Matt Slick Depress-chatology Q&A - 4-26-17




Come on do more and more. This is the biggest class we've had here. I'm getting calls at the office We're getting emails about it.
Come on more eschatology. And so I'm gonna be having to study this more because that's what people Want to hear when tickle their ears with eschatology
So we're gonna see what's gonna happen. All right, so I'll be studying it But next week apostasy of the church, which
I'm gonna really like going through and then apostasy in our society the rise of paganism In our culture,
I'm gonna go through some of that stuff too, and hopefully we'll have some cool more more cool graphics and things Yes, okay good so I Don't have all the answers all the stuff so if you ask me questions and I repeatedly go
I don't know yet I'm not sure yet. So are you just gonna have to bear with me? I don't study this stuff all the time
You asked me about the hypothetic Union and how it relates to the communicative idiom atom and imputation of appreciation No sweat, but some of this eschatology stuff, where's the rebuilt temple go in Jerusalem?
You know be answers like that Okay So if you want to come up and ask a question from in here
You got to come up over to there that tape and that camera and the microphone will pick it up And that's so that the people online
I don't know how many people we got online watching, but we got a lot of questions apparently and It's open to any topic.
It doesn't have to be eschatological It could be any topic because we talked about all kinds of stuff So if you want to know how to make better cookies ask me see what kind of answer you get
What? Acetates are gone, but Stuff like that.
So we'll see. Okay. Anybody here got a question? Gotta come up to the mic Okay Let's see if you can stump me won't be hard.
You look like Eddie Munster. You see it's right there to hair thing
That's what it is. It's okay. Don't worry. Yeah You run through Because it's kind of a hot topic right now in Christendom penal substitution.
Okay, and so feed a All right, you know substitution is a legal substitutionary atonement of Christ Okay, first of all first John 4 3 sin is breaking the law of God.
So sins a transgression of the law so because it's a breaking of the law then law requires a punishment and God must punish and If he does not punish then he is ignoring his own law and he is unrighteous
We can't have that so God in his righteousness Must fulfill his own law.
All right So we are not able to fulfill the law because this requirement of the law is perfection
Deuteronomy 27 26 which is quoted by Paul in Galatians 3 10 that you are obligated to keep all the law and The stumble in one point is a stumble in all of it and the standard is perfection.
You can go to Matthew 548 be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect in the context of loving everybody also go to James 2 10 which talks about If you fail in one area you fill in all of them.
Someone's phone is on and they're embarrassed. That's all right It's okay it happens and so we have this issue the legality of the atoning work so Jesus was made under the law
Galatians 4 4 and He lowered himself or I should say he emptied himself taking the form of a man
Philippians 2 5 through 8 He cooperated with limitations of being a man and therefore he would grow in wisdom
Luke 2 52 So he was under the law had to fulfill the law which he did at his baptism entering into Melchizedek priesthood
We can go into that Old Testament requirement and what he was doing but So when we get to the issue of our sin and the necessity for a sin to be forgiven
The law of God must be satisfied If it's not satisfied, we can't be forgiven
God says the day that you eat of this fruit you will die Genesis 2 17 He's showing us that the breaking of the law has a punishment.
The wages of sin is death Romans 6 23 the soul that sin shall die
Isaiah 59 2 So we see that law is what we have to look at here sin is breaking the law of God Sin is also a legal debt
And our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thine will be done on earth as it is in heaven forgive Us our days will forgive us our debts is
Matthew 6 12 forgive us our sins is Luke 11 4 Jesus equates sin with legal debt
So Jesus was made under the law and in John 1930
He said it is finished. The Greek word is to tell us die Which has been found on the bottom of ancient tax receipts signifying a legal debt been paid in full
On the cross he said to tell us die what happened on the cross since sin is a legal problem not only legal problem, but it's a legal problem and Sin could be trans or debts can be transferred that our sin debt was transferred to Christ First Peter 2 24
He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross that we might die to sin and live the righteousness for by his stripes
We are healed So he bore our sin in his body on the cross. That's how he became sin for a second
Corinthians 5 17 So as we look at this issue of the legality of sin laying the issue out sins breaking the law of God first John 4 3 3 4 and We are not able to fill fulfill the law perfectly
So we need someone to come in and take our place to fulfill the law. That's out of Isaiah 53 verses 4 5 & 6
He took our stripes took our place So our sin debt was transferred to him
So this is what happens this is him on the cross
Here's you Born now born tomorrow
Whatever 2 ,000 year difference It's irrelevant Your sin is transferred to Jesus Okay, first Peter 2 24 your sins transferred to Christ Then the wages of sin is death
Right and Jesus died
The law is fulfilled in Christ Now he died he rose from the dead
We have faith Now it says in Romans 3 28 we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law
You can also go to Romans chapter 4 verses 1 through 5 But basically verse 5 to the one who does not work, but believes his faith is reckoned as righteousness
So this is called Justification Okay Justification is the declaration of legal right of righteousness.
It's a legal standing so Jesus on the cross bore our sin in his body on the cross and he died satisfying the law
And he rose from the dead shown the sacrifice was sufficient That means our sin is removed now if you go to Colossians 2 14 it says having canceled out the certificate of debt the chirographon the chirographon, right
I'm messing up. No, it's like this. Okay, your chirographon. That's the best up in that letter the chirographon
And what this is is? hand grafae The handwriting of ordinances, that's why the
King James says blotting out the handwriting Let's don't say the trans the handwriting of transgressions or whatever the handwriting of ordinances.
