Can a Husband Ask His Wife if She Is on Her Period?


▶ Splash Page: ▶ Main Episode's playlist: ▶ Patreon: ▶ Facebook: ▶ Twitter: We recently ran a poll asking Christians if it was OK for a husband to ask his wife if she is on her period if he notices she is being abnormally irrational. We received several silly responses that we wanted to reply to directly.


adult has learned how to control their emotions when it comes to those types of situations, but then for some reason, when it comes to this topic, all of a sudden it's a, how dare you expect a wife to control herself during that time?
And going even further than that, how dare you even ask if it's that time?
Warning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include, but are not limited to, professing Christians who never read their Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
That salvation is found in Christ alone. Therefore, forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our head. They will hear his words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, has ascended to the right hand of the
Father, where he sits now to make intercession for us. Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
Welcome to Bible Bash, where we aim to equip the saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions you're not allowed to ask.
We're your host, Harrison Kerrigan, Pastor Tim Mullet, and today we'll answer the age -old question, can a husband ask his wife if she is on her period?
Now Tim, we're doing this episode because you actually, you ran a poll on Twitter asking essentially this very same question, and so I was wondering, just as we kick this episode off,
Tim, what was your general experience interacting with people who were commenting on that poll specifically?
Tim Mullet, and there's a lot of people that, yeah, they really just need to calm down, man. Harrison Kerrigan, they need to calm down.
So, they were lighting their hair on fire, essentially, right? Tim Mullet, this is, yeah, this is one of those questions that showed up in my marriage and family counseling class or whatever.
So, I mean, this is a normal question that people have about, you know, how do you handle this normal aspect of life, right?
So, I mean, a husband living with a wife, a period is a part of that life. There are hormonal changes that every man who has been alive for more than a few years understands and knows.
I mean, you can't go to, I mean, you can't even go to public school without understanding this reality that sometimes women are baffling and confusing and don't seem to make a whole lot of sense.
And so, this is just a normal question to ask, like, what do you do in those kind of situations? And, you know, the ironclad rule that most people have adopted is the rule that you never, like, whatever you do, you never ask if your wife is on her period, right?
Or if a woman is on her period, if that can explain the erratic behavior that you're witnessing.
So, whatever you do, you don't do that. That's taboo. That's off limits or whatever. But, I mean, this is a question that came up in, yeah, a biblical counseling class
I had. And, you know, his answer wasn't the normal answer that most people would expect, for sure.
But, yeah, I mean, I think you think about what the Bible says on this topic, and it's probably going to be very different than what most people think, for sure.
Well, yeah, that's what's so interesting is we ran this poll, and in fairness to the people who answered on the poll, the large majority of them said, so, we ran this poll, and just to clarify everyone on what it said, it said, true or false, it's perfectly reasonable for a husband to ask his wife if she is on her period when she is exhibiting less emotional self -control than usual.
And right under 400 people voted on this, and 90 % of them said true.
So, good job, 90 % of you. The false answer was false.
I'm a feminist. Now, you kind of, yeah, you probably answered it for a lot of people when you made the false, you know, false, and then in parentheses,
I'm a feminist, and that was the only false answer. Hey, no, I mean, most of our polls are not, like, most people think, like, our polls are lopsided or whatever.
I mean, there's a few like this that I do just for propaganda purposes. But, I mean, this is clearly an unbiased, this is a biased poll, for sure, yeah.
So, it's definitely biased, it's definitely kind of, it's steering people towards a specific answer on purpose.
So, you had 4 % say false, I'm a feminist, 1 % said,
I let myself get offended, which seems pretty ironic on a poll like this.
And then the fourth option was, I'm unable to generalize, which 4 people, or not 4 people, 4 % of everyone that voted picked that answer.
So, 91 % said true, 4 % said false, another 4 % said,
I'm unable to generalize. Now, normally what I would do in preparation for any episode is,
I would write out a bunch of questions that I want to ask on the subject, and I'll get
Tim's input if there's anything specifically that he's wanting to touch on that maybe I left off or I didn't consider when preparing for the episode.
