New Ager Tries to Teach Christians... A Christian Response

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All right, welcome to the Holy Nope podcast. I've not done an episode like this before.
What we're going to do today is expand upon a breakdown that I've already made from episode,
I think it's episode 465. It's featuring Aaron Abkey, who seeks to synchronize some
New Age systems and concepts with the Bible. And he twists the
Bible in order to support his New Age ideas, to promote his theology of the law of one.
And it's really a blending of the two religions. And as we saw in the breakdown, it simply doesn't work.
As I responded to the clip that I noped point by point in which he touched on various topics, such as universalism and the reality of hell and the reality of Satan and dualism and things like this.
And so I want to sort of add to the life cycle of my content so that it goes from, we have the
Nope episode, and then we have the breakdown to follow it up. And then we have this, where the
Holy Nope podcast, we just take a little bit longer to expand upon some of the issues that were talked about in the breakdown so that we can explore those a little bit more, dive into the biblical text a little bit more together.
And then from this, from the breakdown and the podcast to make shorts to post again.
And so that's the life cycle of content that I'm envisioning, the Nope, the breakdown, the podcast, the short that's taken from the breakdown and the podcast.
That's what I'm envisioning. I want to give it a try here. This is our maiden voyage with this kind of video.
So welcome, welcome to the Holy Nope podcast. Let's review the clip that I've already
Nope'd from Aaron Abkey and use it to get into some of the conversation.
Now, before I Nope'd Aaron, I did not know that he had already set up a debate with Wes Hough on some of these issues, probably issues concerning more of the text itself.
He argues on his website, part of his whole shtick is that the text was altered, that the
Bible was altered intentionally by scribes seeking to pervert it to hide the truth that he promotes that we're all one with God and we need to ascend to a higher plane of consciousness in order to attain this realization.
And what we'll also get into is something we also touched in the breakdown, which is ultimately that this convoluted system of his is really just works salvation repackaged.
It's works -based salvation reformatted for new agers.
All right, so here's the clip that I Nope'd.
Here is Holy Nope episode, let's see here, two, no, four, where is it?
Ah, 462, 462, we are now of today, as of today, we are 467
Holy Nope episodes in to this thing. So let's watch episode 462 and I'll need to...
So this is the first time I've done this. I need to share my screen with you. I'm on Riverside right now. I'm gonna share my screen,
Instagram, share. That if only
Christians go to heaven and technically speaking, 75 % of the world that's not Christian is gonna be dragged into hell forever.
And God only gets to keep a measly quarter of his children in heaven. Christianity, whether they consciously know it or not, really believes that the devil beats
God three to one in the universe. And to me, it's just a totally insane, dualistic way of looking at the divine because from the universe that I see and experience, there's only one acting power.
Right, so God loses to the devil. The devil beats
God three to one because God is losing his children to hell.
That seems to be Aaron's conception of what Christians technically believe.
Christians don't technically believe this. And I think he probably knows that.
I think he knows what he's doing. And I say that because he shares his story on his website in which he shows that he was a pastor's kid, that he went to Bible college.
He grew up believing these things, believing the Christian faith. Now, I don't know what denomination he was in.
I don't know what his father actually taught from the pulpit, but this idea,
I mean, if this was his understanding of Christianity, then he never understood the basics of Christianity and therefore deconstructed, apostatized from a faith that he never understood.
And I think that's actually common with a lot of deconstructionists. And I have a, I don't know, maybe a soft spot in my heart towards those people who have deconstructed from a faith that is not the faith once handed down to the saints.
It's a faith that is just, you know, 21st century Western pragmatic marketing, just formatted for the church.
And they've left something that really does not resemble biblical
Christianity. I don't know if that's Aaron's experience or not, but what
I do know is that what he says here is absolutely foreign to historic
Christian belief. First, not everyone is a child of God.
As I mentioned in my breakdown, Jesus makes this clear. John, the inspired evangelist, provides the inspired commentary in John 1, 12 through 14, that not everyone is a child of God, but only those who believe in his name, those who receive him for who he really is, for who he says he is.
And who he says he is is totally different from who Aaron says that he is.
And so Aaron himself disqualifies himself from being a child of God according to the
Jesus he claims to respect. He claims to respect and honor the teachings of Jesus.
He claims that through the teachings of Jesus, that's how we ascend to the fourth plane, to the fourth dimension, this higher level of consciousness that he promotes.
