Living with the True God: Lessons from Judges | Trailer
Living with the True God: Lessons from Judges is a 7-week multimedia Bible study that examines key passages and themes in the book of Judges and applies them to the modern Church.
- 00:06
- Judges is a unique book for us to study. I think Judges is also one of the most significant books for the modern evangelical church.
- 00:17
- When we come to the book of Judges, we admit that it sounds strange to our ears sometimes. There are a lot of events there that confuse us.
- 00:25
- There are other events that morally alarm us. So we want to come at this book in a way that guarantees that by the grace of God, we really will learn the things that God means for us to learn.
- 00:37
- And our lives will be responsive to God in a way that they ought to be. So that having studied the book of Judges, we come out of this study more like Christ.