Social Justice Unredacted - What Goes on in "Pass The Mic 101"

AD Robles iconAD Robles


This is social justice unredacted. Email me here to expose more from social justice advocates: [email protected]


let you know when it is i'll give you an opportunity to enter it uh to introduce you got your guys as well looks like we are live and we will get started in just a moment all right i'm gonna put the link to this in the comm box so you guys can uh if you want to share it you can it's up to you though you don't have to just share it real quick myself all right we'll get started in just a minute just waiting for a few people all right well welcome to social justice unredacted my name is ad robles and i have decided last minute to call an audible and to bring on a few people to back me up a little bit so that way i didn't have to carry the whole thing by myself because i didn't think i was capable of doing that so i decided to assemble a crack team of the of the worst white supremacists i could find and i found him man i found him easy because we have we have those white supremacy meetings every day so uh let me just introduce who who's going to be on this with us today uh first i'm going to introduce jamal bandy that's how you pronounce it right yes sir tell everybody who you are and where they could find you jamal all right my name is jamal bandy once again first i want to say thank you for um allowing me to be on this with you and have this discussion it's very serious discussion um i'm a husband i'm a father um i have a youtube channel prescribed truth and i also do podcasting as well you can find that at prescribing truth um a podcast and um yeah christian and that's it i'm i'm gonna save that for that awesome awesome and then the other white supremacist i got here his name is edwin ramirez and uh edwin why don't you introduce yourself and and tell people where they could find you yep so again man thank you for this privilege and excited about the opportunity man just to exalt the lord jesus christ and kind of shine a light on this issue at hand so my name is edwin ramirez i'm a husband father three children and um been a for um several years and walking with the lord and the the the more i walk with him the more i realize how much i don't know and i'm humbled by that and uh praise god for that um you can find me at um i do blogging you can find me at myproverbiallife .com
um one of uh the blogs i wrote which we may refer to tonight is something that ad shared um which is kind of like my breakout social justice blog so yeah yeah that's that's where you can find me at though yeah no i appreciate that edwin where do you live i live in uh jamestown new york so it's about the south of buffalo what about you jamal columbus georgia georgia awesome awesome all right well we're gonna get started here in just a minute but i wanted to start off you know some some of the people that watch the uh watch my youtube channel we're doing the um the summer bible reading challenge that came out of christ church in in moscow idaho and so it's it's called same page summer so everyone's kind of reading the same thing at the same time and and yesterday or two days ago we're reading john 7 and uh john 7 is you know the whole book of john is awesome but but john 7 it's you know we got christ and he's talking to the pharisees and the pharisees you know they're always trying to catch him you know in some kind of a sin and they and he he heals he heals that uh that brother on the sabbath and this and the pharisees freak out and they they say hey man you're breaking the sabbath and all that kind of thing and one of the things that jesus says is he says he says stop judging by outward appearances and start judging justly amen man we got we got we got the king james you know listen for all my king james people out there it says judge not according to appearance but judge righteous judgment and and we have all kind of heard this this this verse before what it means really is that look there's a lot of things out there that look like they're just they look like they're righteous they look like they're good but at the end of the day they're not what you have to do is you have to look at the law of god to determine what's right and wrong you have to look at the law of god to determine what's just and and the the whole trick there was the pharisee had had come up with this whole law that made it seem like they were keeping the sabbath but they really weren't and so the social justice movement in my opinion has a lot of things that look really good they look really righteous it looks like you're keeping the law of god but at the end of the day when you when you actually look at what's happening uh it actually in many ways overturns the law of god and so we're looking at the fruit of something you know good trees bear good fruit bad trees bear bad fruit right how do you tell the difference is well what what comports with the law of god if if it's if if you're doing god's law if you're doing god's work well then that's good fruit but if you're not then it's bad fruit and so that's the whole point of this and i think what we'll find here when we we look at this uh this stuff that we're going to look at is that it has some serious problems when it comes to when it comes to the that's putting it lightly that's right and so it has the appearance of of something that's good because i think look look i know i was joking earlier we're not white supremacists but but at the end of the day man like look look if none of us are for racism right right there's no reason for us to be for racism and i know that they would have it right and so we're not we we know that being against racism is a good thing but at the end of the day uh a lot of this stuff isn't really against racism as well as we will see so um does anyone have anything to say quickly before we get started yeah you go ahead brother i'm i got a my little mouth and lay him down real quick go ahead do your thing i'll be back all right no problem no problem all right so i'm going to share my screen here for a minute and this is going to be the first um this is going to be the first screenshot that i'm going to share now i've i know that i said this is social justice unredacted but i have redacted some things so here's what i've done um i'm not redacting any of the content but i have redacted some of the names and what i've what i've done is i've left i think three names and the reason i've left these three is because these are public figures so i didn't want you know look the whole point of this is not to embarrass anybody it's not to it's not to it's not to to ruin anybody's life nothing none of that so if you're a part of this pass the mic group but you're not one of these you know you're not a moderator you're not someone who's in charge you have nothing to worry about here but but i wanted to leave some of the names because some of the names are known quantities people that are involved in this social justice movement and so again i'm not trying to embarrass anybody but at the end of the day this stuff needs to be exposed so here's the first screenshot that i'm going to share this is um i'm just going to share this real quick all right so this is a uh a screenshot that shows what the past the mic 101 group is all about now i was told that this was kind of a group and edwin you know you have a little more knowledge of this than i do because you are actually in some of these groups but um what i was told was this is kind of like a remedial you know learn about racism group for white people in particular yep right and so here's what we here's what we have here let me let me just read this to you you guys and and tell you you can just react if you like this is from ali henry i know it says ali smith but this is ali henry and so what she says is passing like 101 is designed for white people to learn about racial justice decenter whiteness and learn how to engage in the main group from time to time privileged voices which is people of color may choose to engage in this forum their engagement here is a gift and should be treated with respect now let me stop there what do you guys think about that yeah man this i mean it goes without saying but it's that's divisive i mean that that that doesn't foster a community of um christians who are focused on the person of jesus christ um it's that i mean the group could easily say shut up and listen right you know right so it isn't it isn't christ -like um and i could talk about that more later just my experience yeah yeah it already shows a point of marginalization already as soon as you come into the group you know as you read this is already if you're a white person you read that automatically it's like my my point doesn't matter here like there's nothing intelligent that i can bring to the forums there's nothing uh helpful beneficial you know and the only ones that are as it's called a gift is people of color you know and concerning some of the rhetoric we see in the recipes is like you see do you actually believe this is a gift right should be treated with respect you know well we'll see that in a minute of all we will so here's here's here's the uh here's the kind of look there's a lot one of the things i noticed about this group right away i read these screenshots there's a lot of rules and there's it's very heavily moderate now there's wrong with moderating something you know reform pub moderates you know there's lots of lots of like big popular podcasts have groups and they moderate them pretty heavily but this one is so ridiculous so let me just read some of the rules for white members ready so so pass the mic 101 white members should avoid tagging people of color into threads refrain from tagging people of color while replying even if the person of color has engaged in that thread or sub thread let me just finish these and we'll talk about them white persons should react appropriately to posts and comments by people of color reacting indicates that you're listening i'm sorry i'm laughing but avoid demanding time and emotional labor from people of color asking questions is appropriate but do not ask questions of people of color that could be easily googled asking clarifying questions is appropriate and here's the next one avoid whitesplaining or debating with people of color this space is for your education you will learn more if you listen wow this is yes man so so let me just say the the one that i found the most interesting in my opinion and and this is just because i i don't know i'm a weirdo but react appropriately to posts and comments by people of color because reacting indicates that you're listening what this is actually saying in context if you read the rest of the the screenshots that i have this is talking about like liking things or like laughing or like having angry faces like you know the emoticons the emojis it's one of the rules for white people is you better put the right emoji just so we know you're listening yeah is this not psychotic psychotic yeah it's it's wild so what do you think about those rules though honestly what do you think about them yeah so go ahead jamal oh no the first thing i was gonna say just one word and i know this may seem like uh oh this is expected for him to say this but the first thing come to mind is racist and the reason the reason why is because you take this you take this rhetoric and then you replace whiteness and white centering with blackness and black center and then you have a a white person say that what would be the first thing they're gonna say racist right and they'd be right yeah yeah it'd be correct but then this right here for some reason will not be seen cannot be seen as such and it is it is it's sad man void white -splaining what in the world is white -splaining how do you white -splain i know it i know what it is but i won't tell you yeah no but seriously no i'm actually i'm serious no i hear you i hear you yeah yes i'm like like like what in the world is that and then you're talking about uh i don't understand what it's about decentralized whiteness i get what they what they try to mean by that yeah it just it's it's racist you know and so i mean that's that's just the first thing come on there yeah what do you what do you think edwin when you see those rules i mean honestly like it strikes me the same way it strikes