But then, Tim, I'm going to be honest, I was reading through some of the responses to this poll, and I thought it would be fun to just go through them and say, alright, here's the next response, what are your thoughts on this?
And just reading through a few of those, because as I was reading through these, one of the things that I started recognizing, and you had mentioned this as well, is normally when you run polls like these, the people who are answering true to a question like this typically don't feel the need to respond with a comment.
They just vote, and then they move on. And so, normally what ends up happening is your comments are all the people who would say false to a question like this, or they at least disagree with large aspects of the premise itself, and so they feel the need to comment to explain why they think it's false or why they don't think it's a good idea, it's unwise, whatever their thoughts are on the topic.
So, normally the responses are where you go to to see all the pushback. So, Tim, I wanted to see,
I wanted to hear your response to some of these because what I began noticing was a lot of people were just sort of responding with like a, well, you know you shouldn't do that.
And my question reading them is, well, why though? Why can't you?
And so, I wanted to hear your response to some of that. But for example, this first one,
I think this was kind of meant to be a joke, but this person, keep in mind the question is, it's perfectly reasonable, true or false, it's perfectly reasonable for a husband to ask his wife if she is on her period when she is exhibiting less emotional self -control than usual.
And one of the top comments said, permissible, yes. Reasonable, obviously.
Advisable, no. So, what are your thoughts on a comment like that?
Yeah, I mean, so I was hoping that people would actually engage on this one, but I knew that they would engage on this one by actually explaining a rationale for why this is an off -limits question.
So, I mean, this is obviously a taboo question, right? Right. I mean, this is obviously a question you're not really allowed to ask.
And I know why. I mean, I can give you, and we'll explain. I understand why.
I mean, there's like five reasons in my mind why people would make this a taboo question that I don't think are legit.
So, yeah, I mean, I think everyone, you have a response like this. Is it permissible? Yes. Reasonable?
Obviously. Advisable? No. So, I mean, this is a guy looking at the situation and he's saying, this is a perfectly, like my logical brain tells me this is perfectly reasonable, right?
Perfectly reasonable thing to do, perfectly logical to do, makes perfect sense. But then if I say this, it's going to, you know, everything's going to go downhill at that point.
And my life is going to be miserable for a few days. So, you know, for the sake of avoiding conflict,
I don't really want to go through all that, right? So, I mean, basically, but I mean, like if you take a step back, now,
I mean, I know that's a joke. I know that we're mostly supposed to laugh at it. But like the issue is that reflects a certain posture in marriage that a man has adopted, right?
And it's the posture of marriage that men are told to adopt. So, like this is what the servant leader movement is telling people to do, right?
Like this is standard marriage advice. You basically, if your wife is going to scream if you do something, then you shouldn't do it, idiot, right?
Like that. Yeah, you'll be the one in the wrong, right? Right, right. So, like you're supposed to live with your wife in an understanding way.
And living with her in an understanding way means like you have to learn her, right? Learn the things she doesn't like and just not do them, avoid them, right?
Yeah, avoid them. But that's really just, man, it's such a frustrating view of marriage when you think about it.
Like it's a frustrating view because, I mean, there's a lot of things. And I mentioned this at several points in the comment section.
But, I mean, there's a lot of things women don't like. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't do them, right? And so, and if this is a reasonable question to ask, like the issue is, is your wife an unreasoning animal that you have to treat like an unreasoning animal or do you expect her to be reasonable, right?
The Bible says, let your reasonableness be known to all men, like to everyone, right? That's men and women.
Like I said, let your reasonableness be known to everyone the Lord is at hand. That's Philippians 4. So, like the issue is we're all called to be reasonable.
And if this is a reasonable question, it should be asked, right? And you need to figure out how to ask it, right?
