Matt Slick Q&A - 5/31/17




We're on all right welcome back. We just did a Track session on Roman Catholicism, and there's a lot more to come believe me.
There's a lot more to come so if you guys got any comments or questions, so feel free to let me know and Because the radio show has been dismantled, but we don't still don't know what the reason was
Now the place looks pretty desolate people aren't coming in we got a couple losers sitting in the back, but you know and Not the lady the lady's not a loser not
The two guys in the back there and one of them Joel goes. Yeah, it's me you look at right
I got a raise my hand for that one That works Yeah, I sold it him to the first day is you don't know yeah
It was your fault for asking God to use you That's right. I can't blame him All right, you've got any comments or questions
One that's it on what Facebook. Oh just Facebook. Okay, Facebook or YouTube YouTube Supposedly, it's a
Roman Catholics watching tonight. I I know Yeah, I Should be better with a mic now.
Yeah This question is from Aaron Sinclair Are the lost books of the
Bible fiction or are some true some of them are in the Catholic Bible, right?
There are no lost books of the Bible see what people say.
What about the lost books of the Bible? That's assuming there are lost books of the Bible There aren't any lost books of the
Bible. So when someone says what about the lost books aren't any lost books God has his ways of making sure that everything he wanted to be in the
Bible is in the Bible. He's God and That's it so the things people call the lost books, how would they know they're the lost books?
I'll read these articles the lost books of the Bible found. How do you know that the lost books? You know written by st.
Bob, you know It was pet dog and they write something and it comes in the 200 see that's one of the
Gospels You know, how do they know and so the Catholic Church? The Christian Church had its ways recognizing what the truth of God's Word was and yeah
There were some problems and some disagreements here and there But God in his sovereignty works through his creation and through his church to recognize the
Word of God Simple there are no lost books and the apocryphal books of the Roman Catholic Church and that were added in 1546 are false
Tobit Maccabees have false teachings in them Cash for the forgiveness of sins
Historical errors, I mean blatant their errors if there's inspired of God and belongs in the canon
Then why did Jesus exclude it in Luke 11 51 and Luke 22 24 44 when he quoted various things about?
From the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah the first and last book of the Old Testament canon excluding the apocrypha and in Luke 2444 he said the law the prophets in the
Psalms the three divisions of the Old Testament He excluded the apocrypha the prop I mean that Jesus never quoted from the apocrypha and the prophets that I mean and the
Apostles did not quote from the apocrypha It's not scripture, but the Roman Catholic Church added it in because of its false doctrines of works righteousness
Indulgences penance and paying cash for forgiveness, which is what Tobit? Teaches but Tobit's so if you believe
God's Word And you hear the voice of your Lord. You don't follow the false voice of us another teacher
This is what separates the sheep from the goats The true Christians don't follow the voice of a
Pope they follow the voice of Christ true Christians point to Jesus Because the
Holy Spirit in them bears witness of Christ Not of a church. That's how it works any other questions
We done not not scripture next
What do you want me to say? They're not not scripture and just because people might say well look Jude quoted
Enoch so therefore Enoch's inspired. No it doesn't work Paul quoted Epimenides and Menander in Acts 17
I think that range I forgot where I got an article on my site It doesn't mean that they're inspired because he quoted them quoted pagan philosophers
There's many books in fact if you go to Carmen look up Books quoted in the Bible or extra biblical books
There's a whole list like 20 or 30 or something like that that are just there It doesn't mean they're inspired because they're quoted any more than Jude quoting
Enoch means Enoch is inspired Or Paul quoting the pagan philosophers
Epimenides and Menander or Erastus those three that mean that they're inspired
Of course you're not inspired just because they're quoted doesn't mean they're inspired All right Yeah Next this is easy
The Catholics are not as asking any difficult questions next week though. Oh, man. Oh, it's gonna be bad for him
Oh, yeah, and then we got for that batter Gets worse and after that we're sir you got a question not anymore.
You just answered it It's dead, huh What what it's dead like All right the importance of the
Sabbath in relation the New Testament Some people say that we should honor the
Sabbath But in a kind of a modified way and do it on Sundays instead of Saturdays some people say that the
Sabbath is the only of The Ten Commandments not mentioned in the
New Testament. Therefore, we don't have to honor it What's the correct answer here?
