Eric Mason, I Was Just Like You (Part 9)

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Well, it's Friday and we're still talking about Dr.
Eric Mason. I'm sorry. No, I'm just kidding.
I've had a good time. This TED Talk has been exceptional. I think that it's just too perfect.
I had to do the whole thing, so thank you. If you've enjoyed watching them, the comments, the likes, the shares, all of it has been very helpful.
I'll put this in a list in the future, so if you know somebody that has a soft spot in their heart for Dr.
Eric Mason's preaching, you can show them in a very easy -to -follow, one -after -another kind of format, everything that was wrong with this exact TED Talk.
But we only have four minutes left, five minutes left, something like that, so let's get to it and then let us never speak of it again.
Oh, hold on. I did it again. It wouldn't be an 80 Robles episode if I didn't mess up with the audio here.
Let's dive right in. Black people do that for the last 250 years and I can go on and on and on and on and on and on.
Going on and on and on and on and. But that's why we need reparations.
We need reparations to repair. We're not asking for a handout. Now, this is stuff that black people have built this country from the beginning.
Black people have made America America from the beginning and it's just time to begin compensating black people comprehensively for what's been left out over time.
So what have you built, Eric? I mean, what have you built that you haven't been compensated for?
And what was your agreement before you built it? I mean, these are the things that actually matter, like what did you agree to do?
What did you agree to build that you didn't get the agreed upon compensation for,
Eric? Because if you did, if you had that, I'd be right there with you. I'd be your strongest advocate. I'd say, look, you know, so and so, you owe
Eric Mason this money, you agreed for this money. And if you don't, I mean, you know, the Lord's going to see that if you don't give him what you agreed to give him.
But of course, he's not talking about that. He's talking about the mystical sort of faceless group.
Black people should get something that black people were owed back in the day, even though we can't really prove who owes them what, who's owed what, and this and that.
And it doesn't come from the Bible. That's what he's talking about. He's talking about making the sons pay for the sins of the father, which the
Bible explicitly says is not the way to do it. The beauty of all justice is ultimately, we're not just looking for the sweet buy and buy when our
Savior returns. Yes, he died on the cross, got up from the grave, and we're going to spend eternity on heaven and earth with him.
And he's going to set up a brand spanking new regime here. Yeah, and that brand spanking new regime is going to follow his law, right?
So his brand spanking new regime, when we pray, you know, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
How do you think it is in heaven? Well, things go according to his word in heaven. That's how we should be praying for it to happen here on earth.
And so, you know, I know you don't like this because you don't get your stacks if you follow God's law.
But if you follow God's law, that's what we have to look forward to in God's kingdom. God's kingdom is going to run according to God's rules.
And so I would suggest that we should run things according to God's rules now. That's what
I would suggest. What are you about to suggest here? Because I'm sure it's extremely wise. But also he says that kingdom come, that will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Listen. Listen, that sounds really great. I just said the same thing. But why don't you start acting like it?
Why don't you start doing it? Because all the laws you read today, my friend, all of them work against your case for reparation.
So why don't you keep your mouth shut? This is me shutting your mouth with the word of God.
Because the word of God works against you here. You can't do this. What you're suggesting, the 200 years of free tuition, tuition reimbursement, 200 years of whatever, making people pay you for your counseling sessions because you're all messed up, making people pay you for, you know,
I don't know, work that you never did, that I guess somebody at one point did, maybe they did, maybe they didn't, who knows.
Making me pay you for something I didn't do, even though my own ancestors were enslaved just like your ancestors.
By the way, everyone's ancestors participated in the slave trade at some point in their lineage, every single one of them.
So if we're going to be consistent, then you need to start paying people. Go figure out who your ancestors enslaved.
Go figure that one out. But you see, none of this is biblical. None of this is consistent. It's all just a power grab.
It's all just a way to get stacks. So when he says, on earth as it is in heaven, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
He doesn't actually mean it because the way to do that is to start doing it right now. According to God's law.
That's why God's law is so helpful and so important. Because if you want to have justice, you got to know what
God's law says and you've read a bunch of laws here, but it doesn't go with what you said it goes with.
You're trying to overturn God's law and it doesn't work that way. It doesn't work that way, Eric. And I can't believe that you have the audacity to get behind a pulpit and pretend to speak the word of God in this way.
This is blasphemous. This is taking the Lord's name in vain. God's not going to play with you, man. God's not playing with you.
So you can get behind and you can go bleh, bleh, bleh, bleh, bleh, like, like, you know, like you're, like you're authoritative, but God's not fooled by that.
And God's people aren't fooled by that. God's people hear his voice and they know that this ain't it.
When you say, you know, when you say verses that specifically reject what you're attempting to do and then pretend like they don't.
We all heard that pause when you said the individual owes those who he wronged. You pause because you realize that that verse does not make the point that you're attempting to make with it.
God's not playing with you, man. God's not playing with you. He's not playing with me either. So I would stop acting like he's playing with you.
