Theological Resources for iPhones


What are the essential applications for smart phones? SLJ, ESV, Logos are discussed (and more!).


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry.
My name is Mike Abendroth. I just put my head on my hand and then my elbow on the table.
No elbows on the table. That's how I grew up, by the way. No elbows on the table. We did have to pray before every meal.
Come Lord Jesus, be our guest. Let this food to us be blessed, amen. Nice prayer, unless you pray that every single day of your life, morning, noon, and night.
Come Lord Jesus, be our guest. Let this food be blessed with us. I mean, to have Jesus as a guest, it's a pretty wonderful prayer, until it turns into a rote.
Anyway, then I fell asleep. I don't know how long I slept for, eight minutes, 10 minutes or something.
It's hot in here. It is early September in New England. And since we had a summer, it was pushed back by the spring, which was pushed back by the winter that would never end.
It's hot and that makes it tiring. I can't have my air conditioner on here in the No Compromise mega studio, mega studio, because it makes sounds, it makes noises.
All right, oh, here's something. I made the switch a few years ago to start preaching and speaking from an iPad mini.
And my iPad mini, iPad mini two, has gone around the world with me.
And you can just pull up all kinds of messages. And if you have wifi, of course you can access Dropbox.
You know, Logos stuff is on there. And yesterday, oh, probably my favorite iPad mini, mini, iPad mini two story.
First of all, it's never broken. I always have my backup on my phone so I could squint.
It's a small screen, but I could still see my notes. They're all backed up on my iPhone, thanks to iCloud. And I often bring a battery
Mophie backup. So if my iPad mini two goes, you know, battery -less,
I can plug that thing in. I could preach the whole time. Well, yesterday, which was
Thursday in real time, I picked up my iPad mini that was plugged into my
MacBook Pro to charge, sync, and it was hot. I mean, super hot.
As we used to say in Nebraska, hotter than blazes. That must be a figure of speech.
Anyway, I unplugged it, put it in the freezer, not for very long, but just a little bit.
And that thing will not start back up again. So now I have my iPad, my iPad two, the old one that's cracked and sketchy.
And I'm gonna have to preach from that this weekend because I can't get to the genius bar with Apple till next
Wednesday. So that's crazy. I just feel like something's broken in my life, probably because it is, like my truck's head gaskets.
Head gaskets all messed up. In light of having iCloud and stuff like that, I am often asked by pastors by, just kidding, but I am asked what apps do
I like to use for my phone? Since I'm not an Android person or anything like that,
I'm just gonna tell you from the perspective of the Apple world. As I look on my
Apple product right here, on my first screen, I have the
ESV Bible and I paid extra for the ESV study notes. I like the
NES Bible better in terms of accuracy and ambiguity.
Doesn't that sound weird that I like it for that? Well, it's ambiguous in certain spots. That means
I have to study to figure out which way I should translate it, which way I should take the interpretation.
Where the NIV especially will determine it for you. ESV is in between those two.
Not exactly in the middle because we don't go for exacts around here. But I preach from the ESV just because that's the
Bible of most evangelicals these days.
I commend ESV for their ease of access and for it's easy to get copies of.
And I think they act like a Christian organization as they approach selling Bibles.
They don't do it as a money -making deal. There's somebody just rode their bicycle past. I wish I was, but I was taking a nap in the studio.
And so the ESV study notes for the ESV Bible, crossway notes, are excellent notes.
I am a fan of the MacArthur Study Bible. And so I thought, well, it's like the
NIV Study Bible. You've got so many notes, but they don't tell you which one's right.
And let's say, for instance, in Calvinistic passages, it'll have both views, which view, and then you have to pick one.
It doesn't pick for you. I've always liked the MacArthur Study Bible because I know where John stands. Funny thing about John MacArthur, you just kind of know where the guy's coming from.
I see that with thanksgiving and appreciation.
And so I like the ESV study notes much more than I thought. I think there was a time I just couldn't use the
MacArthur study notes as easy, as just as easier, easily, easiest.
And so I use ESV. And the more I read them, sometimes they'll make me think about the passage in a way, in light of the cross, that I think is good.