jamal as is obviously there's partiality all up in this group i mean if the whole group is partiality but that's what do you think yeah it's crazy so i i was in the group and um i was heavily influenced by the group um i i saw myself um as privileged because i wasn't white um like i had a merit to myself and those those rules um really help put things in perspective like that's right this is this is how um white people need to submit themselves to the voice of those who have color people of color and so when i read those when i when i hear those rules man it it's like um it's like a an old friend you know who was close to you but it was so bad for you and now you look back and you thank god you and him are not close anymore i've had a lot of those in my life same yeah no i yeah i mean i just you know and this is this is obviously going to be the theme a lot in this in this thing today but i i just can't help but but but think of it it's just so obvious to me that this is about revenge and what i mean by that is you know you hear constantly about white privilege and how you need to divest of your privilege and you need to do the privileges like the enemy right privilege is the enemy but but but in the at the end of the day it really isn't the privilege that's the enemy because in in this group they do privilege it's just the white that's the enemy it's not the privilege it's just the fact that it's white that's the enemy and so like i don't know why i don't know why that this is not obvious but it just seems like look i know like you've been privileged for a long time now it's our turn you know you know what i mean no i do and one of the things that they that they from from my time in it is that um you've been privileged in a in an ungodly way we're going to show you how it's supposed to be yeah does that make sense so so you've been you've been using your white privilege if you look at american history this i'm speaking from their perspective if you look at american history you've your your privilege has been through thievery right but but but really the privilege uh is is for the original man that i've heard people say so many times or uh you know black and brown voices and so we're going to show you what privilege ought to look like you know and this is the way it needs to be because you know remember james cone is a huge proponent in this movement and james cone you know tell you that um you know jesus like was black and that jesus died for black people and poor people and that's what the kingdom is for well cone said that blackness is salvation it's the same thing that's right oh wow and it's and it's it's just and blackness to cone it definitely has to do with skin color but also it's it's just a it's a posture almost it's it's a it's it's the opposite of power you know what i mean it's like it's it's very interesting anyway let's uh let me read let's do something else here hold on i'm sorry i'm technically not that savvy one of the other things i thought was interesting guys is this whole thing about avoid tagging people of color and threads even if they're like even if you're in a conversation like you know on facebook like you're talking to someone and you tag them so that they get a notification that you you talk to them you know and it's saying avoid doing that even if they're even if you're talking like if i was talking to you jamal in this group i'm not allowed to say jamal you know what's that about what's the point of that yeah i i don't know it seems like a lot of the stuff that was in this in these comments or these threads was centered around trying to protect them from some kind of therapeutic trauma if they if you get tagged so if you get tagged it's like there's space i'm taken away and there's i just it's traumatic i gotta see that notification that i've been tagged in a comment you know it's like come on like it's it's it's crazy you know are we adults right like honestly like when i get tagged if i don't want to talk and this happens every day to me if i get tagged i don't want to say anything i just ignore it i mean what do you guys do yeah yeah you can you can you can unfollow the the thread and it's easy it's easy to do that turn off notifications to this post yeah it's crazy because in the group man it is it is like a big um it's like a big therapy room you know it's like you're you're petting each other like like it's almost like being traumatized is good yeah does that make sense like it isn't it isn't good but it's like they walk around traumatized you know there's there's there was always pictures and videos and memes posted and it was always angry faces and then a lot of things something else bro a lot of times because you can tell the you can tell whether or not an article or a meme or something was going to be uh pro uh what was going to be good or was going to be bad by the emote by the emojis so if you look at the emojis and you see hearts and likes um you look at them right and you read the subtitle on the blog the blog is is so some of them would be like feminist woman 101 you know and a lot of the times it was liberal sources yeah of course were being liked and loved because they were speaking for their they were using their voice in their form of traumatized you know being traumatized and and let me just say this too because you know at the end of the day like one of the reasons why i chose to redact some of the names even though this is social justice unredacted is because i don't blame people that feel traumatized over this stuff necessarily because at the end of the day it's not all their fault they've been conditioned and they've been told that a part of a part of spirituality is to have this trauma and to and to and to embrace this so i don't i don't blame like the run -of -the -mill social justice advocate about them feeling trauma i blame the leaders because i think they i think they know what they're doing and i think they're i think that they know they are building a groundswell of support and a lot of them make money off of this and so that's that's who i blame but but anyway all right let's let's move on here so i'm sharing my screen with you guys again this is something that when i heard about this i i was shocked and i didn't get to have access to all of the units but this passed the mic 101 group for white people if you're white you have assignments this is like this is like school you guys are laughing but this is serious yeah listen listen to this hold on i'll let you comment tomorrow but let me just read this this is ali henry again she says we have chosen to make the social learning units the landing tab in this group because eventually the completion of these sections will determine your participation in the main group we are listen to this line this this line made this guy got me i laugh when i read this we are still working on how to do this in a way that doesn't feel like segregation but that also doesn't make the person of color feel like they have to complete the training on stuff that is about whiteness this is so interesting to me because because she knows this is not right i i can i can hear in the words like like this feels like segregation this feels like partiality but we're trying to figure out how to make it not that if you watch this you can't because it is that you can't make it not feel like segregation and that that feeling you feel that's a good godly shame because the holy spirit is telling you this is wrong man this is wrong anyway go ahead guys amen what do you think about that yeah yeah it's the testable man it's shameful it's uh it's you know i'm laughing um and and i'm hoping that people who see me laughing you know it is in one sense it is funny but in another sense man it's so grieving yeah um and so it's so anti -christ you know um that it's it's people people believe this and they walk around thinking this way in their churches in their discipleship groups at their jobs and man it's just so grieving you know yeah i hear you guys man and and honestly like like again like i laugh a lot on my channel too you know and it sometimes sometimes honestly the reason i laugh is because if i didn't laugh i would just cry yes it's so it's so ridiculous it's so ridiculous it's ridiculous it's like i can't if i don't know i don't know ally like i don't know who that is i don't know if she professed to be a christian or she does okay and that's the thing is like i can't it's ridiculous because i can't imagine a christian yeah thinking like that and it's been a whole it's been my whole grievance of this whole issue is that everything that's being said is these are professed christians who are who are thinking this way saying these things you know it's like you call a spade a spade if it feels like segregation nine times out of ten it probably is you know just like we're talking about lying and lust anything like that if we gotta question it if there's something going on we gotta question the thought of it it probably is right jamal and the thing is that i agree with you because at the end of the day like i've heard a lot of stuff that sounds just like this and and actually your uh your character woke brother like i've seen so many youtubes of people just like that but they don't profess to be christian so it's like i get it i understand but it's hard to hear this from people that profess to be christians and i'm not saying that they're not christian i'm just saying that it's it makes me sad and that's why i say like the holy spirit's talking to you if this still feels like segregation to you you know what i mean yeah because because because pagans that are woke they don't it doesn't feel like segregation they don't care you know what i mean because they they don't have the holy spirit right but all right let's let's jump on so this is this is some more rules and we're going to move on from the rules in a minute and and and just for for people that are watching like just keep in mind i i have 200 of these screenshots and there's so many rules it's unbelievable there's so many units there's so many rules it's just it's crazy so i had i had to pick and choose and so hopefully i picked right this is a this is the rules about how should a white person engage with privileged voices again privilege is not bad it's just a matter of that it's white but privileged voices in past the mic so here are the rules when commenting on the main group are white members should do these things number one reflect on if their words are needed are you adding to the conversation or centering whiteness number two reflect on if the topic is something that needs a white voice or opinion reflect on if it's appropriate to engage with the subject is this a topic that is for you or about you here's one that i found interesting guys avoid saying things like quote thank you for sharing or quote i'm learning from you on posts that are not intended for white education people of color do not exist to teach you about racism avoid unnecessary comments like following oh my make sure your words make sure your words add to the conversation avoid asking people to educate you google is free you can't figure it out it's appropriate to submit an inquiry to the group this one's funny privileged people of color's voices by waiting for their engagement before you comment the exception is threads in which white participation is solicited now these rules i just they're just so preposterous the one i found so interesting is this one this is just so petty man this is petty so let me just be honest with you guys i one of my pet peeves is when i'm on a facebook group and somebody comments following because they want to get notifications for the the thread that's a pet peeve of mine right like because you can very easily follow the thread without commenting that that's a pet peeve of mine i agree but to make that a rule right how petty and it's not only a rule it's a rule if you're white right notice this is a rule for white persons it's not a so if a black guy or brown guy goes hey following that's not a problem but it's a problem if a white person doesn't because and i think it's because they're taking up space that's not intended for them honestly man is this is this not the most pettiest kind of thing that you could imagine like look i hate when people do that but i would never say anything because it's not a big deal