Regeneration with John Piper, “Faith: Unique and Fruitful Effect of the New Birth,” Part 2, 14


Covenant Reformed Baptist Church Sunday School Regeneration with John Piper, “Faith: Unique and Fruitful Effect of the New Birth,” Part 2, 14


When first Peter 123 says we are born again
By the living and abiding word that word is the gospel which we preach and that gospel is defined on he died
For our sins according to scripture. He was buried. He was raised according to scriptures.
Those are Historical events. This is a story about a person and about an event that you could see with your eyes
Touch with your hands here with your ears. That must be known
Believed embraced as a historical reality Through that we are born again
Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures. We are saved by believing it
Standing in it embracing it faith comes by hearing and Hearing by the
Word of God Romans 10 17 Listen to Galatians 3 2 & 5.
Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law? pause insert
Mantra I will do this thing. I will do this thing. I will do this thing
Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith hearing what?
The gospel the story does he who supplies the
Spirit to you and works? Miracles among you do so by works of the law or by hearing with faith answer hearing with faith in other words
Hearing with faith is what happens when you're born again Through the living and abiding
Word of God because the Word of God is the gospel and the gospel awakens faith It's news about Jesus Christ, it's news you never can emphasize enough that the heart of Christianity is news
Did you hear did you hear? Son of God has come Son of God lived son of God died for you son of God rose again.
Death is defeated. Hell is closed Victory over death is achieved.
It's for you. Will you have it? It's news We turn it into so many other things besides news
It's just stunning news really good news And you got to understand it
Hear it like a story Gotta know who is this Jesus?
And what do you mean by cross? And what's a resurrection? Understand a few things and then you gotta embrace it.
Did your hope of life Living in abiding word the gospel is not a mantra.
It doesn't work like that It doesn't work through the repetition of sacred sounds
It works because it is an intelligible truth about what really
Happened in history about Jesus Christ and how as a perfect God man, he was put to death by the father's will bearing the wrath of God so that we
Might go free from our sins and then he rises to vindicate his work and he reigns at the father's right hand
There's the story. You got to know that Believe that Not work yourself into an empty -headed free immediate communer with some abstract divine
Reality, please Bethlehem Don't go there Don't add that on and thus undermine the gospel
So what we learn from first Peter 1 23 Born again through the living and abiding
Word of God. Is that the whole worldview? Supporting the mantra is wrong.
It isn't rooted in history It isn't rooted in Jesus Christ. It isn't rooted in intelligibility of historical reality and narrative it isn't rooted in responsibility of human mind to construe meaning from the preaching of Christ It isn't rooted in the duty of the soul to see and believe the gospel
Christ crucified I'm jealous for you. I am jealous for Bethlehem to have discernment when you go to the
YWCA And not be foolish
Signing up for your yoga classes not knowing what you're doing
Maybe even leading them and not knowing what you're doing yoga is to the body
What a mantra is to the mouth They're both rooted in the same worldview you go to the
Minneapolis YWCA website Go to fitness classes. Try this tonight go to fitness classes and then do a little search yoga ping 22 entries beginning yoga
MS yoga youngster yoga youth dancing yoga yoga for everybody
Here's one definition of mantra yoga quote
One has to chant a word or phrase until he or she transcends mind and emotions in the process the superconscious is discovered and Achieved or here's the definition of yoga at one website
It's not a Christian website, it's just these are just yoga websites Yoga focuses on harmony between mind and body
Yoga derives its philosophy from Indian metaphysical beliefs. The word yoga comes from Sanskrit language and means union or merger
The ultimate aim of this philosophy is to strike a balance between mind and body and attain self enlightenment
To achieve this yoga uses movement breath posture relaxation Meditation in order to establish a healthy lively balanced approach to life
You were born again by the living and abiding
Word of God this word is the gospel of Jesus Christ crucified and risen and reigning on Your behalf don't fall prey to another gospel
Don't undermine the true gospel by attaching another
Gospel to it. There is no other gospel and there is no other path to God or to ultimate well -being then hearing understanding and believing the scandalous news of Jesus Christ So when we come to John 1 1 so here we come get into the text when we come to John 1 1
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the
Word was God We don't stop there and rip it out of context and make it serve mantra.
We don't do that We keep reading To find out what do you mean?
