're all girls.
You know, two Frenchies, two Japanese, one from Colombia, and now one from Italy. Great. We want to make sure they're okay.
They're coming into our homes. Okay? Our homes. So, they need to get their act together, and they start studying
Islam. I'd be glad to go out to any presbytery and teach them. Get David Wood or Sam Shimon to do it.
They know. They've forgotten more since lunch than I've ever learned on Islam. Thank you,
Steve. The rebuttal is probably going to be the refugees. The rebuttal is what?
The refugees. How can we turn away a refugee? Easy. You go like this. That sounds harsh, doesn't it?
There's a video out there on YouTube where a guy does it with gumballs, I think, and he does a representation of the population of the world with gumballs, and then how many wars, refugees, and the whole bit, and how many come in, and it's,
I don't know, it's been a while, but it's like one gumball out of this vast amount, and you say, this is how we're going to help people.
That's not what helps them. Absorbing refugees into our country isn't going to help them that much.
It can help individuals. What needs to happen is those totalitarian false regimes need to be toppled.
You've got to deal with that issue. That's what needs to be done ultimately. I don't have any problem with refugees coming into the country.
Just vet them and make sure they don't want to kill us and overthrow our government.
That's all. I think it's simple. Use the open your door to your own home analogy and the foreign exchange student thing.
Well, you know, one in a hundred are murderers. You want to just, we don't know which one's going to be in your house.
You want to pick one? I don't know. What person in their right mind would pick? Maybe a redneck might, but...
That sounds like a good time to take him out there and go hunt some deer and stuff and get a couple platypuses up here in Idaho.
I saw him flying over here the other day. Yeah, I saw one and it was flying.
It was flying. I saw it. I took my shotgun and it went... I was trying to talk with a low
IQ, you know? I don't know what went... Bill Bailey?
Bill Bailey. Not the same thing. Not the same thing. Bill Bailey, redneck? You ready for your question?
Okay. Okay, side note. The guy who asked this question is from Bedford, Oregon, and you went to seminary with his former pastor,
Dale... Meter. Hey, I knew he was going to say that, Dale. Who said that? Meter.
Hey, how you doing? Have me out there. I'll teach. Say hi. Dale's cool. Good. He is going to ask the missions director if she would invite you to speak at one of their conferences.
Absolutely. Absolutely. I'd love to. I've got to hassle Dale again. Okay. I taught at his church a little bit in...
What's the best good meal? Trying to remember everything. Getting older.
I'm old. Okay. John Calvin called heliocentrists devil -possessed madmen.
Have you heard of that? Heliocentrists devil -possessed madmen? Who says that?
Said... I'd love to hear that quote. That'd be awesome. John Calvin said it'd be great to put it up there.
T -shirt. Okay, so what? That'd be awesome to have that quote if it's real.
John Calvin calls heliocentric people devil -possessed whatever. Madmen? Cool. Okay.
Hey, great. No sweat. I like John Calvin. Have you looked into that confirmed or... I've never heard of that.
But if he's got a quote and a reference I can look it up. That'd be awesome. I mean, come on.
Who's perfect? Who says everything right? I mean, look at you guys. You don't... What's that?
I gotta go. That's right. I went over to their house for dinner once. It was a really good dinner. It was. They've got good guys.
Yeah, that's right. Okay. What is your view on the Anabaptist view of the law especially with their proof text like Ephesians 2 15 and Hebrews 12?
I don't know how to answer that one. I have to review what their Anabaptist view is of the law in light of those two verses.
Okay. The proof texts they gave were Ephesians 2 15 and Hebrews 7 12. And enmity with God.
Ephesians 2 15. Enmity with God. And what? What's the other one? Hebrews 7 12.
I don't know what that one is. But I don't know what the Anabaptist view of the law is. Because you can tell the person's asking a specific issue about a specific thing in the
Anabaptist thing. So if you were to say their view of this is in this respect. Because when you say what's their view of the law even the reform camp has different views of the law and different aspects of what the law is.
Law is one sense something that shows you the majesty of God but also shows us our depravity.
The law brings about the opposite of what it requires. It requires holiness but brings us damnation. So it's kind of a generic statement but I haven't studied that particular to know so.
Okay. A change of the law. Interesting. That's what Hebrews 7 12 says. Change of the priest is a change of the law.