right right right right yeah it's it's oh wow what wow i mean i mean these rules are just so they're there's just a mixture of partiality and pettiness and just making a mountain out of a molehill like imagine what what can you guys imagine i mean look maybe you guys are in this world crowd better than better than i am why would they say you can't say thank you for sharing what's wrong with that that that they can't say thank you for sharing yeah like why can't a why can't a white person if you let's just say you said something edwin about your experiences and a white person commented thank you for sharing that's actually against the rules in this group why would that be against the rules i mean uh from my experience what i what i've seen was you know you're you're only in a position to listen and learn really i mean you know we we're gonna we're gonna educate you and if you if if you have and i it's crazy man because i remember adopting this ideology of google it right you know when you when you when you said google it bro when you said one of those that was yo i used that as my arguing card right right i shouldn't i shouldn't have i shouldn't have to tell you this google it you know and it's like it's like robots bro they all they all sound the same and they all brother john harris um did a video on the language that critical race theory and the woke social justice movement uses and man it is it is across the board they use these key words that you can just trace it and google it is in there you know what i mean like yeah yeah because it's like the idea is you should already know and the fact that you don't is a reflection of your privilege of your white privilege right and so because you don't know you need to shut up and just listen and don't just be commenting you know this is let me just say one more thing sorry go ahead um another thing that they say is you know as a white person you don't get to decide whether or not you're an ally we decide that for you yeah that's huge yeah so so if you're asking questions and it looks like you like are a part of us you're not so slow down google it and we'll let you know whether or not you're an ally that's huge what do you think jamal about i mean honestly well i just want to say i i did i googled white explaining while we were talking so wait wait wait good white people man wait wait i googled i googled white explaining all right and um and i just realized again i've been i've been clouded by whiteness all my life i understand what that is trust me we're gonna we're gonna see that in a minute we'll get to that we'll get to that all right and you know what's crazy man and i know we're gonna get to this you know what's crazy is like if this has been noted so many times but if we just reversed the the terminology right if we if we said all we gotta do black splaining or black privilege you know right right and we all these terminologies all hell would break loose it's embarrassing to say that because you say it all the time but it works every time it works every time because the bible doesn't know about this well the the the privileged class can can be can be evil but the underclass can't like we don't the bible knows nothing about this but but that's what this is all about jamal did we interrupt you i'm sorry you sound like you're about to say something funny oh no no no i don't think i'm gonna say anything funny tonight but um all right now i'll just i'll just about just to just piggyback what we're saying concerning all this is is crazy like you have to wait for somebody else a person of color to comment before you can comment yeah you know that's what you think about um back then uh civil rights movement it's like this is like payback or something it's like they it's like it's like they want to have some kind of revenge like oh you can't eat until they eat you can't still on the bus until they come on you can't drink from the fountain you can't drink this fountain you can't and this is and this is the thing like none of us it's like none of us on this yeah yeah well this is the thing like none of us that are talking you still there yeah all right none of none of us that are talking right now deny rate like racism exists and i'm sure that we've all experienced it like like it's no good like like racism's it's a real thing and it was more like there was more of it in the past there's less of it now thank god but there's it still exists and it's not fun it's not good it's sinful but like it doesn't make it any more okay because you're in in minority class like it makes it it doesn't make it any more okay i just don't get it well that's the thing too brother it's like in their in their understanding they're they're not racist because they can't be i know because they're not they're not the majority you know when you're not the majority you can't be racist because you don't have the power and the privilege and that's why we got them here because they do have the power and the privilege in this group and what are they doing with it they're showing partiality they're showing prejudice they're they're lording it over people like in this little tiny little bit of power that they have they're doing the wrong thing what do you think would happen if they had more power exactly and i think that's guy no i'm just gonna say i just i think it's good that's why i like when when you're discussing these things you always bring it back to the biblical term of it partiality you have because you know because that that disarms that argument you know you know yes it's partiality so partiality has no color and it has no status right it is what it is what it is a matter of the heart you know all of our hearts beat the same according to you know according to god's grace and so you know there's no issue with that you know they stay away from that and i've heard people be faced with an argument dealing with partiality and they it's like they try to dodge it you know go around it as if you know oh that's not a bigger deal abnc and this is what this is what jamal is referring to here in case the viewers don't know this is leviticus chapter 19 this is the this is the same passage where we get love your neighbor as yourself this is where jesus quoted from that it says this it says you must not pervert justice you must not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the rich it doesn't matter if they're rich or poor it doesn't matter if they have a lot of power or a little bit of power it doesn't matter if they're black or white you can't show partiality no matter what right and that's and that's the whole point that's what you're referring to jamal that that whole idea that it has no status it's partiality partiality and that's just what the way it is amen all right let's let me share this because we're going to move on here we could talk about this for a long time but let's just move on real quick oh hold on a second here application window all right so this is i i couldn't tell if this person was an admin or not so that's why i blotted the name out but here's what it says you can see the picture so if you know this person you know you know who it is but listen to this so i don't know i didn't know how to feel about this i know there's partiality here but i didn't know if it was that bad basically this is what this person says in the main group there are times when posts ask for black or people of color voices only white people should practice invisibility on such posts invisibility means that you should refrain from commenting or reacting to the main posts and comments there are some threads that white people should avoid reading altogether there's no way to police this but it's something to think about they're trying to get in your head man like that last part is ridiculous like you should avoid reading it altogether like like they are literally trying to get is this cultish this is cultish but that first the first part about like look i'm asking for only blacks or only people of color i feel like that might be okay because sometimes i'll ask a question is one of these groups like hey look i'm only looking for for uh for baptists in this one or only presbyterians in this one because you're trying to you're trying to decipher something like maybe maybe edwin knows how does this work in practice is it something like that or is it is it used in another way i mean i as a christian i don't want the opinions of just black baptists or white presbyterians right you know what i'm saying like i want to know what the bible says right you feel me like this is this is stupid man it is unfruitful it's ungodly it's you know i don't see christ in that no no not at all not at all all right all right yeah that's all right i don't have much to say it's like yeah it's it's like what else like man like you see something like that and i get you saying it doesn't seem like you're showing much there but it's all there as far as partiality goes right right you know because you're talking about it because this past my group was talking about important issues and so i understand but not being able to even react and that means emojis like you can't do an emoji yeah you can't no emojis no hearts no likes even if you agree there's nothing just invisible i will say this though man because you just made me to remember something jamal i will say this that um i think a part of the reason why this takes place in this group is because um there's an emotional tie that you have as a person of color in these groups where you you really think and live in suspicion right so so there's there's no trust um and and nothing is given the benefit of the doubt um and there's this like air of um of of of oppression you know like i remember man i i remember man and i i want to say this man for anyone who's watching and i hope this is helpful if you're in the woke movement man um i remember my wife is white right my wife is um swedish um and and i remember talking to my wife when i was woke and i remember telling her i was like boo like you gotta use your privilege to to like bring out the good in in blacks you know and i remember and i'm ashamed of this you know it's my past but i'm ashamed of it man i look back and i'm like wow but i remember us going out of our way and i remember distinctly my wife going out of her way one time when we were in the supermarket and she greeted a black woman and just was kind to her and i and i taught i said babe you got to be kind to to black people and people of color because they are the oppressed people you know and and you got to use one of the ways you can use your privilege is by acknowledging their identity by acknowledging their personhood and i remember my wife coming home saying yeah i talked to this black now my wife my wife before that conversation would talk to anyone you know what i mean like it didn't matter if it was a white person or black person but it was it was exempt it was highlighted even more where now you got to look for it and go out of your way to gain this merit you know what i mean so it's it's grieving man if you're in this movement man examine your heart and see if do you really do you really love your neighbor regardless of the color of their skin and are you really seeking for the good of your fellow brethren regardless of the past and history regardless of your own background man loving with the love of christ is so huge in this whole thing man yeah i i was just real quick i just want to say i was thinking about this um a while back i made a video on this on my channel and it was like i was really blown away and like everyone said like this level of suspicion that'd be like if somebody was a comment or somebody was to like it there'd be a level of suspicion but it's like it's we've forgotten of what corinthians teaches about what love does that hopes all things we're talking about we're talking about brothers and sisters and in crisis but yet we're not even hoping all things anymore we're not believing all things anymore it's automatic it's automatic that you got to be against me you got to be my enemy yet we're claiming the same savior that's what makes it so heartbreaking yeah because like you're supposed to love me you know and yet you don't but you say it's love because i want you to see my oppression but you but you're trying to get me to see your oppression by oppressing right about being