Philippians 4:4-7


We will be studying Philippians 4:4-7 The floor is always yours. Ask questions. Chat. For prayer type "me."


Hey, good morning. This is Truth in Love. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for watching the video. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for the support. I really enjoy getting together with you, joining you, and you joining me, and we discuss
God's Word, and we get the gospel of Jesus Christ out into our community. And it's such a pleasure and a joy to do that with you.
We get Ephesians, we get Ephesians, we get truth and love from Ephesians chapter four, verse 15.
But speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into him who is the head, even
Christ. That's our aim. And that's our goal, is that we want to speak truth, and we want to speak it in love.
We want to stay right there in both of those lanes and not fall in the ditch on either side.
That's the goal. And that's the aim. So the floor is always yours, like always.
If you have any questions about the Bible, you want to talk about church, whatever you'd like to discuss, let me know.
We'll talk about it if we can, and I'll answer any question that I can. I'd love to be able to do that.
If I can pray for you, let me know that I can do that as well. All you have to do is type me. You don't have to say what the issue is or what you're going through.
All you have to do is type me, and at the end, I'll pray for you. Hopefully, I'll see the comment.
Sometimes there's a delay. If you watch the video later and you would like for me to pray for you, I'll see the notification, and I'll pray for you when
I see the notification. Love to be able to do that. So let me know if I can pray for you. Ask questions, chat, let me know that you're watching.
And again, I thank you for your support and joining me as we look at God's Word together.
Before we jump into God's Word, I wanted to share something with you. I get these in the mail, and I haven't opened it yet, and I don't know how well you can see it.
I waited till just now to open it to see what's in it, but I wanted to share it with you so that you can receive them if you would like.
They are quarterlies. That means they come once a quarter, I think about four times a year, and they are free.
They are absolutely free, and you can go to their website, sign up, and sign up for their free quarterlies.
And if you're looking for something to read, a devotional, this is really good.
Each quarter is a different topic, which is really good, and I think that you will enjoy it.
It's called the Free Grace Broadcaster from Chapel Library. You can Google it.
Let's see. And it's free, completely free, and you get one every quarter. I've already unsealed it so I didn't make all that noise, but you get a newsletter.
You get a newsletter from Mount Zion Bible Church. You get an update on the ministry.
You get those things that you can read, and then you also get the free quarterly. And I would encourage you to visit their website and get one, get a free quarterly.
And this month, the subject is Heaven. I'm not sure if you can read that. The subject,
Free Grace Broadcaster, issue number 254, and the topic is
Heaven. And it has, let's see, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten different articles.
It has a list of the different articles on the back. And these are trusted theologians, pastors, scholars from years ago.
They are no longer with us, but maybe you'll recognize some of these names. J .C. Ryle, Edward Donnelly, Paul Helm, Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Brooks, Thomas Reed, Derek Thomas, Jonathan Edwards, and John Bunyan.
Some of the different titles are A Brief Account of Heaven, Heaven Itself, Heaven as Redemptive, Fixed, and Final, The Beautific Vision, Heaven a
World of Love, Presence of God in Christ, Meditating on Heaven, A New Heaven, A New Earth, Seeking the
World of Love, and Crossing to the Celestial City by John Bunyan.
So I encourage you to check it out. Free grace broadcaster, chapellibrary .org.
You can sign up and get a free quarterly. Free quarterly comes in the mail free, and it's pretty terrific.
Each quarter is a different topic, and like I said, I just opened this one this morning. I opened it with you to see what the topic or the issue was this month, and it is
Heaven. So there you go. I'm not doing an advertisement for them.
It's something that I found useful, and I wanted to share it with you. So free grace broadcaster, chapellibrary .org,
and you can sign up and get a free quarterly. So if you get it, I hope you enjoy it.
It's pretty fantastic to get free stuff. I hope everybody is doing okay.
Remember, ask questions, talk with me. Let me know that you're watching, and let me know if I can pray for you.
This morning, we're going to look at Philippians chapter four. We're going to look at verses four through seven. Let me read those verses for us really quickly, and I don't think that will take us too long.
I know that I said that last time, and we went for an hour, a little over an hour.