And, you know, if your wife is going to lose her mind if you ask it, then all you've done by saying, hey, no,
I'm not going to ask her reasonable questions is, you're basically saying, hey, she's an unreasoning animal and just is what it is, man.
That's how women are. And I would say, hey, yeah, I actually think more highly of them than that. And I don't think that you should allow them to act that way.
Right? Right. So, like, you know, so I don't think that's a sufficient reason to avoid asking a reasonable question for sure.
Okay. What about this response, though, Tim? Maybe this one will be a little better.
In the moment, it's often not helpful, but my wife will typically recognize it on her own.
Yeah, sure. If, yeah, I mean, this is the same, this is the same response as the last one.
Basically, it's not helpful, and what it's not helpful means is my wife doesn't like it.
It doesn't produce the intended result. Therefore, I'm going to avoid it. But, I mean, it's just, it's not a good calculus.
Like, meaning your wife isn't going to like being rebuked either. Right. So, we're determining it's not helpful based on how she reacts.
That's not what you, that's not how you determine what the right thing to do in any moment is and what's helpful in any situation.
You don't wait to see how she's going to react to determine whether or not it's helpful. Like, that's, that's not what it means to be a leader.
Right? Right. What it means to be a leader is to, like, to take a principled stance on the issue and to do it.
Right? Now, I mean, people will say, hey, but why do you have to make a stand here? But the point is just to say that's, it's not the point.
The point is, in general, you could be a husband who says, hey, yeah, my wife doesn't like to be rebuked, so I'm not going to rebuke her because that isn't helpful.
So, I'd rather her just figure it out on her own. You know? I can't talk to her about it. I can't ask her questions because she doesn't like my questions.
Like, that isn't really how you lead. What you need to do is determine what's right and go for what's right in any given situation.
Okay. The next person said, I would advise husbands to keep track of these things yourself so you never need to ask and take hormonal clues as helpful information to that end and be courteous to your wife as she feels unwell.
This one's a funny one. Yeah, I guess you just sneak around in the bathroom. Oh, no.
Oh, no. What are we doing here? Oh, no, Tim. I mean, it's all indirect, right?
I mean, this is all indirect. You need to figure it out on your own. It's like, yeah, all women don't have regular periods.
I don't know if you're aware of that. Not everyone's period is uniform in that way.
There's a lot of women who don't actually have regular periods, and so I don't know where we're at on the cycle.
The issue is there's a lot of people who've made this kind of comment, like a godly husband would just know, would just keep track of it on his own, and it's like, yeah,
I don't know about you, but I have a lot of things that are going on in my life, and I have a hard time keeping track of what year
I'm in. I mean, I'm just preoccupied with all the things that I have to do. I'm going from one thing to another thing to another thing, so I'm in one mode here.
Men work all day long. Godly men are working all day long in a job where their brain is in a completely different place, and then they're coming home.
This isn't just on men. I can't tell you how many situations
I've been at where me and my wife, we realize something's a little bit off or whatever, and she doesn't know either.
I don't know where we're at in the month. She doesn't know where we're at in the month. We're just doing our stuff, man.
It's not like we're looking at the calendar every day and plotting a chart on where are we at.
Oh, I'm reminding myself every day of where we're at so I can be extra sensitive during whatever.
I mean, sometimes you know, sometimes you don't know. You didn't download the ovulation app?
I think actually my wife does have an ovulation app or something like that that she uses to keep track of these things.
But I mean, she'll forget. She won't know. I won't know. Neither one of us will know.
It's like, oh, it's already there again. We're already here again. This is just life, man. I don't know what to tell you, but I mean, the hidden assumption there is still you shouldn't ask and no one's answering why.
Right. Still no explanation as to why I need to keep track of stuff.
A good husband will know intuitively without being told, without having to ask.
He'll show extra sensitivity during that time. He'll be perfectly in tune with her bodily cycles and have them memorized and written in a tattoo on his arm, you know, that he's ever -changing.