At least? Answer. Well, that's look answer. That's it. That's different. Um, what was that?
Okay, whatever So the
It says in I Was going to free I first couldn't in 16 to on the first day of every week each one of us is to put aside and save as he may prosper so that no collections may be made when
I come first day of the week, which is Sunday and There's some other verses which you can't remember right now.
I'm trying to look for them. It talks about other time and I think it's at 16 6
I have an article on karma about this where it talks about the first day of the week do this the first day of the week do that why because the first day of the week is the
Day that Jesus rose from the dead and the early church started meeting on the first day of the week
Now people will say to me. Well Matt, you know shouldn't we keep the Sabbath as in Saturday say?
No, we don't have to because Romans 14 5 one person regards one day above another another regards every day alike
Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind If we're supposed to keep the
Sabbath on Saturday, and that was mandatory Then why would Paul say each person must be fully convinced in his own mind about one day above another?
That by definition includes a Sabbath which is above others in the Old Testament So this right here refutes the idea that anybody is supposed to keep
Legalistically a single day as the proper day now it does not mean that if you do have a special day that you like and that you want to Honor God on doesn't mean you're in sin
It says each man must be fully convinced in his own mind You see if you think that you're supposed to worship
God on Saturday then worship God on Saturday or Sunday then on Sunday or Monday then do it on Monday and It's not the day specifically
But it's the idea of having your rights before God your freedom before God being able to do this kind of a thing now
It says in Colossians 2 16 therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink on respect to a festival which is yearly a
New moon, which is monthly or a Sabbath day, which is weekly So Paul says let no one act in your as your judge in regard to these things
So if someone has an idea that they're supposed to worship on a Saturday Saturday I'm not judging
Now Nathan over here He won't buy or sell on a Sunday, right? That's true
Okay, I don't have a problem buying some worms going fishing but on Sunday, but he doesn't want to do that.
Okay, that's his conviction I'm not gonna stand in the way of that That's that's his conviction. I'm saying is right.
That's saying it's wrong. That's his conviction. That's fine. And I think it's a good thing
And so we're to be convinced in our own minds about these things now finally, yes
It's true that the only commandment not reiterated in the New Testament The Ten Commandments is the one on the
Sabbath why? Because Jesus is our Sabbath rest He says in Matthew 11 28 come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest the
Sabbath is our rest Jesus fulfilled that Sabbath we come to him for the rest. That's what's going on.
Yep Question that's coming through Facebook. This is
Thomas and Chino Can you yeah, can you sorry?
Can you do a flyby of the gifts in 1st Corinthians 1210 specifically the ability to distinguish between spirits
I've struggled to find sound commentary to help explain what this is, please and thank you another
Affecting of miracles another prophecy another the distinguishing of spirits to another various kinds of tongues.
I'm not sure what that is to be honest various distinguishings of spirit
There have been different commentaries who offer different opinions about such things there we go and such things as being able to save someone saved or not saved or If a spiritual attitude in a person is good or bad, or if someone it came from this light up here
Right above me This bulb it does every now and then and so it could be that or it could be a demonic thing or a spirit
Angelic thing and being able to decide and know those kind of things just an awareness and So, I don't know what the actual right answer is
I just know that those are the range of possibilities and that's that's what I know Okay The next question is from YouTube from less
Matt. Have you noticed similarities between Roman Catholic Church and Jehovah's Witnesses? Yes question is
The Next question is from test
I Yeah, there's another question, okay, I can't follow up with the first one because I Okay Righteousness authoritative system where their church is the proper authority as it being for true membership of God's kingdom
It to be in their true church Their true church has the ability to interpret scripture that's supposed to interpret the scripture apart from what they say things like that Next question is from Tess Some people are rejecting
Christmas and Easter because of the Roman Catholic Church Is it biblically plausible to simply see
Christmas and Easter or I don't know why it says because it says because of RCC Okay, that's
I assumed is it biblically plausible to simply see Christmas and Easter as celebration the fulfillment of the
Feast of Tabernacle Yes Yeah, it's possible to do that.
But look don't make a mistake of thinking that just because the Roman Catholic Church is involved with it That is false It's called a genetic fallacy.