Any other questions? Yes. What? See you missed it. I said what?
You said question. It's an interrogative. What? Do you want me to ask you a question or not?
Yes. Okay. That's it. That's it? I asked you a question and you answered it.
Yeah I did. You just spent too much time Tina from Facebook says what is
Karm's position on the Restoration Movement? Which part of the
Restoration Movement? People have got to be specific. The Restoration Movement. That's like saying what's
Karm's position on the return of Christ? We're for it. We're for things to be restored.
Michael Heisser Have you heard of Michael Heisser? I'm not certain. It's mentioned that he's an
Old Testament scholar that teaches polytheism. Is that something that rings a bell? Old Testament scholar that teaches polytheism?
Yeah. Teaches it in what sense? As in he promotes it or teaches the Old Testament heretics who taught polytheism and he teaches what they taught.
He didn't expound. He just used Michael Heisser as an example. Heisner? I'm not certain.
Heisenberg. Uncertainty principle. That's really bad. No one's really laughing at that one.
Square root of 4 ,363? Square root? I don't know.
That's a good question. It would be 200 something. On that, do you want to end with a joke?
Okay. What was the first fast food restaurant mentioned in the Bible? What was the first fast food restaurant mentioned in the
Bible? What? Judas Iscariot. Judas Iscariot.
Well, that's pretty bad. Well, there is one that is very vague.
They want to know about because the Jews are God's chosen people. Even though they reject
Jesus, how are they going to be saved or brought back to God?
In Romans 11, 25 and 26, it says when the time of the Gentiles ends that what's going to happen is all of Israel will be saved.
How will that occur? By God's preordination, and he's going to enlighten them. He's going to open up their hearts and their minds and they're going to be saved.
Covenantally, he worked with Israel, but he has, so to speak, in a sense, replaced them right now with those who will carry out the
Gospel message. I don't believe in complete replacement theology. Myself. In complete, in the complete idea of replacement theology, one view of it is that Israel is completely gone, not going to be used, done.
The Christian church has completely replaced Israel. That's called replacement theology.
I don't believe in that because Romans 11, 25 and 26 says God's not done with Israel yet. But we have, in another sense, replaced
Israel because Israel was the chosen. The Messiah was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, Matthew 11, 24.
Since they rejected the Messiah, then the time of the Gentiles came in and we're doing what Israel should have done.
And then 144 ,000 male virgin Jews are going to be preaching the Gospel later. Looks like Israel's going to get its act together and become very powerful evangelists all over the country, all over the world.
That would be great to see. That would be awesome. Could you imagine, what if it was in that literal sense, just all of a sudden, everything's coming, hitting the fan, whatever, and you're hearing about these guys doing miraculous stuff all over the world, and you put it together, it's 144 ,000, and you hear, one's coming through Boise.
I'm going to go see, you know. That'd be awesome. Don't know if we'd hear about it, but if we did, cool.
The J -dubs would be bummed. Only 144 ,000 go to heaven, the heavenly class, and Jesus only mediates for the 144 ,000.
I had an hour conversation with a Jehovah's Witness today, recorded it all. Not all. All except the first five minutes.
Maybe I'll put it up on the web later. We can do that. Any other questions, comments? That's it? We're done?
What? They wanted me to go on camera to read the questions, and I said no. They wanted you to go on camera to read the questions?
Well, it's too difficult for her to go on camera to read the questions. And read the questions. Why do they want that?
Well, they said, how come we can't see the person asking the questions when everyone else has to go on? Just turn the camera on, yeah? No. Yeah.
Why not? No. Turn the camera on. Here's why. I'll tell you why. Why? Because she is reiterating, she's repeating the questions.
So if Joe Blow, Joe whoever, who's asking the question online, wants to come here and be on camera to ask the question, then please do.
Thank you. she's not asking the question. She's forwarding the question.
It's a girl thing. They're not mine. It's not a girl thing. It's a girl thing. What's not? It's a girl thing.
No, I got it, I got it, I got it. I gotta let you know. I don't care, just put me on camera. That's just a girl thing.
I'm wiped out. Actually, no, when she turns and listens, it's a scream, not an ah, it's a ah.
That's what that is. That does happen early in the morning. Yes, it does. Okay, yeah,
I think we're done. We're done? Alright, we're going then. Thanks everybody.