What makes that guy a better husband? Why is he a better husband? Yeah, why can't you talk about it?
Yeah, that's the question that no one is answering. Why can't you? I mean, now there's answers to it.
Okay, next response. While there's nothing wrong with the question per se, the tone and intent are relevant.
Most people saying no are assuming ill intent. Yeah. So, I mean,
I think that was a comment in favor of, like, it's a fine comment. Right.
And the people who are reacting to it are basically assuming ill intent. So, yeah, and I think this kind of gets at part of the reason why it's kind of become a joke, basically, to even ask this kind of question.
So, I mean, there's a lot of things that are going on. Let me see if I can demonstrate a few of the things that are conspiring to make this an awkward conversation.
But obviously, there's part of this conversation that I understand, meaning, like, this is a time that is kind of personal.
It's a time that's kind of private. It's a time that's kind of embarrassing in certain ways. Like, it's, I mean, it's not the most pleasant time in the world.
Like, you know, if you had hormonal changes that, I mean, some of these hormonal changes, like if it's by no means like a certainty that just because a woman is like, you know, a few days prior to her menstrual cycle or whatever, that she's just going to be a lunatic or something like that.
Some women just give themselves, like, just absolute permission to go wherever their feelings lead them, right, without any kind of accountability, and it can be worse.
But, I mean, godly Christian women, they know this is, like, there's temptations here, and, you know, some of them can be more mild.
And I think the more mature you are, generally, the temptations are milder because you've learned to, you know, have emotional self -control in general.
And then those who are a little bit less immature, this could be more of a significant trial. But, I mean, it is, I understand, like, there is a certain dynamic to, like, this is a polite dinner conversation or something along those lines.
I think there's an aspect to this, like, there's a feminism kind of aspect to this as well, to where, you know, someone did point this out, like, very few people pointed out any reasons, but, like, this is a way that men typically dismiss whatever a woman is saying.
Like, so, basically, it just turns into an accusation, like, that basically reduces to you're being unreasonable right now, right?
So, whatever you're saying in this moment is unreasonable, and it, just chalk it up to your hormones, right?
Because that's the only - And I can dismiss it. Yeah, like, this is the only reason why you would be acting in such an insane way is because you're
PMSing, right? And so, then, you know, I do think there is a kind of guy who can, in a, in kind of a rude way, throw that out there to any woman who says anything that he disagrees with, right?
Oh, you must be PMSing. Now, I mean, at the same time, I mean, like, you never know.
I mean, this is something that, like, I mean, it's something you're not really allowed to talk about, you're not really allowed to think about, but,
I mean, I've had plenty of situations where I've wondered, like, why are they so emotional right now? You know, like, just ran into people
I don't know that I don't have any context about, and you're not really allowed to go there, and you're in your mind thinking, is this like a, something's going on, you know?
This is not like a normal man conversation that I'm used to, or whatever, you know? So, like, you're not allowed to say that.
But I do think part of this, though, is there is, like, a feminism kind of dynamic here where, you know, we're not really allowed to acknowledge that these temptations are real, right?
So, like, there's a significant part of this conversation where you're not really allowed to acknowledge that, like, these things are real.
Like, meaning, like, we're being told that women are strong, powerful, courageous, independent, you know, don't need a man, whatever else, just as capable as a man, just as reasonable as a man, everything else.
But this is like, yeah, but there's, like, all men know, like,
I can have conversations with men that go a particular way, and then I can have conversation with a woman, particularly during this time of the month, and it goes very different, right?
And whatever it is, it's not governed by reason, you know? Like, and then that's just a big temptation. So part of the thing is, you're just not really allowed to say that, because that would indicate that men and women are different, and, like, they have, like, their strengths and weaknesses, and, like, maybe a man's strength is that he's a lot more emotionally stable, on average, than women, and women come in and out of it, right?
And so I think you're really not allowed to say that, you're not allowed to talk about that, you're not allowed to really think about it.