The source of it is bad. So therefore it is bad. No, it's not true It'll go on back on itself.
Sometimes it happens unless you do the other bulb Maybe both of them need to be whatever so, uh, oh my nose
So just because the Roman Catholic Church does it doesn't mean it's false. We have to judge it by scripture They did try
I think in a good effort to get certain days holified made holy by I'll try to get the lights going here by Does that light have more settings?
Okay They tried to get pagan holidays taken over to make them sanctified so that the pagans would start celebrating in a good way
Not a bad way. That's how it became Easter. There we go Easter and Christmas So it didn't really work because pagans don't want to give up their stuff
But just we can celebrate on December 25th. That's fine. Easter is fine, too. That's right.
You missed. Okay any more? All right,
I got a quick another question for you sir is the Mosaic Covenant part of the covenant of works or the covenant of grace haha
Mosaic covenant being what? We had to define what the Mosaic Covenant is So that the
Ten Commandments are the mar the covenant signed documents So in the Suzerain Vassie treaty pattern of the third millennium
BC for third or fourth millennium BC The pattern was that what you would do
In a covenant the Suzerain and the vassal the Suzerain was the big king The vassal was the lesser king and what they would do in their contractual agreements is they would say this is who
I am And what I've done This is how that pattern would open up then God spoke all these words.
This is Exodus 20 I'm the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt out of the house of slavery You shall have no other gods before me.
This is who I am what I've done brought you out of the land of slavery and So then you'd have this stipulations and rewards and punishments for keeping or breaking the stipulations
You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness You shall not worship or serve them for I the
Lord am a jealous God Visiting iniquity the followers on the children of the third and fourth generations it goes on.
So now there's a punishment for breaking those laws, so it looks like what we have here in the
Ten Commandments is a Treaty pattern so the
Ten Commandments then would be two documents Ten and ten the stables of stone and that's important because they were in the
Holy of Holies Which is the tabernacle and the mercy seat?
so okay arc of the Covenant the mercy seat with the angels on top and The high priest would come in around the veil once a year and sprinkle blood on the mercy seat
To open that lid which is the mercy seat and in there would be a jar of manna Aaron's rod and the Ten Commandments both of them the copy now the mercy seat is said to be the footstool of God so it's a presence of God in the
Holy of Holies but also the presence of man because if we do a Contract you get a complete copy of the contract.
I get a complete country copy of the contract Two copies of the contract in the presence of God and the presence of man
But it looks like that's what's going on. If that's the Mosaic law this covenant sign. There is a
Ten Commandments And you've heard that one that Moses was the worst sinner of all broke all Ten Commandments at once you threw him down and That's pretty bad
Just bad joke, I know that's that's reaching and so What was the question
Oh, is it a covenant of grace It depends on how you define the covenant of worth covenant of grace because some covenantalists will say everything is a
Manifestation of the covenant of grace grace is unmerited favor. Even the Ten Commandments are unmerited favor
Some will say there's a covenant of works and a covenant of grace Covenant of works is you keep this law and you'll be fine
Basically, nobody really can they know that and then the covenant of grace is the unmerited favor of God that comes upon you
After breaking that law on the person of Christ and of course, it's not as simple as that. Trust me
It's not as simple as that So some people will say well the Ten Commandments are under the covenant of grace, but the Ten Commandments are also the covenant of works
But then again you go back to the Garden of Adam and Eve and the covenant of works that Adam was under Because he could maintain his position with God as long as he didn't eat of the fruit.
He'd be fine covenant of works So depends on how you define these things and I would say ultimately the
Ten Commandments are under the covenant of grace Because they're revelatory from God they're gracious movement to bring us to the place of the knowledge of Jesus Christ because Galatians 3 24
That the law is a tutor that leads us to Jesus and that's ultimately a movement of God's grace.
