Matt Slick Live: July 17, 2024



The Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 07-17-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: Radio email Question Answered What is Wrong with The United Pentecostal Church A New Heaven and Earth Says Isaiah Could a Christian Vote for a Non-Christian Matt Discusses an Old Humor Book he Wrote Question about The Song of Solomon A Woman Pastor Situation Again July 17, 2024


The following is a pre -recorded program. Announcer 1
It's Matt Slick Live! Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at calm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Matt Slick Hey everybody, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick. You're listening to Matt Slick Live.
I hope you're all going to have a good day listening to the show today. And let's see, whoops, we've got some camera stuff going on.
I've got to get some camera thing going. And hey, look, I want to hear from you, so give me a call. And if you can, all you've got to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
I want to hear from you. Give me a call. All right, it'll be nice and easy, easy peasy. All right, let's see.
So we have one caller waiting, maybe another one coming in. That's good. And let's see, try this, try that.
Do some video work. There we go. All right. Now, we're having a little bit of a problem on stream, I mean, not
StreamYard, but Rumble. It's two days in a row now where we've had some issues. So I don't know if it's working.
They're going to let me know if it's working in the private chat text. Private chat.
Rumble's working? Oh, well, what do you know? What do you know? So I tried a different technique because it was broken.
Something wasn't right. So there we go. All right. Also, if you want to give me an email, you can do that.
All you need to do is just is, let's see, go to send an email to info at CARM .org,
info at CARM .org, C -A -R -M dot O -R -G, and put in the subject line radio comment or radio question, and we can get to you.
We can get to you. So it shouldn't be a big deal. Hope to hear from you. All right. Let's see.
We've got a caller coming in now. We'll get to that in a little bit. So I had a good discussion last night on Reform Theology on a chat room, and it was really interesting.
It was in Clubhouse. And there are some rabid anti -reform people, the anti -sovereignty of God people, and they'll say, if you believe in Reform Theology, you're going to hell, and things like this.
And so I went into this room, and right when I went in, the moderator said, so anybody have any questions?
And I'll answer the questions, this person said. And I said, I got questions. Well, it turned out she couldn't answer the questions.
You know, I'd ask a specific question, and she'd answer something else. And she goes, yeah, I answered it. No, you didn't. And it was really difficult.
And then after a bit, all she would do is overtalk me constantly and interrupt and start yelling and stuff like that.
Incompetence, a lot of incompetence in some people. Anyway, that was it.
A lot of fun. And if you want, you can, like I said, give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get the busman from Dayton. Busman, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. I'm just wondering, brother, did you get my email that I sent you?
Yes, I haven't looked at it, though. Okay. I was going to say, and I told our screener, dear
St. Nick, that I can hold off after you have read it so that we can talk about it.
But since you don't have the information yet, and I know you're a busy man, Matt, I'll call back on another program.
But yeah, take a look. And once again,
Matt, it's mainly I would like to see, and I think this is happening, brother
Matt. I think from what reports I'm getting after the shootings,
Mr. Trump, there's reports, Matt, that he has been convicted by the
Holy Spirit. And so that will change some of the information, or some of my stance, if you will.
All I want to know is, is will Donald Trump bend to the Lord Jesus Christ, not just purvey the name of God?
Because Jesus was the name given unto men where we might be saved, not the name or word
God. And I want to vote for Mr.
Trump if he's repentant and he is kneeling to the cross.
And I guess that's what my point was yesterday, brother. Okay. Well, I can't tell you if he has or hasn't.
We'll just see in the next few weeks. We'll find out. Yes. And I'm really looking forward to his speech at tomorrow's
RNC there, Matt. It'll be interesting to see how he addresses the Republican National Convention.
We might see some indicators. And I'm praying, I am praying for Donald J. Trump's heart to be absolutely consumed with our
Lord Jesus Christ. I would love that more than you know. Well, I used to be in contact with a guy who knew
Trump personally, and he said Trump's a Christian. Now, I can't verify stuff.
He said, yeah, he was a Christian. How strong was he walking? I don't know. Maybe this will shake him up.