Now, I mean, people will make jokes about it, but then when the jokes happen, like, there still is, like, there still is this, hey,
I don't really know how to process this, because I know as a guy, I'm not really allowed to acknowledge this is here. But then, like, really, it's kind of a double logic, because on the one hand, you're not really allowed to acknowledge that it's happening, and then on the other hand, it's like, you have to completely validate everything that's happening, affirm everything that's happening, right, in the moment, and then you have to pretend, like, everything that's happening in the moment is just completely and totally reasonable, and normal, and valid, and real, and I affirm that, and you go, girl, and your feelings are valid, and so you have to make all sorts of allowances for things in your mind that feel very crazy.
And that would be, like, the first guy's response is kind of to say, it's reasonable, but, like, no, it's not advisable, man.
But I think with this comment, they're basically saying, hey, yeah, if you're going to answer yes, people are instantaneously assuming that the only reason you're asking that is just as, like, a way of, like, basically just shutting a woman up, right?
Yeah. Like, so the assumption there is that that would be the only useful way that this could ever come up, is just as a mechanism for, like, the strong person in the relationship to pick on the other person, right?
It's like, well, no, there's just so many ways this could come up in just everyday, normal conversation, for sure.
Right, right. Okay, here's another response. It's probably similar to one of the other ones we read before, but an in -tune husband doesn't even have to ask.
He knows her cycle and thinks ahead so he can have her favorite ice cream prepared. Yeah.
Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you. I don't have that superpower, unfortunately.
But I think it's, like, the longer you're married, the more you figure this stuff out better than you did at first, right?
And so I think a lot of what's happening is you have people who kind of sorted it out over the course of a decade or something like that, and they've kind of got to a place where generally, give or take, maybe they suspect it or whatever else.
But then the issue is when you're first married, you really don't know what's happening.
Like, you know, it's not intuitively obvious to you what's happening. I mean, you're just, like, you can have a,
I mean, particularly if you have conflict within your marriage. In a lot of people, they do start out marriage, and it's just, there's conflict there, man.
Like, you're living with a new person. And so you have a person who's already a lot more sensitive than they typically are, right?
Yeah. So you have a person who's already way more sensitive than a typical man is going to be, much more prone to take offense in a lot of different ways on average.
So, I mean, these are, like, very different kind of conversations. And, you know, they may be upset with you.
You know, there's a lot of marriages that go like this, where, like, the wife is just upset with the husband all the time, you know?
So then you add to that, like, they're really upset with you irrationally, you know?
And it's just, like, I don't know where to plot this on the graph of normalcy, really, right? And so, like, it just seems like you're mad all the time, you know?
So I've talked to plenty of guys who, like, that's their experience of marriage. It's like, you just seem mad all the time, right? And I don't know, and then, like, when they get really, like, you know, when the period comes, they're really mad, but then it's just, like,
I don't know if they're really mad because they're just, like, what is this about? Like, I don't even know what's happening, right? And so, yeah,
I do think after, you know, after you've been married for a little bit, sure, you start to figure out, oh,
I wonder if I'm seeing the signs. But, I mean, when you're going about your life on your, you know, day -to -day, doing your daily business,
I mean, be realistic, man. Like, in real life, with real people, like, no one is sitting there, like, no one is sitting there thinking, oh, man, that outburst of emotion right there, that, like, that's because we're two days prior to, you know, like, no one's first thought is to say that with any kind of confidence and with any kind of certainty, you know, and so,
I mean, particularly if there's, like, just general conflict within the home, conflict within the relationship, you know, it's not,
I mean, most people's experience of marriage is not just like, oh, man, it's just completely peaceful, you know, for, and then all of a sudden, it's just really bad, you know, it's just like, oh, yeah, something changed, you know.
So, I mean, I think generally, like, the longer you're married, you start piecing this stuff together and figuring it out, but even so, it's still helpful, even if you've been married for a while.