He's not playing. This whole thing started with you saying that someone could get some orange juice or some kind of other liquid for, for communion.
God's not playing with his, with the sacraments, man. He's not playing. Black people need to be compensated and paid reparations for what's happened here.
White siblings. I'm working with a group now that wants me to be in an advisory team for a small group of Christians that want to help invest in paying a micro form of reparations as the beginning of starting a reparations movement among Christians.
My prayer is, is that this would explode. I know because you want those stacks, right?
You want those stacks. But at the end of the day, I don't care if, if, if a bunch of white people feel like they're guilty and they need to pay you money,
I don't care what people do with their own money. I don't care what the people do with their own money. What I don't want though, is people to steal from others in order to pay your stacks to get you drip.
I don't, that's what I don't want. I don't want, you see, God says thou shalt not steal, right? You shall not steal. Okay? And so you can't fix stealing from the past with stealing from the present.
God's law doesn't work that way. I actually do mean it when I say your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
I mean it. I know you're just playing. I know you're just using it as a slogan. I know you're just using it to beat people over the head to get your stacks, but I don't,
I don't actually play like you. I actually mean it. So I know you can't fix stealing from the past with stealing from the present.
I know that doesn't work. And every person with a brain on their heads that's not completely given over to covetousness knows that's not how it works.
I know you don't know how that works because you're given over to covetousness. This sermon is more than enough proof to know that.
And so, yeah, if some white people want to put some money together to give it to you for some God only knows reason, I mean that in a technical sense, only
God would know the reason why people would want to do that. I don't care what people do with their own money. They can do whatever they want with their own money.
Just don't steal it from me. That's all I'm asking. It's not too much to ask. Now, I'm not saying that reparations is going to bring peace on earth.
Jesus will bring peace on earth. Yeah. And he's also going to come with wrath and he's also going to come with a sword and he's also going to come with judgment.
And the people that become Christians to get those stacks, the people that become Christians that used to be black
Hebrew Israelites or they used to be African spiritualists and they come to Christ because they get the stacks with Christ.
Those people are going to be part of that wrath because they didn't actually come to Christ. They came to the stacks. They came to the stacks.
And so you're just easing people's consciences, man, on the way to their payment for their covetous heart.
However, while we're on earth, we got to make the most of our time, make the most of our minutes so that when the master returns, he said, what did you do with my minutes that I gave you?
And you don't want him to say, depart from me, cast them out in the out of darkness. No, no.
What a snake this guy is. To whom was given more, more will be given to him. And so let's move forward in this great act as we begin to seeing what it looks like to do what
I call restorative justice. Father, thank you.
Yeah, well, I'm not going to listen to this prayer because the thing is like at the end of the day, we're going to stop here.
At the end of the day, um, this, this Ted talk was just unbridled, unadulterated covetousness.
You could even see it in the little gleam in his eye. He's wearing sunglasses, I know, but you could see how he's got the ear to ear grin when he's talking about money, when he's talking about all the stuff he wants.
And of course he leaves it open ended. This is just the beginning. All my psychologists, all my sociologists, all my economicists.
They can get to tell me more. You heard that part right yesterday where he's like all these, that's actually where he's getting this stuff.
None of it comes from the Bible. It all comes from sociology. It all comes from psychology. It all comes from economists.
It all comes from, from, from, from people that have a un -Christian worldview.
I'm not talking about Christian sociology. I'm talking about pagans. That's where this stuff comes from. And so he's going to be asking for stuff and coveting stuff and trying to twist your arm and trying to extort you and trying to get the government to steal from you to give to him until the day he dies.
Unless the Lord of Glory comes and changes his heart. Because there's only one thing that can change a covetous heart.
I know this because I used to have a covetous heart. I used to have a covetous heart. I've told this story before, but this is one of the very first sins that God, you know, dealt with me with was my covetousness.
I used to work in a, I worked on Wall Street. I was a technical recruiter.
I used to recruit for, you know, the banks and financial services, tech companies, fintech, all that kind of stuff.
And I did pretty well. You know, I did pretty well for myself. I was a young man. I, you know, made some good money. And I was one of the, you know, top producers in the office, in the area, you know, and all that kind of stuff.
And I was doing really well. And then the economy tanked.
You remember the big recession. And so my income took a big hit overnight.
You know, overnight, almost a 50 % hit my income took. But I was still living the way that I was when
I was making a lot of money. I just went into some debt, you know. I just started putting it on the credit card. You know what I mean? I'd go to the bars and put it on the credit card.
You know, I threw money away with a nice apartment. You know, I had an apartment with a view of the
Empire State Building. I had a fireplace. Can you imagine that in New York City? A view of the Empire State Building and a fireplace in the apartment.
So I spent a lot of money on that apartment. And I remember as the bills were racking up,
I grew this covetousness. Like, I was doing okay still.
