A Word in Season: Healing Hurts (Jeremiah 6:14)

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Subscribe to A Word in Season on Apple Podcast (bit.ly/WISPod) or Spotify (spoti.fi/AWISPod) For this special season of uncertainty, Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England, began making short devotions to warm our hearts to Christ and remind of the cer


You have to go and see a doctor because there's pain in your stomach and he examines you a little bit
He palpitates the area and suggests an ointment that you can rub on in order to relieve the pain
That doesn't accomplish anything. So you're back a few days later The pain is getting worse and he says well
I'll give you some stronger painkillers that you can take orally and hopefully that'll take the edge off a little while later
You're still in in some pain you go back and he says I want you to try some different thinking techniques now
See if we can just take your mind off this problem And when that still doesn't work and now there's evidence of internal bleeding and the pain is really gripping your body
You go you go back and this time he says look Why don't you just go out and enjoy yourself and see if you can forget about some of these things?
Well, that's the point at which you might be saying what kind of doctor are you and what kind of treatments are these?
Because you're just scratching the surface You're trying to handle the symptoms rather than cure the disease.
You've made no Penetrating survey of my symptoms properly You haven't traced the root of the problem and you're not actually
Healing me to that degree that I need and now my Symptoms are getting worse.
My pain is increasing and the problem is perhaps beyond control Tragically many spiritual doctors many physicians of the soul so -called do the same thing
That is all that some religion offers and tragically even some religion that goes under the name of Christianity It is like what was happening in the days of Jeremiah when there were
Prophets and priests who dealt falsely in chapter 6 and verse 14
Jeremiah says they have also healed the hurt of my people slightly saying peace peace where there is no peace the
Preachers the prophets the priests those who were supposed to be giving instruction and guidance from God Were not dealing faithfully with the people they were afflicted they were troubled
God's warnings were hanging over them They had committed sin and these prophets and priests who spoke falsely
Weren't dealing with anything more than the symptoms. They were healing the hurts of the people
Slightly they were assuring them of peace when there was no peace In Jeremiah's day that may refer to the threat of judgment and exile from the
Babylonians the Chaldeans And these people were saying I don't worry about it. God's not going to do that.
Everything's going to be fine Just get on with things try and think about other problems or well
It's not really sin that we're dealing with here. Let's tidy up around the edges. Let's rub on a little bit of ointment
Let's take a painkiller. Let's try and think about other things And today we have exactly the same problem
Sin is dismissed explained away Excused we don't want to face it.
We don't want to deal with it. We don't want to hear about it We're told to think about something different perhaps there's no real recognition of the holiness of a majestic God of the sinfulness of sin against him of the depths of human iniquity of the
Transgressions that reveal the rebellion in our hearts against God There's no putting the finger on the worldliness of the
Church of Jesus Christ calling men and women to repent of their sins and come back to God and While that happens, there is only a slight healing of our hurts and there's a declaration of peace
When there is no peace Let me read to you a few words from Samuel Pierce who was an 18th century minister of the gospel who was known for his earnest and sincere concern for souls
Give me the preacher said Pierce who opens the folds of my heart who accuses me
Convicts me and condemns me before God who loves my soul too. Well to suffer me to go on in sin
Unreproved through fear of giving me offense who draws the line with accuracy between the delusions of fancy and the
Impressions of grace who pursues me from one hiding place to another until I am driven from every refuge of lies
Who gives me no rest until he sees me with unfeigned penitence Trembling at the feet of Jesus and then and not till then soothes my anguish
Wipes away my tears and comforts me with the cordials of grace My friends we need preachers and teachers who do not heal our hurts lightly