Should I Show Myself Grace?


▶ Splash Page: ▶ Rumble: ▶ YouTube Channel: ▶ Main Episode's playlist: ▶ Patreon: ▶ Facebook: ▶ Twitter: Too many people have been deceived into thinking they must forgive themselves if they are ever going to move on. The truth is you have no right to forgive yourself when you are the guilty party. However, God still freely offers forgiveness to all who humble himself before him. Trusting in God's forgiveness is how we truly move on from our past sins. On this episode of the Bible Bashed Podcast we will discuss why you can't forgive yourself and how to truly move on. #ForgiveYourself #HowToLetGoOfThePast #HowToForgive #Forgive #Forgiveness #ForgiveLikeJesus #ForgiveOthers #ForgiveMe #ForgiveSin #Forgiven #HowToForgiveOthers #MotivationalVideo #BibleStudy #JesusChrist #Christianity #GospelReflection #WisdomNuggets #TheCostOfForgiveness #SelfImprovement #ProcessOfSelfForgiveness #ForgiveMyself #WhyDoIFeelLikeImNotEnough #PriceOfForgiveness #HowToStopFeelingGuilty #BibleBashed #BibleBashedPodcast


Idea of like hey, there's all these sins that that I've committed There's all these things that I did that were bad and and sometimes they're very very bad things that God has forgiven warning the following message may be offensive to some audiences these audiences may include but are not limited to Professing Christians who never read their
Bible sissies sodomites men with man buns Those who approve of men with man buns man bun enablers white nights for men with man buns Homemakers who have finished
Netflix, but don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies Your discretion is advised That salvation is found in Christ alone and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation any hope of heaven
The issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of Almighty God is
Hanging over our head. They will hear his words They will not act upon him and when the floods of divine judgment when the fires of wrath come
They will be consumed and they will perish God wrapped himself in flesh
Condescended and became a man died on the cross for sin was resurrected on the third day
Has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words They will act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day their house will stand
Welcome to Bible bash where we aim to equip the Saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions
You're not allowed to ask we're your host Harrison Kerrigan pastor Tim mullet and today. We'll answer the age -old question
Should we show ourselves grace when we fail now Tim? What Bible verse do you have related to this topic as we kick this episode off?
Yes So Psalm 54 or 51 for says against you you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight?
So that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your just your judgment
So this is David after he, you know, basically murders Uriah and commits adultery with Bathsheba He's saying to the
Lord against you and you alone. Have I done this evil? Have I sinned right? So Yeah, so how does that how does that work when you when you kill someone?
Indirectly at least you go to God and you say against you alone Have I sinned how exactly is that working?
Yeah, I mean when you think about it like there's You think about the narrative itself, it's difficult to imagine who
David sinned against like who he didn't sin against in that equation, right? So, I mean he said sure Scott he said against his family's and against the nation.
They sent against Bathsheba He said against Uriah, you know, I mean sin against everyone But then he's basically he basically at that point has the audacity to say it's only against God but then what he's what he's doing is he's saying something that's pretty profound and it's something that we ought to remember and That is that you know
God ultimately is the judge and every sin that we commit whether it's against other people or not
I mean it's ultimately it's against God when you're living you were living in a time right now where we've blurred these lines to the
Point where we demand perfect judge justice in this life You know, there's no longer presumption of innocence or anything else
We're willing to throw as many people under the bus as possible just to get that one guilty
Yep, get the one Guilty person, you know because we don't want the one guilty person to go free at that point but when it comes right down to it like we really think the real scandal of most of the sins that you can imagine is
The fact that we sin against another human being but in reality God ultimately He's the judge and it's like his standards first and foremost that are being violated when we sin we're sinning against him
You know, we're not like in the first instance Like he's the offended party right and all ours like all our sins against him
Like those are them like that's the most significant aspect of our sin and like to the extent to which we send against other people
We're still fundamentally sending it against God. So I mean like when we violate another person's rights
Like it's God who gave them those rights like we're ultimately violating God's standards at that point and you know
There's a sense in which with with all the ways in which we sending us other people, you know It's very difficult to conceive of a purely, you know, innocent party and any of it like meaning we're all fundamentally sinful
We enter into the world with the inherited, you know guilt of our forefather Adam We come into the world, you know with that disposition towards sin and then in actual practice we
Violate God's standards ourselves. I mean all of us are we're all guilty in one one way or another, you know in multiple ways
Like we're guilty So like in like in reality in the real world
God's the primary chief offended party and we lose track of that Repeatedly, but yeah
So when it comes to this idea Where well first where where has this idea come from in terms of hey, you know, you need to show yourself grace
What exactly? What what do people mean when they say that and where did this come from?