I mean, I brought up this example in a certain way, but, I mean, if you start off your marriage saying, hey, yeah, this is a part of life and we're going to talk about it, we're not going to be embarrassed about it, we're going to bring it up.
I mean, there's plenty of times where you can say, hey, you know what, like, honey, you've been kind of short with me, you know, all day today and, like, it seems like you're really emotional and there doesn't seem to be a lot of reason for it.
So, this is, like, really abnormal, like, what's going on? Are you about to start your period? What's happening here, right?
Like, that's a normal conversation. I've had that conversation plenty of times with my wife and then she checks her app and she's like, oh, yeah.
She checks the app. It's like, okay, you know, I mean, it's like, instead of me just being frustrated because I don't understand why, like, everything
I'm doing seems to be criticized or whatever else, like, there's, like, super sensitivity going on.
Instead of me just being frustrated about it, it's like, okay, I know what's happening. Like, as a husband, I know what's happening now.
And then as a wife, it's like, yeah, it's very helpful for her to know, oh, yeah, you know what? I need to be extra careful, right, about my disposition, about my demeanor because I have some biological temptations that are filtering into, like, that are real.
So, like, I don't think anyone needs to pretend like this isn't happening and it's entirely helpful to talk about it. It's entirely helpful to have normal conversations about it.
And the quicker you learn to do that in your marriage, the better off everyone else is because, I mean, husbands are actually called to live with their wife in an understanding way.
And so, if you go into your marriage from the very beginning, and we did this, like, we went into our marriage from the very beginning saying, hey, we're just going to talk about this and quit treating this as if it's taboo.
Like, we're not going to do that. We're going to go into their marriage, we're going to talk about this. And we talked about this, and it saved us a lot of headache from talking about it and allowed each other to understand, okay, this is what this is like, and this is what this is like, right?
And, you know, as everyone grows in their sanctification and everything else, like, it's not really that big a deal, but it is helpful, useful information to figure out where everyone can have a category to figure out, hey, what are we doing right now, right?
Right. So, you wouldn't classify it in the, you know, provoking your wife to wrath category, right, to ask that question?
I mean, if a woman decides that she's allowed to be provoked to wrath by something, that doesn't mean that you're provoking her to wrath by doing it.
Does that make sense? Yeah. So, many women have allowed themselves the permission to be provoked to wrath by rebukes from their husband, right?
So, like, a lot of women feel like it would be provoking wrath to them, like, if you were to give them any instruction about any expectation that you have about anything, right?
And so, a lot of guys, they basically just say, hey, she gets mad at this, therefore there's a moral imperative for me to avoid it, right?
Right. And that's basically what people think it means to be a good husband, is whatever your wife gets mad about, you avoid.
But, like, the issue is that's not what it means to be a husband. So, you're responsible to present your wife as spotless and blameless before God.
That's your job, right? You're to wash her with the water of the word. Like, your job is to be a sanctifier in her life.
That's what you're there to do. And so, if you know that, hey, there's a time here where you're going to experience biological temptations that I don't experience, that is useful information to know, right?
Like, that is useful information to know. Like, it's useful information for me to know. To know that you're experiencing a biological trial that I don't have to experience.
So, here's the thing. So, like, one woman, basically, her response to this was, like, you don't need to ask.
You just need to, like, if she's acting like that and you suspect it, suspect it, just go with it and give her extra grace, right?
The problem is, yeah, I have a category for giving women extra grace during this period if there's, you know, some kind of biological temptations going.
But you don't just give, like, a woman a free pass just to, like, be all up in her feels any time, you know, any time because you have no way of verifying what's actually happening, right?
So, I mean, I'm all for giving, like, more grace during this time and more compassion during this time and more space during this time and everything else.
Like, I mean, I don't think it's just completely hands off, but I'm all for just, like, being understanding and saying, hey,
I'm going to be a little bit less critical, you know, and everything else. Right. But that's provided that I know what
I'm looking at. You know, you can't ask me just to extend that indefinitely any time you're acting unreasonable because it might be possible that you're about to start your period or something.