oppressive and it's right and you don't and and and and listen we're not saying it's the same kind of oppression that no no no but but but even in the little authority you have you're trying to oppress that's not how you can't out sin your sin you can't send your way out of sin it doesn't work that way all right go ahead go ahead i know you're only trying to move i'm just saying i did that we can't like we can't we can't we can you already said it twice already on here's like we know how serious racism really is right and there's no you know nobody's trying to downplay that you know i know that'd be the first thing to come out to bring up like we're trying to um you know compare the two and stuff like that right right yeah we're trying to compare that if somebody would take what i said concerning the person that says like no but oppression is oppression whether the levels are not oppression is oppression and all this evil and so it's like you know the bible tells us do not repay evil for evil you know the bible says the bible says counter evil with good you know and so what do you do if you do suspect sin in your neighbor what are you supposed to do what you suspect sin in your brother the one who is me goes to him you know and it's like we're not following these principles as christians and that's what it breaks my heart the most is that a lot of this is being peddled by professing christians who have a voice and have a platform that's getting a lot of ears right yeah yeah no and it's funny as you talk jamal like i'm thinking about some of the james cone that i'm reading and and and and james cone has answers for what you just said and he would basically say that's that's that's whitey theology that's whitey theology that that you turn the other cheek that you don't repay evil for evil now we got to do we got to do this by any means that we think is is good anyway well i won't get into that because james cone is a whole other thing but anyway um let me read this one to you now i'm not going to claim that this is this is common in this group because i don't know um and and it's not necessarily put forward by the leaders of this group i don't know that it is either but but i've i've heard that the perspective i'm about to show you is it doesn't exist i've i've brought this up before and people say well that's just ridiculous no one ever talks about this but it actually literally in this group is talked about and there's no shame in this like this is something that's proudly talked about here it is our white supremacy and christian supremacy two sides of the same coin how have ideas and doctrines about the great commission and evangelism and god's sovereignty and election been used to prop up and spread white supremacy how has the idea that the indwelling of the holy spirit received only through belief and faith in jesus gives believers some sort of spiritual advantage been used to diminish others experience with god and and and look like i'm not saying you can't kick around ideas if you want to but this whole idea of christian supremacy like to me it's just like okay like is a christian culture possible in this perspective because if let's just say that let's just say god willing man people repent and we've got a majority of christians in this nation we don't but let's just say we did one day would that automatically be well you're you're denying the people other people's experience of god like where's the christianity in any of this i i honestly want to know yeah yeah yeah i don't i don't know i don't see it in that man the um just just real quick idea i i hate us a lot from people when they bring up um earlier america as far as like this is the spread of white supremacy dealing with um especially christians profess christians in time who own slaves and so on so forth and um who push forward and everything else without giving proper context and it's it's it's funny when you actually you can google it too but when you actually look at this stuff and really look at it in its entirety it's like man these these people like had like they had people's on their hearts because they were image bearers of god regardless when the world was saying they were nothing when the world saying they weren't people it's like no they are souls they are people you know um you know it's it's real just real quick if i may the um whitfield for instance i i was doing i did a video on um dealing with him because you know a guy asked me a question concerning i did a video on him and there's something interesting just one point i want to bring up go man this man this man they always they always pull they always harp on him because they say well he pushed for slavery in georgia you know he wanted it to to go he wanted to continue but the reason why he wanted it to continue and you know and somebody may look at this and say oh that's but the fact he wanted to continue that's enough already but no listen god the fact that he wanted to continue was because he had an orphanage in georgia yeah yeah an orphanage in georgia but yes but he or the orphanage consisted of black children he cared for black babies and he didn't want that orphanage to fall apart he didn't want those black children to have without to be without a place to stay and then and then those that he cared for those that he that was master over loved him what is one of his slaves after he passed away one of the women who was a slave and wrote a point talking about how good they how much they they valued hearing the word of god from him listening to him talked about his they gave they she spoke about his words if it was angelic yeah you know and it's like that like that's crazy why can't we see any of that you know saying like how god even in his province this is why they thought like christianity election and providence and all that stuff like that because like oh because there were christians then who said maybe god used his providence and his providence allowed this to happen that we can do these things my brother i said that i said that one time on a on a the one of the very few conversations i've had with somebody i said it online that exact thing that you know this is god's providence like i thank god for the slave trade in the sense that my family came to know christ because there's a good chance that if if that never happened that they i'd be a muslim right now you know i mean there's a good chance now i'm not saying that the slave trade was good what i'm saying is god used it for his good purpose purposes in his providence god intended good and when i said that people were freaking out like like how could you say something so evil like and really that that this is this is a theological problem too but yes it's the same thing it's the same thing with concerning um joseph yeah yeah same thing was was it good was it good for his brothers to to be him put him in a hole and sell him in slavery was that a good thing no but what is what is joseph proclaiming he says that y 'all meant it for my evil but god meant it for my good like acknowledging god's providence in that and so if if he can acknowledge that even joe even joe with everything that happened to him there were men there were men who came and killed his family so on so forth yet he acknowledged that it was god who did this he allowed this it was his providence and then you know saying it's so like the witness of scripture is true and so we take the witness it's like the witness of scripture is good for back then but not today right it's like you know it's like okay right right and even if they would intellectually say it's good for today they don't act like it though right yeah they don't act like because god made you a black guy god made you puerto rican god made all those white folks white and so there's no reason to divest of that god that's that's a gift from god he made you white yeah you know what i mean you know what's interesting too man as i'm hearing you guys talking jamal that was great man thank you for sharing that brother um one of the things i've noticed is there's a disconnect between if you remember that the group many people may not know this the group is reformed that was his essence that was his foundation is that it was reformed so no not anymore but and this is this is why this is why though um because in one respect there is like it's like candy like you know reform the the providence of god the sovereignty of god and all those things are good it tastes good but then when you when you strip it away like a candy it leaves your teeth rotting and the rotten thing about the reformed theology aspect is that it's rooted in white supremacy right so so even even these reformed um figures that we have come to love a lot of them and this group have actually divorced themselves from the puritans from whitfield from edwards from calvin because they their their reformed teaching is theologically sound but it denigrates the identity and the being of the person who isn't white and so they they've actually made a shift from it being reformed and it's not the group isn't founded it's no longer founded on theological truths it's founded on emotional you know this emotional aspect so so it's actually truth truth is subjective in this group it isn't objective the objectivity of god's word is not the final authority in this group it's not it's subjectivity you if you're oppressed if you feel victimized if you feel that you you know that you know that you have trauma then it doesn't matter what what's if you talk about the providence of god the sovereignty of god the objective word of god is secondary to the subjective emotion to the individual yeah all right let's move on here i wanted to show you this now we're gonna shift gears here so there's a lot more rules to this group there's a lot of other things we could have covered but we're gonna move on we're gonna start to talk about how this group talks about people like us black and brown brothers in christ who do not agree with social justice how they're talked about hold on lady go ahead coons you mean that's right that is what i mean you're right you know and and this is more than one's way to say coon like like like yeah that that sounds really crass what you just said like that you know that's a slur and we all agree that that is a slur it is but but but the reality is that a lot of your favorite and i'm talking to the audience here your favorite preachers have talked about coons in so many words like they'll talk about the idea but they won't say the word and and i'm talking a lot of your favorite people talk about this matt chandler talked about this about black guys who agree with you if you're white what you know and that's not what he wants you to do he doesn't want you to talk about those people like he's talking about coons but he won't say the word obviously but but this is a whole thing let's talk about this now i did not redact this person's name for two reasons one is because it's a pseudonym anyway two is because we all know who this is because this person is very active on twitter uh this is bradley mason i believe is his name and he goes by also a carpenter now what he's doing here and this is really his comment really doesn't matter what he's doing is he's screenshotting daryl harrison which i think both of you guys know yeah he works for uh for grace to you uh ministries and he's definitely active in this social justice conversation but he's not a social justice advocate right and he he comments here about you know he quotes roger taney he's a supreme court justice who um who delivered the dred scott decision and what he says here is thank god that at least one place all men are equal the church of god i do not consider it any degradation to kneel beside a negro in the house of our heavenly father that's a very good quote it's a very good quote now bradley mason says well yeah but he also said this other thing about how the negro's property okay granted that you know there's some inconsistency there but but in the church he had the right idea right now now this is not what's important if you want to talk about how taney's inconsistent i have no grief i have no gripe with you you know men are inconsistent i'm inconsistent i'm sure at least i at least i'm i think so i don't i don't think i am but anyway um but anyway so so this is what i wanted to comment here these look at how