Yeah, so Probably the biggest problem in the Christian world today is that we are antinomians
Basically, so we refused In most churches, we refuse to basically hold ourself to any reasonable standard whatsoever so we
You're living in a church culture right now that thinks that the primary sin like the most grievous sin that a person can commit
Be the sin of legalism, you know and in their minds like legalism means like trying to do what the
Bible says, right? Yeah, taking taking the Bible's command seriously treating them as if they're actually commands
I think God actually expects you to obey So in the minds of many people like you are like free from the law and what they mean by that It's like you're like you're free from all like all
Obligation is free to sin so that grace may abound, right? Yeah. Yeah. Can we continue us in the grace?
Maybe on? Yes, like that's the evangelical answer. Yes. Yes, and amen Just so what's what's happening is you have like a hyper grace kind of thing
A cheap kind of grace that basically says that I got Jesus down on the cross just you know
Forgive you your sins so that you could just be free from Any expectation you ever have to obey him, you know so in the minds of many people legalism is like the chief sin, you know, it would be it would be like any attempt to obey the
Bible in any kind of serious way is Legalism in their mind, right? So that that's kind of the world that we're living in right now.
That's the that's that's the environment you know, but then in in that kind of environment you have a lot of people who are very lazy and who are not living up to The expectations of their parents and their grandparents and everything else
So, I mean you do have a very lazy generation of people in both sides Like so men and women in both ways are very very lazy
Low performing kind of individuals a lot of that's just because you know, most of us are addicted to our phones so,
I mean you have a bunch of phone addicts who You know are lost in virtual world whether I mean for guys it's like video games like for women
It's like the social media accounts like they're you know online shopping TV, you know so for most, you know, most
Christians today professing Christians are just really you know Really entertainment addicts for sure in one form or another their entertainment addicts
And then what's happening is like you're living in a world like with such plenty and ease that all the jobs
That it used to take your parents and your grandparents Hours and hours to do like you can just get get it immediately here.
I mean, you don't even have to go to the Here's the thing like it used to be that if you were going to eat
Someone was going to have to spend hours and hours cooking you food, right? That was the way it works
I mean and even before that I mean it used to be that you would have to grow your own food Right in the ground and there was like a big long process to like trying to keep everyone from starving to death
That involved a lot of work You know, but what's happened the post -industrial revolution is like, you know, what's happened now is that most of us are consumers?
So we're living in a consumer economy Like instead of like doing all the work to can your food and grow your food and everything you go to the grocery store
Right, but then I mean even in my lifetime I remember the difference that it made when the microwave was invented, you know
So, I mean before a microwave, you know, mom would like keep the spaghetti like the old spaghetti up on the stove, you know
She couldn't just put it in the microwave, you know so now you're living in a society where you have
In my lifetime like microwaves were invented and you can just heat up food really quick Then you have all the microwave meals, right?
And then like that assumes that you're even going to the grocery store, right? And now you're living in a society where most people are probably eating out most of their meals
Hey, most of yeah, absolutely Absolutely. Most people are broke today is because they're eating out most their meal
But now you don't even have to like drive to go get your food. You can just call over eats to get your food So like the kind of work that you actually have to do at this point is so minimal and almost every single area you know,
I can almost every single area I people people don't know how to Sew anymore like that Yeah, like when
I was young if you got a hole in your jeans You would put a patch like your mom would put a patch on it or whatever.
