Ghostbusting! with Kyle, John and 'Ole AD (Watch To the END!)

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Kyle thinks MacArthur is chasing after ghosts. The evidence shows otherwise. Join Kyle, John and AD on a good old fashioned ghost hunt....which will lead nowhere (as they always do since ghosts arent real). Then, we will talk about real life brothers in the Lord.


You remember when Kyle J. Howard, in his response to John MacArthur, said this? Ghosts. Ghosts. No one who, those who are demanding individual reparations from other believers.
He talked about those who believe that individuals should repent for the sins of other individuals and their ancestry.
And he talked about how these things are legalistic. And as I'm listening to him, in one sense, I can amen what he's saying, like, yeah, we need to get rid of these things.
But at the same time, I wasn't sure who he was actually talking about. To me, it seemed as if he was talking about ghosts.
No one who actually truly exists, as I've been following and I've been engaged in these conversations for some time now.
And I don't know anyone who actually believes the issues or the concerns that John MacArthur seemed to have in that article.
I'm probably looking forward to MacArthur writing other articles where he actually identifies these ghosts. I grew up,
I love the show Ghostbusters, I love Casper because he was friendly. But generally speaking, ghosts are scary.
And I'm scared. Well, I like Ghostbusting too. And so I want to join Kyle in his mission.
All right. Well, all of you remember when yesterday, when Kyle J. Howard, that wasn't yesterday, but all you remember when
Kyle J. Howard said that John MacArthur was talking about ghosts because the people he was referring to didn't exist.
So I figured we'd do a little Ghostbusting. And when I was younger, I used to watch the professionals do what they do.
So let's let's join the professionals on a real life, important scientific ghost hunt.
I don't believe in any of that stuff.
But let's let's talk about this, because, you know, Kyle says he doesn't know anybody that has these beliefs. Well, I mean,
I do. You know what I mean? I do know people that have these beliefs. And I think Kyle does as well.
I think he tries to find ways around what these people say. But what these people say is objectionable.
And using Kyle's own standards with what he says is objectionable. He should join us in standing against this stuff.
And so one of the things he mentioned in his video is that nobody from the social justice perspective that he knows says that we should repent of other people's sins.
Most people jumped on that right away because someone very popular in the social justice crowd said exactly that.
Here's the title. We Await Repentance for Assassinating Dr. King.
Now, this is a full article. I'm not going to go through it. All we're going to do is examine the title because the title in itself is doing what
Kyle says nobody does. We Await Repentance for Assassinating Dr.
King. Now, do you know who assassinated Dr. King? It was this man, James Earl Ray. Now, James Earl Ray was arrested for what he did, and he was given 99 years imprisonment.
Now, that was not a just sentence. The just sentence for what James Earl Ray did was the death penalty.
He should have been given the death penalty for assassinating Dr. Martin Luther King. But he was given 99 years.
And so there's no way you could say that the country accepted this, allowed it, said it was good.
No, he was actually given a 99 year penalty for the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Now, the other thing about James Earl Ray is that James Earl Ray is dead, and he's been dead for about 20 years.
He died in 1998 from hepatitis C. He was 70 years old, and so he was dead.
Now, if Thabiti Anyabwili is awaiting repentance for assassinating
Dr. King, then he is literally talking to a ghost. Because James Earl Ray is dead, he can no longer repent for the assassination of Dr.
Martin Luther King. And so what does this title mean? Thabiti Anyabwili is not an idiot. He knows that James Earl Ray is dead.
Who needs to repent for assassinating Dr. King? Well, it's clearly someone who did not assassinate
Dr. King. Now, I understand the article kind of clarifies what he means by this, but this clickbait title is doing the exact thing that Kyle J.
Howard says nobody does. And Thabiti is not the only example of this. Obviously, we could find dozens of examples of people asking for people to repent of sins they didn't do.
And so to say that this is a ghost that Dr. MacArthur is talking to is a complete lie.
It's not true at all. People do ask for this kind of thing. They ask for repentance from white groups.
That's what he said in the article. They want an ethnicity to repent and all of that kind of thing.
Now, there's such a thing as national sin. We've talked about that on my videos as well. But that's not what
Thabiti is asking for. He's asking for repentance for assassinating Dr. King, not supporting white supremacy, not being a racist or things like that.