And yet he repeatedly, even in the short clip, denies the teachings of Jesus outright.
And so he is a walking contradiction, really. Universalism is the idea that everyone will ultimately be saved.
Whatever form that salvation takes, everyone will eventually be okay.
Everything's going to work out for everyone in the end. And the form of salvation that Aaron is taking is the reaching of this higher plane of consciousness.
Now, what he does with the afterlife and with those who do not reach that higher plane of consciousness in this life,
I'm not sure. I haven't gone that deep with this stuff. Maybe we'll find out.
I am very much looking forward to, if it's true, I haven't actually seen Wes Huff, and I don't follow him closely, announce this debate, but I have heard from two separate people that on January 20th, he's having a debate with Wes Huff.
So I'm looking forward to that, and maybe we'll do, maybe I'll react to that debate on here.
And so let's look more at this clip. Thank you for your patience with me as I figure all this out.
Right, Old Testament says, hear, O Israel, the Lord your God is one, and besides me, there is none else.
No second power. So I don't experience a universe where it's God versus the devil. Humanity invents the devil in our mind.
He doesn't experience a universe in which it's God versus the devil. Well, none of us experience that universe because that's not the universe in which we live.
So Aaron's really strawmanning the Christian faith because no Christian believes that, I mean, maybe some believe that, but they're misinformed and they'll be corrected.
God will bring them out of that deception that there is an equal and opposite combat between opposing forces going on.
God's on one side and the devil's on other. I mean, I think we've all seen, wow, recovering from the flu, excuse me.
I think we've all seen that meme, that image of Jesus and the devil arm wrestling over the world, above the world, as if they are in this conflict, this boxing match, fighting for souls.
And God is doing everything in his power to save people and the devil just keeps snatching them away.
What a ridiculous concept. You know what Jesus says in John 10? He says that my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they come to me and no one can snatch them out of my hand.
Believers are secure in Christ who purchases salvation for the exact number of souls for whom he came to die and sends forth his spirit to effectually save them, to apply his atoning work to their souls, thereby removing the wrath of God abiding upon them, reconciling to God, them to God, establishing peace where there was once hostility so that we may know
God through Jesus Christ and accomplishing that work in us totally destroys the devil's power and authority over us.
Jesus does not lose people to the devil. The devil,
Satan, loses captives to Jesus. He is our deliverer and he rescues us from the domain of darkness.
As he says in Colossians 1 .13, he rescues us out of the domain of darkness and into the kingdom of God's beloved son.
And so Jesus is the one who's winning. Jesus is the one who is beating
Satan, but that's not really even the issue as if it's a battle over souls.
You know what Martin Luther said? He said, Satan is God's devil. And what he means is that Satan is on a leash, that Satan can only go so far as God allows.
And so the issue, the conflict is not over God trying to win as many souls and Satan trying to win as many souls and it's just up to our free will to see how it plays out, who we're gonna choose,
God or the devil, as these two opposing forces. No, in reality, the Bible teaches that we are born within the devil's domain.
That is under his authority. That's what that word means in Colossians 1 .13.
In the domain of darkness, that means that we are under the devil's authority. We're enslaved to him.
As Jesus says, whoever practices sin is enslaved to sin. And in that space, if you're enslaved to sin, you are
Satan's subject. Now, that authority under which we are, we're not there as those who have been taken against our wills.
The Bible teaches rather that we are in the domain of darkness as willing subjects of Satan that we have in our sin aligned ourselves with him in the domain of darkness.
We're willing subjects. We're willing slaves to this evil. That is why no one can come to God unless the father who sent
Jesus draws him by his spirit. He effectively changes our wills.
He creates in us new hearts by his sovereign power when he saves us through regeneration.
And those new hearts that he gives us have new affections and new longings and new desires so that we come to love the
God we once hated. We love the things that God loves now. We hate the things that God hates now.
Our affections are changed. Our wills are liberated from slavery to sin so that we can, by the liberating work, the regenerating work of the spirit of God, respond positively to the call of the gospel.
See what happens, what's just happened to that person who is responding positively to the gospel is that Jesus Christ has sent his spirit to convict that person of sin, righteousness, and judgment to come, which is the spirit's ministry on earth today through proclamation, through the external call, that general call of the gospel going out indiscriminately to all people.
What's happening in that moment when he responds positively is that his chains have fallen off.