That's what I would say Right or wrong? I mean covenants a huge huge study the other questions
They're coming in what are done Jehovah's Witnesses believe that there is no
Trinity. Jesus Christ is the first created thing and That he became a man losing his divine nature as an divine nature
But he was an angel and he lost his is gave up his divine He gave up his angelic nature and was changed into a man and as a man
He kept the law and as a man he died on a torture stake on a cross because he kept the law but he only died and paid for the sins of the 144 ,000 and so that's the heavenly class
And so the rest of people the earthly class have got to earn their salvation by keeping the laws and ordinances and things like that and so they only take communion once a year that's only for the 144 ,000 because that's only for whom
Jesus mediates and if you want to be a good Jehovah's Witness You got to go door -to -door and do things like that They also teach annihilation that when you die, you don't exist anymore and that the wicked are judged to annihilation
Non -existence and that's a judgment Basically, that's Jehovah's Witness theology. It's a cult
Because the Holy Spirit's an active force like radar Another question. Yes, sir all right, so a couple weeks ago we covered some
False teachers in the church. Yeah, one of them would be Steve Furtick so Some of the bizarre things we've heard
Steve Furtick say Leads us to say he's a false prophet false teacher what have you
Anybody in his church say that well There is actually somebody who has a ministry a national ministry that goes to his church who calls him pastor
Who's a member of that church actually fills in in the pulpit sometimes? Should we be concerned about that person just because Steve Furtick is their pastor?
Yes, and no depends on What kind of approval what kind of situation? Things need to be looked at in detail that Steve Furtick commends for their
This particular person is a female Which I wanted to leave that out because her
Liza Turkhurst if He said if he approves of her as a woman pastor, then
Stephen Furtick is wrong for doing that I know she's filled in in the pulpit forum before I wanted to leave that out
I just was well, then, you know, he's making a very poor choices He does not understand biblical theology in this regard and he's failing in that He's flat -out failing a lot of pastors are when they allow women to be pastors and teachers and get into the pulpit on a
Sunday morning and preach in The position of authority not for women men are supposed to do it What I'm wondering
I've been working through this in my head is Because I know I sit under my pastor and I learned from him and my pastor is a good pastor he's he rightly divides the
Word of God and I'll stand by him on that if somebody's sitting under somebody like him or TD Jake's or Joel Osteen or Any any one of the crazy people
If they're if they're saying that their pastor is correct and they're
Proud to be a member of that church when we take into question Anything they would teach just based off of that day.
I don't know who the day is Well, okay So if I'm I'm running a national ministry
But I'm going to Joel Osteen's church and I think Joel Osteen is a bomb and Joel Osteen has me fill in because he likes
Me and my teaching and I would I would have a lot of suspicion about you Okay, that's judgment to know who's good and bad
Yeah Yeah, if they're gonna mess up in some areas, can you trust them in others now?
We all have our mess ups Okay, but when the Bible explicitly declares
I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over man, but remain silent for Adam was first created
And he's giving instruction to the church Then that's a woman's not to be in that place It should be that simple and so if someone can't get that right?
I can't trust him to get other stuff, right? I'm just I'm not even looking at the woman teaching part.
I'm looking in general whether it's male or female the elders are supposed to be able to teach sound doctrine refute error and a lot of them don't know what sound doctrine is don't know what the error is because they don't know sound doctrine and So theology is not being taught from the pulpit
If I were a pastor again, I'd be teaching theology not seminary level theology from a pulpit
But I'd be teaching theological aspects while I'm preaching sermons a little bit here a little bit there
So the people can get edified and I would teach during the week a class on theology and logic
They can understand what the Bible says Make them able now what?
The next question is from someone. I believe you were talking to Within last week.
This is from hell -bound heathen Will Matt slick either offer actual proof of his accusations made against witches on his website or take them down out of respect and reverence?
The Proof The proof is found in the Word of God that rejects
Wicca and witchcraft Which is demonic and it's never going to come down. Yeah, we're not going to revere that which is demonic
Witchcraft is not good. Not good at all. I used to be involved with the occult
Before became a Christian. I know what it is. And I remember the sense of darkness.
I remember it I remember that when I became a Christian that sense of darkness went away very quickly.