Now you just go buy a new pair You know Now no now now you buy the pair with the whole pre -made fruit with the whole pre -made
Yeah, but I mean by the way, by the way Tim when when were you born I Mean not that long ago, man
The microwave was invented in 1945 No, I mean it wasn't a household item for me it was probably popular popularized popular a lot more
No when I was We didn't we didn't have a microwave most no one had a microwave like sure.
Yeah for a long time, you know So like none of my parents none of my friends parents had microwaves
It all of a sudden became popular when we were eating when we were younger or whatever We're I mean,
I remember the change or whatever, but I didn't realize it was invented so far But it wasn't it wasn't popularized then for sure
Yeah, so, you know, but we I mean when I was growing up, we even have personal computers Right.
Yeah now we have them in our pocket. Yeah, we know I mean we like AOL all that instant messenger
I mean that was like that was stuff that was coming out You're laughing at it in my AOL instant messenger and you know,
I I used it too. I used it too But that stuff was coming out when I was Late high school, you know, yeah
Yeah Like our family had a personal computer like maybe the last couple years of high school
But it was one like big box computer Yeah, it probably it probably had like 30 megabytes of RAM or something like that.
It was ridiculous. Yeah, I think that the The dial -up we had dial -up internet the dial.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, this feeds were like You know one megabyte Yeah Blazing fast and then when all the
Napster and LimeWire came out, you know You could download your you could download your single mp3 song, you know
It was like five five megabytes or whatever and like an hour It was that bad but now
I mean like you so but you think about like this is the point is like you're living a Society right now. It's heavily like a consumer site society and Like all the stuff that used to require work.
It doesn't require work anymore Like that's the point and so in that kind of society Like you have a bunch of people who they really they don't have any expectations for that for themselves whatsoever right
And so as like society is like degrading like we're checking a Christian worldview out the window
You have a bunch of people who basically are like they don't know the Bible. They don't know all the reasons why
Their parents trained them to do certain things And so it basically just all goes out the door it all goes out the window in the name of hey
Let's try to be faithful. So in order to be faithful, but what you do is you basically say hey everything my parents taught me about wisdom or whatever is wrong and so then because there's not like a
Like what you have is you have a bunch of people who think this is a good exegetical move But what they want is they want like a very specific verse that's going to say directly
Don't not do this or yeah, I'll do this So something like they what they want is they want like a verse in the
Bible that tells them that It's a sin to not do your laundry every day or something like that, right?
And so because they can't find that verse in the Bible that says it's a sin to have like laundry piles all over your house right
Then they think well God doesn't have anything to say about this and You know,
I have laundry piles over my house and I probably shouldn't I feel guilty about that but then
Like what I need to do is just realize no one's perfect. God's not expecting me.
Perfect. Maybe me to be perfect I just need to show myself grace, right? I need to show myself grace right and you realize that like It's okay to not be perfect And I don't want to impose standards that God hasn't imposed on me and that kind of thing
And so then man Jesus his yoke is easy. His joke is easy. His burden is light, right?
it's a bit but all that's being used in such a way as to like take people who are very lazy low performing kind of people and Then they're making very specific demands about what the
Bible has to say for them for it to track on And what they're doing is they're trying to deal with the guilt that they have that comes from a conscience that's screaming at them
That says hey, you're lazy Your house is a mess and your life is a mess, you know And you're not like all these these
Affirmation pep talks that you do you tell yourself that you're strong and powerful and courageous and independent and all that there
There's no they're not working And so then you're trying to fill that fill the void like you're trying to silence your conscience and basically say hey, you know like You got to show yourself grace.
No one's perfect and it's okay that everything's a mess and Got any Jesus down the cross to forgive you and no condemnation man.
So that's the answer. So show yourself So isn't I mean isn't wouldn't that be that sort of attitude be a direct?
violation of the let us sin so the grace may abound from Paul and I can't remember if that's first or second
Corinthians, I think but Wouldn't that be a direct violation of a command like that?