This is a Hapax legomena, it occurs only once in the entire Bible So clock this word right here in Colossians 2 14
Having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees which was hostile to us He took it out of the way having nilled it to the cross
So when did he cancel it at the cross did not cancel it when you believe
He's not did not cancel it when you are baptized. It's canceled 2 ,000 years ago at the cross.
Who do you cancel it for everybody? Only for the elect Cancel it for everybody ever lives.
Everybody has to go to heaven because a sin debt doesn't exist anymore You can't go to hell for a sin debt.
That's been canceled Colossians 2 14 says having canceled The certificate of debt canceled it's gone
This is legal the man goes To pay a debt, but it's been paid by somebody else
He can't be held responsible for that debt if it's been canceled has been blotted out You can't go to hell for it's in debt.
That's been canceled. I know a lot of people don't agree with that it doesn't make any sense in the other way and If you say
It is Only made possible that Christ blood was for everybody and he bore the sin debt of everybody and canceled it
But it's up to you to receive it. You can't find that in Scripture You can make it up but it's not there in the
Bible and If he did cancel the sin debt for everybody ever lived then
God would be unrighteous for sending anybody to hell This is hard theology
But this is biblical theology and I'll debate anybody on it. All right set it up.
So here we go he Made under the law Galatians 4 for he canceled our sin debt at the cross
Colossians 2 14 He bore sin in his body in the cross Wages in his death.
He met the requirement of the law. We are though therefore Justified by faith. So the righteousness of Christ is given to us
Upon faith, oops, we have a righteousness
That is not our own Philippians 3 9 the righteousness of Christ, so your sin his righteousness double imputation
Our sin is imputed reckoned to his account. His righteousness is imputed to us reckoned to our account legal
Legal legal legal sin is a legal problem. Not only but it is Jesus was under the law legally satisfy the law.
He canceled the certificate of debt the legal thing It's canceled sin debts canceled.
He couldn't cancel it for everybody Because if it cancels for everybody everybody has to go to heaven
Period well, you don't believe it not believing it is a sin We're required to believe in God Exodus 20 is part of the law
So that's what penal substitution is that Jesus took our legal place? By fulfilling the requirements of the law
That's the biblical position And I'll go so far as to say it's the right position
And if you disagree, that's okay you're entitled to be wrong and inconsistent and believe what you want and Bow to the traditions of men and say no he bore the sin of everybody ever lived and yet It's up to you in the wisdom of your heart to believe in God and trust and it's up to you because it's up to you
I don't get into that. It's another problem in the church today, and I would probably be getting into that issue
Next week in the apostasy of man -centered humanism that's taken precedence over the sovereignty of God within the church
I'm gonna be stepping on toes next week Say some a lot of things that it'd be hard for a lot of people to hear
That was the first part of your question. What was the second part? So Lafitte? right So Lafitte Which is faith alone
The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord, right? The free gift is the word charisma
Tom charismatic as in gift Now we can only receive that by faith therefore having been justified by faith
Romans To Romans 5 1 we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law of Galatians I mean the
Romans 3 20 3 28 thinking ahead of myself here Because there's some other verses
I want to get into so faith alone means we're trusting in what God has done. Not what we do
Have any of you ever done a Perfect work perfect in your heart perfect in your intention
Definitely. No That's the standard of perfection be holy for I am holy 1st
Peter 1 16 The standard is God's level not man's that's humanism
Humanism says we bow to the ability of man and then God lowers his standard for us
That's humanism and it's all over the church Rampant in the church and because of it we don't bow to the sovereign
King and his will We want him to bow to ours. We can get whatever we want
Because that's our nature So Lafitte means we can trust only by faith and what
God has done because nothing that we have is pure Nothing and he even grants that we believe
Philippians 129 They asked him what must we do to work the works of God and Jesus says this is the work of God that you believe
John 6 28 29 Too many has received him to them He gave the right to be called the children of God who were born not of the will of the of the flesh nor the will of man, but of God Not to me not of their own will even even says not of their own
Well, you don't have the ability in your sinfulness as an unbeliever to come to Christ on your own
You don't First Corinthians 2 14 the natural man cannot receive or except this expect except Excuse me, the things of God put their foolishness to him
He cannot the hearts desperately wicked deceitful cannot be trusted Jeremiah 17 9.
No one seeks for God No one does good Romans 3 10 11 and 12 The hearts full of murders and adulteries and thefts and fornications and all kinds of evil marks 7 22 and 23
Our righteous deeds are filthy rags used menstrual cloths before God Isaiah 64 6.
We've got nothing to offer God So he gives us everything that we need and his sovereignty he elected us before the foundation of the world
Ephesians 1 verses 4 and 5 and Then he grants to us to the kindness and the mercy of his gracious love that's found in the blood of Christ He then grants to us the deliverance from our sins
And he does it through the substitutionary but carries atonement of Christ Jesus on the cross That's the only way we any of us can never be saved
And everything else is heresy next
Ladies first, all right Okay, so you did the chart this age age to come and you listed
Jesus return judgment of the wicked harvest resurrection day of the Lord But I didn't see where you listed revelation 22 ,000 year
Satan is bound according to Jesus of Matthew 12 22 to 32
He says that in order to plunder the strongman's house by casting out demons.
