(Part 2) Refuting Those Who Contradict

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The importance of expository preaching & sound doctrine is discussed in Episode # 50 of the Testing the Spirits podcast. Podcast topic based on Titus 1:9


Jesus said in Luke 6 26 beware when all men speak well of you for so did their fathers to the false prophets see the false prophets prophesy smooth words peace peace when there is no peace they say things like God loves everyone unconditionally no matter what now that sounds great problem is the
Bible never says that matter of fact the Bible says the opposite there is a condition and the condition is faith in Jesus Christ you see the prophets and the apostles they would preach messages like repent and turn back to God that was the average sermon by a prophet right repent in Acts chapter 2 verse 40 the most famous sermon ever preached
Peter on the day of Pentecost apart from Jesus's Sermon on the Mount where Jesus warned about hell in the
Sermon on the Mount by the way but where did Peter say in his famous sermon he called people to repent and be baptized and in Acts 2 verse 40 he said be saved from this perverse generation see that doesn't make people very happy if I say hey this generation that's alive today it is a perverse generation yeah that's not going to fill up stadiums that's not going to get you a deal with serious radio right
Oprah is not going to invite you on her show when you're preaching like that now if you come along say everybody's saved everybody's a child of God God loves everyone unconditionally every everything everyone's going to heaven everything's great then
Oprah will have you on but you see how this works okay so Peter basically any pick any sermon in the
Bible it's pretty pretty much the same message repent or else you know
Peter be saved from this perverse generation I can only imagine what he would say today how much more perverse is it
I guess Peter wasn't very tolerant and inclusive but you know pastors forget all that stuff for a moment forget what people think forget what people want and how they're following false teachers pastors need to just don't worry about what people think do what
God says do what the Bible says is your job pastors need to exhort again
Titus 1 9 pastors need to exhort people in sound doctrine and we need to be able to refute those who contradict so identify the source who's teaching this what are they teaching why is it wrong chapter and verse explain it biblically that's what we need basically we just need to be biblical bottom line we just need to be biblical this is why
I am a big believer in expository preaching a pastor should stand up in front of the church on Sunday morning he should open the
Bible and he should teach and preach from the Bible oh
I know that's revolutionary that's all you need to do preach from the Bible and do it in context not use a verse out of context as a springboard to launch into something you know you want to talk about no nor should a pastor be playing the word association game
I mean Rick Warren is famous for this a pastor will have an idea something that they want to talk about so they search multiple translations to look for a particular word that sort of ties in to their desired topic now the
Bible verse that they use that word the verse may have nothing to do with the overall subject but it's you know a word that's in the verse and a word they're using it that's the connection word association it's just a it gives you the illusion that they're actually preaching a biblical sermon when most of the time it's anything but so there's all sorts of games that people play it's like Joel Osteen I don't know if he still does this but remember how he would start out every
TV show every you know sermon quote -unquote he'd hold up his Bible is it this is my
Bible it is what I says I can do and what blah blah blah whatever he says and then he puts it down and he never opens it again he doesn't preach from it it's like how do people not see this and of course many do but this is just the environment the modern evangelical environment it's a sorry state of affairs so again this is the whole problem when someone when someone is biblical when they're just doing the job description like God lays it out in Titus 1 9 no you're the problem even though you're doing the right thing but the people doing the wrong thing they're famous they set the tone they got
Billy Graham who back them up and praise them up 30 years ago so they can do no wrong and you you're just a jerk that's kind of the way it shakes out but what we need to do is rightly handle the
Word of God 2nd Timothy 2 15 says be diligent to present yourself approved to God a worker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the
Word of Truth and that means to rightly handle the Word of Truth a pastor should be going through the
Bible chapter by chapter verse by verse he shouldn't be jumping around and skipping things like okay
I'll preach this part of Matthew but not that part and not this part and not that part but then then
I'll preach this but not that what is that that censorship if you refuse to preach about certain subjects if you refuse to preach certain passages of the
Bible pastors are censoring the Bible that's what they're doing they refuse to tell people what the
Bible says they refuse to preach it as is so here's the thing if you preach if you just do what
God says you know what Paul says you know preach the word if you just preach verse by verse here's why that is so important it ensures that you will get that the people will get