He is liberated from the domain of darkness. He's been given a new heart, new affections.
His will is no longer bound. His will is no longer enslaved to sin. And that is why he is able, by the spirit, to respond positively to the gospel message and believe in Jesus Christ.
And this, this is how he becomes a child of God. If we were to look once again at John chapter one,
John chapter one says, he came to his own. That's Jesus. He came to his own. He came to his own people, the
Jewish people, and those who were his own, the Jewish people, they did not receive him. They rejected him as their
Messiah, the long -anticipated Messiah, the expected one. Emmanuel has arrived and his people reject him because he does not arrive like they think he should.
But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in his name, who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
And so Aaron is wrong when he asserts that everyone is a child of God, who is one with God, who needs to come to this realization of oneness with God.
The Bible is clear that there are two kinds of people in this world, those who are children of God and those who are not, those who are dead in sin and those who are dead to sin.
Becoming a child of God is accomplished by God himself. Look at what it says here, who were born not of the will of man, not by the volition, not by my free will, nor of blood, not because my parents were
Christian, not because I'm a Jew, nor the will of the flesh, nor the will of man, but of God.
It's a work that God accomplishes in the soul of the undeserving, unbelieving sinner, which makes him to believe and transforms him into a child of God.
And Paul affirms this in other language, 2 Corinthians 5, that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation and the old is past, the new has come.
Entity somewhere, a horned hoof, you know, being in hell that is foiling God's plans.
And it's just, again, a personification of what humans don't really understand, which is that we all have that propensity for darkness within us if we don't master it and conquer it with the teachings of Jesus.
Nope. Nope. Nope, indeed. Now, the dangers of removing hell from your theology, which is a popular thing to do today, is that it renders the
God you profess to believe in as unjust. It renders him unjust because he has no way by which to deal with sin.
God is a just judge. He never ceases to be.
He doesn't suddenly at some point stop being the judge of the world. He must judge sin because he's good.
To suspend that, to take that away, to remove that is to allow injustice to never be corrected.
It is to allow sin, wrong, to never be righted.
And we know that evil men through history are going to receive justice by God, delivered by God, administered by God.
And if we remove hell, we must give up on the idea that justice will ultimately be carried out upon those who have wronged us, upon those who have committed evils in the world for which we know instinctively, as creatures created in the image of God, they must be punished.
And this is why our own law system reflects this. God is a just judge.
And he will not compromise his divine integrity in order to allow unrepentant
God -hating sinners to just slip into heaven. No, instead,
God is faithful to punish sin. And hell is eternal because we are finite creatures from the dirt who have risen up in rebellion against our creator.
Our creator is infinite. Our creator is holy. And so the punishment fits the crime.
So deconstructionists will take the argument and say that temporal sins don't merit eternal punishment, but they're looking at it the completely wrong way because we are sinning in time, but that doesn't mean that the one that we are sinning against is bound by time or is limited in any way.
And so our sins against an infinite God of infinite worth and beauty and majesty are not something that we can make up for by being kind to our neighbors.
We have sinned against him. And our sin is so great because he is so good.
Because we're not good. We can't make up for those sins. No, in fact, our every effort to make up for our sins is only to compound our sin.
It is to produce what one old man said, glorious sins, splendid sins, beautiful sins.
It's to trust in my own effort, my own work, my own merit, my own righteousness.
I can make this right through what I do. It simply doesn't work.
Not in the Bible, not in the gospel, does not compute, not with grace.
Grace is the favor of God being lavished upon undeserving sinners who cannot save themselves, no matter how hard they work.
No matter how good they perceive the intentions to be within their own hearts, at the end of the day, none of us are worthy.
None of us are good. Instead, we've sinned against an infinitely good God. And because of that sin, we deserve condemnation, eternal condemnation.
But that eternal wrath was poured out upon Jesus.
The punishment for sin was poured out upon him. So along with all of this, you can see that Aaron denies a personal devil, that he denies that Satan is a being, a personal being, and that rather Satan or the devil is the darkness within us.
Now, I think there's obvious issues with saying that there's darkness within us, and yet we're also one with God.
The darkness isn't of God, but we're one with God. But there's darkness in us, which isn't of God. There's definitely some ancient heresy being rekindled, being just repackaged in what he's saying.