He must first be bound So he says that he was bound because Jesus was doing exactly what he said would be the case if Satan were bound
So that's Matthew 12 22 to 32 plus if you go to Revelation 20, it says
That the angel came down with a key and a chain Not a literal key not a literal chain
But it was a literal angel and he had the key to the bottomless pit. Is it a bottomless pit?
No But it represents something that's true and took hold of the dragon
What's not literal who's a serpent not literal who is the devil literal Okay, and bound him for a thousand years
So is it literal or figurative when it says a thousand and that's the question? We have to ask because the context has figurative usage in it.
Plus God owns the cattle on a thousand hills Or about a thousand and one so he and days about a thousand years a thousand years, but a day
So he uses the term 1 ,000 often in a figurative context and since it's in Revelation Revelation 20, which is symbolic
We could say it's a symbolic spirit of time Particularly when we see this age and age to come what comes to pass
Leaves no room for the Millennium what converted me to all millennial ism with two verses and I was in El Cajon, California, San Diego County and About I Don't know.
I don't know in the 80s and some guy, you know, he says hey got his verses. I want you to read What's it about?
I'm not telling you. Why not? I'm not telling you. Well, wait, you want to read them? Yeah, what's it about? I'm not telling you? Just read them
And I read through you know, the day the Lord will come like a thief in the night, you know We read this out of 1st
Thessalonians 4 chapter 16 He'll descend from heaven Right, and that's a rapture the day of the
Lord come like a thief in the night the rapture come like a thief in the night and then he took me over to 2nd Peter 3 10 The day of the
Lord come like a thief in which the heavens are melted and I went no Millennium Just like that He was like no, and that's how
I got converted to all millennial ism He just had me read the verses and when I saw at the because this is what it is
This is a thousand year right here And this is the new heavens here right and This is the rapture here we got a thousand years in here and Yet the day of the
Lord that comes like a thief thief same time gone so If you go to that chart,
I hate to say go to a chart just but this bees go to charts Go to the chart the dispute chart Just go to the grid and just put the scriptures together and see what they tell you.
I hate It's like somebody who says I hate labels. Oh, so you're an anti -labeler, huh?
What's that? The coalition the band coalitions, that's right now
What everybody's been taught most everybody's been that we're gonna go this it's look this is what's really comfortable
Come on, look at this This is what's comfortable. All right, we live in the
USA We have everything we need everything right everything
Right there Everything we need. Okay We don't deserve to have any persecution because we're
Americans and we know it's going to get bad and it's going to happen in the thousand year the future and There's gonna be a seven -year period before that and We're taken out here
Boy, that feels good. That's comfortable. You could sell that and Reverend slick could sell it.
I Could sell it because I sold it. No, but because Because it's marketable it's comforting
People thought that we were going to usher the new age in because we were becoming enlightened, right?
Right a lot of our culture determines a lot of times what we how we interpret the scriptures
But you know I have Asperger's and I think it's a real advantage in a lot of areas and Asperger's is an autism spectrum
Problem and so I'm not really good socially except I learn how to be good socially I don't have as many emotional needs as others have and things like that But my mom and dad taught me something that's very valuable to me, which
I've rarely talked about We moved a great deal and my mom and dad. Let's just say
Had an attitude. I want to say of self -superiority, but they had an attitude of Self -sufficiency and they had this attitude of don't follow the crowd
Don't follow the crowd. I Remember being inculcated with this over and over and over and over and over don't follow the crowd the crowd believes it
So what and it occurred to me very early on just because a crowd believes such -and -such doesn't mean it's true I'm very comfortable with standing up in front of a group and going.
Well, I don't know if I agree with that Not to be recalcitrant. It's just I don't know if I agree with that and I can say it it doesn't bother me and so It's cost me a great deal and I've got stories but it has cost me a great deal a great deal
Boy has it but but at the same time I'm not loyal to anything except Jesus So if someone says look
Matt, I can prove your own little thing is wrong. Okay, I Don't go. Oh, no, you can't it's like, okay
No, yeah, you can Sure you guys ask a follow -up to it.
Yeah Now you should be proper
Presbyterians Presbyterianism is a true biblical Even I get tired of my stupidity sometimes
Hey, I like that one I like preparations I Resurrections of people right the first resurrection some say or maybe
The the time when we're born again, that's the first time we're born again Right and us from on like that and at the end of all of that stuff that happens
There's another resurrection later on That's one of the views. Yeah, I'm not convinced by everything.
I'm on in the all -male side. I think it's kind of weak. It's possible Thousand -year reigns are supposed to have come out with they don't have to say they have not taken the mark of the beast
That would that be it'd be perfect with all millennialism so the beast Antichrist has already been here.
Oh, no. No, no Because the thousand years is a long period of time and a lot of things happen at that and towards the end of it
The Satan's let loose because he was bound by Jesus on the words. He said he was bound in Matthew 12 22 to 32
That's something that just says that that's what it is. So I got to go with what it says because that's clear every bound in his bed
When he was on earth he was bound he says That's future.