God's message and not man's now going back to Titus 1 you can't preach through the
Bible the New Testament especially without touching on the subject of false teachers contradict sound doctrine since every
New Testament letter with the exception of Philemon was written at least in part in order to address false doctrine and you know bad doctrine and bad behavior all the
New Testament letters cover this subject so it's a major theme so if you just preach through the
New Testament you're gonna be talking about this often you get the point but this podcast is meant to kind of reinforce this point because let's face it you depending and I don't know most of my viewers most of my list
I don't know what you're listening to but the average person you're not getting this from most ministries so this type of thing is lacking today so I'm trying to help fill the void and there are many others doing this as well but we are in the small minority we're sort of like a voice crying out in the wilderness if you will you know we're we're trying to call the church back to its roots to have a prophetic voice once again but when you try to do that when you simply try to be biblical you find that you get criticized and that's okay that's fine but you don't just get criticized from the atheists and the skeptics you unfortunately you get criticized by other believers so just a few final thoughts what really led me to do this specific podcast this episode is really all the people that come on my
YouTube channel and they leave comments about how you know I'm not being
Christlike because I critiqued Mormonism or something like that what so here's what people do they'll leave comments about how
Jesus would never criticize another religion so the the video that I have on YouTube that gets by far the most comments just like I don't know how many every day it's my video kingdom of the cults where I address
Jehovah's Witnesses Mormons Christian science and you know especially Mormonism and Christian science
I mean this is not Christianity not by a long shot as of the time of this recording
I have about like 8 ,500 comments on that video and one that I read today one comment is really stood out and I've heard variations of this same remark before but here's what one guy said he said well if you were
Christlike if you were really like Jesus you wouldn't be talking bad about other religions you know my first thought is okay can
I disagree with the Church of Satan and still be Christlike would that be okay can
I be Christlike and speak against bail worship well what if I'm critical of the
Pharisees religion can I still be Christlike because I'm pretty sure Christ criticized that right so I responded and I know
I probably shouldn't respond you know my daughter tells me don't respond to YouTube comments you know that's but I and I I ignore most of them but sometimes
I realize maybe I should ignore it but I responded I basically told the guy
I told him well to be Christ okay let's talk about Christ let's talk about what
Christ did I said in John chapter 4 Jesus told the Samaritan woman that her worship was wrong
Jesus did say your religion is wrong he told her that what you worship you don't know
Jesus said we know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews so according to Jesus Christ himself the worship of the
Samaritans the worship they were involved in was wrong they worshiped at the wrong place they had a false priesthood they were not following Moses the way the
Jews were so the fact is Jesus actually did speak against her organized religion of course
Jesus also spoke against certain sects of Judaism in particular the
Scribes and Pharisees and then in the book of Revelation Jesus referred to a specific religious group as being a synagogue of Satan now
I don't want to overstate my point but I was just thinking where do people get this idea what is this guy thinking that he would come on and actually try to correct a pastor and say well
Jesus never did this what okay here's the thing where are they getting this idea
I think I know that you know my Jesus would never speak a bad word about anyone ever you know
Jesus only spoke this is the idea people have in their mind that Jesus only spoke about love and acceptance
Jesus never said anything negative about anyone ever that's what they believe where did they get that idea here's the thing these people their view of Jesus either comes from Hollywood or more likely
I think the Jesus that these people have in mind their Jesus is really more like Joel Osteen he's always positive right this is what they're getting this is what most people are getting from modern evangelical
Christianity that Jesus is like the Christian pastors you see on TV they're always positive they never preach anything negative they're always smiling positive only all the time and they're for everyone no matter what in Jews Muslims Hindus all religions they all love
God everything's great everyone saved I think that's where they get this idea
I don't think it's from TV in Hollywood I mean that might be part of it but I think it's actually from evangelical pastors that they get this idea or the you know the the big names so here's the problem not only is that a false
Christ I mean that that Jesus that's all positive all the time never says anything negative about other that's a fake
Jesus that Jesus doesn't exist that is idolatry they have created fashioned and molded to Jesus in their own vain imagination but here's why it becomes a problem or how it becomes a problem for Christians this false idea that people have about Jesus it then gets put on people like me it then gets put on pastors so when