It's just like, well, then, basically, I'm, you know, so what you're asking me to do, it's just I can't ask this because she's going to get mad.
And then I just need to extend, you know, grace upon grace upon grace and never deal with it. And so, basically, like, we're being ruled as a family by your wife's emotions, like, unless you guys have a plan to combat this.
Does that make sense? Mm -hmm. So, basically, whenever she's being less than reasonable, it's like, well, maybe she's on her period.
I don't know. Who knows? I can't ask because that would be rude and that would provoke her to anger. So, I'm just going to assume she is and just show her grace, you know, and be extra nice to her.
It's like. Well, think about how God is merciful, you know, how
God interacts with us. I mean, God's merciful to us more than anyone is merciful.
I mean, who's more merciful than God? Right. But then at the same time, that doesn't mean that God doesn't rebuke us, that God doesn't correct us, that God doesn't sanctify us and grant, you know, give us the ability and the strength to be able to overcome the sins that once ensnared us.
Right. And so, I mean, God is absolutely gracious to us and He's more gracious than we are to one another, for sure.
But that doesn't mean He overlooks indefinitely. Right. Yeah, He doesn't overlook indefinitely. And so, if He doesn't, then why would we?
Right. So, I mean, I think that that's like a big component of this conversation that you're not really allowed to go to.
And that is, no, like a woman doesn't have a blank check during, you know, her time of the month just to be completely emotional, unreasonable, without any kind of check, without any kind of discussion about what's happening, without any kind of accountability whatsoever.
It's just like, hey, you know, be extra sensitive and be sweet and buy her chocolate and all this stuff. It's like, yeah, you could do that.
But I mean, I think you also, like, here's the thing. Like, if your wife is letting herself during that time be completely unreasonable, completely irrational, she's taking it,
I mean, she's being petty, she's being vindictive, she's jumping to conclusions, she's not thinking the best of everyone in her family, and she's turning your home into just a nightmare, like with no peace to live.
Like, you have to talk about it. Like, what's happening right now, right? You have to have a direct conversation, regardless of whether or not, whatever time of the month it's at, you need to be having a direct conversation about, hey, what's going on right now, right?
Why are you acting this way? Because you can't act this way. That's not the way that this works, right?
So, and if it's like, hey, yeah, that's useful information to know, everyone figures out, they put that on the table, it's like, alright,
I understand, thanks for letting me know, that makes sense, now I can readjust my mind and put this all into a different kind of perspective.
At the same time, you're going to have to be extra careful right now, right? Like, meaning, like, you're going to have to be aware of the temptations, a lot more aware, and so a godly wife will want that, an ungodly wife won't, right?
But ungodly wife is basically just going to say, hey, you pointing it out, you asking questions about it, that's you basically denying the validity of my feelings, right?
And it's like, well, yeah, you know what, your feelings are liars, and it doesn't seem like your feelings are helping you right now, and helping us, and helping our relationship, and helping our family, and we better rein those in, for sure.
Right. Okay, well, I think that's a good place for us to wrap up the conversation on this topic, so thank you,
Tim, for answering not only my questions, but all of the comments to this poll that we ran, and I think it is certainly, you know, it's concerning to see people talk about women this way, where it's like, you mentioned this already, but I think it's worth saying again, like,
I mean, you're basically treating women like they are infants, or unreasoning animals, who just, when this happens, they are totally free to do whatever they want, they're totally free to vent any way that they want, to express their, whatever emotions they're feeling, to whatever degree they're feeling those emotions, however they would like, it doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, because it's just out of their control completely, and I mean, that's just, you show certain grace to a toddler that you would not show to an adult, because a toddler and an adult are not the same in terms of like, how well they can control themselves, they don't always,
I mean, they just haven't learned how to do all that yet. Should they know? Yes. Should they be sinning in the ways that they're sinning, as they get angry at the most superfluous things, as they get upset about, you know, losing a toy that they wanted, or not getting to play when they wanted to, and instead having to go and taking a nap?