Yeah, right, but This this gets complicated Then we get the full pre to go to full to through full preterist views
Full preterism is that everything is fulfilled by roughly 72 ad and it's not without its strength in point
But it's refuted by Acts 1 9 to 11 the return of Christ. I don't care what they say it is
Because it's clear then there's partial preterism which talks about This is why it gets so stinking complicated
Sure partial preterism says that that the things that Jesus spoke of were fulfilled then and will be filled again later
But not everything necessarily Identically, but that they're representative of the first coming in the second coming
This gets really hard in some areas but Revelation 20 is symbolic
But something actually does happen that it's representing. Well is a thousand years a literal period of time some say it is
Maybe it is. I don't see it as being so because that grid doesn't allow it when you just go through what it says
Because if pre -millennial ism is true and we have a thousand -year reign to come that I'm gonna just say here the chart
Make it fit and you can't it doesn't fit now I'm serious.
I've been doing this for 25 years doing this presentation on this on this all melting with a chart.
I've not heard a single person refute it one person Fought against it and his arguments were just incredible he went all around the
North Pole to get around to say something and It was the only guy who even got halfway
Halfway to start to really give a decent answer and it wasn't very good it's just what it says and so I'm not loyal to pre mill.
I'm not loyal to all mill. I'm loyal to that's what it says. I cannot see how
It can be anything other than this age in the age to come And what happened at the end of the age the resurrection the rapture the electric gathered new heavens new earth
The that's called the day of the Lord if you guys want I could postpone the heresy of the of the church thing for one week and really go through this chart slowly and Map it out.
I'm gonna do that next week instead Okay, so we'll postpone it Let's put it back and I'll go through and I will do this and I will show you bit by bit how there is no
Possibility for a future thousand -year reign literal thousand -year reign by going through the grid by showing you where the scriptures are and I've done this before here and I'll just say
You tell me where it goes Because this is the line we use This age and the age to come
I could show me where it is And we've done this how many have done this with me before and where does everything go on this side?
Everything goes over here except for a couple things over here. Okay And do
I make it work like that? I go. What do you guys say? They go over here over here over here over here
Over and over and over we'll do that next week. Okay, and then we'll get into the apostasy of the
Christian Church, which is Good stuff It's heartbreaking, but guess who
I'm gonna say this guess who's responsible. I believe who's the we Who's that?
What the believers are more so the men I'm gonna tell you why
I'll tell you why Adam and Eve were in the garden. They she sinned first She gave the fruit to Adam they both
Hid the pre -incarnate Jesus came walking and said to the man.
Where are you? He didn't say Eve. What have you done? That's what
I would have said who was her. Well, that's what he did say, isn't it? That's what I done the woman you gave me said blame you
So the pre -incarnate Christ came in and said what have you done Adam? Where are you?
She got her comeuppance later, but who did he go to first? Went to the man why because of the doctrine of federal headship the male represents a dissenters not the female
So who's responsible in the church? The men are I mean the women are too it's just that the men are the ones who are supposed to Have the necessary genitalia to stand up and do what's got to be done in the church but most men are
Wissified and wimplified and don't know how to stand because they I believe they don't know the doctrines and they don't know the truth and they haven't been taught enough to stand up if I were preaching in a church and I preach a sermon and somebody gonna walk out with her.
Good. Thank you. And Say, you know not during the sermon, but say the guy afterwards or a woman afterwards whatever or next week
He said you know what? I'm gonna take you to task and what you said last week. I'll be like good
What? I'll be excited. I Am NOT up there because I'm better than you and I'm not up there because I'm smarter than you
I'm up there because God has me up there that time. Does it mean I'm right? Nope You are supposed to check things out.
I would love that in a church. I'd Fit in a church. I would you disagree.
Really? Good It's like a man whose son's growing up and finally the son says no
In the right context you go. Oh, he's manning up. I like that. He's maturing.
Of course. He's always wrong because I'm always right What that's okay that kind of thing so You'll learn about this
I can give you some hints about I know some stuff. I know some stuff. Oh, it's good five bucks
It's yours Okay, so The men have got to get together and I really believe that the men have got to start praying and saying
Lord shape me Change me do what I got to do in the church, but that means problems and I want to teach on this too
But women it's going to mean that a lot of women aren't going to like what the men are going to do Women are pacifiers and men are breakers and They want to say no don't don't go out there and stand up in the middle of the sermon and call him a heretic for saying that Maybe you should you know, and we've got to learn that balance and I Want to teach a seminar called the theology of marriage which goes through the doctrine of the
Trinity, but marriage is theologically Because it helps but men are the ones who got to start doing stuff
Paul says in 1st Timothy 2 12 and 13 I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man to remain silent for Adam was first created
He ties it into the created order called primogeniture firstborn male and That's it.
We don't like it. There's a door not my concern. See ya go find a church. That'll make you feel good
But if you want to hear biblical stuff that you can disagree with maybe and not worry about disagreeing
Then this is the place that kind of thing All right. Next question Don't be afraid
Yeah, I think you're afraid aren't you? How many are afraid to raise your hands? I've done that in seminars
Teaching how many free to raise your hands raise your hands Okay That's a little bit of twist just back a little bit on the tape behind the table
Yeah, we got all framed in just for that good The gentleman by the name of Rick Wiles that runs a
Christian Network show called true news He had a gentleman on the show that talked about the global Brain, so my question to you global brain brain.
Mm -hmm. It's called a right hand So my question to you you have this knowledge or anyone here in the room that can share this knowledge
With this tie -in of each of the first signs, I have no idea what the global brain is. So the question being
If anyone else can share in the room here, the global brain is one of the first signs of possible
Side of the beast All the phone systems
Basically you'll be able to do nothing by herself without being tied into this Yes Hold let me let me jump in I've known about this under a different name for quite a while.