this it's you don't you don't dispute you don't talk about it in any substantive way here's what you do you say i keep telling people these dudes ain't christian and then what we have here sambo for theology now if you you may or may not know who sambo is this is a slur this is a slur talking about how he's essentially a coon darryl harrison is a coon now let me go on to another one here here's this is talking about the same thing it's terrible what black men will do to get a white man to pat them on the head it would be wise to genuinely ignore anything darryl has to say because he's so far gone because he wants them white folks praising him it's sad here's another one just a daily reminder that for some whites proximity equals equality shakes my head that's why they can still say stuff like i've got a black friend and they think that means everything's cool this all but underscores how evangelicals worship the bail of white supremacy and not god no doubt that's what it comes down to the worship of whiteness and all things white hey while you're reading those everyone notice the emojis right good good point it's all loves or likes and that is because that is the rule you have to now it is fascinating to watch people defend mac i think that means john macarthur i'm not sure yeah seems his followers with the old cultural blind spot the only sin the spirit does not convict of is racism apologetic this is especially fascinating when they are black talking about daryl harrison again it is amazing how completely some of us have internalized the racism we've been fed and even corrupted the christianity to do so fascinating and this is bradley mason a white guy so you think it's a matter of internalized racism i've been hold on i've been trying to understand it for a while i mean that daryl harrison would go and work for grace to you every time i see him hanging out with phil johnson i just can't figure out what's going on and the guys who wrote the social justice statements site what is going on here's what this person responds absolutely they have accepted that the white man's theological ice is colder here's the white guy saying heartbreaking notice notice ad the white guy had to ask a question right he can't interject right right well this i've got to be honest according to those rules this whole thing of heartbreaking that's suspect he might not that might not that might be out of line hey you don't see any likes on that comment good point you sure don't that was yeah he had 21 weeks to get a like he didn't even get one like anyway um well i'm just gonna see if that okay so that's that's that's enough for that so but but here's here's what i want to emphasize there now now i um i i didn't share every screenshot of that conversation but suffice it to say that there was really no substantive interaction nothing at all it's just it's just darryl's bad darryl wants white people to like him darryl's looking for white approval darryl worships whiteness and and it's just all it's just all ad hominem it's just like there's look if if darryl worships whiteness or not i don't know i don't know the man i mean i know him on twitter that's about all i know but but as i think jamal said this like what happened to believing all things why do you jump to oh he's worshiping bail obviously i i just don't get it like like i i've look maybe i've said this before and if i have you know point it out to me and and i'll and i'll and i'll consider and repent of it but i've tried to never judge motivations i say look jamar tisby saying this this is wrong i don't know why he's saying it but he's saying it but like they they seem to go only into motivations it's just so bizarre yeah it's it's it's a bearing false witness you know exactly exactly it's breaking it's actually breaking god's commandments man um and it's you know the lord is grieved you know when this kind of stuff takes place and uh yeah you know it's bearing false witness that's that's what i would say it's it's uh it's crazy because the the um the idea is that the image of the brown black and brown person is being denigrated but it's okay for those who have been historically denigrated to denigrate you know that's that's okay and it's just so twisted man so twisted yeah man and you know it's crazy like you know we know satan blinds the eyes of men you know and uh there's times man when when god will give people over to their sin and i really i really believe that there's a blindness in the eyes of these social justice warriors where they can't you you read this stuff and you wonder to yourself how can anyone who professes to be a believe this um and it's and and i and i said this when i wrote my article on this topic there was i have no doubt about it that i was a believer you know right right but but there there was and it's hard to it's hard to really explain it in words but there was there was a fogginess over me there was a there was a a cloud over my brain it's like my eyes could not see past this issue right and when they were removed i felt like i was born again like i looked around and and and jamal knows me really well like jamal saw me jamal and jamal knew me when i was woke and jamal knew me when i was awake you know um and and it really man it was like night and day and so it's just crazy that this wool over the eyes and you know i don't i don't know what the lord is doing you know but he he he is exposing it you know and that's a good thing uh before before i let you talk to all let me just say this i was talking to my wife the other night and and i was talking about the the whole david platt thing which i've decided not to comment about because everyone else is and whatever but um the whole thing though i i said this when he was elected and i continue to say it that that that whole episode on sunday is continuing i don't think he's doing it intentionally but donald trump i thank god for him because he's revealed so much idolatry on both sides so much and and and i don't think he does it intentionally i think he's just that's just the kind of character he is but like god is using him to expose so much this wickedness and twistedness and and i think what what what you're describing sounds to me edwin like you had like these almost like you had lenses you had like like uh like um i don't know just like it was like a worldview almost that yeah that that you just saw everything through this lens and and trump's election and even on sunday when he went to platt's church it just it reveals that so well it's just it's it's very helpful in many ways uh anyway go ahead jamal i don't know if you're gonna say something but go ahead oh yeah i was just gonna say um it was funny like um i wasn't ever um in a woke side i was on the fence for a while i remember in a time when edwin when edwin was woke um he we had this conversation he was like bro you can't like you gotta pick a side when are you gonna have to pick a side you can't you can't be neutral and i was like so he was like that friend yeah he's like he said you can't be straddling the fence on this i was like he was well it was cage stage woke and i was like and i was questioning i was like okay because at the time i was dealing with some things myself i was like okay well maybe there is something to this like why can't our culture be expressed in our churches you know i go to predominantly white church and so i was like why can't my express why can't we have christian rap in it for our praise and worship like why we got to come from the hill why can't we sing old negro spirituals and stuff like that like i was thinking all these things and at one point i remember having a conversation with a couple of brothers uh black brothers and i was like man sometimes i feel like i can't be myself around my my fellow members of my church i can't be me like hey speak like i speak i gotta i gotta tone it down and it was like oh brother you gotta read ephesians read ephesians and nobody learn your identity and you know i'm like yeah okay because i'm reading ephesians i'm like oh let's tell me i should already know as being a christian and i realized and i started thinking about within myself at this time and i was like maybe it's me like i go to church and my my brothers have never said to me jamal don't say yo like don't call me bro call me brother you don't sound like they like they've never said that to me why do i feel like i can't talk how i talk around my friends my homies right and so it's like why do i do that it's me and it's not them and so as i so i put that to practice i just put it to practice i said lord help me to enter iraq with my fellow white brothers and sisters and let me see if this really is in my own heart and as i began to go to go to church and when i see them like it's like hey brother jamal's like i said what up bro and i'll be happy it's like i said what's up and they what and they love me i'm like oh this whole time it was always me it was me that was causing my own trauma it wasn't them you know what i'm saying but you know and it's like i i expressed to somebody i remember talking to a guy who's on the social justice side and we was having this conversation i expressed him my uh my experience and he's like well he's like that's that's that's that's you you don't sound like you know like you just you that's that's you say that's your experience stuff like that man like like they you know they still man you just not seeing it i'm like what is that to see right you know right but and and the thing about that that i've always found interesting is like because i actually talked to somebody yesterday that said the same thing like oh i'm so glad that you've been able to sort of rise above but there's so many people who can't and i'm like yeah and and and i think all of us would agree i mean i don't want to speak for you but if there's somebody that that is really facing a group where they can't speak like they normally would they have to code switch otherwise they're not accepted you know like like that's not good we we don't want that but but but what i'm saying is it doesn't make the solution any different the solution is you know we have that unity in christ we all have to recognize that white black whatever and and and that is the solution is not okay let's show partiality the other way and center de -center whiteness and then we'll show them like that's not the solution you know what i mean um anyway yeah and it's crazy to me man i mean this has been said so many times you know by different brothers but it's just crazy to me man how we we have these categories of whiteness and non -whiteness i remember uh a dear brother michael foster um when i was woke i remember he was one of the brothers that was instrumental to uh helping me be awakened was uh he and i would go back and forth on messenger and uh i remember sticking to my guns saying um you know white this white that whiteness and he he was like what what's that mean you know like like what what what does that mean like you know and and and it really hit me because i know a lot of this has to do with culture you know i know i know white people by color right whatever that means that a hood you know like they they straight hood i know i know i know black i know black people that are that are you know just they're into to to um you know heavy metal or prop you know i'm saying and it's like man that that's all a testament to being created in the image of god regardless of the color of your skin you know that's what the culture has you know used throughout history to create a divide among us um and we can appreciate our culture but all of that should reflect the glory of god you know and these differences that we have among us based off of pigment of skin is absolutely foolish and divisive and it's stupid it's from the devil man yeah you know all right man well by the way michael michael foster i think is how i we got introduced to be honest if i remember correctly if he introduced us yeah all right let me switch to the window here hold on okay so this is on the same topic you know someone someone you know uh puts out voddy bockham stuff i've i've seen so so this is interesting because they you know they see this guy seems to respect vod good good good on him right and and here's what he says he says i respect him blah blah however three words accurately so i'm missing the point it