There's a real spiritual palatability of evil witchcraft is evil and I'm sorry, but it is and if it offends people don't listen
You don't have the right not to be offended. All right, you don't like God's Word then don't read it
Don't pay attention what I have to say. It's not coming down if anything, I'll put more up when people make statements like this
Makes me want to do more It does. Oh, yeah. Well watch this and so I'll write even more
So someone recently wrote or spoke against the vicarious substitutionary atonement or penal substitutionary atonement theory
I wrote an article today and put it up That is where it says what it says
That's right, I'm a fighter so Witchcraft is bad news Did you guys know that there's 50 to 70 million people in spiritism, which is the form of witchcraft in the world and It's growing
Of course Jesus said and Apostle Paul said Peter said in the last days could be apostasy
People are gonna go after what they want. They want control. They want influence. That's what witchcraft is about manipulation or personal gain
It's selfishness and You contact the devil and his dominion or his minions in the process anybody else what you want to read it or I Can't hear you both
Yeah, Clark in my Clarkian or ventilian, yes, I Haven't studied Clark enough to build a say which some people say
I'm more Clarkian than ventilian, but I don't know I just don't have time to study that particular nuance. I got too much heresy to deal with So, okay
We're done anymore Slow crowd,
I mean not slow crowd. Look what Jesse?
I don't know You threw me off a cliff yeah.
Oh, yeah, right this happens a lot People will This what happens?
Okay, I'll have four or five Conversations going with different people answering my phone
Going here doing radio doing whatever it is and people will you know fire questions at me
And I don't get to answer all of them. See we refuted and he couldn't answer That's what happens a lot and So I'll say call me up on you know, we can talk and then they don't want to do that They'd like to claim victory just shows weakness on their part
So now throw me up a cliff. Yeah, right. I just spanked the crap out of Roman Catholicism earlier tonight
And you can hear More is coming
Man we're slow one more two more. All right This is from YouTube the user
Jesus saved from hell. His question is are we living in the last days? Yes, go to Acts chapter 2 verses 17 15 16 17 18.
You'll see in these last days. Yes Question is from Facebook Rockwell Featherstone, how do you determine whether a particular scripture passage is for those is for those in those days or our day?
Usually by reading the context see that question is a big question and it has to do with hermeneutics
And what I could do sometime after we're done Trashing Catholicism is
I could teach a course a little thing on hermeneutics and how to interpret scripture there's a little bit of science a little bit of logic and a little bit of art and sometimes we can't all get it, right and so When you you know, your question was very generic and so I can only answer generically but if there's specific questions about specific scriptures, then we can use those as tools to try and teach how to interpret scripture and It doesn't mean we're always going to learn everything properly but the more we do this the more we're going to see the whole of scripture and narrow things down to Better understanding and when
I say that I'm reminded of some of the stuff I was watching today Lately, I've been watching on you know, direct
TV some of the moronic religious teachers Send in your $25 minimum gift and you will get you know
The sow your seed and you'll get this miracle water this miracle oil this mirror, you know Where do they get this?
They rip things out of context. They misapply scripture. They don't just read for what it says
I was listening to Joyce Meyer a few days ago did the same thing
Not about miracle water, but she was applying something out of the Old Testament But that has nothing to do with what you're applying it to now
Just basic stuff and I was really disturbed by what I was hearing because the crowd was cheering.
Yay It has something to do with the Old Testament. God will expand your territory expand your thing to Israel And they're going and he will expand your territory as though he's talking to you right now and everyone.
Yeah, that's right He's talking to Israel Back then 3 ,000 years ago.
What are you talking about? It's apply to you right now It's not what is I'll expand your borders Israel what you're doing.
Can you take it out of that context and apply it? That's right, I get a bigger bank account bank expanding my territory
This is the kind of idiocy that comes across TV waves. They couldn't think their way of a wet paper bag,
I mean maybe think of it this way take some Kleenex and then what you do is you very very carefully you make a
Little bitty bag out of Kleenex thing. I mean you like look at it wrong Then take this air sprayer, you know with a little bit of mist of water just very lightly spray it
We're talking not many more molecules and things gonna fall apart they couldn't find their way to that a
Kleenex paper bag that's damp They don't know what it means this is the kind of stuff that's on TV and my wife was
Making a comment yesterday, which you know heard this idiocy and You know, she said, you know
I'm just staring at it going. Yeah She said, you know, it must be frustrating to know that these people are getting so many millions of dollars
Teaching these false things and you're working hard to preach the truth and basically few people care.
They're going Yeah, but that's how it's been happening for thousands of years.