A couple of times they overdo it here or there, but I like the notes. And so I regularly look at the notes. And so that's on my front, let's see, four, eight, 12, 16, 20, 24.
I have 24 icons on that front page. The bottom four are immovable. And so I've got
ESV study Bible. So the ESV Bible is for free. You can pay for your study notes. My guess is five bucks, six bucks, something like that.
I'd encourage you to do that because don't forget, then you can use it on your iPad mini when it's not burning hot, hot as blazes.
And you can use it on your other phones and your other devices. So anyway,
I also use for, I'm not talking about B of A or Strava or My Fitness Pal or Google Maps or Calendar or Camera and any of that.
Logos Bible, L -O -G -O -S. Now it looks like it's logos, but the
Omicron, I think we think at least the O instead of the Omega.
The Omicron is an ah sound and the Omega is an oh sound.
So it's logos. So the
Logos Bible app is nice because whatever you have on your computer, you can access through your phone as well and through your iPad and through your iPad mini and stuff like that.
I don't know what the licensing things are. I own a bunch of iPads that then my family uses. So they all have them as well.
Well, Logos Bible, the downside with Logos is they blatantly sell anti -Protestant books, not,
I think they sell them under the guise of scholastic availability and research.
But some of the books, and I've written to them, some of them I don't think they should sell.
So BibleWorks on the other hand, while I don't have it on my phone, they seem to be more
Christian in their desires for product and stuff like that.
It just doesn't have as many books. I mean, most books, hey, I think you can get a
Mike Abendroth book on Logos. I don't think you can get them on BibleWorks unless my last name's
Bauer -Danke, something like that. So I do like Logos and I suggest that you get a copy because you can get the base package free, not the base package, but just standard stuff, you know, a few
Bibles and a few dictionaries for free. And then you can add things on as time goes on. And you can also get, they have free commentaries per month or a free book or something like that.
So what else do I have here for Bible -related products on my iPhone? I have the
Grace To You Bible app. Now on my second or third page, I have the Grace To You app that you can pull up MacArthur.
I should be getting paid for this. They should have been giving me free apps for this stuff. What am I doing? The ESV is found in the
MacArthur Study Bible, Grace To You Bible, and it has your
ESV. I think the thing that I don't like about it is at the very get -go, it goes back to Genesis 1.
So the ESV Study Bible, if you go back to Luke 18 or Song of Solomon 3 or Revelation 4, and you put it down and then you pick it up, it's found where you left it.
That's good. But what's good about the Grace To You Bible is at the bottom it says something called
John's Notes. And then it says Genesis 1, 1 to 2, 3, and you've got
MacArthur Study Notes there. So I like that. I like it where it says John's Notes.
Then I also like it where here I'm at Exodus 21. It's got little, tap to return to Genesis 1.
What I'm after is something else. Let's see. How do you use it? Well, it's got the, oh, there, top right, sorry.
For Exodus 20, it says, Now Reading Exodus 20, and then Featured Sermons, Bookmarks, Notes, Highlights, Study Resources, Bible Introductions.
And what I like about this is you've got transcripts, you've got blogs related to that passage.
So if you wanna study more about the passage, the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20, verses one and following, by the way, what's the most important part of the
Ten Commandments? It's not one of the commandments. It's the preamble, I'm the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, right?
I think it is God spoke all these words saying that, and then he says in verse three, you shall have no other gods before me.
So I like that Bible app. And I think that's $6 .99. So they should be sending me a free copy, but I already paid for it.
I figured it was going to a good cause. On my second page of my phone, when you swipe it over, what else do
I use? Well, I have Pandora Radio there. Oh, I think we're talking about Bible apps, right?
Yes, we are. I have Grace To You Sermons. And so if I wanna listen to MacArthur, they're all cataloged.
And I think the one that I've listened to more than any other in the history of my listening to Grace To You and being a member at Grace Community Church for years and a deacon is
Examine Yourselves. And it was part one. And I love listening to that message, examine yourselves to see if you're in the faith from 2
Corinthians chapter 13. I also liked Easy, Hard Words, Soft Hearts.
I don't know, something from Matthew 7. False Arts, Good Words.