But that's what I was told. Right. So I'll call back on,
I'll call back on another show, take a look at that information. And thanks for your time, Matt. Love your show, brother.
Okay, sounds good. Appreciate it. All right. And there we go.
We have nobody waiting. If you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
And so we, Rumble, we broadcast to YouTube, we broadcast to Rumble, as well as the radio stations.
And so right when I go in to set it up today, thinking that the problem that they had yesterday would work, would be solved, it wasn't solved.
The same methodology. So I panicked, directed panic, and I went in and did some other stuff and got it to work.
So there we go. All right. So there we go. So there we go.
Okay, good. Checking things out. Also, hey, look, if you want, you can listen to me on Clubhouse.
Now people, there are not that many people on Clubhouse who listen, but they do. And it's a good, faithful following there.
We also have them on Rumble. Now I'm not sure how to get to it on Rumble now. It should be the same
URL, rumble .com forward slash Matt Slick live. And that's, I think, how we get to it.
But because of the procedures have been changed, I don't know if that's exactly correct. I think it is. It should be the same.
We're also on Matt Slick live on YouTube. And so if you want to watch the show, me sitting here while we're talking, please check it out.
And you can do that if you want. You can also, like I said, send me an email at info at karm .org,
info at karm .org. And you can do that and put in the subject line, radio comment, radio question.
And there you go. Easy peasy. We have nobody waiting right now. So the thing I'm going to do is go into some of the emails and just do some email answering, radio questions to be answered.
Let's check this out. What happens immediately after God grants us belief and faith in Jesus?
We are then justified. We're declared righteous in God's eyes. Justification is a legal standing of righteousness before God.
We are declared righteous. So that's one of the things that happens. We are then moved out of the wrath of God.
That's there. The indwelling of God occurs as well, being born again. We're guaranteed heaven.
We have the privilege then of being able to fellowship with other true believers.
So there's several things that happen right after God grants we have faith. And people say, well, no, he doesn't grant that we have faith.
We just choose our own free will. And that's not correct. In Philippians 1 .29, it says to you, it has been granted to believe.
So God grants what we believe. In fact, Jesus says in John 6 .65, he says, you cannot come to me unless it's granted to you from the
Father. Now, these are verses a lot of people don't like. They rebel against stuff like that and start saying, oh, you're teaching reformed theology.
Well, that's what the scriptures teach. I mean, that's what's right there. You know, if I quote it and you don't like it because of that, we know where the problem lies.
So. All right. Let's see. Hey, Matt, why is that cultic group like Witnessly to always get?
OK, we went over that one before. OK, let's try this one. I know you debate a lot of atheists.
Have you ever talked with? No, I haven't. Ronald Reagan. Why are these maybe we have repeats, maybe some answers, repeats.
So interesting. Interesting. All right. Let's get on the air with Ron from Wake Forest, North Carolina.
Ron, welcome you on the air. Yes, sir. I have a quick question.
You know, long, many years ago, I used to be a part of the United Pentecostal Church and I got out of it.
But what was wrong with that? I mean, I know what's wrong in their teaching, but can you go a little more detail?
Sure. And sometimes I feel like I feel I want to make sure I've had the right thing when I left.
Yeah, you did. The United Pentecostal Church, the UPC, is a non -Christian cult and it's a cult of non -Christian because it denies the doctrine of the
Trinity, denies that God is a Trinity and says that God is one person who has different manifestations throughout different times.
So that's right there, a false God. They openly, repeatedly deny the true living God. Second, they add baptism and the formula is in Jesus name, not in the name of the
Father, Son, Holy Spirit, but in Jesus name as the proper means by which you obtain salvation.
So they require baptism as a means of salvation. And that's a false doctrine also. So they're adding a ceremony to salvation.
So they deny justification by faith alone in Christ alone. Furthermore, as I already said, the baptismal formula is wrong.
So they do that. They misunderstand what that is about. Second, there's a problem with Nestorianism.