And we'll look at some of that in a moment. The Bible, and I covered this in the breakdown, the
Bible makes it clear that the devil is a personal being. And the Bible presents us with a three frontal assault, a three frontal, a threefold,
I don't know how to say it, the world, the flesh, and the devil. This is what the Bible presents as our common enemies, the world, the flesh, and the devil.
And it doesn't collapse all of that into inner darkness.
No, it distinguishes those, it identifies those, it describes those, and the Bible teaches us, it instructs us how to navigate the
Christian life in the face of these enemies. And so let's look at some of the texts that distinguish these enemies, the world, the flesh, and the devil.
This is what Jesus says. And I wanna focus primarily, well, I'm gonna go into the epistles because whatever, but you should know that Aaron denies the teachings of Paul.
He doesn't think Paul was inspired. I mean, this is stuff that we've dealt with that you're going to keep dealing with new agers, deconstructionists, things like this.
He'll take the teaching of Jesus only, Jesus only, and deny any of the epistles.
And what he doesn't really understand is that the epistles are given to us as God commenting upon his own redemptive acts in history.
And so what Aaron essentially does, and I don't know if we'll be able to find a clip of him saying this,
I saw it. I don't know how quickly I'd be able to pull it up. I think next time, as I do more episodes, I'll prepare a little bit more so I can bring up these clips for you.
But essentially what Aaron does is he denies the divine commentary on the life of Jesus, on the redemptive acts of Jesus in history.
He denies the divine commentary on these redemptive historical acts and substitutes his own new age mysticism in its place.
That's what the epistles are. God acts in history, and then he inspires men to interpret those acts.
So if you want to know what God thinks about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, you can find that out in the epistles.
You can read about it in the epistles. God inspired the apostles and their associates to interpret these redemptive historical acts for the church.
The gospels are, well, they're really their own sort of genre, but they're theological biographies, right?
And so they are recording events for us. And a lot of it is descriptive. In fact, it's primarily descriptive.
This is what Jesus said. This is what Jesus did. Now, we're going, and there's prescriptive texts, obviously, in the gospels
Jesus is teaching, and those teachings are applicable to us. But the interpretation of all of that is going to be found for us in the epistles.
And the same structure, the same theological structuring is found in the
Old Testament as well. We can see the parallels between the Pentateuch and the gospels as the historical narrative, which is later commented upon.
Interpreted, applied to believers. And so Aaron is going to deny
God's interpretation of Jesus and substitute his own because, well, he thinks he's
God. John 15, 18 through 19, Jesus identifies the world as the enemy of his disciples.
He says, if the world hates you, so this world system will hate you.
You know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own.
But because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world because of this, the world hates you.
So Jesus identifies the world as an enemy of believers out of which they have been taken by his salvific work.
1 John 2, 15 through 17, it says, do not love the world nor the things in the world.
If anyone loves the world, the love of the father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the boastful pride of life is not from the father, but is from the world.
The world is passing away and also its lusts, but the one who does the will of God lives forever.
And so the world is identified as an enemy and it is characterized by these three descriptors, right?
It's characterized by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life.
This is from the world. These lusts are from the world and it is our enemy.
And so the world is identified as our enemy, but that's not all the flesh is as well as distinct from the world.
If we are going to look at the flesh, we might go to Galatians 5, might go down to verse 19.
We see now the deeds of the flesh are evident. These aren't the deeds of the world or the deeds of Satan.
These are the deeds of the flesh and they are evident. They manifest themselves. They can be observed.
They can be witnessed. They are immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these of which
I forewarn you just as I have forewarned you that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
These are the deeds of the flesh. Side note, side note. Deliverance ministry will often identify these deeds of the flesh as demonic spirits, won't they?
I have a spirit of jealousy. I have a spirit of lust. I have a spirit of anger, right?
And I need the spirit cast out. I mean, I need the spirit of lust cast out so I'll never lust again.
The Bible says this is a work of the flesh. This is a deed of the flesh. It's evident. If you are struggling with lust, now can
Satan send his hordes to amplify temptation that's coming from the flesh?
I believe so. How that works, how that looks, I don't know. We're gonna go in deep into demonology on this channel pretty soon, but it's clearly a work of the flesh.
So the world is our enemy and the flesh is our enemy. Of course, we're instructed not to walk according to the flesh, but we put to death the deeds of the flesh by walking according to the spirit.
Now, if we go to 1 Peter 2 .11, we see this. Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts, which wage war against the soul.
And so you are at war with your flesh. And Paul describes this war in Romans chapter seven.
