A Response to Joel Webbon & ‪@RightResponseMinistries‬ (Defending Pre-Mil Christians vs Post-Mil)


John MacArthur, a leaky dispensationalist:    • A "Leaky Dispensationalist" - Pastor ...   Video also features a clip from RC Sproul & Ligonier Ministries


Hello, thanks for watching this video. This is a response to Pastor Joel Webben of Right Response Ministries.
I'll say this up front, this is not an attack video. I appreciate much of what he does, but the reason
I'm doing this is because I've noticed that Pastor Joel, he likes to put the blame on premillennial dispensationalists for the modern, you know, the state of affairs in evangelicalism today.
So much of what's wrong in the church today, he likes to blame premillennial dispensationalists.
So what is a premillennialist? It's somebody who believes that Jesus comes back before the millennium, that is before the thousand year reign of Christ.
A premillennialist also believes in the rapture of the church. So his argument seems to be that premill
Christians think, you know, we all just think we're going to get raptured out of here tomorrow. So we sit back, we do nothing.
We don't plan for the future. We don't build anything. We have a loser mentality and he likes to refer to Pastor John MacArthur's statements that we lose down here and this is all part of his argument against premillennialism.
Now Pastor Webben is a postmillennialist. He thinks that Jesus comes back after the kingdom age.
So obviously he's going to be opposed to premillennialism. Well here's the thing.
Why is he doing this? Obviously I can't read his heart. I don't know his motivations.
Obviously he believes what he's saying, but I think part of it is that premillennialism has been the dominant view within the evangelical church for 50, 60, 70, 80 years or more.
So in order for postmill Christians to rule the day, uh, they need to not premillennialist down a few pegs.
That's, that's my take on it. Right or wrong. That's my take. Okay. Now really none of that should matter.
The only thing that should matter is what does the scripture teach? Jesus said in Luke 18 verse eight, he says, when the son of man comes, will he really find faith on the earth?
And the clear implication is that Jesus is saying that he won't find very much faith on the earth.
That clearly goes against the postmillennial position. Jesus's words that he won't find much faith on the earth goes, it's perfectly in line with the apostasy passages by both
Peter and Paul. Paul in second Thessalonians chapter two talks about the return of Christ.
He says that day cannot come until the falling away comes first. Peter in second
Peter chapter three says, knowing this first that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts saying, where is the promise of his coming?
So it doesn't sound like things are going to get better and better. Uh, Jesus, Peter, Paul, they all seem to talk about apostasy at the end of the age, which is what premillennialists believe.
So the reason I'm doing this video, uh, again, pastor Webb and seems to want to blame, uh, he blames the liberals more than anyone, which, you know, all
God's people said, amen. But he likes to blame premillennial dispensationalists a lot.
So I'm not looking to defend the whole dispensational system, uh,
Larkin, uh, Schofield, there are plenty of things I wouldn't agree with if they taught, uh,
I'm more in line with John MacArthur who, uh, considers himself a leaky dispensationalist, but he, he makes this point that the church in Israel are different.
So in pastor Joel's last video, I think he uploaded yesterday. He's, he's talking about dispensationalism.
He's disagreeing with it. And he said, the church is Israel. The church is the new Israel. Well, that's not the case.
Here's the thing. The Bible never wants, never wants says that the church is the new
Israel. The church is never called Israel. Not a single time. That's an interpretation based on Ephesians two, first Peter two.
Uh, so I don't, I don't believe that's the case. The church in Israel are distinct entities.
Uh, the apostle Paul called the church a mystery. The Greek word mysterion refers to something that was previously hidden or unknown.
Paul also calls the rapture a mystery. So in the old Testament, God's people didn't know about the rapture because they didn't know about the church.
Jesus said in Matthew 16, I will build my church. So the church is something new.
It is different from Israel. So this idea that the church is the new Israel or however they define it, the new spiritual
Israel, the church has replaced Israel. You know, we, we typically call this replacement theology.
I know people don't like that term, but that's what it boils down to. I believe this is a holdover from the
Catholic church. Uh, this is a doctrine I believe created by the Catholic church. The early reformers, many of them didn't reform enough.
So they held on to some of these Catholic teachings. So going back to my original statement and why
I'm making this video, pastor Webin seems to want to blame premillennial dispensationalists for the sorry state of affairs in the evangelical church today.
Well I disagree. I think the main issue in the church today is liberalism.
And here's the thing, liberalism was not brought in by the premillennial dispensationalists.
Liberalism to a much greater degree was brought in by the reformed churches, many of whom were post mill.
And I'm just going to end with a video put out by Ligonier ministries, sort of the premier reformed ministry in the
United States where they basically admit this much watch question that's been given to us in many different forms and that's what is the difference between what we call covenant theology and what's called dispensational theology.
Where did dispensational theology come from? And are the differences between those two approaches to biblical understanding important, significant, critical?
What's your judgment on all this? I want to make another historical point that we alluded to earlier.
There was a time when it was almost the case that the only people who believed in the
Bible were dispensationalists. That liberal theology had come into the mainline denominations, the evangelical church was really either non -existent or almost exclusively dispensational.
And then the language was modernist and fundamentalist. And these fundamentalists were utterly heroic.
Okay. So again, this is not an attack against right response ministries. I appreciate much of what they're doing.
It's just my appeal to pastor Joel, you know, it's really not our fault. So I think placing the blame on us,
I think is misguided, but he believes what he believes. He's going to say what he's going to say. And I've said what
I wanted to say. So thanks for watching. And until next time, may the Lord be with you. Have a great day.