And I'll explain what that is. I'll slow down a little bit here. But Nestorianism is the teaching, it's a false teaching, that the person of Christ, the body of Christ, the physical body of Christ was occupied by two different persons.
A human person and a divine person. So this is
Nestorianism. Now there's another doctrine that they don't believe, but just to go through various errors, one called
Eutychianism, where the two natures of Christ are so mixed up you can't distinguish between them.
Then there's monophysitism, which is the teaching that there's one nature, the God -man nature, a new third thing.
And that's a problem. The correct doctrine is a hypostatic union in the one person or two natures.
Now the reason this is important is because we have a problem here we have to answer or solve.
Jesus has two natures, but only the human nature, the human aspect died on the cross.
But if that's the case, how is the sacrifice of divine value? And the answer is found in the doctrine called the communication of the properties, where the attributes of both natures are ascribed to the single person.
So Jesus claimed the qualities of humanity as well as divinity in one person. He says, I'll be with you always even at the end of the earth.
That's a claim of divinity, or the Father and I will come and make our abode in you, John 14, 23. All right, so when
Jesus the person died on the cross, it was the physical aspect, though it was physical.
The person of Christ died on the cross, the person has divine attributes, so therefore the sacrifice is of divine value.
All right, now when we go to the oneness position, the United Pentecostal position, they have two persons in the body of Christ, only that the human person died and there's no communication of properties of the divine to that aspect, so therefore the sacrifice is not of divine value and is insufficient to cleanse us of our sins.
Okay? I missed a lot there in the last one, but Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yeah, all right.
Yeah, I used to be involved in it for about 30 -some years and I finally left, you know, and it's like what really bothered me so much about it,
Matt, was the legalism on top of it, too. You know, honestly, when
I was going down, I felt guilty the whole time, you know, I couldn't keep all the rules and regulations
Yeah, it's a cult. You keep salvation by your goodness. That's what it's teaching. Hey, buddy, there's the break.
We gotta go. All right. All right, man. God bless. Bye. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages.
If you want to call me, 877 -207 -2276. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, all you gotta do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get to Cole from Atlanta, Georgia. Cole, welcome. You're on the air. Mr. Matt Slick, how you doing, sir?
Hanging in there, man. Hanging in there. So what do you got, buddy? Okay.
Do you mind reading something in the NIV for me?
Isaiah 66. I was telling the screen caller. Isaiah 66, verse 22 to 24, because that's what
I read from the NIV. Yeah, I don't... I want to hear what you...
Oh, you don't have it? Well, I use ANESB, and in order to get to the
NIV, I'd have to... Oh, there's an NIRV, and I have to go through a whole bunch of translations.
There's the NIV. Okay. So you want me to read Isaiah 66, 22, right?
22 to 24. Okay. As a new heaven's doer... I'm confused.
... will endure before me, declares the Lord, so will your name of descendants endure. From one new moon to another, from one
Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me, says the Lord, and they will go out and look over the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me.
The worms that eat them will not die. The fire that burns them will not be quenched. They'll be loathsome to all mankind.
Okay? So there you go. What's your take on that? Well, in what respect?
How about the Millennial Kingdom? I mean, what is... Annihilationism, eternal punishment, figurative use of speech, or what?
Well, first of all, who's that speaking? Okay, is there a point?
I'm just curious. Is there a point you're trying to make? No, I'm just... I'm trying to figure out what he means by that.
I'm confused. I'm not trying to trick you up or anything. I'm actually trying to figure out what's going on with that.
Because I'm reading a chapter a day, and that's where I'm at. And I came across that, yeah.
And I came across that to finish out Isaiah. I'm in Jeremiah now. And I said, wait a minute.
I asked a few people, and they don't know. So I'm like, I'm confused myself. What is God saying?
Okay, so it is God who's speaking there. Okay. He's going to make a new heavens and a new earth. Now, this is prophesied there, and it's going to be fulfilled in the future.