That's right That's what it is. So and it's not because I'm annoying and obnoxious and prideful and arrogant and ugly
It's because of the other stuff. That's what it's going to be probably because I'm humble.
That's why people are listening Any more questions? more
It's what I love to do answer questions for people Oh Right, yeah, yeah
Jacob Diaz asks, what is your opinion on Paul Washer? Paul Washer I like him
Good guy heard a little bit about him. Listen a little bit. He's solid preacher Says it like it is next question is from I'm sorry,
I'm gonna probably mispronounce this Diego Pizarro Seguera as a Calvinist, how would you explain first Timothy 2 4 and 2nd
Peter 3 9? He wants all people to be saved basically with both of those verses saying well
God can arrange You can desire one thing and arrange something contrary to it. That's one way of looking at it
He wants all people to be saved if the all means every individual who ever lived if that's what it means
Then we would see that he would desire that but if you go to axe, excuse me, Matt Mark 4 10 through 12.
They asked you just why do you speak in parables? He says he speaks in parables so that people will not believe and be forgiven
So and in 2nd Thessalonians 2 he sends a diluting influence on people so that they will believe a lie. Wait a minute
Why would God? Say he wants all people to be saved and yet work against that We can get the principle from Scripture that God can desire one thing and arrange another
You may think that's a problem We could expand on this I could go through I could teach on that for a whole hour and go through verses and go through Hebrew and some other stuff and some stuff
I wrote 20 -25 years ago on this It's one possibility other possibility is that he wants all men to be saved and the all are only the elect
Now some people may say well, that's ridiculous No, it's not in second Romans 5 18.
It says this is what it literally says in the Greek through one trespass Condemnation to all men so also through one act of righteousness
Justification of life to all men Justification means you're saved to all men that all can't be everybody who ever lived in First Corinthians 15 22 in Adam all die in Christ all shall be made alive now that all obviously is limited
Then we also see Jesus says in Roman And I have trouble tonight John 6 37 through 40.
He talks about all that the Father has given me of them I will lose none. Who's the all so when
God says in 2nd Peter 3 9 and 1st Timothy 2 4 He wants all to be saved.
We have to ask the question. Who's the all it's a legitimate question Who's he talking about when he says the all?
Is it all sorts of people and all the nations? Is it only everybody ever lived? That wouldn't quite make sense.
Is it the elect given to the son by the father that could be a possibility as well These are legitimate things to look at.
It's not me trying to play linguistic escapism like a Houdini it's just these are things that the scriptures talk about and so we have to look at them and See what's going on with those things and the principle that God can desire one thing and arrange another is clearly in Scripture And why would he do that and that's another question to answer sometime we can do a study go ahead
So in society today we see an all -out assault on truth With the genders and truth is subjective and the news media and politics
Do you see this as an attack on Jesus as well? And if so, then why
Jesus says on the way the truth in life Nobody comes to the father, but by me John 14 6 truth is
Personified in Jesus if there's no absolute truth Then Jesus is not absolutely God who absolutely died in the cross who absolutely bore our sins in his body in the cross we absolutely rose from the dead and who absolutely is the only way to salvation so truth is that the the blurring of truth ultimately can be a demonic venture in order to not have
Absolutes without absolutes people decide for themselves. What's true? And when they do that, they don't listen to God and then they're lost
They forfeit themselves because they don't want truth. Now. I say this about truth. It's rude doesn't care.
What's your feelings are? when I had my gallbladder die on me the truth was it was
Extremely painful and if I hadn't had emergency surgery, I would have died. And so that's the truth.
It's rude The truth is I have a bone back here. That's to form the truth is I'm 60 I don't like that. I wish I was 30 again.
Well, you know what truth doesn't care about what you want truth is what it is and So the world rejects the truth of God and all truth ultimately is based in God and that's another topic another study so the liberalism that is coming across our our nation and our culture is a decrying of truth and then a establishment of a false truth
Because when truth is removed A false truth has to be replaced. So there's only two sexes male and female.
No, there's 90 -something False truth come in or you can't believe Jesus is the only way even though he said so You can't believe that that's bigoted.
It's not fair. So what we're gonna say the new truth is Everybody's equal. There's many paths to God.
