Final Questions and Project Instructions



We have we have a visitor in class it's our new our new mascot the dragonfly
I can't get him out we had a we had the door open during during the break and we now have a visitor so we're going to now begin the last 20 minutes of this whole course and I have three main things
I want to do in the next 20 minutes one we're going to ask about any questions you may have are there any anything from this course that you feel like you didn't understand or maybe you want me to repeat or clarify you know
I can't repeat everything but if there's something that you want me to elaborate on I'll be happy to do that then we're going to talk about what is required for those who want a certificate now if you're not earning a certificate still listen because I want
I would like as many as you who who are able to consider trying because this this is probably the the one project that could be the most meaningful in your own life because it's we're going to see in a little while we talk about the project it's it's about you this is about you and what
God's doing in your life so please consider doing the work not just auditing the class and then finally we're going to talk about the next class so is there any questions yes in our church we don't we don't do that but I that wouldn't that would be something that I wouldn't necessarily say is wrong
I would simply say at that point it's really at the at the preference of the elders how they understand what is what is taking a position of teaching or authority you know
I've mentioned before when it comes to music we always have a man leading the music but there are women up there that are singing but the but there's it's very obvious who's leading it's obvious who's talking to the congregation who's making proclamations who's telling the congregation stand up so now it's always either me or brother
Jerry who is doing that and we always have an elder read the scripture or a deacon so and those are men but I mean if I was in a church and a woman read scripture publicly it probably wouldn't be a big deal to me as much as it was if she was preaching but some people might take a little more be a little more offended by it
I I I would I would I would I maybe ask just the question why do you do do it that way but it wouldn't be because it was necessarily that I was opposed to it it would just be you know what's what what are you are you saying something in that because I do think that there is a what
I'm saying is I think that there's a there's always this this is always this attempt to sort of blur that line and and and make it as as yeah as gray as it can be and well she's not teaching but she's reading and so it just becomes an issue of why you know what would be the purpose of it other than well nobody else can read
I don't think that would be the reason but that might be a church might make that argument but as I said it wouldn't be that it wouldn't be as as big of an issue as like I was at a church friend of mine they have ladies lead their singing because they do and a lady started talking and and again
I love this guy love his church but I did start to thinking when is she going to break the line between she's just sharing and now she's teaching and it really was very borderline and that was a concern of mine yeah so that so that's that's something yeah all right anybody else okay all right well
I hope this class was encouraging and I and I mean this from the bottom of my heart I would really love your thoughts on the book if you thought it was helpful and not just you know a thumbs up if you write a little something down for me send me an email or give me a handwritten note like brother just a few minutes ago showed me a typo and I appreciate that it again it was edited in -house we didn't have a professional editor so knowing that so there's a typo on page 99 now that I know it in the next edition
I'll know to correct it and well I appreciate that I do and like I said it was just a series of sermons that I turned into a book well
I appreciate it very much all right well let's talk about the research project you should have your syllabus if you don't it's on the website if you go to sgfcjax .org
slash Academy you can have you all of the syllabuses that I have used so far are there and you'll find it there each student will write an autobiography of their experience in church life and ministry this should include a history of number one church is joined in positions held maybe you've never joined a church maybe you've never held a position in church talk about that I've been to a lot of churches but I've never been a member of a church or maybe that you know whatever you know yes sir yeah if you're a part of set free you can talk about that absolutely
I know they don't have a formal membership joining thing like that but if you if you've been there and you've been attending services you can put that down absolutely what's that but that's yeah that's true but that's not when
I talk about church membership it's a little different yeah yeah absolutely all right the second thing write about any important events and lessons that you learned along the way things that you have learned and again set free
I'm sure there's a thousand that you can think of that are you know have been useful third and finally any discovery of any individual giftedness as you have been in churches what has
God shown you that he has called you to do or be here in the church and that's the three things that are these three things are what your papers about and again
I don't ask for a lot and there's a couple reasons for that one you know I know you guys many of you work full -time jobs and this is just you know you're doing this to learn and gain in the word
I'm not asking for a 20 page report or even a 10 page report I say you know three to five pages it's fine and out of those three things churches you've been a part of positions you've held what you've learned and what your giftedness is
I mean that's that's all I'm asking for and the paper should conclude with a portion looking to the future answering the question what do
I believe God has called me to do in the church where I am serving what
I believe God has called me to do now you might say well I'm serving at a church but I don't see myself being out here forever maybe you plan on moving on at some point but what do you believe
God's calling you to do in his church whether it's where you are now or where you're going to be where do you see