All right There's already been some stuff computers that are that can Simultaneously keep track of every individual on the entire planet.
It's already 10 20 years old and So that's I've known about that I just don't talk too much about it there's some other stuff that I want to talk about CERN and some other things, but I was gonna say dang it.
Oh, yeah. And so one possible theory is that this thing becomes alive in That it might be inhabited by demonic forces and some think that might be one of the aspects of what the beast is or something
There's some theories. I'm just giving you nothing. That's what it is But this has been known and don't know if it's what this thing is the global brain.
I got to talk about that But they've already had the computer technology Already way in place way early.
I Know some stuff. I don't talk about I know some stuff people have over the years that haven't known that I've gotten information
And I just don't talk about it. There's it's far more Involved they can put a laser on your window from 10 miles away and hear everything you're saying
My dad used to work for the phone company and he told me back in the 60s and 70s They all they could do is flip a switch and hear anything you're saying in your house.
I Got friends in the military Branches of government and high echelon stuff who have said that they got weapons doesn't matter
Where you are in your house, you're dead I got I'm being very vague. They've got stuff they can go into your house
From outside the street they can map into your router Your wireless router and tell you where you are in your home.
Oh They got all kind of stuff That's why
I walk around my mankini Because Because you can see the red lights flashing off I made just like that and I Discovered that's that's the cure.
Of course when I walk to the house, I hear these feminine But you know, you got to balance things out you got to balance it out
Then my wife doesn't want to come near me for about three days What's it when the mankini it comes around No doesn't say that It does not say the unpardonable sin is unbelief
That's a common misnomer the impartable sin is saying that Jesus did his miracles by the power of the evil one
That's Matthew 12 22 to 32 if unbelief was impartable sin, then nobody's ever an atheist could ever become a
Christian so unbelief is not the impartable sin, it's blasphemy of the
Holy Spirit and Jesus was baptized and at his baptism.
He fulfilled Old Testament law to enter into the Melchizedek priesthood And one of the things that had to be done.
It was been anointing and the Holy Spirit anointed him He didn't begin his miracles until after that anointing
So he most probably was doing his miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit So he's casting out demons by the power of the
Holy Spirit and they said you're doing with the power of the evil one He said you can assault me and be forgiven you Blaspheme the Holy Spirit.
You cannot be forgiven or this day in the this age or the age to come So that's what blasphemy the
Holy Spirit is and that Jesus did his miracles by the power of the evil one, okay so the global brain
Yeah, I know about it different name different thing No, it's about stuff.
Did you guys know this? Here's here's some fun trivia Some Israeli soldiers.
It's just kind of off the cuff here, but some Israeli soldiers back in the 80s were walking just north
They're walking just north of the border of Israel on the Mediterranean see they weren't supposed to but they did and they saw a
Door and what happens is it's like 20 feet of land and there's a cliff and he's walked and they saw a door and they went in and there were invasion plans for Israel set up and Some stuff from Russia in there and they went back and it was cleaned out
Let's just say the little things. Oh, yeah, the plans are going and I'm just saying you're gonna die
Die for God die for him by Living and proclaiming we still have this ability in the in in America.
You need to be voting And you need to get the pastors to start preaching the truth
We got to get the churches cleaned out We've got to get the churches cleaned out start preaching that I took people over the radio start preaching to thin the church out
Could you imagine? Seriously a 500 member church and that for some dumb reason.
Hey, let's look of you a good guy And so they go. Yeah, I'll go. Yeah, I'll preach You know a year a year pulpit supply, yeah, okay, you know who
I am, you know, we know who you are We heard you on the radio All right Because that's what it would take right and then
I get there. Okay unfettered. I'm gonna preach. Okay, you know They're gonna be saying we don't know why people are leaving
Maybe people would want to come who knows but that's the fear. I have but that's what your fear as in as an expectation is
It's a problem so we had some Friends come up about six eight weeks ago stayed with us a little bit.
They wanted to check out a church So I went with him and check out this church Here in Boise and we went and of course
I ended up with a discussion with one of the guys in the church Why do you have a woman pastor woman elder on this woman elder?
Oh, we just do Are you aware with the script? Yeah, we are and they said well, you can go in this service.
I can't go in the service. I Said no offense meant but if you can't get that right, I can't trust you to get the other stuff, right?
I'm gonna go outside in my car and go get something to eat That's offensive to say isn't it they compromised now, they don't think they're compromising
I've asked people you want to debate me on this publicly. Nope, because I'll just quote scripture next
Okay, here he comes Yeah, pinky nothing
I just like to this only take a minute and show you something. Oh that will augment this brain thing real quick Okay, I have a relative.
Let's put it this way He just came back about three weeks ago
Finished the embassy in Afghanistan US Embassy, okay.
Yeah just to give you a picture We have been building God only knows 30 years 40 years special embassies all over the world
These embassies he's the construction superintendent Okay, these are
Fortresses walls five feet sick. They have three fours into the ground they have
Let's put it like this a information center. They have towers on the top of them
They tie a tie into a satellite and That embassy will reach out 400 miles radius, that's a 800 mile
Diameter and They can see everything In control everything in that diamond.
He had his choice You want to go to Afghanistan or you want to go to Moscow route and put? One in we build them.