It was, the title of it was really memorable. I also have on my second page for apps is
I have a Creed app page. And so this is from Christian Creeds and Reformed Confessions, copyright
James H. Price. And so it has a
Bible link and you can have the proof of the Bible shown in the confessions.
And these are the confessions it has. Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed.
It tells you where they're from, by the way. And this one, it says they're Southern Gaul, 6th century.
Belgic Confession, Netherlands, 1561. Heidelberg Catechism, 1563.
Canons of Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1619. Westminster Confession of Faith, London, 1647.
Westminster Shorter Catechism, 1647, and Larger, 1647.
And so I like to read creeds once in a while. And the Athanasian Creed, sometimes
I just read through and I just think, you know, this is just good. It's making me think rightly about the
Trinity, especially with the topic of the Trinity. You wanna make sure you're thinking rightly because if you're thinking
God is one God, but he manifests himself in three persons, you're down the
T .D. Jake's oneness manifestation. He manifests himself one way, then the next, and the next,
Sabellian heresy. Although Jake's is probably smart enough that he uses things like manifest in the flesh from 1
Timothy 3, does nothing to do with manifestations. It has everything to do with Jesus existed before time began and then he cloaked himself with humanity.
That's what that's after. So just let me read you a couple of things from the Athanasian's Creed.
And here we have the Father, this is number 10, the Father eternal, the Son eternal, and the
Holy Spirit eternal, number 11. And yet there are not three eternals, but one eternal.
12, as also there are not three uncreated nor three incomprehensibles, but one uncreated and one incomprehensible.
So likewise, number 13, the Father's almighty, the Son almighty, and the Holy Spirit almighty. 14, and yet there are not three all mighty's, but one almighty.
15, so the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. 16, and yet there are not three gods, but one
God. 17, so likewise, the Father is Lord, the
Son, Lord, and the Holy Spirit, Lord. Guess what the next one is? 18, yeah, I know that, but what does 18 say?
And yet there are not three Lords, but one Lord. 19, for like as we are compelled by the
Christian verity to acknowledge every person by himself to be God and Lord, that is the three members of the
Trinity. So we are forbidden by the Catholic small C universal religion to say there are three gods or three
Lords. The Father is made of none, neither created nor begotten. The Son is of the
Father alone, not made nor created, but begotten. The Holy Spirit is of the Father and of the
Son, neither made nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding. So there is some great stuff there for me to just think through it rightly.
And if you really want to have a good devotional flavor for your creedal memory,
Heidelberg Catechism, 52 questions, hmm, how does that divide itself up?
That's like one guy said, the fear of the Lord is found 365 times in the
Bible, or fear, fear. What is the only comfort in life and death?
Heidelberg Catechism number one. What's your only comfort? I mean, that's a good question to start out of the gate.
That I with body and soul, both in life and death am not my own. By the way, there's verses for all these, but belong unto my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ, who with his precious blood has fully satisfied for all my sins and delivered me from the power of the devil and so preserves me that without the will of my heavenly
Father, not a hair can fall from my head. Yea, that all things must be subservient to my salvation and therefore by his
Holy Spirit. He also assures me of eternal life and makes me sincerely willing and ready henceforth to live unto him.
Now, if you don't think that's good, number two, Heidelberg Catechism. How many things are necessary for thee to know that thou enjoying this comfort may live happy and die happy?
Technically, mayest live and die happily, mayest. So good.
Answer, three. The first, how great my sins and miseries are.
The second, how I may be delivered from all my sins and miseries.
The third, how I shall express my gratitude to God for such great deliverance.
Isn't that good? That's right where we get those three Gs. Guilt, grace, gratitude.
There's your paradigm for life that thou mayest live and die happily.
Guilt, grace, gratitude. That's a good way to evangelize. Talk about the other person's guilt, talk about grace, and then if they respond appropriately with repentance and faith, you'll know that there are grateful, thankful people.
Whence thou was no, oops. Whence knowest thou thy misery out of the law of God?
And then off it goes. So I would say that that's a pretty good app. I like it.
I think it's cheap. I think it is very simple. And we have scrolled over to page three on my iPhone as today on No Compromise Radio, we're talking about good apps, helpful apps for your
Bible study. I have an SLJ app. It is called SLJ and it is the teachings of Dr.