You know what I mean? But the bills were racking up. So I started feeling that pressure, right? But then there was this one woman
I remember. She produced roughly the same as me. Sometimes she would have a better week than me or a better month.
Sometimes I would have a better month. But I remember no matter what, no matter how good I was doing, let's just say
I had a great month, right? And I was doing better than her that month. During this time in my life,
I could have had double the amount of deals that she had. And even if that was the case, every time she closed the deal, she put it on the board, you know?
It didn't matter if I was doing better than her or worse than her. It didn't matter. In my heart, I hated her.
I hated her. Because I wanted those deals. I wanted them. I was coveting.
It was a covetousness, just unbridled covetousness. It didn't matter what our positions were. It didn't matter that I was getting promoted and she wasn't.
It didn't matter any of that stuff. It didn't matter. I didn't want her to have anything. I had enough. But I didn't want her to have anything.
And there's just no reason for it. There's just no reason for it. I coveted. I coveted all kinds of stuff that wasn't mine.
And so I know how this heart works. I know how this mindset works because that's how I used to be.
And I'll never forget when I became a Christian, that was one of the first things that I begged God to take away from me.
This covetousness. I just can't abide that someone would get something that I didn't get.
You know what I mean? That someone would have something that I didn't get. And the way a covetous heart works, it's like everything's an injustice.
I'll never forget. There was one deal in particular where she found some software engineer or something like that for one of my customers.
Or one of our customers. And it was a candidate that I had spoken with in the past.
And because of that, I felt like it was an injustice. Like she almost stole him from me. But I didn't own the person. I didn't own the candidate.
She didn't do anything wrong. But I could easily justify in my heart hating what she had done because I was owed that.
I did the work. I was the one who put that candidate in our database. I'm the one who spoke with him. I'm the one who established a relationship.
It should have been my deal. Everything's an injustice when you're a covetous person. You're owed the world.
You're owed everything. And it's never enough. It's never enough. God was gracious to me.
He still allowed me to be somewhat successful in this job. But it was never enough.
It was never enough. But the thing is that over time I didn't have some kind of miracle experience.
Some people will say I came to Christ and I never turned to drugs again. That's not how it happened for me.
That's not how it happened for me. But over time praying to God take this away from me over time my taste for covetousness
I just lost it. I just didn't have the taste for it anymore. It just did nothing for me.
I hated that part about me. I wanted to stop altogether. It was the same thing with me and my drug use.
I used to use drugs all the time. I was living the New York lifestyle. I would snort cocaine.
I would do it all. And over time I just lost interest. And that's a miracle.
That's God changing my heart. It didn't happen like that but it wouldn't have happened without God.
So I know how a covetous heart works because that's the kind of heart that I had. So there's hope for people like Eric Mason.
There's definitely hope but someone who loves him he's not going to listen to me.
This is clear. He won't listen to me but he might listen to Paul Tripp he might listen to Matt Chandler he might listen to someone from the
Gospel Coalition or the ERLC If you're hearing this I beg you, if you love
Eric Mason I know you see how his covetousness has been displayed in this sermon, in this
TED Talk unbridled There's nothing that can satisfy Dr. Eric Mason.
Nothing. He even admitted it in this sermon He has an insane list of demands
This is a list that would cost trillions of dollars, trillions and trillions of dollars this list
Trillions of dollars on his list He says it with no shame in his face He says it with a gleam in his eye but yet he admits it that this is just scratching the surface there's more and he admits the source of where the more comes from.
It does not come from scripture. He admits this in the TED Talk He says the
Bible only talks about monetary compensation for the individuals that did the wrong for the individuals that wronged and then he says, but we need to do it in a complete, full -orbed multi -faceted kind of way and the sociologists and psychologists and economists and all this they're going to tell us more.
It's going to be more It's always more This is unbridled covetousness So if you love
Eric Mason I'm not saying you have to love me I'm not saying you have to agree with me on everything I said here but if you love
Eric Mason and you saw that in that sermon You must reach out to him He needs help.
Eric Mason does need help but he doesn't need counseling What he needs is a friend willing to wound him willing to wound him and say
Eric, you've got to stop this You've got to put to death the works of the flesh
You've got to put this covetousness to death It will kill you and it will lead people astray
That's the worst part It dishonors Christ This sermon dishonored
Christ from start to finish So I beg you If you love
Eric Mason He won't listen to me I admit, I don't like Eric Mason very much
I don't like his style I don't like his attitude I don't like much about the man But I do love him
I do want the best for him and I do want him to repent And the reality is
If I would have met me back in the day when I was suffering from unbridled covetousness
I wouldn't have liked myself back in the day So if you love
Eric Mason I beg you You have to come to him about this The word of God requires you to do it
Snatch him from the fire Snatch him from the fire Because if this is who he is
If this sermon is exposing his heart He's in trouble
He's in serious trouble Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful I hope you found this series helpful
And we will probably not talk about Eric Mason again for a long time