They're US embassies Yes, there is a on the second or third floor an embassy on there in there being operated but that is what they're for and He it is so secret that They build on him say for Three four weeks and reach a certain point
Then all the crew everybody has to leave in comes a crew in a helicopter
They put certain things in the wall and start certain things say it takes two or three days the superintendent my
Relative comes back in his crew. They continue to build on it. And this is the way it goes
But the Important thing is is that reaches out? 800 miles he went to Afghanistan because of the security it paid twice as much as PETA built the embassy in Russia These embassies are virtually all over the world.
They're completed and that's how It's very close total control out of those embassies
Check on that. Check it out Well, we need to hear stuff.
I haven't heard that one yet But I do know we're in FEMA district 9 here and that there's camps and stuff.
But yeah Yeah Well, you never know secure He is a realty and he is a construction superintendent.
He has built over the last Oh About 12 to 15 years Well, then it wouldn't have been 13 hours that have been 330 if it's so fortified or taking a lot longer in 13 hours
You can check into that if someone out there knows about this stuff because I mean some information maybe I can check it out
Wouldn't be surprised I know someone who has to do with building Vehicles that can go into cities just drive down the streets and tell you where you are in your houses and things like that They just look in your houses
It we're going through it folks Biblical meaning of the word apocalypse.
I've never done a specific study on that So can't answer the question. It just basically means the return of Christ that end time thing, but interesting question
I could do a Search and see exactly how many times it occurs or it's cognates and see how it is.
I haven't done that Good question, though Yeah, sure probably better a lot of men
You Only the elect will believe and truly trust in Christ it'll all pan out
That's what it is as a pan trip is it'll all pan out that's what it is. Yeah, it's pan millennial
I'm pro millennial. Yeah, I'm for it and Bill McKeever our mutual friend we got talking one day and he's told tells me he's a scataphobic.
He doesn't want to commit Yes, it's one of the possibilities that's being promoted lately is that the
Antichrist could be the 13th imam 13th number of sin folks And could be out of a
Muslim country, but since we read this stuff a little bit tonight It seems to be that he could be of a
Jewish ancestry But you could have a Jew who's also a Muslim so You know, they can get complicated
So Martians gonna come here. We that happened in 1940. What was that to and when they did the
The radio thing I heard a segment from that I was driving around and then someone played it on the radio like a minute
I'm like, oh, this is good Okay. Hope it didn't offend you too much.
That's why you're leaving No, I'm kidding praise God All right
We'll see you. God bless Next week. We're gonna do the I'll do the grid thing again.
We'll go through it and I'll show you All right. We'll see you Okay, next online or what class
It says Okay, does it say that they were all destroyed and they could no longer continue to?
Interbreed with women after the flood because the Christian Church Always taught as did the
Jews They always taught that the Nephilim were the half breeds between women and fallen angels
The Christian Church didn't change his position until the 1500s when that became ridiculed
And so they came up with what's called a Sethite theory that was a son Seth and his sons But the
Christian Church is up to that point It's always taught that as a Jews always taught that so let's just say we'll call it a breeding program.
So the breeding program Before the flood which is interesting because in Genesis 6 9 it says that Noah was perfect in all his generations and So it looks like he was of a pure line
And so the flood wiped him out and some people think that these half breeds were let loose
In that they died their souls continued on spirits continued on and their demons Because the demons want to inhabit human bodies constantly this is theories we don't know for sure.
This is one of the one of the theories That's why fallen angels and demons seem to be of a different class of a group
And so anyway, if they were doing this before the flood they could continue on after the flood the
Anakim the Nephilim and I actually know a
Nephilim. He's a friend of mine named Ken and whenever he's big and Whenever he he goes out in Oregon, there's all the
Bigfoot sightings just go through the roof Yeah He's like six foot seven or something like that 300 400 pounds, you know, he comes traipsing in you know like this and What's that We like to wear it for a coat.
He has a sloping forehead. It's uh, you know knuckle dragger mouth breather.
Yeah Or he's an australopithecine or Ian throw pistachio night. That's always a good one or there's actually a missing link called
Harold cookie next
It'll be Thursday at 7 22 p .m. I Don't know
I used to think is going to be within my lifetime, but now I don't I think I'm going to see death and Believing that Christ did cancel or not cancel or that isn't a doctrine that makes you a
Christian or not It's receiving Christ and trusting in Christ people have varying degrees of ignorance about biblical theology
And it's not biblical theology that saves you it's a person of Jesus So if they don't understand some things it doesn't mean they're not
Christians or not saved With First of all, there's not a thousand and one interpretations and second
Luke 16 16 the law and the prophets were until John so no more Prophets in that sense we have New Testament prophets
You can go to 1st Corinthians 12 1st Corinthians 14 talks about New Testament prophets and they're the ones who prophesy
God obviously had revelation and other things written probably for the reason of not making it so clear
So that if we do know exactly what's going to happen when it's going to happen. You might become lackadaisical we have a tendency when we know what exactly the truth is in certain areas we tend to kind of get lazy and Plus prophecy can also be written so that those who have an eye to see and ear to hear can figure it out
I didn't talk about that too much. I mentioned it during the seven seven -year tribulation period towards the end.