It's spoken of in 2 Peter 3 and Revelation 21 also, the new heavens and the new earth. Okay, so you go to 2
Peter 3, 9, for example, it says, the Lord's not slow. No, in verse 10, the
Lord, the devil will come like a thief in which the heavens will disappear, the hell must be destroyed, and the earth and everything, you know, will be laid bare.
So God is going to have a new heavens and new earth in particular. He's going to create new stuff because the sin of Adam has affected the nature, okay, not just humanity, but nature itself is also affected.
And so in the previous chapter, Isaiah 65, it talks about babies living to be 100 years old and people not dying and things like that.
There's a lot of figurative usage there. So this is one of the issues that people have when looking at end times stuff.
How literally do we take it? It says there shall be a new moon to new moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all mankind will come bow down before me.
So this is generally used in the premillennial view, that during the millennial, thousand -year reign, in that view, that it'll be a new
Jerusalem literally on earth, and people will come to Jerusalem and worship because Jesus will physically be there.
Now, I don't have a problem with that, Matt. The problem I really got a problem with,
Matt, is the one where he says we're going to see the dead body. That's what I was going to get to right next.
Oh, okay, sorry, yeah. Then they will go forth and look on the corpses of the men who have transgressed against me, for their world will not die, and their fire will not be quenched, and they will be an abhorrence to all mankind.
And that's a difficult thing to interpret if you assume a literal thousand years.
Because if that's the case, and Jesus is physically sitting on a throne in Jerusalem, which
I have a problem with, but if that's the case, then it would also mean that there had to be a bunch of dead bodies everywhere, and that doesn't seem to fit what's going on.
So it's just hard to interpret. But could he be talking about the very end, after the millennial?
Well, it says, okay, so here's the thing.
Even from the premillennial position, at the end of the thousand years, a new heavens and a new earth are made.
The judgment occurs, and the wicked are cast out. So it wouldn't fit that, that it's after the millennium. It says they will go forth and look on the corpses of the men.
Yeah, but they're going to be in hell, though. They're going to be in hell at that point. Because he says where the worm dies in the fire,
Jesus even quoted that. He says they're going to go to hell, and the worm doesn't die, and the fire's going to burn forever.
Am I right? I'm just saying. Yes, but it says the corpses. So you could have the spirit of somebody not be in a body, and it could be in a place of suffering.
Well, the corpse is on earth. So I'm just saying it's not that easy to interpret, and where the worm will not die.
Well, the worms do die, and the fire won't be quenched. Well, the fires are quenched. This is figurative language, obviously.
The illustration here is the fires of Gehenna outside of Jerusalem that they would throw the refuse out there.
It was a continuously burning thing, and it went on for decades and decades, just continuously burning. And so that image where the worm doesn't die and the fires don't go out, it's a constant, ongoing thing.
That's what it's talking about. So the question then becomes, when you're looking at the corpses, how does that fit in there?
I don't know how it fits in in the premillennial view, because it might be that there might be a time at the end of the tribulation period when there's bodies that are destroyed in Armageddon.
Plus, this really gets complicated stuff. In Matthew 24, Luke 17, it talks about two men in the field.
One is taken, one is left. The ones who are taken are the wicked, not the good.
And where they're taken is... They asked Jesus where they're taken, and he says where the body is the vultures gather.
So if they look upon the corpses, it looks like at the end of the seven -year tribulation that there's going to be a bloodbath, and we'll be able to look upon the corpses of the wicked, maybe in Armageddon.
So I don't know. Man, this is scary. Yeah, scary.
You made some good points there. Thanks a lot, man. But that's just scary to even think about.
Just be on God's side. That's the bottom line. Yes, that's right.
Be on God's side. That's right. Okay. Yeah, then we don't have to worry about the worms in the fire.
Right. That's really scary. Christians can't lose their salvation, and we don't have to worry once we're in faith in Christ.
Okay? Okay, thanks a lot, man. I appreciate it, man. All right, man.
God bless. All right, all right. All right. Hey, if you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get to Dave. Oh, there's a break. I've got to put you back on hold, Dave. Sorry about that.
All right. And we'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. We'll be right back with Dave, and with three open lines, 877 -207 -2276.
