I Might No Longer Be Pro-life

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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The term "pro-life" is in the process of being co-opted to mean a whole host of things that have nothing to do with abortion. I am quite happy to discard the term. Consider me anti-abortion. I prefer to maintain the ability to take a biblical stance on all issues.


Hi, my name is Adam Robles, and I realize that the title of this video may have shocked you But it isn't what you think.
I am absolutely still convinced that the abortion Issue is one of the most important issues in involving biblical justice that we're engaged in as a country
I think that the epidemic of systematic killing that goes on in the womb is absolutely abhorrent and evil and One of the worst things
I could even imagine Being so popular and so I'm still very much anti -abortion.
However, there is a movement afoot And it has been this way for quite some time.
There is a movement afoot to sort of kind of finagle the meaning of pro -life Into incorporating all of these other things that aren't that have nothing to do with abortion
So liberals have done this for a long time. They've said that You know, you're not really pro -life because you support the death penalty or you're not really pro -life because you don't support welfare and things like that, so you're just pro -birth and My response to that was always yeah,
I am pro -birth. That's exactly right I think births are good are a good thing and I'm pro that And so liberals have done this for a while They've kind of made that kind of point to try to win.
I don't know some argument or something like that But what I've found is actually people that you would normally consider conservatives are doing the same thing
I saw a recent tweet That somebody had posted from Russell Moore I guess he had a life conference a pro -life conference over the weekend and he was introducing
Ann Voskamp and her talk was gonna be about immigration and and refugees and that was in the pro -life conference and so This is something that now even on the
Christian side on the conservative side of things that's becoming more popular where you say well, you can't be pro -life unless you're also pro -immigration and pro -refugees and also, you know pro whatever liberal thing you can imagine and That's just not the case a pro -life has nothing to do with that Pro -life is a very specific thing
And so if that's what pro -life is going to mean then I'm quite happy to discard the term.
I don't need to be called pro -life I'm just fine being anti -abortion. Okay, I'm just fine being anti baby -killing
I don't need the rest of that stuff as well And and the sad part about that is even with the the Russell Moore tweet that I that I talked about I probably agree with him and also and Voskamp I don't know what she said, but based on what it looked like that was about I probably agree with them on the refugee thing.
I probably agree with them on the immigration issue But I recognize that that has nothing to do with pro -life, you know, if you keep doing this
Eventually pro -life you you won't be able to be pro -life unless you're voting Democrat unless you support all the nonsense that that Democrats support
And so, you know what if you want if that's what you want pro -life to be going forward. I'm how
I'm quite happy with that I don't I don't need to to to have the label I'm you know, I'm quite happy to be anti -abortion and that's what
I'm focused on I don't need to embrace the whole Democrat liberal structure of cradle -to -grave care that kind of thing.
I'm not interested in that I'd rather be able to maintain my nuance. I'd rather be able to maintain a biblical position on all those issues.
So Yeah, if that's what pro -life has become if that's what pro -life means that I have to go along with all this other stuff as well
Welfare things like that. I'm quite happy not to be pro -life anymore. And so that's why
I titled this video the way it is I think you should be careful because if people are telling you what pro -life means and it means all this stuff that's unbiblical
I would suggest discarding it as well. There's the term isn't Important what matters is what the what what your positions are, right?
So if if you know if you're anti -abortion and you're not the rest of those other things you don't support the the immigration stuff
You don't support welfare and things like that Just discard the term. I don't care. They can have it for all
I care In fact anti -abortion gets to the quick cuts to the quick a lot better I mean, it's just actually a more precise term.
And so yeah, I'm for the criminalization of abortion I want it to be criminalized. I want people who do abortions to be prosecuted
I want them to be punished accordingly and and that's that's as simple as that. Anyway, that's my video