Sneak Preview....Beth Moore Message Review
A sneak preview of what is to come in next week's episode on Thoroughly Equipped.
May this episode expose the false teaching entering the church and bring glory to God.
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- 00:00
- I see across the earth, across every different country, from all different backgrounds, all different ages, that we would, for two days, come together and ignore our feeds, ignore all the noise, ignore the chaos inside of us, and listen to the word of God taught.
- 00:16
- My whole aim is that somehow, our appreciation of this treasure that he has put within us would so skyrocket that we would respond in such a way to yield to what the
- 00:30
- Holy Spirit wants to do. If 2020, we are going to focus completely, entirely, solely on the person of Jesus.
- 00:39
- Talk about being connected and about being aware. I believe that we were chosen for this generation because of this time period on the globe.
- 00:47
- So it would be ridiculous not to act like we know what's going on in the world, but at the same time, we're overwhelmed by it.
- 00:54
- And our minds, I mean, we're just like turning on ourselves and our very, very compulsive kinds of thoughts.
- 01:00
- And I was always given to it, always given to it. That is it. Every message that you hear, every song that we sing, like this is our hope and we need hope.
- 01:10
- The world is spinning out like crazy and so are the insides of us. And we need the thing that's gonna steady us.
- 01:17
- You will receive power. I wanna say something to you. This is supernatural power.
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- The word of God tells us in a number of different places that we have a power that is beyond us, that is dwelling in us.
- 01:31
- Because we're gonna preach the name of Jesus. We're gonna preach the name of Jesus. It's the only name we care about.
- 01:37
- It's the only name that changes lives, the only hope we have to give. After he'd been seen for a period of 40 days and he had ascended to the
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- Father, I believe that he probably had the welcome of all welcome.
- 01:52
- And whether you've known Jesus for a long time or you're just checking him out, we're not gonna water him down here.
- 02:02
- We're going to Romans eight. I don't know that there's a deeper theological piece of work in the
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- Bible, so we're going here. And what you will leave with, I believe, is more of Jesus.
- 02:15
- Are you in Christ? Then the very spirit of Christ is in you with a capability.
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- You're not even capable, nor am I, of fulfilling our own callings because they must be done in the spirit.
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- What you've been called to do, you do not have the capacity to do. Because we believe there's gonna be people that meet
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- Jesus for the very first time. We believe there's gonna be people that have been far away from God and the church and they're gonna come back.
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- We believe there are people that love Jesus, but they don't know what it means to live for him. And we're gonna talk about all of that.
- 02:53
- So Perla and Evangeline are just staring at me and they won't leave. And I looked at them, I said, well, are y 'all gonna stay or are you gonna leave?
- 02:59
- Because I said, I'm gonna tell you something. If you're gonna stay, you're gonna praise dance. You're not gonna stand here and watch us. And they said, well, we'll stay.
- 03:06
- My dream, guys, I don't dream small. I only dream big. And my dream is to disciple a whole generation.
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- And that takes all of us working together. We give you the tools. You all take them and use them in your places.
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- We cannot wait to see what God's going to do. Do not miss. If 2020 will be the best one yet.
- 03:25
- So we'll just live all of our lives. If we don't get this, we're just like struggle through.
- 03:30
- And I mean, we'll get to our deathbed and go, you know, he said he had a calling for me and he just never kept his word.
- 03:35
- He's like, you know what? You tried to do it by yourself. I was trying to do it through you.
- 03:42
- And you just kept trying to do it yourself. And what you will leave with, I believe, is more of Jesus.
- 03:49
- Beth Moore definitely talked about Jesus, but what did she say about the Holy Spirit?
- 03:55
- Did she handle Romans 8 verses 9 to 11 correctly? Did she teach the same thing about the
- 04:01
- Holy Spirit that Paul was teaching about in Romans 8? Let's find out. Coming soon to Thoroughly Equipped.