Who are you word? And we come to verse 14, which is why
I ended the text there and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us
We have seen his glory Glory as the only Son from the
Father full of grace and truth That's why the word can't be a mantra became a man
The gospel became a man And the man became the gospel dwelt among us
Lived a perfect life died in our place Bore the wrath of God rose physically from the dead
Comes to us in a historical narrative Christ comes to you in the gospel
The gospel is the power of God unto salvation
Christ comes to you in the gospel the story of his saving work
That he died for you that he rose for you our job
Hear it by grace Understand it
Receive it be born again in it and never never never never
Never by mantras or any other means try to empty your brain of it ever empty brains are
A big welcome sign for the devil Jesus said sweep the room clean
Put nothing in it Seven demons come back not one. Do you think this is small stuff at the
YWCA? Let's focus on verses 11 to 13 he came to his own this
Touchable seeable flesh Jesus he came to his own and his own people did not receive him
Don't be among that number in this service Downtown South don't be among that number.
Don't you be among that number came to his own People did not receive him but be among this number to all who did receive him
Who believed in his name? He gave them the right to become children of God Who were born?
Not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God The structure of those two verses 12 and 13 is very similar to first Peter 122 and 123 in verse 12
The right to become a child of God is connected with what?
Receiving him that is believing on him said in two ways use either one
Receive him or believe on his name same thing just repetition So in doing that You receive the right to become a child of God you become a child of God That's very much like verse 22
Where we were purified by obedience to the truth The purification representing what happened to the new birth in obedience to the truth was obedience to the gospel, which is faith.
So faith and new birth Being in child of God are connected in verse 12 here like they were in verse 22 in first Peter 1
Then in verse 13 Being born again is not connected with the act of believing but with God's act of begetting
He's mentioned faith and child of God in verse 12 now is mentioning Born again by God born again by God Who were born again verse 13?
Not a blood nor the will of the flesh nor the will of man but of God so the emphasis in verse 13 is
God did this and the emphasis of verse 12 is
You believe and you receive and in that you become a child of God Okay, it's the same thing we saw last week there are three negations in verse 13, right?
not of blood Not of the will of the flesh not of the will of man
Literally not of will of a male the word there's not generic man. It's Male like a husband, but the emphasis falls on but of God So not those three ways are you born again, but this way
God did this Will of flesh didn't will of man didn't blood didn't
God did but the emphasis God does this But what are those three negations?
Why are they there? Why didn't he just be positive and not negate three things?
Why don't you just affirm? divine agency in the new birth instead of negating three agencies
What do they mean what is bloods it's plural literally because that would sound weird in English so they didn't do it not of bloods
But it helps you understand what it means because it means two bloodlines hers and his
Mingle in procreation and you got now this person That's how you make people to bloodlines and he's saying that's not the way you make a child of God You make babies that way, but you don't make baby
Christians that way That's what he's saying And then the next one is will of flesh flesh.
Remember chapter 3 that which is born of the flesh is flesh Flesh symptom is human fallen humanity without the
Holy Spirit what I can do on my own. I Can make babies But I can't make children of God and then the third one
Specifying one particular example of a will of the flesh and that is a husband's will a
Husband can have sex with his wife or a male can rape a woman and he can make a baby
But he can't make a child of God Now what's the point of all that? the point is
Especially for the Jewish people of that time and maybe for your religious tradition today. I don't know where you're coming from who
Was involved in your being born the first time is totally irrelevant
To your being born the second time Okay, I don't care if they're Jewish Catholic Lutheran Baptist American Russian irrelevant
It isn't happening that way So he's trying to just help free all of us from any notion
That you're born into this thing like your ethnicity has something to do with it or your socioeconomic standing has something to do with it or the faith of your parents has something to do with it or the fact that you got
Baptized because you were born into that kind of family has something to do with it And he's contrasting with all of that human agency
Not another better kind of human agency like not of blood nor the will of flesh nor the will of man, but Something else you do
No, that's not the contrast. The contrast is no human agency none but of God you're born of God God brings you into being if you exist as a child of God It's because God brought you into being as a child of God the new creation in in Christ.