So I'm going to try not to do that this time. I don't think it will take that long. But these verses right here say, the
God's word says, Rejoice in the Lord always. And again, I will say rejoice.
Let your forbearing spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication.
With thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Of course, I don't think that I've ever mentioned this before, because I'm not big on this topic or this issue.
But if you've ever followed along with me, if you've ever read your Bible with me as we've studied, I am the
Bible that is falling apart at the seams that I use. There's no need for me to hold it up because you can't even read it anymore.
I've got a Keyword Study Bible. I liked it before all the smartphones and the apps come out where you could look up stuff so quickly.
The Keyword Study Bible has strong numbers by a lot of the words and it has definitions in the back.
So it helped me to look up the words and get some definitions. And the version that I'm reading from is the
New American Standard Bible. You may or may not like it. That's okay. I think
I looked up the copyrights from 1977. So if you have a newer version, like some of my friends do, it's going to read a little differently.
And it may read differently from your version. I find that the New American Standard Bible is a very close word for word translation from the original language.
And that's why I like it. There's some other good word for word translations out there that are good to read and study from.
So I encourage you to do that. There are certain translations or paraphrases that I do not recommend, but that's not what this video is about.
I just wanted to let you know if you've ever wondered what version I'm reading from. It's the New American Standard Bible, copyright 1977.
So that's where I'm coming from on that. And maybe that was, maybe that can be a topic for another time.
No one has, no one has suggested that yet, but maybe someone will one day and we can look at the different Bible versions.
But Philippians chapter four, verses four through seven. We have to go back to, to the first three verses that we read kind of as an introduction.
When he begins chapter four, he says, therefore, and of course we want to know what the therefore is therefore, and it is, it's there because it's, it's, it's a culmination of everything that he has, he has written to them so far.
So, so based on Paul says, based on everything that I've said so far leading up to this,
I want to, I want to say this to you with, with the foundation of everything that I've said, you know, with the introduction and we're going to kind of go through all of that here in just a second.
So I'm not going to do it now. So based on all that I have, have said as a, as the foundation,
I'm leaving you with this. And of course he, he gives this affectionate, affectionate address for the, my beloved brethren whom
I long to see, you are my joy and my crown. So he, he has this affection for the church and we really saw that expressed in, in their lives.
When, when Paul discusses his brothers, Timothy and Epaphroditus in chapter two verses 19 through 30, just the evidence of their life.
We see the, the love that God has worked in them of the, the, the believers at the church at Philippi, Paul himself,
Timothy and Epaphroditus, all four of these folks, we see the love of God has worked in their hearts and we see the evidence of that in their lives.
And so Philippians is just a wonderful book as an example of what our love for one another should look like.
And then he says in verse one, so stand firm in the Lord. So stand firm in the
Lord. And then I believe what he does next is he gives, he gives them how to do that.
He writes to them how to do that. So the command is to stand firm in the Lord. And then here's, here's how
I want you to do that. This is what I want it to look like. And of course, in verse, verses two and three of chapter four, excuse me, he speaks of Udea and Setuche, two women that are in the church, and he is exhorting them to, to live in harmony in the
Lord, which is a subject he addressed early on in the book, having, having unity in the spirit, same mind, but he's encouraging these, these two women to live in harmony with one another, one another.
So there's, there's obviously something going on between these two women. And so when he, he exhorts the church to stand firm in the
Lord, this is the number one example or way that he wants them as a church to stand firm in the
Lord. So he's addressing the church. Remember, he's addressing the whole church.
And then he's, he's speaking to the church about Udea and Setuche.
What an interesting idea. It would be hard to imagine that happening in our churches today as we would, we don't want to cause ripples or offend or whatever reason that we have.
We don't want to, we don't want to get involved in other people's lives. We don't want to, we want to tread lightly.
We don't want to lose our jobs as pastors. We don't want to lose members.
Whatever the case may be, we just, we just stand clear. We stand back from getting involved in one another's lives.
And there's a way to get involved in one another's lives as a Christian biblically that we should, there is an approach that we should take, and it comes from scripture.
And the key words there are should, and the source of how we should do it is from the
Bible. That means that we can't avoid it. If we want to be biblical, if we want to do what
God says, then getting involved in one another's lives is something that we can't ignore.
We cannot back away from and stay away from and just let everyone do their own thing.