It certainly is. Yeah It's a nonsensical concept in general the part of it's a nonsensical concept in the sense that like God is the
We need grace from God. We don't show ourself grace. We're not the judge who has been offended. Oh, that's
Roman Roman six That's Roman six. Yeah, so yeah, like so part of it's a nonsensical kind of Expression It's just as bad as you need to forgive yourself or something like that.
It's the same kind of thing. It's it's Theologically inept but then like the but yes what you're saying is like this is
What what this is is continuance and that grace may abound but the problem is like people don't have categories for sins of omission and they have very like They basically have no standards that they think the
Bible holds them to at all Right, maybe like maybe like murder maybe literal murder.
Maybe they're maybe maybe but not even that man I can't you say that you say that as if it's just a given but it's not because I mean
I I've seen plenty of people online who you know if you Like relate, you know related to people taking the law in their own hands and vigilante justice and that kind of stuff you know, like if a young man were to rape their daughter or whatever you could do you could ask like If the dad were to hunt that guy down and shoot him to death
Because he didn't get justice would that be okay and you would get a significant number of Christians today saying that that would be fine you know because so I mean it's it's not even true that That's I mean you you have any number of progressive
Christian people But the Trump assassination thing saying it would be justified, you know So, I mean,
I don't I don't think you could even get a consensus there. But yeah in general, yeah, maybe murder Rape for sure, you know, like rape rape is always bad even like fake rape, you know
Like meaning like all the me too kind of definitions of that Like any anything with children maybe would be still
You know wrong, but there's very few things that are on the table at this point that are actually expectations but I mean like something like sloth like There's no people people don't have any category for sloth as like a real sin or laziness
They don't have any because they don't have any way to apply it, right? so like laziness is like a hypothetical sin that they
Have no way of ever like identifying Yeah, like gluttony is a similar a similar deal where it's the sin that everyone's against but also no one's committing, right?
Yeah, so then what you have when you talk about those kind of things is well, whoever knows what that means
So they're like it's irrelevant, you know, you couldn't it's not you can't really no one could ever be accused of it because Basically, no one's willing to say the obvious So so it's just like that so any kind of sin that you could actually commit
You know, you just have a group of people who are unwilling to conceive of it as sin basically
Yeah. Yeah, so What is the
So when we're talking about showing ourselves grace, right you You do have this idea.
I mean obviously forgiveness is a huge Aspect of the Bible, right?
You know, it's in the Old Testament all over the place It's in the New Testament all over the place.
And you know, we're talking about this idea of Showing ourselves grace, right? And um, you know, we've already referenced the
Roman six You know shall we send so that grace may abound
Basically meaning like hey, we know God said that he's gonna forgive You know everyone who asks forgiveness of him.
He will forgive them Everyone who repents and belief he will forgive them. They will not be put to shame.
You see those ideas all over the Bible so obviously Forgiveness is a huge aspect of the
Chris the Christian life but then How exactly does that apply so there's there's plenty of people who have done terrible things in their past and and Then thankfully, you know by God's grace.
They realize those things they realize those sins and they repent of them They turn from them. They put their faith in Christ and you know, they're counted amongst the redeemed
They're they're now part of the you know universal Church they've been saved and You know sealed by the
Holy Spirit all of that stuff But then what do you do with this idea of like hey, there's all these sins that that I've committed
There's all these things that I did that were bad and sometimes they're very very bad things that God has forgiven and and typically there are people who
You know, there's the people who go so far with the grace aspect of it that they become
Antinomian like you're saying and they just there's practice, you know They there's practically no faithfulness in their life because there's no standard and they they're just relying on the hey
God I'll for you know, whatever I do. God's gonna forgive me for it and then there's the kind of person who legitimately hold tries to hold on to All of the things that they did in their life
You know almost as if they're not Forgiven and so so what do you do with that kind of attitude and all of this?
essentially the other side of the spectrum where someone's just completely unwilling to Unwilling to let go of those past sins.
Is that a situation where you do legitimately say hey You need to show yourself grace or is there a different response that that person needs to have?
So I mean the idea of grace is unmerited favor Sure Yeah, so I mean like the issue is like These are words that make sense in the context of a standard that has been transgressed, right?