seems like he acts hasn't aft actively listened to many well -formed thoughts of the opposite side okay fair enough and then here's the comments right and we've got like like you said edwin look at the emojis yeah there's the comments yeah go ahead go ahead no i want to hear what you have to say there were times when i was in that group when i i didn't even maybe watch the video but you look at the emoji and it tells you all right people who watch this video signal this is the signal so i'm not even going to get triggered by watching it hmm yeah okay anyway so here's here's here's the comment i wrote off his voice on the matter once i saw his signature on the statement of social justice here we go he said i'd be lying if i if i say if i didn't say it's tainted everything he and his affiliates have spoken on since everything you know one of the things that i i got schooled on this recently you know look i i haven't done this i i've been trying to think of videos that i can put out about how i was wrong about something like i want to i want to like show people that i i feel like i could be wrong but i haven't really thought of anything because i'm just right all the time anyway but but here's something i got schooled on recently because i was thinking like this like oh man there's this guy who said these things and now everything he ever told me was tainted this is someone in my personal life right like i i'm not going to listen to a he has nothing of value to say to me and you know what somebody schooled me i think actually i think this was michael foster who schooled me on this he said to me he said he said jesus said that the pharisees even the pharisees the enemy in the in the new testament he said to them listen to what they tell you don't listen to what they do he said you should listen to what they say but they don't they don't practice what they preach so don't do what they do do what they say and so what that means is that even the enemy of the in the new testament the pharisees they're always put up as the enemy they have things of value to say so this whole idea of like well if they say one wrong thing now the whole thing's tainted that's that's baloney but anyway but i just wanted to say that i was wrong about that because i i was starting to think that way about people and that's we can't think that way just because somebody has something wrong to say doesn't mean you can't listen to anything they have to say anyway you know it's interesting uh concerning with bode when he came he came down to columbus and did a conference here for erratic and grace and being able to sit down with him it was interesting like uh you could tell when like during this time especially during the time he was doing all these sermons on this subject he was getting weary of it yeah it seemed like um it's you know i knew you said earlier how on both sides there are some issues and it seemed like he was only like he was mainly getting invited to churches to speak on this subject when he would rather speak on christ and speak about the glory of god and the goodness of god and the grace of god but yet people want him to come just to speak on this subject and it was getting weird for him to just even speak on this because it's just how messed up it is and so like the people that think evil of him in a sense is like as if he feels good about all this right you know like you know oh i just can't wait to go bash some more black people like no like you know he really wants to talk about like things that are like just like just glorifying god but it's like this has to be addressed it has to be right you know yeah well and i i think that you know a lot of people that watch my videos i shouldn't say a lot but there are some people that watch my videos that and and i'm sure you got the same thing that they think it's like easy to do this and it's like we just we just we just relish in it it's like fun it's like a sport to us and i don't know about you guys i won't speak for you but it's it like this is like my this is like my thing this is what my channel is about but it's not like the most fun thing i'd rather be doing other things i'd rather have no channel to be honest with you yeah it was interesting it's like um you brought up my the woke brother skit i did before and um but see i i made that as a it was like out of frustration it was like it wasn't like i got on there like oh let me find some stuff that i can you know go make some fun of this idea you know edwin edwin's the one who shared that you know articles with me and when i saw that i was i on a on marco polo i said i said bro please don't tell me these are real articles he was like yes tell me this is babylon b please yeah he was because he he met like he followed me literally everyone was like jamal i'm so sorry that you gotta wait 30 percent longer to cross the street than white people and i'm like bro what are you talking about and he told me there was a real articles and i just like i i had to address at that point but it's most out of frustration like no this isn't fun like i don't have a lot of content on my channel dealing with this subject you know when i do is it is like it's heartbreaking you know saying because most of the people i'm talking about when i'm talking about the subject are people who are christian you know it's like and it's mostly just my disbelief that this is something that now we're going that we've gotten this far and and it's funny because i don't see well let me be clear what i'm saying here i know where the light is right like we know the end is christ you know and like he may be using all of this to separate the wheat from the tear he may be using all of this to show us where the wickedness is still out in our hearts but we need to come to him more you know and turn to him and all these things but like the end of all this without the turning is like it's just all it is is division you know and if it doesn't get addressed and if people don't turn from it it's just going to divide divide divide you know and there's i don't like having this ideology there's no way for us to find out there's no common ground here you know it's because we're we're going to cause an issue here theologically concerning what we see concerning god's providence so on so forth and everything else and how we should love our neighbor and all these things yeah man good stuff man good stuff all right let me uh let me switch back here this is still talking about vadi that that that thing now here's here's a white bro here's a white brother and look at the look at the look at the reactions this is the people were liking this money came in clutch okay he said he says i didn't listen to vadi's talk i did read the dallas statement if he hasn't repudiated the dallas statement i'm really not interested in what he has to say the bible is full of discussion about justice if you want to use a different term fine but you cannot biblically repudiate the concept of justice and say biblical justice is not simply about individuals it also has to be about communities and involve social aspect what i find so amazing about this and the reason why i wanted to make sure to do this uh to put this on the screen is because first of all i mean this guy he nailed it when it comes to this group they love this yeah but it's it's it's just a complete lie if you know about the dallas statement right because the dallas statement is pretty simple and it's pretty basic and it's really not that controversial unless you're totally woke the dallas statement in fact says justice is a not only is it a biblical concept but it's a requirement for christians it is something that we have to establish and and and for him to say that the reason why he won't listen to vadis because he signed the dallas statement and you can't repudiate the concept of justice and that's what the essentially implying that's what the dallas statement does it's just a bold -faced lie or he just doesn't know and he's just you know hearing what he's you know repeating what he's been told but it's just crazy yeah yeah anyway let's let's go on here oh here's a good one vadi ruckus bachem hey i'm let me say something that person right there uh wesley um and i meant to redact this by the way but you can go ahead and talk i don't i don't know if he's a christian bro i don't and i i don't i don't know i don't know but i i've had interactions with him in that group man and it's flat out racist yeah yeah well i'll tell you what i've redacted he's been a lot of the ones that have been commenting here i've redacted most that was an accident to not redact him but yeah his comments have been among the worst that we've been talking about he's a prominent person in there like a voice in there yeah that's just ridiculous that's just ridiculous all right let's go to this one this is the next one and this is about uh our samuel say you know and samuel what i love about samuel is uh is that you know he's he's so like from a tone perspective and from uh you know he's that prototypical person like oh man that that brother's loving man he he really wants to do what's right he really wants to say the right thing and and i love that about him because he's measured and i i feel like i have a lot to learn from samuel to be perfectly honest if you watch this samuel i feel like i have a lot to learn from you um because he's uh i always make fun of this term but i'll use it in a you know in a good way he's very winsome in my opinion anyway here's the article and this is actually something that you were just talking about jamal where you said that uh that you you kind of came to terms with that there might have maybe there's sin in my own heart about this this article is actually about that where he talks about he was in a situation where i don't know the exact thing but i guess there's a white woman there and and you know in his opinion she was like being kind of like racist towards him and he's wondering hey maybe she's just doing that because i'm black but really it's like but maybe i'm just thinking about this because she's white like you know what i mean like maybe he's thinking it's my own heart and so this guy's like this is an annoying article so that that introspection about maybe examining your own self to this guy that's annoying but anyway let's look at some of the reactions here and again like this is a good you know i've read i read this when he put it out this is a good article honestly like anyway here's uh here's here's wesley again i'm glad it was a short article and i read it quickly because i'll never get that couple minutes back oh poor man that's his uh that's his response you know whatever um let's see this article enables white racist instead of calling them to repentant so so even though in the article samuel's saying i don't i have no idea if this woman's racist or not he's saying no no she was she she she needs to repent you know what i mean unbelievable wow see that's so and we up there when he said um back in that comment he said uh if you could pull it up again this one right here yes okay he said his article in what he says uh no no not that not there where is it oh yeah i see it's right there he says the christ honoring way to analyze this in my opinion is to conclude that the brother has been exposed to a christianity that equates white culture to christianity and has internalized white perception and norms as a baseline so it's like as a black man if i don't agree with the norm then that's my issue and i mean i alluded to this earlier when we was having a conversation it's like because i don't agree with this then it's because i've internalized white perception it can't be like everyone was saying earlier like god has made us all unique you know like you know this is all because our color of our skin doesn't equate the fact that i gotta be a certain way like what is it like you know why does we have to say that this is black this is white when it's dealing with a person's personality you know but because i feel that way i've internalized white perception you know well i'll tell you well i'll tell you what jamal like you're right and and not only that me and edwin we got it we got a one up on you because god chose to reveal himself in brown skin not black so hey me and edwin got you know yeah man no no listen no but you're exactly right no that that was that's a