Be right back. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
All right. Welcome back to the show. We have three open lines if you want to give me a call. 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get back on with David. Let's see if I can activate him. I don't know if I can or not.
Maybe the... Oh, cool. There we go. Oh, we're already on. Okay, good. So, what's up,
Dave? What do you got? My question had to do with, how would you deal with voting for somebody who was not
Christian or, say, agnostic, specifically in regards to Vivek Ramaswamy, who's publicly stated that he is a
Hindu. And while I like the things he says, what
I know about Hinduism is completely contrary and opposed to the Constitution and the founding principles of this country.
So I was just curious what your thoughts were on that, because if he is consistent in his worldview and the religion he ascribes to, his views would not fit with our government.
You'd have to interview him personally. If he's a Hindu, there are certain principles, like a universal spirit, universal consciousness kind of a thing, karma, reincarnation, and you could ask him how would that influence your decisions.
He may say they don't. I don't know. If I were running for political office and someone said, how would your
Christianity affect your decisions, I'd say, oh, it would definitely, absolutely.
I'd be honest. I wouldn't take bribes, etc., etc. So it just depends.
And I know he's conservative and he's pro -life and he's very successful, so he's got a lot of conservative ideas.
I wouldn't have a problem just voting for a Hindu, given the right circumstances and the right stuff, but I wouldn't say
I'm not going to vote for a Hindu because he's Hindu or I wouldn't vote for an atheist because he's an atheist. It depends on what they're going to do with the
Constitution, how they're going to hold it up, are they going to help us or hurt us. And Biden claims to be a
Christian, and look what he's done to this country. He's just wrecked it. So, you know.
Okay. Okay. I was just curious what your thoughts are, because as I, again, based on my understanding of how tight the class system and karma is to those beliefs, that that would be opposed to where we're at.
If he holds the Constitution and he swears to uphold the Constitution, that's what we want.
We want people in office who will actually do that and not do what these brain -dead political people are doing now.
We want to uphold it. So if he's doing that, okay. And he might have a view,
I'm not justifying Hinduism, it's a false religion, but he might have the view that his reincarnation will be affected by how good he is and how much he helps people here.
It might be, in a sense, productive that way. So, you know, you've just got to be careful.
You can't just do a sweeping thing on a person because of his religious thing.
Either way. Okay? Just because he's a Christian doesn't mean he's going to be good for the country either. So we've got to be careful.
Okay. I just thought I'd get your thoughts on it, because I've been mulling over that. Yeah. Yeah, I have no problem with voting for people who are not
Christians as long as they'll uphold the Constitution. And they actually do uphold the
Constitution. And they don't go for the killing of babies and the promotion of the woke ideology and the alphabet mob and the brainwashing of our children, among many things.
I'd want them to be non -socialist, non -communist. We've got people like Gavin Newsom.
We wouldn't want him in office. He can say he's a Christian. I wouldn't vote for that guy if he was running against a believing tree frog.
I'd vote for the frog. So, you know, it's just, yeah, seriously.
Or as I used to say to one of my books in a humor book, I actually said this. We're trying to impress a girl.
You take her to a pet store. I'm going a long way around for this. You take her to a pet store, and you go to the kitten section or the puppy section, and you just say, that's a cute kitten or that's a cute puppy.
Just say the words. That's it. And she'll think that you're really a lovely guy.
You care about people, and she thinks you'd be great with children. But I said in the book, but do not go to the section where there's a
Bolivian slug rat and say, that Bolivian slug rat is cute. Then she'll be thinking what your children are going to be looking like.
She'll get out of there. You know, so all in good fun. Okay. All right.
Okay. Sounds good. I got more in that book. It's an actual book
I wrote, so I actually put that in there. You know what it's called? Yeah, it's called
How to Woo and Win Women by Being an Obnoxious Jerk. It's on Amazon.
I will have to look that one up. And so, yeah, I wrote it in seminary. And I've got nobody waiting so we can ramble about all kinds of stuff here.
And it's full of stupidity. It's just stupid. And I remember once I had written all these chapters, right, and I was going to put it all together and send it off to a publisher.