He says, and I desire to do good. I see that evil is close at hand, that there is a, there's remaining sin.
There is this principle, there is this law. Let's go there real quick to Romans seven.
23 about, but if I'm doing the very thing I do not want, I'm no longer, but sin which dwells in me,
I find in the principle, this law of indwelling sin. If you haven't read
John Owen on indwelling sin, do it. He says, I find in the principle that evil is present in me, the one who wants to do good.
He says, I see a different law in my members, the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner to the law of sin, which is in my members, wretched man that I am, who will set me free from the body of this death?
Paul is at war with his flesh. As are you, if you are a
Christian, if you are not struggling against the deeds of the flesh, then you aren't alive because corpses make no fuss.
Now, Colossians 2 .23 is another one that identifies the flesh we'll skip that for time's sake, the devil.
So the world, the flesh and the devil, this is where the fight is on these three fronts. 2 Corinthians 11 .14,
no wonder, for even Satan distinguishes himself as an angel of light.
Well, Paul clearly conceives of Satan as a,
I said distinguishes himself, disguises himself. He identifies Satan as a personal being capable of deception.
Now, this isn't, he's not talking about internal deception.
He's not talking about me being deceived by the darkness within me, as Aaron would promote.
No, he's saying that there is external deception, even Satan, and in this context, he's talking about the super apostles who have come to Corinth in his absence and are disparaging
Paul and his teaching. They're external deceivers.
And he says, like them, even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. And so he identifies
Satan as a personal being very clearly here in 2 Corinthians 11. We'll also look at 1 Peter 5 .8. So be of sober spirit, be on the alert.
Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.
Resist him, he says in verse nine, firm in your faith. Resist him, resist him, not resist the darkness residing within you that we are supposed to be battling with the flesh, but the biblical idea of flesh is definitely different than the internal darkness that Aaron talks about.
We are supposed to battle the flesh of that which comes from us, but we're also told to resist the devil, resist him.
This deceiver external to us, he is a personal being.
He's a real devil. Revelation 12, nine, right?
And then the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan who deceives the whole world.
He was thrown down to the earth. His angels were thrown down with him. Satan is thrown into the lake of fire.
Well, it's not my inner darkness that's thrown into the lake of fire, which would be a metaphorical lake of fire,
I suppose. No, it's the devil himself. And so this dualism, this denial of hell, this denial of Satan is all totally, totally, totally unbiblical.
And Aaron has no right to speak to what Christians technically believe.
Now let's consider the Athanasian creed. Let's consider the Athanasian creed because the dualism that Aaron espouses and his conception of Christ, it sounds a lot like an ancient heresy known as the
Monophysite heresy. I think I'm pronouncing that right. Monophysite, one, nature.
And this heresy was addressed formerly at the council of Chalcedon in 451.
And it is also addressed in the Athanasian creed, which was written after, came after the council of Chalcedon, which was convened in response to the
Arian controversy, responding to Nestorianism, which tended to separate the natures of Christ and Monophysitism, I guess is what you would call it, which tended to blend the two natures of Christ and say that Christ does not have two natures, but there is one nature existing in one person, not two natures in one person like we affirm, the hypostatic union.
Instead, it says that there's one nature, one God -man nature, which is not purely God, nor is it purely human.
And that seems to be very similar to Aaron's conception, his anthropology, and his idea of who
Jesus was, that we are beings who are this kind of mixture of lower frequency in plane and higher frequency in plane, human and divine, and we're not purely one or the other.
And maybe, and maybe someone can correct me if I'm wrong, maybe the ascending to the higher consciousness, the fourth dimension is the ridding ourselves of that lower -ness, that lower plane of existence.
I don't know, but the Athanasian Creed seeks to set forth in summary version the essential doctrines for salvation affirmed by the church with specific reference to the
Trinity. And so let's just pull up the Athanasian Creed here.
It says, now, this is the Catholic faith. No, this is the universal Orthodox faith that we worship one
God in Trinity, and Trinity in unity, neither blending their persons nor dividing their essence.
This is responding directly to these ancient heresies. For the person of the Father is a distinct person, the person of the
Son is another, and that of the Holy Spirit is still another. But the divinity of the Son, of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is one, their glory equal, their majesty co -eternal.
What quality the Father has, the Son has, and the Holy Spirit has? The Father is uncreated, the Son is uncreated, the
Holy Spirit is uncreated, the Father is immeasurable, the Son is immeasurable, the Holy Spirit is immeasurable.