S. Lewis Johnson Jr., Samuel Lewis Johnson. He used to be a preacher at Believer's Chapel and he died in 2004.
And he has a best -selling book, "'Discovering Roman Spiritual Revolvement for the Soul," Zondervan, 2014.
By the way, I just got my royalty check for the last six months regarding that book.
Well, it wasn't a check. It actually was an
IOU. It was a, I still owe them money because they gave me an advance to help me be motivated.
And there's an arrangement that I have with the estate of S. Lewis Johnson, his family, and a copyright
S. Lewis Johnson Trust, S. Lewis Johnson Jr. Trust and Mike Gabendroth, always in that order, rightfully so.
And anyway, didn't sell enough copies to pay back. The huge, gigantor advance.
So, but anyway, this featured content, we have
Old Testament messages, New Testament messages, topical messages, and a nice bio obituary.
I think Zaspaul's is in. So you've got messages verse by verse through Matthew, John, Acts, Romans, First Corinthians, Second Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, First Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, Second Peter, First John, Second and Third John, Jude, and Revelation.
And the Old Testament messages, you've got Genesis, Exodus from Egypt to Cana, Typology in Leviticus, Isaiah, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Habakkuk, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Stephan, Gideon, and the life of David.
And then you've got, which is amazing, topical messages on eschatology,
Christology, and the life of David. So the eschatology ones here,
Covenants of Scripture, New Covenant. What about Israel?
What about the future of ethnic Israel? And probably some of my favorite ones.
Oh, no, these aren't, they're not on here. But more and more are added all the time.
You're gonna love this app, S. Lewis Johnson.
The thing about S. Lewis, he's kind of like D .A. Carson. D .A. Carson can preach, he's a scholar, and he was an excellent seminary professor.
Because a lot of times, you know, those things don't go together. You can either do one or the other. It's kind of like when I was in high school,
I wasn't very good at basketball, and I wasn't really good at football. I lettered in both, but I didn't do either exceptionally well.
I thought if I could just do one well, I would be happy, but I can't even do one that well. I'll just pick one.
But some of these men, because of the Lord's gifting, are uber talented, and God has them placed strategically in his church.
Okay, page four on my iPad, iPhone. What I like to use for Bible resources is
I have the Martin Lloyd -Jones sermons. So Martin Lloyd -Jones is another one of my favorite preachers.
One of the things I like about Lloyd -Jones and S. Lewis Johnson, both of those men, high view of God, high view of Christ, high view of the solas, and they finished well.
No scandals, no running around on their spouses or anything like that.
So you can listen to Lloyd -Jones, the MLJ Trust, and you will be encouraged.
I like to listen to a lot of preaching. I'm on my bicycle, and once in a while,
I'll listen to a little bit of music to get me home, but it's typically preaching. So that's an excellent resource,
Martin Lloyd -Jones. On the next page, what do I have here? Solitaire, that's a wonderful Bible app.
And iPhoto, oh, sorry, those aren't Bible apps. Those are it. Those are the ones that I have.
I used to have a few others just because I wanted them on there. Maybe it was Ligonier's, I don't know,
Reformation Radio or something like that, but I had to kind of downsize some because if I don't really use it, then
I'm going to abandon it. So I don't wanna have it on my phone, just to have it on my phone, especially if you only have 90 billion gigs, then why cloud your phone up with all that stuff?
So today, I was gonna answer some questions, but we kind of took off, and this can be the iPhone show, the
No Compromise Radio iPhone show. I think we can have gadgets and devices and gizmos and things like this that can help us.
And so, of course, they could be used wrongly or rightly, but here we want to use things rightly, and we want to learn more about the
Lord. I got saved when I was 29, and I was sick of not learning about Him. And so it's been all out since then, and I rarely have time for some of the extraneous things, although I find myself backsliding once in a while and watching the amazing results.
So there you have it. Info at nocompromiseradio .com. That's how you can write us, and you can write to Mike, our
Tuesday guy, or to Josh if you've got technical questions. We'd love to help you in any way we can. God bless you.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 10 .15 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbcchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff, or management.