God having you and you know some of you might say well I believe God's called me to be a deacon or I believe
God's called me to be an elder I believe God's called me to serve in some as a missionary or some other capacity an open -air preacher whatever
I just want to hear how God's working in your life and how this course may have encouraged you in that direction okay because again this is the end of a two -year process so it's not just really about this course but if you've been here for a while it's about all that you've learned so keep that in mind here's here's the structure of the paper the research project will be submitted in the following format a title page which includes a course title number student name and professor name that's just a standard college cover sheet the body of the project should be well organized to be no less than three pages no more than five pages and a properly cited bibliography page which does not account that does not count in the three to five pages your cover page and your bibliography page don't count so if you hand me one page with a cover page and a bibliography page say this is three pages no no no the cover page is a cover page the bibliography page is when you cite your sources you might say well
I'm gonna go cite the sources this is all about me if you cite scripture reference that if you cite any quote or maybe it's a quote that's affected you in some way
Votie Bockham or Paul Washer somebody somebody's quote even out of my book if you quote something out of there cite it it's a good thing to do always yeah there's different ways of doing it there's a
APA format which is the one I prefer this is what I used in school but then there's also MLA format it's just two different ways to format how you put the name of the book and what page you cited you're citing it from yeah all right that is that is the end of this class any questions on that work that's on the website if you need it go to the website now let's very quickly how many of you plan to come to the next class oh really okay good well here this you always get one month from the from the end of class so I'll tell you what we're so close to October I'll just say you have to the end of October you have to the end of October so you get an extra extra week or so yeah the next class begins
October 7th so you'll still be working on this paper when we start the next class normally
I try to give you a month in between but because I'm trying to beat the Christmas season I want to be done with this before Christmas season you know at our house
Christmas season begins as soon as Thanksgiving is over as soon as I mean as soon as the turkey has digested we're watching
Christmas vacation yeah we're ready we're getting in the holiday spirit you know we're my daughter's already listening to Christmas music cuz she's just she is a little weird that's right and we are we're gonna have you guys for for Thanksgiving love to do that and like I said as soon as that's over we'll be heading into Christmas so we will have one class that goes the week after Thanksgiving because we would have finished on that Thursday but it's a holiday so we'll finish on December 2nd of that class this class is called introduction to hermeneutics and I am changing the course numbers if you took this class before I've changed the course numbers now to look like this and this is
I'm gonna explain this morning when you guys come back but I'm going to show you now the course numbers will be the lettering will be in regard to what the subject is so like this is hermeneutics so this is
Bible BIV the first three courses you're doing are hermeneutics introduction to hermeneutics introduction to Old Testament introduction to New Testament and that is
BIV 101 that means it's the first year first class then
BIV 102 which will be introduction Old Testament first year second class see and then it'll be
BIV 103 and like that and you'll you'll have four classes the first year and then come back and have the second year okay so that's that what
I'm saying is if you took classes before the numbers were different because I was using the numbers from Jackson Baptist which is the seminary we're connected to but I just decided to change it to be more specific to what we're doing so the numbers class numbers will now reference the year you're in and the essentially the what process you're in you're in the first first class of that year make sense all right and again this has everything you need on it
Bobby I have the copies up here if you want to take them back to set free with you for any of the guys who want to do the class please remember that you have two books to get living by the book and the accompanying workbook and I want to show you something on the back look at this syllabus on the back notice the first day of class you have an assigned reading and you have a homework the first night when you come in the first night and tell the guys that set free whoever's taking this class there's homework do night one write ten observations from Romans chapter 12 verses 1 & 2 10 things that you observe from the text and Romans 12 1 & 2 well notice okay if it makes you happy go to the bottom week 8 write 20 more observations that's after you've learned how to observe because this class is going to teach you three things it's going to teach you observation interpretation and application that's the goal of this class so over the eight weeks you're going to learn to become a better observer and so you'll be able to pull out at least 20 more from the same two verses that you did at the beginning so you got it you got to start with 10 start with 10
Amazon will have it Christian book distributors should have it
Howard Hendricks was one of the most famous teachers of the last century he was a
Dallas seminary teacher he I mean tons of people studied with him big name people so his books
I would probably have it sent to your aunts
I don't know if it fit and I mean I wouldn't I hate for you to lose it yeah it's it's pretty it's it cuz you're going to get that in the workbook
I got you I understand all right guys well let's finish this course with prayer how about that father in heaven
I so thank you for this time with these men and and and the opportunity to study your word and I pray
Lord that we'll have a good break in the next week and we'll come back anxious and hungry to start the new season in the new year looking at what it means to study your scriptures right to rightly divide the word of truth we thank you for that in Jesus name