So like God is the judge God is God whose standard matters. So God like we need grace from God Like us showing our self grace is neither here nor there because we're not the judge.
God's the judge. It's his standard that matters so You know, but then there is the kind of thing that you're talking about now
Unfortunately, like what's happening is you have a lot of people who are basically
Using the wrong application so part of this is like there's a concept that you're talking about this real That we're using poor language for okay
But then the other part of it is even with that real concept all the wrong people are applying the wrong
Application, right? So I mean like for instance, like I mean if you Like the major problem today is not that you have people who are so high -performing and rigidly holding themselves to like Crazy standards or something along those lines the issue right now is we refuse to almost hold ourself to any standards
Like yeah, that's the problem that most people are facing, right? so I mean like it there are women out there like for instance like with homemaking or something like that and this is like a
Conversation that this this kind of discussion often happens in women's groups or whatever I mean, there are ladies out there who will you know, they work from You know sunup to sundown like they if they see a speck of dirt on the ground
They're you know, scraping it with a toothbrush or something like that, right? I think there are those kind of people who they need
Their husband to come along and say hey chill out, right? Like I'm not asking you to do this, right?
so I'm not asking you to hold yourself to this unrealistic standard that you're holding yourself to you don't have to do all the
Things that are on your plate to do. I mean there are some high -performing individuals out there. I said, there's some
I mean, that's not just The America that's not Americans in general, but there are some you know
I mean there are the kind of people who really have just crazy ridiculous standards. I mean you can imagine like the
You know the guy who has the workout Standard to where if he doesn't you know work out three hours a day or whatever if he if he if he gains a pound
Of fat or something, you know If he goes up from 1 % body fat to one and a half percent then he considers himself an absolute, you know failure or something
It's like yeah, you don't like There there is such a thing as perfectionism, right?
That's bad So but most people aren't there, you know, but what's happening is like you have an entire movements of people who
They basically like you have a bunch of lazy people and their knee -jerk impulse is just to say hey, you know
We don't want to be legalistic. So just reject any kind of standard And so then they're giving the advice that you might give to the perfectionist to the lazy person
But the lazy person doesn't need the perfectionist kind of advice. Hey, it's okay to chill once in a while Hey, it's okay to eat ice cream cone every once in a while, right?
Like the problem is you're eating ice cream every week You're I mean you're eating donuts, but you know multiple times a week like the the point is like you don't need the perfectionist advice but I mean there is like a concept like what you're talking about and You know in that concept like what you need to do is you need to ask yourself.
What is God's standard? Have I violated God's standard when I fail to meet God's standard? then what you need to do is you need to go to God Bible says if you confess your sins, he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and so there is a kind of person who is
Failing to meet like a legitimate divine standard They need to come to God with that and then they need to confess that they need to accept his forgiveness
And then they need to realize that there's no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus But what that doesn't involve is that doesn't involve like them forgiving themselves
So I mean there's plenty of people like that who will come and they will ask God's forgiveness And then they still feel guilty and they don't know what to do with it
And then you have a bunch of people coming along and say hey, yeah, we'll give yourself grace, right? Show yourself mercy. I think no, that's not what you need to do.
All right, forgive yourself, you know You don't need to forgive yourself. That's not what you need to do What you need to do is realize that God has pronounced you forgiven and it's his verdict that matters and you have to trust that By faith, even if your feelings tell you that it's a lie
You have to trust by faith that you and him are right and you're right not because of what you've done Because of what
Jesus has done, but then there's also like the reality that you know, if you're living in unrepentant unconfessed sin you can keep on coming to God and Asking his forgiveness but you also like by his grace through the power of his spirit need to make lifestyle changes because You can't just keep on searing your conscience and defile defiling your conscience over and over and over again
So like what you need to do is you need you need the same solutions that you know
That all Christians need you need faith and repentance right repent repent and believe the good news, right?