No, they shouldn't be getting upset at those things, but they do. And you train them to not be upset, and that takes time to do, but you're showing them grace along the way, understanding that they're two, or they're three.
And, you know, if an adult were doing the same thing, we would all look at that and say, that's ridiculous.
An adult should not be acting that way. An adult has learned how to control their emotions when it comes to those types of situations, but then for some reason, when it comes to this topic, all of a sudden, it's a, how dare you expect a wife to control herself during that time?
And going even further than that, how dare you even ask if it's that time?
You ought to know yourself. And that is just the most absurd thing
I have ever heard. You must know yourself. I mean, you know, the only way
I could see that working is if, you know, you're a husband and a wife, and you are being intimate on a regular basis like you should.
At that point, you know, you might not have to ask. Yeah, even so, you lose track of it from time to time.
Yeah, I mean, that's not like a perfect solution to the problem, right?
I mean, I think if you are having regular intimacy, this is the problem.
If you are having regular intimacy with your spouse, and you believe the
Bible teaches as it does that you should take a break during this time, there's going to have to be some communication at some point where you're at on the spectrum and everything else.
These are just totally normal conversations that mature people learn to have. If a wife wants her husband to live with her in an understanding way, then giving him information is helpful, right?
And answering his questions is helpful. Like, what am I looking at here? Tell me what I'm looking at.
And it's helpful for her. It's helpful for you. It's helpful for everyone just to know what are we doing, right? So, I mean, particularly if you're having regular intimacy and you know you're going to have to take a break, then you're going to have to communicate that at a certain point.
And there's going to be, you know. So, I think the few days before the period starts,
I mean, it could be, I mean, you're just going about your day -to -day business.
And most people aren't just like have it worked out in their mind like they would like a birthday or something like that.
And a lot of times it's not even that exact, you know. I mean, people with irregular periods, it's not like just a clockwork thing.
Some people it is. It's this day of the month, you know, whatever else. But there is variation and it is something to talk about.
And it's not, you know, maybe some people are more time conscious than others or whatever. But, I mean, adults need to be able to talk about this.
And all the godly marriages I know, this is like a joke conversation. This is totally stupid kind of conversation.
Like all the godly marriages I know, people are like, oh, yeah, of course you talk about it. What do you think? Well, and my suspicion about this too is the married couple that is being intimate at a regular interval and they're not waiting a full week or two weeks or even three weeks or a month to be intimate with each other.
The ones who are intimate regularly, they probably don't have any issues talking about this or if they do, probably not for very long because of what you said.
I mean, it's just a natural conversation that has to happen regularly. Where are we at?
Where are we at right now? Right. And so you get more and more practice and it just gets easier and easier to do.
But, okay. With all that being said, we appreciate you guys listening to the episode, supporting us week in and week out.
Again, Tim, thank you for answering my questions and responding to all the comments to this poll.
Hopefully this was a helpful conversation for you guys and it's spurred you on, husbands, to be more direct and to lead more directly.
Be bold in your leadership with your wife and with your family and for wives. Hopefully this has been a conversation that has encouraged you to be more submissive to your husband, to humble yourself and to follow his leadership to the best of your ability so that both husbands and wives can honor
God through the respective roles that have been assigned to them within the marriage.
And that's our hope and that's the goal of an episode like this.
It's not to harp on men for being so weak -spined or harp on women for being so erratic or uncontrollable so that people can be spurred on to good works and they can be encouraged to pursue faithfulness.
So, we certainly appreciate all your support. If you want to find more content that we're posting, there's links in the description of this episode to our social media pages.
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And so, we certainly appreciate all your support. And until the next episode, we'll see you. This has been another episode of Bible Bashed.
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and consider supporting us through Patreon. Now, go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move.