And I did, and they liked it. They said, send it next year. We'll formally publish it. And I lost the address and lost the stuff and moved it.
At any rate, so I self -published it on Amazon just to get out of my hair and have fun with it. But anyway, so as I was putting it all together in Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, you know, all this stuff,
Chapter 9 was How to Be Interesting. Well, I forgot to write anything in there. And so when
I printed everything up and I was going through it, Chapter 9 was blank, How to Be Interesting. And it started cracking up, so I left it like that.
It's just full of stupidity. And then I even tell you how to get a girl to like you, okay?
And it works. It works. What you do, you have to understand that a woman has something called a bewilder filter, okay?
And they have a mother instinct gene, so you have to activate both of them at the same time, all right?
And one of the ways to activate it is you get her over your part, whatever, you know, you're dating, and you take a bunch of clothes, and, you know, like whites with reds in them, and you walk towards the washer.
Okay, just walk towards the washer while you're looking at her, and she'll go, and she'll get in there, and she'll want to rescue the clothing, and she'll push you aside, and then she's going to do the, and you separate them, and she gives you an arm, head, and a whole bit.
What you've done is you've activated the mother instinct drive. Now, what also happens is the bewilder filter gets kicked in the next few days.
They can't help it because the next day, she's thinking about you, and the guy's a moron. He's a jerk.
But she's thinking about you a whole bunch. The bewilder filter says she's thinking about you because she likes you, not because you're a moron.
And so you see, I got it all planned out in the book, and it's all how to do everything, and it's right.
I would love it if I could get some of your books in audio on Audible.
One of the things I want to do is read that one. And I also, I'm just rambling right now. We've got nobody listening to my show here.
But I also write short stories, and I have a short story series about a guy named Bernard P. Rumford, and he's an accountant at a thimble factory, and he likes the polka pips, and things go wrong with him all the time, and it's just subtle humor as you read through.
And people who write them, I've never published them. I just write stuff. I need to do a full series on him.
All kinds of things happen. And I had a friend, we were coming back from a city, like a three -hour drive, and I had him read one of the stories
I had on my phone. He goes, man, this is funny. It's fun. So anyway, I have a good sense of humor.
People just don't know it. I like to goof around and have a lot of fun. But the book...
How to Woo and Win Women by Bingham Knox is jerk. No research necessary. It was all natural.
I will have to look that one up. Yeah, it's there. It's there.
So, okay. Okay. Well, that was more or less everything. Oh, and you've got to get this book.
Most men need the last one of the chapters, How to Dress Like a Mannequin. That's an important thing for most guys.
So you've got to get into that one, too. Okay. If there's nobody on hold, another somewhat side topic.
I've heard a number of people saying that the fact that Trump's assassin missed and by how much was an act of providence.
I was wondering how much stock you might put in that. Well, it is by definition theologically providential because all things work after the counsel of God's will.
That's Ephesians 1 .11. So the providence God ordained that that not occur, that he not be fully assassinated, that he was hit, he was shot, etc.
Okay. Now, is it an angelic intervention? We don't know. Is it something that God has wanted
Trump to do later on? We don't know. So that's all I can say. There's a break. Okay?
All right, men? All right. Have a good one. You, too, man. All right, folks.
Hey, if you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276. Be right back.
It's Matt Slick Live! Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right. Welcome back to the show. Let's get back on.
And Pearl is back here. Say, hey, Pearl, welcome. You're on the air. Sir, I would like to ask your opinion.
I know that you are a staunch believer in the
Word of God. So am I. In the
Amplified Bible in 1962, the person or persons who are doing the amplification on the
Song of Solomon give the opinion that the little
Shulamite maiden, whom I understand is the
Church of the Living God, they don't say it there, but her love is laid completely at the feet of the shepherd.
Now, in 2015 Amplified Bible, they give the exact opposite.
The lover of the God Almighty who is loving the
Church is King Solomon. Now, they don't change the little
Shulamite maiden, but they change those two very important people in that translation.