I Do believe in a literal actual seven -year tribulation a great tribulation period because of Daniel 9 But I may change my view
I'm not committed to it. But that's what I hold to I actually I love talking about this
I actually had an encounter with the actual two witnesses and It was on pal talk about four or five years ago and these two guys told me that they were the two witnesses and it was a really good conversation and if you want a dialogue you can go to CARM and go to the apologetics dialogues and look up two witnesses and you can see the dialogue that I have with these two witnesses
Now witnesses of what that's the ultimate question because they obviously did not have all their theological paws in the litter box
No Paganism will maybe Maybe something to do with a celestial visitation of an alien kind of a form mixed in with something like that.
Maybe or maybe it'll be Maybe Hillary's gonna come back
Or could it be the that's from who could be Obama? There's all kind of theories and stuff like that I got some theories but I'm not gonna say what
I really kind of lean towards You're entitled to your mistake to your error
He's a full preterist full preterism is refuted and I'll show you where The full preterism folks says that everything
Happened. See ya happened by 70 ish ad that includes the return of Christ and That would mean than the tribulation had to also occur now
Some will say Nero the neurotic persecution was that but let me tell you what the angels say in Acts 1 9 through 11 and after he had said these things he was lifted up while they were looking on as Jesus lifted up and a cloud received him out of their sight and As they were gazing intently into the sky while he was behold going behold two men in white clothes stood beside them now
While they're looking into the what the sky why because Jesus was lifted up while they're watching him
They looked into the sky the full preterists say that Jesus returned in the armies and that destroyed
Jerusalem Two men in white clothing stood beside them. They also said men of Galilee.
Why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven
Will come in just the same way as you watch them go into heaven Full preterism is refuted.
Yeah eat that and we can have a preterist Bible, which those verses are blocked out and Then reinterpretations of other things are put in partial preterism is fine.
It's partial Partial preterism is a view that a lot of those things that occurred in Matthew 24
Luke's and stuff Luke 17 Matthew 13 were fulfilled then and will be again fulfilled later and in typological fashion
It's morality stuff I guess around getting close getting close
No, I've heard of it a woman's ride the beast I've met a lot of women like that though, but Man I've met some wenches
Yeah, I've seen a few, you know, you get a duck, you know, you run away But not that particular book, is there a particular woman that we
Have been following this guy in the news and seen an eerie trend
No, so I haven't been following it in the news and blah blah blah and blah blah blah no
Go to Matthew 12 22 to 32 where Jesus says that Satan was already bound then Thousand years is a figurative length of time anybody else we got some youtubers or some
Facebookers or Excuse me
There could be a case for that because wrong I mean the book of Revelation talks about the The city on seven hills and the
Vatican's on seven hills Now I wouldn't mind doing a study after the eschatology doing something on Roman Catholicism and Going through I could do two three weeks and Trash the crap out of it because it is
Bad. Okay. It is Antichrist now on my personal opinion.
I'm not kidding I personally believe they're demonic forces in the Vatican teaching their theology.
They're not false doctrines through The Catholic Church incidentally, you'll notice this pattern in Scripture, there's one true doctrine but many false doctrines
Plural doctrines of demons. How do you know what they are by knowing what the truth is?
This is why I study doctrine I've had to study it in order to refute Mormons Jehovah's Witnesses believe it or not studying those two groups along with Christian science unity
Has those cults unities in the older when it be a lot many people know about Charles Fillmore started it but in order to learn what
I had to learn I had to to debate them and A lot of people are very good very intelligent and would give me a lot of challenges
I learned that I learned that I learned and so I had a professor in college
Christian College that it went into he said I knew more going in Theology and stuff going in than most pre -seminary prepared students did going out.
I'm not boasting It's just when you do apologetics and you study this stuff. You really learn your stuff and So, you know,
I understand how important doctrine is I can tie the doctrine of the Trinity into marriage
I can talk about it and Decrees and our free will and talk about The transcendentals they're talking about all kinds of stuff and I could tie all kind of doctrines together.
Am I right about every detail? I don't I don't ever claim that I am right about Jesus being
God in flesh He died the cross you physically rose from the dead If you don't believe that you're on your way to help period you deny it you're in trouble now ignorantly tonight's one thing
So there are certain things that we can we can die on and I can tell you what those essentials are in the Christian faith
Out of the Bible I can tell you those two so I'll tell you what after we're done with the eschatology study you guys want me to do a Roman Catholic bashing thing and then
I will be gladly and I can show you that the the Mary Marian apparitions are demonic
Let me show you They're demonic and I would not be surprised a lot of people don't know this but our
Lady of Fatima Fatima is the name of Muhammad's daughter now doesn't mean that that's bad, but that's just the case and What is it in Catholic catechism paragraph 460?
472 it says that Men might make us gods Talk to us becoming gods, but they don't teach we become gods, but the catechism talks about it, but it doesn't clarify what's going on Now Islam has them the crescent moon a lot of people don't know this the crescent moon
When it their their moon looks like this And when they're in the country versus This in a country versus this in a country with a star all right bad star here
What is the star? Islam is about that dominant Islam is more dominant.