The Father is eternal, the Son is eternal, the Spirit is eternal, and yet there are not three eternal beings, right?
There's one, usia, there's one eternal being. So two, there are not three uncreated or immeasurable beings, there is only, there is but one uncreated and immeasurable being.
Now here it is, similarly the Father is almighty, the Son is almighty, the Holy Spirit is almighty, yet there are not three almighty beings, but there is only one almighty being.
So Aaron wants to present Christianity like a conflict between two almighties,
Satan and God, but it's been clear all through church history that we believe in only one almighty, which makes it so ridiculous that he goes to like Deuteronomy 6 and quotes the
Bible for Christians just to tell them what they've already believed while simultaneously strawmanning their beliefs.
So here we have the Chalcedonian definition, it says, so following the Holy Fathers, we all with one voice teach the confession of one and the same
Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, the same perfect in divinity and perfect in humanity, the same truly
God and truly man of a rational soul and a body of one essence with the Father as regards his divinity and the same of one essence with us as regards his humanity, like us in all respects except for sin, begotten before the ages from the
Father as regards his divinity, and in the last days for us and for our salvation, the same born of Mary, the virgin
God -bearer, as regards his humanity. He is one in the same Christ, Son, Lord, only begotten, acknowledged in two natures which undergo no confusion, no change, no division, no separation.
At no point was the difference between the natures taken away through the union, but rather their property of both natures is preserved and comes together into a single person and a single subsistent being.
He is not parted or divided into two natures, but is one in the same, only begotten Son, God, Word, Lord Jesus Christ, just as the prophets taught from the beginning about him and as the
Lord Jesus Christ himself instructed us and as the Creed of the Fathers handed it down to us.
And so the Council of Chalcedon is following the
Church Fathers. They come to this conclusion, and you can see the direct address to the
Monophysite heresy, that there is no confusion of natures, there is no blending, there's no mixing or muddying, there's no collapsing of the two natures into one sort of undefined
God -man nature existing within the person of Christ that also,
Aaron says, exists within us, and we are simply to follow Christ's teaching in order to essentially end up at the same place
Christ did. And it's just, it's heresy.
Now I want you to notice on his Instagram profile, the first thing he says, besides being a public figure, is, love
God, love people. And I shared another clip in the breakdown where Aaron says that the only way to eternal life is obeying this command to love
God and love people. And I'm not sure that Aaron realizes that love
God, love people is the law. It's law -keeping. And the
Bible says that, in going to obtain eternal life by loving
God and loving people, then you better love God and love people perfectly. Always.
Perfectly. Because if you break the law at one point, you're guilty of breaking the whole thing. If you crack that mirror, it shatters into a million pieces and you have no hope to save yourself.
Because at the moment, at the point in which you fail to perfectly love God and perfectly love your neighbor as yourself, you are sinning against an infinite
God. It requires justice. Justice you cannot satisfy.
But Christ satisfies justice in his sacrificial death. He loved
God perfectly. He loved people perfectly. He's the only one who has ever done this.
This is why we need him. Because we have never done that. Not even for a moment of our lives have we obeyed what
Jesus identifies in Matthew 22 as the greatest commandment. To love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
That's a summation of the first table of the law. To love your neighbor as yourself, he says. The second is like it. To love your neighbor as yourself.
That's a summation of the second table of the law. The greatest commandment.
You've never obeyed. What's the greatest sin, if not the breaking of the greatest commandment?
The gospel isn't good news to Aaron because he refuses to recognize his need for a
Savior. He thinks he's his own Savior. The gospel is good news to those who recognize their need.
To those who recognize that they can't love God and love people as they ought. That they haven't. That they failed miserably at this.
That they've preferred to love themselves. I know I have. That's why
I need a Savior. That's why you need a Savior. Aaron, you need a
Savior. And the Jesus that you have, that you've created, is not a
Jesus who can save you. So I pray that Aaron will repent.
That he will return to Christ. To the true Christ of the Bible. That he'll put away this
New Age nonsense. That he'll shut down his his membership website by which he deceives people to sign up.
$44 a month and you can receive my my weekly teachings and get on my weekly calls.
So that you can, you know, be helped on your ascension journey to the fourth dimension.
I pray that he puts away all this nonsense and returns to Christ. Thank you for watching the Holy Note podcast.