But there is a way to do it. And there's a way not to do it. The Bible warns us against gossiping, against slander, mistreating one another.
This approach that we should take, getting involved in one another's life is one with privacy, one with love, one with compassion, being gospel centered in our approach to one another.
So there is a right way and there's a wrong way. And I think one of the main reasons probably that we want to, we avoid now so often in our churches, getting involved in one another's life is because evil has crept in so often in our midst that the approach to getting involved in one another's life has been the evil approach or the wrong approach where there's gossip, there's slander, and you can't trust anyone because they'll go tell somebody else what's going on in your life.
We have just had so many bad experiences in our past, in our church's past, that we now come to the point where we just avoid getting involved in each other's life, period, for so many reasons, one being there's hurt involved, there's pain involved, and there's lack of trust involved.
And we need to repent of that as a church, as individuals, that we would stay away from, first of all, not getting involved in one another's life.
And second of all, for doing it in an evil way, doing it in the wrong way, and not doing it in accordance with scripture.
We need to repent of that as a church and as individuals so that we can obey Christ and work towards that unity that Paul speaks of here in Philippians, so that relationships can be restored with God, so relationships can be restored with one another.
But there is a way to do it, a way that God would have us to do it. And it's the first way that Paul says here that we are to be standing firm in the
Lord. If we avoid getting involved in one another's life, then we are not, we are putting ourselves in a position where we're going to slip and fall and not standing firm in the
Lord. Not only is he, you know, he addresses the church here, this letter is addressed to the church, and he speaks of Judea and Setuche, but he calls out these men in the church,
Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, these unnamed workers, but they would have known who he was speaking of.
These men are examples that he speaks of in chapter three, yeah, 16, 17, 18.
He speaks of himself being an example, and then he speaks of brothers in the church as examples to follow as leaders, as examples.
And these, Clement and the rest of his fellow workers, these are the examples that he is talking about that they should look to, that they should follow in their own individual lives, and they should look to as leaders in how to approach other people biblically.
And so if you've got mature believers in your church that know how to approach these things biblically, use them, follow them, and repent and get rid of this evilness in our individual hearts, in our minds, and in our churches so that we can practice this aspect of Paul's exhortation to us and stand firm in the
Lord as a result of that. So we want to be involved in one another, and we want restoration in our churches and in our lives.
So that's the first one. We cover that in the other video or the first video of chapter four.
Now in verses four through seven that we're going to start now, here's the rest of the ways.
Let's start with number two, the second way where he's exhorting us to stand firm in the
Lord. Number two, he says, Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I would say rejoice.
I have to say that for Paul in this book of Philippians, rejoicing is a theme.
It is an obvious theme for Paul. He uses the word rejoice seven times in these four little chapters, seven times, sometimes multiple times in the same chapter, sometimes twice in the same verse.
In fact, in Philippians chapter one, he uses rejoice twice in the same verse, and I should have marked them.
Now I'm going to be looking for them, but instead of looking for them, I'm just, it's 18. Chapter one, verse 18.
Yeah. And in this, I rejoice. Yes, I will say rejoice. So in the same verse, he uses rejoice twice.
And then here he does it again in chapter four, verse four. Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I will say rejoice.
Rejoice in the Lord. Be glad in the Lord. Be happy in the Lord. Have this joy in you that comes from and that's in the
Lord. And it is a theme that Paul repeats over and over in this book.
And why does he repeat it? This is why I think he repeats it over and over again in the book of Philippians, because he wants, number one, he wants the church, he wants believers to be rejoicing.
So that's kind of the interpretation there, be continuously rejoicing. And so to make that clear, he repeats that command to rejoice.
And he is also repeating that command to rejoice over and over again, because he brings up different circumstances that they will be going through.
Like in chapter one, Paul is speaking of his imprisonment. And he's speaking of those who are preaching
Christ out of a wrong motive. He says they're preaching
Christ that it may give him distress in his imprisonment. But yet rejoice.
Rejoice. Christ is being proclaimed. And then in chapter two, he speaks of though I may be being poured out as a drink offering, he's referring to himself as a sacrifice, as a drink offering.