I like, it's not what I like, but anyway, I read the...
Well, what's your question? 1962 and the shepherd just stole my heart rather than, and then
I got a new Amplified of 2015 and it says it just ruined me because it was
King Solomon. Now, do you have an opinion on that? Have you ever thought of it?
No. No, I've not gone to those particular versions of that particular
Bible on those dates and looked at that particular verse with those words. So, no,
I haven't. So you can't help me down. No, I wouldn't be able to tell you without having the books, going through, looking at what's going on and take research.
Yeah, and I don't. But you've got to understand, you know, Amplified Bibles are not literal translations.
They're almost commentary -ish as they, so to speak, translate.
It's really expanded quite a bit and interpreted quite a bit, okay? Well, I guess when
I first read the part two, which is the
Old Testament, and read about the shepherd and I have heard one minister.
Ministers do not preach the psalms, Solomon. It's so beautiful. Oh, I think it's a great book and I think
I know what it's about. I think it's about physical love between man and woman.
Give me an opinion of that on your own. Yeah, I believe it's a love letter and it's reflective of the church.
But, no, I believe it's actual guy and girl and stuff like that. And I've written on it. I wrote a whole sexuality section on karma.
I deal with that quite a bit. So, okay, yeah. You couldn't give me any opinion as to what you think of it.
Which one would you choose from reading and studying? Which one what? I just use the
NESB Bible. No, I mean, would you choose
King Solomon as being the bridegroom of the church?
Or would you choose the shepherd? In the particular things you mentioned, not having them,
I can't say. Because I don't know what... Be careful I don't answer a question that you're referring to back two minutes ago.
So, I don't know. I'd have to know and take a look at everything to see.
And those versions and stuff and see. And then what exact verses and things like that. Well, in 6 .4
it says that... I don't know which is
King Solomon. You are beautiful as Teresa.
I think it's the shepherd who says, Turn away your eyes from me, for they have overcome me.
Well, you and I know nothing overcomes God Almighty. So, I think that he's...
I think it's just... It's a love letter. It's really a love letter between a man and a woman.
Yeah. I don't have a problem with that. But which is it? Is it the shepherd or is it
King Solomon? Do you understand the question I'm asking? I'll leave that open for now.
Okay? Okay. Just go read commentaries on it.
And go read other Bible versions. And since you mentioned different stuff and different versions. Or different things.
I'm not sure how to respond at this point. Well, I thought you were such an expositor.
Maybe you could give me your opinion on it. What I would say is...
I'm not exactly sure how to answer it. Okay? All right. That's what
I'm going to say. Maybe one more question. Okay. We have people waiting. But go ahead.
Okay. I heard a minister on the radio just to tell the end of it what he said.
And I hope I have it right. But he said that God Almighty gave us over to death.
In other words, He killed us from Himself so that He could save us for Himself.
No. He didn't kill us from Himself. No. It's just not the language of Scripture.
And people need to be careful when they start saying things like that. Because you can read too many ambivalent kind of things into it.
You wouldn't agree with that. Without knowing the context and what he meant by certain statements,
I really can't agree with it so far. But if I knew the context of what he said, maybe
I would say, Oh, okay, I get what he's saying. It's okay. But I don't know the context. So I really can't comment too much.
Okay? Well, I wonder because I know... I believe that God Almighty is the only
God we have. He can do anything, anytime, anywhere to any extent He wants to.
He can turn something that He's allowed, evil, into absolute holiness.
He can do anything He wants to do. He's sovereign. That's correct. He is my
God. He can do anything. And that's what I thought. Well, that sounds truthful to me.
That He could allow us to die so that He could save us for Himself.
We died with Christ because of federal headship of the representation that Christ had of the elect.
Romans 6, 6. Romans 6, 8. We died with Him. We're crucified with Him. Galatians 2, 20. We died with Him. So that's how we died, in Christ.
I know. I know. That's what I love about you is you know the Word. But I don't believe you can help me on either one.
Yeah, well, you know, sometimes you can't. But anyway, I've got to get going. I've got other callers, okay?
