How Do I Know If I'm Gossiping?

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"Are You Gossiping Unknowingly?" Discover the signs and solutions on the Bible Bashed Podcast. #GossipAwareness #StopTheWhispers #BibleBashedPodcast


Warning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include, but are not limited to, professing Christians who never read their
Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone, and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin, and the wrath of Almighty God is hanging over our heads.
They will hear His words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed, and they will perish.
God wrapped Himself in flesh, condescended, and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, has ascended to the right hand of the
Father, where He sits now to make intercession for us. Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear
His words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come, in that final day, their house will stand.
Alright Tim, the question for today's episode is, how do I know if I'm gossiping?
Yeah, gossiping is one of those words that many people throw around, so it's like an easy word to throw around in general, but then in a lot of ways it is somewhat of a difficult concept to define.
I mean, I think everyone knows what you're talking about when you're talking about gossip in general, so it's one of those words that most people know, like if I'm gossiping, you know that you're gossiping, but then it's also kind of a respectable sin right now, and because it's a respectable sin, there's plenty of people who will deny ever doing it, essentially.
Right. So, I mean, there's very few people who would ever admit to the fact that they're gossiping, and if you say that they're gossiping, they're not going to own it, they're not going to accept it, and so it is helpful to try to define this word, what we're talking about, and what it actually means, and how you're doing it, and all those things.
So, what is it? All right. So, yeah, a good passage to talk about this is 2
Corinthians 12 .20. So, in 2 Corinthians 12 .20, you see, For I fear that perhaps when
I come I may find you not as I wish, and that you may find me not as you wish, that perhaps there will be quarreling, jealousy, anger, hostility, slander, gossip, conceit, and disorder.
So this word gossip right here, it's a word that means derogatory information about someone that's offered in a tone of confidentiality.
In other words, so I read it again, derogatory information offered about a person that is offered in a tone of confidentiality, and then synonyms are secret gossip or tailbearing.
And often if you're going to figure out what gossiping is, you can go to the book of Proverbs, and you're going to find that idea of tailbearing that's happening over and over and over again.
So tailbearing is your classic like word, like biblical word to describe this phenomenon in general of gossip.
It's tailbearing. It's basically negative information about someone that's said in a tone of confidentiality.
So it's basically just like talking about someone behind their back and saying bad things about them. And in order, I mean, typically, like the idea is it's in order to help you to, like to get you to think poorly about this person.
That's the point of gossip. So it's just, basically, I mean, if you want to know what gossip is, it's just, oh, did you hear what
X did? It's that kind of thing. So like the issue now,
I mean, there's biblical checks on this to where you can think through how it's helpful, times where it's helpful and times where it's not.
But typically some checks on this to let you know whether you're gossiping or whether you're getting counsel or something along those lines is,
I mean, typically, like a person who wants counsel, they're going to say, hey, you know, person did
X and I don't know how to respond to it. How would you recommend that I respond to it? So, I mean, like typically, if you want advice, you can know that you're at least in a little bit safer territory, if that makes sense.
Like, I need some advice on how to handle this situation. I don't know how to handle it. I want to handle it in a way that honors the
Lord. So, you know, most of the time I can tell when someone's gossiping when I try to give them advice and they don't want it.
Like, if you don't want the advice, like if you don't want help, then I'm just going to look at you and say, are we just gossiping then?
Is that all we're doing? You know, because it just sounds like you just want to tell me all this negative stuff about this person, but then you don't want, like, what am
I supposed to do with that? Do you want me to just, like, is the goal right here that I'm just supposed to think negatively about this person?
Is that all we're doing? Are you just getting this all off your chest so that we can both say, oh yeah, they're a horrible person? Yeah, yeah,
I'm glad that you got that off your chest there. So, I mean, typically in that kind of situation, you know,
I mean, like the purpose of that is just a person can vent, and the Bible says a fool gives full vent to his spirit, essentially.
So do you want advice? That's part of what we're talking about. Do you want advice?
Now, often, I mean, like, you should even, even if you want advice, there should be some sense in which, like, hey, the first to plead their case seems right until another one comes along to examine them.
If you're just going to sit here and talk about this person, let's go get them in the room, let's all talk about it together. So, I mean, do you want help here, or do you want, do you just want to unload, right?
So, I mean, typically to the extent to which you can, there's nothing that should be stopping you from saying, okay, hey, yeah, you want to know how to deal with the person
X, let's go get them, right? And let's go talk to them, and then we'll see if we can get reconciliation happening.
So part of it, that's also a helpful check. Do they want the other person involved, or is this just a mechanism of trying to talk about this person without having any kind of accountability there?
So part of it's that, you know, there's often, like, things you can do that, like, when you're thinking about gossip, like, you can shelter people from, like, who you're talking about, right?
So what do you think should happen in a situation where a husband and wife are, you know, fighting whatever else, and, like, this, you know, this happens, like, you know, you can present it like that.
You don't have to say, hey, well, I'm talking about my husband right now. I'm talking about my wife right now, right?
I'm talking about my brother. I mean, let's say that you're having a problem with your brother, and you go to someone else, and you say, hey, yeah, like, so there's a person
I know that we're butting heads, and I don't know how to resolve it, right? So what would you do? So as much as you can, you're not just, you shouldn't be trying to shelter people from, like, all the information that they don't need in that way, if you do want advice, if you do want counsel in that way.
So, you know, a lot of it's that. But, yeah, I mean, I think generally you're supposed to be asking, is this designed to build this person up?