The new birth is God's decisive work now I'm ready to admit that if we just had verses 12 and 13
You might make a case that there's nothing Absolutely certain about the flow of those verses or what he says there that Demands that God's begetting be the cause of my believing like verse 12 is all about my believing and In that I become a child of God, but it didn't say which comes first or which causes the other
Does my being a child of God enable me to believe or does my believing? Make me a child of God and then comes verse 13
And it's not connected in a clear way that makes that obvious the emphasis just falls on God's doing it
But we're not left With just these two verses to understand
John's understanding of this So I invite you to go with me as we close to 1st
John Chapter 5 so John wrote the gospel and John wrote for second third
John So if you want to know what John means here in terms of which causes the other
Does faith cause the new birth or does the new birth cause faith?
John is going to tell us very clearly his answer to that Even if verses 12 and 13 might not be as crystal clear as you'd like.
So we're at chapter 5 of 1st John Verse 1 this just settled it for me years ago as I was wrestling with these things
Everyone who believes 1st John 5 1 Everyone who believes present tense ongoing action everyone who believes
That Jesus is the Christ Has been born of God perfect tense.
The tense is there are all important for understanding how this works John is saying that if you are a believer you are a believer because you have been
Born of God, let me read you John Stott. John Stott is a level -headed
Expositor You want to see just level -headed no nonsense say it like it is don't get caught up in any big theological system
He never was known as as a system tizer He just did faithful exposition year after year after year in London and now he's an old man in the nursing home down in Bristol and may
God bless the socks off of him and Keep him faithful to the end as his mind is enabled to be faithful So I'll read you
John Stott from his little first John commentary. Here's what he said the combination of present tense believes and Perfect tense has been born is important it shows clearly
That believing is the consequence not the cause of the new birth our present
Continuing activity of believing he says is the result and therefore the evidence of our past experience of the new birth by which
We became and remain God's Children in quote.
I think that's exactly right And you can call yourself whatever you want.
You don't have to put a name on that theologically You can just say I believe first John 5 1 that's what you can say
I'm a John guy this John not this John. I Want to be a
John guy like this John. So what's the upshot of all this?
the upshot of last week and this week is that God's action act in Bringing about the new birth is the creation of a believer
So when God I've been I've been explaining this to a lot of people who've been asking me questions I'm gonna use my little hand actions here again.
So here's a dead heart. All right dead Unbelieving rebellious heart with no spiritual interest at all anytime something spiritually
Significant comes it just bounces off because it's hard as rock and there's no life within it by which there can be any attachment and here comes the
Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus in the channel or the arrow of the gospel
Being spoken across your kitchen table perhaps or This pulpit or the radio or however
God wants to do it it's arriving toward this dead heart with a mega freight of divine power and the instant that this massive power of God in and through the gospel
Connects this dead heart with this living Spirit Christ Life happens.
There's no time -lapse and what what this life is is believer a believer comes into being
So there's no year between new birth and faith No, there's no zero warrant
For calling anybody born again, who's not a manifest believer You can speculate about that if you want
I'm not going there because it says we are born again through the living and abiding Word of God this word empowered by the
Spirit Uniting this dead heart to Jesus comes and it touches it and just like when you put your hand in a socket
There is no time -lapse between being shocked and going pew, right? It is instantaneous.
You touch electricity you go like this When God touches this dead heart it goes like this and this is faith
Born again through the living and abiding Word of God therefore
The new birth does not come about through a mantra It's not sustained by a mantra
It's not increased or improved by a mantra or anything like it
It comes as a God -given Clear -headed
Conscious embrace of historical person historical events and the historical meaning of those events as Delivered in the story of the gospel
That's the way God saves sinners That's the way God creates the miracle of the new birth it's most remarkable that something as concrete and tangible as news about events and a person could make a miracle happen and my dead heart lives that's most amazing and Because of that I can and I do
Appeal to you look at him Let me look at him in the gospel.
I've repeated the gospel probably eight times in this message Look at him in the gospel set your gaze on this person
Jesus Christ The Word became flesh and dwelt among us full of grace and truth.
We beheld his Glory fix your gaze on him.
Watch him go into Gethsemane watch him go into Good Friday Watch his silence
Instead of calling down twelve legions of angels upon his enemies watch him pray father
Forgive them. They don't know what they do Watch him say to a thief who should go straight to hell for a life of total thievery
Today You will be with me in paradise. Watch him.
Watch him. Watch him And oh may God grant your eyes to see and to embrace this