good comment because i honestly didn't even i didn't even catch that but that whole idea of internalizing it that like like us three let's just be honest the the criticism that that they would have of us is that we've internalized this perception like you were just saying to such a degree that we don't even know it all right all right no absolutely yeah and and so we would be um you know we we would be a disgrace to the the color of our skin so you know our our ancestors would be ashamed of us because we don't we don't we we basically believe the white lie you know the majority culture you know here's a here's um this guy right here this is like basically voldemort you can't name him um and we got chocolate nox here we got vody but we can't name this guy um and uh so here's someone who shares this and there i guess they were taught i honestly haven't listened to this i i don't think i have anyway i guess they were talking about jamar and tyler yeah and uh and so here's a white guy do you know the time mark dude he should have waited for some he should have waited for someone to ask a question this is actually a violation you know he he's the i know that guy he's the uh he's the producer of the show oh that's right i knew he looked familiar i knew he looked okay he gets a pass he gets a pass he did not violate the rules maybe he did still i don't know uh all right here we go this is it this is his woke take i listened for a minute and then i turned it off i have thoughts but i don't know how constructive so i'll pass i'll give it a full listen later there there's his uh very astute and very uh comprehensive response let's see what else we have can we get body on the show pass the mic here's tyler i did not redact tyler on purpose because he's one of the leaders he's already been on the show a while back and i think we'll let those episodes stand his appearance on pass the mic pretty funny i like that that that i'm not i'm not gonna clear sides for that it's funny did you guys listen to that did you guys hear that one vote on pass the mic i ever heard that one i'm gonna look for i'm gonna look for that one that that probably is interesting yeah i'm definitely searching for that i wonder i wonder if that was back when they were reformed though yeah it would have been for sure i saw this is a good one i saw doug wilson oh i named him oh sorry guys sorry guys i didn't mean to do it i saw doug wilson in the picture and decided to play xbox instead of read the article that sounds about right wow all right this one i thought was interesting i honestly don't even know how i want to comment on this so i'll just let you guys do it this is tyler burns again yo we family right y 'all just want to say something quickly please don't let people convince you that white middle -aged reformed men are the best preachers in america because they're quote doctrinally sound it ain't never been true fam that's all now this is a hard one to interpret because it almost sounds like he's saying it's never been true that they're doctrinally sound but maybe i'm misinterpreting that what do you guys think this means um if i if i if i can try to be um middle ground here and be try to be a little fair in this i guess i'll try to say uh you know trying to hope all things in this sense in this point is like do it do it convince you that just if you want i guess we would put just because are we like you know cool but because we know this comment came as you know as when i see comments like this i'm thinking about i'll make i know they're talking about these you know our white brothers who are you know and stuff like that but they said that white middle -aged reformed men are the best preachers in america because they're doctrinally sound you know it ain't never been true and it's like so it's like automatically you make you skeptical of every white middle -aged reformed man you know saying like oh right they can be dodging time but what about black middle -aged reformed men well we didn't we just see some of those but they were called uh
Sambo and and ruckus yeah yeah it ain't never it ain't never been true fam it ain't never been true and so you know it is and that's man it's it's crazy because the thing is like how do we how do we determine if somebody's doctrinally sound not whether they're white middle -aged or the black middle -aged or reformed in a sense when they claim they're formed in a title is what lines up with scripture right right that's it lines up scripture so if christians should be mature enough to know hey i'm not believe i don't think you're doctrinally sound because you're a white middle -aged and you call yourself reformed i think i i think you're doctrinally sound because i've heard your sermons i listen to you teach and i compared that with scripture teaches and i'm convinced that it's lining up correctly you know as christ as scripture being the standard not your sermon you know and it's like come on man it's like come on man in a way of me i i want to say that's childish and i just that's me i think that's like i just that's childish to say something like that especially in a form like this when everybody's going to be agreeing like oh yeah amen brother you know white down down i said this in the world brotherscape but i uh it was funny but i meant it's like it's like down with whiteness up with blackness like that's what this is right you know and it's it's childish and and honestly the the kind of the uh the hidden sort of like uh assumption there is that like the only way because because i'm going to take them at their word that their goal is equality i i i you know i know there's a lot of evidence to the contrary especially in this group because again they have it within their power to make an equality situation in this group because they're in charge right the woke people are in charge in this group so everyone woke has it within their power to make this like a a a a new eden of equality right but they don't do it so there's evidence of it to the contrary but let's just take it at the word that they want equality there's a hidden assumption that the only way to achieve it is to hold certain people down and raise certain people up there's no way to achieve it otherwise and and i don't think that's the biblical witness on this i don't think that's how we achieve these things we achieve it through not showing partiality at least that's how i would attempt to do it and there's so much insecurity in all this man because the idea is that white people are so far ahead that us pushing them down and pushing us forward still doesn't even get them get us close enough to them yet it's so it's so weird because like look and and and don't get me wrong i acknowledge the reality of the income inequalities or the income disparities and the wealth disparities like look i those are all real like puerto rican families have less income than white families black families have less income than white i get that but but that i i don't look at that as a matter of capabilities like it's not like we're not capable of it it's that we you know maybe we started with less and so obviously we're going to have less so so the but the reality is like like it almost seems like some of the people from this other perspective look at it almost as a capability thing like it's like on if we don't do anything drastic and hold certain people down it'll never be even because it's it's unfair at the start like we don't have the same abilities almost it's kind of white supremacist in my opinion to think in this way it is yeah anyway let me let me do this so um we'll probably go for another 10 -15 minutes you guys good for that much time oh yeah oh yeah all right all right so um but actually i don't want to cut anyone off did anyone have anything else to say before we move on no the privileged voices have spoken the privilege okay i couldn't help it we are all privileged in this place well this this little this little uh live stream this is this is this is what equality looks like now hold on i'm in i'm in charge though i'm in charge of this hold on now because what we really need to what we really need to figure out is our intersection how the intersectionality works in here maybe we'll do that at the end that's a good that's a good idea i like that i'll tell you what though let me before actually before we move on let me just say both of you guys have hair i do not and it's not really by choice if you can see my hairlines and that is a disadvantage i will say hey i got something to spare i would grow mine out like that but i i have a hard time like it's a little it's a little splotchy underneath anyway all right let me just this is so so this is what happens when you push back now now um unfortunately the guy who gave me these things got kicked out of the group shortly after he sent me this stuff and i think it's because he became friends with me on facebook um i tried to join by the way i tried to join this group and i reached out to pass the mic uh the witness to just get their take because i you know i didn't want to do this without asking them you know what i mean obviously i never heard back on either front but anyway so this is a thread here that was on the regular past the micro this is not 101 and um it's just like a bunch of screenshots and it's someone that's talking to a you know hypothetical conversation with a white kid about white supremacy um anyway so i'm assuming i can't really tell from this small picture but it looks like this is a black guy and and he and he pushes back and he starts to ask some questions that i guess were not appropriate and i guess you could tell because nobody liked them and um and so you know they went back and forth a little bit and he and he's he's being very respectful like he's obviously pushing back but he's being very respectful and um here's the response that i wanted to show laughing my ass off this nigga is a coon lml ao wow and and i gotta be honest with you and and this by the way this uh this stop it here that's not a rebuke that's just like oh you stop it you know what i mean like laughing yeah laughing and i gotta be honest with you like like look i know people speak in these terms look this this doesn't this doesn't offend me in the sense that like oh i'm the i'm clutching my pearls i can't stand to see this language i've heard this language many times you know and i've you know i've experienced it in person you know this kind of language and but but i just wanted to just point out look not everyone in this group necessarily is a christian i get that but this is a christian group and and and just to see these laugh reacts and no condemnation of it nope it's just so shocking and and this guy you could see that there's been no look i'm going to scroll down here there's been no prior interaction here like it's not like he goes y 'all know me like he's like you don't we haven't been talking like like how could you just say that from this one conversation right right and he's just like look i've been respectful you don't know me to suggest i'm expect an apology look i i'm just going to say like this is this is this is the fruit of this nonsense a black guy doesn't necessarily agree with you on all things it's not this is not even a white guy like this is not it's he doesn't agree with you on everything he obviously is part of this group because he's interested in the topic he pushes back a little bit and the response is this niggas a coon yeah i mean can't we do better than this like can't we talk this out like people i i just don't get it well it's funny you know it's it's interesting and this i don't i don't want to switch gears but this this is an interesting um take care because and i'm saying this partly joking but notice notice how the word is spelled there's no there's no er at the end it's a a right uh and and that's significant because it is it it's a it's okay for it to be used from a black person and this this isn't racist you know which which is interesting i heard uh uh coats ta -nehisi coats uh when i was woke uh give a lecture on this conversation about the word and why white people are not allowed to use the word when they're you know singing songs um and why black it's okay for black people to use it so this the way we're looking from the perspective we're looking at it is is this is unchristlike speech right for for for