So when you have a truth that's negated you have a false truth. Not really true
Presented in because people believe in things They operate their lives based on what they believe and so when you believe lies
You behave in a manner consistent with those lies You believe that all it's all about love for example without the truth of who
Christ is and what he's done on the cross Then you will believe that in a Christian who judges. No, that's that's not true.
Hinduism is not true. Islam is not true Oh, you're not loving you're wrong. Then their truth becomes condemning
Their love becomes condemning They become very judgmental and condemning because the truth that you hold to doesn't agree with their truth
Then relativism gets in but the funny thing is they're inconsistent because they'll say you can have your truth
I can have my truth. But if you have a truth that differs with mine, I'm gonna condemn you And that's the hypocrisy and the inconsistency based on lies
If you have real truth, these kind of problems don't occur anymore
I have to finish the Mullen ism first and then I'll get back into the NAR New apostolic affirmation and then when
I start studying and it's gonna take me a long time to get through it So I won't probably be able to teach on it.
Well for the rest of the year Sorry, but it's just I got so much to do I mean, there's so much heresy and there's so many false things and plus I got to start
You know this new thing of not new but a light Annihilationism is making the rearing its ugly head inside of Christianity as well
So I'm having this study on that as well. I kind of break up everything and And then
I got to work on the site and I got to work on articles and I got to make my own bid wash my own clothes Man, it is rough.
I Wash my clothes. Yeah, you don't huh? I could tell let's turn them inside out And I do that and I throw them in a pile when the pile moves.
That's when I wash them I saw move once my pile moved. I Once I Had I'd live with my brother in a room.
This is you can see there. It's a good story This is a good story and I had left something in the closet for months and basically what
I'd left in there was some Dirty stinky socks that festered in a moldy kind of cockroach ridden
Horrible environment in darkness. That's cleaning out the thing and it opened up. It's like this and These socks are just crusty and soaked at the same time and they've been there for a long time but they're horrible horrifying and So my brother was there and we were sitting there cleaning up And he's bigger than me.
I'm the smallest in the family. I'm 200 pounds six feet tall I'm a small one. And so my brother's sitting there and I go I took the sock and he was sitting down and I went up behind him and I went
It was like a gas mask And He's struggling
I'm holding on for dear life because as soon as he breaks free, of course, I'm dead It break every bone in my body after he recovers and so I'm like I'm holding on for life because if I'm gonna die it's up for lots of pain in the process at least
I'm gonna enjoy this and and he anyway, so I did this for like 30 seconds.
He finally broke free I took off and And Came back and he was still recovering after 10 minutes and I thought he's gonna kill me.
He goes man that was rough You're not gonna kill me goes. No, I'm not up for it right now.
Okay, it was that bad So that's why I'm still alive The Next question is from Murat Okay, how can
Mary hear all the prayers she gets I was told theosis by Peter D Williams on May 15th in London, but there was no time.
How would man answer? That's the question we ask How can Mary hear all our prayers simultaneously all over the world both thought and spoken in different languages
That's that's deity That's deity. Oh And I've had Catholics say well, you don't know what it means that Mary's like in heaven
So wait a minute so she can hear all our prayers. Yes Simultaneously spoken and thought in different languages.
Yes, you believe that? Yes, I do So, wow, she's a goddess.
No, she's not so what God can do that. Yeah, because he gave her the power You got where'd you get that?
We know we got out the guy that the book is second, whatever Say it again. Yeah, that's what
I was thinking And we got that it's they believe heresies. They believe lies Next question the
Wiccan likes me I'm a bigot Of course,
I'm a bigot Look up what bigot is Look up the definition of bigot.
I did that once to a guy. You're a bigot What's it mean? Huh? You're a bigot.
What does it mean? I don't know. Well, you're one. Wait a minute. Look it up And so I'm not gonna look it up you look it up Okay, we looked up bigot and basically it means someone intolerant of another person's position are you intolerant of my position
And he wouldn't say anything so who's the bigot You're stupid
Let's look up stupid you know, so It was a great conversation,
I don't know what it means but you're what okay. Thank you very much. Look if you're a
Wiccan You're lost You're on your way to hell
It's not me name -calling it's not me being mean it's me being truthful if we're at the house you're if you're at my house and there's a you know and I pour some boiling water into a cup and You walk into the room and you don't know that this cup is scalding hot.