So turn from your sins With God's help and trust in the finished work of Christ on your behalf, you know
So those are the answers the answer isn't like you take the seat of the judge and pronounce a forgiven verdict on yourself
And so but that's that's kind of people's knee -jerk response to any situation where any person feels guilt whatsoever
Is to say well, hey, have you asked God to forgive you? Yes. All right You still feel guilty yes. Well, then you need to forgive yourself and it's like no you don't need to forgive yourself
You need to trust that God has forgiven you, you know, and you possibly need to repent like actually repent of this thing, too
Right, you know, so there's that but I mean so like the whole concept of giving yourself grace.
It's just It's the same kind of thing is you need to forgive yourself. It's like no you don't give yourself grace
God gives you grace you look to him for grace you accept his grace when he gives you grace you trust in that by faith
So basically what you're saying is there there really isn't a situation where you show yourself grace
There's just there's situations where you know You need to take take God's command seriously and actually repent and do the things that he has commanded you to do
And then there are situations where maybe you have maybe you have legitimately repented
But you still feel guilty and in that scenario you need to your problems not you need to forgive yourself
Your problem is you need to trust in God's forgiveness, right? Right? Yeah So, I mean like the idea of showing yourself grace would be the idea of like you standing in judgment of your own actions
You know, and this is something that Paul refuses to do. So, you know Paul's in his letter to You know the
Corinthians. I mean they're they're basically accusing him of wrongdoing and he's and he looks at him He basically says hey,
I I know of nothing against myself, right? Like these accusations are false. I know of nothing against myself
But in this I'm not justified right like I'm not justified right because like the idea is like Because like I'm biased in my own favor, right?
Like in other words, I'm prone to think the best about myself and there may be hidden fault just because I don't I can't see
Any faults within myself just because I'm looking at the accusations. I'm saying hey, they don't land right you're judging my motives and these accusations they don't land but just because like Like I'm I have a clear
I have a testimony of a clear conscience that doesn't mean that that doesn't justify me, right? like so like just because my my heart may be off right
I may be missing something and I don't see the secrets of my own heart even so So Paul says in first Corinthians 4 or 3 but with me
It's a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court He says in fact, I don't even judge myself for I'm not aware of anything against myself
But I am NOT there by acquitted it is the Lord who judge judges me therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time before the
Lord comes who will bring to light the things now hidden in the darkness and Will disclose the purposes of the heart then each one will receive his condemnation from God So I mean like Paul's looking at himself.
He's saying I don't even judge myself, right? Like cuz I'm not the judge God's the judge He's the one who's whose verdict matters and that's what
Christians who use this kind of language God's judgment that matters. It's his verdict that matters. It's not our own verdict.
It's not our own perception of ourself Like I'm not like just just because I think yeah, you know what?
Maybe I'm harsher on or myself that I need to be, you know, therefore I need to show myself grace I guess no
God's my judge not me, right? Like you're my you're our judge. I'm not my judge, right?
God's my judge and I'm gonna leave it to him and his judgments gonna be right Like the only thing we should be judging ourself by is by his standard in his word, right
Right, like in and then when we violate that standard like we need his forgiveness and that's the only standard that matters
Does that make sense? Yeah, and then you and then you get all the people that tell you
That tell you any time that you you know, take seriously God's commands that hey only only
God can judge me Only God can judge me. Well, that's scary Yeah, yeah, and then you say that should scare you actually that should not be a that should not be a phrase that comforts you
Because he's gonna know everything Nothing's gonna be hidden from him I guess
I guess in in one sense, maybe it could be comforting if you're the person who's legitimately trusting and and You know in Christ sacrifice on the cross so that when we get judged
Yeah, our you know, our righteousness will be Christ's righteousness not our own so maybe there's maybe that's
Where some people are getting their comfort, but I doubt it. Most people are just Most people just use it as a get out of jail free card for whatever you're talking about But okay,
I think that's a good place for us to wrap up the conversation. So thank you Tim for answering all my questions and and and talking about this subject because because I'd see this a lot too and You know,
I even used to be someone who thinks this way like hey, I've got to forgive myself and I've got a I've got a just You know realize that it's okay that I I did this or that thing and just move on and whatnot
When the reality is it doesn't matter if I forgive myself or not It matters if God has forgiven me for it and and the same applies to everyone
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