Is this designed to tear them down, right? Like, is this designed to build them up or tear them down? Is it designed for you just to get, you know, like this juicy morsel off your chest, or is this designed to help you to know how to honor the
Lord or, you know, honor this other person? So why is it that, you know, with this sin, why is it such an acceptable sin right now?
I mean, you know, human beings love to gossip. Why is that, though?
I mean, why do we love that? Because I was thinking about this as I was thinking about the topic, you know, thinking about the topic in general, knowing that we were going to do an episode on it, and, you know,
I mean, you see it everywhere, and it sells. It for sure sells. I mean, even as, you know, as content creators on the
Internet, one of the things that you'll see time and time and time again is people love to hear, like, negative things about other people.
Like, that's always the stuff that does the best, and it's why, you know, ESPN, like all the sports news outlets are always trying to find, like, the juicy scoop on, you know, the big -time player, and here's what he did, you know, and the tabloids are always trying to sell, this is what this celebrity did, and can you even believe that they would ever do something like that?
And reality TV is, you know, like, I'll watch reality TV. It'll be on, you know, like we're at some get -together or something, and they'll have the
TV on, and it's some random show, like, some random show that I've never heard of, and it's just, like, it feels gross to even listen to it because it's just everyone talking about everyone else behind their back.
And, I mean, there's, like, a certain part of that that's where you understand, like, hey, this is just TV.
It's all probably fake anyway, but then there's a reason that they're putting what they are putting on the show, right?
And it's because that's what people are interested in. So why is that? Yeah, I mean, a few years back, I mean, there's the,
I think there was that show called Gossip Girl or whatever. Yeah. I mean, it's so funny when the pagans will do that kind of thing where, you know, like American Idol or Gossip Girl or whatever, like to where they'll just name their show after sins in the
Bible. Yeah, yeah. And then people don't have the moral awareness to say, hey, they're just telling you they're sinning right now.
You know, like that's what the show is about. I haven't watched that show, but, I mean, I assume that they're living up to its name.
But it is, I mean, obviously, I mean, I remember like National Enquirer growing up, like all the
National Enquirer kind of magazines, like where they're all just gossip columns in the Grocery Owl magazine.
And I don't know if they still have that same kind of stuff, but, I mean, obviously it sells and obviously everyone wants to hear about it. It's just, it's pride, you know, it's pride.
Like it's just people who, like if they can tear people down, like they feel like they've built themselves up, right?
So it's just that impulse that's as old as sin, essentially. I mean, like an impulse to say, thank
God I'm not like this other person. Can you believe what this other person did? And the Bible over and over again says that we should encourage one another and build one another up.
And, you know, our speech should be geared towards edification, not just tearing people down and destroying them and all that.
So, I mean, we just like, you know, if we could find some way, like we just love it like when celebrity people do stupid stuff, you know, because they have all this money and they're like in some sense like they have all this fame and recognition.
And we just like to be able to tear them down, you know, so that we can build ourself up. So we want people to think, oh man, like they're better than that other person who everyone thinks is good.
And so we're leeches in that kind of way. But then, you know, a lot of that really does get to how you should even interact with public people in general and public figures.
And so, you know, typically, you know, there's this difference between like public and private that is related to this gossip discussion too, like meaning like you're sharing a private matter like to someone for the purpose of tearing them down.
And so a lot of people, they confuse that component of it to where, you know,
I mean, if you do have a notorious false teacher who is out there openly spreading false teaching,
I mean, you do have to have some people who are going to openly confront that stuff, right?
Right. It's not gossip to say that that person's public teaching is false. Right, right, right.
So, I mean, that would be like negative information about someone, right, for the purpose of warning you about that person.
But then the issue is it's true, like it's true information, and it was done in a public way. It's publicly verifiable information.
And so like there needs to be forms of accountability that are given with this public kind of information for, you know, public kind of people in that way.
So, I mean, there's obviously forms of accountability in that way. And you do have to deal with things that happen in front of a bunch of people.
So an example of that would be like the man who's sleeping with his mother -in -law in the Church of Corinth, and they're all glorying about it and saying it's a wonderful, you know, thing.
And Paul basically just says like, Hey, you guys are all glorying over this. It's not good. Deliver this person, although I'm absent from the body,
I'm present in my spirit, right? Deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh that in the day of the
Lord, his spirit might be saved and all that. So like you think about that, like there's a public thing that's happening that everyone's witnessing, and he's telling them how to deal with it.
And so that wouldn't be gossip. That's just acknowledging, Hey, we all have eyes. We're all watching this. This isn't the way we handle it, right?
Like this is not the way you handle it. But I mean, when you're sharing private matters, like that you don't have any business adjudicating,
I mean, there's a lot of people who do that with like celebrities. And like, if you don't jump on board with it and crucify these people because the leak tape of them fighting out in public comes, you know, it's like,
Hey, I don't have anything to do with this, right? Right. This has nothing to do with me. I don't know the context of this.
I am not involved in the jury here. I'm not a form of accountability for them. I don't have to say anything.
You know, like it's just, it's none of my business. Like I don't have anything to do with it. You know, like I don't have anything to do with this.
I don't have enough context. I don't know enough to even comment here. You know, this is a private matter between private people that, you know, evil people leaked out to the public, you know, with no good purpose.
So let's just let them take care of it. You know, so, so I do think that like we, we need to be careful with how we're dealing with those things.
And certainly people love, like love their gossip and they love tearing people down and they love having opportunities to, you know, throw these people under the bus if I can in order to make themselves feel good.
Okay. Fair enough. This has been another episode of Bible bashed. We hope you have been encouraged and blessed through our discussion.
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Now go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically open illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move.