Yet rejoice. Rejoice. And then in chapter two, where he speaks of Timothy and Epaphroditus and how
Epaphroditus, for the sake of his gospel ministry, he got sick or something happened to him where he was at the point of death.
It could have been persecution, could have been sickness. Either way,
Epaphroditus was at the point of death because of his gospel ministry, because of his work in the gospel.
And Paul was concerned about the church and the church was concerned about Epaphroditus and the church was concerned about Paul.
And Epaphroditus was concerned about the church because he had heard that they were concerned about him. And there was just all this concern and compassion for one another coming from each other.
And you've got Epaphroditus who was at the point of death and Paul wants to send him back to the church so that their beloved
Epaphroditus can be back with them. So throughout all this circumstance and all this going on and all their concern for one another, with their heavy hearts,
Paul is saying, rejoice. Rejoice. And then in chapter three, finally, my brethren, after he speaks of Timothy and Epaphroditus, he says, finally, based on these things, my brethren rejoice in the
Lord. To write to you the same things again is no trouble to me. And it is a safeguard for you.
So in this, in me having to repeat myself and you being reminded and me building up this safeguard again for you, being taught the same thing.
Rejoice. Rejoice in that. Rejoice in the teaching of the Lord. So in imprisonment, in the proclamation of the gospel, being offered up as a sacrifice,
I'm coming to the point of death because of gospel ministry. The concern and the relationship and the promise of returning to one another in all those circumstances and in the teaching of the
Lord, even being reminded, continuing to build upon that foundation, that safeguard that he speaks of.
Rejoice. Rejoice in all that. And then to wrap things up and as he's wrapping things up, and I think later on in chapter four, he's going to, he's going to tell them to rejoice again.
But here at the beginning of chapter four, rejoice in the Lord, be glad in the Lord always.
And what does he mean by always? Well, remember everything that I just went through with you in this circumstance, in this circumstance, in this circumstance, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice.
That's what I mean by always in every circumstance, rejoice in the Lord, be glad in the
Lord. And in our mind, in our comprehension, when we think about our circumstances and many have gone through far worse circumstances that I've gone through, that I can't comprehend, that I will never be able to understand.
Yet it's Paul, the Holy Spirit through Paul is proclaiming, exhorting us, no matter the circumstance, whatever
God has given or placed to you, whatever God has given in place to me, this exhortation is coming from the
Holy Spirit to rejoice, to be glad in the Lord. You look at, you look at Paul's attitude in chapter one.
He's not able, he's not able to be out there discipling the churches.
He's not out there being able to church plant. He's not out there being able to proclaim the gospel to folks who have not heard.
And then the ones that are out there, there's some out there that are trying to proclaim the gospel in order to give
Paul distress while he's in prison. So there's things that he can't do.
And what he wants to do, folks are doing, and they're doing it for the wrong reason. Yet he says, rejoice, be glad in the
Lord. Christ is being proclaimed. So there's, there's a way that we can seek the
Lord that says, God, you have given this to me. How can you be glorified in it?
Therefore, because you are glorified in it, I can be glad in you. And I think that's what
Paul is saying to us here. In every circumstance, rejoice.
And again, there he is repeating the same things that he has said to them over and over again, building upon that foundation, helping them to stand firm in the
Lord. Rejoice always in every circumstance. Again, I will say, rejoice. Wow.
And then here's, here's the third thing to help us stand firm in the Lord. Let your forbearing spirit be known to all men.
So the Philippian church, to Paul, they were known to have a, a forbearing or a, a gentle spirit.
And this is the part where, where Paul speaks of work out your own salvation.
And if you remember the teaching in that video, where, what does that mean to work out your own salvation?
Does it, is it referring to works, righteousness or working for our salvation? No. It's speaking of the salvation that's already in you.
Let it manifest itself outwards. It's, it's in you, let it come out.
And that's what he's speaking of here. This is, this is Paul preaching to them to live in the victory of Jesus Christ, the kingship of Jesus Christ.
He has won that victory. He has given you victory in your soul. You are redeemed.
You are God's child. So there, there's this spirit within you of gentleness and forbearance.
Let it work itself out so that all men can see it. So it can affect all men.
This, this spirit that has been worked in you by God, let it benefit all men. And then he says, he gives them a reason.