He's asking for repentance for assassinating Dr. King. The very thing Kyle said nobody does, Thabiti really does.
One of the other things he talked about was about reparations. And now he qualified it. He said, you know, nobody's asking for individual reparations.
Well, that's not true. We could find dozens of examples of that as well. There's even websites set up for people to absolve themselves of white guilt by donating money from one ethnicity to another, whatever.
But the point is that people do ask for this. Christians do ask for reparations. Here's an example that a lot of people jumped on.
Richard Hughes. Reparations is an expression of repentance. Repentance is part of salvation.
Where there is no reparations, there is no salvation. Bottom line. Now, it doesn't matter what kind of reparations he's talking about, because if he's talking about group reparations, government reparations, ethnic reparations, individual reparations, it makes no difference.
He is saying that if you do not offer reparations, you have no salvation in you.
Bottom line. And so here's another example. This is not, we're not talking about ghosts here.
We're talking about real life flesh and blood. Richard Hughes is just one of dozens of examples that we could find talking about reparations.
And unfortunately, Kyle himself talks about reparations. And I have decided not to include his tweets in this video for a few reasons.
But anyway, so again, we're not ghost busting here. We are talking about real life flesh and blood.
People who claim the name of Christ. It's just that simple. Also, in his video,
Kyle said that nobody's talking about socialism and that kind of thing. And you're calling us socialists.
You're calling us Marxists. And nobody's talking about these kinds of ideas. And so that's slander.
That's libel. That's misrepresentation. But the reality is, again, people are talking about this kind of stuff.
Here's a great example. This is Jamar Tisby quoting Martin Luther King Jr. Call it what you may.
Call it democracy. Call it democratic socialism. But there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all of God's children.
Dr. Martin Luther King was talking about socialism. I mean, it's just that simple. This is documentable. He was a socialist. There's no question about that.
And so to try to say we're talking about ghosts. None of these people of color and civil rights are socialists.
Well, that's not true. It wasn't true of Martin Luther King. And it's not true today. I don't know for a fact that Jamar Tisby is a socialist.
But he certainly seems to promote socialist ideas. Here's another one. Public funds have always relieved more people than private ones.
Voluntarism was never and never will be an adequate answer to the problem of dependence. Well, the problem is that this is not unscriptural.
Scripture does not have a large, you know, public fund.
The government should not be collecting treasure and distribute from people and distribute it to other people and things like that.
That's not scriptural. That's unbiblical. That's unjust. That's against social justice, against biblical justice.
But here Jamar seems to be promoting that kind of thing. Now, he's very careful to not say he's promoting it.
He just quotes it. He puts it out there. He's putting out socialist ideas. And so to say, again, that we're fighting against ghosts, we're tilting at windmills, is just disingenuous.
Kyle, brother, you know Jamar. You know Thabiti. I don't know if you know that Hughes fellow.
But you know the people that we're talking about. We're talking about you, brother. You promote this stuff.
And again, I've chosen not to include your tweets in this because that's not what this is about. I'm not trying to get you.
I'm not trying to embarrass you. I'm not trying to do any of these things. But your video to MacArthur was very frustrating to a lot of people because it seems to sidestep the issues and to claim, hey, nobody's saying these things.
But John MacArthur is not Don Quixote. You know what I mean? He's not fighting giants that don't exist.
This is not the reality. You might disagree with MacArthur's analysis of social justice, and that's totally fine.
But do the brother some respect and don't call him crazy because that's what you're doing. You're calling him crazy.
You're saying that he's arguing against ideas that nobody has. Thabiti has these ideas. Jamar has these ideas.
Richard Hughes has these ideas. Those are just three people. I could have gone way deep in this. I just don't have the time for it.
And given you dozens and dozens of examples of people calling for the very things, people you know calling for the very things that you say nobody calls for.
So listen, I love Ghostbusters too. I even like Casper a little bit. Not as much, but I like the
Ghostbusters. And so, you know, I have no problem with Ghostbusting. But brother, the reality is we're not fighting ghosts.
And I think you know that. So please, next time, next article that comes out, don't pretend like there's nobody out there saying this.
You know the people that are saying this. I love you, brother. Praying for you. Praying for this whole debate.
And I'm looking forward to having these conversations. I hope this was helpful. God bless and happy busting.