them this is this is a cultural thing and this is acceptable because this we're being true to who we are as as as in our culture and and uh it's it's wrong because it doesn't exemplify christian speech you know and the fact that it isn't the fact that nobody rebukes you um or puts a negative emoji is you know troubling it's so it's so it's so stupid that we're talking about emojis i get it but like this is a big deal in this group in fact there's rules about it right right oh man no that's a good point and you're right you know i i get it it's part of the culture that that's fine but by the end of the day like if you're christian right and you're black it shouldn't be part of the culture nope nope you know what i mean like like just like i'm trying to think of i'm trying to think of a of a of a analogy in in in white culture but i can't really think of one but but um well you know puerto ricans use that word too i mean my my family my family uses that word and it's okay you know what i mean yeah no absolutely yeah i probably couldn't get away with it anymore especially after these youtube videos well you know what ad you you become white now you might put an er at the end yeah yeah so be careful somebody comments so you're gonna be demonetized right right um we uh yeah this i might get this channel might be deleted but based on what i just said fyi because they don't care if it's in context or not if you say the word you're the wrong person it's over all right well let me just let me just do this i'm gonna actually give um before i i'm gonna do two more things um but actually this one actually gave me a little bit of hope all right so so guys honestly like this this next screenshot gives me a little bit of hope even though it's a little ridiculous i'm not joking okay okay all right this is ali henry again and and ali i mean honestly if you follow follow her twitter feed and her podcast this is ridiculous but but this is so this is for people of color only she only wants to get opinions from black people okay fine i get it and she says that she says respond honestly to this poll and comment on any additional thoughts you have i found the time of white silence to be helpful now let me just scroll down a second white silence here we go so here's what she says about white silence or he i can't tell if it's a guy or a girl because i blocked out the name occasionally the moderating team in the main group will ask for white members to observe the discipline of silence whether it be in a single post or in the hope group as a whole it's not intended to be punitive but rather to give people of color a respite because people of color as you guys know i'm sure they're very sensitive they need a little rest from white people so you just be silent during a time of silence okay not only that but not only should you sound but you're supposed to be meditating and praying because this is a discipline this is a spirit like it's almost a spiritual discipline to just be just to shut up because you're white now that's a bad thing but but here's the so so here's the poll i found it to be helpful i expected when i read this poll that i expected everyone would agree but really not everyone agrees and i'm so grateful for that 35 votes for i agree that white people shutting their mouths is helpful and almost the same amount disagree i was very i was very happy about that now the problem is that if you look at the strongly agree it kind of tips the scales a little bit but i honestly was very happy to see this that most people either were neutral or disagreed honestly did not expect that and that gives me some hope to be honest yeah that's that's a good take a look at that um i'm glad you really brought that out because when i first seen it i just saw the lonely person who said strongly agree we strongly disagree there's only one person this is one one person is by themselves i wish they were strongly disagrees and i and that's the only thing i looked at but i'm glad you brought that out and that's that's a good thing to look at and that's i guess we could look at the glass half full at that point it's like man there you know there's there are people in here who are you know and i think about when i look at the disagree now that you bring it up in the neutrals like maybe that people who are wrestling with this whole thing yeah man that's right they really may be really wrestling with it all as far as like hey do i really not value anyone else's opinion on things or you know they have this conversation so that's really good i'm glad you really brought that out because i didn't see that i didn't i didn't see that myself in the first when i first looked at that screenshot yeah man and and honestly like that that that's who i hope this video affects like honestly don't have any i look i'm a realist even though i'm i'm post -millennial so i am an optimist in general but i don't have any you know false i don't think i'm going to convert you know jamar tisby i don't think he's going to see the error of his ways here he's built an empire here it's a small one but he's he's building and you know he's i don't think he's going to change his ways based on my video i think he will eventually i mean at least i hope he does but um i'm i'm where i'm worried about the people that are involved in this group or people that are following jamar um that are that neutral category they're like man there's something going on the united states like there's some racism but i'm just not so sure this is the way like i know there's a lot of people out there and i trust i trust that there are a lot of people out there like that and hopefully they'll see some value in this you know what i mean and just to encourage you and for those who are listening as well watching if i would have made that if i would have answered that poll i probably would have put agreed where i was right i probably wouldn't strongly agree but i probably would have put agreed so you think about the people that are in the agreed category the lord opened my eyes to the folly of this movement and it was it was brother it was brother ad and brother and other brothers who were were actively pushing back against my ideas that stemmed from this this movement the past the mic 101 the past the mic podcast truth table all that and i was in it and god took me out of it and so there's there's hope man there's hope all right bro let's uh let me just do this this is the last thing we'll show for tonight and uh there's other things that i could show but we got to wrap this up eventually this is the work you have to do so so so i want to just show this is so preposterous there's articles you have to read there's there's assignments you have to do in fact there's a a screenshot that i i skipped about one of these assignments that you have to do if you're white and it's just so crazy it's like well think write something down and think about what you're saying and and make sure that you're not centering whiteness and me you know it's just so crazy anyway but look at this this is unit one you know here's the group you got to learn how to interact and pass the mic and the witness you got to learn about the witness and the history of the witness the podcast here's we privilege voices you know how should i engage why do we privilege voices it's just it's just it's just endless like how should i engage in this 10 ways white people can stop annoying people of color on social media code of ethic yeah because guys we're very sensitive i don't know if you guys knew this but you're supposed to be very sensitive on social media hot dog that wow i missed that i missed that screenshot whoa we got helpful code of ethics learning to listen look it just keeps going and this is the thing that that that ally was talking about i don't want it to look like segregation but you know you white you whitey's better learn how to do this stuff and it's just like it's just so crazy like look at this stuff this honestly brother this stuff right here this is if you can see past this and think about their foundation of the the theology that they're adhering to when they do things like this yeah what it what is what is that which you just showed what does that say about justification by faith what does that say about sanctification right what what what does that say about the union we have with christ what does that say about us being joint heirs with jesus christ what does that say about the local church what is that you see when you when you see that it undermines the word of god it undermines the word of god and and you cannot have christian unity and christian fellowship where any of that is because it's not of god man yeah that that's so true and and i one of the things i often think about is uh where paul says man i wish i could quote it i'm so bad at quoting but where he says that you you weren't a nation but now you're a nation you're you weren't a people but now you're a people and and to think that you would to people that are supposed to be your citizens your co -citizens your co -heirs like like you just said edwin like and this is what you're trying to do in order to i don't know get appeasement of some kind like like can you can you imagine apostle paul doing anything like this even even from a from a from a from a first uh from a from like an early christian context like you don't have to do it exactly like this but anything like this do you think he would approve anything like this no not at all i can't imagine it i just can't imagine it so are we a nation or not are we a people or not are these your brothers or not right and it enforces legalism you know it does it enforces legalism and that's a good point all right that's a good point so let me just uh i'll let you guys talk you know some more and we're gonna wrap this up but but that's what i wanted to share today you know and and like i said i mean i've got like 200 screenshots so here here's some final words that i will say and then i'll let the brothers talk a little bit too so number one is that this is this is the tip of the iceberg so this stuff is it's just a small facebook group but as edwin said you know this is this is a place that people are being discipled it's just that simple people are being discipled in facebook groups like this and it it ought not to be that way but it is that way um and so we we need to really take this seriously just a small facebook group but the reality is that if this is what the social justice woke crowd is doing with just a little bit of power what do you think is going to happen when they take control of larger situations larger churches and things like that it's going to be disastrous i would say this when it comes to social justice unredacted if you have things like this that you know about that that that are that are right now in darkness and they need to be brought to light go ahead and email me i'm setting up an email address just for this kind of a thing i won't i'm not look i'm i'm not going i'm not trying to embarrass anybody i'm not trying to hurt anybody's careers or anything like that nothing like that i'll redact things if i need to i i i withhold the right to redact on social justice unredacted but um here's the email address that i want you to send it to if you have anything like this it's sjw unredacted at gmail .com
sjw unredacted at gmail .com send it to me and i'll take a look at it and you know i'll decide look i'm not perfect but i'll decide whether or not to share it and all that i'll decide what to redact or or you can even do it anonymously if you'd like that that's totally fine but but i think that people need to really see what's going on behind the scenes here this isn't this is important um and uh i i mean i hope you i hope that our conversation has kind of showed that this is important especially edwin you know honestly i asked edwin to join me tonight and i didn't even know he was part of this past the mic group and when i found out that he had he was like i knew that it was a blessing that he was going to be on here because he has kind of that inside track of someone who was kind of woke in this group and what his thought process was because if it was you know edwin's not you know a special case like i'm sure if it was his thought process it was a lot of people's thought process anyway so that's what i'll say sjw unredacted at gmail .com