There's a reason here. So he wants, he wants their, their gentle and forbearing spirit to affect, to have an effect to, to touch all men that they come in contact with.
Their brothers and sisters in Christ and all those that are around them.
And there's a reason that he gives here. He says, the Lord is near. He doesn't say the, he doesn't say the
Lord might be near. We, we, we hope in his return. We hope in his coming.
We hope in his fulfilled promise. It might be here. It might be 2000 years from now.
It might be 3000 years from now. Paul gives this short little phrase that says the
Lord is near. This, this definite, definite in Paul's heart through the
Holy spirit. This activity is a sure, definite thing.
And what else was sure and definite in Paul's heart, in Paul's mind and impulse teaching, not just here in Philippians, but the rest of the books that he wrote to the
Holy spirit or the Holy spirit through him is that the Lord is near.
His judgment is coming. So when you, when you see it coming, flee to the mountains, escape this judgment.
It will, it will be bad for those who are, who are nursing and those who are pregnant, because you will have to flee to the mountains when you see this coming.
But he says, the Lord is near. So he's, he's wanting folks to come to the
Lord. He's wanting folks to escape this judgment. So let your gentle and forbearing spirit reach all men, continue to go out there and proclaim the gospel and go out there, speak the truth and love.
Let them see your gentle and forbearing spirit. So there's, there's the third one, the third way to stand firm in the
Lord. And then number four, number four, verse six, be anxious for nothing.
The word anxious there can be read as, as anxious care,
C -A -R -E, anxious care. And what do we do when we, what do we do when we care for something?
We take care of it, right? And so what pops in my mind is, say that you have a pet that you own, that you take care of, and what do you do with that pet?
You feed it. And so anxious care is there, there's something that concerns us and then we become anxious about it.
And when we have an anxious care about it, we, we do something that, that feeds, we're caring for that anxiety.
Does that make sense? So to have an anxious care, there's, there's something that's on our heart that we're concerned about, that we become, therefore anxious about.
And when we have an anxious care about it, we are feeding, we continue to feed that anxiety.
That's what it means to have an anxious care, I believe. And so, and the, and the way it reads in the original language, it's telling us that this was, this was something that Paul knew that was happening continuously with the
Philippian church. There, the Lord is near, and then you, you have these warnings of, of bad things to come, this judgment to come, that could have been what he's referring to.
You, you have this, this teaching in mind that these bad things, this judgment is coming upon Jerusalem and to the church.
And of course you also had in verse, in chapter three, beware the dogs, where the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision.
You have, you have people who are wanting to, to attack the gospel. You had people who wanted to attack them physically to persecute them.
And you have this judgment coming. So all this was probably on their mind, all this worry, but Paul says, stop your continuous anxious care, stop feeding that anxiety.
And how do you do that? And he gives us that answer. But in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.
So it's, it's coming to God and, and transferring.
Here's, here's my concern. Here's my anxiety. Here's my fear. Here's, here's the things that, that I would like, my, my desires, and I'm transferring it from my hands to your hands,
God. It's, it's a transfer. It's, it's giving it to him. So, so don't continually be having this anxious care, stop feeding your anxiety, stop that.
And then put those efforts into transferring all those things into God's hands.
And it says with thanksgiving, with thanksgiving.
So what does it mean when it says thanksgiving? So why do we give thanks?
When someone, we have a need or desire and someone fulfills that need or desire, we thank them because they have fulfilled that need or desire.
This section right here, where Paul says to, to give you, to pray and give your supplications to God with thanksgiving.
You're thanking God before he fulfills or answers those prayers and supplications.
And it reminds me of another situation. John chapter,
John chapter six, and I'm just going to read this one verse, but it says
John chapter six, verse 23, there, there came, there came other small boats from Tiberias near to the place where they ate the bread after the
Lord had given thanks. So in chapter six, Jesus feeds 5 ,000 men with five barley loaves and two fish.
You have that scene, you have that scenario. They were filled. He, he blessed it and they were filled.
And then they have 12 baskets left over. He sends the disciples then in the boat to go to the other side.
He goes to the mountain alone, and then he walks on water and meets them. And then immediately they're on the other side.
Now, at this point, folks are hearing about what the Lord is doing and they, they wake up the next morning.