I do a video about how the religion of Mormonism is wrong or some other pastor you know fulfills his job description
Titus chapter 1 verse 9 he refutes those who contradict when we do things like that if I preach a sermon where I speak about a particular behavior
I say it's wrong people should repent of it all the even even when we're reading straight from the
Bible it doesn't matter because now the accusation is you're not being like Jesus you're not being loving
Jesus would never do that doesn't matter if it's true or not that's the narrative right it's it's the liberal narrative that has found its way within evangelical
Christianity it's leading people astray it's causing people to worship a false Christ and it's demonizing the pat it helps to demonize the pastors who are just doing what the
Bible says refuting those who contradict or maybe somebody's attending a liberal church where the pastor never preaches against in the only people he ever criticizes or you know conservative
Christians or something like that we had a church in town that did that the only time the pastor would ever criticize anyone was against conservatives until he drove them all out of his church that's another story for another day but you know someone attends a church like that they're certainly not following Titus 1 they're certainly not calling out false teaching so when that becomes the norm it creates this environment where preachers are no longer held to a biblical standard they're held to a fake worldly standard people bottom line they want a pastor who's like mr.
Rogers they want a pastor who's more like mr. Rogers not you know
Peter or Paul or John people should consider for a moment the what you see on TV is fake okay even the ministries on TV at best it's heavily edited and polished it's not real life the
Apostles here's what I love about the Bible the Apostles the Old Testament prophets all the characters in the
Bible they were real the Bible gives us a real and raw and honest assessment of things the men we see in Scripture are presented to us warts and all now like the guy on TV who's smiling every time you see him it's like there's no way he's really like that in real life you know it's a persona and this is something we have to realize okay what were presented on television it's it's not real it's not accurate and most of the time it's not biblical you know the the characters in Scripture were joyful at times but at times they were you know yeah it's like real life they got discouraged they said a lot of positive things but the preachers in the
Bible some of the greatest saints they said some negative things they dealt with all sorts of emotions same with Jesus Jesus gave us the
Beatitudes he said a lot of wonderful things that make you feel good but then he also called the religious leaders of his day a brood of vipers so Jesus was not one -dimensional the point of this podcast just to try to help
I know I'm kind of going on and on here I might have to break this into two parts but I just want to help people think biblically so in conclusion
Titus chapter 1 verse 9 this is all part of the job description it's part of my job description to hold fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching so that I will be able and all pastors will be able to both both to exhort in sound doctrine and we will be able to refute those who contradict it so that's what
I'm trying to do if you would please pray for me thank you for all those who have prayed and give me those encouragements it does mean a lot
I appreciate all of your support I didn't become a pastor to win some sort of popularity contest
I certainly didn't create my youtube channel or start this podcast for that because you know you get more critics than you do fans
I think but that's not what this is about it's just about doing the right thing trying to take the
Word of God you read it you believe it you apply it you try to teach others that's what it's all about I'm just trying to be faithful to the calling that the
Lord has placed on my life it's like Paul told the Corinthians he said woe was me if I do not preach the gospel well
I feel the same way and I've not only been called to preach the gospel and to preach what's right and true it is also part of my calling for the last time
Titus 1 verse 9 it is also part of my calling to refute those who are preaching a false gospel and seek to corrupt the
Word of God refute those who contradict I'll close with this Ephesians 5 verse 11 says and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them well but people don't like that some will say all sorts of negative things about you yeah that's true and it's the same for some of you listening if you try to share these things with your friends your co -workers you try somebody says they're a
Christian but they're listening to false prophets and their their life is just lit they're living their life contrary to what the says you try to talk to them about it they call you judgmental and they call you all the names that you know
I'm hearing right if it doesn't go well don't get discouraged it's easy to do rather be encouraged remember the words of Jesus himself in Matthew 5 11 and 12 he says blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice
Jesus says and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecute don't feel alone right you're not alone for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you thanks for listening and until next time may the