It's almost praised basically completely dominant, so when you see these symbols Over mosques in different countries see how far the gap is
It's their interpretation like in Turkey right that's their idea that they are in dominance
All right, so the mitre's hat or the Pope's hat. I am really bad at drawing hats all right
That's the Pope's hat. I know it's bad. I'm really bad There is a excuse me a crescent moon on it now incidentally
The Kaaba in Mecca there were 360 idols in it and When Muhammad did his thing
Later on he came back and destroyed all the idols except for one and that became symbol basically for Allah Guess what guess what guess what
God I gave it away The moon God he didn't destroy and a lot of Muslims that are listening, that's not true
Then read surah 354 anybody else anything else
Yes to the Catholic study yeah, we're done one more all right
I don't know if they are or not. I don't care if they are I Don't care who's in control as long as they produce good stuff, but I don't know
I mean Aliens from zorbal was there as long as they put this good stuff.
It was funny Maybe yeah
I do know Hollywood's extremely corrupt and a great deal of sexual sin
Manipulation and abuse goes on behind closed doors in Hollywood circles
I've talked to people who had been in those circles who told me to my face.
What's going on? And it is it's it's ungodly The monstrance the monstrance is a circular device with a
Kind of a gold sun ray thing out and the monstrance has the
Eucharistic Wafer in it and then you parade it because it's been blessed by a priest and by the authority that he has
As they go scriptures, and they claim that he can then change it to the very body and blood of Christ Well, then you can worship it and so they'll they'll elevate it and they'll worship it because it's actually his body and blood
Transubstantiation what I'll do is I'll go through Catholicism step by step And I will show it's blasphemies
And that's one of them I'll give you a whole bunch of reasons why that monstrance cannot be the actual body and blood of Christ.
I know what John 6 says I Know about this stuff. We'll go through some reasons if you will show up People do eschatology
Catholic style Okay Jimmy sky
Jimmy sky. This is not a rapture Psychotropic medications, are they?
Okay. Yes On staff of karma. We have a retired clinical psych nurse
And I've known her for about 17 years 15 17 years and we've had many discussions about this she's a godly woman and so I had to defer to her expertise in this area and She has told me that there are drugs that used to wonders and have truly helped people when it's under medicine medicinal purposes
They can be very helpful I have a brother who has to be on some stuff because he has very high highs and low lows in some areas and so, um,
I don't have any problem with those just as They injected me with penicillin when I had pneumonia and was dying
It saved my life when I was 11. Can we use drugs to do various things? Sure, can we use drugs to cure things in the brain?
Sure. Can the physical brain be deformed in some areas? Obviously, yes, that's what we have
Democrats And and Republicans I'm neither just so you know,
I Couldn't help that was just wide open door. Sorry That's what we have left leftist liberals
Okay, that's that they think they did some x -rays on some of them and like the front areas of brains are like not there
They're they're FLCs. They call it's official frontal lobe challenged and there's not much going on there and Once I was at a liberal
Agenda rally and I went sideways with somebody I got in her ear canal. I could see right through it
They're like We don't get any free speech That's insulted a whole bunch of people are we done
Okay, next week. We'll do the grid and show you why all mill is true
And then we'll continue on with the apostasy of the church and the condition of paganism in America Then we're done with that.
Then we'll tackle Roman Catholicism one more one more I I Don't think that Mormons purposely deceive people
I think most mostly Mormons are good people on the human level and believe what they do and they're not out to deceive anybody
I'm sure there's occasionally some who are bad like that, but that doesn't represent the whole Mostly they believe that what they're doing is correct
They do believe a lie and they're propagating that lie and Mormonism is not true because God is not an exalted man without a planet who?
Sexual intercourse with his resurrected goddess wife who makes spirit babies. That's what Mormonism teaches so When I first heard that I went what let me close with this
I had a swap meet ministry in Southern, California swap meet drive -in theater during the weekends They would have swap meets there.
And so I would go there. I remember this one conversation I have with a guy We're trying to inoculate people against cults and one of the things we did was talking about Mormonism and I said to the guy
Well Mormonism teaches this guy's behind, you know, I'm behind the booth. He's what are you guys doing? And I tell him well
Mormonism teaches that God used to be a man on another planet and that he became a god by following the laws and the ordinances of That God on that planet.
He came to this God this planet he brought one of his wives with him and They he has a body of flesh and bones about six feet tall and she has a body of flesh and bones and they get
Together they go. Yeah, and they make spirit babies the spirit babies then And have a human bodies and they are born in on earth now the first born baby
Basically was Jesus in the pre -existence and then we were all born brothers and sisters To Jesus and the devil and the pre -existence now there was a plan for salvation of the people on earth once they were born that Jesus gave and that would be glorifying the father and then
Satan had Idea where everybody would be saved and he would get the glory and so got the father whose name was
Elohim he went with Jesus plan so Satan rebelled and So that means that this that the spirit who cited the spirit of preachers and spirits
Who cited with God with the devil in heaven can never be born here on earth and inhabit human bodies and that's important because in Mormonism if you're born into a good
Mormon family and you pay a full 10 % tithe of your income to the church and you go to The temple get four secret handshakes and four secret hugs gets your underwear has little symbols on it
You shake hands with God a person behind a veil in the temple you enforce secret handshakes then you get to become a god of your own planet and The guy looked at me like this and he said that you're lying
No, I'm not lying I've got a documentation right here. No, you're a liar. No, I'm not because no one's that stupid to believe that And he walked off He gave me you know gave me a little wave on the way out and That was as an interesting story
But people believe it because they don't want the true God They want their own exaltation of Mormonism and becoming gods.
We're not going to become God. We're not to become divine I don't care what theosis idea you have in Eastern Orthodoxy.