He's not there. Folks from the surrounding areas are hearing about it. So they start coming in themselves on these small boats and they're not there.
It says they, they come near to the place where they ate the bread after the
Lord had given thanks. And I read that. I was like, you know, they, John could just said they were coming near to where they had ate the bread or where the
Lord fed them. And that, that would have been sufficient because that's what, that's what happened. But he includes that, that little part after that, after the
Lord had given thanks, where they ate the bread after the Lord had given thanks.
And I'm not sure exactly why he included that. He didn't have to, because he could have just said at the place where the
Lord fed them or something like that. But he included that last little part after the
Lord had given thanks. When did the Lord give thanks? He gave thanks for the five barley loaves and the two fish before they were filled.
And before the 12 baskets, the 12 leftover baskets were filled before it happened.
So there was, there was a need, there was a won't, and God had the solution, but Jesus gave thanks before.
So usually, usually we give thanks after the completion of our request is satisfied, right?
So we have a need or a won't, somebody satisfies it. And then we say, oh, thank you because it's, it's been accomplished.
Jesus here is giving thanks before the need is satisfied.
And not only is it before the need is satisfied, the, the object in which it's going to be satisfied with seems very, very inadequate to do the job, but it's not the object that's, that's going to be fulfilling the need.
It's the one who's going to be fulfilling the need with the object and it's the Lord. So faith is what produces thanksgiving.
Faith is what produces thanksgiving. It's for Jesus, God, God meeting this need, even with this inadequate, inadequate object was an unquestionable reality for him.
So therefore he was able to give thanks. He believed he knew that God could do it.
So therefore, when he says, be anxious, stop being anxious for nothing.
The original language says not even one thing, not even one thing, but in everything by prayer supplication.
So prayer is an act of faith. And then it says with thanksgiving and thanksgiving is a result of faith.
Prayer is an act of faith and thanksgiving is a result of faith.
And so what do we need to stop doing? We need to stop feeding our anxiety and then we need to start feasting on prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.
Stop feeding our anxiety and start feasting on prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.
Prayer is that act of faith. Thanksgiving is the result of faith, trusting in God with our anxiety or for anxiety.
Isn't that amazing? And then he says, let your request, your requests are those prayers and supplications.
So let your prayers and supplications, let your request be made known to God. Does God know all things?
Yes, God knows all things. So why does he say, let them be known to God? He's saying, perform that act of transfer.
That energy that you were putting, that care and that word that you were putting into those anxieties, transfer all that energy into trusting in the
Lord with your prayers and supplication with thanksgiving. So he's speaking of that, that transfer, putting it, taking it out of your hands and putting it in God's hands.
And that was number four, fourth way to stand firm in the Lord. And then here's number five, verse seven and the peace of God.
So, so when this, this happens, this is, this is another result of our faith.
Thanksgiving is a result of our faith, prayers and act of faith. Thanksgiving is a result of faith.
When we transfer our, our efforts, our energy, anxiety, our fear, when we transfer all those things, our desires, our needs, our wants, when we transfer all those things into the hands of God, first, it will result in thanksgiving.
Second, it will, it will result in the peace of God, the peace of God.
So when you, when you feed anxiety, the result is fear and more worry.
When you transfer it over to God, the result is peace, peace of God.
And that's what we desire, peace and non -anxiety, not worry and not fear.
Then he says, this peace of God that you're going to receive, receive as a result of that transfer is a peace that surpasses, it goes beyond anything that we could comprehend.
So we, it's just like thinking about Jesus walking on water beyond our comprehension,
Jesus feeding 5 ,000 men plus women and children with five barley loaves and two fish beyond our comprehension.
Jesus saving a wretch like me beyond our comprehension and God giving us peace despite the persecution, the false teaching, the judgment to come is a peace that he gives us that's beyond our comprehension.
When we have it, when it comes, when we receive it, I don't know how it works.
I don't know how he does it, but he is a God that is able to do it and he has done it and he'll continue to do it because he will fulfill his promises.
We will receive the peace of God when we transfer, transfer that energy, that fear, that worry and anxiety to the
Lord. And he says that peace, it shall guard. Of course, it even sounds like a military term, but it's a, it's a military term where this, this peace will be on guard.