Would you sometimes read the Song of Solomon? And if I called back, you might give me your thoughts on it.
Well, I don't want to commit to doing that. I'm so busy with so many things. Well, thank you, sir.
Bye -bye. Okay, bro. Well, God bless. Okay. All right.
Let's get to Andrew from North Carolina. Andrew, welcome. You're on the air. Good afternoon.
I just had, I guess, I hope it's a simple question. So, personally,
I don't believe in female pastors. I believe it's not scriptural.
It's more of just a modern movement. It's a modern heresy, yes. So, I've been looking for a church for me and my family for a while.
I thought we had found a great church. And they, sorry,
I'm trying to get pulled into the driveway. Okay. Apparently, they do believe in women pastors.
They've even brought some in as special speakers and female ministers and the such.
What denomination is this? Because it's a false church so far. They consider themselves non -denominational.
Okay. Yeah, I've got a lot of material on why women are not to be pastors and elders. If you want, you can print it up, present it to them.
They're not going to listen. They don't care. But, anyway, go ahead. Would that be reasonable grounds to say not to come back to that church?
Absolutely, yes. Because, I mean, they do a lot of great outreach. Yes, it is.
Yes, it is enough reason not to go back. Okay. The Bible says,
Paul says, I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man but remain silent. For Adam was first created.
He does not want a woman to have authority over men because it's tied to the created order.
It's not a cultural thing. That's in 1 Timothy 2, 12, and 13. In 1 Timothy 3, 15, the next chapter over, he says he's giving instruction on how to behave in the household of God.
That should be enough right there for them to understand women are not to be pastors and elders. And then what they'll do is these false teachers, or false teachers in this regard, is they'll say, well,
Deborah was, you know, a judge and Phoebe was an apostle. They'll say all these things. And they don't study the context.
And let me just say it one more time. I'll do it. I've been doing this for, I don't know, I've been doing radio for almost, here in this,
I don't know, about 21 years. At any rate, I've been saying, look, I will be glad to have a formal debate on this topic, does the
Bible support women pastors and elders? I've been offering this periodically for many, many years.
Not a single person's ever taken me up on it. You know, I want a representative of a church, pastor and or an elder, not just Bob, who became a
Christian three weeks ago, and he thinks he knows stuff. But someone, you know, in a church or something, even a denominational representative or head, oh,
I'd love that. But it's never going to happen. It's never going to happen, okay? So, yeah, they're afraid.
They're a chicken, and they are not following the word of God. And I just flat out say it.
They are in rebellion against the word of God. Do not go to such a church. And 80 % in my research, 80 % of the churches and denominations that have adopted women pastors and elders, 80 % within two generations affirm homosexuality as a legitimate alternative lifestyle.
Okay, yeah. This is a big deal. This is a big deal, okay?
Women are not to be in that position. Men are supposed to step up. And if real men were in a church, real godly
Christian men were in the church and that happened, they need to step up right away and say, we're not putting up with this, not having it.
They need to call the elders on the carpet. If the elders aren't there, then the congregation needs to raise a ruckus and say, nope.
The men in the congregation need to raise a ruckus and say, no, we're not putting up with this. You know, where's manhood now?
Where we sit in a pew and a woman pastor gets up, oh, it's okay. I'm not going to offend anybody.
Screw that. You get up there and offend, okay? Act like men, 1 Corinthians 16. Okay, sorry.
Gets me mad. I should have said something. There we go. All right. So would it be wrong of me to talk with them on it before I make up my mind on whether or not to leave?
It's 1 Corinthians 16. I would talk to them. I would talk to them. And you can go to my website, karm .org,
and look up the information on why there are not to be pastors and elders.
I even have a single sheet, double -sided print -up you can take and take with them.
And you can also say, this guy on the radio would be glad to debate you and talk to you about it. You call them on the carpet.
Let's see if they accept. They won't. There's the music. Got to go. Okay, buddy? Sorry we're out of time.
All right. Thank you. All right, folks. Okay. It's a subject that just gets me because it's bad news.