Am I Evil or mean for saying don't touch that. It'll hurt you. Of course not and Yet your
Wicca is like that boiling thing the boiling fires of hell and It you get involved with it.
It's going to burn you in eternity And if I warn you you call me a bigot This is the intolerance of the left the intolerance of the lost
Jesus rose from the dead your wicked people didn't do that Well Denzey and Gardarian, whatever didn't do that Jesus rose from the dead.
He claimed to be God in flesh the Creator. He walked on water You better listen to what he said and not go after whatever it is
You want because this is what Wicca does a lot of people don't know this about Wicca What God or goddess do you want to serve?
That's the one you serve You can make up a god or goddess. I've read it in the Wiccan books
You can make up what you want and you can have rituals designed to Bolster your relationship with that or the powers as you manipulate
The spiritual realm to get physical goodness. I'm not going to harm anybody You know, there's a
Wiccan creed. I forgot how to pronounce it is do what you will but but harm no one or something like that Not trying to harm anybody
But Satan has them just where they want just where he wants them not trusting in Jesus Manipulation of the spiritual realm in order to gain
With this guise of but don't harm anybody so it makes it. Okay, exactly what Satan wants so that you'll believe a lie
So that you'll face the one who died on the cross for sins and rose from the dead You said
I'm the way the truth in life and nobody comes to the Father but by me You can reject Jesus But you'll do so to your own peril and you got in your forest and have your rituals get naked or not get naked
Or do crystals or not crystals whichever particular view you want to have and You can do whatever you want to manipulate science to manipulate spirits manipulate your realm to try and get things and blessings
But all you're doing is being manipulated by the evil one and his demonic forces, how do I know that?
Because the Bible reveals it to us I'd recommend if you were interested and probably won't take me up on this
Go to my website or just go to go to Amazon and Look up the book the influence by Matt slick.
I mean the influence and it it talks about Demonic forces. It's a novel
Monic forces angelic forces deceiving people and things like that. It's not about wicked Specifically though in my second novel a follow -up there will be some of that in there
Talking about some Wiccan type things in it as it infiltrates of the issue of our society and in this case my novel
In the church as well in this particular instance At the whole church, so I know what it is
I used to be involved in the occult a lot of Wiccans They want to say well, I've seen this or I can do that. Really I have seen
With my own eyes a figure human figure materialize. I've seen a cross materialize
I've seen lights move around. I've heard voices in darkness with witnesses.
I've seen these things I've seen Auras and Other stuff I could tell you details.
I know I left it for the truth in person work of Jesus No, Wiccan is is perfect.
All people have sinned broken the law of God And you be judged for it
So you come to Christ, but you reject him and you'll reject him because your heart
Doesn't want him Your heart wants what it wants Your heart will reject him a little bit of anger towards him a little bit of resentment towards him his absoluteness
His superiority his greatness and it greats you the wrong way and you'll reject him for what
Your subjective Experience and desire for your own greatness as it
Wicca serves and people who want that Are attracted to that kind of a thing and then they
Deceive themselves into thinking that what they want to do is good and it's okay. It's not no one
Huh? Yeah, sometimes they put curses they're not supposed to I Warned the people in the occult not to try that on me
Not that I'm inviting that But yet understand. It's a spiritual realm out there and I can pray what's called an imprecatory psalm an
Imprecation is an inspired work from a psalmist recording
The prayers of asking God to deal with the wicked and he does and Too many times people in witchcraft
I've been assaulted spiritually by people in witchcraft I Know what it is.
I don't talk about my occult days very often, but I know what it is and God has his way of Working things out.
I've even had no lie a Satanist Helped me against other
Satanists That's a true story an interesting story how it came about I Don't get to that now
Anymore We're done Okay. Hey, it was nice been real don't levitate
Trust in Christ and believe in him only God in flesh died on the cross rose from the dead
There's nothing you can do to earn your salvation Your salvation means to be saved from the righteous judgment of God.
You can't get away from God's holiness Apart from the work of Christ his holiness requires
Judgment upon the sinner what he's breaking his law the only way to escape that But what he himself has provided that's
Jesus You know trust in Jesus asking to forgive you ask him to reveal himself to you and he will amen.