It will even be on guard. It will give you this, it will give you this peace and it will surpass your comprehension, your understanding.
But just like, just like he's referring to their anxiety was continuous, it was a continuous thing that he wanted them to stop and not even have anxiety about one, one thing, this peace that you will receive.
It will be a continuous thing. And not only does it give you a rest, a peace, a feeling, but this, this peace that God gives that comes from God, it's like a sentinel soldier who marches back and forth in your heart.
He says, guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. So if you're in Christ, this peace will stand guard, be on the march in your hearts and in your minds to continue to protect you.
When, when something new that would cause you fear and anxiety pops up or you're tempted to have fear and anxiety about things that you had those feelings before about, try to, or you're tempted to go back to that fear and anxiety about those same things.
Or I can't remember my, remember my third point, but, but it's something new or something from the past that you're tempted to bring back up.
This peace that God gives stands on guard to protect you from that.
So when you're tempted to, to feed it again, or go back to that worry and anxiety, that peace that God gives is there to, to knock it down, to shoot it down, to get rid of it, to keep it out of your heart and to keep it out of your mind.
And that's a promise of God when you're in Christ Jesus. And we can rest in his promises because they're sure things.
They are sure things. Be anxious for not one thing.
Stop with the anxious care, but give it over to the Lord and we'll receive this peace when we're in Christ Jesus.
So that's the question today. Are you in Christ Jesus? Are you in him?
Have you felt this peace? Do you want to feel this peace? Do you want to have this type of security in your life that no matter what circumstances come,
God promises that if you're in his son, you can have rest.
You can have peace. You can have a guard that will be protecting you and watching over your heart and your mind.
You can have reconciliation and redemption with God, the father and with others.
If you have the Lord Jesus Christ. So the question is, do you have him today?
The Bible tells us that to come to Christ, to be born again, God calls us to repent of our sins.
Mark chapter one, verse 15, Jesus says, the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent therefore, and believe the gospel.
We must repent of our sins, apologize, acknowledge, turn from them and turn towards Christ in faith.
Believe in the good news of the gospel that Jesus lived a sinless life. He was one of a virgin.
He fulfilled all the prophecies of himself in the old Testament. And then he lived that sinless life down on the cross, bearing
God's wrath that we deserve for our sins and then raised from the dead where he sits now at God's right hand, where all authority has been given to him in heaven and on earth.
So we can trust in him. We can come to him by faith that what he accomplished, his sinless life, his death, and therefore his resurrection can be transferred, imputed to us as if it's our own.
He will do that for us. And he has done that for so many years. He's done it for his creation, his people.
So repent of your sins and believe in Jesus Christ today. Trust in him.
He will give you his righteousness and he will cancel your debt before the
Lord. And that's something to, as Paul would say, that's something to rejoice in that we are saved, that we are born again, that we are his and we can transfer all of our anxieties over to him and be thankful and be at peace.
I hope that was encouraging to you. I hope that was helpful. If it was, would you like the video?
Would you share the video so that it is a way that we can reach our community?
This is not a video. These are not videos for any type of promotion for anybody other than the
Lord Jesus Christ. And my desire is for our community to know the gospel and to know his word and for us all to grow together in it and to love
Jesus and to glorify God. So I would appreciate your prayers and appreciate your support.
I appreciate you very much. And no one has requested prayer today.
So if you watch the video later, if you'd like for me to pray for you, I'd love to be able to do that. I'm going to go ahead and pray for us and then we'll wrap things up.
Father, we thank you so much for allowing us to spend time together in your word. Thank you for allowing us to be in Christ.
The gift that you've given us through your son is beyond our comprehension.
It's beyond our ability to give thanks. We could spend an eternity giving thanks and it would never be enough.
Yet we give thanks. Yet we rejoice because you are so good. You are so kind and gracious and merciful.
Father, would you encourage folks with your word today? Will you save souls by your word and through your spirit today?
May you be glorified today in what we've done and what we've studied.
Will you apply this work in our hearts that we may let what you've worked in us come out so that other men may see you in us.
Father, we thank you for all things and we pray all these things in Jesus name. Amen.
Thank you guys for watching. I hope you have a good day and remember that Jesus is king.
So therefore go live in that victory and let's continue to get out there and proclaim the gospel.